discovering the power of sacred spirals

 iscovering the Power of Sacred Spirals  The spiral is one of the building blocks of creation. The universe is filled with spirals. So are our bodies. Spirals exist in the form of galaxies; our own galaxy is, in fact, a spiral. Sea animals and land snails are protected by spiral shells. Some animals grow spiral horns and spiral-shaped tails. The plant world is ripe with spirals. Flower petals and leaves are distributed in spiral patterns. Have you ever traced the spirals on a pineapple or pinecone? H ave you noticed the spiral whorls of your finger prints? Sometimes our hair grows in spirals as in a cowlick or whorl of peach fuzz on our belly, cheek, or back. We process sound through the spiral cochlea and spiral ganglion of our inner ears. And in the very nucleus of our cells, we find DNA that occurs in spiraling helixes. Energetically we find the spiral in the flow of our kundalini depicted as a double spiral that rises from the base of the spine. In ancient times the sign and symbol of the physician was the Caduceus which depicts, among other elements, a pair of spiraling serpents; this spiral symbol continues to be used today as an emblem of healing. For tens of thousands of years, spirals have been used in conjunction with healing.  Spirals have been found in the form of pictographs or petroglyphs in most countri es and cultures throughout the world. It is believed that these cave paintings an d drawings were created by shamans. They used the spirals for journeying, entering the spirit world through a tunnel or spiral vortex portal, using the stone surface at rock art sites as a point of entry to other realms. In Reiki, the first symbol that we work with is that of a spiral. It is used to i nvoke the energy of the universe to flow through our hands to another person. Other types of energy healing also work with spirals: Vortex Healing, Healing Touch, Pranic Healing, and Ortho-Bionomy, for example, harness the energy of spirals to facilitate change for the healee. Seashells contain within them amazing spirals that can be used for healing. These spirals are three-dimensional, in contrast to flat cave drawings used by ancient shamans or the spiral used in Reiki. Through the added depth of spirals found in seashells, we can bring through energies from other dimensions with power and precision. We can spiral up and down the timeline (Mexican Shamans see timelines as spirals, not straight lines) to address past wounds and future outcomes. We can access energies from other realms in just the right way to affect desired change in our lives. Each type of seashell carries its own particular vibration which is dictated by the logarithmic numeric pattern and frequencies of its spiral. It is possible to harness these energies with our intention without depending on the actual shell to do the work. While it is fun to play with the shells themselves, the crux of this healing modality is the energy they carry and not the shells themselves. By focusing on pictures of them and holding these images in our mind’s eye, we can bring through the energy that the shell carries. We can do so because we too are made up

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  iscovering the Power of Sacred Spirals


The spiral is one of the building blocks of creation. The universe is filled with spirals. So are

our bodies. Spirals exist in the form of galaxies; our own galaxy is, in fact, a spiral. Sea animals

and land snails are protected by spiral shells. Some animals grow spiral horns and spiral-shapedtails. The plant world is ripe with spirals. Flower petals and leaves are distributed in spiral

patterns. Have you ever traced the spirals on a pineapple or pinecone? Have you noticed the

spiral whorls of your finger prints? Sometimes our hair grows in spirals as in a cowlick or whorl

of peach fuzz on our belly, cheek, or back. We process sound through the spiral cochlea and

spiral ganglion of our inner ears. And in the very nucleus of our cells, we find DNA that occurs in

spiraling helixes.

Energetically we find the spiral in the flow of our kundalini depicted as a double spiral that

rises from the base of the spine. In ancient times the sign and symbol of the physician was the

Caduceus which depicts, among other elements, a pair of spiraling serpents; this spiral symbolcontinues to be used today as an emblem of healing.

For tens of thousands of years, spirals have been used in conjunction with healing. Spirals

have been found in the form of pictographs or petroglyphs in most countries and cultures

throughout the world. It is believed that these cave paintings and drawings were created by

shamans. They used the spirals for journeying, entering the spirit world through a tunnel or

spiral vortex portal, using the stone surface at rock art sites as a point of entry to other realms.

In Reiki, the first symbol that we work with is that of a spiral. It is used to invoke the energy

of the universe to flow through our hands to another person. Other types of energy healing also

work with spirals: Vortex Healing, Healing Touch, Pranic Healing, and Ortho-Bionomy, for

example, harness the energy of spirals to facilitate change for the healee.

Seashells contain within them amazing spirals that can be used for healing. These spirals are

three-dimensional, in contrast to flat cave drawings used by ancient shamans or the spiral used

in Reiki. Through the added depth of spirals found in seashells, we can bring through energies

from other dimensions with power and precision. We can spiral up and down the timeline

(Mexican Shamans see timelines as spirals, not straight lines) to address past wounds and

future outcomes. We can access energies from other realms in just the right way to affect

desired change in our lives.

Each type of seashell carries its own particular vibration which is dictated by the logarithmic

numeric pattern and frequencies of its spiral. It is possible to harness these energies with our

intention without depending on the actual shell to do the work. While it is fun to play with the

shells themselves, the crux of this healing modality is the energy they carry and not the shells

themselves. By focusing on pictures of them and holding these images in our mind’s eye, we

can bring through the energy that the shell carries. We can do so because we too are made up

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of spirals. We are part of this spiraling creation; through our conscious awareness we can dance

in its flow and invite others to join us—and become uplifted in the process.

In 1997, before I knew anything about energy healing or sacred geometry, I had an

experience with spirals that changed me forever. It was a very dark time in my life. My husbandhad just left me and I did not know how I was going to raise our young child on my own. I began

praying desperately for help. I knew only two prayers: The Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary. As I

repeated these over and over again, I had an out-of-body experience that lasted three days. It

was a sort of spontaneous shamanic journey or vision quest, although I did not know of these

terms at the time. I remained in an altered state the entire weekend and the needs of my

physical body were somehow suspended because I did not leave my bed during this time—not

to eat or drink or even go to the bathroom.

Colored shapes began appearing before me in sequences of seven. Musical tones sounded

with each shape and as I gazed at them and listened in awe, I felt and saw myself spiraling

through space past planets and stars and star systems and galaxies. The spiraling motion pulled

me out into the far reaches of the universe where I had a birds-eye view of the entire

macrocosm. At the same time my consciousness was expanding outward, it was also travelling

the other direction. I was simultaneously spiraling inward, acutely aware of my body systems,

organs, cells, atoms, and subatomic particles inside of me, all swirling within the spiral structure

of my dna.

I was being shown the building blocks of creation. It was all geometry spinning in spiral

patterns. Again and again I saw and felt the spirals as I spun simultaneously inward and

outward, into the microcosm of subatomic space and out into the macrocosm of the cosmos.

Inner mirrored outer and large mirrored small; it was all the same. During this experience, it

was as if all of the knowledge of the universe was flooding my consciousness. It flowed through

me at warp speed, flashing insights faster than my mind could process with words.

Spirals were at the heart of this journey. I was experiencing the spiral movement which is the

flow of creation. It took me years to process what had occurred. I know now that I was

receiving huge downloads for healing energies that flow in spiral patterns. I had prayed for

Divine Intervention and I received it in the form of this experience. The spirals were key to the

healing I received. I witnessed first-hand that spirals are among the building blocks of creation.

With them and through them, healing is possible.

Since childhood I have been fascinated by seashells. I had seen pictures of them and longed

for a seashell collection of my own. But my father had very fair skin and did not like to spend

time in the sun so we never went to the beach. A family friend knew of my longing and

presented me with her collection. It was my greatest treasure. I spent hours at a time playing

with the shells, imagining what it was like to be inside of them. I loved to hold them and trace

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their spirals and listen to the sound coming through them. Even the tiniest shells make music if

you listen carefully.

As an adult I again found myself drawn to seashells. People continually gave them to me as

gifts without knowing of my interest in them. Friends and family randomly gave me shell

 jewelry made either of actual shells or of gold and silver replicas. I didn’t think much about it; Ithought at the time that it was just a coincidence that didn’t mean anything. 

Each time I go through a major transformation in my life, just before the shift occurs, I

change things in my physical environment. I overhaul my wardrobe or my house or both. I was

in the process of such a transformation when I again became drawn to seashells. People were

once again randomly giving me shells as gifts—this time large conch shells which I used as door

stoppers and garden decorations. I also redecorated my room and bought a large apothecary

 jar which I filled with shells. I fussed with the placement of the shells within the jar, knowing

that they had to be just right but not sure why.

This jar became a focal point for me during meditation. It was the first thing I saw when I

woke up and the last thing I saw when I went to bed. It was also the first thing I noticed

whenever I walked into my room. Different shells in the jar caught my attention from day to

day and I imagined myself inside of them, feeling their energy swirling around me and noticing

the shifts that occurred within me as I did this.

My passion for crystals (I had been collecting them for years and had a house full of them)

was now surpassed by my passion for shells which I had come to think of as crystals from the

sea. Each shell spoke to me in a different way. I sensed the energies of various shells as having

particular healing properties in much the same way that crystals can be used for healing.

I began cataloguing the energies that came through various shells. Once I knew the shells I

had in my possession, I sought out more shells to discover their energies. I dreamed about

shells I did not yet know and then searched for them online to add them to my collection,

knowing in advance the energy they carried even before I could hold them in my hands.

Soon my house was filled with shells, each one becoming an intimate friend that taught me

new ways of healing.

The shells revealed hand placements that activated their spiral energy throughout the body,

directing it in precise ways for targeted healing. I discovered how to work with beings from

higher spiritual realms in conjunction with the shells to amplify the energies. I played with the

shell spirals every day, perfecting the techniques and deepening my experience with them.

I was onto a great tool for my own self-healing, but was it just for me or would it work for

other people? I began using the shell techniques on my friends and clients. I was surprised at

how quickly they worked. People felt the energy right way and felt better almost immediately.

(At this point I was merely facilitating the healing, not teaching them to do it for themselves.)

My focus as a spiritual healing teacher has always been to empower others, not to make

them dependent on me. I would rather teach people how to fish than give them a fish. Placing

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my hands on them and facilitating shell-spiral healing was like giving them a fish. I was more

interested in teaching them how to do it for themselves.

I have learned countless healing techniques over the years and in my experience, there are

few that work well for self-healing. I knew the shells worked for me but would they work as

self-healing tools for other people? There was only one way to know for sure. But before I triedit out on people, I asked about it in psychic readings with intuitives who did not know anything

about me or my work. Again and again they confirmed that this healing is more powerful than I

knew. They repeated that I had worked with these energies in past lives in Atlantis and Lemuria

where I was an expert at healing DNA. They said it is a cutting edge tool for modern times and

that it is supported by the wisdom of my soul lessons from many lifetimes which gives this work

added power. I came to believe that I was really onto something as I heard this same message

again and again.

After a year of working with the shells on my own, I was now ready to teach my first

students. I began with one-on-one sessions at psychic fairs and expos. In 20 minute readings, I

gave people guidance along with one hands-on shell technique that they could work with at

home to shift the energy around a particular issue. People were drawn to the shells that I laid

out on the table of my booth. Inevitably they picked up the shell that matched the issue that

they were working on in their lives. I found that even people who had never sensed healing

energy before could sense the energy of the shell spirals and hand positions. People who were

previously skeptical about energy healing now believed in it after their experiences with the

sacred spiral energies.

I had enough confirmation that this worked for other people, not just me. I began teaching

small evening classes—one shell each week. I was struck with how immediately people

responded to the energies. It didn’t matter whether it was a seasoned healer or someone new

to working with energy. Almost everyone had immediate and powerful experiences with the

shell spirals. They began telling me of healing successes that occurred as they worked with the

techniques. They began asking to learn more and even to learn how to teach this work.

The shell techniques are like anything else: they work if you work them. They have made a

huge impact on my life these last few years, bringing me more into the flow of creation while

creating new pathways for healing. They will do the same for you if you work with them; better

yet,  play  with them as I did. It is a process that I know you will enjoy.