digital marketing for smes (5th august)

Digital Marketing for SMEs

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Marketeers don’t need policies to tell them what they can and cannot share using social media. In fact they are the ones most likely to engage and use social media in a business. However, what they do need is a marketing plan. As a digital marketing consultant working with SMEs seeking support from Coventry University, I have spoken with several business developers or marketeers looking to develop their website, optimise their website, engage on social media, without a marketing plan in place. Always review your current situation first. Then set goals and plan ahead. Then implement in a flexible manner to allow for any needed changes.


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Digital Marketing for SMEs

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Key Learning Aims

Google Analytics

Planning for social media marketing

Guidelines for social selling

Guidelines for good customer service in the era of social media

Developing a social media company policy

Paid Per Click Advertising

Developing your company digital marketing plan

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Social Media Policies

Marketing Sales Customer Service Human Resources and


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Social Media Policies - Marketing

Review and analyse your current business situation: look at finance, ideal customers, best sold products/services, best perceived services/products, problems, challenges.

Set goals. Plan strategies to allow you to achieve your goals. Implement strategies. Monitor constantly. Review results regularly and adapt.

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Social Media Policies - Sales

“Social selling: The use of social media by sales organizations for listening, customer engagement and internal collaboration — is an inevitable consequence of social buying”

Social selling NOT making sales pitches in the social media

Hootsuite, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies - Sales

Performance benefits of social selling:

Total attainment of sales quota: 64% of social sellers vs. others

Customer renewal rate:55% of social sellers vs. 48% of others

Sales forecast accuracy: 54% of social sellers of 42% of others

Sales reps that have achieved their quote: 46% of social sellers vs 38% of others.

Hootsuite, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies - Sales

The pillars of social selling: Listen and learn Research and relate Engage and impress Collaborate and close

Hootsuite, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies – Customer Service

“23% of customers who had a positive service interaction told 10 or more people about it...[however] 48% of customers who had negative experiences told 10 or more others.”

Harvard Business Review, retrieved 2014

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Social Media Policies – Customer Service

Listen to your customers: Create Google Alerts for your company name and all

your product names and service offerings. Join industry groups on LinkedIn and monitor for brand

or product mentions. Create a search on Twitter (using tools such as

Hootsuite or Tweetdeck) – focus on key brand and product names.

Salesforce, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies – Customer Service

Engage with your customers:

Provide real-time customer service.

Facilitate customer-to-customer communication to allow social self-service.

Step out of your comfort zone – help customers on third party forums.

Make your help content searchable by humans (not just search engines)

Keep any help forums (be them actual forums, or LinkedIn groups) active, add new content regularly.

Don’t be a spectator, engage,

Put a time-limit on any unanswered query (after which, step in and offer help).

Don’t allow problems to escalate – address them publicly and then take them in the offline environment.

Salesforce, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies – Customer Service


Identify your in-house experts and keep track of their areas of expertise.

Enable cross-functional teams to work on customer problems – people want to help if you allow them to use their knowledge to its full extent, encourage them and reward them.

Publish the latest solutions in a fully searchable resource. Make collaboration part of employee appraisals to embed it

into the culture.

Salesforce, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies – Customer Service

Metrics Contact engagement Searchable self-service Speed to connect Defection rate Net promoter score

Salesforce, retrieved July 2014

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Social Media Policies – HR and Recruitment

State the purpose of the policy. State who is covered by the policy. Clearly state the scope of the policy. Establish who is responsible for implementing the

social media policy. Establish who is allowed to use social media on behalf

of the company/brand/service. Review policy regularly.

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Social Media Policies – HR and Recruitment

Dos Promote job openings. Keep in touch with staff. Offer staff and colleague

recommendations. Build and consolidate teams.

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Social Media Policies – HR and Recruitment

Don’ts Don’t use social media to screen

candidates. Don’t rely on social media to

communicate with employees/colleagues. Don’t ignore your employees’ right to


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Social Media Policies – HR and Recruitment

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KPIs for Social Media

Brand strengthening – Sentiment ratio – SR= Positive:Neutral:Negative Brand mentions/Expenses

Word of mouth – Share of voice=Brand mentions/total mentions Word of mouth – Audience

Engagement=Comments+shares+trackbacks/total views Customer satisfaction – Issue resolution rate = total number of

issues resolved satisfactorily/total number of issues Generating new product ideas – topic trend = number of specific

topic mentions/all topic mentions Promoting advocacy – active advocates = total number of

advocates active within 30 days/total number of advocates

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Digital Marketing Plan – Action Points Measure your company current social media presence

Perform digital competitive analysis (SWOT social media analysis)

Establish digital marketing goals

Develop suitable digital marketing strategies

Determine your target market

Source suitable social media tools

Develop content

Assign tasks



Set and stick to your budget