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  • 8/4/2019 Dfma China



    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


  • 8/4/2019 Dfma China



    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    About Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    What is DFMA.

    What is outsourcing and why do it.

    The hidden costs of overseas manufacture.

    Case Studies:

    What we thought in 2004

    What is happening today

    Brief Software Overview.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Methodology & databases developed in late 70s

    with NSF funding

    BDI formed in 1980, first software released in


    Founders of DFMA copyright held by BDI

    Market leader for nearly three decades, helped

    by industrial research & user-feedback

    Software in use by more than 850 industrial


    1991 National Medal of Technology

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) is

    a tool for early product design evaluation that

    simplifies the design concept through part

    reduction strategies and predicts assembly and

    manufacturing costs. DFMA software helps remove product costs

    without compromising function, while improving

    quality, reliability, and delivery times. DFMA allows engineering teams to quantify their

    ideas and create more-innovative products.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Copyright Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc. 2008

    Piece Part Costs,


    Overhead, 24%Labor, 4%

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Supplier Costing

    As ashould-cost tool to provide costestimates, help validate supplier quotes,and to negotiate suppliers bids andcontracts

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


    2 motorscrews


    2 standoffs -steel - machined

    cover - sheetsteel - welded

    4 small


    base - machinedaluminum

    bushing - plastic

    end plate -sheet steel

    2 bushings -powder metal - brass

    Set screw

    2 small screws

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Category Part Name Qty Part Num Item Cost ($) SupplierPurchaed Items

    Motor 1 616-BDI-03 12.55$ ACME Motor

    Sensor 1 109-BDI-03 1.58$ Sensor-Rama

    Plastic Bushing 1 279-BDI-03 0.22$ Bushings R Us

    Brass Bushings 2 643-BDI-03 1.53$ Bushings R Us

    Manufactured Items

    Motor Base 1 074-BDI-03 16.38$ USA Machine

    Standoffs 2 012-BDI-03 4.87$ USA Machine

    End Plate 1 257-BDI-03 1.44$ Joe's Sheetmetal

    Cover 1 753-BDI-03 2.08$ Joe's Sheetmetal

    HardwareCover Screws 4 975-BDI-03 0.03$ Fasteners, Inc.

    End Plate Screws 2 123-BDI-03 0.03$ Fasteners, Inc.

    Motor Screws 2 245-BDI-03 0.05$ Fasteners, Inc.

    Set Screw 1 097-BDI-03 0.03$ Fasteners, Inc.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Part Name Qty Part Num Item Cost ($) Should Cost ($)

    Plastic Bushing 1 279-BDI-03 0.22$ 0.20$

    Brass Bushings 2 643-BDI-03 1.53$ 1.35$

    Motor Base 1 074-BDI-03 16.38$ 12.53$

    Standoffs 2 012-BDI-03 4.87$ 2.51$

    End Plate 1 257-BDI-03 1.44$ 1.38$

    Cover 1 753-BDI-03 2.08$ 1.94$

    Total 26.52$ 19.91$

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Product Costing

    As a benchmarking tool to study yourproducts and/or competitors products byquantifying manufacturing process, materialselection, and assembly alternatives

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Consider the following part

    What is the optimal process? Would a change in process result in a

    cost savings?

    Can we give information to purchasing

    that will influence the supplier choice? Would overseas manufacture make sense

    from a cost standpoint?

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    DFMA output

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Product Simplification

    To provide guidance to the design teamin simplifying the product structure,reducing manufacturing and assembly

    costs and quantifying improvements

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


    2 motorscrews


    small screw

    base - nylon

    cover -injection molding

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    63 percent reduction in parts

    4 suppliers removed from supply chain 63 percent reduction in detail drawings

    74 percent reduction in assembly time

    Equal reduction in labor cost

    And lets not forget.

    46% Reduction in TotalCost of the product

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Main Entry: outsourcingPronunciation: -Out-sOr-si[ng], -"sor-

    Function: noun: the practice of subcontractingmanufacturing work to the outside andespecially foreign or nonunion companies

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    One alleged bene f i t of Out-Sourcing is alower cost although this c ommonw i s dom may be part urban legend. Only a small part of the value added is the actual

    assembly labor.

    It takes a lot of folks to create the environment so thatsomebody on the floor can make something.

    Most of that cost is overhead.

    Overhead costs can be classified in two categories: Fixed volume independent like tooling/equipment depreciation and

    other period costs

    Variable - dependent directly on the volume like supervision,consumables, and fringe.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Product manufacture that is to beoutsourced abroad could be kept in the U.S.when three things are done.

    1. Quantify the true cost ofoutsourcing.

    2. Quantify the actual cost of yourproduct.

    3. Use DFMA to redesign yourproduct to enable it to becompetitive in the U.S.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Current literature covers the problemsw ith outsourcing as a command andcontrol problem.

    Higher Costs from reduced visibility and control

    Increased Liability from distributed (and dedicated)

    inventories Increased Supply Chain Latency due to information

    flows that are sequentially cascaded from company tocompany up and down the supply chain.

    Higher Financial Risks due to difficulties measuringand monitoring performance outside the four walls.

    Loss of Intellectual Property (IP) and competitiveedge if your design information leaks to competitorsor customers.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Our premise doesnt apply to allmanufactured products.

    Products that are 80% labor and 20%material clearly will have a cost advantageby moving to lower labor cost countries.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Many have heard theSirens song of lowermanufacturing costonly to end up on therocks of reality.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Outsourcing in a global economy is a complex and multi-faceted issue

    China has pegged the Yuan at 6.83 to the 1 U.S. dollarsince 1994.

    Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan commentedthat if China were to let its currency float, it would

    weaken the countrys banking system and threaten theworld economy.

    Lack of job creation in the U.S. is in part due to gains inproductivity

    Forrester Research predicts 3.4 million white collar jobswill be shipped offshore by 2015.

    Many of these 3.4 million jobs are Business ProcessOutsourcing (BPO)

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


    $4000 - $6000 per flight (round trip business class)

    $172 per diem (average for China from StateDepartment, commercial rate is higher)

    Loss of two entire days for travel time. Travel inside China on Dragon Air is a must!

    Time zone difference

    13 Time zones between US and China

    A day of lag time occurs due to time difference

    Makes non-written communication very difficult

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Every year more than a 100 million containers cross the oceans

    Each year more than 10,000 containers fall overboard

    1990 80,000 Nike Tennis shoes in Mid North Pacific Ocean

    1991 414 drums of Arsenic near New York

    1992 29,000 bath toys ducks, frogs, turtles, beavers

    1994 20,000 Boltio sandals

    1994 34,000 hockey gloves

    1997 500,000 cans of beer into Pacific

    1997 5 million Lego plastic pieces

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Finding a vendor

    Usually done through a third party

    Costs for this service vary widely Make sure the tour matches reality

    Appropriate selection paramount to success

    Dont under estimate time and expense of thisprocess

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Language and History

    Principal of Guanxi or Relationship

    Connections based on mutual trust, trading favors and sharedobligations. Extensive networks. Guanxi networks create trust

    among fellow Chinese and create barriers to outsiders.

    Legal Climate

    Western businesses approach relationships with standard contractrevisions and alterations. Commercial law is ingrained in our

    thinking. Traditionally in China commercial law barely existed,obligations come from relationships.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    40 HiCube External Dimensions 40 x 8 9 x 6

    Internal Dimensions 39 5.375 x 7 8.625 x 8 10

    Typically container cannot be packed 100% full. Typical

    container can be loaded to 85% capacity. 2300 feetcubed.

    Time on the water is 3 weeks. Time in port outboundand inbound as much as a week at each end.

    Costs $4500-$5500 depending on departure and arrivaldestinations

    Air freight is currently $8.50 per pound (5 to 40 lbs).

    Shipping by air is VERY expensive!!!

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics publishes

    International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costsfor Production Workers in Manufacturing. The last reportis USDL 03-507, September 2003.

    Data is adjusted and mathematically modeled to be an

    apples to apples comparison:

    Country Hourly wage in (U.S. $) 2002 yr.

    United States $21.33

    Hong Kong $5.83

    Singapore $7.27

    Taiwan $5.41

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Typical labor rates

    Rates vary at less than $1 per hour for unskilled

    Skilled 0.50 cents to $3.00 variance

    Many companies included 2-3 meals a day & a bed in

    dormitoryHow long is the work w eek?

    Work week is 12-14 hours per day, 6 days a week.The seventh day off is usually because of powerconservation.

    Skill level

    Most labor is unskilled staff from rural areas.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Material cost differences between US andChina

    Some materials are actually moreexpensive abroad

    Lower quality materials available in some


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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Numbers set forth in 2004 and reviewed for this presentation to ensure they were still valid

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


    M ilwaukee inch dri l l, Model 0238-1

    Redesign to create Model 0299-20

    Then redesign Model 0299-20 using DFMA

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Change the gears from being machined from forged blanks to being made from

    powder metal (saves $10.07 per unit)

    Replace the roller ball bearings with powder metal bushings (saves $0.99 per unit)

    Change the side handle back to the 0238 design, where it is simply threaded into

    the gear case (saves $1.82 in material and $1.18 in labor)

    Remove two screws from the gear casing and use two long screws through the

    back of the handle to hold the gear case to the handle body (saves $0.14 per unit)

    Mold in the nameplate and laser etch the serial number (saves $0.25 per unit)

    Mold a feature into the drill body to hold the chuck key and eliminate the separate

    part currently used to hold the key (saves $0.28 per unit)

    Considering all of these savings together, thereare potential DFMA savings of $13.55 in materialcosts and $1.18 in labor.

    DFMA redesign ideas:

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    0283-1 drill cost 100.03$

    0299-20 drill cost 92.59$0299-20 DFMA Redesign 77.86$

    0299-20 drill cost (China) 63.62$

    Cost summary for original and redesigned dril l:

    Numbers in 2004 dollars. All of the cost numbers provided here have been altered to

    protect the confidentiality of the information supplied by Milwaukee Electric Tool.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Total cost to manufacture in China is $63.62

    Add the cost of outsourcing, or 24%, for a total of


    DFMA redesign cost in the U.S. is $77.86, sooutsourcing results in a cost increase of $1.03.

    Cost including outsourcing:

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    40 potential leak sites galvanic, crevicecorrosion

    Susceptible to corrosion - 7 different metals

    Tremendous amount of machining

    Extensive component assembly, and serviceissues

    Labor intensive installation - 9 hoses installedwith hose clamps

    Aluminum anodized and protected by 4 paintcoatings with Hazardous Air Pollutants

    Two Paint layers contain Cr+6

    Fuel vapors released to environment uponheat soak

    Complex end-of-life disassembly and recycling Extensive, Asian supply chain due to

    number of materials and sub-components w ith l ittle integration

    Commonality with other outboards difficult

    Slide courtesy of Dr. Kevin Anderson, Mercury [email protected]

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Functional Integration Corrosion Prevention

    Environmental Responsibility

    Design Processes Lean Design

    Safety Critical Design

    Design for Six-Sigma

    DFM and DFA

    Slide courtesy of Dr. Kevin Anderson, Mercury [email protected]

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Eliminated 31 leak paths, galvanic and crevicecorrosion.

    Corrosion resistant- polyamide and stainless Minimal machining- only 1 reamed hole Simple component assembly Integrated quick connect fittings Environmentally Friendly

    Uncoated, no toxic metal finishingprocesses required

    No Cr+6 or toxic materials 75% less evaporative fuel emissions Fewer materials simplifies end-of-life

    recycling Increased reliability due to corrosion resistance

    and part reduction

    Cost-effect ive, short U.S. supply chaindue to simple elegant design andexcellent material and process selection

    Component platform approach 1.0 Kg weight reduction (35%) 13% cost savings

    Slide courtesy of Dr. Kevin Anderson, Mercury [email protected]

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    Five year implementation of DFMA

    resulted in higher profits and strongbusiness model of US competitiveness.

    Warranty cost per unit declined 75percent.

    Labor expenses decreased by 70%. Case study proves that design

    simplification is fundamental and

    highly effective strategy for negatingthe effect of cheap foreign labor.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

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    Cost Reduction ToolsBoothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

    What can we discover about this part that would

    be useful in understanding the true costs ofmanufacture and the true costs of outsourcing?

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    See www.dfma.com for more information
