discovered x - rays

1847 James Simpson 1867 Joseph Lister Cheeky link to Lister! Louis Pasteur 1861 1901 Karl Landsteiner Wilhelm Röntgen 1895 1878 Cheeky link to Lister! Robert Koch Discovered X - rays Discovered chloroform Developed Antiseptics Developed aseptic hygiene His breakthrough leads to transfusions becoming possible. All of this led to high tech treatment in WW1!

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Page 1: Discovered X - rays


James Simpson

1867Joseph Lister

Cheeky link to Lister!Louis Pasteur


1901 Karl Landsteiner

Wilhelm Röntgen1895


Cheeky link to Lister!Robert Koch

Discovered X -rays

Discovered chloroform

Developed Antiseptics Developed aseptic hygiene

His breakthrough leads to transfusions becoming possible.

All of this led to high

tech treatment in WW1!

Page 2: Discovered X - rays

X ray! Blood transfusion! The storage of blood!

Structure Key aspects NegativesYpres, Somme, Arras and Cambrai

Communication& transport, m’kay. Shell shock! Rifles and


Trench fever!

Plastic surgery

Brain surgery

Page 3: Discovered X - rays

Middle ages

1500-1750 1750-1900 1900 - present1250-1500

Renaissance Pax Britannica Modern Era



Black Death 1348

Printing press

Guy De Chauliac


William Harvey

Thomas Sydenham

Impact of printing press!

Edward Jenner

Florence Nightingale

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

John Snow

Edward Chadwick

Paul Ehrlich

Alexander Fleming

NHS – Nye Bevan

X raymachines

Blood groups and transfusions!

GPOL 1665

But... Roman baths!

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Rosa Luxemburg

5 March 1871 – 15 January 1919

Karl Liebknecht

13 August 1871 – 15 January 1919

Wolfgang Kapp (24 July 1858 – 12 June 1922)

Gustav Stresemann 10 May 1878 – 3 October 1929

Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945)

General Ludendorff (9 April 1865 – 20 December 1937)

The Munich Putsch November 1923

The KappPutschMarch1920

TOV 28 June 1919



January 1919 The

Golden Years1924-1929


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1929 1934

Wall Street Crash Oct 1929

Impact of the Crash – voter patterns change.

General Hindenburg (2 October 1847 – 2 August 1934)

Hitler’s appointment as Reich Chancellor, January 1933

Franz Von Papen1879 – 2 May 1969

The Reichstag Fire27 February 1933.

June 30 to July 2, 1934

Enabling Act23 March 1933

Captain Hindsight!

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1934 1945

Himmler Head of SS 1934-1945

Kristallnacht 9-10 November 1938

Claus von Stauffenberg(15 November 1907 –21 July 1944)

Goebbels Head of Propaganda and censorship 1933-1945

Pastor Niemöller(14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984)

Operation Valkyrie 20 July 1944Religious opposition 1937

The white Rose 1942-1943

Hans Fritz Scholl (22 September 1918 – 22 February 1943)

Sophia Magdalena Scholl (9 May 1921 –22 February 1943)


Von Galen (16 March 1878-22 March 1946)

Page 8: Discovered X - rays

We have a problem: Galen’s theories!

I wasn’t allowed to

dissect human bodies because

of my pagan beliefs, fam!

We have a hero: Man like William Harvey!

If Vesalius’ Fabrica shows Galen’s

ideas on anatomy are incorrect, does

that mean the 4 humours are

entirely false?

Man likeVesalius

We all challenged Galen’s work.

Damn! That’s one hella cheeky link!

Man like Harvey got schwifty findingout that the heart is a pump!

But Man like Harvey discovered many opposed his ideas!

My father told me Galen’s

ideas are perfect!

However, Harvey’s ideas were proven correct during his lifetime!

Pagan symbol and tingz!

Blood has two different colours due to levels of oxygen!


The heart is a pump!

Bruh, we’ve

endorsed Galen’s ideas!

We fear

change! There’s no going


Page 9: Discovered X - rays

We have a problem: syphilis!

It is a horrific STI which could be passed on from

infected mothers to their innocent

children in the womb.

We have a hero: Man like Paul Ehrlich!

If I can stain Germs, maybe I

can combine this with synthetic

antibodies which only attack the


Man like Robert Koch

We worked on Germ theory together.

Damn! That’s one hella cheeky link!

Man like Ehrlich got schwifty tryingto find a cure!

This is actually

really hard!

Man like Hata discovered Ehrlich’s mistake!

Bruh, you’ve already found

the cure!


Cheeky Japanese help!

Man like Ehrlich’s Salvarsan 606 was even made into a film and tingz.

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Before the

For those working but not for...

Governmentincluded in healthcare.

I fought in WW2, I should be looked after!

New drugs, penicillin.

We all deserve these!

We want change, and we’ll vote for it!

Beveridge, civil servant.

‘Cradle to grave’‘All pay, all benefit’‘Free at point of delivery’


drugs Hospitals

training doctor


More taxes = no!

It’s your responsibility!

We will lose £ and freedom!

Bevan, Welsh ex- miner and govt health minister.

NHS will match your pay!

Poor health is unlucky!

The country must pay!

Page 11: Discovered X - rays

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek(1632 – 1723)


1860French Academy decay competition

Pouchetspontaneous generation



1861 Germ theory

Do germscause disease?

1875-78 Robert Koch

Cause anthrax, TB, typhoid, cholera, tetanus.

staining 1879Cholera

Anthrax 1881Rabies 1882

X20 generations = germs!



Old Germs

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USSR launches Sputnik I1957

First US man in space, John Glenn 1962.

First man in history is sent into space! Yuri Gagarin 1961

1965March USSR make first space walk.June USA matches this.

1966 USSR Unmanned space craft orbits the moon!

1958 US launch Explorer 1

1969, USA puts the first man on the moon…! Or did they?

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Long term causes of WW1

Franco-Prussian War 1870

German Empire

Alliance system


Dreadnought naval race!

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Short-term causes of WW1

Gavrilo Princip

He was a Serbian nationalist!


Schlieffen plan

Alliance system

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Spanish Flu Pandemic!

Treaty of Versailles


General strike


Improvement in rights for women

Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin



Wall street crash and Great depression


Rearmament and recovery prior to WW2

Page 16: Discovered X - rays

We have a problem: Spanish flu!

It is a horrific virus which killed previously

healthy adults!

We have a history genius: Mr Mack-Poole

If virus can mutate inside a host, that

means vaccines won’t work against it!

Man like Robert Koch

They both worked on Germ theory.

Damn! That’s one hella cheeky link!

But vaccines work better on viruses which don’t mutate or bacteria!

This is actually really hard to

deal with!

The industrial revolution’s impact on travel also spread the disease.

Cheekily poor conditions

Viruses should evolve so that the spread, but so they don’t kill the host.

Man like Louis Pasteur

Get schwifty!

Bruh, you’ve given me Spanish


In the end, it mutated into a less harmful version of


Page 17: Discovered X - rays

Mr Mack-Poole’s exam tips.

Was the weather the main cause of the failure of the Armada…?

This answer is about balance!

However, Drake and the weather are linked! Drake famously singed the King’s

beard in 1587!

This delayed the Armada by one year!

Man like me sank 100 dank ships!

You’re coming with me, fam!

Marquis of Santa Cruz

Actually a naval expert!

He was replaced with the Duke of Medina, who had no naval experience!!!

Man like me used fire ships to panic the


The Spanish also couldn’t collect 30k troops from the Netherlands!

Yes, the storm finished off the Armada, and destroyed more

ships…but it wouldn’t have got to that point without man like me!

The storm is more important, but Drake’s actions harried the Spanish into it!