dia de reyes

DIA DE REYES Celebrating the Three Wise Men 3174815371_4a94d765b0.jpg 500 × 375 - rosca de reyes. amigos. daniloblack

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Post on 29-May-2015




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A personal recollection of the cultural celebration of Dia de Reyes.


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The big Holiday Season seems to be far gone, I have actually seen some Christmas trees standing on the side of the curb waiting for the trash truck to come and pick them up. When I see them it kind of hits me that it is true, that for some people the celebration is over. But, that is not the case in the Velez household.



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We still have our Christmas tree up and it is actually patiently waiting for a big celebration to come.

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Since I am Mexican I want to continue the very important and popular Mexican tradition of waiting for the visit of the Three Wise Men. In the early 16th century Mexico became a colony of Spain. The Spaniards introduced their religion and brought with them many celebrations including the one of celebrating Epiphany by enjoying a a Rosca de Reyes. In Mexico we celebrate it on January 6th. While its origin is religious it has become a very popular celebration that sometimes strays away from it. However, some of the religious significance lingers.

Hidden inside the Rosca, is a plastic figurine to represent the Baby Jesus. The Baby is hidden because it symbolizes the need to find a secure place for Jesus, a place where King Herod would not find Him.   Each person cuts their slice of the Rosca .  It is believed that the knife symbolizes the danger in which the Baby Jesus  was in. Whoever gets the baby figurine shall be the host, and invite everyone present to a new celebration on February 2, Candelaria  or Candle mass day, and he also shall get a new Ropón or dress for the Baby Jesus of the Nativity scene.http://www.inside-mexico.com/



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When I was a child it was very exciting to go to downtown Mexico City, el Zocalo, to see the Christmas lights and to the Alameda to have a picture taken with the Three Wise Men.

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On January 5th there would also be lots of globeros selling helium balloons so we could attach our letters to the Three Wise Men and let them off to the skies with our wish list.

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Families and friends would gather to share a slice of Rosca de Reyes, hot chocolate and in some case also tamales.




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We would place an empty shoe underneath the Christmas tree or by the window so the Three Wise Men would know who to leave a gift to. Before going to sleep and after placing our shoes by the window we would look up to the sky and look for three aligned stars, which we believed were the Three Wise Men. The next morning we would wake up with joy and anticipation to see what the Three Wise Men brought us.


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As an adult away from the land where I grew up I look back at this tradition with nostalgia. I look around and identify a wide range of celebrations and traditions.

What did your family celebrate around this time?

How did they celebrate it?

Why do you want to carry on some of those traditions?

Think about it. You might want jot it down on your journal and maybe share a bit with us.