director of rel. ed. pastor & ordinary time

Tൾ Cඎඋർ ඈൿ Sඍ. Bൾඋඇൺඋൽ 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606 February 26, 2017 Rൾർඍඈඋඒ 914-949-2111 Lංඍඍඅൾ Dංඌർංඉඅൾ Lൾൺඋඇංඇ Cൾඇඍൾඋ 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor & Director of Rel. Ed. Weekend Associates: Rev. Richard Dillon Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Verónica Meléndez Rectory Office Manager Jennifer Frías Director The Little Disciple Learning Center Brenda López Coordinator of Religious Education Parish Trustees: Carlos Morinigo Judith Morinigo Sඎඇൽൺඒ Mൺඌඌൾඌ / Mංඌൺඌ ൽൾඅ ൽඈආංඇඈ Saturday/Sábado 5:30 pm Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm (Spanish/Español), Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Psalm response is a won- derful prayer of the heart to carry through the week : “Rest in God alone, my soul” (Psalm 62:6a). We can pray with the psalmist that we find our peace in our rock and sal- vaƟon, our Lord Jesus Christ. La respuesta del salmo de hoy es una oración maravillosa del corazón para llevarlo durante la semana: "Descansa solo en Dios, mi al- ma" (Salmo 62: 6a). Podemos orar con el salmista que encontremos nuestra paz en nuestra roca y salva- ción, nuestro Señor Jesús Cristo.

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Page 1: Director of Rel. Ed. Pastor & Ordinary Time

T C S . B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606 February 26, 2017

R 914-949-2111



Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor &

Director of Rel. Ed.

Weekend Associates: Rev. Richard Dillon

Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell

Verónica Meléndez

Rectory Office Manager

Jennifer Frías

Director The Little Disciple Learning Center

Brenda López Coordinator

of Religious Education

Parish Trustees: Carlos Morinigo Judith Morinigo

S M / M


5:30 pm

Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am,

12:00pm (Spanish/Español),

Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Psalm response is a won-derful prayer of the heart to carry through the week : “Rest in God alone, my soul” (Psalm 62:6a). We can pray with the psalmist that we find our peace in our rock and sal-va on, our Lord Jesus Christ.

La respuesta del salmo de hoy es una oración maravillosa del corazón para llevarlo durante la semana: "Descansa solo en Dios, mi al-ma" (Salmo 62: 6a). Podemos orar con el salmista que encontremos nuestra paz en nuestra roca y salva-ción, nuestro Señor Jesús Cristo.

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Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

LIVE TODAY FULLY There is an old saying that life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans. How o en do the people and events of today pass un-no ced because we are preoccupied with con-cerns about the future? Some mes a er a death in a family, one hears the survivors lament all that they did not do for the deceased. “I was so busy with my career plans, I never spent me with her.”‘ “I put so much energy into establishing my place in the community, I forgot he was lonesome.” One would suppose that the birds in the sky do not spend a great deal of me mapping out a life-

me flight plan. They seem to fly where they need to go today, trus ng that that will eventual-ly bring them where they must be tomorrow and next winter. Similarly, the wildflowers do not ap-pear to bemoan their plot of earth or jockey for posi on. Rather, each accepts the sun and rain given it today and grows, impercep bly perhaps, but beau fully. I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU It is a wonderful gi for someone to say, “I will never forget you!” We want to be remembered, to have made a las ng difference. Perhaps some of our anxiety about what we will wear and what we will accomplish tomorrow can be traced to this desire. “Will anyone remember me?” “Will I contribute anything of las ng value?” In today’s first reading from the prophet Isaiah, our God says: “I will never forget you” (Isaiah 49:15). Before we ever see tomorrow, before we ever achieve any of our lo y goals, God declares us eternally valuable and unforge able. Today’s Readings: Isaiah 49:14–15; Psalm 62:2–3, 6–9; 1 Corinthi-ans 4:1–5; Ma hew 6:24–34 Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

VIVE A PLENITUD EL DÍA DE HOY Hay en la cultura anglosajona un dicho an guo que dice algo así como que la vida es lo que nos va ocur-riendo mientras nosotros estamos ocupados en hacer otros planes. ¡Cuántas veces las personas y los hechos de la actualidad nos pasan desapercibi-dos porque estamos ocupados y preocupados acer-ca del futuro! Algunas veces, cuando muere un familiar oímos el lamento de los sobrevivientes por todo lo que no hicieron por la persona fallecida. “Estaba tan ocupa-do con los planes de mi carrera, que nunca pasé

empo con ella”. “Puse tanto afán en establecerme dentro de la comunidad que se me olvidó que él se sen a solo”. No debemos suponer que los pájaros dedican mu-cho empo a planear un i nerario de vuelo para toda la vida. Tal parece que vuelan a donde deben ir hoy, confiando en que ésto los llevará a donde deben estar mañana y el próximo invierno. De una manera similar, las flores silvestres no parecen lamentar su parcela de erra ni emplear la astucia para conseguir una posición, sino que cada una acepta el sol y la lluvia que se les da hoy para crec-er; y tal vez lo hacen de una manera impercep ble pero hermosa. NO TE OLVIDARÉ Un regalo hermoso es decirle a alguien: “¡No te olvidaré!” Todos queremos ser recordados y haber hecho algo que marque una diferencia perdurable. Quizás parte de nuestra ansiedad por lo que vamos a ves r o por lo que vamos a lograr mañana tenga que ver con este deseo: “¿Se acordará alguien de mí?” “¿Contribuiré con algo que tenga un valor per-durable?” En la primera lectura de hoy tomada del profeta Isaías nuestro Dios dice: “Yo nunca me olvidaré de

” (Isaías 49:15). Antes de llegar a ver el día de ma-ñana, antes de lograr alguna de nuestras encumbra-das metas, Dios nos declara eternamente invalua-bles e inolvidables.

Lecturas de hoy: Isaías 49:14–15; Salmo 62:2–3, 6–9; 1 Corin os 4:1–5; Mateo 6:24–34

Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

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Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2017 EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The price is wrong

Prosperity theology, sometimes called the prosperity gospel, is the notion that believers who confess their faith and are generous with tithes and offer-ings will in turn be rewarded generously by God with material riches. Most popular in Pentecostal traditions, it can be heard on some or another televi-sion station every hour of the day and night. Be wary of any teaching that disguises the love of riches behind the veil of such teachings. Jesus warned us that we can only serve one master. Ask yourself which it will be—the love of money or the love of God—around which you will center your life.

“The Ten Commandments are not multiple choice,” a church sign stated. Ad-mittedly we sometimes do pick and choose among them. But most of the time it may be that we just haven’t thought through how they apply to our own lived experience. Here’s one way to rediscover the Commandments and be more conscious of living them. Create a chart with four columns. In the first, list the Ten Commandments. In the second, write something from Jesus’ life and teaching that relates directly or indirectly to that Commandment. In the third, prayerfully write your own paraphrase of the Commandment. In the fourth, list specific ways that you can incorporate the spirit of the Command-ment into your daily life.

“Carnival” ends today, and tomorrow our time of attentiveness to spiritual matters begins. Being in the world of the senses, and then stepping back for a time through a bit of denial, is part of the process of deepening our spiritu-al identity in the world. Flesh and spirit are essential elements in Christian discipleship, as are justice and mercy and intimacy and awe. Knowing how to appropriately weave these elements in our daily lives is the role of wisdom. Use Lent as a time to give your full attention to prayer, spiritual reading, and devotional practices. Ultimately your body and soul will be the stronger and wiser for it.

With the beginning of Lent we might tend to look inward, to focus on prayer and repentance, on resetting our interior compass in a more God-ward direc-tion. But the three traditional practices of Lent—prayer, fasting, almsgiving (which work all year round, by the way)—point us outward as much as in-ward. We pray for both ourselves and others. We fast to clear our lives of what prevents us from seeing God in others and the world. And we learn to show more generosity to those around us. So this year don’t let yourself get Lenten cabin fever. Practice also in the world.

Choosing life over death seems like a no-brainer—instinctive, natural, wholesome. Yet our culture, with its emphasis on escaping pain at all costs, can easily lead us to emotional, spiritual, and even physical death: Don’t want to face the humiliation of asking for forgiveness? Cut off your relation-ship with a loved one. Don’t want to be hurt by anyone? Close the door on intimacy. Don’t want to feel the pain of loss, confusion, or failure? Numb yourself with alcohol or drugs. Our faith offers a different strategy. It’s called love. Try loving yourself, others, and God just a little bit more to get you past the pain.

What would you sacrifice to keep a good thing going? After 125 years serving Catholics of color, the Blessed Sacrament Sisters, founded by Katharine Drexel, put their motherhouse near Philadelphia up for sale a few years ago in order to dedicate more funds to ministry. Drexel, the “Millionaire Nun,” would have approved. She herself gave away a fortune to educate struggling communities few Americans cared about. A white woman of privilege, Drexel used pencils to the nub and wrote on the backs of envelopes to save precious resources for land, schools, and teachers. Fast today and support the libera-tion of the disenfranchised with an education.

While for most Americans, working has as its goal the creation of a stable home, it can become a hindrance to people’s coming together as a family. Is making money more important than the family life the income is meant to support? With the high cost of living in America today, the majority of fami-lies find two incomes are needed simply to stay afloat, but how can we make sure the family stays front and center? We are called by the prophet Isaiah to be rebuilders of our household. That, of course, begins at home. Bring the family together whenever possible.

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Ash Distribu on Schedule:

• 9:00 am in Chapel Hall • 12:00 pm in Chapel Hall • 4:00 pm in the Main Church • 8:00 pm in the Main Church

Sta ons of the Cross:

On Fridays during Lent, Sta ons of the Cross will be held in English at 7:00 pm and in Spanish at 8:00pm.

Distribu on of ashes - should only take place in a sacred place - a church or chapel - preferably during Mass. Lenten Fas ng and Abs nence– During the Season of Lent, the Church urges all the Faithful to reflect a spirit of penance in their daily life through performing acts of fast and abs nence.

“Fas ng” requires that only one full meal be taken per day. Two other smaller meals may be taken during the day to maintain physical strength, but these two meals together should not equal a full meal in quan ty. Fas ng obliges all those who have reached the age of 18 and con nues to oblige un l age 59. Those not specifically obligated to fast are encouraged to join in the discipline of fas ng to the extent that they are able.

“Abs nence” prohibits individuals from ea ng meat on a par cular day. Abs nence obliges all those who have reached the age of 14 and con nues to be obliged throughout their en re life. Those not specifically obligated to abstain from ea ng meat are encouraged to join in this discipline to the extent that they are able. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abs nence. Fridays in Lent are days of abs nence.

Divine Mercy Devo onal Group

The Divine Mercy Devo onal Group meets the first Sunday of every month at 1:30 pm in the church. For more informa on please contact Vicente Bonil-la at 646-737-6000.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Devo onal Group

Our Lady of Guadalupe Devo onal Group meets the first Monday of every month at 8:00 pm in the cafete-ria. For more informa on contact Angélica Rosado at 914-261-8797.

The Virgin of Caacupé Devo onal Group

The Virgin of Caacupé Devo onal Group meets the second Sunday of every month at 1:30 pm in the Cafeteria. For more informa on contact Amada Arce at 347-665-4574.

Virgin of the Cloud Devo onal Group

The Virgin of the Cloud Devo onal Group meets the last Saturday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Guada-lupe room. For more informa on contact Cesar Tandazo at 203-561-9503.

Divine Infant Jesus Devo onal Group

The Divine Infant Jesus Devo onal Group meets on the first Sunday of every month at 1:30pm in the Gua-dalupe Room. For more informa on contact Rubiela Meza at 914-648-9117.

Lord of the Miracles of St. Bernard

The Lord of the Miracles Devo onal Group meets the last Sunday of every month at 1:30pm in the Community Room. Parishion-ers interested in joining this spiritual and service-oriented group can contact Omar Reba a at 914-912-7394.

Religious Educa on Program Reminders:

* Classes will resume this week on Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 and the Children’s February Mass Card will be due upon their return to class. * Help us ensure your child’s Mass Card has their name on it.

Sta ons of the Cross

On the Fridays of Lent, Sta ons of the Cross are held in the Church in English at 7:00pm and in Spanish at 8:00pm.

Our Lady of Altagracia Devo onal Group

Our Lady of Altagracia Devo onal Group meets the third Sunday of every month at 1:30 pm in the Cafeteria. For more informa on contact Esperanza Trinidad at 914-607-2708

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Comienza La Cuaresma Miércoles de Ceniza, 1ro de marzo

Horario de la distribución de ceniza: • 9:00 am en el Chapel Hall • 12:00 pm en el Chapel Hall • 4:00 pm en la iglesia principal • 8:00 pm en la iglesia principal

Viacrucis: Todos los viernes durante la cuaresma, un viacrucis se celebrará en inglés a las 7:00pm y en español a las 8:00pm.

Imposición de la ceniza - sólo debe tener lugar en un lugar sagrado - una iglesia o capilla - preferiblemente durante la misa.

Ayuno y abs nencia cuaresmal- Durante el empo de Cuaresma, la Iglesia exhorta a todos los fieles a reflexionar con espíritu de penitencia en su vida diaria a través de la rea-lización de actos de ayuno y abs nencia.

“Ayuno” requiere que solo una comida completa sea tomada por día. Otras dos comidas pequeñas pueden ser tomadas durante el día para mantener la fuerza si-ca, pero estas dos comidas juntas no deberían igualar la can dad de una comida completa. El ayuno es obligato-rio a todos aquellos que han llegado a la edad de 18 años y con núa siendo obligatorio hasta la edad de 59. Aquellos que no están específicamente obligados a ayu-nar se les anima a par cipar en esta disciplina en la me-dida en que sean capaces.

“Abs nencia” prohíbe a individuos el comer carne en un día en par cular. La abs nencia es obligatoria a to-dos aquellos que han llegado a la edad de 14 años y con núa siendo obligada a lo largo de toda su vida. Aquellos que no están específicamente obligados a abs-tenerse de comer carne se les anima a par cipar en esta disciplina en la medida en que sean capaces.

Miércoles de ceniza y Viernes Santo son días de ayuno y abs nencia.

Los viernes durante la cuaresma son días de abs nencia.

Programa de educación religiosa Recordatorios:

* Las clases se reanudarán el miércoles 1ro de marzo de 2017 y la Tarjeta de misa de Febrero de los niños se en-tregará a su regreso a clase. * Asegúrese que la tarjeta de misa de su hijo/a tenga su nombre.


Habrá un Viacrucis en inglés los viernes de Cuaresma a las 7:00pm y uno en español a las 8:00pm.

Grupo Devocional Divino Niño Jesús

El Grupo Devocional Divino Niño Jesús, se reúne el pri-mer domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm en la Sala Guada-lupe. Todos son bienvenidos a asis r y compar r una hora de bendiciones con el Divino Niño Jesús. Para más información comuníquese con Rubiela Meza al 914-648-9117.

Grupo Devocional de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

El Grupo Devocional de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se reúne el primer lunes de cada mes a las 8:00 pm en la cafetería. Para más información contacte a Angélica Rosado al 914-261-8797.

Grupo Devocional de la Virgen de Caacupé

El Grupo Devocional de la Virgen de Caacupé se reúne el segundo domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm en la Cafete-ría. Para más información comuníquese con Amada Arce al 347-665-4574.

Grupo Devocional de la Divina Misericordia

El Grupo Devocional de la Divina Misericordia se reúne el primer domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm en la iglesia. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Vicen-te Bonilla al 646-737-6000.

Grupo Devocional Virgen de la Nube

El Grupo Devocional de la Virgen de la Nube se reúne el úl mo sábado de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en la sala Gua-dalupe. Para más información, comuníquese con Cesar Tanda

Nuestra Señora de Altagracia

El Grupo Devocional Nuestra Señora de Altagracia se reúne el tercer domingo de cada mes a las 7:00 pm en la sala Guadalupe. Para más información, comuníquese con Esperanza Trinidad al 914-607-2708.

Señor de los Milagros de San Bernardo

El Grupo Devocional del Señor de los Milagros se reúne el úl mo domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm en la Sala de la Comunidad. Los feligreses interesados en unirse a este grupo espiritual y orientado al servicio pueden po-nerse en contacto con Omar Reba a al 914-912-7394.

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Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.

Marck Canoli John Horan

Helena Trinidad

Prayers for the Sick

Saturday, February 25, 2017 5:30 Manuel Muñoz

Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran 10:30 Carmela & Peter Vancek 12:00 For the people Monday, February 27, 2017 9:00 Communion Service Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, March 1, 2017 9:00 Marion Mulhall Thursday, March 2, 2017 9:00 George Horgan Friday, March 3, 2017 9:00 Alex Fusco Saturday, March 4, 2017 5:30 Albino & Rosenda Rivera Sunday, March 5, 2017 9:00 Thomas Madappa 10:30 Italia & Anotonio Rossi 12:00 William Morris

St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

Total Amount Pledged: $653,270 Total Amount in Payments: $519,141 Average Pledge: $1,696.81

Jennie Magno a Julie McGuiness

Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español

Entrada #633 Himno de la Alegría Ofertorio #657 Amar Comunión #586 Arriba los corazones Salida #613 Te damos gracias

Last Sunday’s Collec on :

First Collec on 2/19/17: $4,514 Second Collec on 2/19/17: $1,694 First Collec on 2/12/17: $3,547 Second Collec on 2/12/17: $1,230

Today’s Second Collec on is for Snowplowing. Next week’s second collec on will be for Maintenance. Thank you for your generous support of our parish. La segunda Colecta de hoy es para la limpieza de nieve. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para el mantenimiento. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Hymns in English

5:30 pm / 10:30 am Entrance - Missale e #134 "Holy, Holy, Holy” Offertory - Hymnal #491 "You Are Mine” Communion - Hymnal #436 “Seek Ye First” Closing - Hymnal #556 “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” 9:00 am Entrance - Hymnal #575 “Sing a New Song” Offertory - Hymnal #389 “Open My Eyes” Communion - Hymnal #333 “Taste and See” Closing - Hymnal #448 “We Walk by Faith”

Parish Pay Contribu ons:

For the month of January- $3,876

has been donated to our Parish by Parishioners through Parish Pay. If you would like to make your offerings to the Church of St. Bernard electronically logon to Para el mes de January- $3,876

han sido donados a nuestra parroquia por nuestros feli-greses por medio de Parish Pay. Si le gustaría hacer un ofrecimiento a la Iglesia de San Bernardo electrónica-mente conéctese a

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El Centro Hispano, Inc. 346 South Lexington Avenue Isabel Elsa Villar Boulevard

White Plains, NY 10606 914-289-0500 t 914-289-0550 f

[email protected]

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Church name: St. Bernard Bulletin number: 911004 Date of publication: 2/26/2017 Number of pages transmitted: 8 Special instructions: Please call Veronica @ 914-949-2111