programs for week · 2017-05-06 · side of dave dexter's tuesday night ... has blue eyes and...

PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING MARCH 11 A e WELCOME HOME! Ecteeei Dudúi Vefit >4Qezafsden Ed erode/ Ede 744#0449#t firlq from Sublime to R Page 2 `..?;=" ' ,'

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Page 2

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2-he dar Inspires the Pen Marajane Olmsted, 1201 North Griffith

Park Drive, Burbank, Calif. Sirs: Thanks very much for the

anouncement of the Esquire Jazz

Tune in



Fri. 10:05 P. M. KMPC

OLYMPIC AUD. Tues. 10:05 P. M. KMTR

,pon,ored o, o pubfr ,...,re by

0 E BEER .'.6,L.,,..,. ..y'G.yl.r.r



6 HITS FOR YOU Teen Queen Club . . . Fun, fashions, music, prizes for teen- age girls. Broadcast from The Broadway's Auditorium. KMPC, Saturdays at 11:05 a.m.

The Broadway News ... KHJ, 12 noon daily, and 10 p.m. on Sunday, and Tuesday thru Friday. KMPC, every day at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Sewing School of the Air . . . KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays.

Fashion Forum ... KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Thursdays.

Home Chats ... for the home- maker, by Miriam Lane, KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Sat- urday.

Felix DeCola and His Musical Notebook, KHJ, 1:45 p.m. Saturdays.

Page Two

Concert in Radio Life. I wouldn't miss it! I know that being a jazz fan puts me in the minority and so naturally there are few jazz pro- grams -too few! We are the forgot- ten radio listeners. I think radio does a marvelous job of pleasing everyone.

As far as I know there are no reg- ular programs devoted to jazz out-

* * RADIO LIFE * * 11,trrh :i, 14ít; Vol. 12. %o. Yi

Published Weekly at Los Angeles 15, California. Business Offices: 1029 West Washington Blvd.. Phone Richmond 1202. Editorial Offices, 1558 North Vine, Hollywood 28, Phone IlEmp- tead 21)25.

Radio life was entered as Second ('lass Matter May 8, 1972. at l.os Angeles, under Art of March 3. 1879. Postpaid Subscriptions, 82.75 year. x1.50 sis months. Single Copies on sale at leading Independent Grocers in Southern California at :a each. Reprinting in whole or in part without permission strictly forbidden.

Publisher, Carl M. Rigsby; Editor, Evelyn A. Rigsby; Assistant Editor, Shirley Gordon: Business Manager, Hugh R. Brown: Office Manager, Georgia Cuy wood: Art Director, Hay fiat e'. : I.og 1-dilor, Ifni lotion.

Advertising Representative, Culhreth Sadler. Il Nest Sith St.. Phone TRinits 9509.

Ali material used by Radio life Is specially prepared by its ON n staff writers. and re- printing in whole or in part w ilhout pub- lisher's permission strictly forbidden.

side of Dave Dexter's Tuesday night sessions on KFWB and the Billy Berg broadcasts on the same station. I used to enjoy the "Wax Museum" on KMPC and was sorry when it left

ON OUR COVER Our charming cover miss is

Virginia -born Amy Arnell, who started singing as a soprano in a church choir and is now car- olling for those zany NBC com- ics, Abbott and Costello, thereby scaling the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous. Dance band audiences know Amy well for her soft serenad- ing with the Tommy Tucker musical aggregation of which she was a featured member for some six years. Since her de- parture from that group, she has starred on Broadway and on tour in the musical comedy, "Early to Bed ", and t o u r e d America, Alaska and the Aleu- tians to give camp shows. As for statistics. she's five feet, five inches tall, has blue eyes and brown hair, plays golf like a professional - and she isn't married! Hear her with A and C, Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., NBC - KFI.

:1tFöytl lRÿyapjti*

ws1Yt C.:



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1i the air. I would be grateful and I know others like me who are hungry for good jazz and can't afford to keep record collections supplied with all the favorites, for a daily record program at a definite time devoted exclusively to jazz. My thanks to Al Jarvis, Peter Potter and Frank Bull for bits of jazz on their programs and especially to KECA for Woody Herman, such a refreshing program.

t You'll be interested to learn that the (filly Berg "Supper Club" will now be heard on I:1-11 11 Sunday nights at 12 ar.dniuht in add ilion to its other broad- casts. lli : :u Gillespie is featured.

.1-Y`,11lawaf 1- IIII : IIIII I


* Mrs. Mettle Manning, 14215 Hamlin Street,

Van Nuys, Calif.

Sirs: My family and I all enjoy Western m u s i c, especially Dixie Darling and Her Gang at noon. I think she is very different to be the leader of a fine show like she i s. Usually they have men heading such programs but I think she is just. swell. Evidently she is new out Dixie Darling here because I've never seen a picture of her yet. We would like to know what she looks like. Could you get a picture of her for your magazine?

Eda Hurst, 201 North Pomona Avenue, Brea, Calif. Sirs: I have read your magazine

for years, but my favorite program seems to pass you by. I like Joe Hernandez at 6:30 p. m. on KMPC. I have always loved to watch a horse race and now that I am too old to go to the tracks, Joe brings them to me in such a wonderful manner that I can visualize the picture as they come down the stretch, and that is as beautiful a picture as any ar- tist can paint. Don't you think he has earned a good writeup and some pictures in your magazine in the near future?

Bequest noted.

* Bob Diedrich, 6113 Woodlawn Avenue,

Maywood, Calif.

Sirs: What has become of Pat Fri- day? I enjoyed her singing on the Kraft Music Hall program several years ago and have often wondered if she has quit radio or if she is on a station I'm unable to get.

Pat Friday was heard on the "Victor Rorye Show" hart su,nn,er. and though not on the air at present will return sometime soon.

* * * *

Start ttìe day with nature's finest

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You. Know

an d Like d Skelton?

r1e1 eet the

Lady Who Okays s

His Contracts,

r ranges H is

Dates .

1Vrltes Seri pt,

Doe s the Worrying

GRACIOUS LADY is Edna Skelton Bornage, Red Skelton's business manager. She's usually up at s in the -

morning, for her office telephone starts jangling by nine. She

spends about three nights a week working on script. u(:- F.hner Holloway Photo...

FORE THE CAMERAS started shooting Red Skel- ton in "Bathing Beauty," his studio asked him to shave his chest. Red went

to Edna. "I don't have to, do I, Mommy?" "There's nothing in your contract

that says you do." Red promptly returned to the stu-

By Evelyn Bigsby

dio and announced: "I don't have to. Mommy says so!"

And that's the way it goes in all business dealings involving the irre- sistible, irrepressible comic. A tall, slender, gracious "mommy," Edna Skelton Borzage is Red's manager - the one who scans contracts, ap- proves publicity, okays personal ap- pearances, plans the budget, pre- pares the outlines for each Tuesday i SCRIPT FOR A SKELTON show. Edna gives each writer her

version of script ten days before show. Each scripter does a complete version; best parts are picked and pasted together in a lolig scroll, from which Red chooses the best. Here he and Edna go over the paste -up with writers Benny Friedman, John Fenton Murray, and Jack Stanley.

night's show, "oversees it all" and concentrates on the worrying.

But Edna is quick to point out: "It isn't that Red is not capable. He could write his whole show and do three - fourths of the work IF he had the time."

Besides, by nature Edna and Red complement one another -he's the happy -go -lucky sort when it comes to money, but ever since their walk-

EDNA'S FAVORITE PLACE to hear the Tuesday night pro- gram is of the top step of the control room floor. Skelton

also holds a preview every Sunday night, after which the entire cast remains to hsten to he preview recording. After Red takes out any gags which he thinks haven't clicked or pencils in ad libs which have gone over, script is revised for Tuesday night's show.

EDNA'S LIFE IS an extremely busy one, but she likes it, says she had plenty of time to slow down while Red was in the

Army and decided she'd rather be too busy than not busy enough. Here she's in control booth with producer Keith McLeod and An- nouncer Rod O'Connor.

athon days fifteen or so years ago when Red was the comic and Edna was the cashier, she has managed their finances. Red doesn't like de- tail, dislikes writing letters. "'"Fan mail is one thing," laughed Edna. "He attends to that, but if you're in the family, that's different. About the only times I heard from him


ous "alter- shows" he puts on, Red has added a new routine to his off -air an- tics: he shows how different servicemen help their girls across a puddle. In this pay -off Red is a second lieutenant!

ÒRED'S THE FINAL BOSS of what stays in or goes out of the script. Here's another shot of the pasted -up version.

Initials of contributing scripter are pencilled in opposite gag, so Skelton can see at all times what his writers are doing.

while he was away from home were when he was broke. Years ago he started my collection of miniature rabbits. It got to be a joke, when- ever Red was broke, he'd get some- one to call me (he didn't have the heart to. himself). Tell her the hawk has lit on the little bad rabbit" was the message that translated meant: "Send me some dough!"

Can Take It Edna Skelton's job is no sinecure.

She works at it from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. and often half the night through. All the time Red was in the Army, things rolled along as if he were here, except there were no movies to make, no radio shows to do, no appearances. "I had two years to think about how hectic the job is at full blast," Edna confessed, "and I decided I'd rather work under pressure all the time. But I'd rather not think about how many hours I

(Please Turn lo Pape 2S)

INTERESTING FOURSOME dropping in at the Vine Street Derby for a late Sunday night snack are, left to right, Red Skelton, Mrs. Red Skelton, Edna

Skelton Borzage, and Mr. Frank Borzage, noted film producer -director.



Is What Jimmie Fidler Has Built is His San Fernando Kil /ey Home

"TES, THERE'S NO PLACE like it, and I do mean for me!" says Jimmie Fidler of his little gay home in the West part of Burbank. Any Sunday night at 9, his ABC mike chores com-

pleted, Fidler might be found relaxing in front of the fireplace S.

as be is here. ,

-HEART OF THE HOME is the three -

in -one living room arrangement, shown here. Living room, den, and dinnette are cen- tered around the fire- place.

.GmJaN. rI: í.T 1 rrr.-r; eC.i

LOT OF HOUSE on a little lot literally de- scribes the new home of ABC film -town commentator, Jimmie Fidler, recently com-

pleted and located in West Burbank near .Toluca Lake. Aside from the many unusual features of the con- struction itself, the thing w h i c h seems to amaze visitors at the new home most is what Jimmie has done with a fifty -foot lot.

Imagine, if you can, a seven -room house, a double garage with a top-

DIGGIN' THE DIRT, but in this case Fidler is concerned with the excavation for his swimming pool. Onto a lot SO by 135, he has managed to build a seven -room house, garage

(double) and pool -all without crowding. .` LIVING ROOM FRONT window is loaded with Fidler's col- lection of pottery figures, some fifty of which are shown

here. Elsewhere throughout the home are figurine, singly or in pairs.

NOT AFRAID TO live in a glass house! Fidler, however, who throws more bouquets than stones, planned a kitchen

utilizing glass brick and shiny white paint.

side sundeck, two maids' rooms, and, yes, a swimming pool, all on a fifty - foot lot of normal depth. Sounds crowded doesn't it? But actually, it isn't!

Fidler has cleverly Warmed his home so that there is even a large amount of lawn around the pool, as well as in front of the house. And speaking of unique construction fea- tures, Jimmie has utilized every foot of space. For example, he had built a room which measures thirty -two feet by twenty -six feet -certainly as big as some and bigger than most living rooms. But, not needing one room that large, he planned a fire -

'place to divide the room into three parts. The result is a living room eighteen by twenty -six feet, a size- able dinnette and a den. The divi-

,a, NOT LYING DOWN on the job. Fidler is never far from a phone, has plug -in connections in every room. He's

pleasant when on the line, but always briefly business -like.

sion is there and yet the feeling of spaciousness is retained.

Sunny Side In And if you like lots of light in the

kitchen, you'd go crazy with envy when you see Fidler's. A small stair- way down to the basement heating system divides the rooms built be- hind the living room so that the kitchen on the one side and the mas- ter bedroom on the other have win- dows and light on three sides.

The south wall of the kitchen is practically all glass brick, the west wall has a large window and a half - windowed door and the north wall a large window - plenty of sunlight throughout the day.

The three bedrooms are on the north side of tht house. The front

.,i. TUT, TUT, MR. FIDLER. That's not your sponsor's product. You must have been listening to Bob Hope's commercials.



bedroom, which is for little Miss Bobbie, Jimmie's three - year - old daughter, is separated from the mid- dle bedroom, or guest room, by a full bath. The master bedroom, which is third in line, has its own bath and dressing room with a door leading out of the dressing room to the swimming pool.

And that pool! It's not one of those dinky things, but a full -size pool with a diving board.

Full Speed Ahead Even the garage offers several un-

usual features. As Jimmie drives in, there is a button switch located in the high south wall which he pushes to open the iron grill gate which closes in the back yard. Then

(Please Turn to Page 2N)

iTIE BETWEEN THE TIES. The sartorially inclined columnist debates which piece of neckwear from his abundant col-

lection. His wardrobe of slack and business suits is just as com- plete.



Scotch Triple- Action

Cleanser - the scouring powder that contains soap!




ilosiuiau By B. J. Hammer

Thursduy, 6 :00 p. m.

6.- N 1942 tall, dark and hand- some Eddy Duchin gave up one of the most popular bands in the country and joined the Navy. He's back now on the "Kraft Music

Hall," sans band, but the suave piano style that made him a particular cate society pet is still intact.

Duchin saw service in both oceans on destroyer escorts and left the Navy last October as lieutenant -com- mander. Called "the fightingest mu- sician," Duchin hardly had time to touch the piano in his four years of service. "Oh, boy," he exclaimed, "that first Kraft show was tough! I was so nervous. Jeepers! I had six babies before that first broadcast was over. You see, when I got out of the service, I planned to take a year's vacation. But here I am back at the piano. Some of the musicians who came back had no difficulty in getting into the swing of things. They'd been in the entertainment units and they just changed their uniforms for a dinner jacket. But I did no entertaining at all, just a few voluntary shows I put on for the guys I was with. Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing the job that the entertainers did in this war. They were wonderful and most of them tried to see action, but had to do what they were assigned. Take Bob Crosby for one -he did a terrific job in the Pacific."

Wants to Tour Part of Duchin's plans. for the fu-

ture include a concert tour with a big band. "You know-," he smiled, "one of those really big fellows." Serge Rachmaninoff was a Duchin


pianist whose sophistatated and sensitive style has made him famous. But did you know he studied to be a phar- macist, was named "Boston's Hottest Pianist" and has just finished four years' service in destroyer duty?

tan and once urged Eddy to try the concert field.

Duchin explains his unusual piano style in unusual terms. "I play the way I'd sing if I could sing. I mean that I phrase on the piano the way I'd breathe if I was singing. John Scott Trotter plays the same back- grounds for my solo that he would for a singer. That way it's fun! Also, I never play a song the same way twice. I'm no automaton. The other day, I played something through twelve times so I'd remember to do it that way on the show. On the broadcast I forgot all about it and played it some other way. You never hear Benny Goodman play a solo the same way as you've heard it on his records. Well, that applies to sweet music as well as hot."

The only thing wrong with being a solo artist as opposed to band - leading, bemoans Eddy, is the fact that if he turns in a bum perform- ance, he can't fire himself! He had a classical music background, though back in his college days, he told us proudly, he was known as "Boston's hottest pianist." When he went to New York with Leo Reis - man's orchestra he adopted the sweet style for his own and hasn't changed back. He loves hot jazz, but says that too much of it makes him nervous. He loves to play the piano and en- joys playing for three people as much as for an audience. "I don't

(Please Turn to Page 28)

Eddy Duchin Is Back in Radio, Minus His Band, But the Personality and Magic Piano Touch Haven't Changed



RADIO: West * National and International

Carson s Girl That was Randy Stuart's transcon-

tinental air debut when the pretty blonde actress made her initial ap- pearance on CBS' Jack Carson show recently. Now Carson's radio sweet- heart, Randy's only other air appear- ance of note was on KGDS in Coffey- ville, Kansas. Filmgoers may remem- ber viewing her in Republic's "Crime of a Century," but her show business experience has been garnered chiefly on the stage. She made her first bow before an audience when she was only four, with her parents who were tent - show troupers. She's just twenty -one now, a native of Iola, Kansas, but a Californian since she was eleven. She attended Compton High School and Junior College, majored in dramatics, toured in stock in the midwest and south; then, in 1943, she joined the U.S.O. With a troupe of sixteen per- formers, she appeared in shows for servicemen which she also wrote and directed.

She was chosen from a total of thin ty -eight actresses who auditioned to become the "hubba -hubba" girl on the Jack Carson airshow. She's in New York with the Carson crew just now, but her home is in L. A. -and she's not married, fellas!

Children's Hour Radio Lifers who have frequently

sighed for more wholesome children's programs will be interested in a letter we just received from Florence Wight -

man Rowland who regularly brings to KPPC Pasadena dialers "Story Time," a show especially designed for the younger generation. The program pre- sents both original tales and adapta- tions of the best in children's litera- ture. It is written by Miss Rowland, narrated by Leora Fuller, "the story lady ". Virginia Dinwiddie Hunt sup- plies the musical effects, and Mable Young Shrader is its director. All of whom contribute their time and talent gratis to the production of this "chil- dren's show of quality."

W hatta Li f e Oh, for the life of an announcer -.

on an audience participation show! Just ask Jay Stewart, who handles the microphone chores on CBS' "Meet the Missus." During the past week, he's only had to run across the stage in a vintage -1910 bathing suit, demon- strate the latest fashion in red flan

nels, and stand in hair -phi' position while two audience participants sewed a patch on his trousers!

Incidentally, mikeman Stewart has taken over the emceeing assignment on Columbia's Sunday afternoon "An- swer Auction."

No Home Pretty Hazel McIntosh of KGFJ's

Music Department tells us she's still searching for a room, apartment or anything she can find. Hazel is one of the young misses who was made homeless after Sunday's fire destroyed the rooming house which she and for- ty -nine other girls shared at 2832 Sun- set Place.

"I saved my coats, but a lot of good they'll do me without my suits and dresses. But we are most concerned," Hazel emphasized, "with finding a place to- live!"

Party MBS star Dick Powell doesn't only

do things at a fast pace in his ether role as detective Richard Rogue. Just six months married, Dick recently staged a "Golden Wedding" dinner for his Mrs., June Allyson. The Powells' entire wedding party was in attend- ance- Johnny Green and wife Bunny Waters, at whose home the wedding

NEXT WEEK We exercise the good neighbor

policy next week by introducing to our Radio Life readers, Cana- da's young radio wonder, laugh -

man Alan Young. It's an inform- ative word -p i ct u r e by Betty Mills, accompanied by a rib - tickling spread of photos! But this isn't all! Also in this issue: "The Smile Man," Ed McConnell, impresario of a swell Saturday morning show for old- and -young youngsters: "Our Yearly Bill," a grand yarn about Bill Stern, in which he re- hashes some thrill- ing sports events; plus profiles and pictures of two top audience -

participation airshows, "H o p e Chest" and "Win, Place or Show:" in addition to an inter- esting account of Thrifty's ether offerings. All this -and Frankie on the cover! Get your copy early!

took place; Louis B. Mayer, who gave the bride away; Morgan Maree, who was best man, and Jane Wilkie, June's maid of honor.

Feet's Too Big Pretty actress Barbara Fuller's still

chuckling over a copy of a fashion picture which was sent to her. There stood "Barb" resplendent in a gqr- geous Esther Dorothy fur, with one daintily-shod foot casually posed to display a lovely pair of evening slip- pers. But to Barbara's amazement, the foot just kept growing and grow- ing until it filled the lower portion of the photo. Apparently an overzealous retoucher had lost control of his im- plement and Barb possessed the big. gest foot you ever saw!

"Well, you can't accuse me of a big head," grinned the blonde star.

'Tis Spring Happy signs of springtime are the

perky bonnets that have been perched atop CBS songstress Ginny Simms' dark curls these past few weeks -an off -the -face white straw studded with red poppies at the base of the crown, and a soft pink straw -cloth hat encir- cled with sweetpeas of the same shade.

Flying High Ten -year -old Jerry Farber's mother

called to inform us that her young son, who is heard frequently on the air, longs to take to the air. Little Jerry won fourth prize on the Jack Armstrong contest, which awarded him with an airplane cruise. And if he had his way, school, radio and other duties would remain far behind while he visited the moon.

The Farbers have been in Holly- wood for the past five months, having moved from Tucson, Arizona, where Jerry appeared on Arizona stations. His most recent appearances before the local microphones were on CBS' "Hollywood Preview" and "Romance of the Ranchos ". Jerry, attends gram- mar school and is in the sixth grade. He loves flying and took his first air trip four years ago. -

"He's more thrilled over his 'flying prize' than he would be over a million assignments," laughed his mother.

Carroll -ing Hollywood's "master showman,"

Earl Carroll, seems to have a good system of allotting his time to allow a variety of activities. Currently audi- tioning more beautiful girls for a new road show, which is to open in Fort Worth, Texas, on March 8th, the "Earl of Pittsburgh" nevertheless managed three air appearances recently, on KHJ's "Queen for a Day," KECA's "Hollywood Spotlight" and KMPC's "The Man You Didn't Expect to Meet."

Do It Again C- r- u -n -c -h went the celery on a re-

cent KHJ broadcast of "It's Smile Time," as Steve Allen, one-half of the show's fun team, opened his choppers wide and chomped down on two-thirds of a stalk . . .

While the studio audience watched, (Please Turn to Page 23)


is9KECA mike memos


just what the doctor ordered for the closing hours of a usually busy weekend, will be ABC -KECA'S new Sunday ni ?ht program, "Enchantment" To be aired at 8 o'clock every Sunday night, starling March 3rd, "Znchant:nent" will offer the listener a temporary escape from the problems of the day, a half -hour of restful entertainment to fit the mood of the day and the hour.

Soft music and softer words, woven into melodic mood will be created musically by Phil Boyero, one of San Francisco's top musicians, with narration by John Galbraith, who has just returned from 15 months in the Pacific. Soloist on "Enchantment" will be rich - voiced 17- yearold Bob Grabot, who has been hailed in the Bay area as one of the "finds" of the year.... So join us at 790 on your dial Sunday night and hear the debut of "Enchantment." ... 790 . . It's the Spot . . .

That nationwide search for the most distinctive and imaginative styles in milady's chapeaux for 1946, on which this column tipped - ti you off in advance, is now well under way and Hedda Hopper and her network colleague, Tom Breneman, are being deluged with original chapeaux. The competition closes on March 15 . so rush those creations to either Hedda Hopper or Tom Breneman, care of American Broad- casting Co., Hollywood. Final judgment will be made by famed millinery designers, John Fredericks and Lily Dache, and Mrs. Lefalle Dickenson, president of the Federation of Women's Clubs. You hear "Hedda Hopper's Hollywood" every Monday night at 8:15, on KECA -ABC, and Tom Brene. man's "Breakfast in Hollywood" at 9:30 a.m. on that station, Monday thru Friday. ... 790 . . It's the Spot . . .

There's always nervous stress and strain about a wed- ding especially for the principals . so just imagine what John Nelson, headman of ABC's 5-a -week "Bride and Groom" show has gone through since that program took to the air on November 26th, last. That smiling and debonaire emcee and chief officiator has fourteen weeks of "Bride and Groom" shows behind him . . that's 70 separate ceremonies. And, Nelson has only forgotten the ring once, believe it or not! . . . For real

human interest, as well as a good helping of fun and enter- tainment ... we recommend "Bride and Groom" which you can hear any Monday through Friday afternoon at 3, over KECA-ABC.

Hsdda Hopper


. 790 . . It's the Spot ... When ABC's "Lum and Abner" went searching for a

theme song, some fifteen years ago, they listened to hun. dreds and searched through many musical libraries, before they heard "Eleanor" by Jessie L. Deppen, and realized that it was just what they wanted. Just the other evening, they had a visitor to their broadcast ... Who was it? .. . Of course, you've guessed ... It was Miss Deppen, whom they had never met or ever seen before! . . Peg Lynch, who writes "The Private Lives of Ethel and Albert," and plays the part of "Ethel," sometimes ad libs on the air about her health, or the weather for the benefit of her

mother in Minnesota. If "Ethel," in her chit -chat over the dinner table with husband, "Albert," should remark casually that her cold is better, you can be sure mother Lynch, listening in across the country, will breathe a sigh of relief. "Ethel and Albert" this week start their second year of sponsorship, over KECA, by Milani's 1890 French Dress. ing.... They're heard at 11:15 a.m. Mondays thru Fridays.

... 790 .. It's the Spot ... THIS AND THAT: Star of ABC- KECA's program,

"Relax with Cal Tinney," has written a booklet which will be distributed during National Doughnut Week, later this month. . The title . . . "Don't Quarrel . . Dunk!" . . is typically Tinney, as you will know if you tune his show on KECA weeknights at 10, as we do. . Most common first name among "Quiz Kids" is "Richard," which is borne by 12 of the erudite small fry (KECA Sunday nights at 8:30)

. Alan Young is taking ice skating lessons because there are fancy skating scenes In Alan's picture. At the West- wood rink, it's the admiring teen age kids who pick Alan up when he falls.



Gags of the Week James Morad, 232 North Alma Avenue,

Los Angeles 33, Calif. Heard on the "Abbott and Costello

Show ": Abbott: Who was the bandit who

held you up at the bank yesterday? Costello: That wasn't a bandit -it

was the president of the bank. He wanted to sell me the bank for a cow.

Abbott: What do you mean? Costello: Yeah, he said one beef

out of you and I'll give you the busi- ness.

Mrs. Isabelle Noble, 4366 Westlawn Avenue, Venice, Calif. Heard on "Can You Top This ? ": Joe Laurie Jr.: A lady went into a

shoe store to get a pair of shoes. After looking them over she says, "I'll take this pair, but they're so stiff." The shoe man answered, "Say, lady, if you'd stayed in a box as long as those shoes have, you'd be stiff too ".

Tony Smith, 1215 Lodi Place, Hollywood, Calif. Heard on "Jimmy Gleason's Diner ": Jimmy: Just what do you do on your

show, Mr. Breneman? Tom Breneman: Ssh! It's a millin-

ery secret!

Jean L. Canroneri, 1920 South Earle Avenus, Rosemead, Calif. Heard on the Jimmy Durante -Garry

Moore Show: Hedda Hopper: May I ask what

you're doing peeking into my mail box?

Jimmy Durante: We wanted to see if you were home.

Hedda: Home -in the mail box? Corne, come, the housing shortage isn't that bad.

Heard on "It Pays to be Ignorant ": Tom Howard: Mr. Wilson, are you

an imbecile, a moron or an idiot? Wilson: Can I take my pick?

N. Strobach, 1066 Leighton Avenue, Los An. geles 37, Calif. Heard on the "Bob Burns Show ": The California weather ain't unu-

sual -it's plumb ridiculous. It changes so fast you can't tell which of your clothing to hock. California's the only

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Musical Memories .. Symphonic Gems

Sundays, 6 to 8 P. M.

KFAC Presented by Glen Haven

Memorial Park


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Precasts & Provioivs

TIME CHANGES Sunday, March 3 - "Those Websters,"

KHJ, 3:00 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, 6:30 p.m. Friday.

Sunday, March 3 - Cee Pee Johnson and Orchestra, KMPC, 11:45 p.m. (15 min.) Sunday, Tuesday through Friday. Formerly KMPC, 11:30 p.m. Sunday, Tuesday through Friday.

Monday, March 4 - "Who Am I ? ", KFWB, 9:55 a.m. (5 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KMPC, 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Wednesday, March 6 - "Bob Crosby Show," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday.

Friday, March 8 - "Durante -Moore Show," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, 7:00 p.m. Friday.

Friday, March 8 - "Danny Kaye Show," KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, 7:30 p.m. Friday.

Friday, March 8 - "Maisie," KNX, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.

WHAT'S NEW Audience Participation

Monday, March 4 - "You're in the Act," KNX, 12:00 n (30 min.) Mon- day through Friday. NTG from the Florentine Gardens emcees an audi- ence show for people who want to perform. *

Comedy Monday, March 4 - "The Bill Thomp-

son Show," KECA, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Bill Thompson, famous as the




1525 Vine Street



"Breakfast in Hollywood"

Entertainment and Dancing


BROWN DERBY x siau,a.,r,

"Old- timer," "Horatio K. Boomer' and "Wallace Wimple," stars in new series about a returning serv- iceman who inherits a thirty -room house.

Wednesday, March 6 - "The Ander- son Family," KECA, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) The family who lives next door -Junior, Mother and Father.

Music Sunday, March 3 - "Wings Over Jor

dan," KNX, 7:30 a.m. (30 min.) Fa- mous all -Negro choir resumes broad- casting after a year's overseas tour.

Sunday, March 3 - "Piano Play. house," KECA, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) Light musical program.

Sunday, March 3 - "Enchantment," KECA, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.) Musical program featuring Bob Grabot, bari tone, Phil Bovero's orchestra, and John Galbraith, narrator.

Sunday, March 3 - The Four Tunes, KMPC, 11:30 p. m. (15 min.) Sunday, Tuesday through Friday. Remote from the Hi-De-Ho Club.

* Women's Programs

Monday, March 4 - "Your California Home," KMPC, 9:05 a. m. (10 min.) Monday through Friday. Conducted by Margaret Stimson and covers all phases of homemaking. Announcer Bob Cornell.


Thursday, March 7 - "Dinah Shore's Open House," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Eddie Cantor will be Dinah's guest.

Friday, March 8 - "Teen and Twenty Time," KMPC, 5:05 p.m. (55 min.) Bob Mitchum, RKO star, will be Mauri Cliffer's,guest.

* Music

Sunday, March 3 - "Harvest of Stars," KFI, 11:00 a.m. (30 min.) Jan Peerce will be the guest star.

Sunday, March 3 - "Standard Hour," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (1 hr.) Alfred Wall - enstein conducts the Standard Sym- phony from Whittier.

Monday, March 4- "Telephone Hour," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Lily Pons will be the guest soloist.

* Drama

Sunday, March 3 - ''Exploring the Unknown," KHJ, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.)

(Please Turn w Pape 23)

lack qouncity) KFI


"Standard School"

CARL KALASH, music director of the "Standard School" program, has no chance to have his work become stylized. The show, which features every type of music and arrangement, with commentaries designed to awak- en listeners' natural appreciation of fine music, runs the gamut from oper- atic to African Jungle rhythm in the weekly half -hour series heard Thurs- days at 10:00 a.m.

"KFI Scout Jamboree"

One half hour of radio entertainment dedicated to the Boy Scout movement in the Seventeen Scout Regions of Southern California. Presented as a

Public Service by this station, the "Scout Jamboree" offers dramatiza- tions, contests, guest stars and a wealth of information of interest to Scouts and boys of Scouting age. The time: Saturdays at 3:00 p.m.


SUNDAY *Indicates News Broadcasts

0-KFI-The Eternal Light. *KNX -News, Sweeney.

KECA- Taylor Made Melodies. KILL KGB, KFX 31, KV0E-

Wesley Radio League. *HMPC-RXLA, KGER -News.

KFWB- Funnies. *HMTR -News. Meditation.

KFAC- Country Church. HRHD -Ranch Program. HWKW- ran -American

Revival. KGFJ -Arm Chair Concert. KFVD-Voice of Calvary. KFSD -('all to Worship. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed.

11:05-KNX-Musical Pet Shop. K(.ER- Kingdom Within.

8:15 -HMPC- Finger Tip Successes. KMTR -Rev. K. G. Egertson. HXLA- Musical Memories. KFXM- Sunday Serenade.

8:20 -KNX- Morning Melodies. 8:30 *KF'I -World News Roundup.

HNX- Invitation to Learning. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. KMPC-Wesley Radio League. KFWB -Union Rescue Mission. KMITR -W. B. Record. KILA- ImmanUCI Baptist.

Church. HWKW- Buenas Nueves. KFAC- Stroliin' Tom. KFVD-Church of Christ. KGER -Jack Nev ille. KFOX- Morning Bible Hour. HFSD -Visiting Nurse

8:45 *KFI, KRKD-News. KGFJ -Quiet Moments. KGER -House of Dawn. HFSD -America United. 9 -KFI, HFSD -- Chicago Round-

table. KNX-Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*KECA -Ft Happened During the Week.

RAJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Pilgrim Hour.

*HMPC -News, Rhythm Roundup

*KMTR -News. Bible Treasury Hour.

KRKD-Sunday Serenade. KFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour. KFVD -Waltz Time. KGFJ -Mid -Morning Melodies. KXLA-Popular Musk. HWKW- Little Italo. KPPC-Studio Devotional

*KGER -News. Tom Westwood. 8:15 *KECA -News,

HMTR- Swedenborg Hour. KFAC-Concert. HPPC -Prelude to Worship

9:30 -KFI- Echoes & Encores. *KNX- Transatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Lutheran Hour.

KECA- Taylor Made Melodies. KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KMTR-The World Tomorrow.

Coni plete Gilbert & Sullivan

Works KFAC -9:30 - 11 A. M. Sun.

Sponsored by Marshall á Clampett

KFAC-Gilbert & Sullivan. KFVD -Show Tunes. HXLA- Tailormade Melodies. HPPC- Sunday Morning Club

KGER -Radio Revival. HFSD -Devotional Music. I:45- KECA- Gillespie's Garden


10 *KFI, HFSD -Layman's Views of News.

HNC -My Brother's Blood. *KECA -John Kennedy, News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMI'C -News. Western Fed-

eral Music Hour. *KF'RR, KGER, KFOX -News. *KMTIt -News, Fannie Rein-

hart. KFAC-Gilbert & Sullivan HXLA- Slavic Program. KRHD- Sunday Serenade KGFJ -Midmorning Melodies KFVD -Diary of Music. HWKW- Hollywood Lutheran. Kl'P('- Sunday Morning Club.

10:05 -KGER- Fullerton 4 square. 10:15 -K VI -llame Town Parade.

*KECA -Orson R elles, ('um- ment.

KFWB -Peter Potter. KFOX -Res. Russell.

MARCH 3 EFSD-Tuning in Teens.


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:1 S A. M. Sundays

KHJ, KGB, KFX_M. KV0E- Commander Scott.

10:30 -BFI -Musical Milestones. *KNX-News.

KECA -Sammy Haye's Sunday Serenade.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOF- Sweetheart Time.

HXLA -Czech Polka. HI'P('- Church News. HWKW -Hungarian Baptist. HFSD -Show Is On.

10:40 -HPPC -Tower Chimes. 1(1:45 *KNX -Edward R Marrow.

HXLA- Shamrock Melodies KFOX- Cumberland Church.

10:50 -HPPC- Church Service. 1U:55 *KECA- George Gunn, News.

BFI, KFSD-Harvest of Stars. ü KNX -Radio Readers' Digest. *KECA- Washington Inside Out

KHJ, KGB- Sunday Concert. *KMI'(' -News, Off the Record. *KFWB -News. *KMMTR -News. Church of

Christ. KXLA- Church of Open Door. KFAC-Ist Methodist Church. HWKW- Lincoln Ave. Presti. KGFJ -Pan American Time. KFVD- Hollywood First Bap-

tist. KFXM, KVOE- Church

Services. HPPC- Church Service. KFOX- Presbyterian Church.

*KGER -News. Music. 11:15 -KECA -Gen. Junius Pierce,

Comment. KFWB -Peter Potter.

11:30-KFI, FSD- Westinghouse. John Charles Thomas

KNX- Hollywood Star Time. KECA- National Vespers.

*KHJ, KGB -Bill Cunningham. KWKW -All Saints Episcopal KGFJ -Sung of the Islands. KGER -Music for Sunday.

11 :45-KHJ-Magazine Preview. KMTR -Frank and Ernest. KGB ---The World Tomorrow. 12 *HF I, HFSD- Carmen Cas -

allero Parade. KNX -New York Philharmonic


s70T640T790T930T1020T 1150 1 1240 T1330T1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

*KHJ- Broadway News. *KECA -Elmer Davis. *KMI't' -News, Frank Hem -

ingway. *KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, Boys' Choir.

KGFJ -Say It With Music. KFVD-Diary of Music. HWKW- Italian Novelties. KPPC -Church Service


12:0.5 -KGER- Rancho Roundup. 12:10- HPPC-Music of Masters. L2:15 -HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Ilka Chase. KECA -Galen Drake. KMPC -Off the Record. KFWB -Peter Potter.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD-One man's Family.

*KECA -Sam Batter, Comment. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Vera

Holly Sings. KFWB -Jean Leonard.

*KRKD -News. Kvi'KW- American Jewish Hr RXLA -Hawaiian Melodies. KFXM -Sagebrush Serenade.

12:4.- KF.('A -Dusty Records. *KRKD-News.

KFX.I -Songs for Sunday. iKFI, HFSD -National Hour.

HNX -New York Philharmonic KECA -Parts for Dough. KHJ, KGB. HVOE- Murder Is

My Hobby. *HMPC -News, Manhattan

Highlights. *KFWB, KXLA-News. *K.SITR -News, Pianos.

KGFJ- Strange As It Seems. HRHD -Sunday on Ranch. KWKW -Hoyos Hour. HPPC- Afternoon Concert. RFOX -Dick Ross.

*KFVD -News, McKee Plano. *KGER -News, Music.

KFXM -Ave Maria Hour. 1:15 -KFWB -Great Americans.

HMTR -Betty Phillips. 1E617.1- Console Encores.

*KFAC-News. KFVD- Musical Revue. KXLA- ('harsh In Bnm.

1:30*KFI -These Make History. KNX- Electric Hour, Nelson

Eddy. KECA -Piano Playhouse. KHJ, KGB -True Detective

Mysteries. KM PC-Sam tie! B. McKee. KFWB- Musical Masterpieces. KMTR- Madhouse. KGFJ- Intermission. KFAC-Good Neighbor Salute. KFVD-Plano Parade.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Crime Doctor, KNX. 8:30 -Blondir. KN X.

2:30 -Gene Autry, KNX. 9:00 -Thin Man, KNX 3:00 -Ozzie & Harriet, HNC, 3:00 -Hall of Fame. KECA. 3:30 -Sunday Party, RECA. 4:00 -,lack Benny, KFI. 4:30 -Bandwagon (Cass Daley).

KFI. 5:00 -Bergen- McCarthy, REI. 5:00 -Beulah, (Marlin Hurt),

KNX. 5:30 -Fred Allen, REI. 6:00- Masquers' Request, KNX. 6:30 -James Melton. KNX, 6:45 -Jimmie Fidler, KECA. 7:30 -Fanny Brice, KNX. 7:30 -Meet Me at Perky's, REI. 8:45 -Rave of the Week. KHJ.

9:30 -Romance of Ranchos. KNX.

Quiz Programs 1:00 -Darts for Dough, RECA. 3:30 -Money on the Line. KNX. 4:00 -Better Half, KGB -HVOE. 6:30- Double or Nothing. KH.I. 7:00 -Take It or Leave It. KNX. 7:30 -Name That Song, KHJ. 8:30 -Quiz Kids, KECA.

Drama 10:15--Commander Scott, KHJ. 12:30 -One Man's Family. AEI. 1:110- Murder Is My Hobby, KHJ. 2:00 -The Shadow. KIIJ. 3:00 -Frederick Speare Players.

EXLA. 8:00 -Great Gildersleeve, KFI.

Outstanding Music 9 :00-Salt Lake Tabernacle,

ENX. 9:30 -Gilbert & Sullivan. KFAC.

11:30 -John Charles Thomas, KFI.

12:00 -N. Y. Philharmonic. KNX. 1:30 -Nelson Eddy. KNX. 2:00 -NBC Symphony. KFI. 2:00 -Family Hour, KNX. 3:01 -Hall of Fume, KECA. 5 :00 -Ford Evening Hour. RECA. 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music.

REI. 7:00 -Hour of Charm. REF. 8:00 -Operatic Revue, KHJ. 8:30 -Standard Hour. KFI.

10:00-Newsical. KFVD. 10:15- Chapel Quartet. KFI. 11:15- Bridge to Dreamland.


Public Affairs 8: "0- Invitation to Learning.

KNX. 9 :110-- Chicago Roundtable. KFI.

12:110 -Elmer Davis. KECA. 6:611 -Exploring the Unknown.

RH.1 6:30- Fiorello La Guardia.

RECA. 6:45- Slayor Rowron. KM PC. 9:15 -Retort to the People.


KGER -Light and Life. RESD -RCA Show. KVOE- Operatic Revue.


K FOX I :305 Y


KFOX -Floyd B. Johnson. King's Ambassadors.

1:45*BFI -Edward Jorgenson. KMP(' -Jerry Sears KFWB- Internal Revenue. KFVD-Vocal Varieties. HXLA- Melody Moderne.

2 HFSD -Symphony Hour KNX- Family Hour.

Songs of Hawaii

KECA Sunday, 2:00 P.M.

Sponsored by Edwards Brothers Colonial Mortuary

KECA -Songs of the Natluos. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

The Shadow. *KMMPC -News, Sweet Music *KFWB -Peter de I.ima. *HMTR -News, PreGame

News. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. HRHD -Sunday on Ranch KFVD- Harlem Holiday. HXLA- Lumplighter Jazz

Session. RWKW- Pro -Football Games. RPM-Afternoon Concert KFOX -Good News. KGER -I.ons (leach Band.

2:15 -KFWB- Stroilin' Tom. HMTR- Amet4can Pro League

Football, KFOX- ('ivosu Group.

2:30-KNX-Gene Autry. RECA -Counterspy, KHJ, KGB, KFI. \I, KVOE-

Quick As A Flash. KFWB- Sunday Serenade. HXLA -Challenge to Youth. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams.

*KGER -News. L. B. Band. 2 :45 *K.NX- William L. Shiver.

3 KFI -Catholic Hour. KNX -Ozzie and Harriet. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Those Websters. KECA-Radio Hall of Fame.

*KMP(' -News, Music of Romance.


Peter de Lima a, pour host

KFAC -Sundays -3.5 P.M. "Famous Musical Favorites" also heard Mon. then Sat., 3 -3:45 P.M.

presented by

The 7 Famous Dept. Stores HF :t('- Famous Musical


MARCH 3, 1946 R A D I O L I F E PAGE 13

*KFWB, KGER -News. KGFJ -Remembrance. KF{'D- Popular Favorites. KPPC- Afternonn Concert HFSD -Arden Salute. HFOX -Rev. Earl hie.


LIEN & WOMEN: Good speak- ing or singing voices now being selected for immediate training in Acting, Announcing, Commen- tating and Singing -Our students BROADCAST on-

"Sunday at 3" Every Sunday. 3:00 -3:30


VETERANS' TRAINING Under G.I. Bill of Rights FREDERICK H. SPEARE "The West's Outstanding

Radio School" 6671 Sunset Blvd. Studio No. l587

......HOLLYWOOD 2325 KXLA-Frederick H. Speare.

3:05 -KGER- Sacred Harmonies. 3:15 --KFW B- Music. 3:30*KFI, KFSD -News.

KNX -Money on the Line. KECA- Sunday Party.

*KHJ, KGB, KFX31, KV0E- Cedric Foster.

HFVD -HanL, Night Watchman.

KW-KW-Rev, Gagnon. KXLA -Concert Moderns. KGER -Back to God.

Interested in Radio Broadcasting

Wanted for Immediate interview mea and women at once with good speaking voices to be au- ditioned for training In radio acting and announcing. No exp. needed. Apply 1 to 9 p.m. to Program Director HAL STYLES.


BROADCASTING SCHOOL 0800 Wilshire Blvd. cor Robertson Beverly iHßs BR -2 -2546

Listen to Our Show Sun., 3:30 -4 P.M.-KFWB

Hal Styles & Famous Guest Stars

KFWB -Want to be in Radio? 3:45 -KFI- Melody Parade.

*KHJ, KGB, HF:XM, HVOE- Quentin Reynolds.

*HFSD- Carveth Wells, News

4 K 10E513-J10E513-Jack FI, FS-Jack Benny. KNX -Your Hope Chest.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. 0. Box 123, Los Angeles,

Calif. HV-A-4:00-5:00 P. M. HGER-4:00-5:00 P. M.

REBROADCAST HRT.A-9:00 P. M. KPRO-9:00 P. M KFOX-10:00 P. M. HVOE-10:00 P. M. KFXM-10:00 P. M. HMPC-10:05 P. M.

KXLA, KGER -Old Fashioned Revival

*KECA -Drew Pearson. KHJ -This Changing World.

*KMPC-News, Symphony Hour. KFWB -Jam Session. KGFJ -Curtain Call. KWKW -Sunshine Mission. KPPC- Afternoon Concert. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KFXM- Sacred Harmonies. KGB. K%OE- Better Half,

4:15 *KN:('A -Don Gardiner, News KHJ -Quaker City Serenade. KRKD -Music

4:30 -HEI, HFSD -Bandwagon, with Cass Daley.

KECA- Hollywood Music Hall.

KNX- Answer Auction. Win- ner Take All.

KHJ, KGB- Adventures In Rhythm.

*KFw'R -News. KF{'D -to -90 ('hub. KFXM -ABC- King's Am-

bassadors. ictory Baptist.

HV'OE -Radio Tour. 4:45-KFWB-Western Stars.

KFVD -Carter Wright. KVOE -Grace and Truth. 5 -HF1, HFSD- Bergen-

MrCarthy, KNX- "Beulah," (Marlin

Hurt). KHJ, KGB- Mediation Board. KECA -Ford Sunday Hour.

* K.MPC- News, Music of Hawaii.

*KMTR -News, Trinity M. E. Church.

KFAC -Bowling News. KGF.1- Treasusy Department. KRKD -Public Service. KFVD- Evening Serenade. HXLA- Lutheran Gospel

Hour, KPPC- Afternoon Concert. KFOX -Rev. F. H. Hogan.

*KGER, KFXM -News. KVOE- Bethel Tabernacle.

5: 05-KGER- Colonial Vespers.



KMPC Sundays at 5:15 P.M.

First Presbyterian Church James W. Bell, Minister

5.15-KMPC-First Presbyterian Church.

KFAC -Music. KGFJ- Today'a Hits. KFOX -Rev. Lyle Hale. KFXM -Hl School Hilites.

5:30 -KFI, HFSD -Fred Allen. KNX -Man Named Jordan. KHJ, KGB -Don't Be a Sucker KMPC -Land of the Free. KMTR -Reformed Witness Hr. KRKD -Hour of Cheer. KXLA-Lincoln Pres. Church KFOX- Calvary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOE -Minister's Hour.

5:45*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Gabriel Heatter.

KMPC -Ray Bloch 5:55 *KNX -Ned Calmer. 6 -KFI' KFSD- Manhattan

Merry -Go- Round.

"WORD of

PROPHECY" (current (-tents in the light of the scripture)

Louis S. Bauman Sundays, 6:03 P. M. -KGER

*KGER -News. Word of Prophecy, Louis S. Bauman.

KNX- Request Performance, Masquers,

*KECA- Walter Winchell. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Exploring the Unknown. *HMI's, KFWB, KRHD, KFOX

-News. *KMTR -News, Bethel Chapel.

KFAC- Musical Memories. KPP('- Afternoon Concert. KGFJ -Overture to Evening.

*KXLA -News. 6:15 -KECA- Louella Parsons.

KMPC- Christian Science. AMR-Show Time. KXLA- University Explorer.

6:30 -HEI, KFSD -Album of Familiar Music.

KNX-Texaco Theater (James Melton).

KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF Double or Nothing.

*KECA -La Guardia Speaks. KMPC- Mother's Album. KEITH- Gospel and Song. KMTR -Radio Bible Class. KXLA- Beyond Tomorrow. KI'l'('- Children's Corner KGER- Lutheran i.engue, KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45 -KECA- .Jimmy Fidler. KMI'(' -Mayor Bowron. K1'PC -Story Time

7 TFI, HFSD -Huur of Charm. KNX -Take It or i.ea%e It. KECA -Theater Guild. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Freedom of Opportunity. *KMPC-News, Bolero Time.

KFWB--Vets Talk It Over. KFAC- Musical Memories.

*KMTR -News, Eventide. KPPC- Sacred Song Recital. KXLA -Ethel Hohler. K(iFJ- Record Rhapsody.

*KGER -News, Concert Hour. 7:75 -KMTR- Baha -1 Peace Hour.

KXLA -Life and Health. KPVC -Organ Recital.

7 :30-KFI. KFSD-Meet Me at Perky's.

KNX -Funny Brice Show. KHJ, KFX.U, KVGE -Name

of That Song. KFWB-Rabbi Magnin. KMTR -Young People's

Church. KXLA- Church of Open Door. KPPC -Musical Masterworks. KGB- Security Hour

7:45- KFWB- ('attrolic Answers.

8 -HFi, HFSI)- {Teat Gilder- sleeve.

KNX -Crime Doctor. KECA- Enchantment. KHJ- Operatic Retue.

*KMPC-News, Frank Hemingway.

KFWB-Hollywood Presby- terian Church.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:43 A. M. Monday through Friday

*KMMTR -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

KGFJJ -Waltz Invitation. KFAC -First Methodist

Church. KFOX- Christian Science. KPPC-Sunday Evening Hour. KFXM -Pages From Life. HVOE- Christian Youth.

*KGER -News, Music. KGB -Time for Music

8:15 *HMPC -Deane Dickason. 8:25 -HNX -The Todds. 8:39 -KFI, KFSD- Standard Hour.

KNX-Blondie. KECA -Quiz Kids.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Walter Winchell.

KMPC- Everybody's Hour. KGFJ-Dancing Rhythm. KPPC- Sacred Music. KGER- American Music.

8:15 -KHJ, KFXM, EVi)E KGB - Rave of the Week

KPPC -Word of Life.

9 KNX -Thin Man. *KECA -Sam Hayes, News, *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVUE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC-News, Open Forum.

KFWB- Victory Service Club. HGFJ -Ave Maria Time. KFAC- Sunday Evening Club. KXLA-Old-Fashioned

Revival. KFOX- County Barn Dance.

*KGER -News, Bethel Church. 9:15 *KHJ, KGB, KFNM. KVOE-

Rex Miller. KECA- Report to the People.

9:30 -KFI, HFSD -Jack Benny. HNX -Romance of Ranchos. KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOE-

Jimmy Fidler. KFWB- Pacific Lutheran

Hour. KFAC- Gateway to Music. KGFJ -Show Time. KGER -Rivkin' in Hour.


9:30 TO 10:00 P.M. Every Sunday

KECA KECA- Enetside Serenade. KFOX -Sunshine Mission.

9:45-KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K{'OE- Ed Thorgersen. Sports.

*KFi, HFSD- Richfield Reporter. 10

SUN DAY LOGS *KNX -Chet Huntley. *KHJ -News.

KECA -Hit Tunes. *K_VYC -News. Old -Fashioned

Revival. *KFWB- Newscast. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KGFJ-Western. KXLA -Voice of Calvary.

*KFVD- News)cal, 3 Hours. KVOE, KFXM -Old- Fashioned

Revisal KGB -Human Adventure. KFOX -Rev. Fuller.

*KGER -News, Music. 10:15 -KFI- Chapel Quartet.

*KNX-Dt. Wallace Sterling, News Analysis.

KECA -Tour Income Tax. KHJ-Say It With Music. HFKB -Good News Hour. HFSD- Honored Flights.

10:30 *En- Carveth Wells, Inside the News.

KNX- Discussion. KECA -Freddie Martin Oreb. KHJ, KGB -Chet Stewart*

Orchestra. KMTR -Bob Brooks. KFAC -Music for Listening. KGFJ-Swing It. KXLA- Bright Corner Church. KGER -Week in Review.

10:45 -KFI Show Time KNX-Bob Crosby Orch. KHJ, KGB -Desi Arnas Oral. KFWB- Musical Diamonds.

*HFSD -News. 11HFI- 4nterica United. *KNX -News, Al Donahue

Orch. K.H.J. KGB, HFX31-Harry

James Orch. *KECA -News of Tomorrow *KMPC-News, Aragon Ball-

room HFW'B- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -News. Antioch Church HGFJ -Blue of Evening.

*KFVD- Newsical, 'til t a.m. HFSD- 5Iusic in the Night

11:15 -KFI- Pacific Story. KECA- Bridge to Dreamland.

11:30 -KNX -Manny Strand. KHJ, KGB, HFX.M, HVOE-

Bobby Ramos Orch. HMPC -Four Tones. KFWB -Music You Want. KXLA -Club Royale. HFSD -St. Francis Hotel

Orch. 11 :45- KFI -E. Coleman (trek.

KNX -KNX -tra, Music *KHJ, DLBS -News.

HMPC -C. P. Johnson Orch. 11:55*KF1, KNX, HFSD -News.

ADVICE Peter Van Steeden can't re-

sist the tiny turtles with pic- tures on their backs that are sold along Broadway. He is always buying them to send to friends or to carry home for his children. This week he came across one with "Bob" printed on its back and decided to send it to Bob Hawk, for whom Peter con- ducts the music on CBS Mon- day nights. "You'll get along all right with Bob, Bob," Van Steeden told the turtle, "but just one word of caution ... when Hawk starts to ad -lib, don't stick your neck out!"

PIXIES AGAIN Gremlins were in the song

sheets on a recent KHJ "Smile Time" show. If the audience noticed a slightly off -tune accompaniment, it was because some unseen creature mixed the sheets. But this didn't stop "the boys," Steve Allen and Wen- dell Noble. They simply ad- libbed a few words and started over again, with nc one the wiser -they hope!

,.PHS.a-,sisww 1. lad 41 a a 1N-.4.r1.w1

MONDAY, MARCH 4 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

rrix cfliarnilTg

bie QUr KFOX

Mon.thrrSet. 7:30.8 A M

Wilbur Nelson

30 min..tes with the Hymn Book

aval the Bible

Sunday 8.30 A M

ó -HFI' HFSD -Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians.

KNX- Johnny Murray. KECA -Don McNei1's

Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Cecil

Brown. * H.MPC, KXLA, KGER-News. *KFWB- Inside Story. *HMTR -News, Western Stan.

KGFJ-Concert Pastelle. RRJID, KFOX -Dr. Louis

T. Talbot. RWRW-Pan American

Mission. KFVD.Cliffy Stone. KFXM -Songs of Praise.

8:05 -HGER- Sister Sylvia. 11:15-KNX-Valiant Lady.

*KHJ, KGB- Frazier Hunt. *HMPC- Market Reports,

Sports. KFWB -Melo Tunes. KWKW -Olga Graves. RFXIM- Sunshine Service. HVOE -Bing Crosby. KGER-Mizpah.

$:30- KFl -Dr. Paul. KNX- Light of the World. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Take It Easy. KMPC-A Song for You. KMTR -Christ Church Unity.

*KF.1C, HFSD -News.

KXLA, 8:30 A.M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

H.XLA -Hav *KRKD -New *HWHW -Ne

Devotions. KFOX-Rev .

I:45 -ELFI, Hi'8 JINX -Aunt

Life Story HHJ, KGB,

Victor Li *HFW B -New

HFAC -Shu KFVD-l'oc RWRW' -W i HGER -New

9 *HFI, HGFJ, ENX-Hate

*KHJ, KGB. Lyle Van,

IKE('A -(ì1a *SMPC -New

Home HF1l'B -Dr.

*HMTR -New, Gems,


WR W -Vo KFVD-Wal HFOX -Fire HFSD -Voss l :05 *}F I -Edwar

9:10 -KGFJ -D' ! :13- ELFI- Especi HNX -Big KHJ, KGB,

Morton D HMPC -Wo KFWB -Sour HF .AC' -V oic KXLA -Ha KWEW -BI

*KFVD -New *KFSD -Lary

HGER -Ghee 9:30 *K1I, KFW

-News. KN X -Roma

Trent. KHJ-Time KECA -Brea

in Hollyw KMPC-Perr E-Bible -Bibi KGFJ -Open KF D-eSho KGB-Seren

en of Rest. s, Musk. ws, Morning

R. E. Reid. D-David Harum.

Jenny's Heal es.

KFSM, Hl'OE- ndlahr.

w Time. al Favorites. tags of Healing.

Tribes Mission. KGER-News. Smith. KFX.M, KVOE- News

tour Manor, s, Your California

Reynolds. s, Scriptural

tz Time. .brush Serenade. ice of China. tz Time. brands for Jesus. e of a Nation. d Jorgenson.

Artrgs Presents, ally fur Lou. Sister.

}FX.M, KVOE- owney.

man's Ecthange. th of the Border. e of Health.

renons Homestead. ng Crosby.


y Smith. rful Chat.


ace of Helen

Out. ennui's nod.

y Conga. e Treasury Hour.

Album. w Time. ¡ding You.


KFS\I -Old Family Almanac. EL VOE -Shady Valley. KFSD -Ann Gibson. HOER -Radio Revival.

9:40 -EFI- Living in Hollywood. 9:45 -1KFI -Ronny Mansfield.

Songs. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Mystery Chef. KMPC-Three Suns. }FWB- Morning Melodies, K.lTR -Just Relax. HFAC- Musical Comedy.

*KRHD -News. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KW'KW- Wayside House. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Melody Roundup. }FSU- Maggi's Private Wire. 9:55- KFWB- Floretta. 10 -KFI- Mitchell's Musical

Scrapbook. KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA -Home Edition. *KHJ, KGB. KFX.\l, EVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *HMPC -News. Music Hall.

KFWB- Kitchen Rollege, Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Marching to Victory.

RF.A('- Midmorning Serenade. ERKD- Baritunee. KGFJ- Racing News. KFVD-Morning Serenade. KXLA -Red Monet. RWRW-Race Lineup.

*EGER -News, Jack Neville. KFSD -Time to Relax.

10:15 -KFT -What Do You Say. KNX -Ma Perkins. EE/' 4 -Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB. KVOE- Luncheon

With Lopez. K :ITR- King's Men. KGFJ-Serenade for You. KRKD -Talk.

*KXLA-News. HWHW -Western Serenade. KFXM -Song to Remember. EWER-Kingdom Within. EFOX -Rev, Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Magazine.

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KECA -My True Story. KILL KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

The Mountaineers. *EFW'B -News.

SMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *HFAC -News 8 Ration News.

SGFJ -Upbeat Session. KRKD-Music.

*HWKW -News, Symphonic Strings.

KXLA- Woman's World. HFV'D -Union Rescue Mission. HGER- Sunshine Pastor. HFSD -Do You Know the

Answer? 10:45 *KFi, KFSD -Art Raker.

KNX -Road of Life.

KHJ, KGB, KFX. \I, KYOE- John J. Anthony.

RMPC -Home Chats. KFWB- Science ut Mind. EMTR h-are ute BoJ3. KFAC- Pan -Americana, KRKD- Midnight Mission. KWKW- Moments of Melody. HFOX- Hebrew Christian

Hour. 10:55 *KECA -News, Betty Crocker.

I, KFSD- Guiding Light. ü HF'RNS- Second Mrs. Burton.

*KHJ, KFXII, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KECA- Baukhage Talking. *SIIPC-News, Music Hall.

KFRB -AI Jarvis. *KMTR -News, Dr. Talbot.

KXLA -Easy Listening. HFAC -Music for You. HGFJ- Stylings In Blue. BRRR -Light Concert. RWRIV-Wayside House.

*KFVD, KGER-News. KFOX-Thomas Baird. KGB -Bosh Pritchard.

11:15 -BFI, FieSD- Today's Children.

ENX -Perry Mason. KECA-Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB -Hymns You Love. EFYD- Musical Revue. KFXM-Songs to Remember.

Fashions. KVOE- Orange Co. Federa-

tion of Women' Clubs. KFOX -Curtis H. Springer. HGER -R. B. Hammond.

11 :VS-KM-Betts Crocker. 11:30 -BFI, HFSD -Woman a

White. KNX-Rosemary. KHJ, KGB, KFS_M, KVOE-

Queen for a Day. KECA -One Woman's Opinion.

Lisa Sergio. EF.AC- Woman's World. KIITR -Grogs to Remember.

*KRKD, BOLA, KFOX -News. *RWRW -News, Music.

11 :45-K FI- Masquerade. KNX -Tenn and Tim. KECA- Foster May. KMPC -Musical Mile. HFAC -Piano Gems. KWKW -Classified. SXLA -Hank Penny. KFVD- Piolet Schram. KRKD -Vocal Varieties. EFOX- Tempos of the Time.

* KFSi') -News. KFI -Farm Reporter. ENX-You're in the Act. RECA -AI Pearce & Gang.

*KHJ- Rroadwav News. *HMPC, KGB, KVOE -News.

KFWB -AI Jarvis. *KMTR -News, Music.

HFAC -Luncheon Concert. EX-LA-Dinner Bell Roundup. KW-KW-Blue Roam.

*KGF.1. KGER-News. *KFVD- Editor of the Air.

KRKD-Prairie Schooner. KFXM-Dance Music. SFSD -Woman of America.


MONDAY Program Highlights \L m. .ng Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface

Variety 8:00 -Fred Waring, KFI. 8:00- Johnny Murray, XXX, 8 :00-Breakfast Club, KECA. 8:30 -Breneman's Breakfast.

KECA. 11 .30-Queen for a Day. KHJ. 8:00 -Hoagy Carmichael, BFI. 8:30-Spotlight Bands. KHJ. ::00 -Bill Thompson Show,

KECA. 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood, KNX. 8:00- Supper Club. KFI, 8:15 -Bedda Hopper. RECA. 8:30 -Joan Davis, HNX, 9:30 -Vox Pup, ENX.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC 5:30 -voice of Firestone. EFT, 6:00--Musical Digest. KGFJ. 7:00 -Miniature Concert, RFAC. 7:00- Contented Hour, BFI. 8:00 -Evening Concert, RFAC. 9:00 -Telephone Hour, EF9.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, HFAC.

10:00- Newsieal, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Show, EFWB.

Drama 8:00 -Lux Theater, BMX. 8:15 -Real Life Stories, KHJ.

7:00- Screen Guild Players, KNX,

8:00 -Michael Shayne, KHJ. 8:00-Lam 8 Abner, }MCA. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America,

SFi. 8:30 -The Fat Man, RECA. 9:00 -The Whistler, ENX, 9:00 -Famous Jury Triais,

RECA. 10:00- Buildog Drummond. KHJ.

Qui; Programs

6:30- Information Please, EFT. 7:30 -Bob Hawk Show, KNX. 7:30 -Dr. I. Q., KFr

Public Affairs

1:45 -- Background fur Living, KNX.

2:00 -School of the Air, KNX. 2:00 -Internal Revenue, ERHD.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Race Lineup. KWKW. 20:00 -- Racing, KGFJ. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results, KRKD, 9:30 -inside of Sports, }HJ. 9:45- Sports Parade, KFWB.

12:95-JIGER -Out of the Band Box, 19:10-SGFJ- Keyboard Magic. 12:15 -BFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KHJ- Johnson Family.

Nesbitt. KFVD- Luucbeun Music.

*EFOX, KFXM -News. KGB. KVOE -Tic Toc Time,

11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Burritt Wheeler.


MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Monday Through Friday

ICES KHJ -Mild and Mellow. KECA- Ladies, Be Seated. KMPC- Bridge Club,

*K.FRB -News. HMTR -Tex Tyler. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KXLA- Painted Post.

*KWKW-News, Varieties. KGB -Club Reporter. BFX. \f -Farm Front. BVOE- -You Were There.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD-Right to Happiness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KMI'C -Easy Rhythm. HFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC -News. SF%D- Violet Schram. KXLA- University of Calif. KFOX-Varieties. KFX.II- Fashions in Music. KGB, EVOE -This Is Music. HGER -Gardening School.

1 SFb, SFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX-G. E. House Party. KECA-Jack Berch Show. KHJ-Frolics. KFW'R -AI Jarvis.

*HMPC -News, Bolero Time. *HMTR -News, Pianos.

HFAC- Melody Matinee. SGFJ -intermission.

*KFVD, KGER-News. FERRO- Music. HWHW -Varietlet EXT.A- Community Broad-

casters, KVOE -Radio Tour. KFXM- Sagebrush Serenade.

*ELFOX- Graeme Fletcher. 1:05- HGER -Helene Smith 1:15 -ELF!, KFSD- Stella DaWss,

KECA -Bob Nichols. KHJ-Bill Hay Reads Bible. HMTR- Luncheon Dance. KXLA- Internal Revenue. SEND -Moods in Music. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -John-

son Family. 1 :25*KN X -News. 1:30 -KFi, SFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This Changing World. *KECA, EKED -News.

KMPC -Bill Bryan. HMTR -Dance Time. KGFJ-Among My Souvenirs. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*KXT.A- Listener' Digest. *RWRW -News, Memories.

KGB. KFX.IM- Melody Hour. HGER -Music. KVOE -Meet a Friend.

1 :45-KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

JINX -Background for Living. KHJ-Tel lu-test. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches. KMPC -Bing Crosby. FRKD- Singing Waiters. KFVD--Music City. BILA, KFOX- l'ailettes. KVOE- Melody Hour.

2 -KFI, SFSD -When a Girl Marries.

ENX- School of the Air. KHJ, KGB. HFX.M, KVOE-

Zeke Manners. KE('A- What's polo', Ladies? KFWR -Al Jarvis.

*HMPC -News, Record Room. *KMTR -News, Latin Legato.

KFAC-Memory Musicale. BRED- internal Revenue. KXLA-Top Tune Time. KGFJ-Town Crier. HFV'D- Timely Tunes. HWSW -Clnh 1430.

*KGER-News. Music. x:15 -KFI, SFSD -Portia Faces

Life. KHJ, ROB, HV'OE -Smile

Time KFOX- Public Bulletin. KFXM- Guardians of Victory.

e:25- KECA -Norman Nesbitt. 2 :3u -KFi, KFSD-Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Misses.



C.wlnn Show. *KECA-John B. Kennedy.

AFAR -Three Men on a Mike. KMTR -Meet the Band. KXLA -Vocal Varieties.

*KRHD -News. MUSIC. *KWEW -News, (Club 1430.

HGER- Between the Lines. K FXM -Devot inns. BF-DX-Western Songs.

2:45 -BFI. HFSD -Front Page Farrell.

KECA- Hollywood Spotlight. George Fisher.

KRKD- Pao -Americans. *KFVD -News.

KFOX -Mr. & Mrs. America. EFXMI -Music for the Moment.

-En-Road of Life. KNN- Rurritt Wheeler. KECA -Bride and Groom.


*Ell PC-News, Record Room. *KFWB -News. Melody

Matinee. *RMTR -News, Win Morro.

KFAC-Famous Musical Favorites.

KGFJ- Jackpot. REVD-Popular Favorites. KRED- Matinee Melodies. KWKW -Swing Session. KVOE -True Confessions.

3:83- KGER -Under Blue Skies. 3:15 -KFt -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

HHJ -Happy Homes, Norma Young.


MATINEE 3:15 -5:30 p.m.

KXLA Monday thru Friday

KXLA-Juke Box Matinee 'ill 5:30 p.m.

KGB -Man About Town. KFX.M-Dr. Philip M. Los ell. KFSD-Road of I.ife. HFOX -.1. Buckingham Orch. KGER -Take It Easy Time.

3:30 -SF!. KFSD -Aunt Mary. ANS -.Jimmy Carroll Sings. RECH- Frances Scully. HEWS-Plane Reflections.

*KRAD -News. Music. HWEW- American Jewish

Hour. RFXM- Business Bresitles. KGB -Art Raker. HFOS- Hollywood Salon. KVOE -Red Cross.

3:13 -KFI -Woman of America. *KNX -World Today, News.

HMI, KGB, HFXM, KV'0E- Elsa Maxwell' Party.

KECA- Constance Bennett. AMPC- Paramount Parade. KFWB -Tea Time. KFAC -Casa fuget. RF{7)- Rhumba. RFSD -Dr. Paul.

4 -BFI. HFSD -This Woman's Secret.

YINS -Easy Aces. *EECA- Headline Edition. *KH.1. KGB, KFXM. KS 0E-

Fulton J. Lewie, Jr. *KlIPC -News. Music.

KEW B- Wom an' s Page. *WMTR -News. Races.

KFAC- Musical Masterierey. REVD -Plano Selections. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KWKW- Reflections in Music. KXLA -.Juke Box Matinee. KRIM-Piano Paintings.

*EGER -News. Take It Easy. I:115*HFI. HFSD. HFVD -News.

ENX- -Bank of America. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing. *Km, K

Miller. B. KF M, KV0E-

KFWB- V'nrat varieties. K.MPC-Ted Steele. KRHD -Movieland Quit. KFOX -F. Martin Orch.

4 :25*HNX -News. 4:30 -BFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Open House. KMPC -Your Home.

*KECA- Junius Pierce. ERI. KGB. KFNM. KV'OE-

Erskine Johnson. KGFJ- Air- O- Torials. KRHD -Tunes of the Day. KY{ D -90 -90 Club. EWE W-Vocal Varieties. HFOX -Old Age Pension.

4 :40*HFWB- -News. KGFJ -Philharmonic Reporter.

4:43 -EECA -Hop Harrigan. KILL KGB- Calendar of


K.MPC-Modern Romances. KFWB- Western Stars. KGFJ- Orchestre du Jour. KWKW -Today at the Races.

*KHKD- News. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KFOX- Recital. REAM-Ring's Ambassadors. H\ OE- Auction Showcase.

4:95- KNX -0rie Waters.

S *BFI- Richard Harkness. *KNX -MaJor Knox Manning.

KECA-Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC- ews, HTeen & Twenty. *KMTR -News, Sunset

Rhythms. RXLA -Juke Box Matinee. AWEW- Italian Melodies. KFAC- Moments in Music. KC,F.I -,lice at 5. KFVD- Bostick. Sundown

Roundup. KRRHD -Songs of the Saddle. KGB -Casa Carat.

*HGER- News. Music. HFSD -Anniversary Date.

6:L5 *BFI, KFAC. HFSD -News. KNX- Through a Woman's

Eyes. Barbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy. KR.1, KGB, KFXM. KV 0E-

Superman. KMTR -Show Tunes.

5:3í1 -BFI. KFSD -Voice of Firestone.

*KNX -Harry Flannery. Kill. KGB. KFXMI. E \OE-

Captain Midnight. KECA -Jack Armstrong. EOM-Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KXLA-Fur Counselor. KGFJ -Race Recap. KRHD -South Sea Senerade.

*KGER -Na vs News. 8:45 *KSX, KECA -News.

KH.1. KGB. KFX31. R%OE- Adyentiires of Tom Mis.

K31 PC-Top Tunes. *KMTR -K. Louis Fletas.

KXLA- Rhumba Time. KGFJ -Show Time. RRKD -Rare Results. HGER -Mandrake. Magician.

5:55 *ENX -Bill Henry. 6 -HFT. RFSD -Hoa gy Carmichael.

RNX -T.ux Radin Theater. *HHJ. KGB. KFNMI. KV 0E-

News. Gabriel Heatter. KECA -The Lone Ranger.

*KMPC- News. Norman Nesbitt *KFWB. RMS. HGER -News. *KMTR -News, Toniassn



Dinner Hour Concert

6 to B P. M. -Mon. thru Sat.

KGFJ IZZ? en Your Dial

KGFJ- Mustca! Digest. KXLA-Beyond Victory.

S:05- HGER- Victorious Life. 8:15 -HH.1. KGB--Real Life Stories

*KMPC- Pa remount News. *HEWS-John 'B. Hughes.

KXLA-Dr. Gertrude Laws. KFOX- Miracles of Science. KFXM- Treasury Salute. KYOE- Remember?

*KGER -News for Vets. 8:30 -HFT, HFSD- aformation.

Please. HHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV OE-

Spotlight Bands. KECA -Forever Tops, with

Paul Whiteman. KMPC -Russ Morgan. KFAC-Academy of Music. EFWII- .America Dances. KXLA -Help Wanted.

*KMTR- Aserill Berman. EKED -Show Tunes. RFOX -Hal'e Memory Room. KG E R-Prophecy Speaks.

8:45 -BRED- Hollywood Tune - smiths.

KXLA- Inside Farts. 8:55 -KECA- Chester Morrison. 7 -HFl, HFSD -Ca rust ion

Contented Hour. RNX- Screen Guild Players. KH.1. KGB. HFS.M, KV 0E-

Henry .7. Taylor. KECA -Bill Thompson Show.

*KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Eventide

Echoes. KGFJ- Musical Digest.

*EKED. KG ER-News. EXLA- Dinner Music. HFOX- Gospel Songs.




hFAC, I 33 (1\ YOUR DIAL

KFAC-Concert in Miniature. 7:05 -KGER- Fagan. 7:15 -KH.I, H\'OE -Ion Gart Trio.

Ky1TR -W. B. Record. *K XLA -News.

KHKD- Three- Quarter Time. KFON -Meet the Stars,

George Fisher. 7:30 -KF7, KFSD-Dr. I. Q.

KNX -Boh Hawk Show. KECA- String Ensemble. EH.1. KGB, KFXM. K\ OE-

Cisco Kid. *KEA B -Peter de Lima.

KMTR -Dr. ('lem Davies. KXLA- Canine Corral. KFAC- Floretta'a Jewel Box. KRHD -Do You Know? KFOX- Longshoremen's

Dispatch. 7:45 -KFWB -Guy Lombardo Orch.

*KFAC. KFOX -News.

8 KSI' KESD-Supper Club. KNX -,lark Kirkwood Show. KECA-Lnm 'n' Abner.

*KM PC -News, Hemingway. *KFWB -,John Dehner.


Adventure Intrigue

KHJ 8:00 P. M.


HMI, KGB. HFSM. HV'OE- Michael Shayne.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:311 -10:45 A. lt. Monday through Friday

*E.VTTB -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

HFAC- Evening Concert. HXLA- Mastral Masterpieces. KGFJ -.Concert Encore.

*KGER -News. Music. EFOS- Fishing Facts.

R:15 *BFI, HFSD -Fleetwood Lawton.

KNS -Jack Smith Show. KECA -HMda Hopper. KMPC -Ozie Waters. KFW B-Kenny Baker. KX1,A- Charlie Hemp.

5:30 -KFZ, HFSD- Cavalrade of America.

KN\ -,Joan Davis Show. KHJ. KGB. HFNMI, KV0E-

Shedock Holmes. KECA- Dashiell Hammett's

Fat Man. *KEW B--New s.

I Santa Fe Wines Present

Music Supreme with


Mon. thru Fri., 8:30 P. M. 4

K(:FJ- Dancing Rhythm. ILNLA -The Corral. KGER- Church of Nazarene.

s:45 -KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. a :h.5 *ANX- Ne,cs. (':irroll Alcott.

BFI. KFSD -- Telephone Hour. KNX -The Whistler. KECA- Famous .Jury Trials.

*HHd, KGB. KFX.N. HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMl'C -News. Floyd A. Allen. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *RMTR -News, Concert Master.

KGFJ- Saludus Amigos. KXLA- Consolidated Hotel.

*KGER -News. Music. KFOX- Singing Pastor.

9:15*KRJ, KGB. KF 31. EV'OE- Rex Miller.

KFWB- Mnnpower. KM PC-Johnny .Johnson.

9:30 -KFI -Young Artists Competition.

KNX -Vox Pop. EH.). KGB. KFXW. EVOF.-

Inside of Sports. KECA- Reserve. KMI'C -Man With a Band.

*KFWB -News. *KMTR -Sam Baiter.

EXI.A- County Barn Dance. HFSD- Adventures by Morse.

8:411 *KFWB -Sports Parade. KM PC-Barber Shop Quartet.

*KH.T. KGB. KFXM. EN OE- Fulton Lewis. Jr.

10 *EFl. KFSD -The Reporter. *KNX -ChM Hu' ley. *RECA -Relay With Cal


Bulldog Drummond. *HNPC -News, Rhythm



Evsey N,g6, lup, Sunday

K F WB KFWB- Eastside Show.

*KMTR -News, O11e Ras- mussen.

HIAC- I.urky Lager Dance Time, 2 Hours.

EFVD- Newsical, 3 Hours. H(.FJ, KXLA- Western

Music. *HGER -News, Musical

Roundup. 10:15 -BFI- Fiesta Grande.

*KNX -Dr. Harold Fisher. *KECA -Neese.

HFSD -Convert Hall. 10:30*KFI- Carreth Wells, inside

the News. KNX- Symphonette.

*KECA- Raymond Gram Swint. KHJ -Sing. America. Sing. KMPC -Harry James. EX-LA-Music for Millions. KMTR -Bob Brooks. KGFJ -Swing It. KFXM- Chaplain dis. EVOE -1490 Club.

10:45 -BFI -Show Time. HHJ -Sn the Story Gees. EEC A-Rainbow RandeaveaR KXLA -Organ Melodies.

*HFSD -News. i1*BFI, HHJ -News. *ANX -Jim Wyatt.

KECA- Philharmonie Reporter.

* LBPC -News, Aragon

KFWB- Eastside Show. * KMTR -News, Win Morve. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFAC -Lucky Lager Danes HALA -Bandstand Revue.

*EF- 1)- Newsical, 'tit I a.ns. EFSD- Biltmore Orch. HFNM. KGB -Organ


ó ER-News, Club Moderns. 11:o-H A StlghRooti 11:15- KFI- Taylormade Melodies.

KHJ, KGB -Deal Arnaz Orclt. KECA-Carlos Molina Orris.

11 :20-KNX-Tommy Jones. 11:30 --EFI- Treasury Salute.

KECA -Swing Soiree. KHJ. KGB -Bobby Ramos

Orch. KSIPC -Easy Rhythm. KXLA -Club Royale. KFX3I- Masterworks of

Music. HFSD -Thomas Peluso.

11:45 -BFI- Philharmonic Reporter. *KR1. KGB, EVOE -News.

11:55 *BFI, KNX, KECA, 11TR'8- Newa.

TUESDAY, MARCH 5 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

HFI. KFSD -Fred Waring. KNX -Johnny Murray. KECA -Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. *KHJ. KGB. HVOE -- -Cecil

Brown. *KMPC, KXLA -News. *KFWB- Inside Story. *KMTR -News, Western Stars.

HFAC -Country Church of Hollywood.

WGFJ- Concert Pastelle.

KRKD, 8:00 A.M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KRKD, HF'OX -Haven of Rest KV. KW-Pan-American

Mission. HFVD- C'liffy Stone. KFXM-Sunshine Service.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 8:15- KNX- Valiant Lady. *HILL KGB -Frazier Hunt. KMPC- Market Report, Sports. KFWB -Melo- Tunes.

KWKW-Olga Grases. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KGER- Mlzpah.

8:30- KFI -Dr. Paul. KNX-Light of the World. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Take It Easy. KMPC -Don Iltis. KMTR -Christ Church tatty.

*KRKD, KFAC, KFSD -News. KXLA -Baptist Brothers.

*KWKW-News, Morning Desvotluos.

HFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. 8:45 -KF'L KFSD -Dasid Harum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. RAJ, HGB, KFX.M, KV'OE-

ictor Lindlahr. *KFWB -Newa.

KFAC -Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KWKW- Rings of Healing. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *KFI, KGFJ, KGER -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Lyle Van, News.

*KIPC -News, Your California Home,

Talk. *KMTR -News, Christian

Fundamentals. KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW-Voice of China. KXLA, KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KFSD -Voice of a Nation. 9:05*HFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:10 -KGFJ -Ray Block Presents. 9:15 -BFI- Especially for You.

FNS -Rig Sister. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Morton Downey.



Mon. thru Fri.

KMPC 9:15 AM KMPC- Woman's Exchange. HFRB -Dick Haymes. KFAC -Voice of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*MEND -News. KWKW-Frank Sinatra.

*KFSD- Larry Smith. KGER -- Cheerful ('hat.

9:30 *KFI, KFWB, KFAC. KWKW -News.

KNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA- Rreneman's Breakfast in Hollywood.

KHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Perry Como. KMTR -Bible Treasure Hour. KGFJ -Open Album. K FVD -Slrnw Tunes. KGB -Walk In Beauty. KFXM-Family Almanac. RVOE -Shady Valley Folk. KGER -Radio Res Ai. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:40 -KFI- Reserve. 9:15 -AFT -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ- Mystery Chef. KMPC -Three Suns. KFWB-Morning Melodies. KMTR -Just Relax. KFAC -Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -Newa. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWKW- Wayside House. KGER- Musle. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Melody Roundup. KFSD- Maggl's Private Wire. 9:5i- KFWB- Floretta. 1A- Mirandy. KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA -Home Edition. *KMPC -News, Music Hall,

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Marching to Victory..

KGFJ- Racing News. KFAC -.Midmorning Serenade. FIRKIN -Battle of Baritones. KIND-Morning Serenade.

*KFOX, KGER- New -s. KXLA -Red KWKW -Race Lineup. KFSD -Time to Relax.

10:05-KGER -Jack Neville. 10:15 -KFJ -What Do ion Say?

KNX-Mn Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB- Nick's Oddities. KMTR -King's Men. KGFJ-Serenade for You.

*K XJ.A -News. KWKW-Western Serenade. KRKD -Talk. RFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. K1'OF Smooth Performance. KGER- Kingdom Within.

10:30 --KFT- Hollywood Fan Magazine.

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KECA -My True Story. Kitt. KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

The Mountaineers. *KFWR -News.

KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson.



10:30 -11:00 a.m. KXLA

Monday thru Friday

KXLA- Woman's Rbrld. *KFAC-News, Rations.

KGFJ- Fpbeat Session. KF''D -Prion Rescue Mission. KRKD- Music.

*KWKW -News. Symphonic Strings.

KGER-Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -Do You Know the


10:45 *BFI, KFSD -Art Baker. KNX -Rond of Life. KHJ, KGB, KFNM. HAVE--

John J. Anthony. KM PC -Home Chats. KF'VB- Science of Mind. KFAC-Pan-Americana. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX- Hebrew Christian

Hour. 10:55 *KECA -News. Betty Crocker.

KFT, KFSD- Guiding Light. HNX- Second Mrs. Kurtun.

*KECA -Baukhage Talking. KHJ -30 Seconds to Go.

*KMPC-News, Music Hall. KFR'B -AI Jarvis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KFAC -Music for You. FERRO-Light Concert. KXLA-Easy Listening. KWKW- Moments of Melody. KGFJ- Stylings In Blue.

*KFVD, KGER -News. *KFXM. KVOE- Cedric Foster.

KFOX -Thomas Baird. KGB -Bosh Pritchard.

11:15 -KF , KFSD -Today s Children. Betty ['rocker.

KNX -Perry Mason. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ. KGB -Hymns You Lose. KIND- Musical Revue. KFOX -Basic Foods. KFXM-Song to Remember. K1OE- Treasury Salute. KGER -R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -KFI KFSD -Woman In White. KNX- Rosemary. KECA -Listening Post. Ktl.l. KGB, KFXM. HVOE-

Queen for a Day. KMTR -Songs to Remember. KFA D- Violet Schram,

*KRKD, ENLA, KFOX -News. KWKW-News, lustru-

melodies. 11:45 -RF 1- Masquerade.

FINI -Teno S Tim. KECA- Foster May. KFAC -Piano Gems. KRKD -Vocal Varieties. KXLA -Hank Penny. RWKW- Classifier}. KFOX- Tempos of the Times.

*KFSD -News.

145-1117 -Farm Reporter.

iHn KNX -You're in the Act. KECA -Al l'earce d Gang.

*KHJ, HMI'(', KGFJ-News. KFR'[i --A1 Jarvis.

*KMTR -News. Music. KFAC-Luncheon Concert. KRKD -Prairie Schooner. FUND- Editor of the Air. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. KWKW-Blue Room. KFXM -Dance Music.

KFSD -Woman of America. *KGB. HVOE, KGER -News.

12:05-KGER -Out of Bandbox. 12:10 -KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. 12:10 -ICFJ, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KIM - Johnson Family. *KMPC- Nornan Nesbitt.

KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGB. HAVE-Fun with Music.

*HFXM- Harris' News.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00 --Fred Waring. KFI. 8:00- Johnny Murray, KNX. 8:00 -Breakfast Club, RECA. 9:30- Breneman'a Breakfast

Party. KECA. 10:011 -Chef Milani. KFWB. 11:30 -Queen for a Day. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

BFI. 5:30 -Date with Judy, BFI. 6:00 -Amos 'n' Andy, EF1. 6:30 -Fibber & Molly, KFl. 7:00 -Bob Mope, KFT. - :30- Skelton Scrapbook. KFI. 8:00 -- Supper Club. KFI. 8:30 -Philip Morris Follies. KFI.

Drama 6:00 -Inner Sanctum, KNX, 8:00 -Count of Monte Cristo,

K H.I. 8:00 -Lam S Abner, RECA. 8:30 -The Falcon. KHJ. 9:00 -Big Town, KNX. 9:00 -Dark Venture, RECA. 9:30 -Murder Will Out, RECA.

11 :30 -Barry Fitzgerald, BFI, Outstanding Music

4:00 -Musical Masterpieces, KFAC.

4:30 -American Melody Hour, KNX.

6:00 -Musical Digest, KGF.J. 7:00 -Miniature Concert, KFAC. 7 :30- Inglewood Park Concert,

KNX. 8:00- F.sening Concert, EFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance, KFAC.

10:00- Newsical, KFVB. 10:00- Eastside Show, KFWB.

Public Affairs

2:00 -P.T.A., HRHD. 6:30 -American Forum, KHJ. 6:45 -Flying Public, MECA. 9:30 -American Way Forum,

KFT. 10:30 -Congress Speaks, KNX.

Sports--Comment 10:00--Race Lineup. KWKW. 10:00- Racing, KGFJ. 4:01- Races. 1131TR. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45-Race Results, KRKD. 6:301 -Santa Anita, KMPC. 9:30- Inside of Sports. KHJ.

10:00 -Olympic Fights. KMTR.,

12:30 -KFZ, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX -Burritt R heeler. KECA- Ladies, Be Seated.


12:30 TO 1:00 P. M. Monday Through Friday

KI1J Kill -Mild and Mellow. KMPC- Bridge Club.

*K FR'B -Newa. KMTR -Tex Tyler. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KXLA- Painted Post.

*KWKW-News. Varieties. KEX.M -Farm Front. KGB- Remember. EVOE- Melody Lane.

12:45 -HFI, HIND -Right to Happiness.

KNX-Bachelor's Children. KMPC -Easy Rhythm. KFR'B -AI Jarvis. KFVD- Violet Schram.

*KFAC -News. KXLA- l'niversity of Calif. KFXM- Fashions in Music, KGB -This Is Music. KVOE -Have You Read? KFOX- }'latter Pantry. KGER- Garden School.

1 HFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party. KECA -Jack Berch Show. KHJ-Frolics. KFRB -Al Jarvis.

*KMPC -News, Bolero Time. *KMTR -News, Pianos.

KGFJ-Intermission. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KRKD- Music.

*KGER. KFVD -News. KWKW- Varieties. KXLA- Community Broad-

casters. KGB- Cedric Foster. RFX3T- Sagebrush Serenade. KVOE -Radio Tour.

*KFOX- Graeme Fletcher. 1:15 -KFI. KFSD- Stella Dallas.

KECA -Bob Nichols. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads

the Bible. KMTR- Luncheon Dance.

East Side Credit Jewelers of E. Los Angeles



KXLA 1:157T0 1D30 P.M.

HXT.A- Sweetheart Lane Quiz.

KIND-Moods In Music. KWKW- Melody Time. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -John-

son Family. 1 :25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFT, RESD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -Evelyn Winters. *KECA, KRKD -News.

KHJ-This Changing World. KMPC -Bill Bryan. KMTR -Dance Time. KGFJ-Among My Souvenirs. KIND-Hawaiian.

*KXLA- Listeners' Digest. *KWKW-News, Musical

Memories. KFOX -Hal McIntyre Orch. KFXM -Mutual Melody Hour. KGB -Open House. HVOE -Meet a Friend. KGER-Lucks Lads.

1:45 -HFT. KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

KNX -One for the Book. KECA -Hymns of AU

Churches. KHJ- Telloteet. KMPC -- Sewing School. KXLA -Afternoon Varieties. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KFVD -Vocal Varieties. KVOE- Melody Hour.

2 -HFr, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX -School of the Air. KECA- What's Detn', Ladies! HHJ. KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

Zeke Manners. KFR B -Al Jarvis.

*KMPC-News, Record Room. *KMTR -News, Latin Legato.

KWKW -Club 14:10. KFAC -Memory Musicale. KGFJ-Town Crier. HRHD- r.T.A.

RADIO LIFE PAGE 17 TUESDAY LOGS KFVD-Timely Tunes. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KGER-Long Beach Band.

2.15 -HFI, RFSD- Portia Faces Life.

RUA. KGB, KVOE -Smile Time.

HRKD- Music. HFOX- Public Bulletin. KFNM -For the Veteran.

2:25 *KECA- Norman Nesbitt. 2:30 -KFI, KFSD-Just Plain Bill.

RNX -Meet the Missus. *KECA -John B. Kennedy.

KHJ. KGB, HVOE -Bill Cwinn.

KFWB -Three Men on a Mike KMTR -Meet the Band. KXLA -Vocal Varieties.

*MIND-News, Music. *KW KW -News, Club 1430.

KFOX -Songs of the Hest. KFXM- Devotions, Music. KGER- Between the Lines.

2:40-KGER-L. B. Band. 2:45 -HFI, KFSD -Front Page

Farrell. KECA- Hollywood Spotlight. KRRD- Pan -Americana.

*HFVD -News.

3 HFI -Rond of Life. KNX-Burritt Wheeler.

*KHJ, KFXM, KFSD -News. KECA -Bride and Groom.

*KMPC -News, Record Room. *KFWB -News, Melody

Matinee. *KIITR -News. Win Morro. *KXLA. KGER -News.

HFAC -Famous Musical Favorites.

KRRD- Matinee Melodies. RGFJ- Record Jackpot. KFVD -Popular Favorites. KWKW -Swing Session. KVOF True Confessions.

2:S5 -KGER -Under Blue Skies. 3:15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

RXLA -Juke ROT Matinee. KGB -Man About Town. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. RFOX- Buckingham Orch. KGER-Take It Easy Time. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -AFT, KFSD -Aunt Mary. KNX -Song Shop. KR('A- Frances Scully. AMR-Organ Memories.

*KRKD -News, Music. KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KFXyt- Business Brevities. RVOE -Red Cross.

3 :45-KFT-Wonian of America. *KNX -World Today. News.

Kill. RGR. RFXM, KVOE- E.lsa Maxwell.

"MCA- Constance Bennett. KFWB- Teatime Melodies. KFAC -Casa Count. HWKW -Combo Time. REVD-Rhumba. KFOX -,Joe Reichman Orch. KFSD -Dr. Paul. 4 -HFt, KIND-This Woman'

Secret. KNX-Gene Baker. and CBS

Orchestra. *AF..CA- Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB. KFNM, HVOE-

Fulton Lewis. Jr. *KMPC -News. Jerry Sears.

KFWB- Music. *KMTR -News. Races.

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. KXLA -.Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRKD -Plano Paintings. KFVD -Piano Selections. AWKW- Reflections in Music.

*KGER. KFOX -News. 4:05 -KGER- Helene Smith. 4:15 -AFT -Songs & a Star.

*KNX- News, Music. *HHJ, KGB. KFNM, HYDE--

Rex Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing.

KMPC -Ted Steele. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KFVD, KFSD -News. KRRD- Movieland Quiz. KFON- Freddy Martin Orch.

4:30 -AFT -Art Baker's Notebook. KNN- American Melody Hour.

*KECA- .Junius Pierce. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Erskine Johnson. A)IFC- Sampty Kaye Orch. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. HG FJ- Air -o -t oria l s. Orches-

tre du Jour. KFVD-90 -90 Club. KWHW -Vocal Varieties. RFOX -Old Are Pension. KGER -Take It Easy Time. KFSD -Tunes for Today.

4:40*KFWII -News. 4:45 -KECA -Hop Harrigan.

KH.1-- Calendar of Tomorrow. K.MPC- Twilight Tales. 7 :05 -KGER- Fagan.

KFWB- Western Stars. *HRHD -News.

KWKW-Today at the Races. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KGB -Songs of Praise. KFX.M- Musical Cocktail. KVOE- Auction Showcase. KFOX- Recital. KFSD -- Treasury Salute.

*HFI, Edward Jorgenson. *KNN -MaJor Knox Manning. *KM, KFXM, KVOE -News.

KECA -Terry and the Pirates. *KMPC -News, Teen & Twenty *KMTR -News, Sunset

Rhythms. KFAC -Moments In Music. KWHW- Italian Melodies. KGFJ -Jhe at Five. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KXLA -Jake Box Matinee. KFVD- Bostick Sundown

Roundup. *KGER -News, Music.

KGB -Casa Cugat. KFOX- Sunshine Mission. KFSD- Annhersary Date.

5:15 *KFI, HFAC, KFSD -New. HNX -Throught a Womads

Eyes. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. HVOE-

Superman. RMTR -Belle Martell. Sports. KGER -Music With Appeal.

5:30 -KFI, KFSD -A Date With Judy.

*KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KG,, KFXM, KVOE-

Captain Midnight. KSITR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGF.1 -Rare Recap. KRRD -South Sea Serenade. AXLA- Future Pianists.

*AFOX -News. 5:45 *KNX KECA -News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KMPC -Top Tunes. KXLA- Rhnmha Time.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau. KGFJ -Show Time. KRRD -Rare Results. KGER -Dan Dunn.

5:35 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 HUT, RFSD -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX -Inner Sanctum.

*KILL KGB. KFXM, HVOE- Gabriel Meatier.

KECA -Guy Lombardo Show. *KIPC, KFWB. KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Tomasso

Ensemble. AGF.1- Musical Digest. KNLA- Treasury Salute. KRRD -Early Dancette.

*KGER-New-s, Victorious Life. 6:15 -KHJ. KGB -Real Life Stories.

*KMPC- Pa remount News. *KFWB -.John B. Hughes.

RXLA -Mary Burke King. KFXM- Treasury Salute. KVOE- Remember.

6:30 -AFI, KFSD -Fibber McGee and Molly.

RNX -This fa My Best. KECA -Story of a Star.

Radin Review. KH.1. KFNM. KS 0E-

American Forum. KMPC -Santa Anita. KFWB- "America Dances." KFAC- Academy of Music.

*KMTR- Averill Berman. KXLA -Help Wanted. KRKD -Show Tunes. KFON -Hal's Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks. KGB -G.I. Joe Civilian.

6:43 -RECA -The Flying Public. KRKD- Bollvwnnd Tunesmith. KXLA- Inside Facts.

6:35 -KECA- Chester Morrison.

7 KFI, RFSD -Bob Hope. KNX -Bob Crosby Show. KECA- Concert Time. KILL KFNM. KYOE-

American Forum. *KMPC -News. Dinner Dance. *KMTB -News, Eventide






KFAC -Concert in Miniature. KGF.1- Musical Digest.

*KRKD. KGER -News. RXLA- Dinner Music. KGB -Salon Sketches.

7:15 *RAJ, KGB -Upton Close. KMTR -W. B. Record.

*KXLA-News. KRKI)- Three- Quarter Time. KFNM -Yours Truly. KFON- Hollywood Whispers.

7:30 -KFI, KFSD -Red Skelton Scrapbook.

KECA- Hoosier flop. KIIJ. KGB, KFX.M, HVOE-

Red Ryder. *KFWB -Peter de Lima.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Floretta's Jewel Box. KXLA- Syncopation.

Male Quartet Concert Orchestra


KNX -Tuesday -7:30 p.m.


KN X- Inglewood Pk. Concert. KRKD -Do You Know? K Fl) X- IMngshoremen's

Dispatch. KGER -Kingdom Within.

7:43 *KFAC. KFOX- News. KFWB-Guy Lombardo Orch.

8 ti:F1, KFSD- Supper Club. KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KECA -Lum S Abner. KHJ, KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Count of Monte Cristo. *KMPC -News, F. Hemingway. *KFWB -John Dehner. *KSMTR -News, Grace Dotson.

KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ- Concert Encore. HXLA -Musical Masterpieces.

*KGER -News, Music. KFOX -Rev. Lockyer.

5:13 *HFI, KFSD -Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX -.lack Smith, Songs. *KECA -Elmer Pasts.

KMPC -Ozle Waters. KFWB-Kenny Baker. KXLA- Charlie Hemp. KGER -Sinning Cabby.

5:30 -HFI. KFSD- Philip Morris Follies.

KNX- Theater of Romance. KECA -Jones and I. KHJ, KGB. HVOE -The

Falcon. KMI'C -Music Supreme.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Wings of Healing. KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. KXLA -97th Street Corral. KFX3I -Acme of Songs. KFOX -P. E. Gardner. KGER-City Hall Report.

R:45- KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch. KGER- Treasury Salute. KFXM- Science Excursion.

e:53 *KNX -News. Carroll Alcott.

5 "TUESDAYS at 9'


9 HFI- Tuesday at Nine. KNX -Big Town.

*KHJ, KGB, HFXM. KYOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KECA -Dark l'enture. *KMPC -News. Sports. *KFWB -Peter de Lima.

RXI.A -Pee Nee Hunt Orch. KGFJ -Saludos Amigos. RFSD -Barry Fitzgerald.

*KMTR. KGER-New s. 9:15 *K11.1, KGB, KFX)1, HVOE-

lames Crowley. KMl'('- Johnny Johnson. KFWB- Strollin Tom. KGER -Let'a Talk Hobbies.

9:30 -KFI -American Way Forum. KNX -Tapestries of Life. HHJ, KGB, KFNM. KVOE-

Inside of SporCts. KMPC -Man wfth a Band. KNI.A- County Barn Dance.

*KFWB-News. *WITH-Sam Baiter.




KECA- Murder Will Out. HEER- Music. RFSD- Haunting Hour.

11:45 *HHJ, KGB. KFNM. KVOE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

*KFWR -Sports Parade. KMPC- Berber Shop Quartet.

10 *HF'l, RFSD -The Reporter. *KNX -('het Huntley. *KHJ. KN OE, HEER -NewìI


SHOW' 10 TO 12 P. M.

livery Night Cr <ept Sunday

KFWB KFWB- Eastside Show. KECA -Relax with /'al Tinney

*HMP('- News, Rhythm Roundup.

*KMTR -News. Olympic Fights HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. 9 Hours. RXLA. KGFJ -Western.

*KFVD.- Newsical, 3 Hours. KFXM- Welcome to Melody. KGB -Acme of Song.

10:05 -KGER -..Musical Roundup. 10:15 -HFI -Miss Information.

*KNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling. *KECA -News.

KHJ, KGB. KFXMM, KVOE- The Feeling Is Mutual.

KFSD -Concert Hall. 10:30*KFI- Carveth Wells. Inside

the News. KNX -Congress Speaks.

*KECA- Raymond Gram Swing. KHJ -Sing. America, Sing. KMI'Ç- -Sammy Kaye Orch. KXLA- Drama. KGF.1 -Swing It. KFXM, KGB -Henry

Orch. KVOE -1490 Club.

10 :43 -KFI -Show Time. KNX-Behind the Scenes. KECA -The Doctor Talks

It Over. KHJ -So the Story Goes. KXLA -Organ Melodies.

*KFSD -News. ü *RFI- Eleventh Hour News. *FINN-31m Wyatt.

KECA- Starlight Roof. *KHJ -News. *KMlC -News, Aragon

Ballroom. KFWB- Eastside Show.

*KMTR -News. Win Morro. KGFJ -Blue of Evening.

*REVD- Newsical 'ill 1 s.m. KXLA- Painted Post.

*KGER -News. Club Moderne. KFSD- Riltmore Orch. KFXM. KGR- Stewart Orch.

11 :15- KFI- Taylnrmade Melodies. KECA -Carlos Molina Orch. Kitt-Chet Stewart Oreh.

11:20 -KNX -BOh Crosby Orch. 11:30 -RUT -Ais Honor, the Barber.

K ECA -Swing Soiree. H H.1, KGB, KFSD -Dance

Music. R ii PC -Four Tones. RXLA -Bandstand Revue. KFXM- Masterworks of

Music. 11:45 -KNX -AI Donahue Orch.

*KHJ, KGB. KVOE -News. RECA -Club Morocco Orch. KMPC -4'. P. ,Johnson Orch.

11:55 *HNX, KECA, KFSD -News.



CBS' Jack Carson made his trip to New York last week in a Lockheed "Constella- tion" as the guest of Howard Hughes. It's the first flight of the new Constellation un der regular commercial con- ditions.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 *Indfcutes News Broadcasts

Ht1' KFSD -Fred Waring. KNX -.Johnny Murray. KECA-Don Sic \e'll'e

Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Cecil

Brown. *KMPC, KXLA -News.

KFWB -L. A. Breakfast Club. *KMTR -News, Western Stare.

KGFJ-Concert Pastelle. BRED. KFOX -Dr. Talbot. KFAC -Country Church. EWE W- Pan -America n

Mission. KFVD-Cliffy Stone.

*HGER- News, Sister Syli ta. KFX3* -Songs of Praise.

6:15 -KNX- Valiant Lady. *SKI, KGB- Frazier Hunt.

KMPC- Market Reports, Sports.

KFXM- Sunshine Service. KWKW-Olga Gras es. SVOE -Bing Crosby. SGER -Mizpah.

{:30- KFi -Dr. Paul. KNX -Light of the World. SHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Take It Easy. KMPC -Songs for You, Otis. KMTR- Christ Church Unity.


KXLA, 8:30 A.M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KXLA -Haven of Rest. *KWKW -News. Morning

Des Minos. EFOX -Reg. R. E. Reid.

{:43 -HFi, RFSD -David Harum. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories. HH,T, KGB, KFXM, KT 0E-

Victor Lindlahr. KFAC-Show Time. KWKW-Wings of Healing. KFVD -Vocal Fasorites. HGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *KF!, KGFJ, HGER -News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA- Glamor Manor.

*HALL KGB. KFXM,' KS'OE- Lyle Van. News.

*KM PC-News, Your California Home.

*KMTR -News. Church Looks at Life.

HWEW -Voice of China. KXLA -Waltz Time. KRED Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Flrefirands for Jesus.

*SGER -News, Music. KFSD -Voice of a Nation.

11:115*EFI- Edward Jorgenson. Comment.

HGER-Curtis H. Springer. {:10- 11GFJ -Emery Deutsch Pre-

sents. 11:15-- HFI -Es ecially for You.


Morton Downey,


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G. Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the


Every morning -Mon. thru Fri. EFAC at 9:15

KFAC-Voice of Health. KMPC-Woman's Exchange. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*IMAM-News. KWKW -Bing Crosby. KGER -Cheerful Chat.

*EFSD -Larry Smith. 11:30*KFI. KFWB, KFAC, KWKW

-News. KNX- Romance of Helen

Trent. KECA- Breneman'a Breakfast

in Hollywood. KHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Perry Como. KMTR -Bible Treasure Hour. KFVD-Show Tunes. KGFJ-Open Album.

KGB -Serenading You. HV'OE -Shady Valley. KFXM- Family Almanac. KFSD-Ann Gibson. HGER -Radio Renis al.

9:40 -KFI- Lining In Hollywood. 9:45 -EFL -Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ- Mystery Chef. KMPC -Three Suns. KFN'B- Midmorning Melodies. K.MTR-Just Relax. KFAC- Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -News. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWKW- Wayside House. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Melody Roundup. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle. RFSD- Maggi's Private Wire.

A:. %- KFWB- Floretta. 10- KFI- Mitchel' Musical Scrapbook.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *HHJ, KGB. KFXM, K1-OE-

News. Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Home Edition. *KMPC -News. Music Hall.

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milam.

*KMTR, EFOX, HGER -News. KGFJ -Racing News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KRED- Battle of Baritones. EFVD- Morning Serenade. KXL A -Red Murre:. EW"EW -Race Lineups. RFSD -Time to Relax.

18 :05- HGER -Jack Neville. 10:15 -KFI -What Do You Say?

KNX -Ma Perkins. KE('A -Ted Malone. HH.1. KGB KFXM. KVOE-

I.ancheon with Lopez. KMTR -Rings Men. KGFJ-Serenade for You.

*K VIA-News. KWKW- Western Serenade. BRED -Talk. HGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Magazine.

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KR.T, KGB, EFXM. KVOE-

The Mountaineers. KECA -My True Story.

*KFWB- News. KMTR -Floyd R. .Johnson.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KXLA -10:30 A.M.

KX11.A- Woman; World.

HGFJ- Upbeat Session. *HFAC -Nears, Rations.

KRKD- Music. *KWKW- Nears, Symphonie

Strings. KFVD -Union Roscoe Mission. EGER- Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -Do you Know the

Answer? 10:.15 -AFL KFSD -Art Baker.


lohn .1. Anthony. KMPC -Home Chats. RFA%B- Science of Mind. KMTR -CCore of the Bode. KFAC- Pan -Americana. KRED -Midnight Miss nn. SFOX- Hebrew Christian

Hour, 10:33*KECA -News. Betty Crocker.

ü-HF!, RFSD -(:building Light. KNX- Second Mrs. Burton.

*KECA- Bankhage Talking. *KHJ. HENNI, KVOE- Cedrie

Faster. *KMPC -News. Music Hall.

KFWB -AI Jars is. *RMTR -News, Dr. Talbot.

RFAC -Board of Education. KXLA -Easy Listening. KGFJ- Stylincs in Blue.

*KFVD, KGF..R -News. BRED -Light Concert. KWKW- Moment of Melody. RF11X- Tfinmee Baird. KGB -Bosh Pritchard.

11 :15-E FT. RFSD- Today's Children.

KNX -Perry Mason. RE('A -Ethel and Alfieri. EHJ. KGR -Hymns You Love. RFAD- Musical Recite. KFXM -Song to Remember. KYOF.- Rhythm Time. EGER -R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -HET. RFSD -Woman in White RN X- Rnsemn re. SRI. KGB. KFXM, K%OE-

Ouucen for a Day. KECA- Listening Post. vaAC -Murale for You. KMITR -Grogs to Remember. FFVD- Violet Schram.

*KRKD. KXLA, KFOX -News. *KWKW-News. Instrumel oui i es

11 :l. -- FFI -Masquerade. KNX -Tena and Tim. KECA- Foster ?Inv. KMPC -Musical )file. 'MAC-Piano Gems. KWKW- Classified. KRRD -Vocal Varieties. KXLA -Hank Penny.

*RFSD -News. ' FI -Farm Reporter. ENX- You're in the Act. *KHJ- Broadway News. KECA -AI Pearce d Gang.

*KMPC. KGB. EVOE -News. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KMTR -News. Music. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. RFSD- Editor of the Air. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. RU-KW-Blue Room.

*KGF.'. HGER -News, KRKD-Pra trie Schooner.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon an9

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 9:30 -The Weird Circle, KE(A.

S:00 --Fred Waring. 8:00 -Johnny Murray, KNX. 8:00- Breakfast Club. KECA. 8:00 -L. A. Breakfast Club,

KFWB. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. 10:10 -Chef Mitant. KFWB. 11:30 -Queen for a Day. EMS. 4:00 -Easy Aces. KNX, 6:00 -Eddie Cantor, KFI. 6:00 -Frank Sinatra. KNX. 6:30 -Bob Crosby Show, KNX. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, KHJ. 7 :60 -Kay Kyser Kollege, HFL 7:30 -Andrews Sisters, KNX. 8 :00- Supper Club, FFI. 8:30 -Hildegarde, EFL. 9:00 -Jack Carson, KNX.


6:30 -Mr. District Attorney. KFI. 7:30 -Boston Blackie, SECA. 5:00 -Lum & Abner, KECA. 8:30 -Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt, KNX. 9:00 -Mrrs and Mrs. North. KFi. A :30- Rilery Queen. KNX. 9:30 -Hollywood Theater, EF7.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Miniature Concert, KFAC. 7:00- -Great Momente in Mnsi

KNX. 8:00 -Evening Concert, HFAC,

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

10:00- Newstcal. EFVD. 10:00- Eastside Show, KFWB.

Public .4 flairs

1:45- Bac!cgrounds for Lining, KN X.

Sports- Comment

10:00 -Race Lineup, KWKW. 10:00- Racing, KGFJ. 12:30- Bridge Club, KMPC. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results, HRHD. 6 :30 -Santa Anita. KMPC. 8:30- Sportsmen's Club, KECA. 9:4S- Sports Parade. KFWB.

KFXM-Da ace Munie. KFSD -Woman of America.

12:05 -KGER -Out of the Bandbox. 12:10 -KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. 12:15 -KFf, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KHJ- Johnann Family. *KMPC -Norman Nesbitt.

KFVD- Luncheon Music. *KFOX, KFXM -News.

KVOF- -Tir Toc Time. KGB- Trading Post.

12:30 -K FI, KFSD -Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Burritt Wheeler. KECA- Ladies, Be Seated.


12:30 TO 1:00 P. M. Monday Through Friday

IKHJ KHJ -Mild and Mellow. KM PC-Bridge Club.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Tex Tyler. *h MM-News. l'ariettes. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm, KXLA -fainted Poet.


All Track: - All Day

KWKW - 1430 KC

KFXM -Farm Front. KGB- Remember? KVOE- Melody Lane.

12:45 -HFi, KFSD -Right to Ha ppiness.

EN X-Bachelor's Children. KM P(' -Easy Rhythm. KFVD- Violet Schram.

*KFAC -News. KXLA- Fnisersity of Calif. KFOX -Platter Pantry. KGB, EVOE -This Is Music. EGER- Garden Scheel. KFXM- Fasltiona in Music. KFI, KFSD- Backstage Wile. KNX-G. E, House Party. KECA -Jack Berch Show. E H.1- Frolics. KFWB -,AI Jarvis.

*RMIY' -News, Roleen Time. *KMTR -News, Pianos.

EFAC- Melody Matinee. KGFJ- Intermission.

*KEA D. KGER -News. E WE W--3 ariettes. KXLA- Community Broad-

casters. EV'OE -Radio Tour. KFXM- Sagebrush Serenade.

*KFOX- Graeme Fletcher. *KGB -- Cedric Foster,

1:05- HGER -Helene Smith. 1:t5 -AFL. KFSD- Stella Dallas,

KECA -Bob Nichols. REM-Bill Hay Reads Bible. KMTR- Luncheon Daance. KXLA- Melody Matinee. KFSD -Monds in Music. KWKW- Hollywood Serenade. KGB. KFXM, KVOE -Ths

Johnson Family. 1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KF i, KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX- Evelyn Winter. *KECA -New..

KHJ-This Changing World. EMPC -Youth Interprete the

News. KMTR -Daore Time.

*KRKD -News. *KXLA -Listeners' Digest. *Li WKW -News. Memories.

KGFJ-Among My Souvenirs. KFVD- Hawaiian Music. KGB. KFX31- Melody Hour. KGER -Captains of Industry. KVOE -Meet a Friend.

1 t 1-KFI, KFSD -Young WVidder Brown.

KNX- Background for Living. K H.1- Tellot est. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches. KXLA -Afternoon Varieties. RRED- Singing Waiters. FFIT) -Vocal V'arleties. KVOE-Melody Hour. 2 -HFI. KFSD -When a Girl

Marries. KNX-School of the Air. KECA -What's Dore', Ladies? KFWB -A1 Janis. SHJ. KGB, KFX-M, KYOE-

Zeke Manners. *KMPC -News. Record Room.


*EMTR -i ews, Latin Legato. KFAC- Memory Musicale. HGFJ -Town Crier. KF%'D- Timely Tunes. HRAD -Organ Reveries. KW KW -Club 1430. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KGER-Long Beach Band.

2:16 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KHJ, KGB, HV'OE -Smile Time.

KRHD--- (ourert Melodies. KFOX- Public Bulletin. HFXM- Safety First.

2:25 -KECA- Norman Nesbitt. 2:30 -KFI, HFSD -Just Plain Bill.

KNX-Meet the Miscue. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Bill

Gwinn Show. *KECA-John B. Kennedy.

KFWB -Three Men on a Mike.

HMTH -Meet the Band. KXLA -Vocal Varieties.

*KRED-News, Music. *KWAW -News, Club 1430.

KFOX -Songe of the West. KFXM -Devotions. Music. KGER- Between the Lines,

2:40 -HGER -Long Beach Band. 3:41 -KFI, HFFD -Front Page

Farrell. HECK- Hollywood Spotlight.

*AFS 1) -News. KRHD- l'an -Ame ricana.

10-Road of Life. KNX -Burritt Wheeler. KECA -Bride and Groom.

*KHJ, EGER. KFSD-News. *KMI'C -News. Record Room. *KFWB -News, Melody

Matinee. *KMTR- News. Win Morro.

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

*KXLA, HFXM -News. KG FJ- Jackpot. KKRD -Matinee Melodies. KFI It -Popular Favorites. HWHW -Swing Session. KFOX- Varieties. HVOE -True Confessions.

3:05 -KGER -Cnder Blue Skies. 3:1S -KFI -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KNLA -Juke Box Matinee. HFOX- Hawaii Calls. KGB -Man About Town. KFXM -Dr. Lovell. KFSD -goad of Life. EGER-Take It Easy Time.

3:30 -KFI, HFSD -Aunt Mary. KNX -Jimmy Carroll Sings. KECA- Frances Scully. KEWB -Piano Reflections.

*K AHD-News. Music. KWKW-American Jewish

Hour. HFXM- Business Brevities. Kt-DX-Holly wood Salon. 111.0E-Red Cross.

3:45- KFI -Woman of America. *KNX -World Today, News.

KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Elsa Maxwell.

HET A- ('onatanee. Bennett. RMPC- Paramount Parade. HFWII- Health Talk. KFAC Cass Curet. KFVD- Rhumha. KFSD -Dr. Paul. 4 -HFI, RFSD -This Woman's

Secret. HNX -Easy Aces.

*KHJ KGB, HFXM, HIDE- Fulton J. Lewis. Jr.

*AECA- Headline Edition. *HMPC-News, Jerry Sears.

KFWB- Woman's Page. *HMTH -Nowa. Races.

HXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KFAC -Musical Masterpieces. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRKD -Piano Paintings. HFI D -Piano Selections. HWHW -Reflections in Music.

*KGER, KFOX -News. 4 :r1S -HGER -Take It Easy Time. 4:15 *KF1, KFSD, KFVD -News.

*ANY -News, Music. *KECA- Raymond Gram `wing. *KHJ. KGB, HFXM, HYDE-

Rex Miller. HMPC-Ted Steele. KFWB- Gospel and song. KRHD- Mot ieland Quiz.

4:75*KNX -New a. 4:30 -HFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

ANN -One for the Book. HHJ. KGB, KFXM, HYDE-

Erskine Johnson. *KECA-Junius Pierce.

KM PC -Your Rome. HGFJ- Airo- torials, Orches-

tre du Jour. ARAD -Tunes of the Day. KW -KW -Vocal Varieties. HFtT) -40-80 Clitb.

AFOX -Old Age Pension. KFSD-Tunes for Today.

4 :40 *KFWB -News. 4 :45 -ANN -John Laurent.

KE('A -Hop Harrigan. KHJ, KGB -Calendar of To-

morrow. RMPC-Modern Romances. BMA- Western Stars.

*BKKD -News. HRKW-Today at the Races. BFVD- Evening Serenade. KFXM- Musical Cocktail. KVOE- Auction Showcase.

*HFI -Richard Harkness. sat *KNS -Major Knox Manning.

*KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -News. KECA -Terry & the Pirates.

*KMPC-News, Teen it Twenty. KFAC -Momenta in Music. 'MILD-Songs of the Saddle. KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. HGFJ -live at 5. KW'KW- Italian Melodies. KFVD- Bostirk Sundown

Roundup. KGB-Cass fugst. RFOX- Sunshine Mission. KFSD- Anniversary Date.

*HGER -News. 5:15 *HFI. HFSD, RFA(' -News.

AN.N- Through a Woman' Eyes.

KM, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Superman.

)tECA -Dick Tracy. ESITA -Show Time.

5:30 -AEI -Voice of the Nation. *RNX -Harry Flannery.

KE('A -Jack Armstrong. RILE KGB, KFXM, HIVE--

Captain Midnight. KMTR -lrwin Allen. AGE'S -Race Recap. KF.-t(' -Whoa Bill Club. KRHD -South Sea Serenade. K\l.A -Fur Counselor.

*KGER -Navy News. KFSD- Tropleal Moods.

5:45 *KFI. RFSD-Elmer Peterson. *RNX, FE ETA-News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOE-

tdventures of Tom Mix. RMPC -Top Tunes.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau. HXLA -Rhumba Time. KGFJ -Show Time. ARAD -Race Results. KGER-Mandrake, Magician.

5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry. 6 -HFI, KFSD-Tlme to Smile

(Eddie Cantor). ANN -Frank Sinatra. FE( A -The Lone Ranger.

*KHJ, KGB. KPNM, AVOE- Gabriel Heatter.


*KMTR -News, Fortuna() Ensemble.

AGF.1- Musical Digest. ABED- Music. HXLA- Pasadena Playhouse.

S:05- RUER- Victorinus Life. 6:15 -AR.). KGB -Real Life Stories.

*RMPC -Paramount News. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KFOX- Miracles of Science. KFXM- Treasury Salute. WIDE- Remember?

6:30 -HFI. RFSD -Mr. District Attorney.

ANX -Bob Crosby Show. KECA-Want to Lead a


Spotlight Bands. RMPC Santa Anita. KFWB -America Dances. KFAC- Academy of Music.

*KMTR- Averill Berman. HXLA -Help Wanted. KRHD -Show Tunes. KFON -Hol's Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks.

6:45 -HRAD- Hollywood Tune - smiths.

KXLA -Inside Facts. 6:55 -SECA- Chester Morrison. 7-SFI, KFSD -Kay Kyser's

Musical Kollege. KNX -Great Moments in




K FAC 13311 ON YOUR 1)IA1.

HGFJ- Mnsical Digest.

KHJ. AGB -Badie Auction Gallery.

RE( A- Anderson Family. *KM PC-News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -Nevis. Eventide

Echoes. KFAC- Concert in Miniature.

*KRHD, KGER -News. RPPC- Pasadena Musicians. RXLA -Dinner Music. HFXM- Income Tax. KFOX -Gospel Songs. HYDE-Veterans' Adminis-

tration. 7:05-KGER-Fagan. 7:15 -KMTR -W. B. Record.

KRHD- Three -Quarter Time. *RXLA -News.

RPPC -Organ Recital. KFXM -Music. KFOS- George Fisher. H%OE- Merchant Marine

Heroes. 7 :30-KS N- Andrews Sisters.

RH.L KGB, HFXM, KIOE- ('isco Kid.


K F :C.t- Boston Bleckie. *KFWB -Peter de Lima.

KMTR -Dr. ('lem Davies. KFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box. KRKI) -Do You Know , Kl'PC- Munir. KXLA -Canine Corral. HFOX- Longshoremen's

Dispatch. KGER -Rev. Douma.

7 :45 *KFAC -News. KFWB -(.uy Lombardo's

Orchestra. RPPC -- Church Night Series. KFOX -Ires leer Report from

Hollywood. KGER-Rev. Douros.

8 BFI, KFSD-Supper Club. ANX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KECA-hum & Abner. KHJ -The Main Line.

* H.MPC, KMTR, KGER -News. *KFMB-John Dehner.

KFAC- Evening Concert. KXI.A- Musical Masterpieces. KGFJ- Concert Encore. RPPC- Church Night Series. KGB -The Sealed Book. KFNM -Lest We Forget. WVOF Junior College.



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Alen 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

8:03 -KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 8:15 *KFI, HFSD -Fleetwood

Lawton, Comment. KNX -lack Smith Show.

*KECA -Elmer Davis. KMI'(' -Otie Waters. KFWB -Kenny Baker. KXLA -- Charlie Hemp. KFXM -Serenade. EN OE- Smooth Performaance.

11:30 -KF1. HFSD -Hildegarde. KNX -Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt. FE E('A- Spponrtsman's ('lob. AHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

Fresh i "p Tinte. RMPC-Music Supreme.

*HEW B -News. KGFJ-Dancing Rhythm. RXLA -Oath Street Corral. K PP('- drama. KFOX- Chapel Singers. KGER-Take lour Choice.

8:15 -KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KGER- Garden School.

$:55 *KNS -News, Carroll Alcott.

9 BFI, KFSD -Mr. and Mrs. North.

HNX -Jaolt Carson Show.


*KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KM PC -News, Sports. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News, Concertmaster.

KXLA -Pee Wee Hunt Oreh. KGFJ-Saludos Amigos. APP(' - Pasadena Schools. RFOS- Church of Christ.

*KGER -News, Music. 11:15 *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HT'OLr-

Rex Miller. KECA- Resers e. KM PC-Johnny Johnson. KFWB -St roll in' Tom. KI'PC- Courtenay Monaca.

:30 -KFI- Hollywood Theater. KNX-Ellery Queen. REC'A -The Weird Circle. KHJ, KFXM, KC,B. ES 0E.-

Inside of Sports. KMPC -Man with a Band.

*KFWB -News. *KMTR -Sam Baiter.

KXLA -County Ban Dance. KPPC- Treasury Program. KFOX Dance Time. HGER -N. ('alderwood. KFSD -Teacher Quiz.

8:45 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM. AYOE- Fulton .1. Lewis, Jr.

KFWB- Sporte Parade. KM PC-Barber Shop Quartet. KMTR -Modern Monde.

10 *BFI, RFSD -The Reporter. *RN X --Chet Huntley. *KHJ, KGB. AWE-New s.

KECA -Relax with Cal Tinney *KMPC -News. Rhythm



Every Night Ezpt Sunday

KFWB KFWB- Eestside Show.

*KMTR -News, Music. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. 3 Hours. *KFS'D- Ncwsical. 3 Hours.

KXLA, KGF.I- Western Music. *KGER -News. Musical

Roundup. KFXM -Welcome to Melody.

10:15 -KF1- Fiesta Grande. *KNX -Dr. Harold Fisher. *KE('A -News.

Hfl.J. KGB. KFXM -Orgue Melodies.

AFOX -Radin Club. HFSD- Symphmutts. RIME-Income Tax.

10:30*AFI- Inside the News, Cerreth Wells.

K N X-Svmphnnette. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing.

KEY-Sing, America. Sing. RMPC -Kenny (:cw,dman Oreh. KMTR -Rob Brooks. AGF.1 -Swing It. KGIL -Sang. Along the Trail. KFXM --One -Night Stand. RVOF. -1430 Club.

le :15 -AFC -Show Time. RE.('A- Freddie Martin Orris. K11.1-"So the Story Geed." RXLA -Organ Melodies.

*KFSD -News. *AFL KHJ -News. *ANN -Jim Wyatt.

AF,CA -Post Parade. Starlight Roof.

*HMI'(' -News, Aragon Ballroom.

KFWB- Eastslde Show. RXLA- Painted Pmt. KGFJ -Blue of Evening.

*KC,F.R -News. Club Moderne. KFXM -Dance Orch. RFSD- Music.

11:13 -,KFI- Taylor -Made Melodies. Post Parade.

ANN -Bob ('rushy Orch. KHJ, KGB -Pesi Amer Orch. KEC.t- Carlos Molina Orch.

11 :30-K -Thoth- With an Appeal. K ' 'fanny Strand Orch. K swing Soiree. El t :B -Ramas Orch. AJ -Four Tones. KNi..l- Bandstand Revue.

*KF %I)- Newsical, 'tit 1 a.m. KFXM -Masterworks.

11 :45-KECA-Club Morocco. EFT- Musical Interlude.

*KH.1. KGB, RVOE -News. KM PT-C. P. Johnson Orch.

11:55*KFI, KECA, KNN, HFSD - News.


THURSDAY, MARCH 7 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

&F1, KFSD -Fred Waring. 8 KNX-Johnny Murray. KECA -Don McNeill''

Breakfast Club. *KHJ. KGB, EVOE -Cecil

Brown. *KMPC. KXLA -News. *KFR B- Inside Story. *KMTR -News. Western Stars.

KGFJ -Concert Past Ale. EWKW- Pan- American


KRKD, 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRHD, KFOX -Haven of Rest.

KFAC -Country Church. REVD- Cllffy Stone. KFXM -Sunshine Service.

*REEK -News, Sister 5:19--KNX-Valiant Lady.

*KILN, KGB- Frazier Hunt. KMI'C- Market Reports,

Sports, KFWB -Melo- Tunes. HWKW -Olga Graves. HGER- Mizpah. HVOE -Bing Crosby.

8:30- Kn -Dr. Paul. KNX.-Light of the World. KHJ, KGB, KNOE -Take It

Easy. for You.

KMTR- Christ Church Fixity. RXLA -B s. a tist Brother

*KRKD. KFSD, KFAC -News. *KWKW - Neu s, Morning

Devotions. HFXM -Take It Easy.

3:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Harum. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

Victor Lindlahr. *KEWB -Newe.

KFAC-Show Time. KMU- Vocal Favorites. KWHW-Rings of Healing. HGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *KFI, KGFJ, EGER -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*RAJ. KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- Lyyle Van. News.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Your California

Home. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KlTTR -New,, Moments with God.

KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. HWKW -Voice of China. RXLA, KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KFSD -Voice of a Nation.

9:05 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson. 2:19 -KGFJ -Louis Katzman

Presents. 9:15 -KFI- Especially for Yon.

KNX-Big Sister. KHJ. KGB. RFS.., KV0E-

Morton Downey. KMPC -Woman's Exchange. KFWB-Dick Haynes. KFAC -Noire of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead. KRKW -Frank Sinatra.

*K FY D -News. HGER -Cheerful Chat.

*RFSD -Larry Smith. 9:30*KFI, HFWB, KFAC -News.

HNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

RAJ -Time Out. K.J ('A- Breneman's Breakfast

in Holly wood. KNIPC-Perry Como. KMTR -BIhle Treasury Hour.

*KWKW-Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. KGER -Radio Revisal. KFVD -Show Tunes. KC,B- Three -Quarter Time. KVOF Shady Valley Folk. AFX.If- Family Almanac. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9 :40-K Fl- Reserce. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KH.1- Mystery Chef. KMPC -Three Suns. KFWB- Morning Melodies. R.MTR -Just Relax. KFAC-Music. RFVD -Here Comes Parade.

*A RR D -News. KWKW- Wayside House. KGB -Molly Morse. BFN:M- Melody Roundup. KFSD- Maggi's Private Wire.

111:55 -KFW B -11oretta.

10 -KFI, KFSD- Standard School Broadcast.

KNX-Life Can Be Beautiful. *KECA -Home Edition. *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M. KVOE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KMTR -News. Music Hall.

KF'RB -('hef Milani. *KMTR. KGER, HI-ON-News.

KGFJ- Racing News. KXLA -Red Murrel. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KRRD- Battle of Baritones. KWKW- Racing Lineup.

I0:05 -HGER -Jack Neville. 10:15- KNX -Ma Perkins,

KHJ. KGB- Nick's Oddities. KECA-Ted Malone. KMTR-King's Men.

*KXLA-Nest s. KGFJ- Serenade for You. KRKD-Talk, Music. KWKW-Western Serenade. KGER- Kingdom Within. HFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Magazine.

ANN -Young Dr. Malone. KECA-My True Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, &V'OE-

The Mountaineers. *KFW B -News.

R.MTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KGFJ-Upbeat Session.

*KFAC -News. Rations. KX'.:V- Woman's World.

*K`- News. Symphonic Strings.

A. Dion Rescue Mission. KGE,t- Sunshine Pastor. AFSD -Do You Know Ans?

10:45 -KF7, KFSD -Art Baker. ANX -Road of Life. KHJ. KGB. KIAM, RVOE-

.lohn J. Anthony. KMPI' -Home Chats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KFAC -Pan Americana. KRHD- Midnight Mission. KFOX- Hebrew Christian

Hour. 10:55 *KECA -News. Betty ('rocker.

11". KFSD -Guiding Light. KNX-Second Mrs. Burton.

*KECA- Baukhage Talking. KHJ -30 Seconds to Go.

*KMPC -News. Music Hall. KEW II-Al Jarvis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Talbot. KFAC -Music for You. KGFJ- Stylings in Blue.

*HEM cert. KXLA-Easy Listening. KWKW- Moment of Melody.

*KFXM, RVOE- Cedric Foster. KFOX- Thoma' Baird. KGB -Bosh Pritchard.

11:15 -KFI. KFSD- Today's Chil- dren. Betty ('rocker.

KNX-Perry Mason. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB -Hymns You Love.

KFAC -Music for You. KF D- Musical Revue. KGER-R. B. Hammond. KFX.M -Song to Remember. EV'OE-Treasury Salute.

11:30 -KFI. KFSD- Woman in White.

K N X- Rosemary. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

Queen for a Day. KECA- listening l'osi. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*KRRD. RX1.A. KFOX -Ness. RFV 11- Violet Schram.

*KWKW -News. Instru- melodies,

11:45 -KF 1- Masquerade. KNX -Tema and Tim. KECA- Foster May. KFAC-Piano Gems. KR KW-Classified. KRKD-Vocal Varieties. KXLA-Hank Penny.

*RFSD -- -Neal.

12 12-Farm Reporter. KNX-You're in the Act. RECA -Al Pearce & Gang.

*KH,I- Broadway News. *KMI'C -News, Hemingway.

KFWB -AI Janis. *KMTR -News, Music.

KWKW -Blue Room. KNLA- Dinner Bell Roundup.

*K G F.I- Neas. KRHD- Prairie Schooner. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. RFS l)- Fditor of the Air KFSD -Woman of America.

*KGER. KGB, RVOE -News. KFXM- Hawaiian Harmonies.

12:OS -KGER -Out of Bandbox. 12:1O- KGFJ- Aeybnard Marie. 12:15 -K11. RFSD -Ma Perkins.

KHJ- Johnson Family. *KMPC- Norman Nesbitt.

HMI-Luncheon Music. *KFOX. KFXM -News.

KGB. RV'OE -Fun with Music. 15:30 -RF'1. RFSD -Pepper Young's

Family. ANX- Bnrritt Wheeler. KECA- Ladies, Be Seated.


MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Monday Through Friday

KHJ KHJ -Mild and Mellow. KMPC- Bridge Club.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Tex Tyler.

*KWKW -News. Varieties. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KFV'D- Violet Schram. KXLA- Painted Post. RFOX- Popular Parade. KFXM -Farm Front. KGB- Remember. KVOE- Melody Lane.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llehtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.


8:00. --Fred Waring, RP7. 8:00 -Johnny Murray, KNX. 8:n0-- Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:30- Breneman'a Breakfast.

KECA. 10:00 -Chef Milani, KEW S. 11:30 -Queen for a Day. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

EFT. 6 :00 -Music Hall, AFT. 6:30 -Bob Burns, HIT. 6:30 -Hobby Lobby. KNX. 7:00 -Abbott & Costello. KFI, :30- Here's Morgan. RECA.

8:00 -Supper Club. KFI. 8:30 -Burns d Allen. KM. 9:00 -Dinah Shore, KFI.

Quiz Programs

0:30- Detect & Collect. RECA. 9:30 -Noah Webster Says, EFI.


7:00 --- Island Venture. KNIE. 8:00- Famncs Radio Players,

KHJ. 1:30- Rogues Gallery, KHJ. 9:00 -Suspense. KNX.

Outstanding Music

4 :00-Musical Masterpieces, KFAC.

6:00 -Andre Kostelanetz. KNX. 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Miniature Concert. KFAC. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newslcel. KFVD. 10:00 -Fastaide Show, KFWB.

Public d f fairs

2;00- School of the Air, KNX. 8:30 -Town Meeting. KECA, 9:30 -Citizens Forum. KNX.

10:15 -Mayor Fletcher Bowron, KFI.

Sports -Comment

1n:00 -Race Lineup, KRKR .

10:00-Racinq. KGFJ. 5 :15 -Belle Martell, KMTR. 5:45 -Race Results. ERR). 6:00 -Hobby Hours, RECA. 6:30 -Santa Anita. KMPC. 9:30- Inside of Sports. KHJ. 9:45-Sports Parade. KIN B.

15:45 -KFf, KIND -Right to Happiness.

K N N-Bachelor's Children. KMI'(' -Easy Rhythm. KXLA- Cnisersity of Cali-

fornia, *KFAC' -News.

KG1 R- (.ardrn School. ALCM- Fashions in Musk. KGB -This Is Music. KVOC This Day of Peace. KFOX- flatter Pantry.

1 KFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife, KNX -G. E. House l'arty. K ECA -Jack Bergh Show. KHJ -Frolics. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KMI'C News, Bolero Time. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KC, FJ- Intermission.

*KMTR, KFVD. KGER -News. KW KW- Varieties. KXLA- Community Broad-

casters. KVOE -Radin Tour. KFXM- Sagebrush Serenade. KFOX- Graeme Fletcher.

* K1.14- Cedric Foster. 1:15 -KFI, KFSD- Stella Dallas.

RECA -Rob Nichols. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads Bible. KMTR -Luncheon Dance. RFVI) -Monda in Music. KWHW- Melody Time. KXLA- .V.C.A. Reporter.

KGER -Charlie Spivak Orch. KGB. KFXXM, RV OE -John-

son Family. I:25 *RNX -News. 1 :30 --KFI, KFSD -Lorenzo Jones.

ANN- Evelyn Winters. *KECA. KRKD -News.

KHJ -This Changing World. RMI'(' -Bill Bryan. KMTR -Dance Time. RFIT)- Hawaiian. KGFJ -Among My Souvenirs.

*KXT.A- Listeners Digest. *KW KW-News, Musical

Memories. KFON -I(al McIntyre Oreh. KGB, KFN1M- Melody Hour. KVOE -Meet a Friend.

1 :15 -KFL RI-SD-Young Widder Brown.

KNX -One for the Book. KR.1 -Tello -test. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches. KMPC- Fashion Forum. KXLA- Afternoon Varieties. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KFVD- Vocal Varieties. KVOE- Melody Hour.

2 -KFI, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX-School of the Air. RH.). KGB, KFX-M, HVOE-

Zeke Manners. KECA- What's Doing. Ladies. K FWB-Al Jars is.

*KMPC -News. Record Room. *KMTR -News, Latin Legato.

KFAC-Memory Musicale. KGFJ -Town ('vier. K RRD -C. S. Employment.


2 P. M., Thursday

KXLA EXZA -Road to Success. KWKW-Club 1430. KFVD- Timely Tunes. HGER -Long Beach Band,

2:15 -KFI, KFSD -Portia Faces Life.

KH,I. KGB, KVOE -Smile Time.

KXLA -Top Tune Time. ERKD- Concert Melodies. E FON- Public Bulletin. KFXM -You Were There.

2:25- KE('A- Norman Nesbitt. 5:30 -KFI, KFSD -.lust Plain Bill.

KNX-Meet the Missus. *Kt:CA -John B. Kennedy.

KHJ. KGB. KVOE -Bill Cm inn Show.

Kt WB -Three Men on Mike.

KMTR -Meet the Band. *KRKD-Ness s, Music.

RN-LA-Vocal Varieties. *KWHW -News. Club 1430.

KFNM- Devotions. Music. KFY)X -Songs of the West. HGER -Between the lines.

1:40 -K6ER -Long Beach Band. °:15 -KFI. KFSD -Front Page

Farrell. AEC A-Holly wood Spotlight. KRKD-Pan Americana.

*En D -News.

3 RFT -Road of Life. kNX- Iturritt RE( A -Bride and Groom. * SHJ, RFX11. KXLA -News.

*KM PC-New s. Retard Room. *Kra B -News, Melody

Matinee. *RMTR -News, Win Morro,

}MAC-Famous Musical Easorites.

REVD- Popular Fasorites. RGFJ- Jackpot. KItKI)- Matinee Melodies.

*RGER -NeSV, Ender Blue Skies.

KWHW -Swing Session. KFOX- George C. Higldey.

*HFSD -News. KVOE -True Confessions.

3:15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan. M.D. KHJ-Ftappy Homes, Norma

Young. HXLA -Juke Box Matinee. HFX.M -Dr. Lovell. KGB -Man About Town. RGER -Take It Easy Time. HFSD -Road of Life.

3 :30 -KSI, HFSD -Aunt Mary. KNX-Song Shop. EEC A- Frances Scully. KFWB-Organ Memories.

*KRHD -News Headlines. HFOX- Hollywood Salon. KFXM- Busmess Bee' tiles. KGB -Art Baker. HVOE -Red Cross.

3:36. KRHD- :Music. 3 : *K X -World Today. News.

EH.). KGB, KFXSI, KV'OE- Elsa Maxwell.

KECA- Constance Bennett. RFWB- Teatime Melodies. KWKVT-Combo Time. RFAC -Casa ('neat. REVD-Rhumba. KFSD -Dr. Paul. 4 -KFl, HFSD -This Woman's

Secret. KNX -Gene Baker.

*KECA- Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM. HVOE-

Fulton J. Lewis. Jr. *KMP(' -News, Jerry Sears.

K \LA -Juke Box ,Matinee. *KMTR -News, Races.

RFAC -Musical Masterpieces. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRHD -Piano Painting. HFVD -Piano Selections. KWKW- Reflections in Music.

*RGER -News. Helene Smith. *KFOX -News.

:IS -RFT -Sones and a Star. *HNX -News. Mutate.

HVOFr *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, Rex Miller.

*KECA- Ray mood a dr m Swing

HFWB -ì pe KMPC -Ted Steele.

#HFSD, EFVD- News. KRHD- Moslriend Quiz.

:311-KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Mr. Keene.

*EEC A- .lunius Pierce. HMI. KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Erskine Johnson. RMPC -Sammy Raye. KGFJ- Air -o- tortala.

Orchestre du Jour. KRHD -Tuxes of the Day. KR KW-1 oral Varieties. HEY D-90-90 Club. grox -Old Age Pensions. RGER- Junior Town Meeting.

4 :4S*KF WB- New''. 4:4S- KECA -Hop Harrigan.

KHJ-Calendar of Tomorrow. IMMPC- Twilight Tales. KFWR- Restern Stars. !MAW-Today at the Races.

*KRHD -News. AFV'D- Esteeing Serenade. KGB-Songs of fraise. KFXM- Musical Cocktail.

ais. K% OE- Auction RFSD- Treasury Salute. HFOX- Recital.

S *KFl- Edward Jorgenson. *KNX -MaJor Rous Manning.

KECA -Terry and the Pirates. *KHJ. KFXM. KV'OE -News. *KMPC -News, Teen & Twenty. *KMTR -New', Sunset

Rhythms. KFAC- Moments in Music. HWKW- Italian Melodies. REVD- Bostick Sundown

Roundup. AGF.1 -Java at S. ERHD -Songs of the Saddle. KXZ.A -Juke Box Matinee. KGB -Casa Cagat.

*RGER -News. Music. RFSD- Anniversary Date.

11:15 *KSI. KF'D. RFAC News. KNX- Through a Woman's

Eyes. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ. KGB, KFX.M. KV 0E-

Su perms n. IESITR -Belle Martell. Sports. KGER -Heroes of Merchant

Marine. 5 :30 *RSI -Voiee of a Nation.

*KC EA-J k Flannery.

r .

RADIO LIFE PAGE21 THURSDAY LOGS KGB -Acme of Song. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *RGER - yew's, Musical

Roundup. 10:1.5 -K11 -Mayor Boo -ron.

*KNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling KHJ, KGB. KF-XWF. KVOE-

Harry James Orchestra. #KECA -Nws.

KFSD-Mayor Knox. 10 :30 *KSI- Carceth Wells. Inside

the News. KNX-Sports. KH./ -Sins. America. Sing.

*KECA- Raymond Gram Swing KMPC- Charlie Soh ak Oreh. KMTR -Bob Brooke. KXLA- Mugir. KF\M- Jalopy Jamboree. KGF.1 -Swing It. RFSD -Salon Music. KVOE -1490 Club.

10 :43 -KFI -Show Time. KNX-Gayle and Charier. RAJ-So the Story Goes. KECA- Freddie Martin Oreh. KMTR -Voice of the Army. KXLA -Thru the Veers. KGB-- 4)rgan Melodies.

*REND- News. 4 *HST. HMI-News. *KS \-Jim Wyatt.

KECA -Post Parade. Star- light Roof.

*KM P(' -News, Aragon Ball- room.

K XLA- Painted Post. XFWR -East side Show.

*RMTR -News. Win Morro. Kt:F.I -Blue of

Es ing RFA(' -Lucky Lag er Dance Time.

RFSD -Biltmore Orchestra. KFXM. KGB-Organ Melodies.

*RGER -News. Club Moderne. 11:15 KÁ

. KFXM, KGB-D. Arnas Orchestra.

KECA -Carl ne Molina Oreh. 11:Z0-RNX -Rob Crosby Orch. 11:30 -K Fl- Melodies by Mitchell.

KNX-Al Dnnatlue Oreh. KHJ. KGB-Bobby Ramos

Orchestra. KECA- Swing Soiree. KMPC -Folic Tones. RX1.A- Bandstand Revue.

*p;FV D- Newslcal, 'til 1 a.m. KFXM- Masterworks of

Music. RFSD -St. Francis Orch.

I1:4S *RSSIPC- . R e 1 Johnson Orch.

11:SS *KSI. RECA. KNX. HFSD - News.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, K5 OF; Captain Midnight.

RMTR -Irwin Allen. RGFJ -Race Recap. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. ERHD -South Sea Serenade. KXLA- Future Pianists. REND- Tropical Moods.

5:13 *KEl, KIND-Elmer Peterson. *RN \, KECA -News.

HHJ, KGB. KF XM, KV'OE- Adaentures of Tom Mix.

KM PC-Top Tunes. *KMTR -H. Louis Flatau.

K XI. A- Rhumba Time. RGFJ -Show Time. KRRD -Race Results. RGER -Dan Dunn.

5:SS *KNX -Bill Henry. AFI, HFSD u -Msic Hall.

6 HNX -Andre Kostelanetz.

KFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box. ENEA -Music for Millions. KRHD -Do You Know? KFOX- Longshoremen's

Dispatch. 7:45 -KECA -George "the Real"

McCoy. *IC VAC. KFOX -News.

KFN'Il -Guy Lombardo Orch.

8 RFI, HFSD -Supper Club. KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KE('A A Abner.

POW 000,0100,010 11LOwOlóít Atoo/P/'r¡r

KECA -Hobby Hours. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HIVE-

Gabriel Heatter. *HSMP(. KERB, RFOX -News. *RMTR -News, Tomasso

Ensemble. H(:F.I- Musical Digest. 'tie

8 p.m.


6:00 P. M., Thursday

KXLA KXLA-Hello Tomorrow. KRKD-Early Doucette.

*RGER -News. Victorious Life. 6 :1 S-K F'(' A -Retri but ion.

RH.), KGB -Real Life Stories. *KM PC-Paramount News. *KEN B -John R. Hughes.

HXLA- Technocracy. KFOX -Sacred Program. KFXM- Treasury Salute. KV'OE- Remember.

8:36 -KFl. RFSD -Bob Burns. KNX -Hobby Lobby. HMI. KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

Treasure Hour of Song. RECA- Detect and Collect. KMPC-Santa Anita. RFWB- America Dances. HFAC- Academy of Music. KXLA -Help Wanted.

*RMTR- A.erill Berman. KRRD -Show Tunes. ETON -Hors Memory Roost.

:45- KRHD -Hollywood Tune- smiths.

HXLA -Inside Facts. RGER -King's Sera ice.

6:S5-RECA- Chester Morrison. 7 -11FI, HFSD- Abbott and

Costello. KNX-Island Venture. HEC'A- Curtain Time.

FINE. TO\ IG111'., I 7

('( )\('Ii12T IN Nl I N I Vl t' 121(

K FA( 1330 ON l'Or 12 I.

HFAC- Concert in Miniature. EH.). KGB. KV 0E-Sou

Make the News. *KM I'l'- Nen's. Dinner Dance.

RGFJ- Musical Digest. *KMTR. KRRD. RGER -News.

KXLA -Dinner Music. HFOX- Gospel Songs.

7:05 -KGER -Dr. Fagan. :15- KMTR -W. B. Record.

*KXI.A -News. KRRD- Three -Quarter Time, KFXM -Yours Very Truly. KFOX- Fishing Pals.

7 :30 -KSI. KFSD-Drene Show. KS X- Powder BON Theater. RECA- Here's Morgan. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. *KERB- i'eter de Lima.

EMIR -Dr. Clem Dailies.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Famous Radio Players.

*KM PC. KMTR, RGER -News. *KFR R --John Delver.

RFA('- Esening Concert. KXLA- Musical Masterpieces. K(:FJ- ('oncert Encore.

8:15 *KSI. HFSD- Fleetwtod Lawton.

KNX -Jack Smith Show. *KECA -Earl Godwin.

KMPC -Ozie Waters. KFWB -Kenny Baker. KXLA-Charles Ham n. KGER- Singing Cabby.

8:30 -K FL KFSD -Burns and Allen KNX -FBI in Peace, War. KHJ, KGB. RFXM, KV0E-

Rogue's Gallery. RECA-Town Meeting of

the Air. KMPC -Music Supreme.

*KrW II- News. KMTR -What America Is

Playing. K2:FJ- Dancing Rhythms. KXI..V -9ith Street Corral. KEON -Judge P. E. Gardner.

8:15 -KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KMTR -Hasten the Day. RGER- Treasury Salute.

8:55 *KNX- ('arroll Alcott.

9 HEI, HFSD -Dinah Shore. KNX- Suspense.

*KH.i, KGB. KFXM, KV 0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KM P(' -News. Sports. *KF t% -Peter de (.ima. *KM'rR -News, Concert Master

KXLA- Consolidated Rotel. RGFJ -Saludos Amigos.

*KC.F.R -News. Music. 9:15 -RH.). KGB. KFXM. KIOE-

James Crowley. KM PC-Johnny Jonson. KFWB- Stroliin' Tom.

9:30 -KFI, KFSD-Noah Webster Says.

CITIZENS FOR UM .rarlhng half hour discussion by (red -

a authorities on problems .Hectinq ..eryone. A "must" for good citizens.


7A 2"/0 AVAL 10Ir Al A'l[ THURSDAYS KNX 9:30 P. M.

KNX- Citizens' Forum. KECA- Mystery House. KHJ, KGB. RINM. KV 0E-

Inside of Snorts. KMPC -Man With a Band.

*K114E- Nea -s. *KSITR -Sem Baiter.

HXLA- County Barn Dance. 9:15 *K FWD- Sports Parade.

*EMI. KV'OE, KFXM- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

AMP(' -Barber Shop Quartet.

1 0 *KSI HFSD -The Reporter. *KN\ -('het Huntley. *KHJ, EVOE -News.

KECA -Relax with Cal Tianey.

*K pews, Rhythm Roundup.

*KMTR -News. Music. *KFV1)- Newsicah for 3 Hrs.

Ki.l.f. KXLA -Western. KrNM- Welcome to Melody.


Every Night Except Sunday

ICFWB HERB- Eastside Show.

MELTON ALBUM So successful was James

Melton's recent experiment of singing popular songs transposed to his tenor range on his CBS "Star Theater" afrahow that he is going to cut an album for Victor of all baritone songs. including "Road to Manda- lay," "Old Man River" and

"Without a Song."


TAILOR'S DESPAIR Howard Petri e, six-foot-

four announcer of the CBS "Blondie" show says he's re- ferred to as the "Tailor's Despair." He says that cloth- iers must conform to ceiling prices and they always lose money on account of the five yards of cloth required to cover Howard's huge frame.

THE QUICK WAY Conrad Binyon who plays

"Hank" on "One Man's Fam- ily" set foot in, his first radio studio just one week before he got that part. That was back In 1940 and since then Conrad and "flank" have been growing up to- gether.

FRIDAY, MARCH 8 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

S-RFI, RFSD -Fred Raring. KNX- Johnny Murray. KECK -Don McNeal Break-

feet Club. *HHJ, KGB, HVOE -Cecil

Brown. * RSIPC. KXLA -Newa. *KFWB- inside Story. *KMTR -News, Western Stars.

RGFJ- {bncert Pastelle. KRKD. KFOX -Dr. Talbot. KFAC-.Country Church. HRBW -Pan :erlcan

Mission. KFVD- Cliffy Stone.

*HGER -News, Sister Sylria. KFXM -Songs of Praise.

111:15 -KNX- Valiant Lady. *RAJ. KGB- Frasier Hunt.

H-MPC- Market Reports, Sports.

KFW B- Melo-Tunes. KWKW -Olga Graves. HGER- Slizpah. KFXM- Sunshine Service. HIDE-Bing Crosby,

11:38- 11FI -Dr. Paul. KNX-Light of the World. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Take It Easy. KM PC-Don Otis. KMTR- (brist Church Unity.

-*KFAC, KF'it -News.

KXLA, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KXLA -Haven of Rest. *KWKW -News. Morning

Devotions. *KRKD -News. Music.

KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. 8:45 -KFI, RFSD -Darid Harum.

K-vX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Iirtor Lindlahr. *HF WB -News.

KFAC -Show Time. Kt-VD-Vocal Favorites. KWKW -Wings of Healing. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *HFI, RGFJ -News. S_\T -Hate Smith.

*HH.L KGB. KFXM, )1VOE- Lyle Van. News.

RECA- Glamor Manor. *RMPC -News, Your California

Home. KF%%B- Health Talk.

*HMTR -News, Church Views News,

RATED-Sagebrush Serenade. KVKW -Voice nf China. KXLA, RFVD-Walte Time. KFOX -Rev. Earl hie.

*KGER -News, Music. RFSD -Voice of Nation.

9:06KFT- Edward Jorgenson. Comment.

9:10 -KGF.I -Nat ahilkret Presents. 9:15 -KFI- Especially for You.


L L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G. Ph.D., F.R.S.A. ( London )


Every morning -Mon. thru Frl. KFAC at 9:15

HFAC -S olce of Health. KNX -Big Sister. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV(lE-

Morton Downey. LSll'C- Woman's Exchange. KF't(B -Dick Haymes. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*RFVD -Nell s. KWKW -Song Parade. RGER- Cheerful Chat.

*KFSD -Larry Smith. 8:30 *HFI, KFWB, KFAC, KWKW

-News. KNX- Romance of Helen

Trent. KHJ-Time Out. KF.CA- Breneman's Break-

fast in Holly wnod. KMPC,-Perry Como. KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. RGFJ -Open Album. KFVD -Show Tunes.

KGB- Serenading You. KFXM- Family Almanac. KVOF Shady Valley Folk. KGER -Radio Revival, RFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:40-KFI-Living in Hollywood. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. RITJ-Mystery Chef. KM PC -Three Suns. KFR -B- Morning Melodies. KMTR-Just Relax. RFAC- Musical Comedy.

*FRED -News. KFZ-D -Here Comes Parade. KWKW- Wayside House. HGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Mollie Morse. RFXST- Melody Roundup. RFSD- Staggi's Private Wire.

9:55 -K FWB- Floretto.

1A -1EFI, RFSD- Tillamook Kitchen.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KY0E-

News, Glenn Hardy. *RECA -Home Edition. *RSiPC -News. Music Hall.

'WEB-Chef Milani. *KMTR, KFOX. KGER-News.

RGFJ- Racing News. RFAC -Midmorning Serenade. KRKD-Battle of Baritone*. KXLA -Red Murrel. KWKW -Race lineup. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

111:05-RGER -Jack Neville. 10:13 -AFT -What Do You Say.

KNX -Ma Perkins. RECA -Ted Malone.

KHJ -Round Towner. KMTR- Ring's Men. RGFJ- Serenade for You.

*KXLA -News. KWKW- Western Serenade. KRKD -Talk. RFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. RC,F.R- Kingdom Within. RFSD -Hessen- F.arth Club. KGB. KFXSI, RVOF Lonch-

eon With Lopez. 10:30 -BFI- Hollywood Fan

Magazine. ANN -young Dr. Malone. KECA -My True Story. HMI, KGB, KFNM, RVOE-

The Mountaineers. *AF\SB -News.

KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. KGF.1- Tpheat Session.

*KFAC -News. Rations. KPID -Union Rescue Mission. KXLA-Woman's World.

*KWKW -News. Symphonic Strings.

HGER- Sunshine Pastor. RFSD -Do Von Know the

Answer? 10:45*KFI. RFSD -Art Baker.

HNX -Road of Life. SA.1, KGB. KFXSI, KY0E-

.lohh J. Anthony. KMPC -Home Chats. RYA-Ft-Science of Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. KFAC- Pan -Americans. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX- Hebrew Christian


10:55 *RECA -News, Betty Crocker.

11 HFIe RFSD- Guiding Light. KNX- Second Sirs. Burton.

*KECA-Baukhage Talking. *RAJ, KFSSI, KVOE- Cedric

Foster. *KMP(' -News, Music Hall.

KFWB-Al Jarvis. *RSITR -News. Dr. Talbot.

KFAC--Music for You. KXLA -Easy Listening. RGFJ- Stylings in Blue. KRKD -Light Concert.

*KFVD. KGER-News. KWKW-Moments of Melody. KFOX -Thomas Baird. KGB -Bosh Pritchard.

11:15 -11FI, RFSD -Today's Chil- dren. Betty Crocker.

KNX -Perry Mason. RECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB -Hymns You Lore. RFSD- Musical Reeve. KFOX Spotlight Bands. KFXSI -Song to Remember. HVOE- Rhythm Time. HGER -R. R. Hammond.

11:30-KFI. KFSD -Woman in White.

KNX- Rosemary. RAJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Queen for a I)ay. SECA- Listening Post. KMTR-Songs to Remember.

*KRKD, KXLA, KFOS -News. KFVD- Violet Schram.

*KWKW -News. Instru- melodies.

11:45 -KFI- Masquerade. KNX -Tens and Tim. KECA- Foster May. KSIPC- Musical Mile. KFAC -Piano Gems. K WK W- Classified. KRKD -Vocal Varieties. TEX-LA-Hank Penny.

*RFSD -News.

12- KFI-Farm Reporter. KNX- You're in the Act. RECA -Al Pearce L Gang.

*RAJ -Broadway News. * KSIP(', KGB. KVOE -News. KFWB -AI Jars is.

*R.MTR -News. Music. KFAC-Luncheon Concert. KFVD- Editor nf the Air. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. KWKW' -Bine Room. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

*KC,FJ -News. *KGER-Newa, Out of the

Bandbox. KFXM-Dance Music. RFSD- Roman of America.

12:10 -KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. 12:15 -AFI, RFSD -Ma Perkins.

RAJ-Johnson Family. *RSiPC-Norman Nesbitt.

KFVD -Luncheon Music. *RFOX, KFXM -News.

KGB -Trading Post. TEN OE -Tic Tor Time.

12:30 -AFT, KIND- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Burritt Wheeler. KECA- Ladles, Be Seated. KMPC- Bridge Club, Johnson.

*HFAVR -News. KMTR -Tex Tyler. KGF./ -Easy Rhythm. KXLA- Painted Poet. * KWKW -News, Varieties. KFOX- Popular Parade. KGB- Remember?

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in

Evening Progra Variety

Lightface Ttpe: Afternoon and ms in Boldface.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Race Lineup. KR'Ac4. 4:00 -Races, KMTR. 5:30 -Race Results. RGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results, KRKD. 6:30 -Santa Anita, RSiPC. 7:00 -Cavalcade of Sports,

RECA. 7:30 -Bill Stern. KFI. 7:30- Sports Page. RECA. 9:30- Inside of Sports. KHJ.

10:00 -Legion Fights, KMI'C.

Drama 6:30 -The Sheriff, RECA. 7:00 -Mystery Theater, KFi. 9:00 -Aldrich Family. KNX. 9:30 -The Haunting Hour. KFI.

Outstanding .11 usic 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

8:00 -Fred Waring, KFI. a:00-Johnny Murray. KNX. 8:00 -Breakfast Club, RECA. 9:30 -Breneman's Breakfast.

RECA. 10:00 -Chef :Mutant. KFWB. 11:30- -Queen for a Day. KFtJ.

3:45 -Elsa Maxwell, KHJ. 4:00 -Easy Ares, ENX. 4:30 -Art Faker's Notebook,

REI. 6:00 -People Are Funny, KFI. 6:00 -Holiday and Company,

RMN. 6:30 -Durante -Moore, KNX. 7:00 -Danny Kaye Show, HMS. 7:30 -Ma isle. KNX. 8:00 -Supper club, ¡CFI. 5:30 -tinny Simms, KNX. S:30- Duffy's Tavern, KFI. 9:00 -Alan Young Show, RECA. 9:30 -Kate Smith, KNX.

Public Affairs 1:i',- Background for Living,

KNX. 8:30 -Your F.B.I., RECA.

KF.1C. 6:00 -Musical Digest, RGFJ. ::00- Miniature Concert, KFAC. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Time, KFAC. 10:00- Newsical, RFVD. 10:00- Eastside Show, KFRB.


MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Monday Through Friday

KILT KHJ -Mild and Mellow. KFXM -Farm Front. RS 'OE- Melody Lane.

12:45 -BFI, RFSD -Right to Happiness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KM PC -Easy Rhythm. KFWB -AI Jarsia. REVD- Vinlet Schram.

*KFAC -News. KXLA- University of Calif. RFXM- Fachinns in Music. KGB. KIOE -Thin Is Musk. RGER- Garden School.

1-KFIKFI, RFSD -Backstage Wife. , E. House Party.

KECA -.lark Berch Show. KHJ-Frolics. KFWB -Al Jarvis. *ewe-News, Bolero Time.

*KMTR, RFVD, KGER-News. RGFJ- Intermission. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KWKW -Varieties. ENLA- Community Broad-

casters. * KGB- Cedric Foster. KVOE -Radio Tsar. KFXM- Sagebntsh Serenade. * HFOX- Graeme Fletcher.

1:05 -RGER- Helene Smith. 1:15-KFI. RFSD -Stella Dallas.

RECA -Boh Nichols. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads Bible, KII -A- Melody Matinee. KMTR- Luncheon Dance. KGB. KFXM, KIOE-

Johnson Family. RFVD -Moods in Music.

1:25 *KN?j -News. 1:30 -KFI, RFSD- Lorenzo Jones. KSN- Evelyn Winter.

*KE('A. KRKD -News. *RHJ -Tills ('hanging World.

KMPC -Rill Bryan. KMTR-Dance Time.

*RNLA- Listeners' Digest. *KWKW -News. Musical

Memoories. RC.F.T -Among My Souvenirs. RFVD- Hawaiian Music. KGB. KF'XM- Melody Hour. KFOX -Hal McIntyre Orch. RGER- American Challenge. HVOE -Meet a Friend.

1:45 -FFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

KNX- Background for Living. RECA -Hymns of All

Churches. KH.1 -Tello -Test. KMPC -Bing Crosby. KXLA- Afternoon Varieties. RRRD- Singing Waiters. RFVD- -Vocal Varieties. RFOX -Varieties. RVOE- Melody Hour.

2 -KFi. RFSD -When a Girl Marries.

ENX-School of the Air. KHJ, KGB, RFX.M, KS OE-

Zeke Manners. KECA- What's Dnta', Ladies!

*RMPC -News, Record Room. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*RSITR -News, Naar Recruit- ing.

HFAC- Memory Musicale, KXLA-Top Tune Time.. KGF.1 -Town Crier. KRKD -:Srmy Recruiting. KF1D- Timely Tunes. KWKW -Club 1430. RFOX -Organ Treasures. RGER -Long Reach Band.

2:15-KF . RFSD- Portia Faces Life.

RAJ. KGB, KVOE- S,nile Time.

KFOX -Public Bulletin. KRKD -Concert Melodies. KFXSi- O.P.A.

2:23 *KECA- Norman Nesbitt. 2:30 -REI. RFSD-.htat Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Miscue.

. *KM', KGB. KVOE-Bill Gwinn Show.

KFWB- Tltree Men on a Stike KMTR -Meet the Band. RXT.A -Vocal Varieties.

*KRRI/- News. Music. *KWKW -News, Club 1130.

KF \M -Dev Minns, Music. KFOX -Songs of the West. KGER- Between the Tines.

?:40 -KGER -Long Beach Rand. 2:15 -K1'1, KFSD- Front -Page

Farrell. RECA- Holywood Spotlight,

*KFVD -News. .


3 HFI -Road of Life. KNX- Burritt Wheeler. KECA- Bride and Groom.

*KHJ. HFSD. KFXM -News. *KM PC -News. Record Room. *KFWB -News, Melody

Matinee. *XXLA -News. * KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

RGFJ- Jackpot. HERD-Matinee Melodies. KWKW -Swing Session. KIND-Popular Facarites.

*HGER -News, Under Blue Skies.

KFOX -Marl et ies. KVOE-True Confessions.

3 :13 -KFI Niyce Jordan, M.D. KflJ -Happy Homes. Norma



MATINEE 3:15 -5:30 p.m.

KXLA Monday thru Friday

RXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KGL'R -Take It Easy Time. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KFX31 -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. HFSD -Bond of Life. KGB -Man About Town.

3:30 -HFI. HFSD -Aunt Mar.. FUNS-Jimmy Carroll Sings. KEC.i- Frances Scully. RFEB -Plano Reflections.

*KBE D.-News. Music. KWKW- American Jewish

Hour. HFI)X- Hollywood Salon. KFXM- Business Brevities. KGB -Know San Diego. KVOE-Red Cross.

3 :45 -KF1-Woman of America. *KNX -World Today, News.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Elsa Maxwell.

RECA- ('onstance Bennett. KM PC-Pa ramount Parade. KFWB -Teatime Melodies. RFAC -Casa Cugat. KFVD- Rhumba. KFSD -Dr. Paul. HFOX- Longshoremen's

Dispatch. News. 4 -KFi. KFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KIN X -Easy Aces. *KEC A-Headline Edition. *KHJ, KGB. KF11f. $VOE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. *R.MPC -News. Jerry Sears.

KNLA -Juke Box Matinee. KFWB- Wnmsn's Page.

* HMTR -News, Races. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRKD -Pisan Paintings. RFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*HGER, KFOX -News. KFVT) -Plano Melodies. HWKW- Reflections in Music.

4:0S- RGER -Take it Easy Time. 4:13 *KF7. RFSD -News of World.

RNX- Music. *R11.1. KGB. HFX.M, HVOE-

Rex Miller. * KECA- Raymond Gram Swing.

KFWB- Gospel sad Song. KMPC -Ted Steele.

*KFVD -News. KRKD- Mocieland Quiz.

4 :23*KNX -News. 4:30 -RFi -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Rally Langley. HR.!. KC.B. KFXM, KA "0E-

Erskine Johnson. *NECA- Junius Pierre.

KMPC -Your flame. H G F.1- A I r-o -t n r i a l s. Oreh a s-

tre du .)our. HRRD -Tunes of the Day. KFV D -90 -9n Club. KWRW -Vocal Varieties. KFOX- Old -Age Pensions. HFSD -Tunes for Today.

4 :40*KFWR -News. 4:43- -RFA'A -Hop Harrigan.

FNS -.lohn Laurent. RflJ- Calendar of Tomorrow. some-Modern Romances. KFWB- Western Stars. KWKW -Today at the Races.

*KRRD -News. KFV D-- Evening Serenade. KGB- Sousgs of Praise. KFXM- Musical Cocktail. KVOE- Auction Showcase.

S *HFi- Richard Harkness. *ENX -Maier Knox Manning.

SECA -Terry ¿ the Pirates.

*KHJ, KFXM. KV'OE -News. *KMPC -News. Teen & Twenty. *KMTR-News, Sunset

Rhythms. KWHW- Italian Melodies. KFAC -Moments in Music. SC.FJ -,lice at S. HRRD -Songs of the Saddle. RYA-TV-Bostick Sundown

Roundup. KNL.4 -Juke Box Matinee. KGB -Casa Curet.

*EWER-News. Music. HFSD -Anniversary Date,

5:15 *HFI, HFSD, KFAC -News. KNX- Through a Woman's

Eyes. KE('A -Dick Tracy. KHJ. KGB, KFX.M, HV0E-

Superman. HMTR -Show Tunes.

8:30 -HFT -Voice of a Nation. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

Captain Midnight. HMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Wlioa Bill Club. EX-LA -Fur Counselor. KC,F.1 -Race Recap. KR RD-South Sea Serenade.

*KFOX -News. *HGER -Navy News.

HFSD -Deadline Headlines. 8:45 *HFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson.


Adventures of Tom Mix. KMPC -Top Tunes.

*RMTR -K. Louis Flatau. EX-LA-Rhumba Time. HC.F.1 -Show Time. RRRD -Race Results. RGER- Mandrake. Magician. KFOX -Bal Tabarin.

II:53*ENX -Bill Henry. 6-1111, RFSD- renple Are

Funny. ENN- Holiday end Company. *Kill- r{C.B. EFXM, KV0E-

C ^.brie! Heatter. EEC 1 -The Lone Ranger. *T(pt -" (;1'R. KFOX -News.

*wv1 ̂ r_ -fens. Nesbitt. *EMT- -s, Tomasso

Fnsei''! KGF.t- ' 1,11 Digest. ERKD -F rly Dancette. RXLA -This Is Our Dut7.

:05- HGER- V "ictorlous Life. 6:1S -RH.1. KGB-Real Life Stories.

EF,gi=B- John a News.


Federated Women's Clubs

6:15 P. M., Friday

KXLA 1110 on Your Dial

RXLA- Federated Women's Clubs.

KFX.M- Treasury Salute. HVOE- Remember? HFOX- Miracles of Science.

6:30 -RFT. KFSD-Waltz Time. KNX- Durante and Moore.


SHERIFF Don't miss this entertaining half

hour wifit Sheriff Mark Chase and comical Cousin Cassie

KECA-6:30 P.M. FRI.

RECA -The Sheriff. EHJ. KGB. KFXM, K%OE-

Spotlight Bands. HM PC -Santa Anita. KFWB- "America Dances." KFAC-Academy of Music.

*HMTR -Averlil Berman. KXLA -Help Wanted. RRKD -Show Tunes. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:43 -KRKD- Hollywood Tune - smiths.

K.X-LA- Inside Facts. 6 :55-KECA-Chester Morrison.

HFI. KFSD-Mystery Theater. 7 KNX -Danny Haye Show. RECA- Cavalcade of Sports. EHJ, KGB. KFXSI, KVOE-

Henry J. Taylor.

*KMPC -News. Dinner Dance. *EMTR -News, Eventide





KFAC- Concert in Miniature. KGFJ- Musical Digest.

*SRKD -News. KXLA- Dinner Music. KFOX- Gospel Songs.

*HGER -News. Dr. Fagan. 7:13 -KH.J. KGB, EN 0E -Gart Trio

KMTR -W. B. Record. RRKD- Three -Quarter Time.

*H XLA -News. RFON- George Fisher.

7:30 *KFI, KFSD -Big Stern, Sports.

ENX- Maisle. KF.CA -Your American

Sports Page. 101.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Cisco Kid. *K}'Wlt -Peter de Lhpa.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Floretta's Jewel Bog. RRED -Do You Know? RXLA- Canine Corral. RGER -Ft. Wayne Gospel. KFOX- Longshoremen's

Dispatch. 7:13-KFJ- Cahhagee add Kings.

*RFAC, KFOX -News. KRRD- Father Vaughan. KFWB -Guy Lombardo Orch. KFSD -Speaker.

8 HFI, KFSD-Supper Club. RNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. RECA -Woody Herman Show. RHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Leave It to Mike. *KMPC. HMTR, RGER -News. *KFWiB -.John Dehner.

KFAC -Evening Concert. RGFJ -Concert Encore. RRKD -South Seas Serenade. RXLA -Musical Masterpieces. KFOX -Voice of the Army.



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30- 10:43 A. M. Monday through Friday

3:03 -EMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KGER-Aubrey Lee.

8:15 *HFI, HFSD -Fleetwood Lawton, Comment.

KNX -Jack Smith Show. KMPC -Oztie Waters. KFWB -Kenny Baker. RXLA- Charles Ramp.

6:30 -HF!, HFSD- Duffy's Tavern. KNS -Giant' Simms. RECA -Your F.B.I. HH.J, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Elaine Carrington Show. KMPC -Music Supreme.

*KFWB -News. HMTR -Basket hail. KC.F.1- Dancing Rhythm. RXLA -97th Street Corral. KFOX -P. E. Gardner. H RED-Merry-Go-Round-try.

R :4i ---KFW B- Warner Bros. Orch. 8:55 *KNX -News, Carroll Alcott.

9 RFT, HFSD -Night Editor. KNX- Aldrich Family. KECA -Alan Young Show.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KM PC-News. Sports. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News. Concert Master.

KXLA -Pee Wee Hunt Orch. KGF.I- Saludos Amigos. RRKD -Western Hit Parade. EFOX- Samuel M. Polin.

*EGER -News. Aubrey Lee. 9:15+HFI -Lafin Serenade.

*KILL KGB, KFX11, KVOE- Rex Miller.

RMPC- Johnny Johnson. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*KFOX -News. KFSD-Cited for Valor.

9:M -EFT -The Haunting Hour. KNX -Kate Smith Sings. RF.CA -Spade Cooley's


*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Inside of Sports.

KMIP(' -Man with a Band. *KFWB -News. *HMTR -Sam Baiter.

KXLA- County Barn Dance. KC.ER- Sunshins Pastor. HFSD -S. D. Talks It Over.

9:45*KH.J. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

RMPC- Barber Shop Quartet. *KFWB- Sports Parade.

9:53- KNX -Ona Munson.

10 N*HFI,

KFSD-The Reporter. *KX -Clot Huntley. *KHJ, KVOE. KGER -News. *KMPC -News. Legion Fights.

RECA -Relaz with Cal TTnney


lOTO12P.M. Every MO, :cent Sunday

KFWB KFWB -East side Show.

*HMTR -News. Texas Jirn Lewis.

EFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

*KFV D- New slcel. 3 Hours. KGF.J- Western Music. RRRD -Merry -Go-Round -rp KXLA- Western Hit Parade. KFOX -Radio Club. KFXM- Welcome to Melody. KGB -Inside Story.

10:05- HGER -Musical Roundup. 10:15 -AFT -Fiesta Grande.

*KNX -Dr. Harold Fisher. *KECA -News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Harry James' Orchestra.

KFSD -Concert Hall. 10:30*KFI- Carveth Wells, Inside

the News. KNX- Symphonette.

*RECA- Raymond Gram Swing KHJ -Sing. America, Sing. KMTR -Bob Brooks. KXLA-Music. KGFJ -Swing It. KGB. KFX31 -Henry King's

Orchestra. KVOE -1490 Club.

10 :4S -KF7 Show Time. KECA- Freddy Martin Oreh. KHJ -Sn the Story Goes.

*HFSD -News. ü *HFI, KHJ -News. *RNX -News. Jim Wyatt.

KECA -Post Parade, Startlght Roof.

*K ÌPC -o, Aragon

HFW II-East side Show. *KMTR-News. Win Morro.

RFAC -Luck? Lager Dance Time.

RGFJ -Blue of Evening. KXLA- Pasadena Civic.

*RGER -News, Club Moderne. EFXM, KGB -Organ Melodies KFSD-Dance Orchestra.

11:15 -BFI- Taylor -Made Melodies. KHI. KGB, KFXM -Deal

Areas Orchestra. RECA- Carlos Molina Orch.

11:20- -KNX -Bob Crosby Orchestra. 11:25 -BFI -Post Parade. 11:30 -KFI- Lawrence Welk Orch.

RNX -Al Donahue Orch. YMCA-Swing Soiree. KHJ. KGB -Bobby Ramos

Orchestra. KM PC-Four Tones. KXLA -Club Royale. KFVB- Newsical, 'tll 1 a.m. KFNM- Masterworks.

11:45 *KH.J. KGB. KVOE-News. RFCA -Club Morocco Orch. KMPC -C. P, Johnson Orch.

11:55 *KFT. RECA, KNX, KFSD- News.

MAGICIAN Johnny Coons, who plays

"(Chuck R a m s e y," young lieutenant f r i e n d of KHJ. Mutual Don Lee's "Captain Midnight," is quite taken of late with the art of sleight - of -hand ... and startles fel- low castm embers at re- hearsal by making coins vanish and reappear.

SATURDAY, MARCH 9 *Indicetes News Broadcasts.

KFI- Reserve. *KNX -News, by Sweeney.

KECA -Treasury Salute. *KHJ -News Commentary.

K FW B -Mello -Tunes *H :4PC, HXLA -News. *KMTR -News, Western Stars.

KFAC -Country Church. KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. KWKW -Azusa Misston. KIND- Cliffy Stone. KGB. KVOE -Horn's

a- Krackln'. *KGER -News. Sister Srlvia.

RFX.M- Sunshine Sersice.

KRKD, 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

EKED, KFOX -Haven of Rest KFND- Saturday Swing s:05-KNX-Let's Pretend. 8:15 -KF f- Reserve

K H.1 -W a xsh op. KECA -1l ira ndy. *KMPC- Market Report. Sports HFWB- Musical Bouquet. B1VKW- Morning Melodies. HXLA -Sweet & Hot. KGER- Mizpah.

$:30 -KFI, RFSD- Smllin' Ed McConnell.

KNX- Billie Burke. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Land of the lost. KECA -Wake Up and Smile. KM PC-Girl Scouts. KNTR- Christ Church Unity.

*KWKW. KFAC -News. *KRKD-News, Music KFOX- Children's Bible Hour. $:45- KMPC -Jr. Army on March.

*KFWB-News. KFAC -Show Time. KWKW -Sacred Heart. KFSD -Vocal Favorites.

9 *KFI -News. KNX- Theater of Today. KHJ, KGB, KFX.SM, KVOE-

House of Mystery. KECA -Galen Drake.

*KM PC -News. Peter Potter. KFWB-Show Time. KXLA, KFVD -Waltz Time.

*KMTR -News, Children's Religions Hour.

*KGFJ. KGER, KFSD -News KFOX- Firebrands for Jessus. EKED- Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Voice of China.

8:05-KGER-Music. 9:10 -KGFJ- Kostelanetz Presents. 9:15 -KFI -Story of Music.

KECA -Club Time. BFWB -Dick Heymes. KWKW -Kettles and Calico.

*KIND-News. KFSD- Consumer Time.

9130 -KNX -Stars Over Hollywood. KECA -The American Farmer SHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Snow Village Sketches KECA- American Farmer. KFWB-Midmorning Melodies.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. KGFJ -Open Album. HXLA -Dancipation. KFVD -Show Tunes. KGER -Radio Revival. KFSD -Make Believe House

:45-KFI-Reserve. KECA -Betty Moore. KFWB -Mid- Morning Melodies. KFAC-Musical Comedy.

*BRAD -News KWKW -Wayside House. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KGER -tousle i0 -KFI, KFSD- Sational Farm

and Home Hour. KNX -Grand Central Station.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E- News. Glenn Hardy.

KECA -Symphonies for Youth.

*KMPC -Sews, Peter Potter. HFWB- Salvation Army.

*HMTR -News. Marching to Victorpy.

HFAC -Slid- Morning Serenade. KGFJ -Racing News. KRKD- Battle of Baritones. KXLA -Tuning Around. KWKW -Race Lineup. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

*KFOX, KGER -News. 10:05 -KGER -Jack Neville. 10:15 -KHJ, H(:B, KFXM, KV0E --

A1 Williams. BFWB -CSO Grams.

KMTR- Humane Society, Pet Program.

KGFJ- Serenade for You. KFAC-L. A. Medical Assn. KRKD-Talk. KWKW- Western Serenade. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30- KFI -Veterans' Adviser, Lt. Corn. Krum.

KNX- County Fair. KHJ -Clinic Forum.

*KFW B -News KNTR- American Story Book.

*KWKW -News. Symphonic Strings.

*KFAC-News, Ration News. KGFJ-Upbeat Session. KRKD- Music. KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Tic Toe

Time. KGER- Sunshine Pastor. KFSD- Teentimers Club.

10:15 *KFI_ Traffic Tribunal. KECA- Musical Toast. KMPC -Home ('hats. KFWVB- Better Speech, KMTR- Tabernacle Choir. KFAC-Pan Americana KFOX- Firebrands' Children's

Hour. KFXM, KVOE -Fut With

Music. 11', RFSD -Let's Laugh, Ladies.

KNX -Mary Lee Taylor. KHJ -30 Seconds to Go. KECA- Metropolitan Opera.

*EMPC-News, Teen Queen Club.

HFWB -AI Jarvis. *SMTR, HF\'D, KGER -News.

KFAC -Music for Vou KGF.1- Stylings In Blue. KRKD -Light Concert. HXLA -Midmorning Matinee. KWKW- Sports. HFX31 -Swing Intermission. KVOE -Voice of the Army. KGB-Fairy Tales

11:15 -KHJ. KGB, HVOE -Don McGrune Orchestra.

KNTR -Song Showcase. HFVD- Musical Revue. KWKW- Moments of Melody. KGER-Gospel Story Hour. KFOX- Varieties. KFXM -Music With Appeal.

11 :30 -KFI -The Ba%fers. KNX -Give and Take. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KYOE-

Opry House Matinee. KFAC-Theater of the Air.

*KWKW, KRKD -News. KGER -Music RFSD- Junfor Debbers.

11:43 -KFI- Parade of Stars. KFVD- Violet Schram. HWICW- Classified. KRKD-Vocal Varieties. KGER-Curbstone Forum


s7DT64oT79oT93oT1020TT II 50 T 1240 T3301-1390 T 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

1 01-KFI-Noon Farm Reporter. KNX-Assignment Home. KECA- Metropolitan Opera

*KHJ -Broadway News. *KJIIY' -News. Hemingway.

KFWB- Make -Believe Ball- room.

*KNTR -News. Tez Tyler. KFAC-Luncheon Concert.

*KGFJ. KFSD -News. KFVD- Luncheon Music. KRKD -Patrie Schooner. KXLA -Off the Record. KWKW -Blue Room.

*KGB, KVOE, KGER -News. KFXM -Hawaiian Harmonies.

12 :05-KGER-Out of Bandbox. 12 :15-KFI-American World.

KHJ -Doorway to Melody KMPC- Automotive News. KGB. KVOE- Sinfonietta.

*KFXM. KFOX -News. RFSD- Orchestras of Nation.

12:30 -KFI -Home What You Make It!

RNX -The Three B's. KMPC-Bridge Club.

*HFW B -News. HMTR -Eddie Lawrence.

*KWKW-News, Varieties. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. RVOE- Orchestra. KFX3I -Off the Record. KGB- Income Tex

12 :45-KHJ-Round Towner. KMPC -Musical Memories. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*HFAC -News KFVD- Violet Schram. KXLA- Unlrersity of Calif. KFON- Varieties.

1 KFI, KFSD -Doctors at Home KECA- Metropolitan Opera KNX- Martin Block. HH.I. KGB, KVOE -1.. A.

County Symphonic Band. *KM PC -News. Flying Feet.

KFWB -Al Janis *HMTR -News. Pianos.

KFAC-Melody Matinee. KGFJ- Intermission. KRKD -Music

*MEND, KGER -News. HXLA -Community Broad-

casters. KWKW- Varieties. RFOX- Platter Pantry. HFXN- Sagehrush Serenade.

I:05- KGER -Music, 1:15 -KNTR -Luncheon Dance.

RXLA-Melody Matinee. KWKW- Income Tas. REVD -:!fonds in Music. KFX31-Meet the Marines.

1:30 -KFI, KFSD -First Piano Quartet

KNX-Meet the Miesus.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs to Boldface.

Variety 10 .00-Grand Central Station.

KY) :. S :00- RCA Show. KFI. 6:00 -National Barn Dance, KFI 7:00-Judy Canova. KFI.

:30 -Grand Ole Opry, HFF. A:00 -Dick Heymes. RNX. 9:00 -Hit Parade, KNX. 9:30- l'honocnrd Party, KFI.

10:13 -- Hollywood Barn Dance, KNX.

11:00 -Jack Haley, KFI.


9:(1 -- Theater of Today. KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 2:00 -Out of the Deep, REI.

4:30 -First Nighter, HNX. 6:00 -Hollywood Presiew, KNT. 8:30 -Mayor of the Town. KNX. 8:30 -Elfe of Riley, KFI. 9:00- Gangbusters. RECA. 9:00 -BW Lance, HEI. 9:30 -Green Hornet, RECA. 9:30 -Miracle of Words. H.MTH.

Qui: Programs

:00 -Quiz of Two Cities, KHJ. 8:00-Truth or Consequences.

KFI. 8:30 -Win Place or Show. RECA.

Outstanding Music 10:Oä- Symphonies for Youth,

KECA. 11 :00-- Metropol I tan Opera. KNCA 1:00 -L. A. County Symphony

Band, KHJ. 1:00- Philadelphia Orchestra,

KNX. 3:1NI-- Çleveland Symphony. KHJ. 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:311- Boston Symphony, KECA. 5:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

IO :IN, -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00 -Eastside Show, KFWB

Public Affairs

(2 :t6Assignment Home, KNX. 3:1f -People's Platform. KNX. 3:30 -Chester Bowles, O.P.A.,

RECA. 4:00-It's Your Business. RECA. 4:00 -Our Foreign Policy, KFI.

Sports- Comment

10:(x1 -Race Lineup, KWKW. 10:Ió -Racing. KGFJ. 5:15 -Belle Martell, KMTH. 5:15 -Harry Wlsmer, SEC A.

3:45 -Race Results, KRKD. 6:30 -Santa Anita, KMPC.

KHJ -Teen Tune Sesh. KMPC- Rhapsody in Rhythm. KNTR -Dick Ross. KGFJ -Among My Souvenirs. KFVI)- Hawaiian Music.

*KRKD-News. *KWKW -News, Jazz Concert.

HFXN. HOB. RN OE -Les Elgart Orch.

KFOX -Hal Mclntyre's Orch. 1:i5- KHJ -Felix de Cola. RMPC -Los Angeles Police

Band. KF57) -Vocal Varieties. KRKD -Singing Waiters. KFXM, KGB, HVOE-

Dance Orch. H17 -Out of the Deep. HNX -Philadelpphia Orchestra. KHJ, ROB, KFXM, KVOE-

Zeke Manners. *KECA -News.

KFWR -AI .lams *KMIPC -News, Bolero Tune. *KNTR -News, Crime Maker.

KFAC- Memory Musicale. KXLA -Top Tune Time. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KRKD -Music for Millions KFVD- Timely Tunes. KWKW -Club 1430. HUER -Long Beach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures. RFSD -Music of Moment

2:13 -KECA -Tea and Crumpets KHJ -Pulse of the City. KFIIX- Public Bulletin. HRHD- Concert Melodies HVO uaker City Serenade.

2:30*KFI, Kl' D - John W. %aa- dercook.

RAJ -You Were There, KMPC- Curtain Calls. KFWIt- Better Speech.

*KNTR- Averill Berman. *KRKD -News, Music

HXLA -Victory Album. *K%VKW -News. Club 1430.

KGER- Between the Lines. KFXM. KVOE -G. Gordon

Orch. KGB -San Diego Schools.

2:35- KFTVII -Melody Matinee 2:40- KGER --Long Beach Band. 2:43 -KF'1 -Tin Pan Ailey.

RMTR -Meet the Band. KXLA- Afternoon 5 arieties.

*KFVD -News. KRKD- Pan -Americana. RFSD- Unseen Enemy RFI -Scout Jamboree. KNX-Cross Section CIO. KECA- Saturday Serenade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. HVOE-

Cleveland Symphony. *KMPC -News. Your Children

and Their Songs. *KFWB. KFSD, KGER -News. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KFAC -Famous Musical Favorites.

KXLA- Afternoon Varieties. KGFJ -Jack Pot. KFVD- Popular Favorites. KWKW -Swing Session. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. KFOX- Varieties.

3 :05-KGER-Music. 3:13-KNX- People's Platform.

*KECA -Monitor Views News. KF'WB- Musical Varieties KXLA -Juke Box Matinee KFON- Hawall Calls. RFSD -Rhapsody of the

Reckies. 3:30 -KFI -Stars of Tomorrow.

KECA- Chester Bowles. KMPC -D'Artega Presents.

*KRKD -News. Music K FOX- Hollywood Salon. KFSD -Tin Pan Alley

3 :45 *KNX -The World Today. KECA -Labor in P. S. A. KM PC-Your Income Taz KFAC -4 asa Carat. HEST)- Rhumba Music. KWKW -Combo Time. KFSD- Religion in News. H F(I X -I.o n g s h o r e m e n's


4- KFI -Our Foreign Policy. RNX -Reserve. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Hawaü Calls. KECA -it's Your Business.

*KMPC -News, This Day of Peace.

KEN 11- Gospel and Song. KXLA -Juke Box Matinee HWBW- Reflections in Music.

*KMMTR -News, Races. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KFVD- Plano. HRHD -Piano Paintings.

*KGER -News, AU States.



* KFO X -Newe. K FSD-Foreign Polley

4:15 -KECA- Radio, American Way. KMPC-Spice of Life.

*KFVD -News. KRKD -Movieland Quiz. KGER- Music.

4:30 -KFI -Name Your Music. KNX -First Nlghter, KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Treasury

Dept. Program. KECA -Teen Town. KMPC -Music with an Appeal. KFWB -Blind Artists' Guild. HGFJ- Orchestre du Jour. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KFVD -90 -90 Club. KWKW -local Varieties. KFOX -Old Age Pension, KFXM- Amusement News. KFSD -Name Your Music.

4:46 -KHJ- Cavalcade of Stars. KMPC -Laugh With Music. KFWB-Western Stars. KWKW-Today at the Races. KFVD- Evening Serenade.


a Convict. SHFI- RCA -Victor Show

KNX -Voice of the Moment. S E(' A- Reserve.

*KHJ, KVOE, KGER -News. *KMPC -News. Sports Roundup

KXLA-Juke Bog Matinee *HMTR -News, Sunset Rhythms

HFAC- Moments In Music. KW'HW- Italian Melodies. KFVD- Bostick Sundown

Roundup. KRHI) -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ -live at Five. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KFSD- Sports KFX.` i -Nancy s Book Corner. KGB -Key to Cits

5:15-KNX-Discussion. KECA -Harry %%lamer, Sports. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Canary Pet Shop. KMPC -Sammy Kaye HMTR -Belle Martell, Sports

*KFAC-News. KGER -Tour Army. KFSD -Rupert Hughes

6:30 *KFIr HFOX -Newe. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KHJ, KGB, KVGE -Harry Savoy Show.

KECA-Musie with an Appeal. KMPC-Louise Vallon. HMTR -Irwin Allen. SGFJ -Race Recap. KRKI)-South Sea Serenade. HXLA- Future Pianists. KFXM_ Intereollegite Quiz. KGERt Music. KFSD- Person to Parson.

5:45*KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -Bob tarred, News. *KECA -News.

KMPC-Bishop Stevens. HXLA -Moods in Melody. HMTR -Treasury Salute. HGFJ -Show Time. HRKD -Race Results. KFOX -Bal Taharlo.

5 :55*KNX -Ned Calmer.


Dance. KECA- Musical Playground. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Leave It to the Girls. KNX- Hollywood Preview.

*KMPC -News. *KFWB. KGER, KFOX -News.

KFAC-Music. KGFJ- Musical Digest 'id

8 p.m, *HMTR -News, Petite Musicale.

BRAD-Early Doucette. HXLA -First Baptist Church

6:15 *KMPC -Paramount News. KFWB -Show Time. HMTR -Guardians of Victory. KFOX- Sacred Program.

6:30 -KFI. KFSD -Can You Top This?

KNX- That's Good Idea. KECA-Boston Symphony

Orch. KHJ, KGB, KFX1.1, KVOE-

Break the Bank. KMPC -Santa Anita. KFWB -tousle ]ou Want. KXLA -Sweet ('harlot Hour. HRKD -Show Tunes. KFOX -Hul's Memory Room. KGER-Lukin Valley Church.

6:45 -KNX- Saturday Night Serenade.

HRKD- Hollywood Tunesmiths *HMTR- AverilI Berman. 7 -KFI, KFSD -Judy Cunova

Show. KECA- Boston Symphony. KHJ -Quiz of Two Cities.

*KMPC-News, Echoes of Gay Nineties.

*HMTR -News, Eventide Echoes.

KFAC-Dr. James Fifield, Jr. HGFJ- Musical Digest KXLA-Nazarene Church.

*KRKD, KFXM. KVOE -News. KGB- Supper Date.

*HGER -News. Dr. Anderson. 7:15-KNX- Celebrity Club.

KMTIC -W. B. Record. HRKD- Three -Quarter Time. REAM-Dance Orch.

7:30 -KFI. KFSD -Grand Ole Opry. HE('A- Reserve. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Red Ryder. K.MPC- challenge to Vouth.

*KFWB -News. KFA(' -First Baptist Church. KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. BRAD -Do Tou Know? KXLA, HGER -Music.

:45-KNX-The Story Teller. KE('A- Design for Death. KFWB -Piano Reflections.

*HFAC-News. KFOX -Judie Gardner.

8 -HFI. KFSD -Truth or Consequences.

KNX -Dick Haymes Show. HHJ -Resery e. KECA -Dick Tracy.

*HMPC -News. Hemingway. KFWB-American Sketches.

*HMMTR -News, Musk. HFAC -Evening Concert. SGFJ -Concert Encore.

K XL .%- Chapel Quartet. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-Chicago

Theater of the Air. *KGER-News. Music.

8:15 -KMPC- Sports Roundup. KFWB-Story of Israel. KXLA- Adventures in

Research. 8:30 -HFI, KFSD -Life of Riley

KNX- Lionel Barrymore. KECA -Win, Place or Show. KHJ -The Avenger. KMPC-Music Box.

*KFWB -News. KMTR-Word of Life. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. HXLA -97th Street Corral. KFOX- County Barn Dance. KGER-Sunshine Pastor.

8:45 -KFWB- Musical Masterpieces. 8:55 *KNX -News, Carroll Alcott.

Now on KFI9PMsaturdoys





9 -KFI, KFSD- Adventures of Bill lance

HNN -Hit Parade. KECA- Gangbusters.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- News.

*KMPC-News, Sammy Kaye. KFWB -Evening Serenade.

*KMTR -News. Concert Master KXLA-l'ee Wee Hunt Orch. HGFJ -Saludos Amigos

*KGER -News. Sunshine Pastor 9:15 *KH.I. KGB- Norman Nesbitt.

KF.X.1- Merchant Marine Heroes.

KVOE- Smooth Performance. 9:30- KFI- Phonocord Family

Party. KHJ -Benny Strong Orch. KFCA -Green Hornet. KMPC -Harry James Orch.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Miracle of Words. HXLA -County Barn Dance. KFXM, KVOE -Meet the

Press. KGER -Music. HEAD-Three Suns Trio KGB -Band of Week

9:45 -KNX -Don't Vou Believe It. KHJ--Songs of Good Cheer.

KFWB- Sports Parade. KFSD -High School Music KGB- Dancet ime

10 *KF7. KFSD -News. *KNX -Chet Huntley.

EHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-. Harry James Orch.

KE('A- Casino Gardens Orch. *KMPC-News, Rhythm



leery Night Erupt Sunday

KFWB KFWB -Eastslde Show.

*HMTR -News, Music. *KFVD- Newslcal, 3 Hours.

KGFJ- Western Music. *HGER -News, Sister Fuller.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance 10:15- KFI-Citeu tor Valor.

KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance. KFSD- Thomas Anthony

10:30 *KFI -News. KECA- Freddy Martin's Omit. KHJ-Meet the Press. HMPC- Candlelight and Sliver. KMTR -Bob Brooks. KX.LA- Pasadena Civic. KGFJ-Swing lt. KFON -Peppy Smith and

Hired Hands. KFXM, KGB, KVOE -Henry

King Orch. HGER -Rev. Ellethorpe. KFSD- Thomas Peluso.

10:45-KFI-Show Time. KNX -Talk 11 -KFI -Jack Haley, Village

Store. *KNX-Jim Wyatt.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Chet Stewart's Orchestra.

*KECA-News of Tomorrow. *KMPC -News. Aragon

Ballroom. KFWB -Eastslde Show.

*KMTR -News, Win Morro. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. HXLA- Painted Post

*KGER-News, Club Moderns. KIND-Dance Orel'. KFXM- Random Requests.

11:15 -KNX -Bob Crosby Orchestra. KECA -Bal Taburin Orch. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Deli

Arnaz Orch. 11:30-KFI-Lawrence Welk Orch.

KNX -Al Donahue Orch. KHJ, KGB, KVOE-.Bobby

Ramos Orchestra. KMPC-Saturday Night Club. HXLA- Buodstad Revue.

11:45-KECA-Club Morocco Orch. *KH.1, KGB, KVOE -News

11:55 *KFI. KNX, KECA -News.

PRECASTS (Continued from Page 111

Walter Huston will be guest star of "A Drink of Water."

Thursday, March 7 - "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Cary Grant will star in a "suspense -ful" drama.

Fortin? Thursday, March 7 - "Junior Town

Meeting," KGER, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.) Santa Monica High School students will discuss: "Will Opportunities for Youth be Restricted in the Postwar Era ?"


Sunday, March 3 - "Theater Guild on the Air," KECA, 7:00 p.m. (1. hr.) Alfred Lunt stars in George Kelly's comedy- drama, "The Show -off."

Tuesday, March 5 - "This Is My Best," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.)

William Bendix stars in Joel Sayre's "Here, Birdie, Birdie, Birdie."

Tuesday, March 5 - "Theater of Ro- mance," KNX, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Don Ameche stars in "Random Har- vest." *

Forum Sunday, March 3 - "Open Forum,"

KMPC, 9:05 p.m. (55 min.) Question will be: "Should the Army, Navy and Air Force be Merged in One Department of Defense ?"

Books Sunday, March 3 - "Invitation to

Learning," KNX, 8:30 a.m. (30 min.) Book to be discussed: "The Trojan Women" by Euripides.


Public Interest Thursday, March 7- Academy

Awards, KECA, time to be announ-

ced. Following last year's pattern the Academy Award nominees and pi c t u r e s will be represented by scenes run from the picture. Broad casts from Grauman's Chinese Thea ter in Hollywood.

Saturday, March 9 - "On the Scout ing Trail," KFI, 3:00 p. m. (30 min.) Fifteen police- sponsored Boy Scout troops will compete in various events.

Variety Sunday, March 3 - "Fanny

Show," KNX, 7:30 p.m. (30 Fanny Brice celebrates her anniversary as Baby Snooks.

Brice min. silve


Quentin Reynolds, noted war corres pondent and author heard on KHJ Mutual, attended Brooklyn law school, but entered the newspaper business as a reporter, rewrite man, sports writer and roving reporter.


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER .Vote; Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest. qui:. or offer type.

* Indicates programs of news and commentation. Abbott & Costello BFI, 7 p.m. Th *Close. Upton. KHJ, KGB, 7:15 p.m. Tu Glamour Manor - ._-___...HECA, 9 a.m. M -F Academy of Music KFAC, 6:30 p.m. M -F Coke Sesh KHJ, 1:30 p.m. Sa Grund Central Station HNX, lU a.m. Ss Adventures of Bill Lance. BFI, 9:00 p.m. Sa Collins Calling KECA, 7:43 a.m. Sa Graod Ole Opry...- -.. -- KFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Adventures of Tom ML ........K.HJ 5:45 p.m. M -F Commander Scott SH 10:15 a.m. Su Great Americans.___.___.KF{{B, 1:15 p.m. Su Adventures of the Thin Man.

J, NX, 9 p.m. Su Contented Hour KFI, ; p.m. M Great Gildersleeve BFI, 8 p.m. Su

Album of Familiar Music_ ....KFI, 6:30 p.m. Su Corn Shockers Jubilee .._..-_...KFI. 5:30 a.m. M -Sa Great Moments in Music.__........._KNX, 7 p.m. W *Alcott, Carroll---___KNX, 8:55 p.m. M -Sa Counterspy .................. _______KECA, 2:30 p.m. Su Green Hornet..._-___KECA. 9:30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family._ __.........._...... KNX, 9 p.m. F Country Church of Hollywood Guiding Light.- r......._...KFT, ll a.m. M -F Allen, Frcal...._._._ BFI, 5:30 p.m. Sa .KFAC. 8 a.m. Tu -Sn Hal's Memory Boom..._- ..HFOX, 6:30 p.m. M -Su Allen, Irwin BMTR, 5:30 Pm. M -Ss ..........._...__.. -.._. - - -- County Fair.__...__..... -.. K \X, 10:30 a.m. Sa Haley, Jack..........._..._ BFI, 11 p.m. Sa Al Pearce Show KECA 11 N,

Su County Medical Assn... -_.HFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa *Hardy, Glenn..._ ... KHJ, KGB. America Cnited.. ..........._...__....- ....HF'I, 11 p.m. Su Count of Monte Cristo_.___ KHJ, 8 p.m. Tu ..KFXM. K{'OE. 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D American Forum. _KW, 6.30 p.m. Tu v .American Farmer -._.__BECA, 9:3U a.m. Sa Crime Doctor..._...- ........ KNX. 8 p.m. Su Happy Homes --..KHJ. 3:15 p.m. M -F American Melody Hour._ _ S \ %, 4:30 p.m. Tu Crosby, Bob_._ _ IIhR, 6:30 p.m. { {' *Harkness, Richard.._ KFI, 5 p.m. M. W. F American Story Book...__-HMTR 10:30 a.m. Sa Croes Section, CIO.._ -._.._._.HNX, 3 p.m. Sa Harrigan, Bop.__...._.... HECA. 4:43 Dm, M -F American Sports Page..._......HECA, 7:30 p.m. F *Cunningham, BW......._.._..BHJ, 11:30 a.m. Harvest of Stars___________ ...... BFI, 11 a.m. Su u American {{ay Forum....._ ....... KFI, 9:30 p.m. Tu Curtain Time..._ .. .... _ ............ _...._.HECA, 7 p.m. Th Haunting Hour ...... ___ ..... ___ ......KFI, 9:30 p.m. F Amos 'n' Andy ... ......... _..- KFI, 6 p.m. Tu *Cutting, Dick ..... _..H.VS, 7:30 a.m. Tu, Th, Sa Haven of Best KXLA, 8:30 a.m. M. W. F Anderson Family KECA, 7 p.m. {{' Daley, Cass KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su gF`pY, KRBD, S a.m. Tu, Tb, Sa Andrews Sisters.._ -..-._ KNX, 7:30 p.m. % Dance Time (Lucky Lager) Hawail Cwlls.._-_._...SHJ, DLBS, 4 p.m. Ba 'Answer Auction.___- .- ___KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su MAC, 10 p.m. M -Sa .Hawk, Bob...__ HN1, : :30 .m. M Art Baker..._ Lit, 10:45 a.m. M -F Art Baker's Notebook..._ BFI, 4:30 p.m. M -F Danny Kaye Show. _ .._.H \X, 7 p.m. F Hay, BW...__... .._...._....__.. KHJ, 1:15 p.m. M -F Armstrong, Jack.-- _._-_HECA, 5:30 p.m. M -F Dark {' enture ...........___...._____...HECA, 9 p.m. Tu *{Hayes, Sam.. ...._....._...KFI, 7:45 a.m. M -Sa Assignment Hume.._ KNX, 12 N. Sa Darts for Dough HECA, 1 p.m. Su Hay-rnes, Dick- KINN. 8 p.m. Sa Aunt Jenny ...__..__ -..HNX, 8:45 a.m. M -F Dashiell Hammett's Fat Man Heatter, Gabriel..- _..__.HHJ, DLBS, 6 p.m. M -F *Aunt Mary..._.. . . -.BFI, 3:30 p.m. M -F _ - _ ».......RECA, 8:30 p.m. M _ 5:45 p.m. Su Autry, Gene..._.... » - __.HNC, 2:30 p.m. Su Date With Judy_____ BFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu Hebrew Christian Hot.r....HFO!L, 10:45 a.m. M -F Are Marla Hour.»_.__~_. KGFJ, 9 p.m. Su David Hamm __.. KFI, 8:45 a.m. M -F Avenger K, 8.30 p.m. Sa Dasies, Dr. Clem.-__.._.HMTR, 7:3U p.m. M -Sa *Hemingway, Frank KMPC, 12 m., 8 p.m. D HJ Bachelor's Children KNX. 12 :45 p.m. M -F __...._...... .HHJ, a.m. I -So

*Davis, Elmer _.._ Backgrounds for Living BECA, 12 N So 8:15 p.m. Tu -W *Henry, Bill KNX, 5:55 p.m. M -F -..- _KNX, 1:45 p.m. M, W, F DeCola, Felix. .._.___.__.._......KHJ, 1:43 p.m. Sa Hildegarde (Raleigh Room)....HFI. 8:30 p.m. W

Backstage Wife._._.... BFI, 1 p.m. M -F Dehner, John.....».....- ._.._..KFWB, 8 p.m. M -F His Honor, the Barber..._ BFI. 11:30 p.m. Tu * Hit Parade... .- .-- °-- °---__- ......._KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Baker, Gene _..KNX, 4 p.m. Tu, Th Design for Deeth.___.BECA, 7:45 p.m. Sa *Batter, Sam.._ RECA, 12:30 p.m. Su *Detect and Collect.._.. HECA, 6:30 p.m. Th Hobby Hours-.- ---- - --.SKE 6 p.m, Th

.KMTR, 9:30 p.m. M -F Hobby Hours__ ............- _._....HECA, 6 p.m. Th .-._....- ---'- Dick Trac Bandwagon......_.._ ELM 4:30 p.m. Su s-- --- _..__._.- .ECA. 5:15 p.m. M -F Holiday and CoIDpagy__.._ KNX, 8 p.m.

_.._..._. .._.._.._.._..- .._- ..__._.KECA. 8 p.m. Sa Holly, {'era HHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su Baptist Brothers..._..._..H_Q..A, 8:30 a.m. T, Dlckason, Deane ..KMPC, 8:15 p.m. Su Hollywood Barn Dance..._....K X, 10:15 p.m. Sa Barn Dance ._._. .H

11:30 0 p.m. Sa * - -

12 Hollywood Fan Magazine....HFI. 10:30 a.m. M -F Barry Fitzgerald ..._.._......... »...LF1 11 :3U p.m. Tu Dinner Bell Roundup.- HXZA, L. m. M -F Barr e Dinner Dance......._.... .RMPC, 7:05 p.m. M -F Hollywood Spotlight KECA, 2:4.5 p.m. M -F Skhag Lionel.. LN \ S:SU p.m. Ss Hollywood or Theater __KNX. 11:30 a.m. Su *Ba ukhage Talking RECA, 11 a.m. M -F Don't Bea Sucker .HHJ, 5:30 p.m. Su Boll w'd Presbyterian Ch'ch, HF{{'R. 8 D.m. Su Barters __KFI gFSD 11:30 a.m. Sa Don't Vou Believe Itl..._.._..BNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa y "Beulah '..._..____.. __ KNX, 5 p.m. Su 'Double or Nothing..._._ ..... ..KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su Hollywood Preview HNX, 6 D.. 3a Benny. Jock.._......__. -KFI. 4 p.m.. 9:30 p.m. Su Hollywood Theater._.... E0: 9:30 p.m. a Bennett, Constance..._.._...HECA, 3:45 p.m. M -F *Doug Douglas._....ERHD, 5:45 a.m., 6:30 a.m.. Home lt..C, 10:45 amt. M -Sa

7:30 a.m. M -Sa Home What You Make It....HFI, 12:30 p.m. Sa *Better

. AveriLL..__.._.KGB,R. 6:30 p.m. Id-Sa Downey, Morton KHJ, 9:15 a.m. M -F Hope, Bob._ ........._.......- .......-... __KFI, 7 p.m. Tu Better peech._._.-_.HGB..{'OE, 4 "- Better Speech, KFWB, 10:45 a.m.. 2:30 p.m.

Su Drake, Gow.....HECA, 9 a.m. Sa: 12:15 p.m. Th Hopper, Hedda..._.._......_...LECA, 8:15 p.m. M

Bible Institute.._KRHD, EFOX, 8 a.m. M. W. F Drene Show. .. »_.._....__..__..........LFI, 7:30 p.m. p.m. Th Hour of .__._ KFI, 7 p.m. Su

Bible Treasury Hour HMTR, 9 a.m. Su; Dr, Christian- ...._ »._-_- .....RNS. 8:30 p.m. W Hour of Faith KECA, 8:30 a.m. Su

9:30 e.m, M -F Dr. I. Q. ....... _..__._-..___.___KFL 7:30 p.m. M *Housewives' Protective..._ ....... KNX, 3 p.m. M -F 'Big Sister.._. Dr. Paul ._......_..._..RFI, 8:30 a.m. M -F *Hughes, John B LFT{'B, 6:13 p.m. M-F. _...._...H - \Z, 8:13 a.m.

p.m. Duffy's Taxera.. LFI, 8:30 p.m. F Big Town. KNX, 9 Pm. Tu Durante- Moore. -HNC, 6.30 p.m. F HyArttosi)ouCLo e KM, 11:15 cm. M -F Bill Gwinn Show KHJ, 2:30 p.m. M -F Easy Aces ..-LNX, 4 p.m. M, W, F Hymns of All Churches...HECA, 1:45 p.m. M -F Bill Hay Reads the Bible....HHJ, 1:15 p.m. M -F y Bishop Stevens......____..._...KMPC, 5:45 p.m. Sa Eastside Show KFWB, 10 p.m. M -Sa I Was a Convict_ _.....KGB, KVOE, 4:45 p.m. Sa Blind Artists Guild ..- ...._..KFRB, 4:30 p.m. Sa Eaelteide Serenade.. .KECA, 9:30 p.m. Su *Information. Please...__...._ BFI, 6:30 p.m. M Blondie. LNX, 8:30 p.m. Su Eddy, Nelson......... .... .KNX. 1:30 p.m. Su Hka Chase _......_..___...HHJ. 12:15 p.m. Su Boston Blackie _ BECA, 7:30 p.m. R' Editor of the Afr. HF{'D, 12 N. M -F Inglewood Park Concert..-_..5. \X, 7:30 p.m. Tu Boston Symphony

_ RECA 630 p.m, Sa Ellery Queen..._ _- ....._...LNX. 8:30 p.m. W Inner Sanctum_..__..._..._ KNX, 6 p.m. T.i

Bowlers Sports Cast__..-_ KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Enchantment SECA, 8 p.m. Su Inside of Sports._ KR.). 9:30 p.m. M -F Bowles, Chester._- __...._.SECA, 3:30 p.m. Sa Eternal Light _. BFI, S a.m. Su Institute for Blind.._..._.- ...KMPC, 8:15 a.m. Su Bowron, Fletcher-._...KFI, 10:15 p.m. Th Ethel and Albert _. RECA. 11:15 a.m. M -F Imitation to Learning .._._. -.HNX, 8:30 a.m. Su

_._.........._.. __...LMPC, 6:45 p.m. Su Evening Concert ._...HFAC, 8 p.m. :11 -Sa Island {'enture _ LNX, 7 Dm. Th Boy's Choir.._.._..._..-_..BMTR, 12:05 p.m. Su Exploring the Unknown.._._ KHJ, G p.m. Su Jack Berch Show LECA 1 p.m. M -F Breakfast Club... ---- KFWB, 8 a.m. W Family Hour .......... _________KNX. 2 p.m. Su Jack Kirkwoal JINX. 8 p.m. M -F Break the Bank. KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Sa Famous Jury Trtala...._..__ ..... _...HECA, 9 p.m. M James Abbe Observes .._...KECA, 7:30 a.m. M -F Breneman's Breakfast RECA, 9:30 a.m. M -F Famous Players ...____..-._....__...HHJ, 8 p.m. Th Jarvis. AI_._ .HF{{'B, 11 a.m. M -Ss Brice, Fanny .L\t, 730 p.m. Su Farm Reporter,..__.....__. BFI, 12 N. SI -Sa Juan Davis Shuw.__._. -- H \X. S:JO p.m. M Bridge Club..- $MPC 12:30 p.m. M -Sa Fashion Forum..._ HMPC. 1:45 p.m. Th Johnson, Erskine._ HHJ, 4:30 p.m. M -F Bridge to Dreamland .ACA. 11.15 p.m. Su Fibber McGee & Molly.__ BFI. 8:30 p.m. Tu Johnson Family.___ H 12 'Bride and Groom_.......__.... ... KECA, 3 p.m. M -F *Fidler, Jimmy...- KECA. 6:45 p.m. Su y -- --....__.HJ. :15 p.m. M -F *Broadway News KHJ, 12N, M -F; 5 p.m. M -F - -- BHJ, 9:30 p.m. Su Johnson, Floyd B....-..__...._.._.H.MTR, 8:05 p.m. **Brown, Cecil ..........._._ HHJ. 8 a.m. M -F Fiesta Grande BFI. 10:15 p.m. M, {{', F -_ ____.... .._..8u, M. {{', Th Bulldog Drummond HHJ. DLBS. 10 p.m. Stt -_- 10:30 a.m, M-F g Dm. M Fifield,

Tip HFAC, KFOX. 1:30 p.m. Su Burns, Billie KNX, 8:30 m. Ss Finger Tip Successes LHPC, 8:15 a.m. Su Jones 8 L......- -_....- ._.__.RECA. 8:30 p.m. Tu Barns & Allen KFI, 8:30 p. m. Th First Nlghtrr LNX, 4:30 p.m. Sa Burns. Bob KFI, 6:30 p.m. Th First Presbyterian Ch._. .... ...BMPC. 5:15 p.m. Su *Jorgenson, Edward._ BFI, 9:05 a.m. M -F

Calendar of Tomurrow.__._.BHJ, 4:45 p.m. M -F Fisher, George....- ......_ RECA, 2:45 p.m. M -F 5 p.m. Tu. Th *Calmer. Ned KNX, 5:55 p.m. Su, Sa *Fisher. Dr. Harold...31NX, 10:15 p.m. M. W. F Joyce Jordan M.D...-_.._...K.F1, 3:15 p.m. M -F anary Pet Shop..... _..HHJ. 5:15 p.m. Ba *Flannery, Harry..._._.......HNX, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Canova, Judy KFI, . p.m. Sa *Flatau, H. Louts KMTR 5.45 p.m. M -F

Junior Town ......

HGER, 2:30

Tb *Can You Top This.. BFI, 6:30 p.m. Ss Just Plain BW..._......__...HFI, 2:30 D. m. M-F Captain Midnight KIM, 5:30 p.m. M -F *Fletcher, Graeme. .BFI, 7 a.m. Tu, Th Haye, Danny LNX, 7 p.m. F Care of the Body, LMTR, 10:45 a.m. M. W, F -- HFOX, 1 p.m. M -F Kaye, Sammy -KECA. 10:30 a.m. Su Carmichael. Hoagy .-._.. ........ _.._..__.BFI, 6 p.m. M Floretta's Jewel Bot...-KFAC, 7:30 p.m. M -F *Kennedy, Jahn.. 10 a.m. Su. Carnation Hour ....___.-- _-.._...._.. KFI, 7 p.m. M Flying Public ...............- ..-..- ..HECA, 6:45 p.m. Tu ..2:30 p.m. M -F Carrington, Elaine.. ------... .-- - --...._...- -- --..___. »._.

.KHJ, 8:30 p.m. F Ford Evening Show..__...._.._...BECA, 5 p.m. Su Kraft Music Hall....._....... LFI, 6 P.m. Th ......._... Carson. Jack KNX. 9 p.m. W Foreman PhWlps' County Bnrn Dance Kyser's Sollege (Kay Ryser).... .... KFI. 7 p.m. W Catholic Answers___ KFWB, 7:45 p.m. Su _- __...._.- .KFOX, 9 p.m. So; 8:30 p.m. Sa Ladles, Be Seated _..._._...KF.CA, 12:30 p.m. M -F Catholic Hour _ KFI. 3 p.m. Su KXLA, 9:30 p.m. Sa La Guardia, Morello KECA. G:30 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America ........._ »__.BFi, 8:30 p.m. M Forever Toni.....- .....__. ..KF.('A, 6:311 p.m. M Lamplighter ...KOLA, 2 p.m. Su Cavalcade of Sports.._ KECA, 7 p.m. F __- _ -_. __.

Cavalcade of Stars.___.- HHJ, 4:45 p.m, Ss *Foster, Cedric KILL 3:30 p.m. Su Land of the Lost .. KHJ, 8:30 a.m. Sa Celebrity Club ......... _.._. ___KNX. 7:15 P.m. Sa - KHJ, KFT.M, H{'OE, 11 a.m. M -F *Larry Smith KFSD. 9:15 a.m. M -F

-- °- Lauren, John. KNX, 4 :45 p.m. M, F Challenge to Y'ooth.___.._....H -1PC, 7:3o p.m. Ss Frank and Ernest ..._._..... . -HMTR 11:45 a.m. Su KXLA. 2:30 p.m. Su *Frazier Hunt .... KHJ, 8:15 a.m. M -F *Lawton, Fleetwood. KECA, 6:45 a.m. M -Sa

Chapel Quartet BFI, 10:15 p.m. Su Fred Waring _- _.__ ....... ...... .KFI. 8 a.m. 51-F BFI, 7:15 a.m., 8:15 p.m. M -F Chicago Roundtable..._ KFI, 9 a.m. Su Fresh Cp Time..._ _...._...._...HHJ. 8:30 p.m. W *Layman's Views of News BFI, 10 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KGB, KFX-M, 8 p.m. Sa Front Page Farrell..._..._ BFI. 2:45 p.m. M -F Lease It to Mike HHJ, 8 p.m. F Children's Bible Hour...._.__.HFOX, 8:30 a.m. Sa Funnies _._ KFRB. 8 a.m. Su Leave It to the Gins...-._.- ....KHJ, 6 p.m. Sa Christian Science.._ KMPC. 6:15 p.m. Su Funny Paper Land .._.._.HFAC, 7:30 a.m. Su Legion Fights. ...- ..__...KMPC, to p.m. F Christian Science KFON, 8 p.m. Su Gangbusters .._ KECA. 9 p.m. Se Let's Pretend ....... _...._......_ KNX, 8:05 a.m. Sa Church of the Air.. .._ ....... ..........LNX, 7 n.m. Sn Garden Guide KECA, 9:43 a.m. Su *Lewls, Fulton. KHJ, 4 p.m., 9:45 p.m. M -F Cisco Hid KHJ, KGB, 7:30 p.m. M, W. F Garred, Bob KNX, 5:45 p.m. M -Sa Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC. 9 a.m. Su Citizens' Forum...__.._ .HNX, 9:30 p.m. Th General Electric House Party KNX, 1 p.m. M -F Life Can Be Beautiful .» K. 10 a.m. M -F Civoru Group ....... _..... --.. KFOX. 2:15 p.m. Su Gilbert & Sullivan _...KFAC, 9:30 a.m. Sn Life of Riley ......_.. ........ _..._.._.BFI 8:30 p.m. Sa Cleveland Symphony KHJ, 3 p.m. Sa Gillespie Garden Guide._ __.EECA, 9:45 a.m. Su Light of the World.-_...._.LNX, 8:30 a.m., M -F

MARCH 3, 1946

- --


Llndlahr, Victor KHJ, 8:45 a.m. M-F Listening Post KECA. 11:30 a.m. Tu-F *Listener's Digest .. .... _.KXLA, 1:30 p.m. M-Sa LIVIDe in HollYwood....KFI. 9:40 a. m. M. W. F. Lombardo, Guy KECA. 6 p.m. Tu Lune Ranger KECA, 6 p.m. M. V. F Lorenzo Jones.. K11, 1:30 p.m. M-F "Lucky Lady KGER, 1:30 p.m. Tu Lucky Lager Dance Tinte. KFAC. 10 p.m. 'd-Sa Lunt & Abner KECA, 8 p.m. M-Th Lutheran Hour ..... _ ________KHJ. 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour KXLA. 5 p.m. Su Lux Radio Theater__ KNX. 6 p.m. M

Magazine Preview KUJ, 11:45 a.m. Su Mc( artil), Charlie ' __ KFI, 5 p.m. Su Main Line. . ._._ ....... . KHJ, 8 p.m. W Maisie KNX, 7:30 p.m. r Make Believe Baliroom__KFWB, 11 a.m. M-Sa Ma Perkins KFI, 12:15 p. m. M-F

KNX, 10:15 a.m. M-F *Malone, Ted KECA, 1015 a.m. M-F Manhattan Merry-Go-Round ___KFI, 6 p.m. Su Mu Named Jordan. KNX. 5:30 p.m. Su Mandrake, Magician, KGER, 5:45 p.m. M. W. F Manners, Zeke KHJ, KGB, 2 p.m. M-F *Manning, Knox KNX, 5 p.m. M-F Market Report ....... ______KMPC. 8:15 a.m. M-Sa *51artyn, Gd...----_______KECA, 10 a.m. M-F

.... ...... - ...... - - .1:30 p.m. M-1, Mason, Parry.... _____ILNX, 11:15 a.m. M-F Masquerade KF1, 11:45 a.m. M-F Maxwell, Elsa KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M-1, May. Foster KECA. 11:41 a.m. M-F Mayor of Town. KNX, 8:30 p.m. Sa McCoy, George ---- .. RECA, 7 :45 p.m. Th MeNeill's Breakfast Chab KECA, 8 a.m. M-F Mediation Board. KH.I, 5 p.m. Su "Meet the Missus.. .. _...ILNX, 2:30 p.m. M-F

Meet Me at Parky's KFI, 7 :30 p.m. Su Meet the Stan (George Fisher) .......................

KFOX, 7:15 p. m. M-F Message of Israel_ SECA, 7 a,m. Su Metropolitan Opera. .KECA, 11 a.m. Sa Michael Shayne _____ . KHJ, 8 p.m. M Midnight Flyer KFI, 12 p.m. M-Sa Mild and Mellow KHJ, 1230 p.m. M-F Milani. - ____.KFWB, 10 a.m. M-F *Miller, Rex....KEIJ, KGB, 9:15 p.m. Su. M. W, F

KILL 4:15 p.m. M-F Mirandy REI, 10 a.m. Tu

SECA, 8:15 a.m. Sa Miracles of Science KFOX, 8:15 p.m. M, W, F

Miracle of Words KMTR. 9:30 p.m. Sa Mitchell's Scrapbook 'CFI, 10 a.m. M. W

'Money on the Line ....... __KNX, 3:30 p.m. Su Morgan, Henry RECA, 7 :30 p.m. Th Morrison, Chester RECA, 6:55 p.m. M-F

Morning Bible Hour_____KFOX. 8:30 a.m. Su Mother's Album ...... ____FLYIPC, 6:30 p.m. Su Mr. and Mn. North..._.._ Kn. 9 p.m. W Mr. District Attorney...----KFI, 6:30 p.m. W. Mr. Keene._ KNX. 4:30 p.m. Th Munson, Ona . ..... _ .... __KNX, 9:55 p.m. F Murder Is My Hobby .KILL 1 p.m. Su

Murder Will Out. RECA, 9:30 p.m. Tu Murray, Johnny &XX, 8 a.m. M-F *Murrow, Edward. KNX, 10:45 a.m. Su .

Music Supreme KMPC, 8:30 p.m. M-1 Music Ball KMPC, 10 a.m.-12 N M-F Musical Masterplces _ KFAC. 4 p.m. St-F Musical Milestones______KFL 10:30 a.m. Su Musical Digest ... _.._.._ __KGFJ. 6 p.m. M-Sa Musical Pet Shop KNX, 8:05 a.m. Mu

Musical Scrapbook..._ KFI, 10 a.m. M. W

My Brother's Blood__ ....... K_VX. 10 a.m. Su My True Story .KECA, 10:30 a.m. M-F Mystery Chef .KHJ, 9:45 a.m. M-1- Mystery House ...KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th Mystery Theater _._ ... _...K.FI, 7 p.m. F *Name That Song .... ____KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance Men, 6 p.m. Su National Hour. KFI, 1 p.m. Su National Radio Pulpit KFI, 7 a.m. Su National Vespers 'MCA, 11:30 a.m. Su NBC Symphony_____.._ _ ....... KIT, 2 p.m. Su

ion.c. 6 p.m. M-F *Nesbitt, Norman. 8 am. M-F; 12:15 p.m. M-F

.....-1.-_-____ KHJ, DLBS, 9:15 p.m. Sa KECA, 2:25 p.m. M-F

*News of Tomorrow KECA, 11 p.m. Su, Sa *Neweical KFVD, 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su-Sa Nev, York Philharmonic KNX, 12 N Su 's k Mils, Bob RECA. 1:15 p.m. M-F Sides Oddities._ KHJ, KGB, 10:15 a.m. Tu, Th

11F1, 9:30 p.m. Th "Noah Webster Says Old Age Pensions._ KFOX, 4:30 p.m. M-Sa Olympic Fights - KMTR, 10 p.m. Tu One for the Book. ........KNX. 1:45 p.m. Tu, Th

JENX, 4:34) p.m. W One Man' Family__ KFL 12:30 p.m. So

One Woman's Opinion__KECA. 11:30 M Open Forum____________ILM1PC, 9 p.m. Su Operatic Revue_ KHJ, 8 p.m. Su

Otis, Don_____.KMPC, 8:30 a.m., 2:05 p.m, _5:45 p.m., 7 :05 p.m. M-F

Our Gal Sunday...... .... .. .... ANN. 9:45 a.m. M-F Ozzie & Harriet _____ ... _ KNX, 3 p.m. Su Pacific Lutheran Hour...-JEFWB, 9:30 p.m. Su Pacific Story . _NFL 11:15 p.m. Su Parsons. Louella SECA, 6:15 p.m. Su Pasadena Community Playhouse -

___ ..... _. . KXLA, 8 p.m. W

Pasadena Fresh. Church___KPPC, 11 a.m. Su *Pearson, Drew ...... _____KECA, 4 p. tn. Sn People Are Funny &FL 6 p.m. F Pepper Young's Family NFL 12:30 p.m.M-F *Peter de Lima

KFIVB, 2 p.m. Su; 7:30 p.m., 9 p.m. M-F KFAC, 3 p.m. Su

*Peterson, Elmer KFI, 5:45 p.m. W-Sa Philadelphia Orchestra. KNX. 2 p. m. Sa Philip Morris Follies__ EFL 8:30 p.m. Tu Phonocord Family Party__ Kn. 9:30 p.m. Sa Piano Playhouse KECA, 1:30 p.m. Su *Pierce, Junius

KE('A, 4:30 p.m. M-F; 11:15 a.m. Su Pilgrims Hour .. ......- .......... _ __KHJ, 9 a.m .511 Portia Faces Life KFI, 2:15 p.m. M-F Putter, Peter .. .. ___11FWB, 9:30 a.m.-12 N. Su

KMPC, 3:45 p.m. M, W, F; 9:05 a.m. Su Powder Box Theater KNX, 7 :30 p.m. Th *Pringle, Nelson _KNX, 7:45 a.m. M-F Pro-Football .KWKW. 2 P.m. Sil Public Service . _ .. -_._ ......... __FERRI), 2 p.m. M-F Pulse of the City .... KHJ, 2:15 p.m. Su

Quaker Breakfast Parade..KHJ, 7:30 a.m. M-Sa Queen for a Day.._ ...... _KID, 11:30 a. m. M-F Quick As a Flash KHJ, 2:30 p.m. Su Quiz Kids ...._ .... ____KECA. 8:30 p.m. Su 'Quiz of Two Cliies..... KHJ. 7 p.m. Sa Races KGFJ. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. D Race Results KRKD, 5:45 p.m. M-Sa Racing Line__ ..... _KWKW. 10-10:45 a.m. M-Sa Radio Auction Gallery ....... ___ KHJ. 7 p.m. W Radio Bible Class .KHJ, 7 a.m. Su Radio Hall of Fame._ ...... __KECA, 3 p.m. Su Radio Readers Digest ELNX, 11 a.m. Su Rave of Week ...... ____KHJ, DLBS, 8:45 p.m. Su Real Life Stories KHJ, 6:15 p.m. M-F Record Room AMPC, 2:05 p.m. M-F Red Ryder ....._ .......... KHJ, ":30 p.m. Tu, Th, Sa Retribution KECA, 6:15 p.m. Th

Rev. K. G. Egertson____KMTR, 8:15 a.m. Su *Reynolds. Quentin. KHJ, 3:45 p.m. Su *Richfield Reporter..._.__KFI, 10 p.m. Su-F Right to Happiness .....__KFI, 1?.:45 p.m. St-F Rise St Shine KHJ, 8 a.m. M-Sa Road of Life ....... -______KNX, 10:45 a.m. M-F

KFI, 3 p.m. M-F Rogue's Gallery______ KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th Romance KNX. 8:30 p.m. Tu Romance of Helen Trent liGNX. 9:30 s.m.M J-1:

Romance of Highways KGB, KEXM. KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su

Romance of the Ranchos KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su Rosemary ...... ......._ ...... __ENX. 11:30 a.m. M-F Round Towner KHJ, 10:15 a.m. F Salt Lake Tabernacle KNX, 9 a.m. Su Saludos Amigos __________ KGFJ, 9 p.m. M-F salvation Army MEWS, 10 a.m. Sa Saturday Night Serenade___KNX, 8:45 p.m. Sa

KILL 5:30 P.m. Sa Savoy, Harry Saturday Serenade__ RECA, 3 p.m. Sa Say It With Music-_____ KGFJ, 12 N.. So

KILL 10:15 p.m. Su School of the Air__ KNX, e p. m. M-F Science of Mind____KFWB, 10:45 a.m. M-F Scout Jamboree KFI, 3 p.m. Sa Screen Guild Players__ .. _ . .._.KNX, 7 p.m. M Scully, Frances RECA. 3:30 p.m. M-F Second Mrs. Burton .... ._...KNX. 11 a.m. M-F

Sewing School . .. ___ KMPC, 1:45 P.m. Tu Shady Valley Folk...--__KVOE, 9:30 a.m. M-F

Jilterlock Holmes._ - KILL 8:30 p.m. M *Shirer, William_--..11-VX. 2:45 p.m. Su Shore, Dinah. -- KFI, 9 p.m. Th simms, Ginny .._ .... __ KNX, 8:30 p.m. F Sinatra. Frank KNX, 6 p.m. W sing, Anterica, Sing ..... _.......KHJ, 111:30 P.m. 51-1.

Skelton Scrapbook. KIM. 7:30 p.m. Tu smith, Ed McConnell _KFI. 8:30 a.m Sa Smile Time KHJ, KGB, 2:15 p.m. M-F Smith, Kate. K-NX. 9 a.m. M-F

. KNX. 9:30 p.m. F

Songs of Good Cheer.. KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Sa Song Fur You .ELNIPC, 8:30 a.m. M-F Songs of the Nations._ RECA. 2 p.m. Su So the Story Goes KHJ, 10:45 p.m. M-F Spanish Program ____ KMTR. 5:30 a.m. Su Speare, Frederick.. ..KXLA, 3 p.m. Su Sports, Belle Martell

KMTR, 5:15 p.m. Tu. Th. Sa Sports Highlights ............. ........KMPC, 9 p.m. Tu-F Sports Newsreel ___ _ KFI. 7 :30 p.m. F Sportsmen's Club........ KECA, 8:30 p.m. W

Spotlight Bands KHJ., DLBS. 8:30 p.m. M. W. F Standard Hour KFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood KNX, 9:30 a.m. Sa Stars of Tomorrow 11.11, 3:30 p.m. Sa Start Day Singing KM PC, 7 :30 a.m. M-Sa St. Brendan's Boys' Choir KMTR, 12:05 p.m. Sil Steele, Ted KMPC, 4:15 p.m. M-F Stella Dallas ELFI. 1:15 p.m. M-F *Sterling, Dr. Wallace KNX. 10:15 p.m.

.Tu. Th. Su Stone, Cliff..... .KFVD, 5:15 a.m. M-Sa Story of Israel._.______XFWB, 8:15 P.m. Sa Story of a Star RECA. 6:30 p.m. Tu Strange As It Seems______K6FJ, 1 p.m. Su Struilin' Tom KFAC, 8:30 a.m. Su

..... ....... KFWB, 9:115 p.m Tu-F; 2:15 p.m. Su Styles, Hal KFWB, 3:30 p.m. Su Sunday Eve Party. KECA. 3:30 p.m. Su Sunrise Salute______:KNX, 6:15 a.m. M-Sa Supper Club. !EFL S p.m. 31-1.- Superman _--._.BHJ, 5:15 p.m. M-F

Suspense KNX, 9 p.m. Tb Sweetheart Time KILL 10:30 a.m. Su *Swing, Raymond Gram.... .... KECA, 4:15 p.m.,

10:30 p.m. M-F Symphonies for Youth KECA, 10 a.m. Sa "Take It or Leave It KNX, 7 p.m. Su Take It Easy KILL 8:30 a.m. M-F Tapestries of Life..._ KNX. 9:30 p.m. Tu Taylor, Henry J ..... __HR /. KGB, 7 p.m. M. F Taylor. Mary Lee.. . KNX, 11 a.m. Sa Teen Queen Club .......KMPC, 11:05 a.m. sa Teen Timers Club --...KFSD, 10:30 a.m. -,,

Teen Town KECA. 4:30 p.m. sa Teen Tune Sesh.. ....... --...... ..... BEM 1:30 p.m. Sa Telephone Hour.. KFI, 9 p.m. M Tello-test ...... ________ KHJ, 1:45 p.m. M-F Terra & Tim ..._ ............ ....KNX, 11:45 a.m. M-F Terry and the Pirates__ ..... KECA, 5 p.m. M-F Texaco Theater.... ....... ___. .KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su That's a Good Idea__ Ks-X. 6:30 p.m. Sa Theater Guild ...... ........ KECA, 7 p.m. Su Theater of Today. KNX, 9 a.m. Sa The Basters_____-_KFI, U:30 a.m. Sa The Falcon - .KHJ, 8:58 P.m. Tu The Sbadow_.-.........______KHJ, 2 p.m. Su The Sheriff .....KECA. 8:30 p.m. F The Story Teller KNX. 7:45 p.m. Sa 'Thirty Seconds to Go KILL 11 a.m. Tu. Th. Sa *This Changing World ......KHJ, 1:30 p.m. M-F -- .. .-.--.. -. .4 p.m. Su This Is My Best KNX, 6:30 p.m. Tu This Woman's Secret__ KFI, 4 p.m. M-F Thomas. John Charles ._ TEFL 11:30 a.m. So Thompson, Bill _ KECA, 7 p.m. M Those Webster+ MU, S p.m. Su Three B's . .... .-......K.NX, 12:30 p.m. Sa Three Men on a Mike KFWB, 2:30 p.m. M-F Through a Woman's Eyes....KNX. 5:15 p.m. M-F Tillamook Kitchen. ..S:FI, 10 a. uz. F Tin Pan Alley KF1, 2:45 pin. Sa *Tinney, Cal_ KECA, 10 p.m. M-F Time to Smile ........ .KFI, 6 p.m. W Today's Children_______KFI, 11:15 a.m. M-F Town Meeting........-_-__KECA, 8:30 p.m. Tb Traffic Tribunal___-__KFL 10:45 a.m., Sa Transatlantic Call. KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Treasure Hour of Song____KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Th Treasury Salute KECA, 8 a.m. Sa

KFI, U:30 pin. M

True Detective KHJ. 1:30 p.m. Su "Truth or Consequences KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Tuesday at Nine KFI. 9 p.m. Tu Twilight Tales KMPC, 4:45 p.m. 1u. Th Two-Ton Baker . . . .......KHJ, 7:30 a.m. 3d-Sa Futon Rescue Whalen - W1rWl3, 8:30 A.M. Su l'allant Lady KNX, 8:1S a.m. M-F *Van, Lyle KHJ, 9 a.m. 51-F *Vandercouk, John W KFI, 2:30 p.m. So Vets Talk It Over__ ..... _KFWB. 7 p.m. Su Voice of Calvary.......- KXLA, 10 p.m. Su Voice of Firestone...... KF1. 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Health...____ ..... KFA(', 9:15 a.m. M-F Voice of Mexico_______SWKW, 6 a.m. M-F Voice of the Moment_._ KNX, 5 p.m. Sa Voice of _ 1Prophecy...

-FIG _ .__ILMTR,

7:30 a.m. Su KHJ. H. KVOE, 5:30 a.m. Su

Vox Pop KIM, 9:30 p.m. M Wake Up and Stalle..._-___KECA, 8:30 a.m. Sa Waltz Time .KFI, 8:30 p.m. F Want to Be in Radio* XEWB, 3:30 p.m. Su Waring, Fred .KFI, 8 a.m. M-F Washington Inside Out._ KECA, 11 a.m. Su Weird Circle ...SECA, 9:30 P.m. W *Wells, Carveth_-_KFL 10:30 p.m. M-F *Welles. Orson_ _KECA, 10:15 a.m. Su Wesley Radio League ... __ ...K.MPC, 8:30 a.m. Su

KHJ, KGB. KVOE, 8 a. co. Su Westinghouse Hour KFI, 11:30 a.m. Mt What Do You Say' REI. 10:15 a.m. M-W. F What's Loin', Ladies_____KECA, 2 p.m. M-F *Wheeler, !Luria ...... _____KNX, 3 p.m. M-F

_12:30 p.m. st-F When Wei Idarries_-_KFI, 2 p.m. M-F Whistler__ - KNX, 9 p.m. M Whiteman, Paul - KECA, 6:30 p.m. M Whoa Bill Club ____KFAC. 5:30 p.m. M-F *Wilder, Alvin AFL 10 a.m. Su Williams. Al KHJ, 10:15 a.m. Sts Win, Place or Show____KECA, 8:30 p.m. Sa *Winchell, Waiter.. .....__._..KECA. 6 p.m. Su

..._ ...... ._._. .. _... . ..., ..=_KHJ, 5:30 p.m. Su "Winner Take A11-____-_KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su Winter. Evelyn_ ___KNX. 1:30 p.m. M-F Wilmer, Harry KECA, 5:15 p.m. Sa Woman of America__ ..... KFI, 3:4 p.m. NI-F Woman In White 'EFL 11:30 a.m. M-F Women's Page KFWB, 4 p.m. M. W. F Women's Exchange._ ...


. .. KMPC, 8:15 a.m. M-F Woman's World. ...... 10:30 a.m. M-F Woody Herman Show KECA, 8 p.m. F Word of Prophecy_-__ ..... KGER, 6:05 p.m. Su *World Today . ...... 3:45 p.m. M-Sa *World Tomorrow KGB, 11:45 a.m. Su *Wyatt. James___-1ENX. 11 p.m. M-Sa You Were There KHJ, 2:30 p.m. Sa Young, Alan RECA, 9 p.m. F Young Artists Competition .. . KIT. 9:30 p.m. M Young, Norma KILL 3:15 p.m. M-F Young Dr. Malone KNX, 10:30 a.m. M-F Young Widder Brown. KFI. 1:45 p.m. M-F Young People's Church of the Air

KM.!. 7 :30 a.m. Sn You're In the Act - KNX, 12 ni. M-F tour Hit Parade KNX. 9 p.m. Sa Your Hope Chest.... .......... _ . KNX. 4 p.m. Su Your California Home KMPC. 9:05 a.m. M-F Your Home KMPC, 4:30 p.m. M, W. F


Manager Edna! (Continued from Paye .5)

put in. It would scare me. Anyway, I feel better under irregular hours and I'm never sick."

The Skeltons' business is set up something like this: Edna is man- ager; an investment company han- dles all the bookkeeping (and is Edna proud of the fact that while Red was in the Army, they managed to carry all his investments with the income from them!) there is an of- fice in Beverly Hills where two girls type scripts and handle the fan mail; and there are three writers on the show in addition to Edna. "Of the thirty people who were on our show when Red went away, all are back with us but two," was a proud com- ment on Edna's part that needed no elaboration.

He's the Boss Every Sunday night, Red holds a

preview of his coming Tuesday night's show at NBC. After the pre- view, the cast listens to a record of the performance and Red marks out any gags he feels haven't clicked or pencils in any good ad libs. He's the boss, according to E d n a. "If he doesn't think it's funny, out it goes!"

Following this Sunday night ses- (Pieuse Turn to Paye 35)

Fightingest Musician (Continued from Page 3)

even care if they talk," he smiled, "if I'm having a good time too ?'

Eddy's looking for an apartment (who isn't ?) so he can send for his eight -and -a -half year old son, Peter Oelrichs. He's heard that there's a good grade school in Beverly Hills so he hopes to get a place there.

Duchin has one pet peeve -Roy Rogers! "I don't doubt that he's a nice guy," moaned Eddy, "but my kid, Peter, drives me wild with Roy Rogers. All day long it's Roy Rogers Roy Rogers. When Roy Rogers comes tq Madison Square Garden we have to go see him. Last time we had to go twice. I don't doubt that kid would gladly trade me for Roy Rog- ers if he had the chance!"

Eddy has one beef. He says he doesn't like the way returning serv- icemen are being greeted. "When a guy comes back from seeing a lot of action don't greet him with 'Hello, you've been away, haven't you ?' And don't expect him to pick right up where he left off. Don't say, 'I know how tough it was, fella.' Because chances are you don't." Eddy has the greatest admiration in the world for the Marines. "Greatest branch of service of all," he said, "outside of the Navy, of course! In the next war I'd be doing the same thing I did - destroyer duty."

Not Like Cavallero His new album is called "Reminis-

cing." "I think you'd like it," he told us. "I've been looking for one my- self!" He was surprised to find on

his return to radio that a lot of peo- ple have been listening to Carmen Cavallero and thinking that they were hearing Eddy Duchin. "I don't know why," he said. "We really don't play alike at all. I think Cavallero is one of the greatest technicians I've heard. Me, I like the melody and feeling." He tries to pick tunes that live because people still love them.

"For instance," he exclaimed, "do you ever hear 'Chattanooga Choo- Choo' any more ?"

"No," we admitted. "Or 'Woodchopper's Ball' ?" 'No." "But, do you ever hear 'Smoke Gets

in Your Eyes' or Irving Berlin's 'Al- ways'? Yes, you do! Well, there you are -people like them. But, do you ever hear 'Jazz Me Blues' ?"

"Yes," we said unashamed. "We've got the record."

"Well, so do I," Eddy laughed. "That's different." Eddy's favorite band is Goodman's. I also like Duke Ellington, the Dorseys, Jimmy and Tommy ..."

"How about that piano -playing fel- low, a guy we know called Eddy Duchin ?" we asked.

"Oh, that corny guy ?" said Mr. Duchin, "he's lousy!"

Biggest Little House (Continued from Page 71

he drives toward the garage and the car passes over a small rounded control set in the concrete. This automatically opens the garage door. In he drives without having to get out of the car. In the kitchen and the master bedroom are b u t t o n switches which close the grill gate and the garage door.

Because sun bathing in the San Fernando Valley is almost a year -

round pleasure, Fidler had a sun -

deck built on the top of his garage. Of stone and steel with eleven -inch steel girders, the sundeck will hold five -hundred people.


(Continued from Page 9)

fascinated . wondering how he'd even open his mouth with a jawful like that ... Steve continued his usual fast repartee, with no apparent signs of gulping, choking, or being other- wise perturbed.

Where was the celery? Proving the hand quicker than the eye, Steve pointed it out on the piano, right where it was in the first place . .

none the worse for wear, except for some neatly planted tooth marks.


Sheldon Leonard, who plays super- salesman "Orville Sharp" on NBC's "Meet Me at Parky's," has been made an honorary member of the Road Agents, national organization of traveling salesmen.

Gags of the Week (Continued from Page 10)

place you can get a sun tan over goose pimples. * Mrs. Virginia Inman, 5909 Willoughby Ave-

nue, Hollywood 38, Calif. Heard on Breneman's "Breakfast in

Hollywood": Uncle Corny: Oh, I just can't stand

out in the Valley and I have to go out and get him in about an hour. but he's such a tightwad I ought to leave him there.

Uncle Corny: Oh, I just can't stand Jack Benny. *

Heard on "It Pays to be Ignorant ": George Shelton: Mr. Howard, be-

tween you and me, isn't love wonder- ful?

Tom Howard: Mr. Shelton, between you and me it would be ridiculous.

Tom Howard: What did you do be- fore you entered the Army?

George Shelton: I put salt on pretzels.

Howard: Is that all you did? Shelton: I made a lot of money, too. Mr. Wilson: Yeah, that was crooked

dough. *

Mrs. M. C. Davis, 924 South Bronson A Los Angeles 6, Calif. Heard on "Blind Date ": Contestant: My father was a post-

man. He carried the mail. I also have three brothers.

Arlene Francis: You say you have three brothers? Looks like your mother carried the male.

* Mrs. Isabelle Noble, 4366 Westlawn

Avenue, Venice, Calif. Heard on "Truth or Consequences ": Ralph Edwards: What do you put

in a pie you don't eat? Answer: Your teeth'

* Rose B. Baker, 430 East 82nd Street,

Los Angeles 3, Calif. Heard on the "Charlie McCarthy

Show": Charlie (to Lassie) : Get away from

me, Lassie, you're barking up the wrong tree! *

Mrs. J. Opal McCoy, 4419 Pennsylvania Avenue, La Crescenta, Calif. Heard on Don McNeill's "Breakfast

Club ": Service Chaplain (during interview):

A jeep is a pint -sized truck with built in chiropractor treatments. * James Morad, 232 North Alma Avenue, Los

Angeles 33, Calif. Heard on the "Bob Hope Show ": Bob Hope: The housing shortage is

so bad in Palm Springs that when I asked the clerk at the hotel for a five dollar suite, he gave me a Hershey bar.


When It's Bill Thomps Dust Off Those Mad Ch Boomer," "Wimple," and

By Eileen La

-Back to ters H.


Tuesday, 6.30 p.m. .\'ßf. -KH

'M BACK -and I'm darned glad to be k," grinned road

v í at l, round bac-faced

Bill Thompson. "The only action l saw in two- and -a -half years in the Navy was bat

ties with my officers ". Mr. Thompson at the moment was

precariously straddling a wicker chair, caressing an NBC microphone, and making faces at the ' harried photographer. "Don't knock yourself out." he winked, "I'm not the glam- our type -the Navy was good for me, but how I missed those three screw- balls, 'Wallace Wimple', 'Horatio K. Boomer' and the 'Old Timer'. Sup- pose they ever thought of me ?"

Well, it's a certainty that if they didn't, Mr. and Mrs. Listening Audi- ence did. There's a saying about the fickleness of the public, but it didn't seem to hold true in Mr. Thompson's case. All three of him were eagerly welcomed by all of his faithful fans when he returned to his old spot of weekly hounding NBC's "Fibber McGee "; happiest to see him were the McGees them- selves.

Appreciative "It was a warm welcome I re-

ceived last night ", smiled Bill in re- membrance, "for my first appearance on the show. There aren't enough nice things I can say about the Mc- Gees to let them know how very grateful I am. We've been together eight years ".

NEARLY ALL OF RILL'S busy lik has been spent in entertaining. He is an ex- vaudevillin who is achieving the ambition of his own air show.

Upon viewing curly- headed, smil- ing- faced, jauntily - dressed Bill, one doesn't find it hard to picturg him as a jovial, likable comedian. For he's just that. But he has his serious mo- ments, too. We realized that as he quietly praised the Navy, and the splendid men with whom he had worked. His two- and -a -half years in service had left their mark. By his own confession, he's no longer the tardy young man of those pre -war days. He longs for a simple, happy life and scorns the folderol of the so- called "Hollywood existence ".

When questioned about his rise in radio, he replied, "the hard 'way ". Born of theatrical parents, Bill is an ex- vaudevillian, whose first love is the theatre. The mikes lured him from the boards in 1933 and in 1936 he joined the McGees. As we go to press it looks as if he may soon have a show of his own (which will have nothing to do with the characters created for the McGees), and some

day intends doing a musical comedy on Broadway ( "Once a hoofer, always a hoofer "). He keeps in practice by frequenting the local dance floors.

Likes to Write Sandwiched in between acting

chores have been many a script. He's good at writing his own material and always does so for guest spots. When his Bill Thompson show ma- terializes, it will be with Bill as col -

' laborator. Like so many returned veterans,

Bill is frantically searching for an apartment. His kid brother is still in the Navy and his mother resides in Chicago. He is a bachelor, likes to play when it's time to play -but when there's work to be done, watch out! And he feels after a two -and- a -half years' absence, The Old Timer, Horatio K. Boomer, and Waltaee Wimple had better watch out! "Bill Thompson's back to dust 'em off."

Page Twenty -Nine

By Shirley Gordon

4 RESPLENDENT IN A POLKA -DOT num- ber, Bob Crosby has shelved his Marine uniform, is keeping himself busy get-

ting his new band started.

Tuesday, 7 :00 p.m. (:Us -K.%x

Starling Starch r; Wednesday, 6 :30 p.m.


OUR RADIO Life reporter walked into CBS' Studio B the other afternoon and spotted a happy indica- tion that peacetime liv-

ing is in bloom again -Bob Crosby back in a bright bow -tie!

"Back waving a baton, too ", smiled Bob, obviously glad to be back, after eighteen months service in the Mar- ine Corps, sixteen of them spent in the South Pacific.

"I've nothing to say about that, though ", he protested when pressed for sume details of his experiences in tmiform. L is ìeave it a mern- ory ".

Today, Bob is primarily concerned with his return to the entertainment scene, and the problems he has en- countered in his attempts to get es- tablished again.

"I had the thought ", he s t a t e d grimly, "that folks were ready to give some breaks to a guy just out of uniform. I'm kinda surprised

-And Baton is Bob Crosby, Late of the Marines, Now CBS Air Star and Maestro of a New Orchestra

to find that isn't always so. I'm almost beginning to wonder why I enlisted ".

With his return to civilian life, Bob has formed a new orchestra, and put- ting this new Bob Crosby band on the upper rung which his former group occupied is his current chief objective. Surprising stumbling block is his inability to obtain a recording contract.

"The companies tell me they can't make any more commitments ", Cros- by continued. "The new names that have come up in the last couple years have all the tie -ups ".

Having best -selling records on the market is, of course, a determining factor in a band's rise to top popu- larity.

No Dixieland The new Crosby aggregation is a

$FRIEND DINAH Shore was guest star on the younger Crosby's CBS airshow. Program started under handicap by

having to buck Hooper -high Bob Hope. Starting March 6th, the show will be changed to Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

JOHN LUND, ACTOR who scored success on -stage in "The Hasty

Heart", is featured on the new Bob Crosby air series. Crosby and his new "Bobcats ", also heard on the program, are appearing at the Palladium.

complete change from Bob's former group, "The Dixieland Band ". None of his former members are in his new ensemble, and he has aban- doned the two -beat "Dixieland" style of playing for the more universally - accepted four -beat music.

His orchestra appears with him weekly on his Tuesday night airshow (Another hurdle he has to jump is having his show at this writing 'buck' NBC's Hooper -high Bob Hope). Also on the Bob Crosby program line- up are John Lund, the Town Criers, and a guesting star each week.

Between broadcasts, Bob and his band have been doing one- nighters and (if plans as we go to press have been consummated) are currently playing at the Palladium. Crosby hopes to eliminate their strenuous travelling schedule and play spots in and near Hollywood only.

The one -nighter marathon Bob and the Bobcats had been on at the time of our interview had Crosby worn down to the state where he couldn't repress the yawns that punctuated our chat.

He apologized for his sleepy state, answered with a smile our question concerning trends in music. "People have been asking me that for years ", .he explained. "What I think is that there have always been all types of music -and there always will be ".

Family Life Turning to the off -mike side of the

Crosby life, we talked then of his trio of youngsters - six- year -old Cathy,

NL BOB IS AIDED AND ABETTED by this rhythmic Foursome, "The Town Criers ", on

his weekly airer. Like Bing, Bob likes to spend any spare moments on the golf course. "But it's been a long, long time since I've had any," he lamented.

three -year -old Chris, and little Bob, Jr., one- and -a -half. "They're all mu- sical", reported their father proudly, adding, "We hope! Cathy plays the piano ", he informed us further.

The Bob Crosby home, is in Bel -Air. "It's a small place ", commented Bob, "considering that bunch of wild In- dians we have in it ".

As for any activity outside h i s radio and batoneering assignments, Crosby demurred that there has been little time lately Like brother Bing,

he is an enthusiastic golfer and has won a number of trophies, including one from the Crosby (Bingl -Hope (Bob) annual tournament.

"Handball ?" Bob reported when we made mention of the other sport that once ranked next to golf as his off -mike interest. "Not any more ", he remarked, readying himself for the serious chore of directing his band through another radio re- hearsal. "That's a young man's game ", he grinned.

iAWAY FROM THE MICROPHONE, Bob is the proud dad of a trio of youngsters

-Cathy, Chris and Bob, Jr. "Wild Indians!" he calls them. (Photo shows

Dinah, Crosby and Lund conferring over script during rehearsal).



FOR By Peggy Carter

4 BEN, AS A RADAR OFFICER, spent two -and -a -half years in the Navy. Here he is aboard the Cruiser, Steamer Bay.

HERE'S a wonderful sight along Radio Row these days! Strolling down the bustling boulevard, you again can see those favorite mike - men who at long last have donned their good old prewar pinstripes. But there's one you don't have to see -

you can hear him! They call him "Whistlin' Ben Alexander" around NBC.

Ben's neat navy blue is hanging in the closet (we hear he'd like to wear it again if the opportunity pre- sented itself) -and, says Ben, with the closing of that closet door, so closed one of the most thrilling chap- ters of his life.

In the summer of '43, the blond, Spencer Tracyish mikeman left his numerous ether chores to get into the fight. For twenty -one months he

-tlikeman Alexander Has Packed His Neat Navy Blue In Moth Balls And Shut The Door On An Exciting Past

served as a radar officer aboard the cruiser, Steamer Bay. His ship par- ticipated in every Pacific invasion from Saipan on, and, luckily, Alex- ander left the navy without a scratch.

Bedtime Story Teller Ben also left the navy with the

reputation of fine teller of tall tales. "Mr. Nick," as he was known to his crew, nightly put them to sleep with a bedtime story. "Now these bed- time stories," grinned Ben, "weren't exactly radio material, but they amused the men and that's what We wanted. Even the captain became so interested he'd tune in on the in- tercom system." . r

In the more serious moments aboard ship -"and, there were plenty of those" -Ben read the latest news reports to the boys. "It's a thrill now," related Mr. A., "to have them come to see me on a show. That's real friendship."

About those show s, Ben has (Please Turn to Pape 'CO


BACK AT NBC, ALEXANDER assumes his role of "Ben Waterford" on -Gil- dersleeve." That's lovely Louise Erick

son as "Marjorie" with him.

Hold Off That Trip to Monte Carlo - Just Get on This Show and You Can

Q11114114111146 HE WAY radio fans are jamming Mutual's studios in New York to crash the doors of the "Break the

Bank' quizaroo, you'd think it was a run on a bank.

With genial Bert Parks acting as master of ceremonies, participants can win as much as $1000 in cash if they have the right answers to their chosen category of questions. Correct answers to the quizmaster's ques- tions pay from $5 to $500, and after each contestant has answered nine questions correctly he or she gets a chance at the $1000 questions. Two misses are allowed and when the contestant is eliminated he is paid for his last correct answer. The Vicks Chemical Company, sponsoring the show, matches the payment by mak- ing an additional deposit in the "bank."

"Break the Bank" attracts a varied array of contestants to its micro- phone. Stars from the world of sport and many other outstanding person- alities have appeared at various times on the show. Columbia Uni- versity's "pigskin heroes," Gene Ros- sides and Lou Kusserow, "struck. gold" on their first appearance, but were not content with their initial success and returned the following week to try for more.

The nimble- footed grid stars proved themselves equally nimble -witted before the mike and ran up a total of $300 in prize money before the ever - present clock rang the bell on them. They were given a choice of taking the cash or coming back the following week and beginning where


.Saturday, ti :30 p.m. Mutual-Don Lee-Al1J

RUTH CZUCNNICKI, Long Island school teacher, breaks the bank when she

answers Emcee Bert Parks' question on the show. She won $2900, highest award yet made on program.

they left off ... in other words start- ing with $300 already in the kitty.

The boys huddled, decided to come back for more. Next week they "Broke the Bank" for $1500, donated $500 to the Dean's fund for needy students, split the remaining $1000 between themselves.

Crew Scored One week before "Navy Day" the

entire crew of the submarine "Rec- quin" appeared on "Break the Bank." Commanded by Slade Cutter, who place- kicked the winning score in an Army -Navy football classic a few years back, the crew selected one seaman from their ranks whom they dubbed "quiz kid." The "kid" promptly walked off with $1100; $500 of which the crew gave to the Navy Welfare Fund. The remaining cash was divided among the crew for a "Navy Day" blowout.

People who don't hit the headlines but who still like to cop the cash come in for their share of fun, Be- fore each program, emcee Bert Parks and announcer "Bud" Collyer, who plays Clark Kent on Mutual's "Superman" series, canvass the stu- dio audience, asking questions, chat- ting freely and selecting the con- testants for the show when it hits the ether.

Policeman Dan Sullivan became the first member of the New York

force to appear before the quizmas- ter. He covered himself and the force with glory and pocketed $300 for his efforts.

Took Hard Lou A pathetic note was recently in-

jected into the program when wait- ress Margaret Dell, who works in a Midtown Shanty restaurant, missed the all important $2100 question. She had chosen the quiz category "Elec- tricity" and had gotten the first seven answers but the eighth and final question stumped her: "What major league ball park city was the first to install electrical equipment for night games ?" With everyone in the audience plugging for her she muffed the answer - Cincinnati. Nevertheless she got a $300 consola- tion prize and a chance to return the following week.

Professional quiz - visitors, w h o make it their business to worm their way onto every quiz show on the air, occasionally find their way to "Break the Bank." Take Sadie Hertz for ex- ample ... On a recent show she ad libbed constantly, jostled emcee Bert Parks and in response to the query "Which of these liquids would you put into your automobile radiator

anti- freeze, lemon oil, machine oil, or Pepsi- Cola ?" she replied with brow wrinkled with the wisdom of the ages, "Well, I know it isn't Pepsi - Cola."

Page Thirty -Three

BREAKFASTING- AND BROADCASTING at the same time, Elsa Maxwell inter- views dancing Ray Bolger and his charming wife, Gwen, on her "Party Line"

program over Mutual. The Bolgers inaugurated Elsa's new series of Thursday morning interviews with famous Mr. and Mrs. teams who have helped each other's careers.


PAUL "POPS" WHITEMAN give out with gusto in a duet with song.

stress Eugenie Baird. Both are heard week on ABCs "Forever Tops" air series.

BRIEFING FATHER is Shirley Lauck, 17- year -old daughter of Chet Lauck

Rum of ABC's lum and Abner). Anxious that her famous father put his best foot forward when he accompanies her to the annual father- daughter dinner given by Pi Beta Phi sorority of U. S. C., Shirley cor- nered Chet beforehand.

Apr "THE NOSE" was immortalized in cement in the forecourt of Grau-

man's Chinese Theater recently, but CBS comic, Jimmy Durante, didn't mind at all having his face pushed in the mud as long as pretty starlet, Joan Thorsen, was on hand to wipe his battered brow.

BACK IN CIVVIES, Robert Mitch- ell, founder and ccnductor of the

Mitchell Boychoir, is now on KFI three times weekly with his own airshow, "Melodies by Mitchell" (Wednesdays, Fridays, 10 a.m.; Thursdays, 11:30 p.m.) .i PIANIST "SKITCH" HENDER-

SON is re- introduced to radio on Frank Sinatra's show after serving more than three years as pilot of a B -29.





V. GENE AUTRY dropped on on his old chums on NBC's "National Barn

Dance" a while ago, and cut capers with Lulu Belle and a nag who isnt, need we tell you, his pet mount, Champion.

. 1°1111111PIPRIPIRK"I"

ManacPr F.rinat

(Continued from Pape 28)

sion, the script is rewritten for the Tuesday night show. In the mean.. time, sometime on Sunday while they're all together, Edna hands the three writers her outline of the com- ing (week from Tuesday) show. This is actually more a full script than

. it is an outline, and each writer takes it, works it over, supplies gags, and returns his version to Edna by. Wednesday or Thursday. The Skel- tons have found this a most satisfac- tory method of scripting, because, with each writer working on the whole show, the weak spots are hit by one, if not all of them.

From the three scripts turned in mid -week, Edna picks the best gags and a revised. composite script is prepared by the secretaries the fol- lowing day. Red and Edna have no set time to go over this "compost - tion" -it's a pasted -up affair, with the initials of each writer opposite the gags used, thus showing Red at all times who is doing what.

"It's what pleases Red that counts," Edna emphasized as she explained that the script for Sunday night's preview evolved from this composite version. By this time, she will have spent an average of three nights working on script alone. She's usual- ly about two and a half weeks ahead of show time on ideas.

Non- Feminine Purse Any time she and Red are to-

gether, he is apt as not to shove a handful of stuff in her direction and mumble something about "here's a show idea, maybe." These bits and scraps of "ideas" Edna stuffs into her handbag, which she claims doesn't look at all like the ordinary woman's. Instead of make -up implements and items of feminine fancy, hers is crammed with lists of errands and routines, tickets, ticket requests, script, account books. "First thing I

do when I get in the office every morning is dump my bag's contents on the top of the desk," Edna laughed. "I sort it and begin to ac- cumulate all over. Someone who no- ticed how bulgy my purses always were gave me a l4rge beaded bag, big enough to hold scripts."

Manager Edna's day usually be- gins at seven. She has to be cleared away by nine, because the phone starts ringing about that time. Her home life is organized to run smooth- ly with both the demands on her time and those of her husband - bridegroom, Director- Producer Frank Borzage, definitely in mind. They live in a three - bedroom, modernis- tically furnished suite in a Beverly Hills apartment - hotel, with a house- keeper relieving Edna of routine home matters. "Mr. Frank," as Edna chooses to call her important mate, is extremely sympathetic about Ed- na's work and doesn't object to her having to devote several nights a week to it. Either he's just as busy

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ór busier at the studio, or likes accompany his wife.

to making his first picture, "Flight Command," six or seven years ago.

fter Red and Eda's divorce she Red Generous, Appreciative

She spends a great part of her time in the office, but Red usually drops in for just a couple of hours a day to look over his mail or check on script. "He's like a spark plug," com- mented Edna. "Another fine thing about him is he always does his beefing at the outset: If he doesn't think it's best to do something, he says so right off the bat. If we still decide to do it, he's Always a won- derful sport. He's an appreciative person, too," she continued. "He gives credit where it's due. All his staff is on a three -week trial basis, but once you've met Red's okay, you're seldom fired. You have to quit. He's overly generous -will give you anything he's got. Has that quick Irish temper that flares up and then dismisses an incident. If we disagree on something and I'm thinking about it hours after Red's already forgotten about it, he'll say in surprise: 'You still thinking about THAT?'"

Red is just as carefree about ap- pointments as he is about disagree- ments. Every night Manager Edna calls him to list the following day's dates. "If he doesn't show up, I start trying to find him," she smiled.

One wonders, with an uncertain schedule like hers, how Edna con- trives to save any time for herself, but she does. She listens to as many comedy shows on the air as hu- manly possible ( "I have to ") but sel- dom attends movies during the radio season, delaying her picture -going to the summer vacation time, when she gobbles the flickers in one chunk.

Clothes Budgeted Until the past few years when

Red's career was finally established, Edna was too intent to pay much at- tention to clothes and coiffures. Now she allocates a certain amount of her income "to be dressed," deposits the money with Erma Beal, one of Beverly Hills' smartest couturiers, who has free rein in designing and making Edna's wardrobe. A well -

proportioned lady ( five feet six, 125 pounds), Edna wears almost any type of costume with stunning ef- fect, but she prefers suits because she can don one in the morning, and if business presses, look appro- priately dressed until bedtime. Her favorite colors are navy, black and gray -she likes bright tones, but thinks they don't become her. "I'm a plutocrat right now," she confided. "I have ten or fifteen suits -mostly the dressmaker type." Edna has her heir "done" once a

week and Saturday night goes in for a recombing job to tide her over the week -end. "I wear hats only when I go East," she admitted.

She loves to read "anything with a cover on it" and adores howling -in fact that's how thh romance between her and "Mr. Frank" flowered -they were both bowling enthusiasts. Edna met her husband while Red was


N started bowling and thus frequently met Borzage. They continued their friendship on the golf course and were married just before the holi- days. But Edna admits her golf (200 for 18 holes) is so far outclassed by her husband's that she'll let him carry the standard for the family. "I just look like the outdoor type - I'm really not," she claims.

There's one thing she hates -walk- ing. "When Red and I were working walkathons, once I entered a contest in Kansas City for four and a half months. I was one of the winners. Perhaps that's why shoes are my pet extravagance. My feet always hurt and I'm always buying expensive new shoes because I think they'll fix me up."

Reconversion for Ben (Continued from Page 32)

assumed the role of Bashful Ben Waterford on the "Gildersleeve" airer, and, at this writing is anticipating an imminent return to the Union Oil program. In the offing is the role of emcee on "Photoplay's Magazine of the Air," which will also boast Ben's name as writer.

Inevitable Ben We learned that clever "Mr. Nick"

is a man with four -alarm talent. You remember him as a child movie star, a juvenile lead in "All Quiet on the Western Front" (which led to a series of young blond heels until Ben felt if he'd had enough, so had the public), emcee on "Little Ole Hollywood," announcer a n d straight man for Bergen and Mc- Carthy, a n d head of his Kellogg Talent Parade.

Termed "the inevitable Ben Alex- ander" by Deems Taylor who wrote a book on motion pictures and dis- covered that Ben had participated in practically every movie from 1914- 1929, Ben hopes he keeps on being inevitable. Acting, either via the air or flickers, is his preference and someday he'd l i k e to direct. Of course, he wields a mean pen and may end up by writing the great American novel.

The mikeman is proud of the fact that he has never possessed a con- tract or had dealings with an agent. He is his own manager and thrives on his own philosophy -work. "I'll work any time and for anybody. The more the better."

Having received his discharge from the Navy on last Dec. 7, Ben spent Christmas, the first in two years, with his three- year -old son, Nick the fourth. "It's a good thing -I spent so much time in the South Pacific," he grinned, "because my boy's En- glish is slightly unintelligible at this point and I've come to the con- clusion it's Hawaiian. Needless to say, we have wonderful man to man talks."

Page Thirty -Five

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FAMOUS MUSICAL FAVORITES 3:00-3:45 p. m. Monday through Saturday

MUSICAL MASTERPIECES 4:00-5:00 p. m. Monday through Saturday

CONCERT IN MINIATURE 7:00-7:30 p. m. Monday through Friday

EVENING CONCERT 8:00 -10:00 p. m.

Monday through Saturday