din en iso 7090

ICS 21.060.30 Flache Schei ben mit Fase Normal e Reihe Produktkl asse A (ISO 7090 : 2000) Eur opean Standard EN ISO 7090 : 2000 has the stat us of a DIN Standard.  A c omma is used as the deci mal mark er. National foreword This standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC 185 ‘Threaded and non- threaded mechanical fasteners and accessories’ to adopt, without alteration, International Standard ISO 7090 as a European Standard. The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Mechanische Verbin- dungselemente (Fasteners Standards Committee), Technical Committee Scheiben und Ringe. The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in clause 2 of the EN are as follows: ISO Standard DIN Standard ISO 887 DIN EN I SO 887 ISO3269 DIN EN ISO3269 ISO3 506-1 DIN ENI SO3 506-1 ISO4042 DINENISO4042 ISO4 759-3 DIN ENI SO4 759-3 ISO6 507-1 DIN ENI SO6 507-1 ISO 1 0683 DIN EN ISO1 0683*)  Ame ndment s DIN 125-1 and DI N 125-2, March 1990 edi tions, have been superseded by the specifications of EN ISO 7089 and EN ISO 7090, November 2000 editions, which are identical to ISO 7089 and ISO 7090, respecti vely. Previous editions DIN 125: 1936-10, 1943-05, 1968-05; DIN 125-1: 1921-02, 1921-12, 1923-03,1990-03; DIN 125-2: 1990-03. Ref.No.DIN EN ISO 7090 : 200 0- 11 Engl is h pri ce gr oup 07 Sales No.1107  04.01 DEUTSCHE NORM November 2000 EN ISO 7090 { Continued overleaf. EN compr ises 6 pages. © No part of this standard may be repr oduced without the prior permission of DIN Deutsch es Instit ut für Normun g e. V. , Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, German y, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen) . Plain washer s, chamfered Normal ser ies Product grade A (I SO7090 : 2000) English version of DIN EN ISO 7090 This standard, together with DIN EN ISO 7089, November 2000 editi on, supersedes DIN 125-1 and DIN 125-2, March 1990 editions. *) Currently at draft stage.     A    &    I      N   o   r   m   e   n   a    b   o   n   n   e   m   e   n    t   -    V   o    i    t    h    P   a   p   e   r    G   m    b    H    &    C   o  .    K    G   -    K    d  .      N   r  .    6    2    4    5    9    1    6      A    b   o   -    N   r  .    0    0    0    7    3    0    0    9    /    0    0    3    /    0    0    1   -    2    0    0    4      1    1      2    9    0    9   :    1    2   :    1    5

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