dimotiko sxoleio pafou 9 koupateio cyprus: turkish story activities

TURKISH STORY ACTIVITIES The Turkish local legend of “Belkiz and the Aspendos Theatre” was introduced to the students of the 2 nd Grade (Class 3), during the Language lesson. They were given the name of Belkiz and its meaning (divide the girl into two) and they were asked to imagine a story of how this could happen. Afterwards, the beginning of the story was presented and the children were asked to imagine and propose a piece of work that it would be useful for a city in the old times. When the whole story was presented, the students drew the scenes of the story.

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Dimotiko Sxoleio Pafou 9 Koupateio CYPRUS: Turkish story activities


The Turkish local legend of “Belkiz and the Aspendos Theatre” was introduced to the students of the 2nd Grade (Class 3), during the Language lesson.

They were given the name of Belkiz and its meaning (divide the girl into two) and they were asked to imagine a story of how this could happen.

Afterwards, the beginning of the story was presented and the children were asked to imagine and propose a piece of work that it would be useful for a city in the old times.

When the whole story was presented, the students drew the scenes of the story.

Page 2: Dimotiko Sxoleio Pafou 9 Koupateio CYPRUS: Turkish story activities

Then, they discussed with their teacher about the way that the story could be transformed into a drama and eventually be performed on stage. They added some more roles so that everybody in the class could participate in the play. They chose their costumes and they suggested their ideas about the scenery.

Photos form the rehearsals

Page 3: Dimotiko Sxoleio Pafou 9 Koupateio CYPRUS: Turkish story activities

The Music teacher helped them to choose the appropriate melodies to accompany their play.

When everything was ready they prepared the invitations for their parents and the other students of the 2nd Grade.

The students of the 4th Grade listened to the legend during the Language lesson, and they painted some scenes of the story on canvases, during the Visual Arts lesson.

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Finally, the 6th Graders (Class 2) conducted a survey on the Internet about Aspendos theatre and then compared the historical facts with the legend, finding similarities and differences and understanding the two kinds of narrations.