digital seminar 19.05.15

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Mobile: Go hard or go home
  2. 2. Mobile has significantly changed the way that people buy online and offline Your brand is something that one customer tells another customer Even national and international brands need to think local What we will cover
  3. 3. Mobile Penetration in Norway Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  4. 4. The rise of the empowered consumer. Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  5. 5. What are people searching for. Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  6. 6. Where are people searching?. Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  7. 7. Introducing the zero moment of truth
  8. 8. Smart Phone are a Multi Activity Portal
  9. 9. The POEM Marketing mix
  10. 10. 14 39 56 Percentag e First Became Aware Of Online Purchased Online Researched Online How mobile impacts the purchase decision Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  11. 11. 12 18 10 4 2 25 9 Percentage Hours Before Purchase Days Before Purchase Weeks Before Purchase Months Before Purchase More Than Months Before Purchase Didnt Collect Information Dont know Mobile and purchase research. Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  12. 12. The Social Mobile User.
  13. 13. Case Study: Meet Debbie
  14. 14. Debbie A: My three year old has just emptied a jar of beetroot juice over herself does anybody know how to get that out of clothes? Dimple87: That happened to me with my 5 year old. I found an article on what to do. I tried a persil stain remover but I am not sure which one it was. Dimple87: This was the article, Debbie A: Thanks Dimple87: They have both in Tesco but you can get a discount on this page Debbie A: Great, thanks!
  15. 15. Creative Article Marketing
  16. 16. See comparisons in an instant.
  17. 17. The impact of mobile video. Source: Google Mobile Planet Norway 2014
  18. 18. Answering Questions through Video.
  19. 19. Less trust in marketers more trust in people.
  20. 20. Where once there was chaos
  21. 21. Think outside the laundry box.
  22. 22. Image, Video and News search
  23. 23. #messy moments
  24. 24. The I want to go effect
  25. 25. Mobile means always local
  26. 26. The penetration of local search in Norway
  27. 27. What do people search for locally?.
  28. 28. How much is mobile worth to your company
  29. 29. Mobile has changed the way that people buy online and offline Your brand is something that one customer tells another customer Even national brands need to think local Summary