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Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehr





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Stand: 20.09.2012

Verzeichnis der von der Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit, BG Verkehr nach den folgenden

Vorschriften erteilten Zulassungen:

Richtlinie 96/98/EG,

geändert durch Richtlinie 98/85/EG, 2001/53/EG, 2002/75/EG, 2008/67/EG, 2009/26/EG

2010/68/EU und 2011/75/EU

Internationales Übereinkommen von 1974 zum Schutz des menschlichen Lebens auf See,

geändert durch das Protokoll von 1988 (SOLAS 74/88),

Internationales Übereinkommen von 1973 zur Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung durch

Schiffe und das Protokoll von 1978 zu diesem Übereinkommen (MARPOL 73/78),

Verordnung über die Sicherheit von Seeschiffe (SchSV),

jeweils in der neuesten Fassung.

Zulassungen mit abgelaufener Frist dürfen nicht mehr für neue Ausrüstungen verwendet


Für eingebaute Einrichtungen bleibt die Zulassung über das Gültigkeitsdatum hinaus bis auf

Widerruf in Kraft.


Status: 20.09.2012

Index of approvals granted by Ship Safety Division, BG Verkehr according to the following


Directive 96/98/EC,

Amended by Directive 98/85/EC, 2001/53/EC, 2002/75/EC, 2008/67/EC, 2009/26/EC

2010/68/EU and 2011/75/EU

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as modified by the Protocol 1988

(SOLAS 74/88), as amended,

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships as modified by the

Protocol 1978 (MARPOL 73/78), as amended,

Ship Safety Ordinance (SchSV), as amended,

Approvals with expired validity day may not be used for new equipment any more.

The approval of the installed equipment will be in force beyond the validity date until it is


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Prüfung und Zertifizierung von Schiffsausrüstungen gemäß Richtlinien 96/98/EG zuletzt geändert durch die

Richtlinie 2011/75/EU

1. Allgemeines Am 1. Januar 1999 ist die Richtlinie 96/98/EG des Rates der Europäischen Gemeinschaft vom 20. Dezember 1996 über Schiffsausrüstungen ( EG - Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie ) in Kraft getreten. Sie ist veröffentlicht im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (EG)-Nr. L 46/25 vom 17. Februar 1997. Das wesentliche Ziel der Richtlinie besteht darin, den freien Verkehr der Schiffsausrüstungen bei Einhaltung eines gleichen Sicherheitsniveaus innerhalb der EU sicherzustellen. Das bedeutet, dass eine Ausrüstung, die von einer benannten Stelle eines EU-Mitgliedsstaates zertifiziert worden ist, auf jedem Schiff, das die Flagge eines EU-Mitgliedsstaates führt, ohne erneute Prüfung verwendet oder eingebaut werden kann (Art. 6 Abs. 1 der Richtlinie). Am 02. September 2011 wurde diese Richtlinie durch die Richtlinie 2011/75/EU geändert und im Amtsblatt der EG am 15. September 2011 veröffentlicht. Diese Änderungen betreffen insbesondere die Übernahme von neuen Materialien im Rettungsmittelbereich und beim Brandschutz sowie von Ausrüstungen von Anhang A.2 in A.1 und umgekehrt. Diese Änderung der Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie ist bis spätestens 05. Oktober 2012 national umzusetzen. Die Postanschrift ist: Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehr Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Ottenser Hauptstraße 54 22765 Hamburg Fax-Nr.: + 49-40-36137204 Ansprechpartner für: Rettungsmittel + 49-40-36137319 Brandschutz + 49-40-36137224 Meeresumweltschutz + 49-40-36137223 QS-Systeme + 49-40-36137233/224 2. Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle der Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit Die Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle der Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit (kurz: Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle) ist der Europäischen Kommission vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) in Deutschland als ein der zuständigen Stellen für die Bereiche Rettungsmittel, Brandschutzmaterialien und -ausrüstungen und Anlagen zur Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung benannt worden (benannte Stelle). Die Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle hat am 6. Oktober 1998 von der EU-Kommission die nach Art. 9 der Richtlinie erforderliche folgende Kennummer erhalten:


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Die Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle prüft und zertifiziert auf Antrag Produkte, die der Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie unterliegen, und begutachtet und zertifiziert Qualitätssicherungssysteme von Herstellern solcher Schiffsausrüstungen. 3. EG - Zertifizierung und bisheriges Zulassungsverfahren Nur Produkte, die in der EG - Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie, im Anhang A.1 in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, aufgeführt sind, werden auch nach den Vorgaben der Richtlinie von der Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle geprüft und zertifiziert. Für alle anderen Zulassungen - auch für Schiffsausrüstungen nach Anhang A.2 - bleibt die Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit der BG Verkehr zuständig. Für diese Produkte gibt es eine vollständige Zulassungsliste bei der Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit Für Produkte, die nach der EG - Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie geprüft und zertifiziert sind, wird eine EG - Baumusterprüfbescheinigung oder eine Konformitätsbescheinigung ausgestellt, die eine Zulassung der zulassungspflichtigen Ausrüstungen nach den verschiedenen internationalen Übereinkommen ist.

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Testing and Certification of Marine Equipment as per Directives 96/98/EC last amendment by

Directive 2011/75/EU 1. General

On 01 January 1999, Council Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 on Marine Equipment (referred to hereinafter as the “Marine Equipment Directive”) has come into force. It has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 46/ 25 of 17 February 1997. The main aim of the Directive is to make sure that a free circulation of marine equipment throughout the EC is possible whilst maintaining a common safety level. That means, all marine equipment which has been certified by a notified body of any EC member state may be used on board of any ship flying the flag of an EC member state without further examination and approval (Art.6 para. 1 of the Directive). On 2th September 2011, this Directive has been amended by the Directive 2011/75/EU and been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities on 15th September 2011. The amendments concerned especially the transfer of new life saving equipment and fire protection material and equipment from annex A.2 to Annex A.1 and vice versa. Annex A.1 is listing up marine equipment and materials, for which international standards exist, annex A.2 is covering such material and equipment, for which no exact test standards can be found in international instruments.

These changes of the Marine Equipment Directive have been nationally implemented until 5th October 2012.

Mailing address :

Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehr Testing and Certification Body Ottenser Hauptstraße 54 D - 22765 Hamburg

Fax-No.: + 49 -(0)40 - 36 13 72 04

Contacts : Life - saving appliances: + 49 - 40 - 36 13 7 319 Fire protection: + 49 - 40 - 36 13 7 224 Marine environmental protection: + 49 - 40 - 36 13 7 223 Quality assurance systems: + 49 - 40 - 36 13 7 233 / 224

2. Testing and Certification Body of Ship Safety Division

The testing and certification body of Ship Safety Division has been notified to the European Commission by the Federal Ministry of Transport as one of the competent body in Germany for the areas of fire protection materials and fire fighting equipment, life-saving appliances and installations for preventing marine pollution. The testing and certification body of Ship Safety Division has obtained the necessary identification number as per art. 9 of the marine equipment directive on 6th October 1998


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tests and certifies products under the scope of the marine equipment directive upon application and assesses and certifies quality assurance system of producers of such equipment. 3. EC Certification and the Approval Procedure to Date

Only products, which are listed in the EC Marine Equipment Directive, Annex A.1, are tested and certified according to the provisions of the Directive by a notified body. For all other approvals, Ship Safety Division, BG Verkehr remains the competent national authority. For these products a complete „List of Approvals“ is available at Ship Safety Division. For products which have been tested and certified according to the EC Marine Equipment Directive, an “EC type-examination certificate” ,“EC unit verification certificate” or „ EC product verification certificate“ is issued, which constitutes an approval of the equipment to be approved according to the various international conventions.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents List

Item-No. Deutsche Bezeichnung Englische Bezeichnung

Rettungsmittel Life Saving Equipment

A.1/1.1 Rettungsringe Lifebuoys


Positionslaternen für Rettungsmittel: a) für Überlebensfahrzeuge und Bereitschaftsboote, b) für Rettungsringe c) für Rettungswesten

Position-indicating lights for life-saving appliances: (a) for survival craft and rescue boats, (b) for lifebuoys, (c) for lifejackets.

A.1/1.3 Selbstzündende Rauchsignale für Rettungsringe

Life-buoys self-activating smoke signals

A.1/1.4 Rettungswesten Life jackets


Nicht als Rettungswesten eingestufte Eintauchanzüge und Wetterschutzanzüge: - isoliert oder nicht isoliert

Immersion suits and anti-exposure suits not classified as lifejackets: -Insulated or not insulated.


Als Rettungswesten eingestufte Eintauchanzüge und Wetterschutzanzüge: - isoliert oder nicht isoliert

Immersion suits and anti-exposure suits classified as lifejackets: - Insulated or non- insulated.

A.1/1.7 Wärmeschutzhilfsmittel Thermal protective aids

A.1/1.8 Fallschirm-Leuchtraketen (Pyrotechnik)

Rocket parachute flares (pyrotechnics)

A.1/1.9 Handfackeln (Pyrotechnik) Hand flares (pyrotechnics)

A.1/1.10 Schwimmfähige Rauchsignale (Pyrotechnik)

Buoyant smoke signals (pyrotechnics)

A.1/1.11 Leinenwurfgeräte (Pyrotechnik) Line-throwing appliances (pyrotechnics)

A.1/1.12 Aufblasbare Rettungsflöße Inflatable liferafts

A.1/1.13 Starre Rettungsflöße Rigid liferafts

A.1/1.14 Automatisch selbstaufrichtende Rettungsflöße

Automatically self-righting life-rafts

A.1/1.15 Beidseitig verwendbare Rettungsflöße mit Schutzdach Canopied reversible liferafts

A.1/1.16 Aufschwimmvorrichtungen für Rettungsflöße (hydrostatische Auslösevorrichtungen)

Float-free arrangements for life-rafts (hydrostatic release units)

A.1/1.17 Rettungsboote Lifeboats

A.1/1.18 Starre Bereitschaftsboote Rigid rescue boats

A.1/1.19 Aufgeblasene Bereitschaftsboote Inflated rescue boats

A.1/1.20 Schnelle Bereitschaftsboote Fast rescue boats

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A.1/1.21 Vorrichtungen zum Aussetzen im freien Fall (Davits)

Launching appliances using falls (Davits)

A.1/1.23 Vorrichtungen zum Aussetzen von Rettungsbooten im freien Fall

Launching appliances for free-fall lifeboats

A.1/1.24 Aussetzvorrichtungen für Rettungsflöße (Davits)

Life-raft launching appliances (Davits)

A.1/1.25 Aussetzvorrichtungen für schnelle Bereitschaftsboote (Davits)

Fast rescue boat launching appliances (Davits)


Auslösemechanismus für a) Rettungsboote und Bereitschaftsboote, b) Rettungsflöße, die mit Läufer(n) ausgesetzt werden

Release mechanism for (a) Lifeboats and rescue boats (b) Liferafts Launched by a fall or falls

A.1/1.27 Schiffsevakuierungssysteme Marine evacuation systems

A.1/1.28 Bergungsmittel Means of rescue

A.1/1.29 Einbootungsleitern Embarkation ladders

A.1/1.30 Reflexstoffe Retro-reflective materials

A.1/1.33 Radarreflektor für Rettungsboote und Bereitschaftsboote (passiv)

Radar reflector for lifeboats and rescue boats (passive)

A.1/1.36 Antriebsmotor für Rettungsboote und Bereitschaftsboote

Lifeboat / rescue boat propulsion engine

A.1/1.37 Antriebsmotor für Bereitschaftsboote/- Außenbordmotor

Rescue boat propulsion engine-outboard motor

A.1/1.38 Suchscheinwerfer zur Verwendung in Rettungsbooten und Bereitschaftsbooten

Searchlights for use in lifeboats and rescue boats

A.1/1.39 Beidseitig verwendbare offene Rettungsflöße

Open reversible liferafts

A.1/1.41 Winden für Überlebensfahrzeuge und Bereitschaftsboote

Winches for survival craft and rescue boats

A.1/1.43 Starre/aufgeblasene Bereitschaftsboote

Rigid/inflated rescue boats

Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung

Marine-Pollution Prevention

A.1/2.1 Öl-Filteranlage (für einen Ölgehalt des Ausflusses von höchstens 15 ppm)

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

A.1/2.2 Messgeräte zur Bestimmung der Grenzfläche zwischen Öl und Wasser

Oil/water interface detectors

A.1/2.3 Ölgehaltsmessgeräte Oil-content meters


Prozessgeräte für den Anschluss an vorhandene Öl-Wasser-Abscheider (für einen Ölgehalt des Ausflusses von höchstens 15 ppm)

Process units intended for attachment to existing oily water separating equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

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A.1/2.5 Überwachungs- und Kontrollgerät für das Einleiten von Öl in Öltankschiffen

Oil discharge monitoring and control system for oil tanker

A.1/2.6 Abwassersysteme Sewage systems

A.1/2.7 Verbrennungsöfen an Bord Shipboard incinerators

A.1/2.8 Bordgeräte zur Überwachung und Aufzeichnung von NO x

On board NO x monitoring and recording devices

A.1/2.9 Sonstige technische Methoden zur Begrenzung der SO x -Emissionen

Other technological methods to limit SO x emissions

A.1/2.10 ex


Bordanlagen zur Reinigung der Abgase

On board exhaust gas cleaning systems

Brandschutz Fire Protection

A.1/3.1 Unterboden- Dünnschichtbeläge für Decks

Primary deck coverings

A.1/3.2 Tragbare Feuerlöscher Portable fire extinguishers

A.1/3.3 Brandschutzausrüstung: Schutzkleidung (Hitzeschutzanzug)

Fire-fighter’s outfit: protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

A.1/3.4 Brandschutzausrüstung: Stiefel Fireman's outfit: boots

A.1/3.5 Brandschutzausrüstung: Handschuhe

Fireman's outfit: gloves

A.1/3.6 Brandschutzausrüstung: Helm Fireman's outfit: helmet


Pressluftatmer Bemerkung: Zur Verwendung bei Unfällen mit Gefahrgütern ist eine Gesichtsmaske mit Überdruck vorgeschrieben.

Self-contained compressed-air- operated breathing apparatus Note: For use in accidents involving dangerous goods a positive pressure type mask is required

A.1/3.8 Druckluft- Schlauchatemgerät Compressed air line breathing apparatus


Bestandteile von Berieselungsanlagen für Unterkünfte, Diensträume und Überwachungs- einrichtungen entsprechend SOLAS-74- Regel II-2/12 (beschränkt auf Düsen und Leistungsmerkmale) (Hierzu zählen Düsen für feste Berieselungssysteme auf Hochgeschwindigkeits- fahrzeugen (HSC))

components for accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations equivalent to that referred to in SOLAS 74 Reg. II-2/12 (limited to nozzles and their performance). (Nozzles for fixed sprinkler systems, for high speed craft (HSC) are included under this item)


Düsen für fest eingebaute Druckwasser- Sprühfeuerlöschanlagen für Maschinenräume und Ladungspumpenräume

Nozzles for fixed pressure water spraying fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms

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Trennflächen vom Typ ‚A‘ und ‚B‘, Feuerbeständigkeit a) Trennflächen vom Typ ‚A‘, b) Trennflächen vom Typ ‚B‘

“A” & “B” Class divisions fire integrity (a) “A” class divisions, (b) “B” class divisions


Sicherungseinrichtungen, die den Durchgang von Flammen in die Ladetanks bei Öltankschiffen verhindern

Devices to prevent the passage of flame into the cargo tanks in oil tankers

A.1/3.13 Nicht brennbare Werkstoffe Non-combustible materials


Nicht aus Stahl bestehende Werkstoffe für Rohrleitungen, die durch Trennflächen vom Typ „A“ oder „B“ führen

Materials other than steel for pipes penetrating “A” or “B” class divisions


Nicht aus Stahl bestehende Werkstoffe für Rohrleitungen zur Beförderung von Öl oder Heizöl a) Rohre und Rohrverbindungs- stücke, b) Ventile, c) Schlauchverbindungen

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (a) pipes and fittings, (b) valves, (c) flexible pipe assemblies.

A.1/3.16 Feuertüren Fire doors


Bestandteile von Feuertürsteuerungs- anlagen Bemerkung: Wo in Spalte 2 der Ausdruck ‚Anlagenbestandteile‘ verwendet wird, muss entweder ein Bestandteil, eine Gruppe von Bestandteilen oder die ganze Anlage geprüft werden, um sicherzustellen, dass die internationalen Vorschriften erfüllt sind.

Fire door control systems components. Note: When the term “system components” is used in column 2 it may be that a single component, a group of components or a whole system needs to be tested to ensure that the international requirements are fulfilled.


Oberflächenwerkstoffe und Bodenbeläge mit geringem Brandausbreitungs- vermögen a) Dekorfurniere, b) Anstrichsysteme, c) Bodenbeläge, d) Isolierverkleidungen für Rohre, e) beim Bau von Trennflächen vom Typ ‚A‘, ‚B‘ und ‚C‘ verwendete Klebstoffe, f) brennbare Leitungen

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (a) decorative veneers (b) paint systems, (c) floor coverings, (d) pipe insulation covers, (e) adhesives used in the construction of “A”, “B” & “C” class divisions, (f) combustible ducts.

A.1/3.19 Gardinen, Vorhänge und andere hängende Textil-Werkstoffe

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

A.1/3.20 Polstermöbel Upholstered furniture

A.1/3.21 Bettzeug Bedding components

A.1/3.22 Feuerklappen Fire dampers

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A.1/3.25 Feuerfeste eckige und runde Schiffsfenster der Klassen ‚A‘ und ‚B‘

“A” and “B” class fire proof windows and side scuttles


Durchführungen durch Trennflächen vom Typ ‚A‘ a) Durchgänge elektrischer Kabel, b) Durchführungen von Rohren, Schächten, Lüftungsnetzenden usw.

Penetrations through “A” class divisions (a) electric cable transits, (b) pipe, duct, trunk, etc penetrations.


Durchführungen durch Trennflächen vom Typ ‚B‘ a) Durchgänge elektrischer Kabel, b) Durchführungen von Rohren, Schächten, Lüftungsnetzenden usw.

Penetrations through “B” class divisions (a) electric cable transits, (b) pipe, duct, trunk, etc penetrations.


Berieselungssysteme (beschränkt auf Berieselungsdüsen) (Hierzu zählen Düsen für feste Berieselungssysteme auf Hochgeschwindig- keitsfahrzeugen (HSC))

Sprinkler systems (limited to sprinkler heads). (Nozzles for fixed sprinkler systems, for high speed craft (HSC) are included under this item)

A.1/3.29 Feuerlöschschläuche Fire hoses

A.1/3.30 Tragbare Sauerstoffanalyse- und Gasspürgeräte

Portable oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

A.1/3.31 Düsen für feste Berieselungssysteme auf Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeuge

Nozzles for fixed sprinkler systems, for high speed craft (HSC

A.1/3.32 Feuerdämmende Werkstoffe (ausgenommen Möbel) für Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeuge

Fire restricting materials (except furniture) for high speed craft

A.1/3.33 Feuerdämmende Werkstoffe für Möbel für Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeuge

Fire restricting materials for furniture for high speed craft

A.1/3.34 Feuerbeständige Trennflächen für Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeuge

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft

A.1/3.35 Feuertüren auf Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeugen

Fire doors on high speed craft

A.1/3.36 Feuerklappen auf Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeugen

Fire dampers on high speed craft


Durchführungen durch feuerbeständige Trennflächen in Hochgeschwindigkeits- fahrzeugen a) Durchgänge elektrischer Kabel, b) Durchführungen von Rohren, Schächten, Lüftungsnetzenden usw.

Penetrations through fire resisting divisions on high speed craft (a) electric cable transits, (b) pipe, duct, trunk etc penetrations.

A.1/3.38 Tragbare Feuerlöscher für Rettungs- und Bereitschaftsboote

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


Düsen für gleichwertige Wassernebel-Löschanlagen für Maschinenräume und Ladungspumpenräume

Nozzles for equivalent water-mist fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms

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A.1/3.40 Bodennahe Sicherheitsleitsysteme (nur Bestandteile)

Low-location lighting systems (components only)

A.1/3.41 Fluchtretter (EEBD) Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)

A.1/3.42 Bestandteile von Inertgasanlagen Inert gas systems - components

A.1/3.43 Düsen von Feuerlöschanlagen für Frittiergeräte (selbsttätige oder manuelle Bedienung

Nozzles for deep fat cooking equipment fire extinguishing systems (automatic or manual type).

A.1/3.44 Brandschutzausrüstung: Rettungsleine

Fireman’s outfit: lifeline


Gleichwertige Bestandteile von fest eingebauten Gas-Lösch-anlagen für Maschinenräume und Ladungspumpenräume

Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms


Gleichwertige Bestandteile von fest eingebauten Gas-Lösch-anlagen für Maschinenräume (Aerosolanlagen)

Equivalent fixed gas fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces (aerosol systems)


Konzentrat für fest eingebaute hochwirksame Schaumlöschanlagen für Maschinenräume und Ladungspumpenräume Bemerkung: Die fest eingebaute hochwirksame Schaumlöschanlage (einschließlich der Systeme, die Innenluft aus ihren Arbeitsbereichen für ihre beabsichtigte Leistung nutzen) für Maschinenräume und Ladungspumpenräume ist nach Vorgabe der Verwaltung mit dem zugelassenen Konzentrat zu testen.

Concentrate for fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms. Note: The fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing system (including those systems which use inside air from their working spaces for their intended performance), for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms must still be tested with the approved concentrate to the satisfaction of the Administration.


Bestandteile fest eingebauter, örtlich einzusetzender Feuerlöschsysteme auf Wasserbasis für Maschinenräume vom Typ ‚A‘ (Düsen- und Leistungsprüfung)

Fixed water based local application fire fighting systems components for use in category “A” machinery spaces (Nozzles and performance tests).


Düsen für fest eingebaute Löschanlagen auf Wasserbasis für Ro-Ro- Räume und Sonderräume entsprechend Entschließung A.123(V)

Nozzles for fixed water- based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces equivalent to that referred to in resolution A.123(V)


Bestandteile fest eingebauter Feuermelde- und Feueranzeigeanlagen für Steuerstände, Diensträume, Unterkünfte, Kabinenbalkone, Maschinenräume und unbesetzte Maschinenräume

Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems components for control stations, service spaces, accommodation spaces, cabin balconies, machinery spaces and unattended machinery spaces

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Nicht tragbare und nicht bewegliche Feuerlöscher

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers

A.1/3.53 Feuermeldeanlagen - Signaltongeber

Fire alarm devices - Sounders

A.1/3.54 Fest eingebaute Sauerstoffanalyse- und Gasspürgeräte

Fixed oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

A.1/3.55 Mehrzweckstrahlrohre (Sprüh / Vollstrahlrohre)

Dual-purpose type nozzles (spray / jet type)

A.1/3.56 Feuerlöschschläuche (auf Trommeln)

Fire hoses (reel type)


Bestandteile von Mittelschaum (ME)- Feuerlöschanlagen — fest eingebaute Deckanlage für Tankschiffe

Medium expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components - Fixed deck foam for tankers


Bestandteil von fest eingebauten Schwerschaum (SE)-Feuerlöschanlagen für Maschinenräume und Deckschutz auf Tankschiffen

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection.

A.1/3.59 Feuerlöschschaummittel für fest eingebaute Feuerlöschanlagen auf Chemie-Tankschiffen

Expansion foam for fixed fire extinguishing systems for chemical tankers


Düsen für fest eingebaute Druckwasser- Sprühfeuerlöschanlagen für Kabinenbalkone

Nozzles for fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems for cabin balconies


Leichtschaum- Feuerlöschsysteme für geschlossene Räume zum Schutz von Maschinenräumen und Ladungspumpenräumen. Bemerkung: Leichtschaum- Feuerlöschsysteme für geschlossene Räume zum Schutz von Maschinenräumen und Ladungspumpenräumen sind nach Vorgabe der Verwaltung mit dem zugelassenen Konzentrat zu testen.

Inside air high expansion foam systems for the protection of machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms. Note: Inside air high expansion foam systems for the protection of machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms shall be tested with the approved concentrate to the satisfaction of the Administration

A.1/3.62 ex

A.2/3.32 Pulver-Feuerlöschsysteme

Dry chemical powder extinguishing systems

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.215 07.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrity

Ceiling pullman bed A-30

Gewerbestraße 2

27804 BerneGermany

Aljo Aluminium-Bau Jonuscheit GmbH

++49 (0)4406 44 -0 ++49 (0)4406 44-599

100.208 17.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

100.144 25.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

100.155 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityTEFROLITH FF-STEEL

100.156 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityTEFROLITH-M

100.163 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityTEFROMENT S

100.174 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityTEFROLITH FTG-20

100.194 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity


100.195 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity


20.09.2012 SEITE 1 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.205 04.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

100.224 01.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrity

A30 Ceilingpanel

Am Wattberg 51

26903 Surwold

Jansen Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4965 89 88-0 ++49 (0)4965 89 88-88

100.157 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityLM63-FF-A60 Floating Floor

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 Hamburg

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

100.222 27.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling LMD-E 312 M A-30

Bahnhofstraße 25

94424 Arnstorf

Lindner Objektdesign GmbH

++49 (0)8723 / 20-2354 ++49 (0)8723 / 20-2400

100.225 15.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling LMD-E 312 M A-30 with various fixtures

100.196 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrity

Top Con Wall A60, LLWWA60 List Light Weight Wall A60

IMO MSC/Circ. 1005Industriestraße 6

2822 Erlach a.d. PittenAustria


++43 (0)2627-814-0 ++43 (0)2627-81-422

100.220 08.07.2009 31.07.2014B

"A" class divisions, fire integrity

A-60 Class Bulkhead insulated with 2 x 8 mm Microtherm Overstiched Panel

Fire against the stiffened uninsulated sideIndustriepark-Noord 1

9100 Sint-NiklaasBelgium

Microtherm N.V.

++32 (0)37601980 ++32 (0)37601999

20.09.2012 SEITE 2 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.183 17.04.2009 28.02.2014B+E

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityA30 class deck

Ul. Marynarki Polskiej 148

80-865 GdanskPoland

MODUL Sp.z.o.o.

++48 (0)58 344 76 72 ++48 (0)58 344 76 73

100.164 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling D51 type A-30

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

100.165 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling W61 type A-30

100.167 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityFloating Floor R&M StB 4-60/54

100.168 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity

Ceiling W61 with hatch and lamp covering class A-30 deck

100.179 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityFloor panel A-60

100.184 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" class dividions, fire integrityBulkhead M1000 class A-60

IMO MSC/Circ. 1005

100.203 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityR&M EPSI

100.204 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityR&M EPSI®-Light

100.206 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySandwich-ceiling SD30W

20.09.2012 SEITE 3 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.207 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySandwich-ceiling SD30W incl. Fixtures

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

100.221 14.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall SW50NF

IMO MSC/Circ. 1005

100.223 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling SD30NFW

100.094 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity


Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Straße 167059 Ludwigshafen


++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

100.122 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySCHOTT A-30

100.123 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySCHOTT A-15

100.152 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySteel - Bulkhead A - 60

100.153 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityALU-DECK A-60

100.162 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityDeck A - 60 "floating floor"

100.171 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySteel - Bulkhead A -15

++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

20.09.2012 SEITE 4 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.172 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity

Steel - Deck A - 60

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

100.173 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySteel - Deck A -15

100.176 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySteel Deck A-60

100.177 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySteel Bulkhead A-60

100.178 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityALUMINIUM BULKHEAD TYPE A60

100.185 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityISOVER Steel Deck Type A60 (Floating floor)

100.188 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityA- 30 Deck

100.189 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityA- 30 Deck

100.190 16.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityA-60 Deck

100.197 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityA- 30 Deck

20.09.2012 SEITE 5 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.198 16.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrity

Steel-Deck A-30

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

100.199 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySteel Deck A-60

100.202 15.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityAluminium-Deck A-60

100.209 16.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityAluminium-Bulkhead A-60 (restricted application)

++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

100.211 20.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityAluminium-Deck A-60

100.212 20.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityAluminium-Deck A-30

100.213 20.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySteel-Bulkhead A-60 (restricted application)

100.214 20.08.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integritySteel-Bulkhead A-30 (restricted application)

100.227 01.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integritySteel-Deck A-15

100.228 13.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

"A" Class divisions, fire integrityDeck class A-60, floating floor

20.09.2012 SEITE 6 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 aItem-Number

Group-Number 100

"A" class divisions, fire integrity


100.187 02.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

"A" Class divisions fire integrity


Zum Dock 7

23966 WismarGermany

SBM Spezialbeschichtungen und Montagen GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0) 3841 326375 ++49 (0) 3841 783335

100.200 01.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityMONTEX ISO

100.226 17.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

"A" class divisions, fire integrityClass A-30 Deck

Max-Eyth-Straße 15

73479 Ellwangen

Stengel GmbH

++49 (0)7961 9121 - 0 ++49 (0)7961 9121 - 5110

20.09.2012 SEITE 7 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.34Item-Number

Group-Number 100

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft


100.210 15.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft

Loadbearing fire- resisting deck 60

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Straße 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

100.216 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Fire resistent divisions for high speed craftLoadbearing fire resisting deck 60

++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

100.217 18.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craftLoadbearing fire-resisting deck 30

100.218 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft

Loadbearing fire-resisting bulkhead 60 (restricted application)

100.219 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Fire resisting divisions for high speed craft

Loadbearing fire-resisting bulkhead 30 (restricted application)

20.09.2012 SEITE 8 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.071 11.03.2011 31.03.2016B

"B" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesB-15 ship window mounted in a A-15 bulkhead

Robert-Bosch-Straße 6

41352 KorschenbroichGermany

Alux Luxar GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (0) 2161 9785 - 0 +49 (0) 2161 9785 - 49

101.012 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

Fixed Side scuttle A60 with Hose Stream Test

Stenzelring 19

21107 Hamburg

Fehrmann Metallverarbeitung GmbH

++49 (0)40 752463-0 ++49 (0)40 752463-11

101.019 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular Fixed Window, class A-0

101.028 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

Rectangular Fixed Window A60 with Hose Stream Test

101.029 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

Rectangular Fixed Window A30 with Hose Stream Test

101.046 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular Fixed Window A-0

101.024 14.01.2008 31.03.2013B+D

Windows and side scuttles

Rectangular Divided Fixed Window A-0

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.025 07.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Windows and side scuttlesRectangular 3-Part Divided Fixed Window A-0 Class

101.026 07.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Windows and side scuttlesRectangular Fixed Window "A-0" Class

20.09.2012 SEITE 9 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.027 16.06.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Windows and side scuttles

Rectangular Fixed Window A-60 class

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.030 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class divided side scuttle

101.031 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular Fixed Window A-15

101.032 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesFixed side scuttle window A-0

101.033 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A - 0

101.034 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular 2- part divided fixed window, class A-0

101.035 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular 3-part divided fixed window, class A-0

101.036 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA-0 class divided side scuttle

101.037 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-60

101.038 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-0

20.09.2012 SEITE 10 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.039 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

A-0 class side scuttle

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.040 17.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-0

101.041 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-60

101.042 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA-60 class side scuttles

101.043 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-0

101.044 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-0

101.045 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class side scuttle

101.047 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesRectangular fixed window, class A-0

101.048 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA-0 class openable side scuttle

101.049 04.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA-0 class divided side scuttle

20.09.2012 SEITE 11 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.050 16.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

A0 class round ship window

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.051 23.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class round ship window

101.052 23.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class 3-part divided ship window

101.053 24.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class rectangular ship window

101.054 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class 3-part divided rectangular ship window

101.055 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class rectangular ship window

101.056 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class 3-part divided rectangular ship window

101.057 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class rectangular ship window

101.058 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class rectangular ship window

101.059 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class side scuttle

20.09.2012 SEITE 12 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.060 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

A60 class rectangular ship window

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.061 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class side scuttle

101.062 15.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class round ship window

101.063 15.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class rectangular ship window

101.064 16.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class hinged rectangular ship window

101.065 20.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class rectangular ship window

101.066 26.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class 2-part divided ship window

101.067 14.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class 3-part divided round ship window

101.068 03.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class hinged arched ship window

101.069 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA60 class 2-part divided ship window

20.09.2012 SEITE 13 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.25Item-Number

Group-Number 101

"A" and "B" class fire proof windows and side scuttles


101.070 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttles

A0 class hinged ship window

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

101.072 19.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesMultipart, glued A0 class ship window

101.073 03.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

"A" class fire proof windows and side scuttlesA0 class 6-part divided fixed ship window

20.09.2012 SEITE 14 VON 300

Page 28: Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehrepub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2012/16584/pdf/2012_09_20_MED... · geändert durch Richtlinie 98/85/EG, 2001/53/EG, 2002/75/EG, 2008/67/EG,

List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.320 02.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Movable wall B-30

Eichenweg 4 - Petersfehn 1

26160 Bad ZwischenahnGermany

abopart Viol und Partner GmbH & Co.KG

++49 (0)4486-92870 ++49 (0)4486-6181

102.332 07.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Ceiling pullman bed B-15

Gewerbestraße 2

27804 Berne

Aljo Aluminium-Bau Jonuscheit GmbH

++49 (0)4406 44 -0 ++49 (0)4406 44-599

102.277 24.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

HA-EFF window box B-0

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 17

28876 Oyten

HA-EFF-Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4207 / 9172-0 ++49 (0)4207 / 9172-59

102.278 24.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityHA-EFF window box B-15

102.294 18.12.2007 31.01.2013B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Window - Box B-15

Am Werftor 1

28755 Bremen

Heinrich Helms Metallwarenfabrik GmbH

++49 (0)421 66964-0 ++49 (0)421 66964-27

102.327 17.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityH. Helms Window box B-0

102.304 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

DAMPA CONTINUOUS CEILING Type 308 with Exhaust Air Box EAB AH C4/2

Hammer Straße 32

22041 Hamburg

Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 539 02-0 ++49 (0)40 539 02-153

102.341 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrity

B15 Wall Panel (Restricted application)

Am Wattberg 51

26903 Surwold

Jansen Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4965 89 88-0 ++49 (0)4965 89 88-88

20.09.2012 SEITE 15 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.345 01.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrity

B15 Ceilingpanel

Am Wattberg 51

26903 SurwoldGermany

Jansen Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4965 89 88-0 ++49 (0)4965 89 88-88

102.346 01.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityB15 Inspection Hatch (Restricted application)

102.347 17.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrity

B15 Wall Panel with various fixtures (Restricted application)

102.350 04.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityB-0 Wall Panel (Restricted application)

102.328 19.02.2008 28.02.2013B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

B-0 Steel-Windowbox

Werner von Siemens Str. 2A

28816 Stuhr-Stuhrbaum

JAPO Elemente Vertriebs GmbH

++49 (0)421 56 30 31 ++49 (0)421 56 21 41

102.256 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-W1-B15

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 Hamburg

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

102.257 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM50-W2-B15-43db

102.273 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-W3-B15

102.274 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM31-W1-B15 Lining

102.275 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM-WB1-B15 Window Box

20.09.2012 SEITE 16 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.276 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-W4-B15

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 HamburgGermany

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

102.288 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-C1-B15

102.289 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-C2-B15

102.290 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM25-C3-B15

102.318 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLM50-W3-B15

102.333 08.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling Type LM46-LWC-B15

102.348 11.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityWall LM50-W1-B15

102.340 27.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityCeiling LMD-E 312 M B-15

Bahnhofstraße 25

94424 Arnstorf

Lindner Objektdesign GmbH

++49 (0)8723 / 20-2354 ++49 (0)8723 / 20-2400

102.343 15.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityCeiling LMD-E 312 M B-15 with various fixtures

102.316 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Top Con LLWS-Ceiling, List Light Weight System

List-Straße 1

2842 Edlitz-ThomasbergAustria

LIST Components & Furniture GmbH

++43 2644 6001-0 ++43 2644 6001-24

20.09.2012 SEITE 17 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.317 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Top Con LLWW List Light Weight Wall (6-10 mm)

List-Straße 1

2842 Edlitz-ThomasbergAustria

LIST Components & Furniture GmbH

++43 2644 6001-0 ++43 2644 6001-24

102.305 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Top Cab Ceiling B15, LLWCS-Ceiling List Light Weight Cabin System

Industriestraße 6

2822 Erlach a.d. Pitten


++43 (0)2627-814-0 ++43 (0)2627-81-422

102.306 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

Top Cab Ceiling B15, LLWCSI-CeilingList Light Weight Cabin System with Installations

102.284 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityB 30 wall with Promaglas 30 Type 1

Bokeler Straße 122

26871 AschendorfGermany

Metallbau Middendorf GmbH

++49 (0)4962 / 217 ++49 (0)4962 / 6343

102.302 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityB-30 seamlessglass partition

102.331 24.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityClass B-30 Bulkhead

102.298 17.04.2009 28.02.2014B+E

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityPanel wall B15

Ul. Marynarki Polskiej 148

80-865 GdanskPoland

MODUL Sp.z.o.o.

++48 (0)58 344 76 72 ++48 (0)58 344 76 73

102.299 17.04.2009 28.02.2014B+E

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityB15 class panel ceiling

20.09.2012 SEITE 18 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.349 25.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityCeiling with Ventilation Units, Class B-15

Schnackenburgallee 47-51

22525 HamburgGermany

Noske-Kaeser GmbH

++49 (0)40 8544-0 ++49 (0)40 8544-2380

102.247 10.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich Wall 50 Type B-15

Petridamm 11 c

18146 Rostock

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

102.248 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityAssembly Panel Type B-15

102.249 05.02.2009 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityCeiling with Suspension Type B-0

102.250 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityCeiling with Suspension and Fittings Type B-0

102.251 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich Ceiling 25/3,0 Type B-0

102.252 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich Ceiling D51 Type B-0

102.265 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling with hatch type B-15

102.266 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling W61 type B-15

102.267 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall SW25 type B-15

20.09.2012 SEITE 19 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.268 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityMulti layer wall 45 type B-15

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

102.269 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityMulti layer wall MSW2/25 type B-30

102.270 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityMulti layer wall MSW70 type B-30

102.271 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling W35 type B-0

102.272 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityDouble wall M1000

102.279 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall 25A class B-0

102.281 24.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrity

Ceiling W61 with hatch and lamp covering class B-15

102.291 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityDouble wall M1000P B-30

102.292 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+E

"B" class divisions, fire integrityLining wall M1000

102.297 03.07.2008 31.08.2013B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityMulti layer wall 42

102.300 24.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritybulkhead M1000 class B-30

20.09.2012 SEITE 20 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.303 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityBulkhead S.50 class B-15, aluminium 50

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

102.307 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling ED35 type B-0

102.308 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich Ceiling SD35 type B-0

102.309 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityWindow box, class B-0

102.310 07.09.2000 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling ED35 with hatch, type B-0

102.311 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling ED50 with fixtures, type B-15

102.312 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling SD50, type B-15

102.321 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling SD35A

102.322 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling ED35A

102.323 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall SW25H-LP

102.324 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich-ceiling SD30W

20.09.2012 SEITE 21 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.325 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich-ceiling SD30W incl. Fixtures

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

102.326 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall SW25

102.329 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySW25 AlAl double-wall

102.330 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityCeiling ED35A-B15

102.334 14.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integritySandwich wall SW25NF

102.335 23.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityMulti layer wall MSW50-Z

102.336 11.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySW25NF-AS (restricted application)

102.337 11.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySW25NFP - double wall

102.338 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySW25NF-AA double wall

102.342 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integritySandwich ceiling SD30NFW

102.353 18.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrityInspection hatch with frame for ceilings

20.09.2012 SEITE 22 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.319 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

B-15 Bulkhead ULTIMATE

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

102.339 24.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityClass B-15 Bulkhead

Max-Eyth-Straße 15

73479 Ellwangen

Stengel GmbH

++49 (0)7961 9121 - 0 ++49 (0)7961 9121 - 5110

102.351 15.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityClass B-15 Ceiling

102.352 15.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

"B" Class divisions, fire integrityClass B-15 Ceiling with Units

0 654 - 11 H 28.11.2011 27.11.2016B+D

Class B-15 / A-30 deck constructionClass B-15 ceiling with various units

CMC10001 06.06.2011 06.06.2016B+D

Class B-15 Bulkhead

B-Class Bulkhead with fittings, restricted application

PC10257 14.10.2010 14.10.2015B+D

Class B-15 Bulkhead

B-Class Bulkhead with fittings, restricted application

PC10258 15.10.2010 15.10.2015B+D

Class B-15 Bulkhead

B-Class Bulkhead with fittings, restricted application

102.301 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

B15 class window box

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

20.09.2012 SEITE 23 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.11 bItem-Number

Group-Number 102

"B" class divisions, fire integrity


102.314 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

"B" class divisions, fire integrity

B15 class window box

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

20.09.2012 SEITE 24 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.059 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsAluminium honeycomb ALUCORE®

Alusingenplatz 1

78224 SingenGermany

3A Composites GmbH

+49 7731 80 35 00 +49 7731 80 35 10

107.048 24.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible Materials

Calcium-Silicat Slab Silca T 300

An der Eiche 15

33175 Bad Lippspringe

Calsitherm Silikatbaustoffe GmbH

++49 (0) (5252) 9651-0 ++49 (0) (5252) 9651-18

107.055 24.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible MaterialsCalcium-Silicat Slab Silca 250 SB

107.063 24.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsCalcium-Silicate Slab Silca 200

107.082 21.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsCalcium- Silicate Slab Silca 170 SB

107.083 23.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsCEMVAL PROTECT MARINE

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 9

14471 Potsdam

CemTrade GmbH

++49 (0)331 96 795 20 ++49 (0)331 96 795 21

107.084 11.11.2010 30.11.2015B

Non-combustible materials


Max-Eyth-Straße 31

74632 Neuenstein

Contherm Wärmedämmsysteme GmbH

++49 (0)7942-9192-0 ++49 (0)7942-9192-30

107.085 11.11.2010 30.11.2015B

Non-combustible materialsCONTHERM MPH 1000

20.09.2012 SEITE 25 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.078 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materials


Sportlaan 1a

4209 AX SchelluinenNetherlands

DRUMARKON International B.V.

++31 (0)183 50 44 11 ++31 (0)183 50 29 56

107.079 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B

Non-combustible materialsFERMACELL Powerpanel H2O

Dammstraße 25

47119 DuisburgGermany

Fermacell GmbH

++49 (0)203 50 190-0 n.a.

107.080 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B

Non-combustible materialsFERMACELL Powerpanel HD

107.091 03.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsFERMACELL Firepanel A1

107.086 23.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsFri Breeze 1125 OF

Constantiaplatz 7a

26723 Emden

FriTec GmbH i.G.

+49 (0)4921/ 96 42 25 +49 (0)4921/ 96 42 32

107.071 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+E

Non-combustible materials


Gewerbestraße 4

86879 Wiedergeltingen

Huber Kunststoff & Technik GmbH

++49 (0)8241 9673-0 ++49 (0)8241 9673-20

107.074 06.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Non-combustible materialsFoam Glas Panel

107.056 10.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible Materials

ROKAFlex Navytube Typ NT

Hammer Straße 32

22041 Hamburg

Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 539 02-0 ++49 (0)40 539 02-153

20.09.2012 SEITE 26 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.057 10.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ITC-U Imtech tube connection, uninsulated

Hammer Straße 32

22041 HamburgGermany

Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 539 02-0 ++49 (0)40 539 02-153

107.090 20.12.2011 31.12.2016B

Non- combustible materials

KAE-VIP System - Composite C-class devision

Getreidestraße 3

28217 Bremen

KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 6109 - 473 ++49 (0)421 6109 - 431

107.052 23.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-combustible MaterialsKnauf Fireboard

Am Bahnhof 7

97346 Iphofen

Knauf Gips KG

++49 (0)9323 31-0 ++49 (0)9323 31-277

107.075 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsKnauf Fireboard flex

107.065 23.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsGIFAmarine 1100

Am Bahnhof 16

74589 Satteldorf

Knauf Integral KG

++49 (0)7951 / 497-0 ++49 (0)7951 / 497-300

107.066 23.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsGIFAmarine 1500

107.058 04.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials"Pregyfeu M0" or "LaPrima" or "Novlam A1"

Frankfurter Landstraße 2-4

61440 Oberursel

Lafarge Gips GmbH

++49 (0)6171 6 10 20 ++49 (0)6171 61 39 99

107.089 09.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Non- combustible materials


List-Straße 1

2842 Edlitz-ThomasbergAustria

LIST Components & Furniture GmbH

++43 2644 6001-0 ++43 2644 6001-24

20.09.2012 SEITE 27 VON 300

Page 41: Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehrepub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2012/16584/pdf/2012_09_20_MED... · geändert durch Richtlinie 98/85/EG, 2001/53/EG, 2002/75/EG, 2008/67/EG,

List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.069 22.10.2009 31.10.2014B

Non-combustible materialsMicrotherm Super G

Industriepark-Noord 1

9100 Sint-NiklaasBelgium

Microtherm N.V.

++32 (0)37601980 ++32 (0)37601999

107.072 18.05.2009 31.05.2014B

Non-combustible materialsMicrotherm G Mix

107.073 18.05.2009 31.05.2014B

Non-combustible materialsMicrotherm Overstitched Panel

107.060 02.12.2010 31.12.2015B

Non-combustible materials

Vatramil SFB 114

Adolf-Dembach-Straße 13

47829 KrefeldGermany

MV Engineering GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2151 / 51624-0 ++49 (0)2151 / 51624-99

107.061 11.03.2011 31.03.2016B

Non-combustible materialsVatramil SFP 114

107.050 23.04.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Non-combustible MaterialsPROMATECT - L500

Scheifenkamp 16

40878 Ratingen

Promat GmbH

++49 (0)2102/493-0 ++49 (0)2102/493-111

107.051 23.04.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Non-combustible MaterialsPROMATECT - H

107.054 18.10.2011 31.10.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsPROMAXON - Fireboard, Type A

107.076 23.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsMasterboard

Bormstraat 24

2830 TisseltBelgium

Promat International N.V.

+32 (0)15 71 81 00 +32 (0)15 71 81 09

20.09.2012 SEITE 28 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.077 23.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsSupalux

Bormstraat 24

2830 TisseltBelgium

Promat International N.V.

+32 (0)15 71 81 00 +32 (0)15 71 81 09

107.064 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsRokaflex Navytube NT

Meiendorfer Amtsweg 10

22145 BraakGermany

Rokaflex-Zahn GmbH

++49 (0)40 668 593-0 ++49 (0)40 668 593-22

107.067 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsRokaflex Navytube NTI

107.070 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsRIGIDUR MARINE

Schanzenstraße 84

40549 Düsseldorf

Saint-Gobain Rigips GmbH

+49 (0)211 5503-0 +49 (0)211 5503-208

107.088 06.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsRigidur H Marine

107.062 02.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials


Zum Dock 7

23966 Wismar

SBM Spezialbeschichtungen und Montagen GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0) 3841 326375 ++49 (0) 3841 783335

107.081 02.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsVatral® 125/150 Fire Protection Board

Billstraße 226

20536 Hamburg


+49 (0)40 / 21 30 21 +49 (0)40 / 21 30 90

107.087 02.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsVatral® 125/150 Fire Protection Mortar

20.09.2012 SEITE 29 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 107

Non-combustible materials


107.068 25.08.2009 31.08.2014B

Non-combustible materialsVPD 0-2 Hy

Schleizer Straße 100

95030 Hof / SaaleGermany

Viessmann Kältetechnik AG

09281 / 814-0 09281 / 814-269

20.09.2012 SEITE 30 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.27 aItem-Number

Group-Number 108

Penetrations through "B" class divisions: electric cable transits


108.036 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Penetrations through "B" class(electric cable transits)

B-15 Bulkhead penetration ULTIMATE

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 1

67059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

20.09.2012 SEITE 31 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.26 bItem-Number

Group-Number 109

Penetrations through "A" class divisions: pipe, duct, trunk, etc. penetrations


109.016 16.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)

GM-X, GM-X-D, GM-X-NZ, GM-VNadrazni

150 00 Prag 5Czech Republic

ACO Marine s.r.o..

++420 569 491-0 ++420 569 482-529

109.017 16.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)


109.018 16.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)


109.019 16.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)


109.020 16.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)


109.014 14.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)

A-0 Deck with scupperul. Litewska 14

80-719 GdanskPoland


++48 58 324 85 41 ++48 58 324 85 48

109.015 14.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Penetrations through "A" class division (b: pipe penetrations)

A-60 Deck with scupper

20.09.2012 SEITE 32 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.27 bItem-Number

Group-Number 109

Penetrations through "B" class divisions: pipe, duct, trunk, etc. penetrations


109.023 16.01.2008 31.01.2013B

Penetrations through "B" class(b: pipe, duct, trunk, etc. penetrations)

B-15 Bulkhead penetrationFreiheitsstraße 11

40699 ErkrathGermany

Deutsche FOAMGLAS GmbH

++49 (0)211 929635-21 ++49 (0)211 929635-35

109.022 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Penetrations through "B" class(pipe, duct, trunk, etc. penetrations)

B-15 Bulkhead penetration ULTIMATE

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 1

67059 Ludwigshafen


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

20.09.2012 SEITE 33 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.16Item-Number

Group-Number 110

Fire Doors


110.066 17.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Fire Doors

Jansen A-0 Rolling Fire Shutter (JA-0 RFS)

Am Wattberg 51

26903 SurwoldGermany

Jansen Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4965 89 88-0 ++49 (0)4965 89 88-88

110.063 16.10.2007 31.10.2012B+D

Fire doorsDouble leaf door, type LL-DL1-A60

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 Hamburg

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

110.068 23.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Fire doors

Single Leaf Hinged Door with window class A-60-Type LL-D3-A60

110.078 23.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Fire doorsSingle Leaf Hinged Door - Type LL-D2-A60

110.058 18.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Fire DoorsPK-AH 2000

Klausdorfer Weg 163

24148 Kiel

Podszuck GmbH

++49 (0)431 / 6 61 11-0 ++49 (0)431 / 6 61 11-28

110.059 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire DoorsDoor with clamping frame A-15

Petridamm 11 c

18146 Rostock

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

110.065 09.11.2010 30.11.2015B

Fire doorsFire safety curtain A-0

Oppenheimer Straße 21

28307 Bremen +49 (0)421 4867-148 +49 (0)421 4867-167

110.072 16.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Fire Doors

Vertical A-30 class sliding door (restricted application)

Restricted applicationGlomset

6260 SkodjeNorway


++47 70 24 48 48 ++47 70 24 48 49

20.09.2012 SEITE 34 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.16Item-Number

Group-Number 110

Fire Doors


110.064 05.03.2008 31.03.2013B

Fire doorsSEAPRO A-60 SH

Schleizer Straße 100

95030 Hof / SaaleGermany

Viessmann Kältetechnik AG

09281 / 814-0 09281 / 814-269

110.067 15.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire Doors

A60 class ship steel door

Ciele, ul. Toruńska 2Ciele 9186-005 Białe BłotaPoland

Zakład Produkcyjny "BOHAMET" Sp.J.

++48 52 3203-905 ++48 52 3203-906

110.069 03.02.2010 28.05.2015B+D

Fire DoorsA60 class ship steel door (restricted application)

110.070 01.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire DoorsA30 class ship steel door

110.073 10.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Fire DoorsA60 class ship steel door (restricted application)

110.074 10.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Fire doors

A60 class ship double-leaf steel door (restricted application)

110.075 10.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Fire DoorsA60 class ship steel door (restricted application)

110.076 10.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Fire doorsA30 class light steel ship door

110.077 21.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Fire doors

A60 class ship double-leaf steel door with removable sill (restricted application)

110.079 15.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Fire Doors

A60 class two-leaf steel ship door with a window(Restricted application)

20.09.2012 SEITE 35 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.16Item-Number

Group-Number 111

Fire Doors


111.068 02.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire doors

Pass door panel for movable wall, B-30

Eichenweg 4 - Petersfehn 1

26160 Bad ZwischenahnGermany

abopart Viol und Partner GmbH & Co.KG

++49 (0)4486-92870 ++49 (0)4486-6181

111.052 26.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire doorsDoor B-15

ul. Grunwaldzka 74

14-100 OstrodaPoland

Doormet Sp.z.o.o.

++48 (0)88 46 30 77 ++48 (0)88 46 30 14

111.072 07.01.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Fire doors

Inspection door B-15

Am Wattberg 51

26903 SurwoldGermany

Jansen Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4965 89 88-0 ++49 (0)4965 89 88-88

111.053 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire DoorsLS 625-D1-B15

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 Hamburg

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

111.054 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire doorsLM 50-D1-B15

111.055 18.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire doorsLM 25-ID-B15 Inspection Door

111.066 10.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Fire doorsLM50-D2-B15 (with window)

111.067 10.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Fire doorsLM50-D2-B15

111.075 27.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Fire doorsDouble Leaf Inspection Door LM25-ID3-B15

20.09.2012 SEITE 36 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.16Item-Number

Group-Number 111

Fire Doors


111.078 24.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire doorsSingle leaf Inspection Door LM25-ID4-B15

Seehafenstraße 17

21079 HamburgGermany

Lethe GmbH

++49(0)40 742163-0 ++49(0)40 742163-220

111.059 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Fire DoorsFIRETEC B15 double leaf sliding glass door

Bokeler Straße 122

26871 Aschendorf

Metallbau Middendorf GmbH

++49 (0)4962 / 217 ++49 (0)4962 / 6343

111.060 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Fire DoorsFIRETEC B15 single leaf sliding glass door

111.061 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Fire DoorsFIRETEC B30 double leaf hinged glass door

111.062 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Fire DoorsFIRETEC B30 single leaf hinged glass door

111.069 21.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Fire DoorsSingle sliding glass door with Promaglas 15 Typ 1

111.056 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire doorsDoor with window type B-15

Petridamm 11 c

18146 Rostock

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

111.057 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire doorsIntegrated door S.50

111.063 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire doorsDoor with clamping frame B-15

111.064 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fire doorsIntegrated service door S.50 B-15

20.09.2012 SEITE 37 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.16Item-Number

Group-Number 111

Fire Doors


111.070 13.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Fire doorsDouble rabbet door B-15

Petridamm 11 c

18146 RostockGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0) 381 6584-100 ++49 (0) 381 6584-170

111.071 02.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Fire DoorsSteel frame door B-15

111.073 10.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Fire doorsDoor with clamping frame B-15 type KRT-SV

111.074 09.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Fire doorsDoor with clamping frame B-15 type KRT-VL

111.076 15.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fire DoorsIntegrated inspection hatch

111.077 11.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Fire DoorsInspection hatch with frame for walls

20.09.2012 SEITE 38 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.1Item-Number

Group-Number 113

Primary decks covering


113.108 22.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Primary decks covering1a Floor Leveler 25

Am Bürohochhaus 2 - 4

14478 PotsdamGermany

1a Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)331-71 95 73 ++49 (0)331-71 95 75

113.084 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks covering

Bolidt Synthetic Floor PU/NF - LP 16885/51

Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

113.090 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBoliscreed LW 403

113.091 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBolidt Galley Deck Compound

113.092 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBolidt Helideck Compound

113.093 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBolideck EN/AKS-Z

113.095 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBOLIDECK FUTURE TEAK

113.100 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringBoliscreed FT

113.109 29.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Primary decks coveringBOLIDT IMPACT FLOOR

113.110 17.10.2011 31.10.2016B+D


20.09.2012 SEITE 39 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.1Item-Number

Group-Number 113

Primary decks covering


113.105 11.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Primary decks covering960 Europlan Super

Industrieweg 1-2

1521 NA WormerveerNetherlands

Forbo Eurocol BV

++31 (0)75 627 16 00 ++31 (0)75 628 35 64

113.070 07.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coverings

TEFROTEX 90 - L with TEFROTEX bonding coat

Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

113.071 07.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringTEFROTEX 60

113.072 07.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringTEFROTEX VISCOELASTIC

113.073 07.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringTEFROTEX B - L

113.074 08.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringTEFROTEX 700

113.075 08.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringTEFROTEX SF

113.078 08.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringsTEFROTEX 100

113.081 08.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringTEFROTEX SF - VISCOELASTIC

113.085 30.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Primary decks covering

TEFROKA HLS Deck Covering with TEFROKA HLS - Sealer

20.09.2012 SEITE 40 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.1Item-Number

Group-Number 113

Primary decks covering


113.087 23.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Primary deck covering

TEFROTEX 60-L with TEFROTEX SF-bonding coat, 10 - 30 mm

Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

113.089 08.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks covering

TEFROTEX 500 withTEFROTEX SF-bonding coat, 10 mm

113.094 07.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringTEFROTEX 500 P

113.096 23.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringsTEFROKA PU-1-L

113.097 23.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringsTEFROKA EP

113.099 23.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringsTEFROKA PU-1-L Mortar

113.103 23.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Primary deck coveringsTEFROTEX VISCOELASTIC / THIX

113.106 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringThomsit DS 40, Thomsit R 766

Henkelstraße 67


Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)211 797-0 ++49 (0)211 798-4008

113.107 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringThomsit DS 40, Thomsit R 755 + Thomsit QS 10

113.104 14.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Primary decks covering


Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 Oldenburg


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

20.09.2012 SEITE 41 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.1Item-Number

Group-Number 113

Primary decks covering


113.069 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Primary decks coveringUZIN - Primary Deckcovering

Dieselstraße 3

89079 UlmGermany

Uzin Utz AG

++ 49 (0)731 4097-0 ++49 (0)731 4097-110

113.101 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Primary decks covering

UZIN NC 182 Low-Slump Smoothing Compound in combination with codex PE 370 Carbon-Primer

113.102 13.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Primary decks coveringUZIN NC 172 BiTurbo Rapid Levelling Compound

20.09.2012 SEITE 42 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.549 07.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Non-combustible materials

332/660/1000-Glass fabrics

Zum Schürmannsgraben 12c

47441 MoersGermany

Alpha Associates Europe GmbH

+49 28 41- 88 12 80-0 +49 28 41- 88 12 80-20

114.548 25.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsSOFTBETON A 340 - 1000 FA

Major-Hirst-Straße 11

38442 Wolfsburg

Cellcontec GmbH

++49 (0)5361 897 17 80 ++49 (0)5361 97 19 35

114.485 02.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ThermProtect E-glass fabrics "HBO", "HBH" and "HBI"

Max-Planck-Str. 15-19

49593 Bersenbrück

Culimeta Textilglas-Technologie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)5439-9416-0 ++49 (0)5439-9416-10

114.489 02.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ThermProtect E-glass needle mats "HNM", "HNMB" and "HNMF"

114.521 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsThermolastic - Reflective insulation layer FBAL

114.550 10.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsPowermat E-NGW

Thomas-Mann-Straße 44

98724 Neuhaus

DBW Fiber Neuhaus GmbH

+49 (0) 3679 727 0 +49 (0) 3679 727 100

114.551 10.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsPowermat E-NGM with lamination

114.492 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

isoGLAS woven fabric 200-3000 g/m2 with and without stainless steel wire reinforcement


95460 Bad Berneck

Frenzelit-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9273 72-0 ++49 (0)9273 72-222

114.493 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

isoTHERM 800 woven fabric 200-3000 g/m2 with and without stainless steel wire reinforcement

20.09.2012 SEITE 43 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.494 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

isoTHERM S woven fabric 200-2000 g/m2 with and without stainless steel wire reinforcement


95460 Bad BerneckGermany

Frenzelit-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9273 72-0 ++49 (0)9273 72-222

114.505 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsisoGLAS needle mat 300 - 5500 g/m2

114.506 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsisoTHERM S needle mat 330 - 4320 g/m2

114.392 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materials


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 Bremen

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

114.410 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsTEFROMENT - S

114.412 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsRST Steinwolle - Randstreifen

114.420 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsTEFROLITH M

114.438 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsTEFROLITH FTG-20

114.532 26.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsTEFROTEX SF

20.09.2012 SEITE 44 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.409 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Thermo-E-Glasgewebe TG 650 - 950 karamelisiert HTM 600

Zum Eisenhammer 54

46049 OberhausenGermany

HKO Isolier- und Textiltechnik GmbH

++49 (0)208 8599-40 ++49 (0)208 85994-70

114.490 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Thermo-E-glass fibre mats / stich- bonded E- glass mats 300 - 4500 g/m²

114.497 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsThermo-E-glass woven fabric (200 - 2000 g/m²)

114.507 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Hakotherm®-1200 needle mats / stitch-bonded needle mats (300 - 5700 g/m2, 3 - 30 mm thickness)

114.522 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsHKO-Calcium-Silicate-Fabric TG 430 - TG 1000

114.523 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Hakotherm®-800 needle mats / stitch-bonded needle mats (300 - 5700 g/m2, 3 - 35 mm thickness)

114.422 16.09.2010 31.08.2015B

Non-combustible materialsMALIMO Glass Fibre Mat GS 16

Mühlenstraße 76

25421 Pinneberg


++49 (0)4101 5453-0 ++49 (0)4101 5453-33

114.546 31.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsMBOR, thickness 5 - 16 mm

ul. Malysheva 59

624223 Nizhnyaya TuraRussian Federation

Joint Stock Company "TIZOL"

n.a. n.a.

114.547 31.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsMBOR C, thickness 5 - 16 mm

20.09.2012 SEITE 45 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.466 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

JUTEC-Glass fabric JT100SR - JT2000SR (100-2000 g/m²)

Mellumstraße 23-25

26125 OldenburgGermany


++49 (0)441 / 300 99-0 ++49 (0)441 / 300 99-99

114.534 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsJT 600 HT E-glass fabric

114.535 01.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsJT 930 HT E-glass fabric

114.440 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsKlevoGlass 200 g/m² - 3000 g/m² F111

Oppelner Straße 11

41199 Mönchengladbach

Klevers GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2166 9687-0 ++49 (0)2166 9687-11

114.441 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsKlevoGlass Texo 1020 V4A-1 RL HT A white

114.442 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsKlevoGlass 400 - 2000 g/m2 HTM 600

114.476 23.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Glass fabric 200 g/m2 - 3000 g/m2 with and without stainless steel wire reinforcement

114.536 24.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsKnauf Insulation Glasswool

95, rue de Maestricht

4600 ViséBelgium

Knauf Insulation SPRL

++32 / (0)43 79 04 03 ++32 / (0)43 79 02 38

114.537 01.10.2008 31.10.2013B

Non-combustible materialsThermo TI

Van Hennaertweg 25

2952 AlblasserdamNetherlands

Lascentrum Ridderkerk B.V.

++31 (0)78 / 64 29 656 ++31 (0)78 / 64 29 686

20.09.2012 SEITE 46 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.456 24.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Non-combustible materialsFOAMGLAS T4 / FOAMGLAS T4+ / FOAMGLAS ONE

Albertkade 1

3980 TessenderloBelgium

Pittsburgh Corning Europe N.V.

+32 / 13 611-415 +32 /13 351-567

114.531 21.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsR&M SUBMAT

Schellerdamm 22- 24

21079 HamburgGermany

R&M Ship Technologies GmbH

++49 (0)40 752 444-0 ++49 (0)40 752 444-31

114.347 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materials

Litaflex SM 45 V50

Großaltdorfer Straße 59

74541 Vellberg

Rex Industrie-ProdukteGraf von Rex GmbH

++49 (0)7907 / 9620-0 ++49 (0)7907 / 9620-80

114.348 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsLitaflex SM 45 V50 + Niro 0,05

114.371 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsLitaflex SM 45 V50 + AF 0,05

114.431 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsLitaflex SM 30

114.432 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsLitaflex SM 30 V50 + AF

114.433 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materialsLitaflex SM 30 V50

114.434 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materials

rex thermoglas fabric 200 - 2000 g/m² with or without metalcore, raw or KAR

20.09.2012 SEITE 47 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.495 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Non-combustible materials

rex-thermoglas-clothing 200 - 2000 g/m2 with or without metal core, with non-combustible coating HTM 600

Großaltdorfer Straße 59

74541 VellbergGermany

Rex Industrie-ProdukteGraf von Rex GmbH

++49 (0)7907 / 9620-0 ++49 (0)7907 / 9620-80

114.373 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER-Felt 322-A

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 Ludwigshafen


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

114.378 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER-Wired Mats MD 2

114.379 08.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialISOVER-Slabs SP/TR

114.380 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER-Slabs SP/TRA

114.383 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialISOVER-Felt 320/M

114.385 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialISOVER-Slab SP 120 - 180

114.386 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialISOVER-Wired Mats MD/M

114.415 02.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - Mineralwool SL

114.416 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - Slabs SP/A, „SP/A 120“ - „SP/A 180“

20.09.2012 SEITE 48 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.417 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - Slabs SPS/A, „SPS/A 30“ - „SPS/A 100“

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

114.418 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - Slabs SPS, „SPS 30“ - „SPS 100“

114.421 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - felt 322/AM

++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

114.425 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - wired mat MD/MA

114.426 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - slab SP/M 120 - 180

114.477 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - marine slab ULTIMATE U MPN 20 - 100

++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

114.478 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine felt ULTIMATE U MFN 13 up to U MFN 36

114.479 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine felt ULTIMATE U MFA 13 up to U MFA 36

114.480 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine slab ULTIMATE U MPG 20 up to U MPG 90

114.481 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER - marine felt 310/M

20.09.2012 SEITE 49 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.482 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine felt ULTIMATE U MFG 22 - 420

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

114.483 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine slab ULTIMATE U MPA 20 up to U MPA 120

114.484 04.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine slab ULTIMATE U MPV 20 up to U MPV 90

114.496 10.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsWired Mat MDD

114.498 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials"ISOVER Mineralwool Pipe Sections Protect 1000 S"

114.504 28.12.2008 30.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

"ISOVER Mineralwool Pipe Sections Protect 1000 S alu"

114.508 28.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine slab ULTIMATE U MPX 20 up to U MPX 90

114.509 28.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER - marine felt ULTIMATE U MFX 13 up to U MFX 36

114.527 28.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER glass wool intermediates for lamella mats ML 3 and ML-DT

++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

20.09.2012 SEITE 50 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.528 28.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials


Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 167059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

114.529 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER marine felt ULTIMATE U MFG 20-220 up to 36-220

114.530 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER marine slab ULTIMATE U MPA 25K

114.533 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER marine felt ULTIMATE U MFV 13 to 36 yellow/black

114.538 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER wired mat MD 100

114.540 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ULTIMATE U Marine Wired Mat 36 Alu1 up to ULTIMATE U Marine Wired Mat 66 Alu1

++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

114.542 01.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ISOVER marine slab ULTIMATE U MPB 20-220 up to U MPB 100-220

114.545 17.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-combustible materialsISOVER wired mat MDS / ISOVER wired mat MDSA

114.491 10.02.2009 31.12.2013B+D

Non-combustible materials


Zum Dock 7

23966 Wismar

SBM Spezialbeschichtungen und Montagen GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0) 3841 326375 ++49 (0) 3841 783335

20.09.2012 SEITE 51 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.13Item-Number

Group-Number 114

Non-combustible materials


114.448 18.08.2009 31.08.2014B

Non-combustible materials

Stitched e-glass mat, 5 - 20 mm

Bahnhofstraße 25a

06536 BergaGermany

SDT Stanz-und Dämmtechnik GmbH

034651 / 451-0 034651 / 6198

114.449 18.08.2009 31.08.2014B

Non-combustible materialsStitched e-glass mat, 5 - 20 mm, with lamination

114.475 27.02.2009 31.03.2014B+D

non-combustible materials

HT-glas fabric TMAX 10 10 19

Ölhafenstraße 28

68169 Mannheim

Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

++49 (0)621 32235-0 ++49 (0)621 32235-29

114.518 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsGlas woven fabric TMAX 101099

114.519 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Glass fibre mats / stitch- bonded glass fibre mats TMAX 100099

114.520 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Silica fibre mats / stitch- bonded silica fibre mats TMAX 140099

114.524 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsTmax Solid Insulation (12-75 mm thickness)

114.525 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

Tmax Solid Insulation with temperature resistance paint (12 - 75 mm thickness)

114.526 27.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Non-combustible materials

ECR-glass fibre mats / stitch-bonded ECR-glass fibre mats TMAX 100599

114.539 13.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Non-combustible materialsGlass woven fabric TMAX 101030

20.09.2012 SEITE 52 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 fItem-Number

Group-Number 115

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: combustible ducts


115.081 25.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (combustible ducts)

Flexible, insulated aluminium tube NTIMeiendorfer Amtsweg 10

22145 BraakGermany

Rokaflex-Zahn GmbH

++49 (0)40 668 593-0 ++49 (0)40 668 593-22

115.082 20.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (combustible ducts)

Flexible Silencer

20.09.2012 SEITE 53 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


116.304 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR Colour Lacquer DB 45205-hueWarendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.305 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR Colour Lacquer DB 525-hue

20.09.2012 SEITE 54 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.368 21.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

2-component acrylic lacquer R 580-x (x = gloss level)

Füllenbruchstraße 13

32120 HiddenhausenGermany

3H-Lacke GmbH

++49 (0)5221 3809-0 ++49 (0)5221 3809-20

116.385 27.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

R614 2K-acrylic-sanding-sealer

116.394 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

2C-PU Acrylic Filler, pigmented black (R58255-9805)

116.395 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

2C-PU Acrylic topcoat (RC16-gloss level-colour shade)

116.396 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

2-compound PU-Acrylic-high gloss-clear-topcoat (R 596-1-90)

116.397 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

2C-PU-Acrylic-high gloss-topcoat (RC29-colour shade)

116.407 15.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

R58255-9025 2Component-Acrylic-Filler white

20.09.2012 SEITE 55 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.306 24.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ADLER Aquarapid CFB

Bergwerkstraße 22

6130 SchwazAustria

ADLER-WERK Lackfabrik Johann Berghofer GmbH & Co. KG

++43 (0)53 42 / 69 22-0 ++43 (0)53 42 / 69 22-999

116.307 24.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ADLER Legnopur

116.317 01.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ADLER Pigmopur

116.411 01.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ADLER Legno Hartwachsöl 50821

116.425 17.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ADLER Ventopur

116.181 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame spread characteristics (paint systems)


Düsseldorfer Straße 96 - 100

40721 HildenGermany

Akzo Nobel Wood Coatings GmbHGeschäftsbereich Zweihorn

++49 (0)2103 77-0 ++49 (0)2103 77-242

116.182 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame spread characteristics (paint systems)

CRYSTALLIT- Klarlack "CL-7 glänzend” resp. "CL-8 seidenglänzend” resp. "CL-9 seidenmatt” resp. "CL-0 matt"

116.184 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

WIGRANIT - Nova Color WNC / colourshade

20.09.2012 SEITE 56 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.280 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Plastik-Glanzlack S 7000

Düsseldorfer Straße 96 - 100

40721 HildenGermany

Akzo Nobel Wood Coatings GmbHGeschäftsbereich Zweihorn

++49 (0)2103 77-0 ++49 (0)2103 77-242

116.319 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Duocryl Top

116.327 03.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Duritan Füllgrund DT-F

116.328 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Duritan Hochglanz DT-HG

116.329 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Duocryl 2K-Pur-Top-Waterborneclearcoat

116.333 06.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Crystallit 2K-PUR-Hochglanz CL-H

116.334 06.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wigranit 2K-PUR-Füller WIG / FILL

116.366 11.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Diadur 2K-PUR Füllgrund DD-F

116.367 11.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Diadur 2K-PUR Klarlack DD-8 & DD-9

116.377 14.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Crystallit Tiefmatt CL-TM

20.09.2012 SEITE 57 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.384 19.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Variofill VF

Düsseldorfer Straße 96 - 100

40721 HildenGermany

Akzo Nobel Wood Coatings GmbHGeschäftsbereich Zweihorn

++49 (0)2103 77-0 ++49 (0)2103 77-242

116.339 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

CLOUCRYL Filler and high gloss lacquer

Otto-Scheugenpflug-Straße 2

63073 Offenbach


++49 (0)69 89 007-0 ++49 (0)69 89 007-140

116.340 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

CLOUCRYL Filler primer 17935

116.341 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

CLOUCRYL Fill and Finish

116.342 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

DD-Lacquer 28 High gloss

116.343 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

DD High gloss lacquer

116.191 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Bolidt Coating PU/SH

Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

116.220 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Bolidt Compound PU/LP 17068/67

20.09.2012 SEITE 58 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.281 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Bolidt Primer EM

Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

116.282 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Bolidt Primer PU/LP 2581

116.354 06.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Tiefgrund 545Weseler Straße 401

48163 MünsterGermany

Brillux GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)251/7188-0 0251 7188-350

116.355 06.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Glemalux ELF 1000

116.356 06.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Latexfarbe ELF 992

116.372 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Haftgrund 850

116.373 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Impredur Seidenmattlack 880

116.391 19.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Brillux Flex-Deck 26

20.09.2012 SEITE 59 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.347 17.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Pactan Haftreiniger 14Traunring 65

83301 TraunreutGermany

Compact Technology GmbH

++49 (0)8669 3110-0 ++49 (0)8669 97 84

116.348 17.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Pactan Haftreiniger 15

116.349 17.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Pactan Haftreiniger 19

116.358 09.12.2009 31.12.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Dräger TopcoatRevalstraße 1

23560 Lübeck

Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)451 882-0 ++49 (0)451 882-2080

116.359 09.12.2009 31.12.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Dräger Barrier

116.314 24.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (b: paint systems)

ALPOLAN Schleifgrund 207, ALPOLAN Härter 1091Industriestraße 11

9430 St. MargrethenSwitzerland

Feyco AG

++41 (0)71 747 84 11 ++41 (0)71 747 85 10

116.315 24.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (b: paint systems)

ALPOCRYL Klarlack 1230 seidenglanz G50, Unipur Härter 279

116.316 06.06.2008 30.06.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (b: paint systems)

ALPOLAN Universalgrund 242, ALPOLAN Härter 243

116.336 06.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ALPOCRYL Klarlack 1230 matt G20, Unipur Härter 279

20.09.2012 SEITE 60 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.345 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Forbo 864 Aqua Lack Easy Future NavyAugust-Röbling-Straße 2

99091 ErfurtGermany

Forbo Erfurt GmbH

++49 (0) 361 730 41 - 0 ++49 (0) 361 730 41 - 90

116.346 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Forbo 546 Eurofix Multi

116.382 17.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Forbo 850 Öl-Wachs Emulsion

116.335 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

044 Europrimer MultiIndustrieweg 1-2

1521 NA WormerveerNetherlands

Forbo Eurocol BV

++31 (0)75 627 16 00 ++31 (0)75 628 35 64

116.318 19.09.2008 30.09.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Miracryl ADornbirner Straße 23

70469 StuttgartGermany

Friedrich Klumpp GmbH

++49 (0)711 / 9 81 84-0 ++49 (0)711 / 85 03 28

116.204 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR - Paints DB 4425x - colour shadeWarendorfer Straße 21

59075 Hamm

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.205 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Multicoat-Lacquers DE 4503x

116.211 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR primer DG 4734

20.09.2012 SEITE 61 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.212 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal NOVA PUR-Grund DG 434Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.213 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Isolierfüller DP 491-9343

116.214 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR insulating filler DP 4791-9343

116.215 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Brillantlack DU 489

116.216 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR high gloss lacquer DU 45289-0001

116.217 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal MEGA PUR DE 56x (x = 0 - 8)

116.224 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal MEGA-COLOR DB 474 - hue

116.226 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-COLOR DB 555 - hue

116.227 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR Colour Lacquer DB 45245-hue

116.243 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Grund DG 4768-0004

20.09.2012 SEITE 62 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.244 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal Compakt PUR Grund DG 468-1Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.244 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal Compakt PUR Grund DG 468-1

116.258 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Brilliant Lacquer DU 449

116.259 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Acrylic-Brilliant Lacquer DU 429

116.261 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Brilliant Lacquer DU 46269

116.262 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Brilliant Lacquer DU 44099

116.263 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Insulating Primer DG 572

116.264 05.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Insulating Primer DG 4720

116.275 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR Base Coat DG 4768-0009

20.09.2012 SEITE 63 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.276 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR Base Coat DG 468-2Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.277 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR Multicoat lacquer DE 4532X-0004 (X = 0-9)

116.278 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Lignal Multi PUR DE 45X (X = 0-9)

116.308 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Base coat DG 4760

116.309 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Base coat DG 468-3

116.310 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Isolating filler DP 4777-9343

116.311 04.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR Acryl Isolating filler DP 492-9343

116.312 19.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-Top Coat DU 51x-1 (x = 1, 2, 4, 7, 8)

116.313 19.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Top Coat DU 4401x-0001 (x = 1, 2, 4, 7, 8)

20.09.2012 SEITE 64 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.324 14.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-multicoat lacquer DE 4259X (X = 0 - 9)Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.325 28.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal PUR-multicoat lacquer DE 51X (X = 0 - 9)

116.326 14.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Lignal UNA PUR DE 55X (X = 0 - 9)

116.331 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse-Hydro-UV-Multicoat Lacquer HUE 8643x (gloss level)

116.361 24.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Isolating Filler DP 4776-9343

116.380 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse Hydro-UV Multicoat Lacquer HUE 8643x-0002 (x = gloss level)

116.388 01.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse 2K-Hydro Multicoat Lacquer HDE 5400x (X= 0 to 8)

116.389 01.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse Hydro-PUR Primo HDE 54x (x = 0 - 8)

116.390 26.10.2011 31.10.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

16 parts Hesse PU-Decorative-Metal Basic DE 48219-0901+4 parts Hesse PU-Decorative-Metal Hardener DR 4008 + 80 parts Hesse PU-Decorative Metal Powder

20.09.2012 SEITE 65 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.392 02.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Multicoat laquer DE 4870x (x = 0 - 8)Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.393 02.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Topcoat DU 4812x (x = 0 - 8)

116.403 02.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Brillant lacquer DU 46269-0005

116.404 02.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Acrylic Brillant lacquer DU 429-1

116.405 02.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Pigment Filler DP 4777-9343

116.406 02.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-Acrylic-Isolating filler DP 492-9343

116.412 06.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse PUR-base coat DG 4717-0005

116.413 06.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Hesse MEGA PUR-base coat DG 417

116.418 20.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse 2K-Hydro base coat HDG 5407

20.09.2012 SEITE 66 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.419 20.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Hesse Hydro-PUR-brilliant base coat HDG 587Warendorfer Straße 21

59075 HammGermany

Hesse GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2381/963-00 ++49 (0)2381/9638 49

116.229 23.02.2009 31.01.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


21037 Hamburg

HSF Hansa Schiffsfarben

++49 (0)40 736774-0 ++49 (0)40 736774-19

116.230 23.02.2009 31.01.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.337 15.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.338 15.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.157 26.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

BarySkin V 61 whiteHannoversche Straße 120

29352 Adelheidsdorf

IAC Group GmbH

++49 (0)5085 970-0 ++49 (0)5085 970-265

116.158 26.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

BaryVibro 192S

116.159 26.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

BaryVibro 163F

116.183 24.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame spread characteristics (paint systems)

BarySkin V 61 weiß spezial

20.09.2012 SEITE 67 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.194 24.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

BarySkin V607Hannoversche Straße 120

29352 AdelheidsdorfGermany

IAC Group GmbH

++49 (0)5085 970-0 ++49 (0)5085 970-265

116.161 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Waterborne Synthetic Dispersion Finishing „SKINTEX-Seidenmatt 94“ coated with Silk Glass „IMCRON 7315“

Eisteichstr. 11

27572 Bremerhaven

IMPARAT Farbwerk Iversen & Mähl GmbH & Co. KG Niederl. Bremerhaven

0471/9 73 97-0 0471/9 73 97-39

116.162 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

IMPARAT Grundierweiß WP

116.163 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.166 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.167 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Marine Industrie Coating

116.168 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


116.170 18.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


Siemensstraße 8

21509 Glinde

IMPARAT FarbwerkIversen & Mähl GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 7277 08 - 0 ++49 (0)40 7277 08 - 70

116.171 18.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


20.09.2012 SEITE 68 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.172 18.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Gussoment antislip

Siemensstraße 8

21509 GlindeGermany

IMPARAT FarbwerkIversen & Mähl GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 7277 08 - 0 ++49 (0)40 7277 08 - 70

116.241 03.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Marine Allgrund AQUA schwarz

116.256 02.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Imotect R LF

116.257 02.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Imomatt LF

116.274 05.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Juwel Holzsiegel

116.360 01.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Akzent e.l.f.

116.375 17.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Selatex e.l.f.

116.296 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Coating system consisting of: 41917 Cromapur Grundierung farblos + 45205x Cromapur Mehrschichtlack farblos

Johannes-Kepler-Straße 3

71083 Herrenberg

IVM Chemicals GmbH

++49 (0)7032 2006-0 ++49 (0)7032 34656

116.297 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

45205x Cromapur Mehrschichtlack farblos

20.09.2012 SEITE 69 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.298 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

45206x Cromapur Universallack RATIO, transparentJohannes-Kepler-Straße 3

71083 HerrenbergGermany

IVM Chemicals GmbH

++49 (0)7032 2006-0 ++49 (0)7032 34656

116.362 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Coating system consisting of: 41963 Cromapur Isoliergrund +34513-F Croma Spritzlack

116.363 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Coating system consisting of: 41963 Cromapur Isoliergrund +34513-F-9001 Polycrom Spritzlack RAL 9001

116.378 01.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

41950-F Cromapur Grundierung farblos

116.381 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

Cromapur Color Mehrschichtlack 45053-xxxx-F

116.383 19.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

44009-00-F Cromapur Decklack farblos

116.420 01.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

32006-F Polycrom Füller farblos

116.421 01.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

32003-91-F Polycrom Füller weiss

116.422 01.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

34919-F Polycrom Decklack Hochglanz

20.09.2012 SEITE 70 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.423 01.08.2012 31.08.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

455049-F Cromapur Hochglanz farblosJohannes-Kepler-Straße 3

71083 HerrenbergGermany

IVM Chemicals GmbH

++49 (0)7032 2006-0 ++49 (0)7032 34656

116.370 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

LUA 43xVia Varese, 2

20010 BareggioItaly

IVM Chemicals srl

n.a. n.a.

116.344 29.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ALEXIT-Decklack B 412Georg-Wilhelm-Straße 189

21107 HamburgGermany

Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co.

++49 (0)40 75103-0 ++49 (0)40 75103-415

116.371 19.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

SEEVENAX Schutzlack 112

116.409 15.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXIT-Topcoat 402-08

116.410 15.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXIT-Topcoat 402-99

116.414 09.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXSEAL Waterborne Primer

116.415 09.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXSEAL Protective Primer 161

20.09.2012 SEITE 71 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.416 09.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXSEAL Interior CoatingGeorg-Wilhelm-Straße 189

21107 HamburgGermany

Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co.

++49 (0)40 75103-0 ++49 (0)40 75103-415

116.417 09.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXSEAL Waterborne Topcoat

116.424 06.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ALEXSEAL Suede Primer 701

116.402 23.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PU 230 Glitter EffektlackGiesendorfer Straße 16

50189 Elsdorf

m-color Lacke GmbH

+49 (0)2274 906240 +49 (0)2274 906241

116.351 04.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Osmo Hardwax-Oil clear

Affhüppen Esch 12

48213 Warendorf

Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2581/922-100 ++49 (0)2581/922-200

116.330 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Pehacryl 2K-SchichtlackHerforder Straße 80

32120 Hiddenhausen

Peter Lacke GmbH

++49 (0)5221 9625-0 ++49 (0)5221 9625-44

116.350 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Coating system consists of: a.) Leinos Hartöl 240 b.) Leinos Hartöl Spezial 245

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 4

21614 Buxtehude

Reincke Naturfarben GmbH

++49 (0)4161 87549 ++49 (0)4161 78369

20.09.2012 SEITE 72 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.188 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 309 2K-PUR-TopcoatCode-No. I309-colourshade

Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 OldenburgGermany


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

116.189 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 466 1K-AK-TopcoatCode-No. I466-colourshade

116.190 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 266 1K-AK-PrimerCode-No. I266-colourshade

116.207 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Marine 392 1K-AY-Dispersion

116.222 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Powder PE F, Code-No. I536-colourshade

116.231 20.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

2K-Hydro EP Shopprimer, Code-No. 314- colour shade

116.232 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 321 2K-EP-PrimerCode-No. I321-colourshade

116.233 20.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

OLDOPOX EG, Code-No. 325- colour shade

116.234 20.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

OLDOPOX HB, Code-No. 354- colour shade

20.09.2012 SEITE 73 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.239 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

OLDODUR ADN-Marinelackfarbe - colour shade

Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 OldenburgGermany


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

116.240 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Marine 467 1K-AK-TopcoatArt.-Nr. I467-Farbton

116.260 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 311 2K-PUR-TopcoatCode-No. I311-colourshade

116.279 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Powder EP ProtectCode-No. I530-colourshade

116.302 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 377 2K-EP-Primer ZMCode-No. I3770066

116.303 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Oldopox ZM grün Wintergrade

116.352 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

2K-FÜLLGRUND, Code- No. I312-0060

116.353 14.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

PUR-STREICHMASSE, Code- No. I367-0009

116.357 09.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)


20.09.2012 SEITE 74 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.376 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

RELEST® Protect 484 1K-WB-AY-MonolayerCode-No. I484-colourshade

Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 OldenburgGermany


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

116.369 21.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

PUR SL-210/-x (x = gloss level) lacquer

Bernhard-Remmers-Straße 13

49624 Löningen

Remmers Bauststofftechnik GmbH

++49 (0)5432 83-0 ++49 (0)5432 39 85

116.386 27.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR FG-201-filling primer

116.398 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR PF-230-pigment filler, black

116.399 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR CL-240/30 Colorlack

116.400 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR HL-211/90 high gloss-clear-topcoat

116.401 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR HCL-242/90 high gloss-topcoat

116.408 15.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PUR-PF230-Pigment filler, white

20.09.2012 SEITE 75 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.283 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

COLORECHT-Grund 06003Paul-Gerhardt-Straße 31

42389 WuppertalGermany

Sherwin-Williams ARTI GmbH

++49 (0)202 / 57 47-0 ++49 (0)202 / 55 51 82

116.284 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

COLORECHT-Grund 06003/2709

116.285 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

COLORECHT-Produktreihe (06000-06009)

116.286 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ARTICRYL-Brillant 06050

116.287 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

PROCRYL-Color 0698/0699

116.288 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

DD-Isoliergrund 07407

116.374 26.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

NANOCARAT- Brillant SC3055

116.236 19.12.2008 31.12.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

StoColor Latex 3000Ehrenbachstraße 1

79780 Stühlingen

Sto AG

++49 (0)77 44 57 - 0 ++49 (0)77 44 57 - 2178

116.237 19.12.2008 31.12.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

StoColor Latex 4000

20.09.2012 SEITE 76 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.173 23.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Antorit 200 Zinkmennige

Kiepelbergstr. 14

27721 RitterhudeGermany

TMP Tenax Marine Paints Vertriebs GmbH

++49 (0) 4292-409-246/47 ++49 (0) 4292-409-248

116.174 23.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Antorit 400 EG

116.176 14.01.2009 31.01.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedox-Universalgrund AK 106

116.177 14.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedox-Vorstreichfarbe AK 065

116.178 14.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedox-Schiffslackfarbe AK 091

116.200 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedacryl-Lackfarbe PUR 153

116.201 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Epidur-Zinkphosphat-Grund EP 822

116.219 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Antorit 600 SF

116.364 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedacryl Vorstreichfarbe PUR 152

116.365 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wedacryl Versiegelung PUR 255

20.09.2012 SEITE 77 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.290 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

32055-0-0000 PURIDUR-Rapido sanding base-coat

Schwieberdinger Straße 97/102

70825 Korntal-MünchingenGermany

Votteler Lackfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)711 9804-5 ++49 (0)711 9804-643

116.291 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

33056-x-0000 PURIDUR-multi-coat lacquer

116.292 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

31055-0-9100 PURIDUR-isulating filler white

116.293 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

33800-6-xxxx VARIOPUR

116.294 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

33320-1-0000 PURIDUR-lacquer high gloss

116.295 21.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

33550-x-0000 PURIDUR-Karat UV-Filter

116.320 23.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

54177-X-0000 CRY-Lux Grundlack farblos

116.321 23.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

33079-X-0000 PURIDUR Holzeffekt farblos

116.332 04.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

32075-0-0000 PURIDUR sanding base coat

116.379 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

51025-0-9100 UPE®-Füller, weiß

20.09.2012 SEITE 78 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.208 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wilkotex BTD, SVE ... (No. acc. to colorshade)Schmiedestraße 10

25348 GlückstadtGermany

Wilckens Farben GmbH

++49 (0)4124 606-0 ++49 (0)4124 1537

116.209 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Wilkotex Primer, SEG ... (No. acc. to colorshade)

116.245 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO AllgrundBleichstraße 57-58

32545 Bad Oeynhausen


++49 (0) 5731 9887-0 ++49(0) 5731 9887-251

116.246 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Fassadengrund / Fassadengrundhärter

116.247 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Glanzcolour Buntlack - colour shade, Base ZA, ZB, ZC, ZO, ZR, ZY

116.248 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Haftgrund WP

116.249 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Intermatt Isolier- und Haftprimer

116.250 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Intermatt Spezial

116.251 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Satina Seidenglanzlack - colour shade, Base ZA, ZB, ZC, ZO, ZR, ZY

20.09.2012 SEITE 79 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 bItem-Number

Group-Number 116

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: paint systems


116.252 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Seidenglanz 480 SLFBleichstraße 57-58

32545 Bad OeynhausenGermany


++49 (0) 5731 9887-0 ++49(0) 5731 9887-251

116.253 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Toptex Hochglanz SLF

116.254 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Toptex Seidenglanz SLF

116.255 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Wandmatt ES SLF Proweiß

116.299 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Vorlack - shade (Base A, B, C)

116.300 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Lacksiegel Polierglanz

116.301 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Lacksiegel Tuffmatt

116.322 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Hydrogrund SLF

116.323 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

ZERO Acryl Parkettlack

116.387 08.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (paint systems)

ZERO MagicTouch - colour shade

20.09.2012 SEITE 80 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.231 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System consisting of: a) 1a Ultraflex S2 b) Ceramic tile c) 1a Heavy Duty Grout

Am Bürohochhaus 2 - 4

14478 PotsdamGermany

1a Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)331-71 95 73 ++49 (0)331-71 95 75

118.092 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ALUCORE® with coil coated surfaceAlusingenplatz 1

78224 Singen

3A Composites GmbH

+49 7731 80 35 00 +49 7731 80 35 10

118.093 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ALUCORE® with dry film coating (Touchwood)

118.094 23.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (a. decorative veneers)

ALUCORE with PVC-foil lamination (Gislaved)

118.153 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


118.207 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


118.208 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


118.170 01.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CS + NSKOlofsholmsgatan 32

50634 BorasSweden

AB Initio

++46 / 706 500 588 n.a.

20.09.2012 SEITE 81 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.299 07.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)


Zum Schürmannsgraben 12c

47441 MoersGermany

Alpha Associates Europe GmbH

+49 28 41- 88 12 80-0 +49 28 41- 88 12 80-20

118.288 06.02.2012 28.02.2017B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

LarcorePoligono Industrial de Bayas

09200 Miranda de Ebro (Burgos)Spain

Alucoil S.A.

+34 947 333320 +34 947 324913

118.282 21.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ALYOS HT2404, rue de la Mine

68500 BerrwillerFrance

ALYOS technology SAS

++33 (0)389 741 075 ++33 (0)389 742 351

118.240 25.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Hoheneich 136

3945 HoheneichAustria

Backhausen Interior textiles GmbH

++43 (0)2852 502 0 ++43 (0)2852 502 188

118.095 13.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSSchremserstraße 38

3950 Gmünd

Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H.

++43 (0)2852 9008-0 ++43 (0)2852 9008-209

118.209 06.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System configuration consisting of: - Brillux CreaGlas Gewebekleber ELF 377 - Brillux CreaGlas Glasvlies VG 1001 - Brillux Glemalux ELF 1000

Weseler Straße 401

48163 MünsterGermany

Brillux GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)251/7188-0 0251 7188-350

20.09.2012 SEITE 82 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.211 23.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System configuration consisting of:- Brillux Spritzspachtel, Lacryl Tiefgrund LF 595, Gewebekleber ELF 377, Glasvlies VG 1001, Glemalux ELF 1000

Weseler Straße 401

48163 MünsterGermany

Brillux GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)251/7188-0 0251 7188-350

118.244 21.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Brillux Handspachtel H 1882

118.277 17.10.2011 31.10.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

Cello Quality F800 FR

No self-adhesive equipment

Freiburger Straße 44

88400 Biberach

Cellofoam GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (0) 73 51 - 573-0 +49 (0) 73 51 - 573-17

118.166 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Clipso stretch ceiling ref. 705 Standard5, rue de l'Eglise

68800 VIEUX-THANNFrance


+33 (0)3 89 37 10 84 +33 (0)3 89 37 48 92

118.167 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Clipso stretch ceiling ref. 705 Acoustic black

118.194 03.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Pactan 7541 Marine fire-protection siliconeTraunring 65

83301 TraunreutGermany

Compact Technology GmbH

++49 (0)8669 3110-0 ++49 (0)8669 97 84

118.195 03.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Pactan 7545 Marine mirror adhesive silicone

20.09.2012 SEITE 83 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.196 03.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Pactan 7547 Marine Sanitary SiliconeTraunring 65

83301 TraunreutGermany

Compact Technology GmbH

++49 (0)8669 3110-0 ++49 (0)8669 97 84

118.197 03.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Pactan 7548 Marine natural stone silicone

118.198 03.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Pactan 7543 timber decking grouting

118.241 25.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Bern-Zürich-Strasse 23

4900 LangenthalSwitzerland

Création Baumann Weberei und Färberei AG

++41 (0)62 919 62 62 ++41 (0)62 922 45 47

118.152 02.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Protective Insulation Layer, grey, HCS

Max-Planck-Str. 15-19

49593 BersenbrückGermany

Culimeta Textilglas-Technologie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)5439-9416-0 ++49 (0)5439-9416-10

118.278 01.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

CEWEPOL MARITIMKatharinenstraße 61

52353 Düren

CWS Powder Coatings GmbH

02421 / 983-0 02421 / 983-165

118.307 19.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSGoldstraße 16-18

33602 Bielefeld

Delius GmbH

++49 (0)521/543-0 ++49 (0)521/543-341

20.09.2012 SEITE 84 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.117 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Moorfleeter Deich 167

22113 HamburgGermany

DFI DAUERFLORA International GmbH

++49 (0)40 679464-0 ++49 (0)40 679464-18

118.162 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Polydur Tooling System

118.262 24.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Phoenix palm leaf

118.200 09.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Dillgard Faserschutz

Hohenholter Straße 22

48329 Havixbeck

Dillerup Dienstleistungsges. mbH

++49 (0)2507 9862-0 ++49 (0)2507 9862-11

118.165 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSRue Pierre Grange-Z.I.de la Pointe

94124 Fontenay sous Bois CedexFrance

Edmond Petit S.A.

++33 (0)1 45141820 ++33 (0)1 48766622

118.246 02.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

FREPOX-Pulverlack PB1002AAm Bahnhof 6

78199 BräunlingenGermany

Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7707 151-0 ++49 (0)7707 151-238

118.247 02.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

FREIOTHERM-Pulverlack PK2501D

118.295 25.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

FREOPOX-Pulverlack PB1001A

20.09.2012 SEITE 85 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.296 25.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

FREOPOX-Pulverlack PB8002AAm Bahnhof 6

78199 BräunlingenGermany

Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7707 151-0 ++49 (0)7707 151-238

118.266 01.06.2011 30.06.2016B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

MIN DC 450 N T030Glasfaserstraße 6

93055 Regensburg

Ficotec Veredelungs GmbH

+49 (0)941 / 208 201-0 +49 (0)941 / 208 201-20

118.301 25.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)


Via Marrochelle

81010 Castel Campagnano (CE)Italy


n.a. n.a.

118.112 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Alufix 3-071


95460 Bad BerneckGermany

Frenzelit-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9273 72-0 ++49 (0)9273 72-222

118.113 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

STF 3-059

118.114 14.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

SBF 3-088

118.248 02.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Grüner Weg 1

19395 Ganzlin

Ganzlin Beschichtungspulver GmbH

++49 (0)38737 303-0 ++49 (0)38737 303-11

20.09.2012 SEITE 86 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.135 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Grama Blend Decor Sheet (Marble)Industriestr. 44-46

92237 Sulzbach-RosenbergGermany

Grama Blend GmbH

++49 (0) 9661-10430 ++49 (0) 9661-9233

118.136 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Grama Blend Natural Stone Panel (Granite)

118.137 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Grama Blend ALC4 (Marble)

118.138 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Grama Blend ALC4 (Granite)

118.205 08.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CS + ElasthanKarl-Carstens-Straße 17

52146 Würselen

GVW Raumdekor GmbH

++49 (0)2405 6016-32 ++49 (0)2405 6016-39

118.217 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TEROPHON 112 DBHenkelstraße 67


Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)211 797-0 ++49 (0)211 798-4008

118.133 02.03.2010 31.03.2015B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

"imi-beton"Klein-Haddorf 2

48493 Wettringen

Hermann Schubert GmbH

++49 (0)2557 202 ++49 (0)2557 588

118.077 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

"G1“- Coating

Zum Eisenhammer 54

46049 Oberhausen

HKO Isolier- und Textiltechnik GmbH

++49 (0)208 8599-40 ++49 (0)208 85994-70

20.09.2012 SEITE 87 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.078 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

"Alufix" - Coating

Zum Eisenhammer 54

46049 OberhausenGermany

HKO Isolier- und Textiltechnik GmbH

++49 (0)208 8599-40 ++49 (0)208 85994-70

118.118 17.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Silicone F-Coating up to 350/350 g/m2

118.149 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Aluminium foil compound

118.169 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

FH 1000

118.083 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Homapal - Metal - Laminat

Bahnhofstraße 30-32

37412 Herzberg am Harz

HOMAPAL Plattenwerk GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)55 21 / 856-0 ++49 (0)55 21 / 856-20

118.173 08.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Homapal - Echtholz - Laminate

118.185 16.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSKanaaldijk NW 61

5707LC HelmondNetherlands

J.A. Raymakers & Co. B.V.

++31 (0)492 536855 ++31 (0)492 552655

118.163 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSPotsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

JAB Josef Anstoetz KG

++49 (0)521 2093-0 ++49 (0)521 2093-388

20.09.2012 SEITE 88 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.091 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant coating JUTEC-JT G1 on JUTEC-Glass fabric JT100SR-JT2000SR (100-2000 g/m²)

Mellumstraße 23-25

26125 OldenburgGermany


++49 (0)441 / 300 99-0 ++49 (0)441 / 300 99-99

118.281 20.12.2011 31.12.2016B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

"KAE-VIP Foil"

Getreidestraße 3

28217 Bremen

KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 6109 - 473 ++49 (0)421 6109 - 431

118.271 29.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

POLYFLEX - Pulverlack, Type PES 136-DSHirschenstrasse 26

9201 GossauSwitzerland


++41 71 387 41 41 n.a.

118.188 23.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSIndustrivej Vest 21

6600 VejenDenmark

KE Fibertec AS

++45 75 36 42 00 ++45 75 36 20 20

118.107 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (paint systems)

Coating with low flame-spread characteristics SI B up to 170/170 g/m²

Oppelner Straße 11

41199 MönchengladbachGermany

Klevers GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2166 9687-0 ++49 (0)2166 9687-11

118.145 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

SF navy board

118.146 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Gw 1 grey

20.09.2012 SEITE 89 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.148 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Gw 1 whiteOppelner Straße 11

41199 MönchengladbachGermany

Klevers GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2166 9687-0 ++49 (0)2166 9687-11

118.245 13.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Alfol 10 FLT / Alfol 20 FLT

118.158 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


De Vest 62

5555 XP ValkenswaardNetherlands

Kobe by Kobefab International B.V.

++31 (0)40 2078400 ++31 (0)40 2078475

118.239 23.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Dießemer Bruch 112

47805 KrefeldGermany

KOS ObjekttextilienInternational GmbH

++49 (0)2151 / 51958-0 ++49 (0)2151 / 51958-51

118.255 06.01.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (a: decorative veneers)


Industriestraße 2

25462 Rellingen

LACKFA Isolierstoff GmbH + Co.

++49 (0)4101 / 3916 - 0 ++49 (0)4101 / 3916 - 16

118.199 08.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Luxboard AAlte Röhler Straße 8

54634 Bitburg

Luxpanel GmbH

++49 (0)6561 94642-0 ++49 (0)6561 94642-20

118.157 20.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

KAINDL Laminate VGSGappen 38

5523 LungötzAustria

M. Kaindl Holzindustrie

++43 (0)6463 7003-0 ++43 (0)6463 7003-5085

20.09.2012 SEITE 90 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.264 17.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Bertram-Schaefer-Straße 11

35274 KirchhainGermany


++49 (0)6422 81-0 ++49 (0)6422 81-225

118.243 15.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSVia Baden Powel 9

21052 Busto Arsizio (Varese)Italy

Mario Cavelli S.p.A.

0331 352411 0331 352420

118.119 02.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Contipal - SealamHans Böckler Straße 12

97424 SchweinfurtGermany

Melaplast GmbH

++49 (0)9721 6599-0 ++49 (0)9721 6599-30

118.232 24.06.2010 30.06.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

- Balsa board FlamSafe poplar plywood- Balsa board FlamSafe MDF/HDF

Lenggrieser Straße 52

83646 Bad Tölz

MORALT Tischlerplatten GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)80 41 / 5 08-0 ++49 (0)80 41 / 5 08-218

118.289 09.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Krankenhausstraße 14

83413 Fridolfing

OTTO CHEMIEHermann Otto GmbH

++49 (0)8684 908 - 0 ++49 (0)8684 908 - 539

118.172 25.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Bahnhofstraße 21

07919 Mühltroff

PONGS Technical Textiles GmbH

++49 (0)36645 350-0 ++49 (0)36645 350-19

20.09.2012 SEITE 91 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.258 21.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Bahnhofstraße 21

07919 MühltroffGermany

PONGS Technical Textiles GmbH

++49 (0)36645 350-0 ++49 (0)36645 350-19

118.306 17.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (a: decorative veneers)

DESCOR acoustic

118.259 23.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Via Roma, 76

23892 Bulciago (LC)Italy

Prosetex Tessitura Jacquard S.p.A.

++39 31 874 370 ++39 31 874 377

118.233 27.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Große Straße 20

26871 AschendorfGermany

Raumausstatter Janssen GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4962 322 ++49 (0)4962 6483

118.210 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

RELEST® Protect 368 2K-PUR-Adhesive unter keramischen Fliesen

Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 Oldenburg


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

118.265 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

RELEST® Powder PE HWFArt.-Nr. I537-Farbton

118.070 13.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Alkorfol-BK Types 13850 plain, 16688, 16786 and 16772

Morgensternstrasse 9

81479 München

RENOLIT SEZweigniederlassung München

+49 (0)89 74917-0 +49 (0)89 79146-13

20.09.2012 SEITE 92 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.071 13.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Alkorfol-BK Types 16352 printed, 16689, 16678, 16773, 16858 and 15301

Morgensternstrasse 9

81479 MünchenGermany

RENOLIT SEZweigniederlassung München

+49 (0)89 74917-0 +49 (0)89 79146-13

118.073 02.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Wilsonart-Resopal Type 335Hans-Böckler-Strasse 4

64823 Gross-Umstadt

Resopal GmbH

+49 (0)6078 80-0 +49 (0)6078 80-624

118.074 02.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Resopal Standard (Postforming),decorative HPL according to DIN EN 438

118.182 02.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

RESOPAL F (fire retardant) 0.8 mm - 1.2 mm

118.090 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant coating RD-Alfol-Si

Großaltdorfer Straße 59

74541 Vellberg

Rex Industrie-ProdukteGraf von Rex GmbH

++49 (0)7907 / 9620-0 ++49 (0)7907 / 9620-80

118.139 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant coating RD-w1

118.141 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant high temperature finish RS HTW 700 Sk grey

118.143 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant finish RS-U10

20.09.2012 SEITE 93 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.144 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant coating RD-g1

Großaltdorfer Straße 59

74541 VellbergGermany

Rex Industrie-ProdukteGraf von Rex GmbH

++49 (0)7907 / 9620-0 ++49 (0)7907 / 9620-80

118.201 14.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSHofer Straße 25

95176 Konradsreuth

Rohleder GmbH

++49 (0)9292 590 ++49 (0)9292 59144

118.292 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

Kerafix BrandschutzsilikonJägersgrund 10

57339 Erndtebrück

Rolf Kuhn GmbH

+ 49 (0)2753 5945–0 + 49 (0)2753 5945–21

118.254 17.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSVia della Pila, 47

30175 Marghera (Venezia)Italy


++39 (0) 41 2584 411 ++39 (0) 41 2584 401

118.147 08.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ISOVER aluminium fibreglass composite

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Straße 1

67059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

118.156 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ISOVER glass tissue composite

++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

20.09.2012 SEITE 94 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.168 28.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ISOVER glass fabric composite

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Straße 1

67059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

118.302 05.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

ISOVER aluminium glass fabric composite

118.164 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)


Hansestraße 87

48282 Emsdetten

Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG

++49 (0)2572 927-0 ++49 (0)2572 927-444

118.075 16.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veeners)


Bahnhofstraße 57

32805 Horn - Bad Meinberg

Sonae Industria SGPS, S.A.Glunz AG - Werk Horn

+49 (0)5234 848 100 +49 (0)5234 848 202

118.222 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System structure consisting of: a) Sopro HPS 673 special primer b) Sopro FKM 444 XL c) Stone ware tile d) Sopro FEP 508 grey

Biebricher Straße 74

65203 Wiesbaden

Sopro Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)611 1707 - 0 ++49 (0)611 1707 - 250

118.223 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System structure consisting of: a) Sopro DSF 423 b) Sopro's No.1 white rapid set 997 c) Stone ware tile d) Sopro FEP 508 grey

118.224 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

System structure consisting of: a) Sopro PUK 503 PU adhesive b) Stone ware tile c) Sopro Brillant® water-repellent tile grout grey 804

20.09.2012 SEITE 95 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.084 11.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (a. decorative veneers)

Sprelacart SC - F 0,3 - 0,6 mmWestbahnstraße 1

03130 SprembergGermany

Sprela GmbH

++49 (0)3563 540 ++49 (0)3563 2391

118.097 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

TMAX 101020-Coating for glas fabric

Ölhafenstraße 28

68169 Mannheim

Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

++49 (0)621 32235-0 ++49 (0)621 32235-29

118.098 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

TMAX 101015-Coating for glas fabric

118.099 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

TMAX 101027-Coating for glas fabric/mat

118.140 18.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TMAX 101097-Coating "Silicone F" for glas fabric

118.142 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

TMAX 101098-Coating "G1" for glas fabric

118.181 13.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TMAX 101104-Coating "PTFE" für glas fabric

118.191 25.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Silicia fibre paper TMAX 144000

20.09.2012 SEITE 96 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.171 08.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSPhilipp-Reis-Straße 2

65795 HattersheimGermany

Trevira GmbH

++49 (0)69 305 18108 ++49 (0)69 305 80953

118.096 06.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

UZIN KE 2000 SDieselstraße 3

89079 Ulm

Uzin Utz AG

++ 49 (0)731 4097-0 ++49 (0)731 4097-110

118.291 21.03.2012 31.03.2017B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (decorative veneers)

VOLIMEA wall covering systemPetristraße 25

37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt

Volimea GmbH & Cie. KG

++49 (0)3606 - 50 666 0 ++49 (0)3606 - 50 666 10

118.151 17.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

GetaLit F 0.5 mmHellweg 15

33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück

Westag & Getalit AG

++49 (0)5242 / 17-0 ++49 (0)5242 / 75000

118.123 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Airless - FeinspachtelBleichstraße 57-58

32545 Bad Oeynhausen


++49 (0) 5731 9887-0 ++49(0) 5731 9887-251

118.124 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Renovierputz 150

118.125 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Toptex System Glasfasergewebe

118.126 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Toptex System Maler- Glasvlies

20.09.2012 SEITE 97 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 aItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: decorative veneers


118.161 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Color-Effektputz SystemBleichstraße 57-58

32545 Bad OeynhausenGermany


++49 (0) 5731 9887-0 ++49(0) 5731 9887-251

118.283 22.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

ZERO Putzsystem S - colour shade

118.250 05.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

TREVIRA CSZimmersmühlenweg 14-18

61440 Oberursel

Zimmer + Rohde GmbH

+49 (0)6171 632-02 +49 (0)6171 632-244

20.09.2012 SEITE 98 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


118.103 14.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneer)

Stone ItalianaVia Lavagno, 213

37040 Zimella (VR)Italy

Stone Italiana S.p.A.

++39 (0)442 715 715 ++39 (0)442 715 000

20.09.2012 SEITE 99 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 dItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: pipe insulation covers


118.214 01.02.2010 28.02.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (pipe insulation covers)

FIROFLEX IPFriedrich-Harkort-Straße 17

59581 WarsteinGermany


++49 (0)2902 98 997-0 ++49 (0)2902 98 997-666

118.227 14.04.2010 30.04.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (pipe insulation covers)


118.089 03.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (pipe insulation covers)

Kaiflex STInsulationhoses and Insulationplates, 6 - 50 mm

Hansastraße 2-5

33161 Hövelhof


++49 (0)5257 9850-0 ++49 (0)5257 9850-590

118.130 03.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (pipe insulation covers)

Kaiflex KKInsulationhoses and Insulationsplates, 6 - 50 mm

118.216 24.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (pipe insulation covers)

Kaiflex KK plusInsulationhoses and Insulationsplates, 6 - 50 mm

118.297 14.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (pipe insulation covers)

Kaiflex BLUECOInsulation hoses and Insulation plates, 6 - 32 mm

118.298 14.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (pipe insulation covers)

Kaiflex HFInsulation hoses and Insulation plates, 6 - 32 mm

20.09.2012 SEITE 100 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.206 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

1 a T flex AIR C2 S1Am Bürohochhaus 2 - 4

14478 PotsdamGermany

1a Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)331-71 95 73 ++49 (0)331-71 95 75

118.252 15.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

DuroSpray Marine 100

Gewenn 14

35745 Herborn

ASK-Aartal Systemklebstoffe OHG

+49 (0)2772 / 57 65 20 +49 (0)2772 / 57 65 22 0

118.253 15.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

DuroSpray Marine 150

118.155 17.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Coroplast 930 Alu SE

Wittener Straße 271

42279 Wuppertal

Coroplast Fritz Müller GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)202 2681-0 ++49 (0)202 2681-0

118.213 06.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Coroplast 1530 AWX

118.287 02.02.2012 28.02.2017B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

fako® - glass fibre adhesive No. 9119

Peutestraße 15

20539 Hamburg

fako®Heinrich A. Anton Chemische Fabrik

+49 (0)40 250 73 00 +49 (0)40 251 38 25

20.09.2012 SEITE 101 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.304 01.08.2012 31.08.2017B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)


Karlstraße 59

32423 MindenGermany

Follmann & Co. GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (571) 93 39 - 0 +49 (571) 93 39 - 300

118.230 10.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Forbo 135 Euromix Epoxy Flex with hardener 135August-Röbling-Straße 2

99091 Erfurt

Forbo Erfurt GmbH

++49 (0) 361 730 41 - 0 ++49 (0) 361 730 41 - 90

118.190 11.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

540 Eurosafe SpecialIndustrieweg 1-2

1521 NA WormerveerNetherlands

Forbo Eurocol BV

++31 (0)75 627 16 00 ++31 (0)75 628 35 64

118.270 18.08.2011 31.08.2016B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Gerband 705

Jaumann-Industriepark 5

86720 NördlingenGermany

Gerlinger GmbH & Co. KGKlebebandwerke

++49 (0)9081 213-0 ++49 (0)9081 213-100

118.294 02.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

"GREWI STP 75"Moos Nr. 40

4633 Kematen/I.Austria

GREWI Handels GmbH

++43 (0)7247 6920 ++43 (0)7247 6920-20

20.09.2012 SEITE 102 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.178 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

RAKOLL GXL-3Henriettenstraße 32

31582 NienburgGermany

H.B. Fuller Deutschland GmbH

++49 (0)5021 88-0 ++49 (0)5021 88-174

118.179 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

ICEMA R 145/10

118.180 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

ICEMA R 145/31 S

118.192 21.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" and "C" class divisions)


118.193 26.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

ICEMA R 145/12

118.204 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

ICEMA R 145/75

118.100 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Metylan Ovalit VHenkelstraße 67


Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)211 797-0 ++49 (0)211 798-4008

118.101 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Metylan Ovalit T

20.09.2012 SEITE 103 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.159 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Macroplast UR 7395 B-21Henkelstraße 67


Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)211 797-0 ++49 (0)211 798-4008

118.184 19.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Macroplast UK 8103

118.203 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Thomsit UK 800

118.249 04.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Macroplast UR 7221 - UR 7228Henkel-Teroson-Straße 57

69123 Heidelberg +49 (0)6221 704-0 +49 (0)6221 705-239

08373/C0 EC 24.09.2009 24.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread charactersitics : adhesives used in the construction of "B" and "C" class divisions

Teromix 400Rue Charles Cros

27400 LouviersFrance

Henkel France S.A.

++33 (0) 1 46 84 90 00 ++33 (0) 1 46 84 90 90

09084/C0 EC 24.09.2009 24.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics : adhesives used in construction of "B" and "C" class divisions

Macroplast UK 8155 (B39) / UK 5400

09114/C0 EC 24.09.2009 24.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics : adhesives used in the construction of "B" and "C" class divisions

Makroplast UK 8103(B30) / UK 5400

20.09.2012 SEITE 104 VON 300

Page 118: Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehrepub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2012/16584/pdf/2012_09_20_MED... · geändert durch Richtlinie 98/85/EG, 2001/53/EG, 2002/75/EG, 2008/67/EG,

List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.272 31.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

PLAZASul. Malysheva 59

624223 Nizhnyaya TuraRussian Federation

Joint Stock Company "TIZOL"

n.a. n.a.

118.174 13.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Jowatherm-Reaktant 609.30Ernst-Hilker-Straße 10-14

32758 DetmoldGermany

Jowat AG

++49 (0)5231 749-0 ++49 (0)5231 749-105

118.226 31.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Jowat-Power®PUR 687.40Schiltwaldstraße 33

6033 BuchrainSwitzerland

Jowat Swiss AG

++41 (0)41 445 11 12 ++41 (0)41 440 23 46

118.238 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.267 27.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Jowapur 10 683.14

118.268 27.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Jowapur 11 683.14

118.218 26.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Reaktiver Hotmelt PUR 706.0

Max-Becker-Straße 4

76456 Weingarten / BadenGermany

Klebchemie M.G. Becker GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7244 620 ++49 (0)7244 7000

20.09.2012 SEITE 105 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.225 01.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Kleiberit 303.0

Max-Becker-Straße 4

76456 Weingarten / BadenGermany

Klebchemie M.G. Becker GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7244 620 ++49 (0)7244 7000

118.229 22.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.234 27.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

PUR Insulation Material Adhesive 509.0

118.269 28.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.273 21.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

PanelPUR A2® 577.1 M

118.274 21.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Reaktiver Schmelzkleber PUR 700.5

118.275 21.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Plastic-Mastic 596.6

118.276 21.09.2011 30.09.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

PUR 503.9

20.09.2012 SEITE 106 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.279 01.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

PanelPUR A2® 570.9 M

Max-Becker-Straße 4

76456 Weingarten / BadenGermany

Klebchemie M.G. Becker GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7244 620 ++49 (0)7244 7000

118.284 28.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

Tempo 347.0

118.285 28.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

Surface Glue 332.0

118.286 24.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.293 28.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

PUR-Sandwich Adhesive 543.8

118.108 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Adhesive "HT S"Oppelner Straße 11

41199 Mönchengladbach

Klevers GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2166 9687-0 ++49 (0)2166 9687-11

118.215 18.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 666

Zweibrücker Straße 200

66954 Pirmasens

Kömmerling Chemische Fabrik GmbH

++49 (0)6331 56 - 2000 ++49 (0)6331 56 - 1999

20.09.2012 SEITE 107 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.235 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 940 Marine / Körapur 940 FC Marine

Zweibrücker Straße 200

66954 PirmasensGermany

Kömmerling Chemische Fabrik GmbH

++49 (0)6331 56 - 2000 ++49 (0)6331 56 - 1999

118.236 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 925 Marine

118.237 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 840

118.256 16.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapop 970 Marine

118.257 16.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 928 Marine / Körapur 928 FC Marine

118.261 14.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Körapur 672

118.186 22.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Promat-Kleber K84Scheifenkamp 16

40878 Ratingen

Promat GmbH

++49 (0)2102/493-0 ++49 (0)2102/493-111

118.129 02.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (decorative veneers)

Flame retardant Silicone SiF grp coating

Großaltdorfer Straße 59

74541 Vellberg

Rex Industrie-ProdukteGraf von Rex GmbH

++49 (0)7907 / 9620-0 ++49 (0)7907 / 9620-80

20.09.2012 SEITE 108 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.212 01.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

ISOVER Marine Tape G 120

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Straße 1

67059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 4701530 ++49 (0)621 4701555

118.220 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Sopro FKM 444 XL multi-purpose eXtraLight flexible tile adhesive

Biebricher Straße 74

65203 Wiesbaden

Sopro Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)611 1707 - 0 ++49 (0)611 1707 - 250

118.221 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

Sopro No. 1 white rapid-set 997 flexible tile adhesive

118.260 02.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" and "C" class divisions)

Vatral® 200 Fire Protection AdhesiveBillstraße 226

20536 Hamburg


+49 (0)40 / 21 30 21 +49 (0)40 / 21 30 90

118.303 16.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" and "C" class divisions)

Vatral® 1030 Fire Protection Adhesive

118.175 03.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

WB - AdhesiveViersener Straße 5

47929 Grefrath

Temati GmbH

++49 (0)2158-1061 ++49 (0)2158-1354

20.09.2012 SEITE 109 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.150 03.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

TMAX 101002- Coating "APH 06" for glas fabric

Ölhafenstraße 28

68169 MannheimGermany

Thermamax Hochtemperaturdämmungen GmbH

++49 (0)621 32235-0 ++49 (0)621 32235-29

118.105 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

UZIN UZ 57 ÖkoLineDieselstraße 3

89079 Ulm

Uzin Utz AG

++ 49 (0)731 4097-0 ++49 (0)731 4097-110

118.106 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

UZIN UZ 90 ÖkoLine

118.109 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

UZIN Universal Fixative ÖkoLine

118.160 18.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

UZIN KE 2428 Rapid Adhesive Extra

118.280 06.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.300 19.06.2012 30.06.2017B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


20.09.2012 SEITE 110 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.176 07.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

WAKOL D 3360 VersaTackBottenbacher Straße 30

66954 PirmasensGermany

Wakol GmbH

++49 (0)6331 8001-0 ++49 (0)6331 8001-851

118.177 07.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

WAKOL PU 225 Parquet Adhesive

118.183 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

WAKOL MS 260 Parquet adhesive, firm elastic

118.202 17.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

WAKOL D 3270 SpaltTex TR

118.228 21.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


118.290 13.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)

WAKOL D 3202 Universalfixierung

118.131 03.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


Hansastraße 2

35708 Haiger

Weiss Chemie + Technik GmbH & Co.KG

++49 (0)2773 - 815-0 ++49 (0)2773 - 815-100

118.154 03.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)


20.09.2012 SEITE 111 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 eItem-Number

Group-Number 118

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: adhesives used in the construction of “B” & “C” class divisions


118.189 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

COSMOPUR 890/805

Hansastraße 2

35708 HaigerGermany

Weiss Chemie + Technik GmbH & Co.KG

++49 (0)2773 - 815-0 ++49 (0)2773 - 815-100

118.242 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

COSMOPUR 850-1650/805

118.251 02.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

COSMOPUR 1811 - COSMOPUR 1811.55

118.263 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "B" & "C" class divisions)

COSMOHYBRID 490 1-K-STP-MontageKlebstoff

118.305 14.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (adhesives used in the construction of "A", "B" & "C" class divisions)


20.09.2012 SEITE 112 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.133 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBangatan 8

51182 KinnaSweden

AB Ludvig Svensson

+46 (0)320 20 92 00 +46 (0)320 21 10 10

122.079 02.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Hüntestraße 68

26871 AschendorfGermany

ADO Goldkante GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (0)4962 505-0 +49 (0)4962 6392

122.104 13.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS with jewellery

122.164 22.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSEmmanuel House, Travellers Close Wellham Green

AL9 7LD HertsUnited Kingdom

Ashley Wilde Group

n.a. n.a.

122.160 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Cassano Magnago, 145

21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)Italy


++39 (0)331 682190 ++39 (0)331 381067

122.009 13.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSSchremserstraße 38

3950 GmündAustria

Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H.

++43 (0)2852 9008-0 ++43 (0)2852 9008-209

20.09.2012 SEITE 113 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.026 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBajuwarenring 2

82041 OberhachingGermany

bautex-stoffe GmbH

++49 (0)89 435 54 70 ++49 (0)89 436 11 20

122.102 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Lindenstraße 32

28755 Bremen

Bertram GmbH

++49 (0)421 66 33 88 ++49 (0)421 66 33 08

122.110 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBogenstrasse 9

9001 St. GallenSwitzerland

Bischoff Decor AG

++41 / 7127204 04 ++41 / 7127204 05

122.056 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Pladijsstraat 2

8540 DeerlijkBelgium

Bruvatex Sagaert & Speyer N.V.

++32 / 56 35 02 06 ++32 / 56 37 02 61

122.150 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKaltes Feld 24

08468 HeinsdorfergrundGermany

Buntgardine Rotschau GmbH

++49 (0)3765 555 10 ++49 (0)3765 555 121

122.111 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSWendenstraße 195

20537 Hamburg

Burchard Redelstorff GmbH

++49 (0)40 250 27 09 ++49 (0)40 250 32 48

122.052 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Lavoratori Autobianchi, 1

20033 Desio (MI)Italy


++39 (0)362 451481 ++39 (0)362 40492

20.09.2012 SEITE 114 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.106 22.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

54, Faubourg des Vosges

68800 ThannFrance

Casal S.A.

++33 (0) 389 37 74 61 ++33 (0) 389 37 74 71

122.107 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS161-21 NeungPyong-Ri Opo-Eup, GwangJu-Si

464-892 Kyunggi-doKorea, Republic of

Chiron FR Co., Ltd.

++82 (0)2 9297486 ++82 (0)2 9297480

122.093 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Potsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

Chivasso B.V.

++49 (0)521 238 39-0 ++49 (0)521 238 39-15

122.086 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSSimonshöfchen 27

42327 Wuppertal

Christian Fischbacher GmbH

++49 (0)202 73909-0 ++49 (0)202 73909-35

122.061 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Ten. Eger, 17

36065 Mussolente (VI)Italy


++39 (0)424 878441 ++39 (0)424 87002

122.003 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


Bern-Zürich-Strasse 23

4900 LangenthalSwitzerland

Création Baumann Weberei und Färberei AG

++41 (0)62 919 62 62 ++41 (0)62 922 45 47

20.09.2012 SEITE 115 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.147 12.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBosscheweg 79

5735 GT Aarle-RixtelNetherlands

De Ploeg B.V.

++31 (0)492 386 470 ++31 (0)492 386 471

122.122 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia della Resistenza, 3

22070 Appiano Gentile (CO)Italy

Dedar S.r.l.

++39 (0)31 228 75 11 ++39 (0)31 228 75 33

122.020 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Goldstraße 16-18

33602 BielefeldGermany

Delius GmbH

++49 (0)521/543-0 ++49 (0)521/543-341

122.095 15.07.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS3 Latimer Place

W10 6QT LondonUnited Kingdom

Designers Guild Ltd.

++44 (0)20 7893 7400 ++44 (0)20 7893 7720

122.170 16.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSWaregemstraat 75

8540 DeerlijkBelgium


++32 56 71 25 76 ++32 56 71 25 77

122.091 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+E

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Moorfleeter Deich 167

22113 HamburgGermany

DFI DAUERFLORA International GmbH

++49 (0)40 679464-0 ++49 (0)40 679464-18

122.092 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+E

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


20.09.2012 SEITE 116 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.131 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Kocman Cad. Polat Is Merkezi A Blok

34212 Günesli - IstanbulTurkey


++90 / 212 65 75 612 ++90 / 212 65 75 621

122.179 19.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Hüntestraße 68

26871 AschendorfGermany

DTF Deutsche Textilfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (0) 4962 505-581 +49 (0) 4962 505-591

122.071 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Rathausstraße 18- 24

95236 Stammbach

E. Schoepf GmbH & Co. Velours- und Möbelstoffweberei

++49 (0)9256 80-0 ++49 (0)9256 80-72

122.135 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSRue Pierre Grange-Z.I.de la Pointe

94124 Fontenay sous Bois CedexFrance

Edmond Petit S.A.

++33 (0)1 45141820 ++33 (0)1 48766622

122.178 25.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSUnit E1A, Kingsway Business Park

OL16 4NG RochdaleUnited Kingdom

Edmund Bell & Co. Ltd.

+44 (0)1706 71 70 70 +44 (0)1706 71 70 71

122.050 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSNeuseeland 32

9404 RorschacherbergSwitzerland

Engelbert E. Stieger AG

++41 (0)71 8586868 ++41 (0)71 8586865

20.09.2012 SEITE 117 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.149 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Regione Masio 19bis

10046 Poirino (TO)Italy

FiDiVi Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A.

++39 (0)11 9430662 ++39 (0)11 9461820

122.172 28.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.113 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS99-109 Lavender Hill

SW11 5QL LondonUnited Kingdom

Fig Design Ltd.

++44 207 8013106 n.a.

122.105 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSGewerbepark Süd 2

6068 MilsAustria

Fine Textilverlag GmbH

++43 (0)5223- 55955-0 ++43 (0)5223-55955-22

122.004 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSHeikkiläntie 7 A

00210 HelsinkiFinland

Finlayson Oy

++358 9 6226140 ++358 9 62261439

122.175 07.03.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Guanzasca, 2

22073 Fino Mornasco (Como)Italy

Fiorete Group S.p.A.

031.882511 031.882591

122.080 26.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Uhlandstraße 46

85521 OttobrunnGermany

First Class GmbH

++49 (0)89 6018339 ++49 (0)89 60601519

20.09.2012 SEITE 118 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.159 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Via Marrochelle

81010 Castel Campagnano (CE)Italy


n.a. n.a.

122.096 16.07.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSEichendorffstraße 2

51709 MarienheideGermany

Fuggerhaus Stoffe GmbH

+ 49 (0)2264 / 20 135 150 +49 (0)2264 / 20 135 170

122.005 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSHjulmagervej 55

9100 AalborgDenmark

Gabriel A/S

+45 96 303100 +45 98 132544

122.116 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSPotsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

Gardisette KG

+49 (0)521 925 990-0 +49 (0)521 925 990-14

122.015 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSErnst-Richard-Funke-Str.17-19

95119 Naila-Marlesreuth

Gebr. Munzert GmbH & Co.

+49 (0)9282/309-0 +49 (0)9282/309-189

122.117 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

3F Chaewoun, Bldg 543-10, Gwaebeop-dong Sasang-guBusanKorea, Republic of

Golden Intercounsel Co. Ltd.

n.a. n.a.

20.09.2012 SEITE 119 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.066 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Buttigliera 6

10020 Riva Presso Chieri (TO)Italy


++39 (0)11 946 42 11 ++39 (0)11 946 42 27

122.148 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Localita Pioppitelli, snc

81013 Piana di Monte Verna (CE)

Gustavo de Negri & Za. Ma. S.r.l.

++39 (0)823 460022 ++39 (0)823 259795

122.130 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSPitantiestraat 138

8792 DesselgemBelgium

Hartex N.V.

++32 (0)56 73 31 51 ++32 (0)56 71 24 56

122.161 27.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVirkelyst 42

7400 HerningDenmark

Herning Special Vaeveri A/S

+45 97 20 92 00 n.a.

122.152 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBärenbrunn 4

95233 HelmbrechtsGermany

Hohmann GmbH & Co.

++49 (0)9252 700-0 ++49 (0)9252 3-100

122.051 19.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSHauptstraße 1

95356 Grafengehaig

Horn KG

++49 (0)9255 78-0 ++49 (0)9255 78-178

20.09.2012 SEITE 120 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.121 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSAmtmannsweg 32- 34

27243 HarpstedtGermany

Huntemann GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4244 / 10 66 ++49 (0)4244 / 18 83

122.138 19.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS2211 N Elston Avenue, Suite 400

60614 Chicago, ILUSA

Hunter Douglas Hospitality

++1 773 634 5100 ++1 773 634 5123

122.125 19.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


2340 LøtenNorway

Ia Torgersen

+47 62 59 14 22 +47 62 59 23 16

122.176 07.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Cadorna, 33

23895 Nibionno (Lc)Italy


(+39) 031 692222 (+39) 031 690216 / 691122

122.129 19.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


6793 InnvikNorway

Innvik Sellgren AS

++47 (0)5787 4950 ++47 (0)5787 4961

122.016 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSGrosse Bleichen 21

20354 HamburgGermany

Intair GmbH

+49 40 78 99 200 +49 40 78 99 217

20.09.2012 SEITE 121 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.154 27.10.2009 30.10.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKamineguro 10F 1-1-5

1530051 MeguroJapan


n.a. n.a.

122.032 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKanaaldijk NW 61

5707LC HelmondNetherlands

J.A. Raymakers & Co. B.V.

++31 (0)492 536855 ++31 (0)492 552655

122.053 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSPotsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

JAB Josef Anstoetz KG

++49 (0)521 2093-0 ++49 (0)521 2093-388

122.120 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Schoolstraat 18

5421 KT GemertNetherlands

Johan van den Acker Textielfabriek B.V.

++31 (0)492-361321 ++31 (0)492-366028

122.039 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSBolksbuscher Straße 27

41239 MönchengladbachGermany

Junkers & Müllers GmbH

++49 (0) 2166 3939-0 ++49 (0) 2166 390980

122.099 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.014 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Höckendorfer Straße 2

08393 Meerane

k+r Sax GmbH

+49 (0)3764 / 1806-0 +49 (0)3764 / 1806-36

20.09.2012 SEITE 122 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.141 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSIndustrivej Vest 21

6600 VejenDenmark

KE Fibertec AS

++45 75 36 42 00 ++45 75 36 20 20

122.082 26.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


Danziger Straße 6

26655 WesterstedeGermany

Kinnasand Interieur Textil GmbH

++40 (0)4488 516-0 ++49 (0)4488 51616

122.108 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


De Vest 62

5555 XP ValkenswaardNetherlands

Kobe by Kobefab International B.V.

++31 (0)40 2078400 ++31 (0)40 2078475

122.017 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


Dießemer Bruch 112

47805 KrefeldGermany

KOS ObjekttextilienInternational GmbH

++49 (0)2151 / 51958-0 ++49 (0)2151 / 51958-51

122.166 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSViborgvej 159

8210 Aarhus VDenmark

Kurage A/S

+45 86 550 700 +45 86 550 900

122.012 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Lundbergsvej 10

8400 Ebeltoft

Kvadrat A/S

++45 (0)8953 1866 ++45 (0)8953 1800

20.09.2012 SEITE 123 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.145 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSDorfgasse 5

4900 LangenthalSwitzerland

Lantal Textiles

++41 (0)62 9167171 ++41 (0)62 9232532

122.006 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS13, rue du Mail

75002 ParisFrance


++33 (0) 143168800 ++33 (0) 142614999

122.090 14.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia C. Battisti, 15

23845 Costamasnaga (LC)Italy


+39 (0)31 857111 +39 (0)31 857462

122.169 11.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Peuntstraße 2-4

95176 KonradsreuthGermany

Lochner GmbHWeberei für Dekostoffe

++49 (0)9292 953-0 ++49 (0)9292 953-50

122.153 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSvia Tibet, 21

21052 Busto Arsizio (Va)Italy

Lodetex S.p.A.

++39 (0)331 352 211 ++39 (0)331 352 299

122.114 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKrugzeller Straße 22

87463 DietmannsriedGermany

Ludwig Breitfeld Gardinenfabrik

++49 (0)8374 8011 ++49 (0)8374 6427

20.09.2012 SEITE 124 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.043 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Baden Powel 9

21052 Busto Arsizio (Varese)Italy

Mario Cavelli S.p.A.

0331 352411 0331 352420

122.103 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSvia Papa Giovanni XXIII, 10

23845 Costamasnaga (LC)

Mario Sirtori S.p.A.

++39 (0)31 879 611 ++39 (0)31 855 397

122.018 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


Grüt 163

9055 BühlerSwitzerland

Mira-X Stoffe AGTextilverlag und Weberei

++41 (0)71-7917070 ++41 (0)71-7910101

122.037 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS


8756 Mitlödi

Mitloedi Textildruck AG

++41 (0)55 647 88 33 ++41 (0)55 647 88 13

122.085 16.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKarl-Reichel-Straße 28

95237 WeißdorfGermany

Müller Zell GmbH

++49 (0)9251 876-0 ++49 (0)9251 876-100

122.180 19.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.171 18.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSIndustriezone 17

9770 KruishoutemBelgium


++32 9 218 85 51 ++32 9 228 17 67

20.09.2012 SEITE 125 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.143 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKulmbacher Straße 82

95213 MünchbergGermany

Neutex Home Deco GmbH

++49 (0)9251 871-0 ++49 (0)9251 871-172

122.151 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Fabriksvägen 4

51570 RydboholmSweden

NIFE Textil AB / Ljungbergs Textiltryck

++46 (0)33 2311 160 ++46 (0)33 293 193

122.028 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS29, rue Bonaparte

75006 ParisFrance


+33 (0)1 43 29 21 50 +33 (0)1 43 29 77 57

122.094 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

An den Ratswiesen

29451 DannenbergGermany

Nya Nordiska Textiles GmbH

++49 (0)5861 809-0 ++49 (0)5861 809-10

122.136 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS4-6 Democratiad Ave.

15451 AthenGreece

Olympic Contract Company

++30 210 6711800 ++30 210 6711803

122.157 25.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSRuukinkuja 2

02330 EspooFinland


+358 (0)9260 660 n.a.

20.09.2012 SEITE 126 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.126 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS47, rue des Petits-Champs

75001 ParisFrance

Pierre Frey

++33 1 44773600 ++33 1 42968533

122.058 07.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Albert Street, Leek

ST13 8AT StaffordshireUnited Kingdom

Pinewood Fabrics Ltd.

++44 (0)1538 392214 ++44 (0)1538 373235

122.123 25.04.2008 30.04.2013B

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

Articel GARDARONHandelsstraße 13-15

42929 WermelskirchenGermany

Pongs-Velours GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2196 1081 ++49 (0)2196 1080

122.069 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperie, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS301 North Elm Street, Suite 600

NC 27401 GreensboroUSA

Precision Fabrics Group Inc.

001 3365108079 001 3365108003

122.155 25.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Via Roma, 76

23892 Bulciago (LC)Italy

Prosetex Tessitura Jacquard S.p.A.

++39 31 874 370 ++39 31 874 377

122.173 16.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVichtseweg 129

8790 WaregemBelgium

Ragolle NV.

+32 56 77 74 79 +32 56 77 57 28

20.09.2012 SEITE 127 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.128 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS11 West 42nd Street

10036 New YorkUnited States

Robert Allen Group

+1 212 6960536 +1 212 7790241

122.134 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSHofer Straße 25

95176 KonradsreuthGermany

Rohleder GmbH

++49 (0)9292 590 ++49 (0)9292 59144

122.127 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS5 Floor, D Wing, Solaris Bldg No.1, Opp L&T Gate 6

400072 MumbaiIndia


++91 224 0073 737 n.a.

122.013 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia della Pila, 47

30175 Marghera (Venezia)Italy


++39 (0) 41 2584 411 ++39 (0) 41 2584 401

122.075 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Austraße 6

95460 Bad BerneckGermany

Rudolf BreuerMechanische Weberei

+49 (0)9273-6171 +49 (0)9273-1272

122.007 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Kreuzburger Straße 17-19

90471 Nürnberg

SAHCO Hesslein GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)911 9987-0 ++49 (0)911 9987-480

20.09.2012 SEITE 128 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.156 25.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSWilmersstrasse 18

48282 EmsdettenGermany


02572 - 93370 02572 - 933737

122.100 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


E.-C.- Baumann-Straße 12

95326 Kulmbach

Saum & Viebahn GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9221 800-0 ++49 (0)9221 800-66

122.010 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and films


Hansestraße 87

48282 Emsdetten

Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG

++49 (0)2572 927-0 ++49 (0)2572 927-444

122.162 03.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

drapilux - Black Out (Art. 173/174)

122.119 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS7A, Nobel Road, Wester Gourdie Industrial Estate

DD2 4UH DundeeUnited Kingdom

Sekers Fabrics Ltd.

++44 (0)1946 517501 ++44 (0)1946 517502

122.072 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Reggio Emilia, 33

20090 Segrate (Mi)Italy

Silent Gliss Italia Srl

++39 (0)226 903 1 ++39 (0)22 33 288

122.025 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSShaw Cross House Shaw Cross Business Park

WF12 7RF Dewsbury West YorkshireUnited Kingdom

Sinclaire Fabrics Ltd

+44 (0)1924 468197 +44 (0)1924 459214

20.09.2012 SEITE 129 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.146 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Virgilio, 9

20020 Magnago (Mi)Italy

Sirio Tendaggi S.r.l.

++39 0331 306660 ++39 0331 305895

122.139 16.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSProvidence Mills, Earlsheaton

WF12 8HT Dewsbury, West YorkshireUnited Kingdom

Skopos Design Ltd.

+44 1924 465191 +44 1924 454675

122.074 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Hartensteiner Straße 60

09350 LichtensteinGermany

Spandauer Velours GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)37204-310 ++49 (0)37204-2139

122.070 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Dante, 4

23890 Barzago (Lecco)Italy

Spinelli Vincenzo S.p.A.

++39 (0)31 874244 ++39 (0)31 874154

122.008 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Walchestraße 15

8023 ZürichSwitzerland

Stotz & Co AG

++41 (0)1 3619614 ++41 (0) 1 3626624

122.174 01.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


Lovet Road

CM19 5TB Harlow, EssexUnited Kingdom

Sunbury Design - Lewis & Co. (Fabrics) Ltd.

+44 (0)1279 416060 +44 (0)1279 416838

20.09.2012 SEITE 130 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.167 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Leonardo Da Vinci 9

22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO)Italy

Tessitura Mario Ghioldi & C. Srl

+39 031 390992 +39 031 390232

122.177 15.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Grigna n. 15

22060 Figino Serenza (Como)

Tessitura Serenza S.n.c.

+39 031780 170 +39 031781 211

122.062 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Zeppelinstraße 138

66953 PirmasensGermany

texstyle e. K.

++49 (0)6331 5565-0 ++49 (0)6331 5565-25

122.112 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


23892 BulciagoItaly

Textil Motta s.r.l.

++39 (0)31 860 136 ++39 (0)31 861 693

122.046 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

1 Ter, Grande Rue

10440 TorvilliersFrance

TF Creation

++33 (0)325 807 499 ++33 (0)325 807 312

122.140 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS696, rue Yves Kermen

92106 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex

Tissages de Gravigny

++33 01 47 61 82 90 ++33 01 46 21 62 40

20.09.2012 SEITE 131 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.168 07.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSCrown Farm Way, Forest Town

Mansfield, NottinghamUnited Kingdom

Toray Textiles Europe Ltd.

+44 (0)1623 415000 +44 (0)1623 415070

122.165 23.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSViale Regina Margherita, 139

20050 Macherio (Mi)Italy

Treatex s.r.l.

n.a. n.a.

122.002 28.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSPhilipp-Reis-Straße 2

65795 HattersheimGermany

Trevira GmbH

++49 (0)69 305 18108 ++49 (0)69 305 80953

122.088 31.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


03450 Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante)Spain

Tussy XXI S.L.

++34 965 56 607 ++34 965 567 607

122.078 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS7 rue de catalogne

69152 Lyon - DécinesFrance

Velours Blafo

++33 4 72152560 ++33 4 72152569

122.021 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

De Kiefte 18

7151 HZ EibergenNetherlands

Verosol Fabrics B.V.

++31 (0)545 463333 ++31 (0)545 463329

20.09.2012 SEITE 132 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.115 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CS + NSKBahnhofstraße 38

95236 StammbachGermany


++49 (0)9256-539 - 530 ++49 (0)9256-8280

122.142 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSKraaistraat 16

8720 WakkenBelgium


++(0)32 56 61 55 30 ++(0)32 56 61 55 29

122.144 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSSt. Jozefstraat 20


Vescom BV

++31 493 350 767 ++31 493 350 779

122.181 19.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.060 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


23895 Nibionno (Lecco)Italy

Vigano S.p.A

++39 (0)31 6923111 ++39 (0)31 690318

122.158 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSVia Milano, 72/b

22063 Cantù (Co)


++31 707 36 52 ++31 707 36 48

122.163 09.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSJakob-Zürrer Straße

8915 Hausen am AlbisSwitzerland

Weisbrod-Zürrer AG

+41 (0)44 764 82 00 +41 (0)44 764 82 01

20.09.2012 SEITE 133 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.19Item-Number

Group-Number 122

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films


122.076 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Draperie, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Eelinkstraat 2

7101 JL WinterswijkNetherlands

Weverij Gaudium B.V.

++31 (0)543-512641 ++31 (0)543-520575

122.124 01.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and other suspended textile materials and films

TREVIRA CSZimmersmühlenweg 14-18

61440 OberurselGermany

Zimmer + Rohde GmbH

+49 (0)6171 632-02 +49 (0)6171 632-244

122.118 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Draperies, curtains and filmsTREVIRA CS

Chalfont House, Oxford Road

UB9 4DX DenhamUnited Kingdom

Zoffany Ltd.

++44 (0)8708 300 350 ++44 (0)8708 300 352

20.09.2012 SEITE 134 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.40Item-Number

Group-Number 123

Low-location lighting systems (components only)


123.005 05.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Low-location lighting systems (components only)LUXOLIGHT® Standard / LUXOLIGHT® Plus

Raiffeisenring 35-37

46395 BocholtGermany

Stell GmbH

02871 7002-0 02871 7007-72

20.09.2012 SEITE 135 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.064 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

ALUCORE® with coil coated surfaceAlusingenplatz 1

78224 SingenGermany

3A Composites GmbH

+49 7731 80 35 00 +49 7731 80 35 10

124.077 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.092 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.093 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.112 06.02.2012 28.02.2017B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)

LarcorePoligono Industrial de Bayas

09200 Miranda de Ebro (Burgos)Spain

Alucoil S.A.

+34 947 333320 +34 947 324913

124.053 09.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck Sports Floor Compound

Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

124.054 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck Select Soft Compound

124.055 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


20.09.2012 SEITE 136 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.056 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck Select Hard Compound

Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

124.057 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck 525 Compound

124.058 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolidt Compound PU/LP 17068/61

124.059 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Boliscreed PU/SL D60

124.060 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck Teak Underlayer Soft

124.065 10.12.2009 31.01.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.066 10.12.2009 31.01.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.073 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Bolideck Select Soft Underlayer

124.083 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.084 10.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


20.09.2012 SEITE 137 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.105 29.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


Nijverheidsweg 37

3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-AmbachtNetherlands

Bolidt Kunststoftoepassing B.V.

++31 (0)78-684 54 44 ++31 (0)78-684 54 00

124.106 20.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)


124.107 20.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)


124.108 20.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)


124.109 20.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)

BOLICOAT 50-24552

124.110 22.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)


124.111 20.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spreadcharacteristics (floor coverings)


124.043 10.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (floor coverings)


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

20.09.2012 SEITE 138 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.067 10.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

124.069 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.074 10.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


124.075 10.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


124.076 10.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


124.079 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.080 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.081 05.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.086 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.100 21.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


20.09.2012 SEITE 139 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.102 16.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


Carl-Benz-Straße 29

28237 BremenGermany

G. Theodor Freese GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)421 39608-0 ++49 (0)421 39608-50

124.103 16.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)


124.104 02.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)


124.070 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Grama Blend ALC4 (Marble)Industriestr. 44-46

92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg

Grama Blend GmbH

++49 (0) 9661-10430 ++49 (0) 9661-9233

124.071 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+E

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Grama Blend ALC4 (Granite)

124.090 20.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Nautec TR-5Moezelweg 202

3189 LS Rotterdam-EuropoortNetherlands

Helder&May b.v.

++31 (0)181 26 20 22 ++31 (0)181 26 20 62

124.091 14.09.2009 30.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Doro AZum Alten Speicher 9

28759 BremenGermany

Longhini Kollektion

++49 (0)421 658 6008 ++49 (0)421 662 425

20.09.2012 SEITE 140 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.082 07.09.2009 30.09.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Quality Gloria 1350 xxxxxxx

Industriering Ost 42

47906 KempenGermany

MALTZAHN Carpet Innovation GmbH

++49 (0)2152 2039-0 ++49 (0)2152 2039-29

124.041 29.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

norament 920

Höhnerweg 2- 4

69469 Weinheim

nora systems GmbHflooring systems

++49 (0)6201-80-5406 ++49 (0)6201-88-5406

124.042 22.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (floor coverings)

noraplan (Mix 913)

124.050 23.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

noraplan ed (Mix 948)

124.051 02.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

noraplan eco

124.101 16.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (c: floor coverings)

noraplan mobil (931)

124.063 15.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

OLDODUR DICKSCHICHT, Code-No. 367- colour shade

Donnerschweer Str. 372

26123 Oldenburg


++49 (0)441-3402-0 ++49 (0)441-3402-350

124.095 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Sopro FAS 551 fibre-reinforced self-levelling fillerBiebricher Straße 74

65203 Wiesbaden

Sopro Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)611 1707 - 0 ++49 (0)611 1707 - 250

20.09.2012 SEITE 141 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.096 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Floor covering consisting of: a) Sopro HPS 673 special primer b) Sopro FKM 444 XL c) Stone ware tile d) Sopro FEP 508 grey

Biebricher Straße 74

65203 WiesbadenGermany

Sopro Bauchemie GmbH

++49 (0)611 1707 - 0 ++49 (0)611 1707 - 250

124.097 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Floor covering consisting of: a) Sopro DSF 423 b) Sopro's No.1 white rapid set 997 c) Stone ware tile d) Sopro FEP 508 grey

124.098 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Floor covering consisting of: a) Sopro HPS 673 b) Sopro FAS 551 c) Sopro FKM 444 XL d) Stone ware tile e) SoproDur HF 8 grey 592

124.099 17.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Floor covering consisting of: a) Sopro PUK 503 PU adhesive b) Stone ware tile c) Sopro Brillant® water-repellent tile grout grey 804

124.061 14.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame- spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Stone ItalianaVia Lavagno, 213

37040 Zimella (VR)Italy

Stone Italiana S.p.A.

++39 (0)442 715 715 ++39 (0)442 715 000

124.072 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Wedox Trägerschicht PUR 253

Kiepelbergstr. 14

27721 RitterhudeGermany

TMP Tenax Marine Paints Vertriebs GmbH

++49 (0) 4292-409-246/47 ++49 (0) 4292-409-248

20.09.2012 SEITE 142 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.18 cItem-Number

Group-Number 124

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics: floor coverings


124.088 14.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Qeshfloor EP 1000 MarineIndustriestraat 15

7482 EW HaaksbergenNetherlands

Unipro b.v.

++31 (0)53 573 73 73 ++31 (0)53 573 73 33

124.089 14.07.2009 31.07.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Nautec TR-5

124.085 16.09.2008 30.09.2013B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

Capitol 1400 IMO

Daimlerstraße 8-12

33442 HerzebrockGermany

Vetex GmbH & Co. KG Teppichbodenfabrik

++49 (0)5245 8401-0 ++49 (0)5245 8401-58

124.087 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

WAKOL Z 615Bottenbacher Straße 30

66954 Pirmasens

Wakol GmbH

++49 (0)6331 8001-0 ++49 (0)6331 8001-851

124.094 01.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

WAKOL D 3050 Plastification additive in combination with WAKOL Z 615 levelling compound

124.068 01.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Surface materials and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics (floor coverings)

ZEROflamm - ParkettdämmBleichstraße 57-58

32545 Bad Oeynhausen


++49 (0) 5731 9887-0 ++49(0) 5731 9887-251

20.09.2012 SEITE 143 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.21Item-Number

Group-Number 125

Bedding components


125.012 13.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, Bedspread without fill

Schremserstraße 38

3950 GmündAustria

Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H.

++43 (0)2852 9008-0 ++43 (0)2852 9008-209

125.006 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding components

TREVIRA CS, Fabric for pillow cases, duvet covers and sheets

Wendenstraße 195

20537 HamburgGermany

Burchard Redelstorff GmbH

++49 (0)40 250 27 09 ++49 (0)40 250 32 48

125.018 18.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Bedding components

TREVIRA CS, Fabric for pillow cases, duvet covers and sheets

Waltersdorfer Str. 2

02779 Großschönau


+49 (0)35841/311-0 +49 (0)35841/311-11

125.004 18.12.2009 31.12.2014B+E

Bedding components

Dr. Weidner POLYSTAR FK3542 Foam material mattress and Dr. Weidner DIAMANT FK3542 spring mattress

Kieler Straße 37

24211 Preetz

Dr. E. Weidner KG

++49 (0)4342 86768 ++49 (0)4342 82991

125.007 14.06.2012 31.05.2017B+E

Bedding components

Dr. Weidner FLEX 2000 5050 (Pin latex / cold foam mattress)

125.016 05.11.2010 30.11.2015B+E

Bedding componentsDr. Weidner POLY STAR 3542 cold foam mattress

125.013 21.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding components

ALMATROS-Schiffsmatratze "Marina"

Landgut 11

18059 Groß Stove

Gebr. Albrecht Schaumstoffverarbeitung und -vertrieb KG

++49 (0)381 4444 19 82 ++49 (0)381 4444 19 86

125.021 12.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Bedding componentsALMATROS-ship mattress type "Kogge"

20.09.2012 SEITE 144 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.21Item-Number

Group-Number 125

Bedding components


125.001 13.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, Quilt: ticking with fibre fill type 270

Albiger Straße 3

55232 AlzeyGermany

Geska Bettwarenfabrik GmbH

++49 (0)6731 8251 ++49 (0)6731 7809

125.022 20.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, rough blanket

Oosteinde 42A

2969 AT Oud-AlblasNetherlands

H&L products

++(0)31 06-50623436 ++(0)31 0184-691763

125.009 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding componentsQuilt CS, Ticking with fibre fill type 270

Knudlund Industricenter

8653 ThemDenmark

Jorck & Larsen A/S

++45 / 86 84 7422 ++45 / 86 84 7282

125.010 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding componentsPillow CS, Ticking with fibre fill type 270

125.014 27.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding components

TREVIRA CS, Bedspread without fill

Via Roma, 76

23892 Bulciago (LC)Italy

Prosetex Tessitura Jacquard S.p.A.

++39 31 874 370 ++39 31 874 377

125.020 29.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Bedding components

TREVIRA CS (rough blanket)

Ruenhorst 15

46395 BocholdGermany

Richter Textilien GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2871 998703-20 ++49 (0)2871998703-29

125.019 12.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, Fleece Blankets

2, Rue de Marieton

69550 AmplepuisFrance


++33 4 74 89 33 06 ++ 33 4 74 89 24 73

20.09.2012 SEITE 145 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.21Item-Number

Group-Number 125

Bedding components


125.011 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS Bedspread without fill

Hofer Straße 25

95176 KonradsreuthGermany

Rohleder GmbH

++49 (0)9292 590 ++49 (0)9292 59144

125.008 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, Bedspread without fill

7A, Nobel Road, Wester Gourdie Industrial EstateDD2 4UH DundeeUnited Kingdom

Sekers Fabrics Ltd.

++44 (0)1946 517501 ++44 (0)1946 517502

125.003 20.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Bedding components

TREVIRA CS, Fabric for pillow cases, duvet covers and sheets

Via Carlotta Cattaneo 10

21052 Busto Arsizio (Va)Italy

Tess. Carlo Carnaghi & C. SAS.

++39 (0)331 632098 ++39 (0)331 636393

125.017 03.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Bedding componentsQuilt CS, Ticking with fibre fill type 270

Nijverheidsweg 1

7031 BW WehlNetherlands


+31 314 68 18 33 +31 314 68 18 13

125.015 25.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Bedding componentsTREVIRA CS, Bedspread without fill

Philipp-Reis-Straße 2

65795 HattersheimGermany

Trevira GmbH

++49 (0)69 305 18108 ++49 (0)69 305 80953

20.09.2012 SEITE 146 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.038 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Bangatan 8

51182 KinnaSweden

AB Ludvig Svensson

+46 (0)320 20 92 00 +46 (0)320 21 10 10

126.023 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Hoheneich 136

3945 HoheneichAustria

Backhausen Interior textiles GmbH

++43 (0)2852 502 0 ++43 (0)2852 502 188

126.028 13.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Schremserstraße 38

3950 Gmünd

Baumann Dekor Ges.m.b.H.

++43 (0)2852 9008-0 ++43 (0)2852 9008-209

126.025 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Lindenstraße 32

28755 BremenGermany

Bertram GmbH

++49 (0)421 66 33 88 ++49 (0)421 66 33 08

126.033 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Strandgatan 42

52326 UlricehamnSweden

Bogesunds Väveri AB

++46 / 321 298 40 ++46 / 321 14663

126.020 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Potsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

Chivasso B.V.

++49 (0)521 238 39-0 ++49 (0)521 238 39-15

126.030 14.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Ten. Eger, 17

36065 Mussolente (VI)Italy


++39 (0)424 878441 ++39 (0)424 87002

20.09.2012 SEITE 147 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.031 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Bern-Zürich-Strasse 23

4900 LangenthalSwitzerland

Création Baumann Weberei und Färberei AG

++41 (0)62 919 62 62 ++41 (0)62 922 45 47

126.061 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Bosscheweg 79

5735 GT Aarle-RixtelNetherlands

De Ploeg B.V.

++31 (0)492 386 470 ++31 (0)492 386 471

126.022 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via della Resistenza, 3

22070 Appiano Gentile (CO)Italy

Dedar S.r.l.

++39 (0)31 228 75 11 ++39 (0)31 228 75 33

126.024 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Goldstraße 16-18

33602 BielefeldGermany

Delius GmbH

++49 (0)521/543-0 ++49 (0)521/543-341

126.080 16.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

3 Latimer Place

W10 6QT LondonUnited Kingdom

Designers Guild Ltd.

++44 (0)20 7893 7400 ++44 (0)20 7893 7720

126.077 16.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Waregemstraat 75

8540 DeerlijkBelgium


++32 56 71 25 76 ++32 56 71 25 77

126.066 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Rathausstraße 18- 24

95236 StammbachGermany

E. Schoepf GmbH & Co. Velours- und Möbelstoffweberei

++49 (0)9256 80-0 ++49 (0)9256 80-72

20.09.2012 SEITE 148 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.072 06.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Bergstraße 20

59329 WaderslohGermany

E-CON GmbH & Co. KGCALYPSO Schlafsysteme

++49 (0)2523 / 95 33 41 ++49 (0)2523 / 95 33 42

126.073 06.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Rue Pierre Grange-Z.I.de la Pointe94124 Fontenay sous Bois CedexFrance

Edmond Petit S.A.

++33 (0)1 45141820 ++33 (0)1 48766622

126.015 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Regione Masio 19bis

10046 Poirino (TO)Italy

FiDiVi Tessitura Vergnano S.p.A.

++39 (0)11 9430662 ++39 (0)11 9461820

126.079 28.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D


126.087 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureWool Fabric

126.019 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Gewerbepark Süd 2

6068 MilsAustria

Fine Textilverlag GmbH

++43 (0)5223- 55955-0 ++43 (0)5223-55955-22

126.070 07.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Via Marrochelle

81010 Castel Campagnano (CE)Italy


n.a. n.a.

20.09.2012 SEITE 149 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.071 08.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Hjulmagervej 55

9100 AalborgDenmark

Gabriel A/S

+45 96 303100 +45 98 132544

126.074 22.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Fulya sokak nr.1

16369 BursaTurkey

GIDAS A.S. / BEZZDemirtas Organize Sanayi Boelgesi

n.a. n.a.

126.057 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

3F Chaewoun, Bldg 543-10, Gwaebeop-dong Sasang-guBusanKorea, Republic of

Golden Intercounsel Co. Ltd.

126.059 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Localita Pioppitelli, snc

81013 Piana di Monte Verna (CE)Italy

Gustavo de Negri & Za. Ma. S.r.l.

++39 (0)823 460022 ++39 (0)823 259795

126.078 18.10.2011 31.10.2016B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Antonstraße 2

09337 Hohenstein-ErnstthalGermany

HB-Stoffe GmbH

++49 (0)3723 / 4 29 36 ++49 (0)3723 / 4 11 230

126.036 30.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Poppenbüttler Hauptstr. 14

22399 Hamburg

Hellmut Jagalla GmbH

++49 (0)40 6022728 ++49 (0)40 6065692

126.034 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Amtmannsweg 32- 34

27243 Harpstedt

Huntemann GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)4244 / 10 66 ++49 (0)4244 / 18 83

20.09.2012 SEITE 150 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.052 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

2211 N Elston Avenue, Suite 40060614 Chicago, ILUSA

Hunter Douglas Hospitality

++1 773 634 5100 ++1 773 634 5123

126.083 07.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Cadorna, 33

23895 Nibionno (Lc)Italy


(+39) 031 692222 (+39) 031 690216 / 691122

126.050 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Kanaaldijk NW 61

5707LC HelmondNetherlands

J.A. Raymakers & Co. B.V.

++31 (0)492 536855 ++31 (0)492 552655

126.012 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Potsdamer Straße 160

33719 BielefeldGermany

JAB Josef Anstoetz KG

++49 (0)521 2093-0 ++49 (0)521 2093-388

126.032 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Schoolstraat 18

5421 KT GemertNetherlands

Johan van den Acker Textielfabriek B.V.

++31 (0)492-361321 ++31 (0)492-366028

126.086 25.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Höckendorfer Straße 2

08393 MeeraneGermany

k+r Sax GmbH

+49 (0)3764 / 1806-0 +49 (0)3764 / 1806-36

126.014 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


De Vest 62

5555 XP ValkenswaardNetherlands

Kobe by Kobefab International B.V.

++31 (0)40 2078400 ++31 (0)40 2078475

20.09.2012 SEITE 151 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.056 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Dorfgasse 5

4900 LangenthalSwitzerland

Lantal Textiles

++41 (0)62 9167171 ++41 (0)62 9232532

126.048 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

13, rue du Mail

75002 ParisFrance


++33 (0) 143168800 ++33 (0) 142614999

126.039 14.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via C. Battisti, 15

23845 Costamasnaga (LC)Italy


+39 (0)31 857111 +39 (0)31 857462

126.053 03.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Gutenbergstraße 11

96247 MichelauGermany

M. Zellner GmbH

++49 (0)9571 9797-11 ++49 (0)9571 9797-40

126.047 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 10

23845 Costamasnaga (LC)Italy

Mario Sirtori S.p.A.

++39 (0)31 879 611 ++39 (0)31 855 397

126.018 30.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Karl-Reichel-Straße 28

95237 WeißdorfGermany

Müller Zell GmbH

++49 (0)9251 876-0 ++49 (0)9251 876-100

126.067 17.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Upholstered furnitureSunlounger

20.09.2012 SEITE 152 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.046 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

29, rue Bonaparte

75006 ParisFrance


+33 (0)1 43 29 21 50 +33 (0)1 43 29 77 57

126.075 17.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

An den Ratswiesen

29451 DannenbergGermany

Nya Nordiska Textiles GmbH

++49 (0)5861 809-0 ++49 (0)5861 809-10

126.035 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

47, rue des Petits-Champs

75001 ParisFrance

Pierre Frey

++33 1 44773600 ++33 1 42968533

126.063 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Via Roma, 76

23892 Bulciago (LC)Italy

Prosetex Tessitura Jacquard S.p.A.

++39 31 874 370 ++39 31 874 377

126.065 04.08.2009 31.08.2014B

Upholstered furnitureFR JQ Woven Fabric

JI Raya Batujajar KM 2,8

40561 Bandung - PadalarangIndonesia

PT. Ateja Triunggal

++62 (0)22 6866 322 ++62 (0)22 6666 320

126.081 16.01.2011 31.01.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Vichtseweg 129

8790 WaregemBelgium

Ragolle NV.

+32 56 77 74 79 +32 56 77 57 28

126.062 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

19 Hakishon Street

51110 Bnei BrakIsrael

Ramtex Design Ltd.

++972 3 570 5151 ++972 3 579 2147

20.09.2012 SEITE 153 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.043 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

11 West 42nd Street

10036 New YorkUnited States

Robert Allen Group

+1 212 6960536 +1 212 7790241

126.016 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Hofer Straße 25

95176 KonradsreuthGermany

Rohleder GmbH

++49 (0)9292 590 ++49 (0)9292 59144

126.060 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Brunning 2

5274 BurgkirchenAustria

Rothböck Textilien GesmbH

++43 7724 2349 ++43 7724 3738

126.044 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

5 Floor, D Wing, Solaris Bldg No.1, Opp L&T Gate 6400072 MumbaiIndia


++91 224 0073 737 n.a.

126.026 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via della Pila, 47

30175 Marghera (Venezia)Italy


++39 (0) 41 2584 411 ++39 (0) 41 2584 401

126.045 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Kreuzburger Straße 17-19

90471 NürnbergGermany

SAHCO Hesslein GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)911 9987-0 ++49 (0)911 9987-480

126.021 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


E.-C.- Baumann-Straße 12

95326 Kulmbach

Saum & Viebahn GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9221 800-0 ++49 (0)9221 800-66

20.09.2012 SEITE 154 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.017 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Hansestraße 87

48282 EmsdettenGermany

Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG

++49 (0)2572 927-0 ++49 (0)2572 927-444

126.064 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Ronda San Pedro 46

08010 BarcelonaSpain


++34 (0)93 2681 744 ++34 (0)93 2681 978

126.029 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furniture


Hartensteiner Straße 60

09350 LichtensteinGermany

Spandauer Velours GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)37204-310 ++49 (0)37204-2139

126.049 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Dante, 4

23890 Barzago (Lecco)Italy

Spinelli Vincenzo S.p.A.

++39 (0)31 874244 ++39 (0)31 874154

126.082 29.03.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Upholstered furniture


Mehmet Deniz Kopuz Cad No. 4

34522 Esenyurt / IstanbulTurkey

Teksko Tekstil Ltd. Sti.Kirac Akcaburgaz Mah.

n.a. n.a.

126.084 15.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Grigna n. 15

22060 Figino Serenza (Como)Italy

Tessitura Serenza S.n.c.

+39 031780 170 +39 031781 211

126.076 10.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Roma 18

23892 Bulciago

Textil Motta s.r.l.

++39 (0)31 860 136 ++39 (0)31 861 693

20.09.2012 SEITE 155 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.054 09.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

1 Ter, Grande Rue

10440 TorvilliersFrance

TF Creation

++33 (0)325 807 499 ++33 (0)325 807 312

126.085 15.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Akcesme Mh. 2018 Sk. No:6

20010 DenizliTurkey

Tosunoğlu Tekstil San. Tic. A.S.

+90 258 371 36 31 +90 258 371 22 20

126.010 30.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Philipp-Reis-Straße 2

65795 HattersheimGermany

Trevira GmbH

++49 (0)69 305 18108 ++49 (0)69 305 80953

126.011 01.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Les Molines S/N

03450 Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante)Spain

Tussy XXI S.L.

++34 965 56 607 ++34 965 567 607

126.051 10.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

7 rue de catalogne

69152 Lyon - DécinesFrance

Velours Blafo

++33 4 72152560 ++33 4 72152569

126.055 30.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

St. Jozefstraat 20


Vescom BV

++31 493 350 767 ++31 493 350 779

126.069 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Via Milano, 72/b

22063 Cantù (Co)Italy


++31 707 36 52 ++31 707 36 48

20.09.2012 SEITE 156 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.20Item-Number

Group-Number 126

Upholstered furniture


126.004 16.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Upholstered furniture


Bahnhofstraße 46

08233 TreuenGermany

VOWALON Beschichtung GmbH

++49 (0)374 6860-0 ++49 (0)374 6860-254

126.005 18.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Upholstered furniture


126.006 18.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D


126.041 11.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Upholstered furnitureVONYL P3384

126.042 11.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Upholstered furnitureVONYL P3016

126.037 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Am Eichberg 14 + 21

36341 Lauterbach

Wenzel & Hoos GmbH

++49 (0)6641 / 9624-0 ++49 (0)6641 / 9624-20

126.068 07.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Eelinkstraat 2

7101 JL WinterswijkNetherlands

Weverij Gaudium B.V.

++31 (0)543-512641 ++31 (0)543-520575

126.058 30.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Upholstered furnitureTREVIRA CS

Zimmersmühlenweg 14-18

61440 OberurselGermany

Zimmer + Rohde GmbH

+49 (0)6171 632-02 +49 (0)6171 632-244

20.09.2012 SEITE 157 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.249 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

PG 6D-2

Baumeisterallee 10

04442 ZwenkauGermany

A. Binger - Feuerlöschgerätebau

++49 (0)34203 / 4703-0 ++49 (0)34203 / 4703-55

200.250 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6A-2

200.251 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12D

200.252 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9D

200.253 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9A

200.254 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12A

200.435 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9D-TX

200.437 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishersKA 5CS

200.269 30.05.2008 31.05.2013B

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)ES 6 Pi

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 Wadersloh

A. Werner GmbH & Co. KG

02523 / 77 215 02523 / 77 255

200.270 30.05.2008 31.05.2013B

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)ES 9 Pi

20.09.2012 SEITE 158 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.271 30.05.2008 31.05.2013B

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)ES 9 W

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany

A. Werner GmbH & Co. KG

02523 / 77 215 02523 / 77 255

200.272 30.05.2008 31.05.2013B

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)MQ 9 F

200.192 03.08.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

Brandstop 6 G-1 / Vole X-P 6

Regensburger Straße 16

93449 Waldmünchen

BAVARIA Brandschutz Industrie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9972 / 9401-0 ++49 (0)9972 / 9401-17

200.194 03.08.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Brandstop 12 G-1 / Vole X-P 12

200.238 27.03.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)Express 5-1 / Sigma 5

200.257 31.01.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Viking 6 G

200.258 31.01.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)Viking 9G

200.259 31.01.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Viking 12G

200.467 04.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Hydra 9 S-2 (Sora X-S 9)

200.468 04.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Colt P 6 / Magnum P 6

20.09.2012 SEITE 159 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.469 04.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)

Colt P 9 / Magnum P 9

Regensburger Straße 16

93449 WaldmünchenGermany

BAVARIA Brandschutz Industrie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9972 / 9401-0 ++49 (0)9972 / 9401-17

200.470 04.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Vora X-P 6-90 S

200.492 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Colt FOAM S 9 / Magnum FOAM S 9

200.493 02.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Scout 6

200.503 02.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Colt P 12 / Magnum P 12

200.395 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 H

Gartenfeldstraße 14

35781 Weilburg-Gaudernbach

Brandschutz Heimlich GmbH

++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-0 ++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-166

200.396 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 H

200.397 08.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)K 5 H-1

200.398 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

F 6 H

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.399 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 H

20.09.2012 SEITE 160 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.412 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

F 6 L

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

Gartenfeldstraße 14

35781 Weilburg-GaudernbachGermany

Brandschutz Heimlich GmbH

++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-0 ++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-166

200.413 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

F 6 HF

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.415 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 He

200.419 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 H

200.420 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 HK

200.422 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)P 9 HS

200.423 01.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 HS

200.500 25.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 LM / P 6 L

200.501 25.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)P 9 LM / P 9 L

200.502 25.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 LM / P 12 L

20.09.2012 SEITE 161 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.520 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 S

Gartenfeldstraße 14

35781 Weilburg-GaudernbachGermany

Brandschutz Heimlich GmbH

++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-0 ++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-166

200.521 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 S

200.522 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 SH

200.523 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 SH

200.524 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9n-S

200.525 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 foam)SM 9n-S

200.526 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)XW 9n-S

200.527 02.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

FW 6n-2

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.528 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)RU 6 S

200.529 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)RU 6 SH

20.09.2012 SEITE 162 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.530 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)RU 9 SH

Gartenfeldstraße 14

35781 Weilburg-GaudernbachGermany

Brandschutz Heimlich GmbH

++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-0 ++49 (0)6471 / 62 92-166

200.537 01.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)CS 5c-2

200.538 01.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)C 5 S-26

200.552 27.03.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

PO 6

Staines Road West, Sunbury on ThamesTW16 7AR MiddlesexUnited Kingdom

Chubb Fire & Security Ltd.Chubb House

n.a. n.a.

200.553 27.03.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PO 9

200.161 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

Gi 6 A

Antonius-Raab-Straße 18

34123 Kassel-WaldauGermany

DÖKA Feuerlöschgerätebau GmbH

++49 (0)561 58 50 11 ++49 (0)561 58 36 28

200.162 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)Gi 9 A

200.163 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Gi 12 A

200.164 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Si 9 KN

20.09.2012 SEITE 163 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.165 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)

KS 5 C

Antonius-Raab-Straße 18

34123 Kassel-WaldauGermany

DÖKA Feuerlöschgerätebau GmbH

++49 (0)561 58 50 11 ++49 (0)561 58 36 28

200.184 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)GN 12 A

200.185 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)GN 9 A

200.186 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)GN 6 A

200.187 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SN 9 A

200.339 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)KS 5 AR / KS 5 SR

200.340 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)KS 5 CA / KS 5 CS

200.507 16.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (3 l special extinguishing agent)


200.508 16.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)


200.153 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

P 6 LJ

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 Remscheid

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

20.09.2012 SEITE 164 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.154 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)

P 9 LJ

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 RemscheidGermany

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.155 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 LJ

200.156 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 J

200.157 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)P 9 J

200.158 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 J

200.222 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 FJ

200.247 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 LJ

200.302 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SK 9 J

200.303 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)WN 9 J

200.304 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)WF 9 J

200.355 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)K 5 J

20.09.2012 SEITE 165 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.364 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)

SN 9 J

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 RemscheidGermany

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.372 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (2 l special extinguishing agent)

F 2 J

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.375 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PB 6 LJ

200.381 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)K 5 AJ

200.382 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 AJ

200.405 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 LJ

200.429 17.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DJL

200.430 17.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 DJL

200.440 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguisher (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 H System

200.441 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 H System

20.09.2012 SEITE 166 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.445 25.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

P 6 LJK / P 6 LJK Plus

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 RemscheidGermany

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.462 16.04.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

F 6 J (F 6 J Plus)

200.494 03.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 JK / P 6 JK Plus

200.518 28.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (3 l liquid extinguishing agent)

F 3 LJ

200.519 28.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)

F 6 LJ

200.549 05.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water solution)W 9 LJ-30

200.209 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

PG 6 Hi

Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 Neuruppin

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.210 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 PMD

200.211 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 PDY

200.212 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 PMD

20.09.2012 SEITE 167 VON 300

Page 181: Dienststelle Schiffssicherheit BG Verkehrepub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/epub/volltexte/2012/16584/pdf/2012_09_20_MED... · geändert durch Richtlinie 98/85/EG, 2001/53/EG, 2002/75/EG, 2008/67/EG,

List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.213 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)

S 9 DN

Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.214 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 Hi

200.215 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 Ai

200.216 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 Ai

200.217 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 Ai

200.218 10.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 PDY

200.219 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 AKF

200.220 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 AK

200.221 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 PMD

200.228 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)KS 5 BG

200.229 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 AKF

20.09.2012 SEITE 168 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.230 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)


Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.237 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 DN

200.373 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 Hi

200.374 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 AKP

200.389 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l Water)W 9 DF

200.390 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l special extinguishing agent)

M 9 L

Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.391 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 PDY

200.403 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 Euro

200.404 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)


Special extinguisher to extinguish edible oil or fat

200.431 17.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 AKN

20.09.2012 SEITE 169 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.438 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)

PG 9 Euro

Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.439 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 Euro

200.458 17.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DF

200.471 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 AS

200.472 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 AS

200.473 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PG 12 AS

200.475 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 SKP

200.480 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 SK

200.482 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 SKF

200.483 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (9 l water solution)


200.484 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)


20.09.2012 SEITE 170 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.485 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l special extinguishing agent)


Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.496 15.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 SKN

200.504 15.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PG 6 PMD-HR

200.506 15.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DN eco-HR

200.545 08.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DN eco-classic

200.546 08.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DN eco-premium

200.061 26.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)KS 5 SE

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 Wadersloh


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.080 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PS 6 GA

200.081 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PS 9 GA

200.082 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PS 12 GA

20.09.2012 SEITE 171 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.108 05.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SKK 9 LW

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.122 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PEP 6 GA

200.123 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PEP 12 GA

200.142 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PA 6 SD

200.143 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PA 12 SD

200.144 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PD 9 GA

200.145 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 DLWB

200.147 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Si 9 DB

200.149 05.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PS 6 G

200.150 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PS 12 G

200.151 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Si 9 FI 20

20.09.2012 SEITE 172 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.180 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PG 9 DB

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.181 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)Wi 9 EN

200.182 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water solution)Wi 9 ENI

200.183 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)Wi 9 DB

200.189 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PD 6 GA resp. PD 6 GA CC

200.190 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PD 12 GA

200.248 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)F 6 GX / F 6 GX AL

200.264 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 DN

200.265 02.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9 DF 30

200.298 31.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PSE 6 GA

200.300 31.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PSE 9 GA

20.09.2012 SEITE 173 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.327 02.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)PD 6 G

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.349 22.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 D Eco

200.351 22.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PD 9 G / PDP 9 G

200.353 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Si 9 ECO+

200.368 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)S 9 D Eco+ / SDP 9 Eco+

200.417 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (3 l special extinguishing agent)


Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.418 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l special extinguishing agent)


Special extinguisher to extinguish burning edible oil or fat

200.456 14.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)KS 5 ST

200.509 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (3 l liquid extinguishing agent)

SFi 3

200.510 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 l liquid extinguishing agent)

SFi 6

20.09.2012 SEITE 174 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.550 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water solution)WH 9 P (Type series Pro)

Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.554 05.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water solution)Wi 9 EF 30

200.555 05.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PS 9 G

200.556 05.06.2012 30.06.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PS 12 G

200.558 07.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SK 9 E (Type series Easy)

200.559 07.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)FPRP 6

200.560 07.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)FPRP 9

200.561 07.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)FPRF 9

200.562 07.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)FPRW 9

200.460 12.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)KS 5 SE

Rønsdam 10

6400 SønderborgDenmark


++45 73 48 52 00 ++45 73 48 52 05

20.09.2012 SEITE 175 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.461 12.01.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PD 12 A

Rønsdam 10

6400 SønderborgDenmark


++45 73 48 52 00 ++45 73 48 52 05

200.511 16.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)KS 5 ST

200.421 06.06.2008 30.06.2013B

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)FLP 3750

Owiedenfeldstraße 2a

30559 HannoverGermany

Gutkes GmbH

+49 (0)511 958 58 85 +49 (0)511 958 58 05

200.307 20.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC - powder)GS 6

Industriestraße 13

68526 Ladenburg

IBS interbrandschutz GmbH

+49 (0)6203 75-0 +49 (0)6203 75-318

200.308 20.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC - powder)GS 12

200.134 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)

PU 6a or PU 6an

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad Urach

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.135 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PU 12a or PU 12an

200.276 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC - powder)PU 6in

200.277 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC - powder)PG 6 H-6

20.09.2012 SEITE 176 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.279 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguisher (9 kg ABC - powder)

PG 9 H-6

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad UrachGermany

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.281 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguisher (9 kg ABC - powder)PU 9in

200.282 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC - powder)PU 9a resp. PU 9an

200.283 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC - powder)PU 12in

200.284 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC - powder)PG 12 H-6

200.286 19.03.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)WF 9n-C

200.312 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)DP 6 or PD 6

200.313 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)DP 9 or PD 9

200.314 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)DP 12 or PD 12

200.322 12.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)DWL 9n

200.343 12.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)W 9n-c

20.09.2012 SEITE 177 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.360 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)

WX 9n-C

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad UrachGermany

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.385 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)CS 5c

200.446 07.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)WS 9n-C

200.449 30.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC Powder)PU 6 G

200.450 30.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC Powder)PU 9 G

200.451 30.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC Powder)PU 12 G

200.453 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)WX 9 nG

200.454 30.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)WU 9 nG

200.476 21.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)DS 6 iM

200.477 21.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)DS 9 iM

200.478 21.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)DS 12 iM

20.09.2012 SEITE 178 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.557 05.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)

WH 9 nG

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad UrachGermany

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.463 03.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)


RM15B2, No. 1199 HuaShan Road, WaiGaoQiao, PuDong200137 ShanghaiChina

NingBo ZhengXin Fire-Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd.

++86 21 50410838 ++86 21 50410839

200.464 03.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)GPD 6

200.486 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)FM 9-B

200.487 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)GFM 9

200.488 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)PD 9E

200.489 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)PD 12E

200.490 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)GPD 9

200.491 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)GPD 12E

20.09.2012 SEITE 179 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.329 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 GD

Corso Kennedy, 30

10070 Robassomero (TO)Italy

SAE s.r.l.

++39 (0)11 924 18 14 ++39 (0)11 924 17 69

200.330 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)P 6 Gi

200.331 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)P 9 Gi

200.332 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 Gi

200.334 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)KS 5 A

200.336 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SLW 9 GIK

200.367 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P 12 GD

200.383 11.06.2000 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)SLW 9 D

200.409 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg carbon dioxide)KS 5

200.410 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)P 9 GD

200.411 25.10.2007 31.10.2012B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)P12 GIE

20.09.2012 SEITE 180 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.208 11.01.2012 31.10.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Classic FX 6

Industriestraße 13

68526 LadenburgGermany

TOTAL Feuerschutz GmbH

++49 (0)6203 75-0 ++49 (0)6203 75-318

200.241 11.01.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Classic FX 12

200.268 02.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers - 9 kg ABC powderClassic GX 9

200.292 20.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC - powder)GS 6

200.294 20.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC - powder)GS 12

200.350 20.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (5 kg Carbon dioxide)Classic K 5 SE

200.416 21.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Classic SD 9

200.498 22.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l foam)Classic S 9

200.499 22.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 l water)Classic WD 9

200.515 21.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (6 kg ABC powder)Classic GX 6 N

200.516 21.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (9 kg ABC powder)Classic GX 9 N

20.09.2012 SEITE 181 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.2Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishers


200.517 21.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Portable fire extinguishers (12 kg ABC powder)Classic GX 12 N

Industriestraße 13

68526 LadenburgGermany

TOTAL Feuerschutz GmbH

++49 (0)6203 75-0 ++49 (0)6203 75-318

20.09.2012 SEITE 182 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.433 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)


Baumeisterallee 10

04442 ZwenkauGermany

A. Binger - Feuerlöschgerätebau

++49 (0)34203 / 4703-0 ++49 (0)34203 / 4703-55

200.434 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.436 10.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg carbon dioxide)


200.273 30.05.2008 31.05.2013B

Portable fire- extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

MQ 6 FDiestedder Straße 39

59329 Wadersloh

A. Werner GmbH & Co. KG

02523 / 77 215 02523 / 77 255

200.459 20.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

Hydra 6 S-2 (Sora X-S 6)

Regensburger Straße 16

93449 Waldmünchen

BAVARIA Brandschutz Industrie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9972 / 9401-0 ++49 (0)9972 / 9401-17

200.513 14.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg carbon dioxide)

Sigma 2 / Col X-K 2

200.239 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 FJ

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 Remscheid

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.244 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 LJ

20.09.2012 SEITE 183 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.266 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

PS 2 J

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 RemscheidGermany

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.267 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 l foam)

SF 2 J

200.301 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

SK 6 J

200.354 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg Carbon dioxide)

K 2 J

200.363 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

SN 6 J

200.376 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boots (2 kg ABC powder)

PL 2 J

200.380 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg carbon dioxide)

K 2 AJ

200.414 20.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire- extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 LJ Bio

200.539 20.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DJL Bio 21

20.09.2012 SEITE 184 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.231 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

GE 2

Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.232 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 AK

200.233 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.234 18.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)


200.235 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DN

200.236 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg Carbon dioxide)


200.392 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DF

200.393 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.394 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

PG 2 E

200.402 16.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (1 kg ABC powder)

PG 1 E

20.09.2012 SEITE 185 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.474 17.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


Martin- Ebell- Straße 4

16816 NeuruppinGermany

FLN Feuerlöschgeräte Neuruppin Vertriebs- GmbH

++49 (0)3391 689 - 0 ++49 (0)3391 689 116

200.479 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 SK

200.481 09.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.505 15.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DN eco-HR

200.543 08.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DN eco-classic

200.544 08.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 DN eco-premium

200.152 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

P 2 GM / P 2 G / F 2 G / F 2 GMDiestedder Straße 39

59329 Wadersloh


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.207 02.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg Carbon dioxide)


200.305 02.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (1 kg ABC powder)

F 1 GM

200.337 17.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

PD 2 G

20.09.2012 SEITE 186 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.338 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

Si 6 Fl 20Diestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.347 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

Si 6 DB

200.348 22.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

S 6 D Eco

200.352 22.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

Si 6 ECO+

200.358 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)


200.369 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boots (6 l foam)

S 6 D Eco+ / SDP 6 Eco+

200.377 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boots (6 l foam)


200.378 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boots (6 l foam)

Si 6 NI+

200.401 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.432 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (1 kg ABC powder)


20.09.2012 SEITE 187 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.455 14.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg carbon dioxide)

KS 2 STDiestedder Straße 39

59329 WaderslohGermany


++49 (0)2523 77-0 ++49 (0)2523 77 120

200.514 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

SE 6 I

200.551 20.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

SK 6 E (Type series Easy)

200.321 12.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

DWL 6n

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad Urach

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.359 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

WX 6n-C

200.384 07.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg Carbon dioxide)

CS 2c

200.447 07.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

WS 6n-C

200.452 11.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

WX 6 nG

200.465 03.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)

FM 6-B

RM15B2, No. 1199 HuaShan Road, WaiGaoQiao, PuDong

200137 ShanghaiChina

NingBo ZhengXin Fire-Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd.

++86 21 50410838 ++86 21 50410839

20.09.2012 SEITE 188 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.38Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats


200.328 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

P 2 GDCorso Kennedy, 30

10070 Robassomero (TO)Italy

SAE s.r.l.

++39 (0)11 924 18 14 ++39 (0)11 924 17 69

200.333 11.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Portable fire extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg Carbon dioxide)

KS 2 A

200.406 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Portable fire- extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.407 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Portable fire- extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (6 l foam)


200.408 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Portable fire- extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg carbon dioxide)

KS 2

200.497 22.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Portable fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and rescue boats (2 kg ABC powder)

Classic FX2Industriestraße 13

68526 LadenburgGermany

TOTAL Feuerschutz GmbH

++49 (0)6203 75-0 ++49 (0)6203 75-318

20.09.2012 SEITE 189 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.52Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers


200.535 03.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

Poud X-P 50-2 / Tornado 50 PX

Regensburger Straße 16

93449 WaldmünchenGermany

BAVARIA Brandschutz Industrie GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)9972 / 9401-0 ++49 (0)9972 / 9401-17

200.540 16.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

Concord-ST 50

200.541 16.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

Avanti-ST 50

200.547 25.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

FOAMjet 50 SK Maximus

200.548 25.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

FOAMjet 50 SF Maximus

200.425 13.08.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

SK 50 A

Antonius-Raab-Straße 18

34123 Kassel-Waldau

DÖKA Feuerlöschgerätebau GmbH

++49 (0)561 58 50 11 ++49 (0)561 58 36 28

200.426 13.08.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

SK 50 B

200.427 13.08.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

S 50 A / SF 50 A

200.428 13.08.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

S 50 B / SF 50 B

20.09.2012 SEITE 190 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.52Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers


200.531 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

GA 50

Antonius-Raab-Straße 18

34123 Kassel-WaldauGermany

DÖKA Feuerlöschgerätebau GmbH

++49 (0)561 58 50 11 ++49 (0)561 58 36 28

200.424 01.08.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

S 50 J / S 50 J frost-proove

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 Remscheid

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.442 12.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

P 50 AJ

200.443 09.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (25 kg ABC powder)

P 25 AJ

200.444 15.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

P 50 GJ

200.448 23.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

P 50 J Externa

200.466 03.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (25 kg ABC powder)

P 25 J Externa

200.532 19.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (10 kg Carbon dioxide)

K 10 J

200.533 19.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (20 kg Carbon dioxide)

K 20 J

20.09.2012 SEITE 191 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.52Item-Number

Group-Number 200

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers


200.534 19.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (30 kg Carbon dioxide)

K 30 J

Jägerwald 28 - 30

42897 RemscheidGermany

Feuerschutz JOCKEL GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)2191 9667-0 ++49 (0)2191 9667-54

200.536 17.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (45 l foam)

S45J Externa Bio

200.542 02.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

S50J Externa Bio

200.495 18.08.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 Kg ABC- powder)

PU 50 s

Minimaxstraße 1

72574 Bad Urach

Minimax Mobile Services GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)7125-154-0 ++49 (0)7125-154-224

200.457 22.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 kg ABC powder)

Classic G50Industriestraße 13

68526 Ladenburg

TOTAL Feuerschutz GmbH

++49 (0)6203 75-0 ++49 (0)6203 75-318

200.512 01.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Non-portable and transportable extinguishers (50 l foam)

Classic S 50

20.09.2012 SEITE 192 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.47Item-Number

Group-Number 201

Concentrate for Fixed High Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems for Machinery Spaces and Cargo Pump Rooms


201.010 05.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Concentrate for Fixed High Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems for Machinery Spaces and Cargo Pump Rooms


Liebigstraße 5

22113 HamburgGermany

Fabrik chemischer Präparatevon Dr. Richard SthamerGmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 73 61 68-0 ++49 (0)40 73 61 68-60

201.014 12.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Concentrate for Fixed High Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems for Machinery Spaces and Cargo Pump Rooms


MED-B-6194 21.05.2010 21.05.2015B+D

Concentrate for fixed high expansion foam fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump rooms

Unitor High Expansion Foam Concentrate 2%

20.09.2012 SEITE 193 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.58Item-Number

Group-Number 201

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.011 25.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


Liebigstraße 5

22113 HamburgGermany

Fabrik chemischer Präparatevon Dr. Richard SthamerGmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 73 61 68-0 ++49 (0)40 73 61 68-60

201.012 14.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.013 12.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.015 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.017 04.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.018 11.08.2011 31.08.2016B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.019 23.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


201.020 25.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Fixed low expansion foam fire extinguishing systems components for machinery spaces and tanker deck protection


20.09.2012 SEITE 194 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.59Item-Number

Group-Number 201

Expansion foam for fixed fire extinguishing systems for chemical tankers


201.016 16.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Expansion Foam for Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for Chemical Tankers


Liebigstraße 5

22113 HamburgGermany

Fabrik chemischer Präparatevon Dr. Richard SthamerGmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 73 61 68-0 ++49 (0)40 73 61 68-60

20.09.2012 SEITE 195 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.7Item-Number

Group-Number 206

Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus


206.065 10.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (Face mask/helmet-combination)

Series "MSA-H/F1" positive pressureThiemannstraße 1

12059 BerlinGermany


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

206.066 10.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (Face mask/helmet-combination)

Series "MSA-S/F1 positive pressure"

206.067 10.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (Face mask/helmet-combination)

Series "MSA-H/F1 normal pressure"

206.069 25.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "AirGo positive pressure"

206.070 25.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "AirGo negative pressure"

206.071 05.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "AirMaXX BUND"

206.072 18.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus


206.074 19.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "AirGoFix positive pressure"

206.075 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "BD negative pressure"

206.076 10.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

Series "BD positive pressure"

20.09.2012 SEITE 196 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.7Item-Number

Group-Number 206

Self-contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus


206.077 01.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

AirMaXX BPOL negative pressureThiemannstraße 1

12059 BerlinGermany


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

206.078 01.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

AirMaXX BPOL positive pressure

206.079 23.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

AirXpress Fire

206.080 04.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

AirMaXX negative pressure

206.081 04.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Self- contained compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus

AirMaXX positive pressure

20.09.2012 SEITE 197 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.41Item-Number

Group-Number 208

Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)


208.013 01.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)"UNISCAPE 15H"

Thiemannstraße 1

12059 BerlinGermany


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

208.014 01.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)"S - Cap - Air" and "S - Cap - Air light"

208.015 27.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)Series "MSA SavOx"

208.016 27.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)Series "MSA SSR 30/100"

20.09.2012 SEITE 198 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.3Item-Number

Group-Number 209

Fire-fighter`s outfit: protective clothing (close proximity clothing)


209.018 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-1001.73/833.0Kattegatweg 6

46446 Emmerich-EltenGermany


++49 (0)2828 9146-23 ++49 (0)2828 9146-46

209.019 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-1001.79/833.0

209.020 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-2001.73/833.0

209.021 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-2001.79/833.0

209.022 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-3021.73/833.0

209.023 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-3021.79/833.0

209.024 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-3031.73/833.0

209.025 05.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Art. 30-3031.79/833.0

209.029 16.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Fire fighters protective clothing: G4545J-Jacket & G4545T-Trousers

Thorton Industrial Estate

SA73 2RU Milford HavenUnited Kingdom

CAC Industrial Products Ltd.

++44 (0) 1646 92626 ++44 (0) 1646 960144

20.09.2012 SEITE 199 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.3Item-Number

Group-Number 209

Fire-fighter`s outfit: protective clothing (close proximity clothing)


209.011 17.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fire-fighter’s outfit: protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

ISOTEMP Glass-Coated Heat-Protection Clothing 2000 (2000/SBG)

Teichweg 6

32805 Horn- Bad MeinbergGermany

Heinrich Vorndamme O.H.G.

++49 (0)5234 8966-0 ++49 (0)5234 98035

209.030 28.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

ISOTEMP Fire Department- Cover Jacket Model 8002, Art.- No. 1896/B/DEF/469-05 + ISOTEMP Fire Department - Cover pants Model 8002, Art.- No. 1897/B/DEF

209.026 24.04.2012 28.02.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

V - Force Overall, Model 4-4-43

Ettore-Bugatti-Straße 31

51149 Köln

Lion Apparel Deutschland GmbH

++49 (0)2203 57515-0 ++49 (0)2203 57515-10

209.027 24.04.2012 31.03.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

V - Force fire fighters protective clothing: Jacket Model 1-4-183, Jacket Model 1-4-188, Trousers Model 2-4-143

209.028 24.04.2012 31.03.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Fire fighters protective clothing: Jacket Model 1-3-162 BG 7, Trousers Model 2-3-107 BG 7

209.017 24.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

VS 10 SILVERFLASHLeimenstraße 2

75242 Neuhausen

TESIMAX-Altinger GmbH

++49 (0)7234 948 59-0 ++49 (0)7234 948 59-99

209.031 21.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit:protective clothing (close proximity clothing)

Fire fighter`s outfit consisting of: Fire Department - Jacket Type 610 KERLAST and Fire Department - Cover Pants Type 620 KERLAST

20.09.2012 SEITE 200 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.44Item-Number

Group-Number 210

Fire- fighter`s outfit: lifeline


210.003 28.01.2009 31.01.2014B+E

Fire-fighters outfit - lifeline

Herkules - Rettungsleine feuerfest

Dubbenwinkel 11

21147 HamburgGermany

Lippmann German Ropes GmbH & Co. KG

++49 (0)40 797 005-0 ++49 (0)40 79700- 25

210.002 05.02.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Fire-fighters outfit - lifelineSEILFLECHTER Flammtrutzleine

Auf dem Anger 7-9

38110 Braunschweig

Seilflechter Tauwerk GmbH

++49 (0)5307-96 11-0 ++49 (0)5307-96 11 55

20.09.2012 SEITE 201 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.30Item-Number

Group-Number 213

Portable oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment


213.036 15.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentPortable gas detector type "Pac 7000"

Revalstraße 1

23560 LübeckGermany

Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

++49 (0)451 882-0 ++49 (0)451 882-2080

213.042 27.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentX-am 5000

213.043 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentGas detection pump, type: accuro

213.045 24.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentPac 7000

213.046 04.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentX-am 5600

213.047 03.02.2011 29.02.2016B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentX-am 7000

213.009 10.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

EX-Alarm ED 090 SMD with remote sensors (types see overleaf)

Only for gas detectionThiemannstraße 1

12059 Berlin


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

213.010 10.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

Control Unit Type 9010 LCD and 9020 LCD with remote sensors (types see overleaf)

213.011 10.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentPortable gas detector type "TITAN"

Only for gas detection

213.012 10.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentPortable multi gas detector type "ORION"

20.09.2012 SEITE 202 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.30Item-Number

Group-Number 213

Portable oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment


213.013 10.06.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

Control Unit Type "SUPREMA" with remote sensors (types see overleaf)

Thiemannstraße 1

12059 BerlinGermany


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

213.014 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

Gas detector type ORION PLUS / Tankscope II (Ex and Ox)

213.037 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentMultigas Detector type "SIRIUS"

213.038 16.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentGas Monitor Type ULTIMA XE and Type ULTIMA X IR

213.039 16.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentGas Monitor Type ULTIMA XI

213.040 17.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment

GasGard XL with remote sensors (types see overleaf)

213.041 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentGAS- TESTER IIH

213.044 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentAltairPro

213.048 07.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentAltair 4X

213.049 07.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentAltair 5 resp. Altair 5iR

20.09.2012 SEITE 203 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.30Item-Number

Group-Number 213

Portable oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment


213.050 24.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipmentAltair 5X resp. Altair 5X iR

Thiemannstraße 1

12059 BerlinGermany


++49 (0)30 68 86-0 ++49 (0)30 68 86-1558

20.09.2012 SEITE 204 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.4 Item-Number

Group-Number 219

Fire- fighter`s outfit: boots


219.002 29.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Fire- fighter`s outfit: bootsFIREMAN SABJ

4 rue Arnaud de Maytie

64130 MauleonFrance


++33 559 28 05 41 ++33 559 28 30 10

219.003 29.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Fire- fighter`s outfit: bootsFIREMAN SABF

219.001 20.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fireman´s outfit: bootsISOTEMP-Heat Protection Boots 2005

Teichweg 6

32805 Horn- Bad MeinbergGermany

Heinrich Vorndamme O.H.G.

++49 (0)5234 8966-0 ++49 (0)5234 98035

20.09.2012 SEITE 205 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.5Item-Number

Group-Number 220

Fire- fighter`s outfit: gloves


220.005 23.01.2012 31.01.2017B+E

Fire-fighter`s outfit: gloves

Seiz® Fire-Fighter PremiumArt.- No. 1564420-P / MED

Neuhauser Straße 63

72555 MetzingenGermany

Friedrich Seiz GmbH

+49 (0)7123 1704-0 +49 (0)7123 1704-44

220.006 23.01.2012 31.01.2017B+E

Fire-fighter`s outfit: gloves

Seiz® Fire-Fighter PremiumArt.- No. 1564420-FF-SI / MED

220.001 20.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fireman´s outfit: GlovesISOTEMP-Flame Protection-Gloves 2004/SBG

Teichweg 6

32805 Horn- Bad Meinberg

Heinrich Vorndamme O.H.G.

++49 (0)5234 8966-0 ++49 (0)5234 98035

220.003 01.07.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: glovesFire 2

Leimenstraße 2

75242 Neuhausen

TESIMAX-Altinger GmbH

++49 (0)7234 948 59-0 ++49 (0)7234 948 59-99

220.004 01.07.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: glovesFire 3

20.09.2012 SEITE 206 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.6Item-Number

Group-Number 221

Fire fighter`s outfit: helmet


221.018 06.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Fireman´s outfit: helmet

H1000, H1000OEM, H1500, IS2000, H2000, H3000 and PXE

Lilienthalstraße 12

53424 RemagenGermany

Bullard GmbH Headquarter

++49 (0)2642 99998-0 ++49 (0)2642 99998-29

221.019 06.12.2011 31.12.2016B+D

Fireman´s outfit: helmetMagma Type A and Magma Type B

221.011 28.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetISOTEMP-Flame Protection-Helmet 2002

Teichweg 6

32805 Horn- Bad Meinberg

Heinrich Vorndamme O.H.G.

++49 (0)5234 8966-0 ++49 (0)5234 98035

221.015 12.01.2009 31.01.2014B+E

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetHEROS-XTREME, Type B

Paschinger Straße 90

4060 LeondingAustria

Rosenbauer International AG

++43 (0)732 6794-0 ++43 (0)732 6794-84

221.020 03.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Fireman´s outfit: helmet

HEROS-smart, E2E3C***, Type A / (with face guard visor: Type A 3b)

221.017 03.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetPF 112 Extrem, luminous

Parc Industrial Sud

440247 Satu MareRomania

S.C. Casco Group S.C.S.

n.a. n.a.

221.021 03.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetPF 1000 R, Typ B

221.022 03.07.2012 31.07.2017B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetPF 1000 EXTREME, type B

20.09.2012 SEITE 207 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.6Item-Number

Group-Number 221

Fire fighter`s outfit: helmet


221.012 19.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmet

F120 H2

Stegelitzer Straße 12

39126 MagdeburgGermany

Schuberth Head Protection Technology GmbH

++49 (0)391 8106-0 ++49 (0)391 8106-210

221.013 19.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetF120 H3

221.014 02.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetF 220

221.016 01.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire-fighter`s outfit: helmetF 130

20.09.2012 SEITE 208 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.15 aItem-Number

Group-Number 222

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil: pipes and fittings


222.019 04.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (pipes and fittings)

ELAFLEX - Expansion joints type ERV - GS, nominal diameter 25 mm up to 600 mm

Schnackenburgallee 121

22525 HamburgGermany

ELAFLEX - Gummi Ehlers GmbH

++49 (0)40 540 00 50 ++49 (0)40 540 00 567

20.09.2012 SEITE 209 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.15 cItem-Number

Group-Number 222

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil: flexible pipe assemblies


222.004 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose GH781 from nominal diameter 6 mm to 51 mm

Dr.-Reckeweg-Straße 1

76532 Baden-BadenGermany

Eaton Fluid Power GmbH

++49 (0)7221 682-0 ++49 (0)7221 682-788

222.005 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose 2681 from nominal diameter 6 mm to 51 mm

222.006 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose 2781 from nominal diameter 6 mm to 51 mm

222.007 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Teflon hose 2807 in reusable style from nominal diameter 3 mm to 25 mm. With additional fire sleeve

222.008 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose GH793 from nominal diameter 6 mm to 51 mm

222.009 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose FC510 from nominal diameter 6 mm to 31 mm

222.010 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose FC350 in crimp style from nominal diameter 5 mm to 31 mm. With additional fire sleeve.

222.011 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose FC350 in reusable style, from nominal diameter 5 mm to 31 mm

222.012 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose 2652 nominal diameter 80 mm

20.09.2012 SEITE 210 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.15 cItem-Number

Group-Number 222

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil: flexible pipe assemblies


222.013 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose 2755B from nominal diameter 10 mm to 25 mm

Dr.-Reckeweg-Straße 1

76532 Baden-BadenGermany

Eaton Fluid Power GmbH

++49 (0)7221 682-0 ++49 (0)7221 682-788

222.014 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose 2651 from nominal diameter 5 mm to 60 mm

222.015 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose FC234 in crimp style, from nominal diameter 8 mm to 25 mm

222.016 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose FC234 in reusable style, from nominal diameter 8 mm to 25 mm

222.017 11.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Teflon hose 2807 in crimp style from nominal diameter 3 mm to 25 mm

222.029 23.02.2010 28.02.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic hose GH663 from nominal diameter 5 mm to 51 mm

222.020 24.05.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (c: flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic Hose Type HD 100Zum Panrepel 44

28307 Bremen


++49 (0)421 48907-191 ++49 (0)421 48907-805

222.021 24.05.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (c: flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic Hose Type HD 200

222.022 24.05.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (c: flexible pipe assemblies)

Hydraulic Hose Type HD 700

20.09.2012 SEITE 211 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.15 cItem-Number

Group-Number 222

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil: flexible pipe assemblies


222.018 09.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Materials other than steel for pipes conveying oil or fuel oil (flexible pipe assemblies)

Convoluted, corrugated PTFE hose line, Range TFW

Zum Gewerbepark 4

37691 BoffzenGermany

HANSA-FLEX Hydraulik GmbHGeschäftsbereich Metallschläuche

++49 (0)5271 9571-0 ++49 (0)5271 95 71 35

20.09.2012 SEITE 212 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.29Item-Number

Group-Number 222

Fire hoses


222.037 27.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Fire hosesFireflex

Zone des Prairies de la Lys

59166 BousbecqueFrance

Delannoy Freres

++33 (0)320 23 66 66 ++33 (0)320 23 63 64

222.038 27.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Fire hosesTopflex Red

222.039 27.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Fire hosesTopflex White

222.035 30.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Fire hoses

"ETEHA Synthetic- Polydur" or "ETEHA Synthetic- Polydur-N"

Ketelweg 89

3356 LD PapendrechtNetherlands

Eteha bv - Slangtechniek

++31 (0)78 6159015 ++31 (0)78 6158474

222.036 30.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Fire hoses

"ETEHA Synthetik-Spezial 2F-LS" / "ETEHA Synthetic-Special 500"

222.024 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Fire hosesPROGRESS

Gässlesweg 34

75334 StraubenhardtGermany


++49 (0)7082 / 9434-0 ++49 (0)7082 / 9434-99

222.025 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Fire hosesTITAN 2F / TITAN 3F

222.027 01.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D


222.033 25.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire hoses

"Hygrapha Synthetic-Polydur"

Liebigstraße 67

22113 Hamburg


++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 0 ++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 10

20.09.2012 SEITE 213 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.29Item-Number

Group-Number 222

Fire hoses


222.034 25.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire hoses

"Hygrapha Synthetic-Spezial"

Liebigstraße 67

22113 HamburgGermany


++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 0 ++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 10

222.047 11.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Fire hoses

Synthetik Hygrapha / Hygrapha Synthetic Special 500

222.048 11.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Fire hoses

Hygrapha Synthetic-Polydur / Hygrapha Synthetic-Polydur-N

222.001 08.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Fire hoses"Synthetik- Polydur" or "Synthetic- Polydur- N"

Unterm Ohmberg 7

34431 Marsberg

Jakob Eschbach GmbH

++49 (0) 2992-606-0 ++49 (0) 2992-606-46

222.023 18.05.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Fire hoses"Synthetik Eschbach" / "Synthetic Special 500"

222.003 08.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Fire hoses

Syntex Unidur

Herrenhöfer Landstraße 2

99885 Ohrdruf

Ohrdrufer SchlauchWeberei Eschbach GmbH

++49 (0)3624 3714-0 ++49 (0)3624 371430

222.031 07.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Fire hoses"Syntex 2F / Syntex 3F" or "Syntex 500"

222.049 02.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Fire hoses


Gildestrasse 16

49477 Ibbenbüren

PARSCH Schläuche Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG

+49 (0)5451 9 29-0 +49 (0)5451 92 92 92

20.09.2012 SEITE 214 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.29Item-Number

Group-Number 222

Fire hoses


222.030 14.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D

Fire HosesPyrotex 3F resp. Pyrotex 3F neon yellow

Bojanov 20

538 26 BojanovCzech Republic

Technolen Bojanov s.r.o.

++420 469 641 110 ++420 469 641 133

222.032 19.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Fire HosesPYROTEX 2F

222.050 17.09.2012 30.09.2017B+D


222.002 03.11.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Fire hosesFIRE HOSE "FAVORIT" 1" TO 3"

Obermarktstraße 48

6410 TelfsAustria

Thöni Industriebetriebe GmbH

++43 (0) 5262-6903-0 ++43 (0) 5262-6903-210

222.042 08.04.2011 30.04.2016B+D

Fire hosesKURALON

222.028 06.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Fire hoses"Synthetik-Spezial 2F-LS" / "Synthetic-Special 500"

Piazza Raibetta 2

16123 GenuaItaly

Vampa srl

++39 (0)10 24 68 921 ++39 (0)10 24 68 806

20.09.2012 SEITE 215 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.55Item-Number

Group-Number 222

Dual-purpose type nozzles (spray/jet type)


222.045 12.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

Hygrapha 12 / Hygrapha 16 / Hygrapha 19 Jet / Spray branchpipe (brass) with water curtain device

Liebigstraße 67

22113 HamburgGermany


++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 0 ++49 (0)40 73 10 53 - 10

222.046 12.07.2011 31.07.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

Hygrapha 12 / Hygrapha 16 Jet / Spray branchpipe (aluminium) with water curtain device

222.040 06.01.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

Jet / Spray Branchpipe 16x12 / 22x19 with water curtain device with Storz C Adapter Brass

Brunckstraße 18

67346 Speyer

Luitpold Schott Armaturenfabrik GmbH

++49 (0)6232 6459-0 ++49 (0)6232 6459-30

222.041 06.01.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

Jet / Spray Branchpipe 16x12 with water curtain device with Storz C Adapter Alu

222.043 06.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

CMM Jet / Spray branchpipe, aluminium 19x16 mm, with water curtain device

222.044 06.06.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Dual-purpose type nozzles

CMM Jet / Spray branchpipe, brass 19x16 mm, with water curtain device

20.09.2012 SEITE 216 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/3.32Item-Number

Group-Number 223

Fire restricting materials (except furniture) for high-speed craft


223.002 04.05.2009 31.05.2014B+D

Fire restricting material (except furniture) for high speed craft

FRP Sandwich panel with different insulation materials

Bürgermeister-Grünzweig-Strasse 1

67059 LudwigshafenGermany


++49 (0)621 501-0 ++49 (0)621 501-780

20.09.2012 SEITE 217 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.3Item-Number

Group-Number 320

Oil-content meters


320.029 01.03.2010 28.02.2015D

Öil-content metersBilgMon 488

Udevallagatan 14

41670 GöteborgSweden

Brannstrom Sweden AB

0046 - 31 - 19 56 00 0046 - 31 - 19 77 90

320.024 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Oil - content metersOMD - 11

Kieler Straße 316

22525 HamburgGermany

DECKMA Hamburg GmbH

n.a. n.a.

320.028 01.10.2009 30.09.2014B+F

Oil-content-meterOMD 2005

320.031 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+F

Oil - content metersOMD - 24

320.032 01.10.2009 30.09.2014B+F

Oil - content metersOMD - 2008

20.09.2012 SEITE 218 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.5Item-Number

Group-Number 322

Oil discharge monitoring and control system for an oil tanker


322.007 01.03.2010 28.02.2015D

Öil Discharge and Control SystemCleanTrack 900

Udevallagatan 14

41670 GöteborgSweden

Brannstrom Sweden AB

0046 - 31 - 19 56 00 0046 - 31 - 19 77 90

322.008 01.03.2010 28.02.2015D

Öil Discharge and Control SystemCleanTrack 1000

322.009 01.12.2011 30.11.2016D

Öil Discharge and Control SystemCleanTrack 1000B

20.09.2012 SEITE 219 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.132 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 0,25 HD

Hermann-Blohm-Str. 5

20457 HamburgGermany

B + V Industries GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.133 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 0,5 HD

330.134 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 1 HD

330.135 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 2,5 HD

330.136 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 5 HD

330.137 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS 10 HD

330.195 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 0,25

330.196 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 0,5

330.197 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 1

330.198 01.02.2011 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 2,5

330.199 01.02.2011 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 5

20.09.2012 SEITE 220 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.218 01.02.2011 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPB 10

Hermann-Blohm-Str. 5

20457 HamburgGermany

B + V Industries GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.246 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTURBULO Mechanical Phase Breaker TMPBH 0,25

330.295 01.09.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS-MPB 2,5

330.304 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS-MPB 5

330.312 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS-MPB 0,25

330.313 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS-MPB 0,5

330.314 01.08.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Oily-water-separator (Turbulo OWS)TCS-MPB 1

330.334 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 0,25/A

330.335 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 0,5/A

330.336 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 1/A

330.337 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 2,5/A

20.09.2012 SEITE 221 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.338 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 5/A

Hermann-Blohm-Str. 5

20457 HamburgGermany

B + V Industries GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.339 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+D

Oily Water SeperatorTMPB 10/A

330.215 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily water Seperator

PCM 250

Boschstraße 9

28857 Syke


04203/788698 04203/788696

330.216 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeperatorPCM 1000

330.217 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeperatorPCM 2500

330.220 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 250 FSU-"Oilchief"

330.221 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 500 FSU-"Oilchief"

330.222 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 1000 FSU-"Oilchief"

330.223 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 2500 FSU-"Oilchief"

330.224 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily water SeparatorDVZ 5000 FSU-"Oilchief"

20.09.2012 SEITE 222 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.225 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water Separator

DVZ 10000 FSU-"Oilchief"

Boschstraße 9

28857 SykeGermany


04203/788698 04203/788696

330.226 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 250 FSU-B-"Oilchief"

330.227 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 500 FSU-B-"Oilchief"

330.228 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 1000 FSU-B-"Oilchief"

330.229 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 2500 FSU-B-"Oilchief"

330.230 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 5000 FSU-B- "Oilchief"

330.231 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water SeparatorDVZ 10000 FSU-B- "Oilchief"

330.236 01.11.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water Separator (Oilchief)DVZ 150 FSU "Oilchief"

330.340 01.06.2012 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water Separator (Oilchief)DVZ 1500 FSU-"Oilchief"

330.341 01.06.2012 31.10.2014B+F

Oily Water Separator (Oilchief)DVZ 1500 FSU-B-"Oilchief"

20.09.2012 SEITE 223 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.232 01.07.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster 200

Werner-Habig-Straße 1

59302 OeldeGermany

GEA Westfalia Seperator Systems GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.233 01.07.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster 1500

330.234 01.07.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster 3000

330.235 01.07.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster 6000

330.237 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 1000

330.238 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 1500

330.239 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 2000

330.240 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 2500

330.241 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 3000

330.242 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 4000

20.09.2012 SEITE 224 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.243 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 5000

Werner-Habig-Straße 1

59302 OeldeGermany

GEA Westfalia Seperator Systems GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.244 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 6000

330.245 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 7000

330.315 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 750 cleandesign

330.316 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 1000 cleandesign

330.317 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 1500 cleandesign

330.318 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 2000 cleandesign

330.319 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 3000 cleandesign

330.320 01.12.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Oil- filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Bilgemaster-D 4000 cleandesign

330.326 01.09.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgerMaster-E 4000 cleandesign

20.09.2012 SEITE 225 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.327 01.09.2010 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 5000 cleandesign

Werner-Habig-Straße 1

59302 OeldeGermany

GEA Westfalia Seperator Systems GmbH

n.a. n.a.

330.328 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 400 cleandesign

330.329 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 500 cleandesign

330.330 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 900 cleandesign

330.331 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 1200 cleandesign

330.332 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 2000 cleandesign

330.333 01.10.2011 31.08.2015B+D

Oil-filtering equipment (for oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

BilgeMaster-E 2500 cleandesign

330.321 01.03.2010 28.02.2015B+F

Oily-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Ocean Clean 0,25 EBZum Kühlhaus 5

18069 Rostock

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

330.322 01.03.2010 28.02.2015B+F

Oily-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Ocean Clean 0,5 EB

330.323 01.03.2010 28.02.2015B+F

Oily-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Ocean Clean 1,0 EB

20.09.2012 SEITE 226 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.324 01.03.2010 28.02.2015B+F

Oily-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Ocean Clean 2,5 EBZum Kühlhaus 5

18069 RostockGermany

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

330.325 01.03.2010 28.02.2015B+F

Oily-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)

Ocean Clean 5,0 EB

330.050 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D


SKIT S 0,5

Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 Bremen

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

330.064 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 1,0

330.066 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 1,5

330.068 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 2,5

330.070 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 5,0

330.072 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 10,0

330.074 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 0,25

330.075 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Oily-water-separatorSKIT S 0,1

20.09.2012 SEITE 227 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.194 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water Seperator


Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 BremenGermany

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

330.200 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DE 0,25

330.201 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DE 0,5

330.202 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DE 1,0

330.203 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily water SeperatorSKIT S DE 1,5

330.204 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT s DE 2,5

330.205 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DE 5,0

330.206 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DE 10,0

330.207 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 0,1

330.208 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 0,25

330.209 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 0,5

20.09.2012 SEITE 228 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.210 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water Seperator


Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 BremenGermany

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

330.211 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 1,5

330.212 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 2,5

330.213 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 5,0

330.214 01.07.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Oily Water SeperatorSKIT S DEB 10,0

330.296 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 0,1

330.297 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 0,25

330.298 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 0,5

330.299 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 1,0

330.300 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 1,5

330.301 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 2,5

20.09.2012 SEITE 229 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.1Item-Number

Group-Number 330

Oil-filtering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not exceeding 15 p.p.m.)


330.302 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water Seperator


Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 BremenGermany

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

330.303 01.03.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Oily Water SeperatorOPUS DEB 10,0

20.09.2012 SEITE 230 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.2Item-Number

Group-Number 334

Oil/water interface detectors


334.007 01.09.2011 31.08.2016B+F

Oil/water interface detectorsBLMD 1.2 30M

Hansestraße 21 / Haus 2

18182 RostockGermany

JOWA Germany GmbH

+49 (0) 381 6302 660 +49 (0) 381 6302 641

20.09.2012 SEITE 231 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.277 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 50


150 00 Prag 5Czech Republic

ACO Marine s.r.o..

++420 569 491-0 ++420 569 482-529

340.278 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 100

340.279 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 25

340.280 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 75

340.281 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 150

340.282 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantaco maripur 200

340.283 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 250

340.284 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 25 R

340.285 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 50 R

340.286 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 75 R

340.287 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 100 R

20.09.2012 SEITE 232 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.288 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 150 R


150 00 Prag 5Czech Republic

ACO Marine s.r.o..

++420 569 491-0 ++420 569 482-529

340.289 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 200 R

340.290 01.03.2009 28.02.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Maripur 250 R

340.357 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 40

340.358 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 15

340.359 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 25

340.360 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 60

340.361 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 80

340.362 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 120

340.363 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 150

340.369 01.06.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 160

20.09.2012 SEITE 233 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.398 01.06.2012 31.03.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantACO Clarimar 8


150 00 Prag 5Czech Republic

ACO Marine s.r.o..

++420 569 491-0 ++420 569 482-529

340.026 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plant

Bio-Compact KSA-S 35

Brugwachter 13

3034 KD RotterdamGermany

BioCompactEnvironmental Technology B.V

(31)010 4116414 (31)010 4141004

340.027 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 50

340.028 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 10

340.029 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 15

340.030 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 20

340.031 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 25

340.032 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 100

340.033 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 300

340.034 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 300

20.09.2012 SEITE 234 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.035 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plant

Bio-Compact KSA-S 800

Brugwachter 13

3034 KD RotterdamGermany

BioCompactEnvironmental Technology B.V

(31)010 4116414 (31)010 4141004

340.036 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 200

340.196 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S-Mini

340.265 01.12.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio-Compact KSA-S 75

340.111 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plant

DVZ-SKA 10 „Biomaster“

Boschstraße 9

28857 Syke


04203/788698 04203/788696

340.112 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 20 „Biomaster“

340.113 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 30 „Biomaster“

340.114 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 40 „Biomaster“

340.115 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 50„Biomaster“

340.119 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 70 „Biomaster“

20.09.2012 SEITE 235 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.128 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plant

DVZ-SKA 100 "Biomaster"

Boschstraße 9

28857 SykeGermany


04203/788698 04203/788696

340.142 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 150 "Biomaster"

340.235 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 50 "Biomaster"

340.243 01.03.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 100 "Biomaster"

340.250 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 20 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.251 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 10 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.252 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 30 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.253 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 40 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.254 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 50 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.255 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 70 "Biomaster" -Plus

340.256 01.09.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 100 "Biomaster" -Plus

20.09.2012 SEITE 236 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.261 01.11.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plant

DVZ-JZR 250 "Biomaster"

Boschstraße 9

28857 SykeGermany


04203/788698 04203/788696

340.262 01.11.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 300 "Biomaster"

340.267 01.12.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 150 "Biomaster"

340.268 01.12.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 200 "Biomaster"

340.269 01.12.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 400 "Biomaster"

340.270 01.12.2008 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 500 "Biomaster"

340.304 01.07.2009 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 150 "Biomaster" Plus

340.305 01.07.2009 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 200 "Biomaster" Plus

340.306 01.07.2009 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 250 "Biomaster" Plus

340.307 01.07.2009 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-SKA 300 "Biomaster" Plus

340.373 01.10.2011 31.10.2012B+D

Sewage treatment plantDVZ-JZR 10 "Biomaster"

20.09.2012 SEITE 237 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.249 01.08.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plant

Evac MBR 8

Sinimäentie 14

02630 EspooFinland

EVAC OYVacuum Systems

+358 20 763 0274 +358 20 763 0222

340.263 01.11.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 16

340.264 01.12.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 240 Navy Model

340.266 01.12.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 24

340.271 01.01.2009 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 32

340.273 01.02.2009 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEVAC MBR 80 F Navy

340.274 01.02.2009 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEVAC MBR 120 F Navy

340.298 01.06.2009 30.05.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 160 SF

340.326 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 40

340.327 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 40 C

340.328 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 80

20.09.2012 SEITE 238 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.329 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plants

Evac MBR 80 C

Sinimäentie 14

02630 EspooFinland

EVAC OYVacuum Systems

+358 20 763 0274 +358 20 763 0222

340.330 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 120

340.331 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 120 C

340.332 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 160

340.333 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 160 C

340.334 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 240

340.335 01.03.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 240 C

340.336 01.05.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 1800 Braemar

340.343 01.06.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 8 C

340.344 01.06.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 16 C

340.345 01.06.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 24 C

20.09.2012 SEITE 239 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.346 01.06.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plant

Evac MBR 32 C

Sinimäentie 14

02630 EspooFinland

EVAC OYVacuum Systems

+358 20 763 0274 +358 20 763 0222

340.347 01.07.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantEvac MBR 120 F B

340.350 01.10.2010 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 240 F

340.355 01.01.2011 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantEVAC MBR 360

340.367 01.05.2011 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 40

340.368 01.05.2011 31.07.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantsEvac MBR 40 C

340.349 01.09.2010 31.08.2015B

Sewage treatment plantsHL-Cont Plus 02 Slim

Bei der Lehmkuhle 4

21279 HollenstedtGermany


04165/22110 04165/221128

340.366 01.05.2011 31.07.2014B

Sewage treatment plantsHL-Cont Plus 80

340.370 01.07.2011 31.07.2014B

Sewage treatment plantHL-Cont Plus 20

340.375 01.12.2011 31.07.2014B

Sewage treatment plantHL-Cont Plus 40

20.09.2012 SEITE 240 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.322 01.02.2010 31.01.2015B

Sewage treatment plantHYDROPUR 40 MEM

Westerburger Weg 18

26203 WardenburgGermany


n.a. n.a.

340.145 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 3

Tulebo 865

42834 KalleredSweden


+46(0)31-795 00 40 +46(0)31-795 45 40

340.154 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 1

340.155 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 2

340.156 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 4

340.157 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 5

340.158 01.11.2007 31.10.2012B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA BIO-STP 6

340.300 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsJOWA STP 2010-25

340.301 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsJOWA STP 2010-40

340.302 01.06.2009 31.05.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsJOWA STP 2010-60

20.09.2012 SEITE 241 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.396 01.04.2012 31.05.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantJOWA STP 2010-100

Tulebo 865

42834 KalleredSweden


+46(0)31-795 00 40 +46(0)31-795 45 40

340.376 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plant

BMA 10

Wald-Eck 7

19417 WarinGermany

Martin MembraneSystems AG

038482 22154 n.a.

340.377 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 30

340.378 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+DSewage treatment plant

340.379 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 150

340.380 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 250

340.381 01.01.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 300

340.397 01.06.2012 31.12.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 200

340.248 01.08.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 30


96515 Sonneberg



340.260 01.10.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 50

20.09.2012 SEITE 242 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.348 01.09.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 150


96515 SonnebergGermany


n.a. n.a.

340.351 01.11.2010 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 10

340.364 01.04.2011 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 250

340.365 01.04.2011 31.07.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantBMA 300

340.162 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 20

Zum Kühlhaus 5

18069 Rostock

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

340.163 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 25

340.186 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 15

340.187 01.09.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 30

340.188 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 40

340.189 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 50

20.09.2012 SEITE 243 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.190 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 70

Zum Kühlhaus 5

18069 RostockGermany

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

340.191 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 100

340.192 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 120

340.193 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 150

340.194 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 330

340.198 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD Oceanclean - 35

340.231 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 80

340.238 01.01.2009 31.12.2013B+F

Sewage treatment plantKD - Oceanclean - 200

340.291 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS - MVZ - I - 15

340.292 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS - MVZ - II - 25

340.293 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS - MVZ - III - 50

20.09.2012 SEITE 244 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.294 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS - MVZ - IV - 80

Zum Kühlhaus 5

18069 RostockGermany

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

340.295 01.04.2009 31.03.2014B+F

Seawge treatment plantOCS - MVZ - V - 105

340.372 01.09.2011 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantsOCS-compact 15

340.382 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 10

340.383 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 25

340.384 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 35

340.385 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 55

340.386 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 80

340.387 01.01.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 125

340.389 01.04.2012 31.08.2016B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 250

340.390 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 10+

20.09.2012 SEITE 245 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.391 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 15+

Zum Kühlhaus 5

18069 RostockGermany

Ocean Clean GmbH

0381/811 2930 0381/811 2939

340.392 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 25+

340.393 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 35+

340.394 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 55+

340.395 01.04.2012 31.03.2017B+F

Sewage treatment plantOCS-compact 80+

340.297 01.05.2009 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio - Filt 03/06-4

Seegelkenkehre 4

21107 Hamburg

Rochem Uf-Systeme GmbH

n.a. n.a.

340.303 01.06.2009 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsBio - Filt 02/15-10

340.352 01.11.2010 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsBio-Filt 01/04-6X

340.354 01.12.2010 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsBio-Filt 03/09-5X

340.356 01.03.2011 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantsBio-Filt 01/06-5X

20.09.2012 SEITE 246 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.371 01.07.2011 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio - Filt 01/30-7X

Seegelkenkehre 4

21107 HamburgGermany

Rochem Uf-Systeme GmbH

n.a. n.a.

340.374 01.11.2011 30.04.2014B+F

Sewage treatment plantBio - Filt 03/15-7X

340.121 01.02.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plant


Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 Bremen

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

340.122 01.02.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT 4 BIOPUR

340.124 01.02.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT 1 BIOPUR

340.125 01.02.2011 31.01.2016B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT 2 BIOPUR

340.259 01.06.2009 30.09.2013B+D

Sewage treatment plantMEMROD LT 5400U

340.272 01.02.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Sewage treatment plantSMT 1

340.321 01.02.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 2

340.323 01.02.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 1

20.09.2012 SEITE 247 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/2.6Item-Number

Group-Number 340

Sewage systems


340.324 01.02.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plant


Thalenhorststraße 15 A

28307 BremenGermany

RWO GmbHMarine Water Technology

+49421 53 70 50 +49421 53 70 540

340.325 01.02.2010 31.01.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 4

340.337 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 01

340.338 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 02

340.339 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 03

340.340 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 04

340.341 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 05

340.342 01.05.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 06

340.388 01.02.2012 30.04.2015B+D

Sewage treatment plantWWT LC 10

20.09.2012 SEITE 248 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.147 15.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 26





+852 2571 9322 +852 2806 3153

400.148 21.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 32


400.149 02.01.2012 01.01.2017B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed life - and rescueboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 38Bollard pull: 2750 N


400.018 21.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 28Bollard Pull: 2158 N

TGMR 5,9

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.019 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 38Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GMR 7,4 or TGMR 7,4

20.09.2012 SEITE 249 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.020 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without or with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 44Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GMR 8,3 or TGMR 8,3

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.022 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 28Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GMR 5,9

Not for tankers

400.023 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Freefall lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Freefall Certification Height: 18 mNumber of persons: 22Required launching ramp length: 6,68 mLaunching ramp angle: 30° or 35°Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GAR 6,8 or GAR-T 6,8

400.024 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Freefall Certification Height: 18 mNumber of persons: 19Required Launching Ramp Length: 5,85 mLaunching Ramp Angle: 30° or 35°Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GAR 6,0 or GAR-T 6,0

400.026 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without or with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 32Bollard Pull: 2158 N

GMR 6,5 or TGMR 6,5

20.09.2012 SEITE 250 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.029 21.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertificated height: 20 mNumber of persons: 34Required Launching ramp length: 7,59 mInclining ramp angle: 30° or 35°

GAR 7,7 or GAR-T 7,7

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.030 21.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertification height: 20 mNumber of persons: 38Required launching ramp length: 8,31 mInclining ramp angle: 30° or 35°

GAR 8,5 or GAR-T 8,5

400.039 30.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 150Towing Force: 3920 kN (with Sabb L3)

SEL 10.5 (approved variants: SEL 10.05 + SEL 9.6)

For passenger ships only

400.040 30.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 150Towing Force: 6376 kN (with 2 engines, type Perkins Prima M60 hp)

SEL 11.0(T) double engine plant or (TSE) single engine plant

For passenger ships only

400.041 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 73Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-P 8.5

For passenger ships only

400.048 21.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 150Bollard Pull: 39240 N

SEL-T 11.0

For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 251 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.049 20.01.2008 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 61Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-C 7.2

Not for tanker ships

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.050 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 61Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-P 7.2

For passenger ships only

400.051 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 73Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-C 8.5

Not for tanker ships

400.057 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 73Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-T 8.5

400.058 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 61Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-T 7.2

400.070 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 49Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-P 5,9

For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 252 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.071 25.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 49Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-C 5,9

Not for tanker ships

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.072 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 20 mNumber of persons: 32Inclining ramp angle: 35°Length of launching ramp: 7.230 mmBollard Pull: 2353 N

GAR 6,7 or GAR-T 6,7

400.073 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 65Bollard Pull: 3922 kN

CLR-C 7.6

Not for tanker

400.080 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 49Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CLR-T 5,9

400.091 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 77Bollard Pull: 4500 N

CL-P 8.9

For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 253 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.092 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 85Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-P 9.8

For passenger ships only

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.093 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 85Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-C 9.8 or CL-T 9.8

400.094 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 81Bollard Pull: 3923 N

CL-P 9.4

For passenger ships only

400.097 27.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 150Towing Force: 39240 N

SEL-T 11.7

For passenger ships only

400.102 01.06.2011 31.05.2016B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 53

CLR-C + T 6,4

400.103 30.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester

Number of persons: 32Towing Force: 1600 N

SEL-R 6,5

For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 254 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.106 02.03.2011 01.03.2016B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection.

77 persons

CL-C 8,9 + CL-T 8,9

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.107 02.03.2011 01.03.2016B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

80 persons

CL-C 9,4 + CL-T 9,4

400.113 23.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 20,00 mNumber of persons: 40Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 8,61 m (cargo version and tanker version) 9,75 m (special tanker v.)Bollard Pull: 3432 N

GAR + GAR-T 8,1

400.115 10.05.2010 31.05.2015B+D

David - launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre - reinforced polyester without special fireprotection.

Capacity: 126 persons

SEL 8,15

This boat may be used on passenger ships only.

400.116 30.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 27 as lifeboat

SEL-RT 7,7

For passenger ships only

400.117 23.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 93 PersonsBollard Pull: 3728 N

CL-C 10,7 or CL-T 10,7

20.09.2012 SEITE 255 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.118 23.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 101 personsBollard Pull: 3728 N

CL-C 11,5 or CL-T 11,5

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.122 20.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 150

SEL 8,8

This type of boat may be used only on passenger ships.

400.123 07.06.2010 31.05.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 69

CLR-C 8.1 + CLR-T 8.1

400.124 31.05.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertificated Freefall Height: 22 mNumber of persons: 24Required launching ramp length: 6230 mm up to CFH=15 m, 7050 mm up to CFH=22 m Inclining ramp angle: 35°Bollard Pull: 3900 N (Bukh DV 32 or Nanni 4.150)

CFL-C 49 E or CFL-T 49 E

400.125 11.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fire protection

Certificated Freefall Height: 26 mNumber of persons: 46Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 12,05 m (cargo version and tanker version) 12,58 m (special tanker v.)Bollard Pull: 3432 N

CFL-C 83 (cargo version) or CFL-T 83 (tanker version)

20.09.2012 SEITE 256 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.127 07.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 26 m Number of persons: 38Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 10,14 m (cargo version and tanker version) 10,58 m (special tanker v.)Bollard Pull: 2353 N

CFL-C 72 E or CFL-T 72 E

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.128 29.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 63

CLR-P 7.6

For passenger ships only

400.129 03.06.2010 30.04.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 26 m Number of persons: 30Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 8,11 m (CFL- C 66 E) 8,78 m (CFL- T 66 E)Bollard Pull: 2354 N

CFL-C 66 E + CFL-T 66 E

400.130 11.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 26 m Number of persons: 42Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 11,10 m (cargo version and tanker version) 11,58 m (special tanker v.)Bollard Pull: 3432 N

CFL-C 77 (cargo version) or CFL-T 77 (tanker version)

20.09.2012 SEITE 257 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.135 04.02.2008 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons as lifeboat: 40Number of persons as rescueboat: 6

SEL-RT 8,5

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.136 30.04.2012 30.04.2017B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 93 persons

CL - P 10,7

This type of boat may be used on passenger ships only.

400.140 01.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 117

Version C: For cargo or passenger ships onlyVersion T: For tanker only

CL-C 13.2 or CL-T 13.2

400.141 11.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 113

Version C: For cargo or passenger ships onlyVersion T: For tanker only

CL-C 12.8 or CL-T 12.8

400.142 11.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 117 for CL-P 13.2 113 for CL-P 12.8

CL-P 13.2 (variants: CL-P 12.8)

For passenger ships only

400.155 23.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 89Bollard Pull: 3728 N

CL-C 10,2 or CL-T 10,2

20.09.2012 SEITE 258 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.168 02.03.2011 01.03.2016B+D

Davit launched enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre -reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection.

CL-C 12,4 or CL-T 12,4

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

400.168 02.03.2011 01.03.2016B+D

Davit launched enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre -reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection.

CL-C 12,4 or CL-T 12,4

400.169 13.08.2012 12.08.2017B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCL-C 11,1 or CL-T 11,1.

Lifeboat CL-C 11,1 or CL-T 11,1

400.016 27.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection Number of persons: 32 (Cargo version) 30 (Tanker version)Towing Force: 2746 N

GSL 6.5

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 Drochtersen

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

400.035 23.06.2009 30.06.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertificated height: 17,60 mNumber of persons: 32Inclining ramp angle: 35°Length of inclining ramp: 7.286 mmBollard Pull: 2,6 kN

GFF 6.6 M II or GFF-T 6.6 M II

20.09.2012 SEITE 259 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.036 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection For GFF 7,4 M For GFF 7,4 M/20m For GFF-T 7,4 M For GFF-T 7,4 M/20mCertificated height: 16,50 m 20,00 mNumber of persons: 36 33Inclining ramp angle: 35° 35° For GFF 7,4 M-TCertificated height: 16,93 m Number of persons: 34 Inclining ramp angle: 30° Required launching ramp length: 8,546 m SWL: 6650 kgTyp of Engine: Bukh DV29RME

GFF 7,4 M or GFF-T 7,4 M or GFF 7,4 M / 20 m or GFF-T 7,4 M / 20 m or GFF 7,4 M-T

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

400.053 19.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertification height: 13,00 mNumber of persons: 19 or 18 (Tanker)Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 6334 mm

GFF 5.7 M or GFF-T 5.7 M

400.060 05.06.2012 04.06.2017B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertification height: 21 m and 24,2 mNumber of persons: 40 and 36Inclining ramp angle: 35°Launching ramp length: 8,910 m

GFF 8,1 C21-T or GFF 8,1 C24

The GFF 8,1 C24 version may not be used on Tanker ships.

400.065 29.12.2008 31.12.2013B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat and rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester

Number of persons: 44Bollard pull / Towing Force: 3,2 kN

GSL 6.6 M or GSL-T 6.6 M

20.09.2012 SEITE 260 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.075 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without air supply and special fireprotection

Certificated height: 18,00 m Number of persons: 46 Launching ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 9,75 m

GFF 9.0 M or GFF-T 9,0 M

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

400.081 13.10.2011 12.10.2016B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 25 (Cargo-Version) 23 (Tanker-Version)

GSL 5.7 C or GSL 5.7 C-T

400.085 31.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 44Bollard Pull: 3200 N

PEL 6.6 M

For passenger ships only

400.090 30.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Number of persons: 70 Bollard Pull: 4100 N

GSL-T 8.4 M

400.100 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 150

PEL 9.7

For passenger ships only

400.114 30.11.2007 30.11.2012B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionCertificated height: 12,50 mNumber of persons: 13 or 12 (Tanker)Required launching ramp length: 5508 mmInclining ramp angle: 35°

GFF 4,9 M or GFF-T 4,9 M

20.09.2012 SEITE 261 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.119 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 24Bollard Pull: 3000 N

PEL/R 5.7

For passenger ships only

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

400.134 03.03.2008 31.03.2013B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 150

PL 9,7

For passenger ships only

400.144 04.03.2008 31.03.2013B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 17 m Number of persons: 26 Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 5,969 m

GFF 5,5C17 or GFF 5,5C17-T

400.153 23.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 41 (6 as rescue boat)

GSL 5,5C

400.154 18.03.2011 31.03.2016B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 52 (6 as rescue boat)Bollard Pull: 3800 N

GSL 6,6C or GSL 6,6C-T

400.156 07.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 150 as a lifeboat (120 as a tender)Bollard Pull: 13000 N with portside engine only* * with both engines > 20000 N

PL 11,0

For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 262 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.159 30.06.2011 29.06.2016B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester without special fireprotectionCertificated height: 17 m Number of persons: 25Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 6,265 mBollard pull : 3250 N (BUKH DV29RME21,3Kw)

GFF58C17 or GFF58C17-T

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

400.161 22.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Freefall lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 17,0 m Number of persons: 31Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 7,065 mBollard Pull: 3.600 N

GFF 66C17-(T)

400.167 01.07.2011 30.06.2016B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 21 m Number of persons: 25Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 6,265 mLowering weight (SWL): 5292 kg

GFF58C21 or GFF58C21-T

400.143 16.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat (Tanker and Cargo Version) of glasfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 136Release Mechanism: Type: TOR ON LOAD 12T

Typ of engine: SABB L4 (29 KW), or another approved engine with similar power and revolutions

Max Lowering Weight: 19300 kg (with persons)

JYN115DC/TBeihuan Road, Yuecheng Town

Jiangyin City, JiangsuChina

Jiangyin Norsafe F.R.P. Co. Ltd

+86 510 8 698 6900 +86 510 8 698 7371

20.09.2012 SEITE 263 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.152 16.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 63 (6 as rescue boat)

Bollard pull: 2,8 kN

JYN 80 T or JYN 80 DCBeihuan Road, Yuecheng Town

Jiangyin City, JiangsuChina

Jiangyin Norsafe F.R.P. Co. Ltd

+86 510 8 698 6900 +86 510 8 698 7371

400.163 27.09.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 36 (6 as rescue boat)

Bollard pull: 2,8 kN

JYN 65 DC (Cargo) and JYN 65 T(Tanker)

400.164 27.09.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: max. 22 (6 as rescue boat)

Bollard pull: 3,2 kN

JYN 50 DC (Cargo) and JYN 50 T(Tanker)

400.165 19.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat (Tanker and Cargo Version) of glasfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 26Release Mechanism: Type: NORSAFE AS, Standard Hook:TOR HOOK 3.36T, Optional Hook: TOR MK2 Hook & HK40 Typ of engine: Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine, 380J-3 (20,6 KW).

Max Lowering Weight: 4850 kg (with persons)

Bullard Pull: 3400 N

JYN 57 DC / T

20.09.2012 SEITE 264 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.166 21.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat (Tanker and Cargo Version) of glasfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 80Release Mechanism: Type: NORSAFE AS, Standard Hook: TOR HOOK 8.0T, Optional Hook: TORMK2 HOOK 8.0T,NLH - 70, Safe Lunch 6.0T Typ of engine: Zhenjiang Siyang Diesel Engine, 380J-3 (20,6 KW), or another approved engine with similar power and revolutions.

Max Lowering Weight: 4600 kg (with persons)

Bullard Pull: 3200 N

JYN 85 DC / TBeihuan Road, Yuecheng Town

Jiangyin City, JiangsuChina

Jiangyin Norsafe F.R.P. Co. Ltd

+86 510 8 698 6900 +86 510 8 698 7371

400.150 20.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

105 persons

CL-C 11.9 or CL-T 11.9Globino 79

76-200 SlupskPoland

MarKos sp.z.o.o.

n.a. n.a.

400.032 16.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotectionNumber of persons: 32Max. Bollard Pull: 4216 N (Sabb L3.139 LB, rpm 2900)

TELB 6,7 M ”Mina”P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

400.055 16.12.2009 30.12.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotectionNumber of persons: 52Max. Bollard Pull: 3040 N (BUKH DV 24 RME, with 3000 rpm, propeller 18x13, gear ratio: 3/1)

TELB ”Mathilda” 7,4 m

20.09.2012 SEITE 265 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.063 25.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionNumber of persons: 22Certificated height: 13,50 mRequired launching ramp length: 8,12 mInclining ramp angle: 35°

GES 22P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

400.064 25.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionNumber of persons: 31Certificated height: 20,40 mRequired launching ramp length: 9,00 mInclining ramp angle: 35°


400.078 25.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat / rescue boat (type TELB "Miriam" 8,85 m not as a rescue boat) of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 73Bollard Pull: 5197 N

TELB ”Miriam” 8,5 m or 8,85 m

400.082 25.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 80Bollard Pull: 6374 N (Sabb L4)


400.083 26.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester, with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 90Bollard Pull: 5491 N (Sabb L4)


400.084 26.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester

Number of persons: 150Bollard Pull: 4412 N


For passenger ships only

20.09.2012 SEITE 266 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.086 15.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 30,00 mNumber of persons: 64Launching ramp lenth: 14,40 mInclining ramp angle: 35°Max. Lowering Weight: 13062 kg (cargo + tanker version)

GES 40P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

400.087 06.07.2011 05.07.2016B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotectionNumber of persons: 40Certificated height: 23,00 mRequired launching ramp length: 10,80 mInclining ramp angle: 35°


400.089 26.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester

Number of persons: 57Bollard Pull: 4903 N (Sabb L3)


For passenger ships only

400.095 15.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Davit-launched partially enclosed lifeboat of glassfibre reinforced polyester

Number of persons: 110Bollard Pull: 4511 N


For passenger ships only

400.121 31.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Certificated height: 32,00 mNumber of persons: 64Launching ramp lenth: 14,40 mInclining ramp angle: 35°


20.09.2012 SEITE 267 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.17Item-Number

Group-Number 400



400.131 20.09.2007 30.09.2012B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat/rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 56

JYN 74F /(tanker version) or JYN 74C (cargo version)

P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

400.132 21.09.2007 30.09.2012B+D

Davit-launched totally enclosed lifeboat boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with or without special fireprotection

Number of persons: 106

JYN 100F /(tanker version) or JYN 100C (cargo version)

400.151 10.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Freefall launching lifeboat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with special fireprotection

Certificated height: 40 m Number of persons: 70 Inclining ramp angle: 35°Required launching ramp length: 18 mLowering weight (SWL): 23366 kg(incl.70persons per 75 kg each)


20.09.2012 SEITE 268 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.21Item-Number

Group-Number 400

Launching appliances using falls (davits)


LD321193-P 17.03.2008 16.03.2013B+D

Launching appliances using fall and winch (davits)C-140

P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

400.160 17.03.2008 16.03.2013B+D

Launching appliances using fall and winch (davits)A-110

20.09.2012 SEITE 269 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.21Item-Number

Group-Number 401

Launching appliances using falls (davits)


401.011 13.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for davit launched lifeboats and rescue boatsThe appliance Gsp.FP.75 is destinated for a maximum lowering weight of 7,615 t and for a maximum hoisting weight of 3,415 t for designed life- / rescue boats of the manufacturer Ernst Hatecke GmbH.


With a max. lowering weight of 7,615 t and a max. hoisting weight of 3,415 t for designed life- / rescue boats of the manufacturer Hatecke GmbH.

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

401.015 23.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for davit launched life- and rescue boats


The launching appliance is designed for lifeboats / rescue boats of type GSL-T 7.6 M and GSL(-T) 8.4 M of a.m. manufacturer.

20.09.2012 SEITE 270 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.24Item-Number

Group-Number 401

Liferaft launching appliances (Davits)


401.019 29.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Davit for Liferaft

LMS 21/4,0

Liferaft capacity for 25 persons maximum.Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

20.09.2012 SEITE 271 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.25Item-Number

Group-Number 401

Fast rescue boat launching appliances (Davits)


401.005 09.05.2011 08.05.2016B+D

Launching appliance for fast rescue boat of type FRB 600 S and recovery raft of type LR 97 M.O.R.

DFR 600 S II / M.O.R.

Only for FRB 600 S and recovery raft of type LR 97 M.O.R.

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

401.014 03.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Fast rescue boat launching appliance for fast rescue boats of type FRB 700 S and FRB 700 BW-2"A"

DFR 700 PAL/BW-2"A"

The launching appliance is designed for fast rescue boats of type FRB 700 BW-2"A" / FRB 700 S of a.m. manufacturer.

401.025 10.08.2011 10.08.2016B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for fast rescue boats.DR600

401.007 30.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for rescue boats and fast rescue boats

NDA 25 or NDA 28

For rescue boats and fast rescue boats with a maximum SWL up to 2.500 kg or 2.800 kg

P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

401.008 30.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for rescue boats and fast rescue boats

NDA 40

For rescue boats and fast rescue boats with a maximum SWL up to 4.000 kg

401.009 30.11.2010 30.11.2015B+D

Launching and recovery appliance for fast rescue boatsNDA 25 B

401.012 06.07.2010 31.07.2015B+E

Launching appliance for fast rescue boat and recovery raft as M.O.R.


Only for fast rescue boats and recovery rafts as Means of Rescue with a maximum weight of 2500 kg (SWL), required HWST was only simulated ashore

Kaddenbusch 3

25578 DägelingGermany

Umoe Schat-Harding GmbH

++49(0)4821 8186 n.a.

20.09.2012 SEITE 272 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.18Item-Number

Group-Number 403

Rigid rescue boats


403.028 24.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Rigid inflated rescue boat with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6

Bollard Pull: minimum 1400 N (depens on engine type)


Angerweg 5

37632 EschershausenGermany

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

403.009 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: Minimum 1 kN 1 kN mit Tohatsu 15 hp (10,4 kW), Prop. No.8 1,1 kN mit Mariner 20 hp 1,6 kN mit Tohatsu 30 hp � 3,2 kN mit Mariner 60 hp 3,6 kN mit Tohatsu M60

RR 4,2

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/Motzen

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

403.021 21.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with diesel engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 2158 N

RR 4,2 ID

403.004 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with fender tube and outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 1,4 kN

FRB 500

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 Drochtersen

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

403.006 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 0,95 kN

RB 400

20.09.2012 SEITE 273 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.18Item-Number

Group-Number 403

Rigid rescue boats


403.007 16.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with fender tube and outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 883 N

FRB 385

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

403.008 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with fender tube and outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 1,47 kN

FRB 450

403.025 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard engine and waterjet propulsion

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 3,3 kN (39 hp)Bollard Pull: 5,4 kN (85 hp)

RB 600 IB

403.032 31.01.2012 31.01.2017B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine.

Number of persons: 6

Bollard pull: 3600 N

RB 430 or RB 430 APM

403.037 25.01.2008 31.01.2013B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with waterjet and diesel engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 5500 N


403.038 23.03.2012 22.09.2012B+D

Rigid Rescue Boat RB450CSFF.RB 450 CSFF

20.09.2012 SEITE 274 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.18Item-Number

Group-Number 403

Rigid rescue boats


403.022 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 1961 N

MIDGET 500 MK II OutboardP.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

403.029 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 1667 N

MIDGET 500 MK I Outboard

403.033 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6

MATRIX 450 Outboard

403.034 30.11.2007 30.11.2012B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine

Number of persons: 6/15

6,5 MOB

403.035 07.06.2010 07.06.2015B+D

Rigid rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with waterjet and diesel engine

MIDGET 530 MK I / MK II water jet or propeller

403.014 19.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Rigid inflated rescue boat with outboard engine

Number of persons: 7

DSB 4.3 SR/IRBBeaufort Road

CH41 1 HQ Birkenhead MerseysideUnited Kingdom

Survitec Group Ltd

n.a. n.a.

403.017 20.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Rigid inflated rescue boat with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6 - 13


20.09.2012 SEITE 275 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.19Item-Number

Group-Number 403

Inflated rescue boats


403.001 19.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Inflatable rescue boat

Number of persons: 6 (420 IRB) 7 (470 IRB)

DSB 420 IRB and DSB 470 IRBBeaufort Road

CH41 1 HQ Birkenhead MerseysideUnited Kingdom

Survitec Group Ltd

n.a. n.a.

403.003 19.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Inflatable rescue boat

Number of persons: 15


20.09.2012 SEITE 276 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.26 aItem-Number

Group-Number 404

Release mechanism for Lifeboats and rescue boats launched by a fall or falls


404.004 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Single point disengaging gear for rescue boats

Simplex 1.1

Disengaging gear for rescue boats with a safe working load (SWL) of 1,1 t

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

404.005 10.11.2008 30.11.2013B+D

Central Release Hoisting Hook SWL 4,3 toSIMPLEX 4,3

Central Release Hoisting Hook with a Single Point Disengaging Gear for Rescue Boats with a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 4,3 t.

404.006 30.08.2011 29.08.2016B+D

Central Release Hoisting Hook SWL 2,6 tSIMPLEX 2,6 t

Central Release Hoisting Hook with a Single Point Disengaging Gear for Rescue Boats with a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 2,6 t.

20.09.2012 SEITE 277 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.20Item-Number

Group-Number 405

Fast rescue boats


405.004 31.12.2009 31.12.2014B+D

Rigid/inflated fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6

FRIR 6.1

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

405.009 07.06.2010 30.04.2015B+D

Rigid/inflated fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine or waterjet

Number of persons: 6


405.010 26.05.2005 31.05.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine and vospower jet

Number of persons: 6

FRR 6,1 ID

405.013 30.06.2011 29.06.2016B+D

Rigid rescue boat / fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: max 6 / 10

(F)RR 6,1

In case of using the hoisting device with hoisting long eye the boat is only acceptable as normal rescue boat.

405.017 03.08.2009 31.08.2014B+D

Rigid (Fast) Rescue boat

Bollard Pull: 5000 N

(F)RR 6.x ID (variants: (F)RR 6.2 ID, (F)RR 6.5 ID-SF, (F)RR 6.6 ID, (F)RR 7.0 ID-SF)

405.001 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with fender tube

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 6,3 kN

FRB 700

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 Drochtersen

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

20.09.2012 SEITE 278 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.20Item-Number

Group-Number 405

Fast rescue boats


405.002 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with fender tube

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 3,6 kN

FRB 700 S

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

405.003 24.02.2009 28.02.2013B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6Bollard Pull: 2,8 kN

FRB 600 S

405.012 28.04.2011 27.04.2016B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine and water jet

Number of persons: 6

FRB 600 IB

405.025 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inflatable fender with inboard diesel and waterjet

Number of persons: 6Dimensions: L: 8,03 m B: 2,72 m H: 2,83 mTyp of engine: MO 144M38 (106 KW), Jet type 230Lowering weight: 2.775 kg (incl. 106 KW engine)Bollard Pull: 5600N

FRB 20-800

405.026 14.10.2010 31.10.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inflatable fender with inboard diesel and waterjet

Number of persons: 6Dimensions: L: 7,29 m B: 2,72 m H: 2,88 mType of engine: MO 164M40 (120 KW), Jet type 230Lowering weigt: 2.885 kg (incl. 120 KW engine)Bollard Pull: 5100 NShort version of FRB 20-800 with EC Type Examination (Modul B) Certificate No. 405.025, which is the reference fast rescue boat.

FRB 20-750

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.20Item-Number

Group-Number 405

Fast rescue boats


405.024 16.04.2008 30.04.2013B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat / fast rescue boat of aluminium with inboard diesel and waterjet

Number of persons: 6 / 15

HD720 ASIHolsneset 19


Holen AS

0047-70197400 0047-70197401

405.018 07.06.2010 07.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine

Number of persons: 6 / 17 (max.)

Maya 850 Single water jet / Twin water jetBeihuan Road, Yuecheng Town

Jiangyin City, JiangsuChina

Jiangyin Norsafe F.R.P. Co. Ltd

+86 510 8 698 6900 +86 510 8 698 7371

405.005 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engineNumber of persons: 15 (max.)Bollard Pull: 8531 N (Cummins 6B5.9M 210 HP, 2450 rpm, Hamilton Jet 273 HSRX)

MAGNUM 750P.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

405.006 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine and waterjet Number of persons: 6 / 15Bollard Pull: 6374 N (Yanmar 4LH STE, 3470 rpm, with Vospower 90 waterjet)

MAKO 655 Waterjet

405.007 29.11.2011 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine Number of persons: 6 / 15Bollard Pull: 3334 N (Single Johnson 70 BJ, rpm full, propeller type: Dia 14 x 17'' pitch)

MAKO 655 Twin or Single Outboard

20.09.2012 SEITE 280 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.20Item-Number

Group-Number 405

Fast rescue boats


405.015 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with outboard engine

Number of persons: 6 / 15

MERLIN 615 OutboardP.O.Box 115

4852 FaervikNorway

Norsafe AS

++47 37058500 ++47 37086540

405.016 08.06.2010 30.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel engine and water jet

MERLIN 615 Waterjet

405.021 07.06.2010 07.06.2015B+D

Rigid fast rescue boat / fast rescue boat of glassfibre-reinforced polyester with inboard diesel and waterjet

Number of persons: 6 /17 (max.)


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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.12Item-Number

Group-Number 406

Inflatable liferafts


406.031 01.09.2008 31.08.2013B+D

Inflatable liferaft

maximum stowage hight: 18 m

32 RU-T

Austrasse 35

86153 AugsburgGermany

Ballonfabrik Augsburg, Zweigniederlassung der DSB GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)821 4202-0 ++49(0)821 4202-140

406.002 23.11.2009 30.11.2014B+D

Inflatable liferaft

6/12/16/20 and 25 RS-83 or 6/12/16/20 and 25 RS-E-83

Maximum stowage height of 26 mAngerweg 5

37632 Eschershausen

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

20.09.2012 SEITE 282 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.14Item-Number

Group-Number 406

Automatically self-righting liferafts


406.039 30.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Automatically self-righting, inflatable liferaft for a capacity of 50 or 150 persons with extended service intervall of 30 month.

BRUDE RAFT 30 MONTHS ServiceGangstøvikveien 4

6009 AlesundNorway

Brude Safety AS

+47 70 17 77 00 +47 70 17 77 01

406.021 22.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Selfrighting Inflatable Liferafts

LR-97 SR - SOLAS - LSA (throw overboard) LR-97 LSR - SOLAS - LSA (davit launchable for 25 or 35 p.)

LR-97 SR and LR-97 LSR - SOLAS - LSA

For a maximum stowage height of 25 m, the type LR-)/ SR - SOLAS - LSA (Throw overboard) for 35 persons has a maximum stowage height of 40 m

Angerweg 5

37632 EschershausenGermany

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

406.027 09.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Automatically self-righting, inflatable liferaft for a capacity of 150 persons maximum

LR97SR-SOLAS-LSA-150 persons

Stowage height of 12 m, 18 m or 25 m, depends of type

406.032 22.01.2009 31.01.2014B+D

Selfrighting Inflatable LiferaftsRFD Surviva R and RFD Surviva R DL

406.033 16.10.2008 31.07.2013B+D

Selfrighting Inflatable Liferaft with maximum stowage height of 25 m

RFD Surviva 35 DL SRL

406.034 16.10.2008 31.10.2013B+D

Selfrighting Inflatable Liferafts with maximum stowage height of 25 m

Beaufort Seafarer 35 DL SRL

406.038 09.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Automatically self-righting, inflatable liferaft for a capacity of 150 persons maximum

RFD Surviva R 150 persons self righting liferaft

Stowage height of 12 m, 18 m or 25 m, depends of type

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.15Item-Number

Group-Number 406

Canopied reversible liferafts


406.040 23.05.2012 23.05.2017B+D

BHR - 150 canopied reversible liferaftBHR - 150

SOLAS B-PackGangstøvikveien 4

6009 AlesundNorway

Brude Safety AS

+47 70 17 77 00 +47 70 17 77 01

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.28Item-Number

Group-Number 406

Means of rescue


406.024 20.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Inflatable recovery Liferafts, Means of Rescue (davit launchable)

LR-97 M.O.R.

Only as means of rescue in connection with an approved launching appliance.

Angerweg 5

37632 EschershausenGermany

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

406.036 20.04.2009 30.04.2014B+D

Inflatable Recovery Liferafts, Means of Rescue (Davit launchable)

RFD Means of Rescue R

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.39Item-Number

Group-Number 406

Open reversible liferafts


406.025 28.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Inflatable, open reversible liferaft

LR 97 R

Liferaft according to IMO-Resolution MSC.97(73) Annex 11 (HSC-Code 2000) and approved for a maximum stowage height of 12 m

Angerweg 5

37632 EschershausenGermany

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

406.037 28.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Inflatable, open reversible liferaft

RFD Ferryman R 28, 51, 100 and 150 persons open reversible liferaft

Liferaft according to IMO-Resolution MSC.97(73) Annex 11 (HSC-Code 2000) and approved for a maximum stowage height of 12 m

20.09.2012 SEITE 286 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.26 aItem-Number

Group-Number 415

Release mechanism for Lifeboats and rescue boats launched by a fall or falls


415.003 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboats and rescue boats

Duplex 10,0t

Disengaging gear for lifeboats and rescue boats with a maximum load of 11,5 to for each hook

Industriestraße 2

27804 Berne/MotzenGermany

Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co.Schiffs- und Bootswerft

++49(0)4406 942-0 ++49(0)4406 942-100

415.004 29.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat

Duplex 2,5t

Disengaging gear for lifeboats and rescue boats with a maximum load of 2,5 to for each hook

415.005 21.09.2010 30.09.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboats and rescue boats

Duplex 5,0t or Duplex 5,0 E

Disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat with a maximum load of 5,0 to for each hook

415.006 01.02.2012 31.12.2012B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat

Duplex 6,6t or Duplex 6,6E

Disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat with a maximum load of 6,6 to for each hook

415.007 22.07.2009 31.07.2014B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboatsDuplex 17,0 t

Disengaging gear for lifeboats and rescue boats with a maximum working load (SWL) of 16,6 t for each hook

415.016 01.06.2012 31.05.2017B+D

Duplex 60 E2 Central release disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescueboat.

Duplex 60 E2

415.001 30.03.2009 31.03.2014B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat

DUPLEX 2,6 to and DUPLEX 4,3 to

Disengaging gear for lifeboat and rescue boat with a maximum load of 2,6 to or 4,3 to for each hook

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 Drochtersen

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

415.008 30.03.2010 31.03.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboatsDUPLEX 9,0 t

Disengaging gear for lifeboats with a maximum load of 9,0 t for each hook. For partially enclosed lifeboats PL97 with a maximum working load of 9,5 t.

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.26 aItem-Number

Group-Number 415

Release mechanism for Lifeboats and rescue boats launched by a fall or falls


415.009 13.12.2010 31.12.2015B+D

Release disengaging gear for fast rescue boats

SIMPLEX 2.0 to

Disengaging gear for fast rescue boats with a maximum working load of 1,85 tona used as single point suspension

Am Ruthenstrom 1

21706 DrochtersenGermany

Hatecke GmbH Yacht und Bootswerft

++49(0)4143 9152-0 ++49(0)4143 9152-40

415.010 15.07.2010 31.07.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboatsDUPLEX 4,6 to

Disengaging gear for lifeboats with a maximum load of 4,6 tons as aft hoisting hook

415.012 30.11.2007 30.11.2012B+D

Release disengaging gear for rescue boats (off-load)SIMPLEX 1.85 t OFF-LOAD

Disengaging gear for rescue boat (off-load) with a maximum load of 1,85 to as single point suspension

415.014 08.09.2010 07.09.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboatsDUPLEX 12,0 t

Disengaging gear for lifeboats with a maximum working load (SWL) of 12,0 t for each hook. For partially enclosed lifeboats of type PL11,0, Hatecke.

415.015 03.09.2010 02.09.2015B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboatsDUPLEX 18,0 t

415.013 20.06.2008 30.06.2013B+D

Central release disengaging gear for lifeboats

HK-40 on-load / off load release hook for davit launched lifeboats

Beihuan Road, Yuecheng Town

Jiangyin City, JiangsuChina

Jiangyin Norsafe F.R.P. Co. Ltd

+86 510 8 698 6900 +86 510 8 698 7371

20.09.2012 SEITE 288 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.2 bItem-Number

Group-Number 421

Position-indicating lights for lifebuoys


421.001 29.02.2012 28.02.2017B+D

Position-indicating lights for lifebuoys

For lifebuoys according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 7.1.3 and LSA-Code section 2.1.2

Artikel-Nr. 01.105 ZA L / MARINER Lifebuoy Light / EKLA II Lifebuoy Light

Up to 30 m installation height

Lippenhorstweg 29

21514 HornbekGermany

Carl Flemming GmbH

++49(0)4158 890073 ++49(0)4158 890097

20.09.2012 SEITE 289 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.3Item-Number

Group-Number 422

Lifebuoys self-activating smoke signals


422.006 13.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Combined self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal

Comet-Article-No. 9 1616 00

Light and smoke signal for lifebuoys for hights up to 60 m

Vieländer Weg 147

27574 BremerhavenGermany

Chemring Defence Germany GmbH

0049(0)471 393-0 0049(0)471 393-94

422.007 13.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Self-activating smoke signal, orange, 15 min. without self-igniting light

Comet-Article-No. 9161700

For MOB-lifebuoys only

422.008 24.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Combined self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal

Pains Wessex Item No. 53775 'Manoverboard MK8'

Light and smoke signal for lifebuoys for hights up to 60 m

Langstone Road / Technology Park

PO9 1SA Havant, HampshireUnited Kingdom

Drew Marine Signal & Safety UK Ltd.

0044 (0)2392415705 0044 (0)2392415701

422.009 24.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Self-activating smoke signal, orange, 15 min. without self-igniting light

Pains Wessex Item No. 53830 'Buoysmoke MK8'

For MOB-lifebuoys only

422.010 18.09.2012 17.09.2017B+D

Combined self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal.

MOB 2010Lippenhorstweg 29

21514 HornbekGermany

Pyro Pol GmbH

++49 (0)4148 58-890073 ++49 (0)4148 58-890097

20.09.2012 SEITE 290 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.10Item-Number

Group-Number 423

Buoyant smoke signals (pyrotechnics)


423.002 31.01.2008 31.01.2013B+D

Buoyant smoke signal, orange

For lifeboats and liferafts according toLSA-Code section 3.3

Art. No.: 9 1320 00

Vieländer Weg 147

27574 BremerhavenGermany

Chemring Defence Germany GmbH

0049(0)471 393-0 0049(0)471 393-94

423.007 03.05.2012 03.05.2017B+D

Smoke signal, orange

Comet-Smoke Signal Orange Art.No.9192000.

Langstone Road / Technology ParkPO9 1SA Havant, HampshireUnited Kingdom

Drew Marine Signal & Safety UK Ltd.

0044 (0)2392415705 0044 (0)2392415701

423.008 03.05.2012 03.05.2017B+D

Pains Wessex-Lifesmoke MK9. Item No.53700Lifesmoke MK9

423.006 21.11.2011 30.11.2016B+D

Smoke signal, orangeCOMET Smoke Signal, Orange, Art. No. 9162000

For lifeboats and rigid and inflatable liferafts according to LSA-Code section 3.3

Lippenhorstweg 29

21514 HornbekGermany

Pyro Pol GmbH

++49 (0)4148 58-890073 ++49 (0)4148 58-890097

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.11Item-Number

Group-Number 424

Line-throwing appliances


424.001 11.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Line-throwing appliance

Equipment according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 18 and LSA-Code section 7.1

COMET 250 ( Art. Nr. 9 1104 00)

Vieländer Weg 147

27574 BremerhavenGermany

Chemring Defence Germany GmbH

0049(0)471 393-0 0049(0)471 393-94

424.002 12.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Line-throwing applianceCOMET 250 ( Article-No. 9 1604 00)

424.003 12.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Line-throwing appliancePains Wessex LINETHROWER 250

424.004 09.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Line-throwing applianceSpeedline 250

20.09.2012 SEITE 292 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.8Item-Number

Group-Number 425

Rocket parachute flares (pyrotechnics)


425.004 12.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Rocket parachute flare, red

Equipment according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 6.3 and LSA-Code section 3.1

Comet Rocket Parachute Flare,red - Art. No.: 9 1231 00 or RFD Red Parachute Rocket – Art. No.: 9123150

Vieländer Weg 147

27574 BremerhavenGermany

Chemring Defence Germany GmbH

0049(0)471 393-0 0049(0)471 393-94

425.006 12.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Rocket parachute flare, red

Equipment according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 6.3 and LSA-Code section 3.1


425.007 31.03.2008 31.03.2013B+D

Rocket parachute flare, red

Equipment according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 6.3 and LSA-Code section 3.1


425.005 31.03.2008 31.03.2013B+D

Rocket parachute flare, red

Equipment according to SOLAS Chapt. III Reg. 6.3 and LSA-Code section 3.1

Comet Rocket Parachute Flare, red – Art.No.: 9 1631 00 or RFD Red Parachute Rocket – Art. No.: 9163150

Langstone Road / Technology Park

PO9 1SA Havant, HampshireUnited Kingdom

Drew Marine Signal & Safety UK Ltd.

0044 (0)2392415705 0044 (0)2392415701

20.09.2012 SEITE 293 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.9Item-Number

Group-Number 426

Hand flares (pyrotechnics)


426.004 13.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D

Hand flare, red

Comet Hand Flare, red - Article-No.: 9 1628 00 or RFD Red Handflare - Article-No.: 9162850

Vieländer Weg 147

27574 BremerhavenGermany

Chemring Defence Germany GmbH

0049(0)471 393-0 0049(0)471 393-94

426.005 13.12.2007 31.12.2012B+D


20.09.2012 SEITE 294 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


437.005 31.10.2009 31.10.2014B+D

Marine Evacuation System (MES)KOPAS MES-V

For ships in accordance with the HSC-Code or SOLASGangstøvikveien 4

6009 AlesundNorway

Brude Safety AS

+47 70 17 77 00 +47 70 17 77 01

437.005 31.10.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemKOPAS MES V

437.005 21.10.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemKOPAS MES V

437.005 21.10.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemKOPAS MES V

437.005 31.10.2009 31.10.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemKOPAS MES V

437.007 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+F

Marine Evacuation System (MES) for open reversible liferafts.Marine Evacuation System with two alternative passages: Slide (inclined infalted passage) and Chute (vertical descent passage) for direct evacuation to DSB LR 97 R rafts. Inflatable, open reversible liferafts: System Raft (2 DSB LR 97 R 150 pers. packed in Brude twin pack container) or /and with liferafts of the type DSB LR 97 R with a capacity for 51, 100 and 150 persons A required HWST was carried out for the MES System "BRUDE MES-ORL" with open reversible liferafts. This system was tested and is approved to significant wave heights of 3,00 meter.


20.09.2012 SEITE 295 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


437.007 01.04.2011 31.03.2016B+F

Marine Evacuation System (MES) for open reversible liferafts.Marine Evacuation System with two alternative passages: Slide (inclined infalted passage) and Chute (vertical descent passage) for direct evacuation to DSB LR 97 R rafts. Inflatable, open reversible liferafts: System Raft (2 DSB LR 97 R 150 pers. packed in Brude twin pack container) or /and with liferafts of the type DSB LR 97 R with a capacity for 51, 100 and 150 persons A required HWST was carried out for the MES System "BRUDE MES-ORL" with open reversible liferafts. This system was tested and is approved to significant wave heights of 3,00 meter.

BRUDE MES-ORLGangstøvikveien 4

6009 AlesundNorway

Brude Safety AS

+47 70 17 77 00 +47 70 17 77 01

437.008 21.09.2007 30.09.2012B+D

Marine Evacuation Slide and automatically self-righting liferafts (SOLAS A- or SOLAS B-pack).For ships with evacuation heights from 1,5 m to 3,0 m and for ships in accordance with the HSC-Code


437.009 21.09.2007 30.09.2012B+D

Marine Evacuation Chute and automatically self-righting liferafts (SOLAS A- or SOLAS B-pack).For ships with evacuation heights from 3,0 m to 15,0 m and for ships in accordance with the HSC-Code


437.009 21.09.2007 30.09.2012B+F

Marine evacuation systemBrude MES Chute 150 SRL

437.009 21.09.2007 30.09.2012B+F

Marine evacuation systemBRUDE MES Chute 150 SRL

437.012 10.08.2009 09.08.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemBrude MES Chute SPS

437.012 10.08.2009 09.08.2014B+D

Marine Evacuation Chute (MES) with canopied reversible liferafts (SOLAS A- or SOLAS B-pack).For ships with evacuation heights from 3,0 m to 19,0 m and for ships in accordance with the HSC-Code


20.09.2012 SEITE 296 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


437.012 10.08.2009 09.08.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemBRUDE MES CHUTE SPS

Gangstøvikveien 4

6009 AlesundNorway

Brude Safety AS

+47 70 17 77 00 +47 70 17 77 01

437.003 30.09.2010 31.07.2014B+D

Marine Evacuation System (MES)


For ships in accordance with the HSC-Code in connection with liferafts of the type LR 97SR-SOLAS-LSA (throw over board) for 50, 102 and 150 persons

Angerweg 5

37632 EschershausenGermany

DSB Deutsche Schlauchboot GmbH & Co. KG

++49(0)5534 3010 ++49(0)5534 301-200

437.004 23.09.2009 30.09.2014B+D

Marine Evacuation System (MES)DSB-LR97R-CAT-SLIDE-SYSTEM

For ships in accordance with the HSC-Code in connection with liferafts of the type LR 97R (open reversable) for 28, 51, 100 and 150 persons

437.020 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

Kingsway, Dunmurry

BT17 9AF BelfastUnited Kingdom

RFD Beaufort Ltd.

n.a. n.a.

MED0850192 07.05.2008 06.05.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Slide 109 MES

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine Evacuation SystemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk. II

20.09.2012 SEITE 297 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

Kingsway, Dunmurry

BT17 9AF BelfastUnited Kingdom

RFD Beaufort Ltd.

n.a. n.a.

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemMarin Ark Mk II

MED0950090 24.03.2009 23.03.2014B+F

Marine evacuation systemRFD Marin Ark Mk II MES

Beaufort Road

CH41 1 HQ Birkenhead Merseyside

Survitec Group Ltd

20.09.2012 SEITE 298 VON 300

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


437.010 08.05.2008 31.05.2013B+D

Marine Evacuation System (MES) with one automatically self-righting liferaft as system liferaft

Maximum Height of embarkation: 2,5 m with 35° gangway angle

UIAS - MES SR 150Glomset

6260 SkodjeNorway


++47 70 24 48 48 ++47 70 24 48 49

437.010 08.05.2008 31.05.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUAIS - MES SR 150

437.010 08.05.2008 31.05.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS - MES SR 150

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+D

Marine Evacuation System (MES) with one open liferaft as system liferaft for 151 persons

Maximum Height of embarkation: 2,5 m with 35° gangway angle


437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine Evacuation SystemUIAS - MES OR 151

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS - MES OR 151

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS - MES OR 151

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUAIS - MES OR 151

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS - MES OR 151

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List of Approved ProductsA.1/1.27Item-Number

Group-Number 437

Marine evacuation system


437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS - MES OR 151


6260 SkodjeNorway


++47 70 24 48 48 ++47 70 24 48 49

437.011 22.09.2008 30.09.2013B+F

Marine Evacuation SystemUIAS - MES OR 151

437.014 30.06.2011 30.06.2016B+F

Marine evacuation systemUIAS MES 20-50

20.09.2012 SEITE 300 VON 300