discovering your passion

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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion



  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion




  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    You wonder where movements come from?

    And dreams originate in the heart.

    Usually, broken ones.


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    When my dad wen o Vie nam in 1968, my hear broke. A nine year-old boy needs a dad.Every week, wed ge a leter and a ape rom him.My mom, sis er and I would si down on he couch

    and lis en o him describe his li e as a doc or here.

    I dreamed o geting him back home.I realized ha i couldn happen unless some hing dras ic occurred.So I conceived in my mind a special eam ha would in l ra e enemy linesand ge o he commanders o he Vie namese army.

    I knew hey would need special equipmen ,so I dreamed up ray guns using rubies ha would ocus heir lasers.(Because how else are you going o opera e a laser, bu wi h a ruby?)

    I dreamed o secre vehicles ha would carry hem vehicles armed o he gills wi h he la es echnology.

    Driven by a broken hear , I dreamed, and hen I drew i on paper.

    And i Id had he resources, I would have begun puting my dreams in o ac ion.Bu o course when my dad re urned home rom Vie nam, my real dream came rue.

    Bu ha was jus he beginning.-Seth Barnes

    I've had a lo o dreams since hen,

    And I've learned some important lessons about dreaming.

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    for beginningTHANK YOU

  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion



    DREAMING ISnatural

  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    When we were kids, we daydreamed, imagining al erna e worlds. We were knigh s and princesses, as ronau s and race car drivers. We were he heroes o our own s ories.

    As adul s, we s ill dream, albei di eren ly.

    We imagine ourselves geting rich or solving he worlds problems. We dream o alling in love or living in a ropical paradise. We dream o a beter li e.

    I someone dreams oo much, we say ha hey have heirhead in the clouds.Teyre too impractica , we migh hink, dismissively.Bu ha s no rue a all.

    Te reali y is, dreaming is an impor an par o living. And we need more o i .More dreamers.More visionaries.More pioneers bold enough o imagine ano her world, wi h he audaci y o crea e i .

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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    God is a dreamer.He imagined all o crea ion be ore i exis ed.Ten he spoke i in o being.

    His plan or redemp ion is one grea and beau i ul dream.

    And he shares his dream wi h us in pieces,like broken ragmen s o glass ting oge her o crea e a mosaic. And hen hes generous enough o le us call hem our dreams. Jesus asks us o pray your kingdom come, or he reali y o Gods reign o arrive in i s ullness here and now.Tis is Gods dream.

    We mus be daring enough o believe ha his reali y is possible.o imagine i . o ask or i .o begin living i ou here and now.

    Te world is no spiraling down in o decay.I s geting brigh er.

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    Tis is wha i means o dream:to make the world a better place,

    first in our imaginations and then with our actions.

    Wi h a dream, we have hope and can bring i o o hers.I is an invi a ion o par icipa e in divinely-inspired,hope- lled visions o he u ure --o ac ively ake par in some hing much bigger han ourselves.

    We engage our ai h prac ically when we s ar ushering hese dreams in o exis ence. When we begin o ake real s eps owards healing he world, we are awakened o new levels o dependence, in imacy and nearness o God.

    Bu we canno do any o hisi we have no given ourselves permission o dream.

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    Tere are daydreams.Tere are sleeping dreams. (As here are nigh mares.)Tere are dreams in which we envision our ideal lives.

    And hen here are God-brea hed dreams.Tis is he mos impor an ca egory, he one wor h exploring.Tese are he hear -pounding dreams ha keep you awake a nigh .Teyre he burdens ha you carry or years and don unders and why.

    Teyre he rue voca ion ha calls o you when youre s uck in a cubicle,doing wha you hink youresupposedo be doing.

    Tese dreams are so seduc ive ha we ear hem.Tey an alize and aun and in imida e.Tey invoke such in ense passion and desire in us ha i seems impossible o bridle.Tey require risk and sacri ce, and his scares us.

    Tese dreams represen our rue purpose, he reason we were crea ed.Tey are, as one person once pu i ,

    "that thing in your ife that you cant not do." And even wi hin his ca egory, here are sub-ca egories o dreams.Dreams o building orphanages and s ar ing spor s eams.Dreams o moving o A rica or o launching a micro-en erprise business.Dreams o imagining remarkable works o ar and sharing hem wi h he world.

    So,i everyone has a dream, wha s yours?

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    dreaming isselfless


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    Mos o us have dreams ha are oo small.

    Tey cen er around our own needs and wan s.Tey ocus on us. Tey eel hollow and rail. And ha s because hey are.

    We wan a cer ain kind o car or house or spiri ual experience or rela ionship. We long or some hing rivial ha seems impor an a he ime. We wan a beter job or o lose 20 pounds or more vaca ion ime. We all are like children, wan ing he nex bes , shinies oy on he shel .

    Tis is no dreaming.Tis is playing.I s coddling and pandering o our narcissism.

    I we are going o do any hing ha makes a di erence in his li e, we need o look beyond our own lives and discover Gods dreams.

    We must be willing to give away our lives for the sake of his dream.

    We mus lose our lives o nd i .

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    We have o remember:This is not about us.

    From ime o ime, we need o give ourselves permission o look beyond our presen reali y;o suspend ra ionali y and hink ou side o he box,even i or only a momen .

    Tese exercises o crea ivi y can lead o amazing, remarkable, world-changing discoveries.

    Bu i will never happen i we don s ar .I we oolishly believe ha we don need a dream.

    A dream brings li e and ligh o areas in he world ha need i he mos .

    A dream makes he world a beter place. When you are given a dream, i is no or your own personal com or or success.I s given o you o be given away.

    No only do we need a dream,he world needs our dreams.

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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    Have you ever heard he Super ramp song Dreamer?Te lyric aun s,

    Dreamer - youre nothing but a dreamer.

    And we resona e wi h his, because who hasn el aun ed or heir dreams? Who hasn el or ured by heir aspira ions? Mos o us are ambivalen abou our own dreams.

    O course, Im no alking abou he dreams ha we have while sleeping.Tis is one kind o dream, and cer ainly, God can speak o us during his ime.

    Bu i s our deep, waking dreams ha have aken roo and cap iva ed me.Tose are wha concern me, because o wha hey migh require o us. And ha scares us.

    When you eel ha ear, when you hear he aun ing voice o a dream,i s ime o begin.Ques ions o how and maybe even why will begin o emerge in your mind.

    Tose are impor an , bu no more impor an han asking when.

    And the answer to when, is"now."

    Wha s mos impor an -- beyond business plans and ne working --

    is ha you begin.

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    Te paradox o he dreaming process is ha we are o en given gi sand dreams ha we may hen be called o give up or a season.I eels like dying or some o us.Bu he ru h is ha his is he long road o achieving your dream.

    So where do you s ar ? A good place o s ar is by serving someone elses dream.Serving your way in o success is he bes way o realize your dreams and s ay humble.

    I s he opposi e o he narcissis ic, sel -serving rou e ha our cul ure preaches.Bu i makes comple e sense.

    Ins ead o ven uring ou in o unchar ed erri ory or he rs ime, why no spend a year or wo in an unofcial in ernship or your dream --helping someone else so ha you can see how i s done?

    O course, he emp a ion here is o hide behind someone elses vision,someone elses dream.

    And even ually, youll have o move on, o s ep ou in o your own dream.How do you know when? When you can no longer keep i botled up. When he dream becomes so annoying ha you can ignore or de er i any longer. When i s irs and urns and pulls deep wi hin you.

    A ha poin , i s ime.

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    DREAMs arerewarding


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    I have a dream o dying happy.Ta may sound morbid, bu i s wha we all dream o doing.

    We wan o die happy.o live a li e o such meaning and purpose

    ha when we leave his world, we have a smile on our ace,knowing ha weve experienced li e o he ulles .

    Yes, here will be hardship. Yes, here will be hear ache.In his world, here will, indeed, be rouble.

    Bu happiness has o do wi h more han circums ance.I has o do wi h doing wha you were made o do.

    And you were made to dream.

    I youve no answered ha nagging call a nighor he ee ing hough o doing some hing dangerous wi h your li e,

    hen youre probably no happy.

    Because dreaming-- wi h all i s inheren risks and cau ions --is he only way o really live.

  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    A few months ago, Dr. Richard Kowalske died.

    A success ul chiroprac or rom Gainesville, GA,Dr. Kowalske had a dream ha required him o sell every hing o pursue i .Heres he s ory in his own words:

    As I was alling asleep on he nigh o Augus 15, 2002,in my mind I was seeing he possibili ies o a camp proper y,and how i could be used so e ec ively in Gods minis ry or he you h o Bolivia, which in ime, could a ec he whole coun ry o Bolivia.

    How awesome i would be i I could use all he alen s and skills God had given meo be a par o ha vision?

    During he nigh , God showed me wha I needed o do o become a par o ha vision.I dreamed abou he rich man described by Mathew in he Bible.

    In my dream, I saw Jesus looking a me.He did no speak, bu poin ed o me as i asking, Wi you give a to fo ow me?

    Ten, I saw he camp as i could be:dormi ories, lled wi h children rom all over Bolivia;spor s elds; a modern ki chen; a chapel; nearby missionary housing;and an audi orium or presen a ion o he evangelis ic programs.

    On he morning o Augus 16, I woke up wi h a new plan and purpose.I knew my li e would never be he same.Be ore we le Bolivia, we had made he commi men o sell every hing and ollow Jesus.

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    Dr. Kowalske wen on o build a Helping Hands Foreign Missionso suppor he minis ry he es ablished in Bolivia.Tey buil a permanen camp acili y o reach he you h o Boliviaand es ablished a medical ou reach o help mee he physical needs o he people.

    On a recen mission rip, Dr. Kowalske con rac ed cerebral malaria.I was oo la e o do any hing abou i when he checked in o he local hospi al.

    While we grieve or his amily,I can help bu be inspired by his heroic li eand he price ha he pu on he dream God gave him.

    We all need o live like ha .I was an ac ual dream ha awakened he doc or,and he did wha so many o are scared o do.

    He sacrificed everything for the sake of a dream.

    I have a hunch ha he died happy.

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    Tis is he ques ion we all mus ask o ourselves,

    Can I die happy?

    I were living he lives weve dreamed o ,hen when dea h comes, we can pass in o he nex li e wi h a sense o comple ion.

    Wi h a heal hy sense o pride.O pursuing wi h passion he dreams weve been given.

    We can look back a our li e and smile,hearing hese words ring rue: Wel done.

    I hope this book makes you think di erently about your dreams.I hope it calls you to a place o greatness that youve never be ore considered possible.I hope it makes you ace a ear or two (or fy).

    I hope you begin.


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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    You nd yoursel rustrated by a speci c type o sufering or injustice.

    Your heart begins to break or a certain place, people, or cause.

    You have a thought cross your mind that says,"What i ?"

    You daydream on the possibilities.

    An idea begins to stick in your mind.

    Something deep within you begins to stir over this cause.

    You start talking about it, sharing it, contemplating it out loud.

    You nd yoursel thinking and talking about it more.

    You nd yoursel wanting to learn more.

    It begins to change the way you view li e.

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    STAGE 2

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    You start to put energy into reading, researching, doing things related to your interest.

    Your eyes and ears pick up on in ormation and related news.

    You sense a depth o longing in your soul to do something.

    Taking action related to your cause brings you li e.

    You can see yoursel doing more.

    You nd yoursel seeking opportunities to do more, nd out more and gain experience.

    You start to build a vision in your mind o what youd like to do.

    You can share this vision with others and they can begin to grasp the concept.

    You begin to meet some resistance as you move ahead.

    Your commitment deepens and you become more willing to sacri ce or the vision.

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    At this point, you need todecide. Between stage2 and 3,you need to make a decision.Will you commit?Will you buyin to the process, no matterhow hard it gets or how muchopposition you face? This is

    where the work really begins.

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    STAGE 3

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    Your vision begins to become more speci c.

    You start dreaming in detail o what it will look like and how it might work.

    Your dream begins to gain momentum with others as they become interested.

    You start taking steps toward making it reality.

    Your passion and commitment grows as the dream gains more clarity.

    You doubt whether or not you will be capable o seeing it through.

    Your prayers become more ocused on making the dream come to li e.

    You develop a sketch o a plan.

    You learn more about yoursel and how your strengths can be put to use.

    You begin seeking out others who could help.

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    STAGE 4

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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    Kingdom Dreams exists to facilitate the realization of God's dreams.

    We are here o mobilize you o do wha you were made o do. We will encourage, challenge, ne work, and resource you,helping you ake he nex s ep in your kingdom dream.

    Tese dreams may ouch any area o cul ure: ministry

    businesshealththe artsgovernmentsportspoliticsor education.

    Bu we don' jus suppor dreamers...


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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    our goal is simple:to see dREAMs happeWe do this as we: Clari y the dream o God someone is carrying.

    Outline the path to realizing the dream.Connect dreamers to those who can help them.Coach dreamers on their way.

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  • 7/31/2019 Discovering Your Passion


    Tere is an impor an calling on your li e.( yes, yours.) You have some hing o give he world ha no one else can give.God has placed a dream deep wi hin your hear --and i needs o be released.Tis dream is bigger han you,and you canno do i by yoursel .Bu i can be done.I 's no going o be easy.I could cos you more han you wan o give. You're going o wan o qui .Bu i 's wor h i . You are going o need help. You are going o need guidance. You are going o need God. lo s o God.Bu he's big enough.

    So, here's to the journey; the strugg e and the success...



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    lets change theworld together.

    We see people from all over the worldcoming togetherto release the dreams of God on earth.