digital distribution

Digital Distribution Cause and Effect WARNING :: Some of this presentation is MY OPINION...

Upload: michael-sloane

Post on 19-May-2015




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Digital DistributionCause and Effect

WARNING :: Some of this presentation is MY OPINION...

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Barriers to Entry

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It Started With Music

✤ The music industry used to need an “OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL” We used to call these folks, Labels.!

✤ With the advent of DIGITAL we no longer needed to get the music into a “brick and mortar” store.

This led to DIGITAL distribution channels

differences listed here...

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1998 - 2002 File Sharing

Napster was the first widely!known “peer-to-peer” file!

sharing network

.....and on and on

You can’t stop file sharing unless you propose a valuable alternative

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Age of the Lawsuits

✤ The industry went for blood, labels suing technology companies, the RIAA targeting fans. The goal was to put toothpaste back in the tube !

✤ 35,000 individuals were targeted by the RIAA for “illegal file sharing”!

✤ RIAA later modified to “Three Strikes You’re Out” policy!

✤ This strategy effectively made CONSUMERS the enemy and further strained the relationship with the fan

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2003 Apple Saves the Day

DRM (digital rights management)!!

Music as a loss leader for a device!Margins Squeezed!

... but sales are up again

The A-La-Carte Download Store

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2003 - 2008 Mimic what works

✤ Amazon!

✤ eMusic!

✤ Wal-Mart!

✤ 7Digital!

✤ TuneTribe

A-La-Carte Download Stores

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... This didn’t fix P2P

✤ Peer to Peer sites continued to pop up. !

✤ BitTorrent became a phenomenon that helped to protect the identity of the file sharer (multiple people sharing “bits” of songs)!

✤ The major labels / RIAA continued to file lawsuit after lawsuit to

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As ISP Connections Improved This became a Movie and TV Problem… not just a Music Problem

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Piracy Flourished

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New Models Popped Up

Advertisement Based Services

The music is free, !but you’re going to have to sit through ads!(hey, this sounds like something we’ve got already)

AOL Music | Yahoo! Music

Network TV Began Streaming Shows with Commercials!Cable Providers began “OnDemand” Services

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New Models Popped Up

Subscription - All U Can Eat (free or for a monthly fee)

What if we streamed the data over the Internet?

Lets do that with DOWNLOADS!!!

For a monthly fee you can have all the music you like!

.... or your cellular network

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New Models Popped Up

Subscription - All U Can Eat (free or for a monthly fee)

For a monthly fee you can have all the video you like!

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I prefer subscription....

✤ Social Sharing Component!

✤ Both INSIDE the App!

✤ And OUTSIDE the App (!

✤ Apps!

✤ Mobile Streaming / Save Lists Locally

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"There isn’t some God-given right to make millions from playing a guitar, it’s just lucky that there’s been a supply-and-demand thing for 50 years and now the supply is changing. The demand is still there, but you don’t have a right to get paid for every song you create. I value music very highly and come from a generation that’s used to paying £15 for an album, which seems like a fair price - £1 a song. But it’s a random amount in the first place. This generation is getting used to paying 70p for a song, or nothing. It’s a terrible shame, but it’s technology moving forward, as it does in every business. You can’t stop it."

- Tim Rice-Oxley, Keane

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Where do we go from here?

✤ The Major Labels (all THREE of them) have equity in Spotify!

✤ There is an added element of “SHARING” that traditional Digital Distribution does not.!

✤ It serves both MEDIA-FILES (who want the entire album) and CASUAL FANS (who want singles here and there)

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What Are Users Looking For?

✤ In the decade since Napster’s launch, digital music consumers have demonstrated their interest in five kinds of “free” selling points: !

✤ 1. Cost (zero or approaching zero),!

✤ 2. Portability (to any device),!

✤ 3. Mobility (wireless access to music),!

✤ 4. Choice (access to any song ever recorded) and!

✤ 5. Remixability (freedom to remix and mashup music)