district mission preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s

AGENDA GEARY COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOLS Junction City, Kansas DISTRICT MISSION Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world. REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING Mary Devin Center for Education Support Tuesday, September 8, 2020 6:30 p.m. NOTICE: INFORMATION REFERRED TO IN OPEN MEETING WILL BE PUBLIC INFORMATION……… I. Call the Meeting to Order………………………President Rina Neal II. Roll Call……………………………….Clerk of the Board Tina Kausler III. Pledge of Allegiance……………………………..President Rina Neal IV. Public Comment Reminder………….................President Rina Neal Commentary: If you would like to make a public comment during today’s meeting please fill out the public comment form located on the sign in table and give it to Tina Kausler. No motion required V. Approval of the Agenda…………………………President Rina Neal Motion required VI. District Recognition (Eggleston) Commentary: Dr. Eggleston would like to recognize this month that Malcolm Watkins, SJCF Architecture and Lead designer for the new Junction City High School was recently recognized as Wichita Business Journal's Top

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Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world.

REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING Mary Devin Center for Education Support

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 6:30 p.m.



I. Call the Meeting to Order………………………President Rina Neal II. Roll Call……………………………….Clerk of the Board Tina Kausler III. Pledge of Allegiance……………………………..President Rina Neal IV. Public Comment Reminder………….................President Rina Neal


If you would like to make a public comment during today’s meeting please fill out the public comment form located on the sign in table and give it to Tina Kausler.

• No motion required

V. Approval of the Agenda…………………………President Rina Neal

• Motion required VI. District Recognition (Eggleston)

Commentary: Dr. Eggleston would like to recognize this month that Malcolm Watkins, SJCF Architecture and Lead designer for the new Junction City High School was recently recognized as Wichita Business Journal's Top

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 2

40 under 40 for his professional achievements and contributions to the Wichita community. Mr Watkins is also the President of the Kansas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

USD 475 can take pride in knowing that its new high school is designed by a recognized top professional.

• No motion required

VII. Approval of the Consent Agenda………….....President Rina Neal

A. Approval of the Minutes of the August 3, 2020 Regular Board of Education Meeting and August 17, 2020 Special Board of Education

A copy of the Minutes are attached (here) for August 3 and (here) for August 17th.

B. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report (Fredricks)

The treasurer’s report is attached (here).

C. Budget Report (Fredricks) A copy of the Budget Report is attached (here).

D. Approval of Student Activity Accounts (Fredricks) Commentary: A copy of the student activity accounts is attached (here).

E. Approval of Bills (Fredricks) A copy of the computer printout of bills payable is attached (here).

F. Personnel Report (Toomey)

Commentary: Employments: The list attached (here) contains the names certified personnel hired with letter of intent for the 2020-2021 school year and classified salaried personnel hired with letter of intent for the 2020-2021 school year.

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 3

The list attached (here) contains the names of classified personnel hired for the 2020-2021 school year. Resignations: The list attached (here) contains the names of certified personnel rescinding their acceptance of a position for the 2020-2021 school year and salaried personnel resigning during the 2019-2020 school year, The list attached (here) contains the names of classified personnel resignations/terminations/retired for the 2020-2021 school year.

G. Lincoln Elementary Classroom Aide (Toomey)

Commentary: Lincoln Elementary is anticipating an increase in their 2nd Grade class over 23 as of September 7th, 2020. The school currently has one 2nd grade in remote status and one in on-site status. A memo from Kathi Teeter is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here). Staff recommends that the Board approve the recommendation from administration to hire a classroom aide for Lincoln Elementary as long as the student population would warrant it.

H. Position for Elementary Educators – Remote Learning (Toomey)

Commentary: Due to the prevention needs of COVID-19, the district has implemented two learning platforms in the district – on-site and remote/online learning. The remote learning is currently utilizing existing staff in the district and the classroom capacities are as high as 33 students in a remote learning classroom. As families move into the district, the remote classrooms may continue to increase in size. A memo from Lacee Sell is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here).

Based with the COVID-19 guidance and requirements, the district would need to potentially place an educator at each grade level – K-5th grade. These positions would be for a one-year status.

Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 4

I. Position for .5 Library Clerk (Toomey) Commentary: Due to the current 4th Grade Teacher vacancy at Milford Elementary, the Library Media Specialist/Instructional Coach will be substituting in the classroom until such time as a candidate has been hired and placed. The duties of the library will need to be covered during this period. The position will be funded through General Fund. A memo from Phyllis Boller is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here).

Staff recommends that the Board approve the addition of .5 Library Clerk at Milford Elementary.

J. Position for Computer Technician (Toomey)

Commentary: Due to the increased need for informational technology support throughout the district, the Information Technology Department would like to return back to an eight-person team of computer technicians. Currently, there are seven computer technicians within the district. As the IT needs continue to increase the need for the additional staff member is becoming increasingly significant. The decrease is staffing is due to the departure of Robert Jacobs in 2018. His position has not been replaced to date. Due to lapse of over one year, the addition of this position would be classified as a new position in the district. A memo from Karl DeArmond is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here). Staff recommends that the Board approve the addition of Computer Technician.

K. New Position – Classroom Aide (Toomey)


Due to the current 5th Grade Teacher vacancy at Westwood Elementary, the two sections of 5th grade classes will be combined into one. If the class size becomes larger than 25 students, the district would provide a classroom aide to assist the classroom teacher with small

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 5

group instruction and classroom management. A memo from Kim Dressman is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here). Staff recommends that the Board approve the classroom aide at Westwood.

L. New Position – Classroom Aide-Music (Toomey) Commentary: Due to the current Music Teacher vacancy at Seitz Elementary, all the music classes will be covered by one music teacher. The school is requesting a classroom aide for the music teacher to assist until the 2nd music teacher has obtained their KSDE licensure. A memo from Kim Dressman is attached (here) with the Personnel Request Form attached (here).

Staff recommends that the Board approve the classroom aide-music position at Seitz.

M. Consider Requests to Receive Gifts, Requests to Apply for a Grant and

Request to Accept a Grant (Eggleston) Commentary:

A list of requests to receive gifts and a list of requests to apply for a grant and a list of requests to accept a grant that were submitted this month are attached (here) for different programs and schools in our district. Staff recommends approval of the requests to receive a gift, requests to apply for a grant and/or request to accept a grant.

N. Annual Notice for the Konza MOU for JCHS (Gustafson) / Goal 6: Obj. 6.4


The Board agreed that Konza Prairie Community Health Clinic will provide a Clinic nurse on site at Junction City High School daily to provide support for the JCHS School Nurse. The USD 475 Nurse will refer students to the Clinic that need to be seen with parent consent.

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 6

The term of this MOU commenced on August 13, 2018 and is automatically renewed annually unless terminated by either USD 475 or Konza upon sixty (60) days written notice. Konza has provided the letter attached (here) for a request to terminate services for one year. The Board agreed to accept the termination of the Konza Prairie Community Health Clinic services provided at the Junction City High School for one year.

O. Turner Vision & Mobility Services (O & M) Agreement (Downs)

Commentary: Nathan Downs has provided information on an agreement for the 2020-2021 school year with O&M to provide assessment, instruction, training and consultation in the practice areas of Orientation & Mobility, and Special Education. The agreement is attached (here). Staff recommends that the Board of Education approve the agreement with O&M to provide special education and/or related services for the 2020-2021 school year.

P. 2020-2021 Transportation Agreement with Marysville (Downs) Commentary: This agreement addresses transportation services to Kansas State School for the Blind/Kansas State School for the Deaf from both school districts as provided by U.S.D. #475 Geary County Schools and its transportation contractor. A copy of the contract is attached (here). Staff recommends that the Board approve the transportation agreement with USD 364 Marysville School District. • Motion required to approve the consent agenda items

VIII. Comments from the Public

• No motion required

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 7 IX. General Remarks from Board of Education Members & Superintendent

Commentary: This item provides an opportunity for general observations from Board Members and Superintendent regarding the state of the Geary County School District. • No motion required

X. Boardsmanship Training (Mark Edwards)


Mr. Edwards will review a topic with the Board members.

• No motion required XI. Action Items (Superintendent)

A. Consider Updating Board Policies on Second Reading (Eggleston) / Goal 2: Obj. 2.1 Commentary: The policy changes were brought for your review last month and are now back for Board approval. The following are new or revised Board policies: CF, DFE, GAAB, GAAC, GAAD, GAOC, HAE, IC, IJ, JCDAA, JGEC, JQKA, KMA, KN, KN Complaint Form and KNA.

Copies of the KASB policy recommendations are attached (here). If the text is in red, it is new language from KASB. If it is red and stricken, it will be removed from our current policy. Staff recommends that the Board approve the KASB recommendations for the following policies; CF, DFE, GAAB, GAAC, GAAD, GAOC, HAE, IC, IJ, JCDAA, JGEC, JQKA, KMA, KN, KN Complaint Form and KNA.

• Motion required

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 8

B. Signature Services for Remote Learning Logs (DeArmond) Commentary: To KSE As part of the KSDE’s Navigating Change guidance, USD 475 needs to collect remote learning logs for all students who opt for remote learning. According to KSDE, both students and parents or guardians need to sign the document. A memo from Karl DeArmond is attached (here). We are sending out remote learning logs by the week. We anticipate nearly 68,043 packets that will need to be collected. DocuSign came in as the cheapest option for the remote learning logs. CARES Act funds will be used for this purchase. Staff recommends that the Board approve to purchase DocuSign services for $75,000 for the 2020-2021 school year. • Motion required

C. Custodial, Facilities and Grounds Maintenance (Wild)


The USD475 contract support for general maintenance, custodial and grounds maintenance services is up for renewal. In order to stabilize the workforce during COVID-19 mitigation efforts, the solicitation for renewal of services was cancelled and the current contract with ABM extended through March 2021.

In May 2020 a revised Request for Proposal for an initial term of one year plus four option years providing a total of five years was issued to four firms and the Small Business Administration. Two firms responded to the RFP. These two firms are the same as those submitting Best and Final Offers under the cancelled solicitation. The Source Selection Committee performed proposal evaluations with results reflected in the slide deck (here).

The solicitation placed offerors on notice that: 1. The contractor becomes responsible for all equipment, vehicles and

supplies necessary for performance of the contract. This is a departure from previous practice of the District providing equipment, vehicles and supplies.

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 9

2. Contract award would be a Best Value decision based on weighted criteria. Those criteria included Quality, Management, Technical Approach and Price. Evaluations also assigned a performance risk assessment to both offers. Evaluators looked at adequacy of approach, understanding of requirements in addition to cost realism, completeness and reasonableness.

RESULTS: 1. The ABM proposal provides a Quality (Quality, Management and

Technical combined) proposal that is 11 percent better than Offeror B.

2. The ABM price is 6.6 percent higher than Offeror B. 3. The cost of In-House performance is $5.2M (including KPERS). In-house

price exceeds proposed contract award price by 13 percent (~$600K) per annum.

The BOE reviewed results of proposal evaluations during its August working meeting and directed that staff return with a contract award recommendation for Offeror A (ABM).

Staff recommends that the BOE approve contract award to ABM with performance effective 1 April 2021 at an annual contract price of $4,577,973.

• Motion required

XII. Discussion Items (Superintendent)

A. Magnet Program Update (Wesoloski) Commentary: Tom Wesoloski will share an update on the Magnet Program. • No motion required

B. Program Report (Stauffer)

Commentary: Mary Cay Stauffer will provide an update to the Board on programs that have been taken over by the YMCA.

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 10

• No motion required

C. E-Rate for 2021 (DeArmond) Commentary: Mr. DeArmond will share what we are receiving bids for regarding the new high school. This will come to the Board for a vote in the next month. • No motion required

D. Inform the BOE About Methods and Timelines Relating to the Re-

procurement of USD 475 Bus Services (Wild). Goal 4. Obj 4.1 & 4.2 Commentary: The District receives bus services from two contract providers. Both contracts are scheduled to expire 30 June 2021. Staff intends to issue a solicitation to industry in the early fall of 2021 and return with a contract award recommendation in the early winter. A briefing pertaining to solicitation requirements, methods for proposal evaluations and contract award is attached (here). • No motion required

E. Strategic Plan Facilitator Proposals (Eggleston)


Dr. Eggleston has three proposals from agencies that can assist us with developing our strategic plan. The range in services varies. He has shared with each agency our desire to include all stakeholders and to capture their thoughts and ideas in a manner that will assist the BOE in determining goals for the next five years. The three agencies are:

1. Greenbush, The Education Consultant Center (here) 2. Hanover Research (here) 3. WestEd (academic review and strategic planning process) (here)

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 11

Dr. Eggleston would like to revisit the discussion on September 14 for further discussion and recommend Board action. The next steps would be inviting the approved agency to our retreat to begin discussions and interviews of BOE members.

• No motion required

F. Kansas Schools Gating Criteria (Eggleston)

Commentary: Dr. Eggleston will review the Kansas Schools Gating Criteria from Kansas State Department of Education. A copy is attached (here). • No motion required

G. Teaching & Learning (T&L) Update (Sell)

Commentary: Mrs. Sell will provide an update on the Teaching & Learning Department. • No motion required

XIII. General Remarks from Board of Education Members & Superintendent

Commentary: This item provides an opportunity for general observations from Board Members regarding the state of the Geary County School District. • No motion required

XIV. Executive Session to Discuss Negotiations

Commentary: Suggested motion: “It is moved that the Board of Education recess to Executive Session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the Board Room in _____ minutes.

The following people have been invited to attend the Executive Session –

Board of Education Agenda September 8, 2020 Page 12

Dr. Eggleston, Dawn Toomey, Lacee Sell

• Motion required XV. Return to Open Session

• Motion required

XVI. Consideration of Contractual Terms for the 2020-2021 School Year

(Eggleston) Commentary:

The Board of Education and the teacher bargaining unit have come to agreement for the 2020-21 school year that was reached during the interest based bargaining sessions.

Attached (here) is the Formal Agreement for School Year 2020-21 between Junction City Education Association and the Board of Education USD 475 and a list of agreement changes are attached (here).

437 voted 400 Yes (91.35%) 37 No (8.47%)

It is recommended that the Board approve the 2020-2021 salary schedule and the formal agreement.

• Motion required

XVII. Adjournment

• Motion required


Devin Center 5:30 P.M.


Monday, October 5, 2020 Devin Center

6:30 P.M.

August 3, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Mary E Devin Center Geary County USD No. 475 for Education Support Board Members Present: Board Members Absent:

Anwar Khoury David Walker Rina Neal Sarah Talley Jim Schmidt Ron Johnson Kristy Haden

Fort Riley Representative Present: Fort Riley Representative Absent: COL McKannay CSM Speichert The Board of Education met in regular session on August 3, 2020. President Rina Neal called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Mrs. Neal invited the board and public to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Comment Reminder Mrs. Neal reminded the public that if they wanted to make a public comment today they would need to fill out the form on the sign in table. Approval of the Agenda Motion made by Jim Schmidt, seconded by Ron Johnson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0. District Recognition Dr. Eggleston shared that it was good to see everyone. He had the pleasure of welcoming the new teachers today on their first day of virtual orientation. He said it was good to see new faces and energy. Approval of Consent Agenda Motion made by Dr. Anwar Khoury, seconded by Kristy Haden to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Motion carried 7-0. Consent agenda included the following items: Approval of the Minutes Approved the minutes for the July 2, 2020, July 20, 2020 and July 28, 2020 meetings.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 2 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

Approval of Budget Report Approval of Student Activity Accounts

Approval of Bills Approved the bills totaling $11,767,857.25. Transfer HIA Account Funds for Bond Interest Approved the transfer of $1,600,000.00 from the Sunflower HIA escrow account to the Central National Bank operating account to complete the debt interest payment due September 1, 2019 Bond interest payment.

Personnel Report Certified Personnel Hired with Letter of Intent for The 2020-2021 School Year Rachel Bausman Counselor Seitz Elementary Josefina Carrillo Grade 7 Social Studies Junction City Middle School Hannah Clinebell Grade 4 Sheridan Elementary Jasmine Cohen Social Worker Westwood/Franklin Lakeisha Flemming Special Education – ACSS Junction City High School Rachel Jaeger EC ELL Classroom Early Childhood Center Gloria Lawrence Kindergarten Morris Hill Elementary Sherice Loftin Grade 4 Grandview Elementary Abby Vest Special Education Ware Elementary Classified Personnel Hired the 2020-2021 School Year No new hires at this time. Certified Personnel Retiring at the End of The 2019-2020 School Year Iva Adams Grade 5 Eisenhower Elementary Denise Boller Grade 4 Grandview Elementary **Requesting waiver of $2,500 liquidated damages for Ms. Boller as she provided medical documentation regarding health concerns** Certified Personnel Resigning At The End Of The 2019-2020 School Year Ahiesha Centeno Vega English Language Arts Fort Riley Middle School **Requesting waiver of $1,500.00 liquidated damages for Mrs. Centeno Vega as we have received copies of spouse’s PCS orders** Carrie Hewins Social Worker Westwood/Franklin Elementary **Ms. Hewins will be assessed $2,500.00 liquidated damages as per page 37 of the Negotiated Agreement** Craig Miller Grade 4 Milford Elementary **Mr. Miller will be assessed $2,500.00 liquidated damages as per page 37 of the Negotiated Agreement**

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 3 Aubree Rariden Early Childhood Special Education Early Childhood Center Natalie Schwartz MTSS Behavior Support Specialist Fort Riley Middle School Certified Personnel Rescinding Their Acceptance of a Position For The 2020-2021 School Year Jessa Pignatello Grade 4 Westwood Elementary Certified Personnel Requesting Study Leave for the 2020-2021 School Year Jennifer Brown Grade 4 Sheridan Elementary Salaried Personnel Resigning at the End of the 2019-2020 School Year Monica Boyd Brown Parent Educator HD Karns Debbie Junghans-Johns Family Service Advocate Early Childhood Center Susan Payne SLP Assistant Ware Elementary Early Childhood Block Grant Personnel Leaving Upon Ending Of Grant July 31, 2020 Julie Gyuran ECBG Early Literacy Specialist HD Karns Classified Personnel Resignations, Terminations, Retired For The 2019-2020 School Year. Kristin Bryan Junction City High School Para Educator Margaret Snipes HD Karns Building Cook Marilyn Newlon (R) Early Childhood Center Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Jamie Platt Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Errin Jepsen Morris Hill Elementary Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Donita Doyle Early Childhood Center Early Childhood Para Educator Amanda Peterson Early Childhood Center Early Childhood Para Educator Shalisa Collins Sheridan Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Jennifer Wilkerson Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Lori Chesterman (E) HD Karns Building Grants Program Secretary Brenda Sandoval (E) HD Karns Building ASPYN Secretary Christina Enyame Junction City Middle School Para Educator Payton Holm Junction City High School ACSS Para Educator Donna Angermeier Eisenhower Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Gerildine Cota Ware Elementary Early Childhood Para Educator Kelly Jansen HD Karns Building E.A.G.L.E.S. Behavior Tech Chandra Kidd Spring Valley Elementary Child Nutrition Secretary T = Terminated R = Retiring E = Job Eliminated D = Deceased

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 4 Approval of Team Leaders, Department Heads and Chairperson Recommendations for Building Assignments Approved the list of Elementary Team Leaders, Middle School Team Leaders, Secondary Department Heads, Ninth Grade Team Leaders, High School Academy Leaders, District Wide Chairperson Positions and District Wide Special Education Chairpersons for 2020-2021.

Recommendation to Modify the Elementary Administrator Contracts for 2020-2021 School Year Approved adjusting the elementary administrator contracts to reflect the changes of the 2020-2021 calendar to provide the leadership support to their buildings during this pandemic.

Surplus and Obsolete Furniture and Equipment Approved authorizing the use of Purple Wave Auction for the disposal of the district surplus and obsolete furniture and equipment and allow the staff to dispose of any items that are not auctioned. Approve the Replacement Purchase of a Combination Oven for the District Central Kitchen Approved the purchase and replacement of a combination oven for the District Central Kitchen. Consider Contract for SPED Services with USD 383 Approved the contract to provide special education and/or related services for the 2020-2021 school year with USD 383. Consider Requests to Receive Gifts, Requests to Apply for a Grant and Request to Accept a Grant Approved the requests to receive a gift, request to apply for a grant and request to accept a grant. Comments from the Public There were no public comments. General Remarks from Board of Education Members & Superintendent Mr. Walker shared that he knows everybody is excited about getting the school started. He thinks we are waiting a little too long. He said hopefully we will have the numbers go up to last years and be on with our year. Dr. Khoury shared he is glad to be back. He welcomed COL McKannay. He also shared with parents that all of our buildings should be safe and not to hesitate to send your kids to school. He said there is a minuet risk. He said with all the efforts

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 5 the district is going to take that risk is small. He knows that some parents are still on the edge but from his medical point of view he encourages everyone to send kids to their kids to school. Dr. Eggleston shared that he worked with the principals last week in training. They reviewed health and safety measures as well as academic priorities. He thanked everybody for their participation and ability to get in and not get totally off track. He feels the staff is focused and ready to get started. Jim Schmidt said he stands in awe of our staff at the Devin Center and all the buildings. He said nothing has slowed down since spring break when this happened. He shared usually this is the time to start ramping up the process, but this year is different. We have asked and asked and added to everyone’s plates. He is so appreciative as a parent and a member of the board. He has friends that are on school boards and he feels that we are blessed, a lot of school districts out there struggling. Ron Johnson is continually impressed with how many things we solve and how many things pop up. This is definitely unchartered territory. He said it is easy and a lot of people judge from the sidelines, but he doesn’t see anyone jump in and solve it. He is really impressed with the level of energy. He also drove by the new high school this weekend and said it is impressive how it continues to evolve. He said hopefully everyone is back to the classroom real soon. Sarah Talley said that there is nothing that tests an organization like the unknown. There are two pieces that are inherent in the organization of USD 475 and that is collaboration and education. She stated that it has been through a collaborate process that we have come to the decisions that we have and the involvement of many many people. It is the use of information from many agencies and parents and she thanked everybody for those actions and their input. She said there is nothing more dear to us than our children. Another piece that makes her very proud to be a part of this district is that we will continue to educate. She said it is not a get by year. This is what we do best. We will make this a safe environment and we will continue to educate our children. Please be patient with us and kind to us, but most importantly let’s work together as a community as a whole. That is what will move us forward. Kristy Haden just reiterated that the is excited to see the kids back in the schools and continue their education. She knows it will be very good for the kids to be back in the room with teachers. She thanked staff for all their hard work and the teachers, administrators and everyone else preparing the classrooms, working on lesson plans, etc.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 6 Rina Neal echoed the sentiments of the board and Dr. Eggleston. She thanked the new teachers for choosing our district. She also thanked all staff that have put in numerous hours to prepare and open up on August 31st. She also thanked the teacher’s union as we worked through the calendar to open on August 31st. To those watching that have questions she encouraged to reach out to their building principals and district staff. She appreciates everyone providing patience and grace things since things can change in a moment’s notice. She reminded them that we do have to work with governor, state board, commissioners and health department when we make decisions. She shared that when we get more information, we will share it. She stated that there is never a wrong question to ask. She courage them to look at their child’s school website since information is uploaded daily. She also expressed that she wouldn’t choose a better group of board members to work with during this time. She thanked Dr. Eggleston and staff for all their leadership. Boardsmanship Training Mr. Edwards reviewed the board policies that referenced gifts (to staff or schools) and the process that needs to be followed. Action Items (Superintendent) 2020-2021 Budget Preview Motion made by Sarah Talley, seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve a special board meeting on August 17th at 5:30 PM in order to consider the notice of hearing for the 2020-2021 budget and to approve the budget for publication. Motion carried 7-0.

Approval of the Agenda Motion made by Sarah Talley, seconded by Ron Johnson to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 7-0. The addendum was an action item for approving the remote learning 2020-2021 assurances.

Junction City High School is Requesting Approval to Enter Into an Agreement to Allow Online Ticketing for Events Motion made by Anwar Khoury, seconded by David Walker to approve entering into the service agreement with HomeTown Ticketing to provide online ticketing options for Junction City High School and make the necessary change to Policy JS. Motion carried 7-0.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 7 Approval of Uninterruptable Power Supply Devices for New JCHS Motion made by Jim Schmidt, seconded by Kristy Haden to approve the recommendation from administration to purchase UPS devices from Dell for $122,091.19. Motion carried 7-0. Remote Learning 2020-2021 Assurances Motion made by Kristy Haden, seconded by Anwar Khoury to approve the Remote Learning Assurances for 2020-2021. Motion carried 7-0. Discussion Items (Superintendent) District & Activities Mr. Westerhaus shared information regarding district sports and activities for the upcoming school year. No motion required. Consider Updating Board Policies on First Reading Again KASB alerted us on July 10th that a mistake was found in the June 2020 policy updates. Changes have been made to GAAB, GAAC, JGEC, and KN. The policy changes were brought for your review last month and will be brought back for Board approval on September 8th. No motion required. Navigating Change and the Teaching & Learning (T&L) Update Mrs. Sell shared the most recent information for Navigating Change and the most recent enrollment count. No motion required. General Remarks from Board of Education Members & Superintendent Sarah Talley shared that she has a love for baseball and that a former JC Blue Jay, Nick Heath, is playing for the Kansas City Royals this week. His grandmother Margaret Kilpatrick taught in our district for many years and his Mother, Kim Milleson, was a former board president. Jim Schmidt shared that there was recently a zoom meeting that included several officials with the City with our friends over at Manhattan Area Technical College. He said there might be some opportunities there that we might want to look into to see how we can strengthen our partnership with them. It sounds like they are going to working with our local hospital in developing a nursing program and it sounds like they are open to other opportunities within our secondary education system. He knows there have been some discussions in the past and he knows that we have a great relations with Cloud County. He looks forward to seeing what we can do with our area technical college. Dr. Eggleston gave a shout out to the staff, administrators and teaching and learning department for all the work that they are doing. He does meet with a

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 8 group every Monday/Wednesday/Friday to talk about aspects of the district that we need to address and we will continue to do this the remainder of the year. – Dr. Khoury asked parents to be patient with us. He feels it is going to be a fluid learning experience. He knows everyone has the best of intentions but that might not be the right thing. David Walker echoed the great opportunity for the high school students to get for college credit. Secondly, after listening to all this and trying to figure out what it all looks like it is starting to look like homeschooling. He has brought this up in the past about letting homeschoolers participate with our school system. To him, if you are going to be at home school then you should not probably be able to participate something like band or football or whatever. To him it is two separate things, if you are going to participate in sports then why can’t you come to participate in school? He is uncertain about where all this has been or where it is going. He said it might give homeschoolers an opportunity to start participating in our school system somehow. Rina Neal shared that they could via remote learning. Dr. Eggleston shared that the only reason this is an option right now is because of the pandemic. It is creating fear and anxiety. David Walker said we could make that same concession to homeschoolers. Rina Neal said a lot of that is directed by KHSAA. COL McKannay thanked everyone for what they are doing to take care of our kids. He also wanted to make sure they knew that Dr. Eggleston will be coming to the Ft Riley Town Hall meeting on August 17th on Ft Riley to spread the message to all of our families the opportunities offered this year. Rina Neal again thanked everyone. She thanked the staff for all their hard work, teaching and learning, technology, leadership team at Devin Center, administrators, parents for asking questions and advocating for your students. There will be another meeting on August 17th to approve the budget. The next official meeting will be on Sept 8th. They also need to discuss when we will have a retreat for the fall and discuss dates and topics. Executive Session to Discuss Negotiations Motion made by Anwar Khoury, seconded by Ron Johnson to recess Executive Session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the Board Room in fifteen (15) minutes. The following people have been invited to attend the Executive Session – Dr. Eggleston, Dawn Toomey, Lacee Sell. Motion carried 7-0.

Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 3, 2020 Page 9 Motion made by Rina Neal, seconded by Anwar Khoury to extend Executive Session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the board room in ten (10) minutes. Motion carried 7-0. Motion made by Rina Neal, seconded by Ron Johnson to extend Executive Session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the board room in ten (10) minutes. Motion carried 7-0. Motion made by Rina Neal, seconded by Ron Johnson to extend Executive Session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the board room in ten (10) minutes. Motion carried 7-0. Return to Open Session Motion made by Kristy Haden, seconded by Jim Schmidt to return to open session. Motion carried 7-0. Adjournment Mrs. Neal adjourned the meeting at 9:46 pm _______________________________ _____________________________________ Rina D. Neal, President Christina Kausler, Clerk of the Board Board of Education Board of Education

(A list of persons attending the Board Meeting is attached.)

Attachment tk

August 17, 2020 Special Board Meeting Geary County USD No. 475 Board Members Present: Board Members Absent:

Kristy Haden Sarah Talley Ron Johnson Anwar Khoury Rina Neal David Walker Jim Schmidt

Fort Riley Representative Present: Fort Riley Representative Absent: COL McKannay CSM Speichert The Board of Education met in special session on August 17, 2020. Board President Rina Neal called the session to order at 5:31 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Mrs. Neal invited the board to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Agenda Motion was made by Ron Johnson, seconded by Anwar Khoury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0. Budget Hearing/Consideration of the 2020-2021 Budget (5:30 p.m.) The Official Notice of Hearing published in the Daily Union announces the budget hearing for 5:30 p.m. Marilee Fredricks announced that there were no public comments from the community. The President said no one was present to comment and no comments were mailed in so the budget hearing was closed. Motion made by Kristy Haden and seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve the 2020-2021 budget be approved as presented for final preparation and for filing with the County Clerk. Motion carried 7-0.

College Tuition Grant Becky Hickert shared information regarding a grant through the AVID Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) that USD 475 has secured this school year in the amount of $250,000. Eligible students can earn college credit at no cost to the student or family. Enrollment will be coordinated by the JCHS Academy Counselors, and tuition, fees, and textbook rental fees will be paid by USD 475 directly to the postsecondary institution on the student’s behalf via third-party payment. No motion required.

Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 17, 2020 Page 2 Signature Services for Remote Learning Logs Karl DeArmond shared that USD 475 needs to collect remote learning logs for all students who opt for remote learning. According to KSDE, both students and parents or guardians need to sign the document. We will continue to work with multiple vendors to find the lowest cost option that provides the optimal service. No motion required. IPad Devices for COVID-19 Motion made by Jim Schmidt, seconded by Kristy Haden to approve to lease 780 iPads from Apple for $101,591.55 per year for three years with the option to pay off the lease if SPARK funding is available. Motion carried 7-0, Custodial, Facilities and Grounds Maintenance The USD475 contract support for general maintenance, custodial and grounds maintenance services is up for renewal. The current contract with ABM extended through March 2021due to COVID-19. In May 2020 a revised Request for Proposal for an initial term of one year plus four option years providing a total of five years was issued to four firms and the Small Business Administration. Two firms responded to the RFP. Based on Best Value criteria, and for Board discussion, it appears that Offeror A is in line for contract award. Staff will bring its award recommendation to the Board in a future meeting. No motion required. Sarah Talley left the meeting at 6:33 pm Approve the Fiscal Year 2021 Master Plan, as modified, to meet cited Infrastructure, Safety & Security and Junction City High School requirements Motion made by Anwar Khoury, seconded by Jim Schmidt to approve the FY21 Master Plan, as modified, in the amount of $2,413,010. Motion carried 6-0. Position for Lunchroom/Playground Aides Motion made by Anwar Khoury, seconded by Jim Schmidt to accept the addition of the Lunchroom/ Playground Aide positions. Motion carried 6-0.

Position for PE Aide Motion made by Kristy Haden, seconded by Ron Johnson to approve the hiring of a PE Aide for H.D. Karns. Motion carried 6-0. Position for Nurse - LPNs and Health Technicians Motion made by Anwar Khoury, seconded by Kristy Haden to accept the request for the additional nurses and/or health technician positions. Motion carried 6-0.

Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes August 17, 2020 Page 3 Purple Star School Program Motion made by Ron Johnson, seconded by Anwar Khoury to approve resolution 2021-27 publicizing the District and each of its school’s support for military children and families with the Purple Star Award. Motion carried 6-0.

Enrollment Update Mrs. Sell provided an update on our current enrollment and shared the remote learning and brick and mortar numbers. No motion required. Way Forward Dr. Eggleston provided an overview of the USD 475 Way Forward document. No motion required. Adjournment President Neal adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Rina Neal, Board President Christina Kausler, Clerk of the Board Board of Education Board of Education

(A list of persons attending the Board Meeting is attached.)

Attachment tk


Geary County Unified School District 475

Dr. Eggleston, Superintendent � Marilee Fredricks, Chief Financial Officer

August 17, 2020 Treasurer's Report

Mary E Devin Center for Educational Services

123 N. Eisenhower, Junction City, KS 66441

Phone 785-717-4000 Fax 785-717-4002


The treasurer's report of $196,509,263 funds/asset balance for the period ended July 31, 2020agrees with the district's printouts for the same period. There are no outstanding reconciling items.

Note: The funds/asset balance of $154,807,981 are related to the escrow and bond proceeds accounts. The funds/asset balance of $41,701,282 are related to daily operational expenses. A copy of the reconciled treasurer's report is attached.


FUND NAME BEGINNING RECEIPTS PAYMENTS TRANSFERS BALANCE 10 GENERAL FUND -385373.43 -1,989,851.01 942,480.68 402.36 -1,432,341.40

11 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL -1470689.82 -374.42 1,713,476.08 -300,638.40 -58,226.56

12 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND -3100140.18 -44,700.75 261,633.09 179.14 -2,883,028. 70

13 CONTINGENCY RESERVE -2100000.00 -2,100,000.0014 CAPITAL OUTLAY -17153720.32 -5,229.90 338,278.50 -16,820,671. 72

15 VIRTUAL SCHOOL -100313.36 9,100.00 -91,213.36

17 KPERS 0.00 -2,131,609.43 2,131,609.43 0.00

18 DRIVER'S TRAINING -55769.35 58.00 16,120.00 -39,591.35

20 TITLE 1 -73353.10 16,779.54 -56,573.56

21 TITLE 1 CARRYOVER 167741.05 -295,333.00 4,919.64 20,158.23 -102,514.08

24 PRE-K PILOT PROG -14851.12 4,147.86 -10,703.26

26 FOUR YEAR OLD AT-RISK -1542187.74 16,655.07 -1,525,532.67

32 AT-RISK -10020771.51 52,217.05 300,056.90 -9,668,497.56

33 FOOD SERVICE -617185.87 -117,311.24 75,921.65 -658,575.46

35 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION -1337994.37 25,245.06 -1,312, 749.31

37 CARL PERKINS GRANT -3815.04 -3,815.00 21,894.31 14,264.27

38 BOYS/GIRLS CLUB -2014.96 60.00 38.21 -1,916.75

40 SMART START GRANT 111215.42 -100,295.94 30,524.41 41,443.89

43 KSU EQUITY ACCESS -9161.40 9.70 -9,151.70

46 DODEA THE CONNECT 15880.62 6,584.77 22,465.39

47 GRANTS & GIFTS -30937.62 -70,000.00 1,076.50 -99,861.12

48 ENGLISH LANG ACQ -657.23 -657.23

49 BILINGUAL EDUCATION -2040412.71 44,046.21 -20,158.23 -2,016,524.73

53 21st CENTURY GRANT 3645.40 -3,543.00 14.20 116.60

54 TITLE 1-PART D-DELINQUENCY -7220.41 -3,453.00 4,840.54 -5,832.87

55 TITLE IV SAFE SCHOOLS -1712.17 -80.00 786.01 -1,006.16

56 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT -626481.79 6,707.70 -619, 774.09

57 PARENTS AS TEACHERS -97268.71 10,807.20 -86,461.51

58 21st CENTURY GRANT-SEITZ 2993.81 -2,882.00 269.01 380.82

59 21st CENTURY GRANT-WE 3827.31 -3,710.00 2,594.79 2,712.10

61 DEPT OF DEFENSE -284116.93 88,092.68 -196,024.25

63 ESSER CARES ACT 0.00 o.oo

64 SPARKS ACT 0.00 723.55 723.55

69 HOMELESS GRANT 879.35 -802.00 392.61 469.96

70 TITLE II - TEACHER QUALTIY -5482.68 59,498.19 54,015.51

72 TEXTBOOK RENTAL -663385.83 -320.68 81,684.95 -582,021.56

74 BOND & INTEREST -384029.66 -384,029.66

75 BOND PROCEEDS -77593233.50 1,696,230.04 -80,149.72 -75,977,153.18

76 DAYCARE -562096.57 12,875.79 -549,220.78

78 AYPYN -378447.87 -790.00 9,733.61 -369,504.26

83 BRAIDING STEM -1226.87 -1,226.87

84 IMPACT AID HEAVILY IMPACTED -79077754.49 11,469.13 -79,066,285.36

85 STEM - ACHIEVING 26438.49 -31,946.57 4,191.90 -1,044.10 -2,360.28

87 WA/GV 21ST CENTURY GRANT 3477.16 -3,358.00 7,894.49 8,013.65

88 STEM -AVID 2016 61202.59 13,115.88 1,044.10 75,362.57

TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS -199344505.41 -4,749,789.75 5,522,103.28 2,062,928.84 -196,509,263.04

CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 33785651.05 4,749,749.65 -5,522,103.28 8,337,068.59 41,350,366.01

ARMED FORCES BANK 59540.98 5.06 59,546.04

CENTRAL NATIONAL· FOOD 291334.57 35.04 291,369.61

SUNFLOWER· PRIMARY INVEST 9270370.58 -8,428.15 9,261,942.43

SUNFLOWER-ESCROW 67944760.69 -3040.98 67,941,719.71

SUNFLOWER-INVEST & DISBURSE 87992847.54 -10388528.30 77,604,319.24

TOTAL OF ALL CASH 199344505.41 4,749,789.75 -5,522,103.28 -2,062,928.84 196,509,263.04

�� t"-IJ-2£'


RECEIPTS PAYABLE 10 385,373.43 1,990,025.44 725,995.32 11 1,470,689.82 388.83 1,638,619.80 12 3.100,140.18 44,700 75 211,996 20 13 2,100,000 00 0.00 0.00 14 17,153,720.32 5,229.90 338,278.50 15 100,313.36 0.00 9,100.00 I/ u.w l, l.ll,uu� ... _, u.uu

18 55,769.35 0 00 16,120.00 20 73,353.10 0.00 16,779.54 21 (167,741.05) 295,333.00 2,862.95 24 14,851.12 0.00 4.147.86 26 1,542,187.74 0 00 14,200.62 32 10,020,771.51 0 00 32,477.17 33 617,185.87 117,336.52 54,169.11 35 1,337,994.37 0.00 24,629.40 37 3,615.04 3,815.00 13,423.21 38 2,014.96 (60.00) 28.28 40 (111,215.42) 100,295.94 13,620.30 43 9,161.40 0.00 9.70 46 (15,860.62) 0.00 5,151.81 47 30,937.62 70,000.00 213.00 48 657.23 0.00 0.00 49 2,040,412.71 0.00 37.592.13 53 (3,645.40) 3,543.00 14.20 54 7,220.41 3,453.00 1,444.24 55 1,712.17 80.00 467.12 56 626,481.79 0.00 173.54 57 97,268.71 0.00 5,789.47 58 (2,993.81) 2,862.00 269.01 59 (3,827.31) 3,710.00 2,594.79 61 284,116.93 0.00 88,092.68 63 0.00 0.00 0.00 64 0.00 0.00 723.55 69 (879.35) 802.00 233.18 70 5,482.68 0.00 15,606.07 72 663,385.83 343.17 81,684.95 74 384,029.66 0.00 0.00 75 77,593,233.50 0.00 1,696,230.04 76 562,096.57 0.00 12,747.99 78 378,447.87 790.00 5,003.61 83 1,226 87 0.00 0.00 84 79.077, 754.49 0.00 0.00 85 (26,438.49} 31,946.57 3,355.93 87 (3,477.16) 3,358.00 7,734.83 88 (61,202 59) 0.00 13,115.88

199,344,505.41 4,809,582.55 5,094,895.98

CNB 33,785,651.05 4,809,542.45 5,094,895.98 AFB 59,540.98 5.06 CNB-Food 291,334.57 35.04 SNF-lnvest Oisb 87,992,847.54 -SNF-Prtmary Inv. 9,270,370.58 -SNF-Escrow 67,944,760.69 - -

199,344,505.41 4,809,582.55 5,094,895.98

JUL2020 Treasury Report



216,485.36 74,856.28 49,636.89

0.00 0.00 0.00 u.uu

000 0.00

2,056.69 0.00

2.454.45 19,739.88 21,752.54

615.66 6,471.10

9.93 16,704.11

0.00 1.432.96

863.50 0.00

6,454.08 0.00

3,396.30 318.89

6.534.16 5,017.73

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

159 43 43,892.12

0.00 0.00 0.00

127.60 4,730.00

0.00 0,00

835.97 159.66

0.00 486,705.49






(E) (F) G=A+B-(C+D+E+F)


117.53 459.26 1,432,341.40 (299,985.59) (638.40) 58,226.56

0.00 179.14 2,883,028.70 0.00 0.00 2,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,820,671.72 0.00 0.00 91,213.36

"-, ,u ,uv.:i.'+.J u.uu u.uu

58.00 D.00 39,591.35 0.00 0.00 56,573.56

20,158.23 0.00 102,514.08 0.00 0 00 10,703.26 0.00 0.00 1,525,532.67

300,056.90 0.00 9,668,497.56 25.28 0.00 658,575.46

0.00 0.00 1,312,749.31 0.00 0.00 (14,264.27) 0.00 0.00 1,916.75 0.00 0.00 (41,443.89) 0.00 0.00 9,151.70 0.00 0.00 (22,465.39) 0.00 0.00 99,861.12 0.00 0.00 657.23

(20,158.23) 0.00 2,016,524.73 0.00 0.00 (116.60) 0.00 0.00 5,832.87 0.00 0.00 1,006.16 0.00 0.00 619,774.09 0.00 0.00 86,461.51 0.00 0.00 (380.82) 0.00 0.00 (2,712.10) 0.00 0.00 196,024.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (723.55) 0.00 0.00 (469.96) 0.00 0.00 (54,015.51)

22.49 0.00 582,021.56 0.00 0.00 384,029.66

(80,149.72) 0.00 75,977,153.18 0.00 0.00 549,220.78 0.00 0.00 369,504.26 0.00 0.00 1,226.87

11,469.13 0.00 79,066,285.36 (1,044.10} 0.00 2,360.28

0.00 0.00 (8,013.65) 1,044.10 0.00 (75,362.57)

2,063,223.45 $ 196,509,263.04

8,336,773.98 0.00 41,350,366,01 . 59,546.04

291,369.61 (10,388,528.30) - 77,604,319.24

(8,428.15) - 9,261,942.43 (3,040.98) 67,941,719.71

(2,063,223.45) 196,509,263.04

H I J=G-(H+I) K=l+J


48,915.96 65,911.73 1,317,513.71 $ 1,383,425.44 549,321.63 109,431.59 (600,526.66) $ (491,095.07) 335,793.98 3,923.75 2,543,310.97 $ 2 .. 547,234.72

0.00 0.00 2,100,000.00 $ 2,100,000.00 394,093.89 15,138.76 16,411,439.07 $ 16,426,577.83

7,000.00 0.00 84,213.36 $ 84,213.36 u.uu u.uu u.w � -0.00 0.00 39,591.35 $ 39,591.35

45,111.73 0.00 11,461.83 $ 11,461.83 85,448.59 0.00 17,065.49 s 17,065.49 10,725.59 0.00 (22.33) s (22.33) 23,575.01 0.00 1,501,957.66 $ 1,501,957.66 34,039.89 2,517.69 9,631,939.98 s 9,634,457.67

9,316.43 332.98 648,926.05 $ 649,259.03 45,324.99 0.00 1,267.424.32 s 1,267.424.32

1,565.02 7,122.64 (22,971.93} s (15,849.29) 260.46 0.00 1,636.27 s 1,636.27

7,223.17 0.00 (48,667.06) s (48,667.06) 9,281.26 0.00 (129.56) $ (129.56) 4,734.74 4,800.00 (32,000.13) $ (27,200.13)

186.62 0.00 99,674.30 $ 99,674.30 656.16 0,00 (0.93) $ (0.93)

{4,447.39) 39.95 2,020,932.17 s 2,020,972.12 24.97 0.00 (141.57) s (141.57)

15,327.32 672.97 (10,167.42) s (9,494.45) (7,270.84} 0.00 8,277.00 s 8,277.00 7,470.84 0.00 612,303.25 s 612,303.25 6,461.46 0.00 80,000.05 $ 80,000.05

96.58 0.00 (477.40) $ (477.40) 2,776.08 0.00 (5,488.18) $ (5,488.18)

200,517.25 207.00 (4,700.00} $ (4,493.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 s 0 00

17,328.59 4,049.07 (22,101.21} s (18,052.14) 260.11 667.12 (1,397.19) S (730.07)

14,707.79 0.00 (68,723.30) s (68,723.30) 34,684.38 108,531.24 438,805.94 $ 547,337.18

5,409,877.00 0.00 (5,025,847.34) $ (5,025,847.34) 4,922,786.27 802.02 71,053,564.89 $ 71,054,366.91

8,848.26 0.00 540,372.52 $ 540,372.52 322,921.55 0.00 46,582.71 s 46,582.71

1,348.68 0.00 (121.81) $ (121.81) 0.00 0.00 79,066,285.36 $ 79,066,285.36

3,891.78 0.00 (1,531.50) $ (1,531.50) 2,620.49 0.00 (10,634.14) $ (10,634.14}

11,485.35 77.58 (86,925.50) $ (86,847.92) 12,584,333.86 324,226.09 183,600,703.08 $ 183,924,929.17

l -

, . - -

- l'

--- · -- -- ---

� .


JUL2020 Treasury Report



$41,701,281.66 21%

$23,183,647.10 12%

$45,289,135.60 23%




USD475 Total Assets - Total Operating, Capital, and Debt Assets.

$92,393.61 0%

$44,665,679.00 23%





USD475 - HIA ASSET ALLOCATION - July 31, 2020

$92,393.61 , 0%

$23,183,647.10, 34%


HIA Asset Allocation - Escrow Account used for payment of Escrow Principal and Interest

$44,665,679.00 , 66%

USD475 USD475 - BOND PROCEEDS - July 31, 2020

$41,577,126.07 48%


$45,289,135.60 52%

Bond Proceeds - Used over estimated 36 months to pay for JCHS Construction costs and bond compliance costs.


DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020






,,..,.._,_.,,-,,....,_dS..,,,,... ...... f.14

EMAIL: [email protected]




ACCOUNT NUMBER: DATE: JULY 01, 2020 ·JULY 31, 2020




















07131/2020 INCOME ASSETS

$229,912 83 $114.96 2 48

$9,032,029.60 $176. 000.00 97 52

$9,261,942.43 $176,114.96 100.00




07/01/2020 TO 07/31/2020 01/01/2020 TO 07/31/2020

$9,270,370.58 $9,013,538.23

$9 59 $89.959.35

$9.59 $89,959.35

($526 54) ($3.114 35)

($526.54) {$3,114.35)

($7,911.20) $161,559.20

$9,261,942.43 $9,261,942.43



f ... lU>.o�tPI a-q.�,a111, NII



Totaf 100 00





;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -





=== ==






DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020















UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 2 00% DUE 912828U81 8,800.000 00 $102 64 12/31/2021






$0.00 $0.00

$000 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00

$229,912 83 $229,912.83

$229,912.83 $229,912.83

$229,912.83 $229,912.83

$ $8,845,153.13

$9,032,029.60 $8,845,153.13

$9,032,029.60 $8,845, 153.13

$9,261,942.43 $9,075,065.96


,-._�'l"l•0-111 .................. N•





$0.00 $114 96 0.05

$0.00 $114.96 0.05

$0.00 $114.96 0.05

$186,876.47 $176.000 00 1.95

$186,876.47 $176,000.00 1.95

$186,876.47 $176,000.00 1.95

$186,876.47 $176,114.96 1.90




6509·02·0000009-09-0000113 PAGE 3 OF 5




DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020







07/01/2020 CREDIT INTEREST 60934N104












8509-02-0000009·09·0000\ 13




$9 59








�---!'I-Mill'. 1-d�"'�k MA







$0 00









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DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020










f.,....,_.:,,111114-" .......... �, NI







DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020







PHONE· 785-826-2231


I •"-11'1 ,.,_e,.....,., ....... NA.

EMAIL Christina.Campbell@sunflowerbank com






DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020

















$92,393 61 $46.20 0.14

$67,849,326.10 $985,500.00 99 86

$67,941,719.71 $985,546.20 100.00



CURRENT PERIOD YEAR-TO-DATE 07/01/2020 TO 07/31/2020 01/01/2020 TO 07/31/2020

$67,944,760.69 $67,370,524.22

$48,157 19 $616,19093

$48,157.19 $616,190.93

($3,859 20) ($27,233 73)

($3,859.20) ($666,053.44)

($47,338.97) $621,058.00

$67,941,719.71 $67,941,719.71



,..,.,1_,t IA •"-1111,....,....a.,t.� II,\



T�� 10000









=== ==

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -

== !!!!!!!!!!!!! -








DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020















UNITED STATES TREAS NT 1 7511/15/2020 9128283G3 7,100.000 00 $100 46

UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 2.250% 9128283X6 6.800.000 00 $101 13

2/15/2021 UNITED STATES TREAS NT 1 625% DUE 9128287A2 16, 300.000.00 $101.37

6/30/2021 UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 1 375% DUE 912828Z60 7.000.000 00 $101 86



FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BO 1 625% 3130AHJYO 14,900,000.00 $101 93




U.S TREASURY NOTES 1.500% 8/15/20 912828202 7.000.000 00 $100.05



FED HOME LN DISCOUNT 0.00% DUE 313384V30 8,000.000 OD $99.96







$0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0 00

$0.00 $0.00

$92,393.61 $92,393 61

$92,393.61 $92,393.61

$92,393.61 $92,393.61

$7,132,688.40 $7,062,141 74

$6,876,500.00 $6,783,485.43

$16,522,853 60 $16,306,485.16

$7,130,431 00 $7,051,650.07

$37,662,473.00 $37,203,762.40

$15,186,95910 $14,901,122.00

$15,186,959.10 $14,901,122.00

$7,003,20600 $6,962,201 20

$7,003,206.00 $6,962,201.20

$7,996,688.00 $7,993,966.67

$7,996,688.00 $7,993,966.67

$67,849,326.10 $67,061,052.27


I ·--••1,,..._ ............ ��tlA





$0.00 $46 20 0.05

$0.00 $46.20 0.05

$0.00 $46.20 0.05

$70.546.66 $124.250.00 1.74

$93,014 57 $153,000.00 2.22

$216,368.44 $264,875 00 1.60

$78,780.93 $96,25000 1 35

$458,710.60 $638,375.00 1.69

$285,837 10 $242. 125.00 1 59

$285,837.10 $242,125.00 1.59

$41.004 80 $105,000 00 1 so

$41,004.80 $105,000.00 1.50

$2,721.33 $0.00 0.10

$2,721.33 $0.00 0.10

$788,273.83 $985,500.00 1.46


f-UK I HI;: Al,;l,;UUN J Ur : ::;uNt-LUVVl::K bANK NA t;:::;l,;KUVV Al;;t:N I Uf- I Ht: u::;u NU 4/o




DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020


F·-1u,..._,,, .... ,_.,�,i14o�;, 1./A

GRAND TOTAL ALL ASSETS $67,941,719.71 $67,153,445.88 $788,273,83 $985,546.20 1.46




8509-02-0000009·06-0000110 PAGE 4 OF 6

iiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -



iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -=

iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -




DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020







07/31/2020 INTEREST


912828260 UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 1.375% DUE 1/31/2022 7,000,000 00 SHARES







07/02/2020 PURCHASE FED HOME LN DISCOUNT 0.00% DUE 12/30/2020 TRADE DATE 07/01/20 8,000,000.00 SHARES











$48,125 00



{$3,859 20)



($7,993,966 67)






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DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020





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DATE: JULY 01, 2020 • JULY 31, 2020







EMAIL: Christina.Campbell@sunflowerbank com

8509-0?-0000009--02-0000106 PAGE 1 OF 6


ACCOUNT NUMBER: DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020
















8509-02-0000009·02·0000 I 06



$41,347,213.24 $20,673.61 53 28

$36,257.106 00 $679,500.00 46 72

$77,604,319.24 $700,173.61 100.00




07/01/2020 TO 07/31'2020 01101/2020 TO 07/31/2020

$87,992,847.54 $105,813,414.98

$129,778 65 $507.055.02

$129,778.65 $507,055.02

($10.468,678 02) ($29,181 435 61)

($4.997 93) ($36,711 75)

($10,473,675.95) ($29,218,147.36)

($44,631.00} $501,996.60

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DATE: JULY 01, 2020-JULY 31, 2020















UNITED STATES TREASURY NT 1-625% 912828222 17.000,000.00 $100.30 10/15/2020 UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 2 00% 912828301 12,800,000.00 $100.85 01/15/2021

UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 2.375% 912828482 6,200.000 00 $101.57







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$17,051,000.00 $17.002.741.39

$12,908,505 60 $12,823,570.98

$6,297,60040 $6,245,808 77

$36,257,106.00 $36,072,121.14

$36,257,106.00 $36,072,121.14

$77,604,319.24 $77,419,334.38


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$0.00 $20,673.61 0 05

$0.00 $20,673.61 0.05

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$48,258.61 $276,250 00 1.62

$84.934.62 $256.000.00 1 98

$51,791.63 $147 250 00 2.34

$184,984.86 $679,500.00 1.87

$184,984.86 $679,500.00 1.87

$184,984.86 $700,173.61 0.90




8509-02-0000009·03-0000107 PAGE 3 OF 6




DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020








07/15/2020 INTEREST


912828301 UNITED STATES TREAS NOTE 2 00% 01/15/2021













07/16/2020 MATURITY UNITED STATES TREAS BILL 0.00% 07/16/2020










$1.778 65

$128.000 00



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($4.997 93)







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($16,810,620 00)


($23,380 57)
















DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020










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DATE: JULY 01, 2020 - JULY 31, 2020










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Geary County Unified School District 475

Dr. Eggleston, Superintendent Marilee Fredricks, Chief Financial Officer August 31, 2020 Budget Report

Mary E Devin Center for Educational Services

123 N. Eisenhower, Junction City, KS 66441

Phone 785-717-4000 Fax 785-717-4002


The budget report for the period ended July 31, 2020 includes all funds except the Contingency Reserve as the funding is not used in daily operations or teaching and learning program expenses at this time. The following are comments related to the balances:

• None

Note: The attached operating budget may not match the state level budget approved by the Board of Education in August 2020 due to new grants, denial of grant applications, changes in grant amounts, or changes in state funding legal max amounts.

A copy of the budget report is attached.



2020·21 July2020 2020-21 Encumbered Unencumbered 2020-21

USD475 FUND FUND DESCRIPTION Original Budget Monthly Activity YTD Activity Amount Balance FYTD%

10 · ·•·• ··• ·--- -- GENERAL FUND $ 53,370,559.00 $ 597,368.10 $ 597,368.10 $ 65,911.73 $ 52,707,279.17 1.24%

11 - -·-· -·· •••· -- SUPP GENERAL FUND $ 15,991,306.00 $ 537,810.63 $ 537,810.63 $ 109,431.59 $ 15,344,063.78 4.05%

12 - ···· ··- --· •·• SPECIAL EDUCATION $ 16,620,708.00 $ 89,870.18 $ 89,870.18 $ 3,923.75 $ 16,526,914.07 0.56%

14 - ---- -- ··-· -·· CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 17,643,108.00 $ 724,420.73 $ 724,420.73 $ 15,138.76 $ 16,903,548.51 4.19%

15 · ---- - ··-· ••· VIRTUAL $ 107,000.00 $ 16,100.00 $ 16,100.00 $ $ 90,900.00 15.05%

17 • ···· -·· ---- ··· KPERS EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION $ 9,158,927.00 $ 2,131,609.43 $ 2,131,609.43 $ $ 7,027,317.57 23.27%

18 · ---- -·· ---· ··· DRIVER TRAINING $ 50,250.00 $ 16,178.00 $ 16,178.00 $ $ 34,072.00 32.20%

20 - -··· ••• ··- -- TITLE 1 $ 1,824,024.00 $ 15.40 $ 15.40 $ $ 1,824,008.60 0.00%

21- •··• •·· •··· --· TITLE 1 CARRY OVER $ 640,000.00 $ 3,877.96 $ 3,877.96 $ $ 636,122.04 0.61%

24 - ·••· -·- -·- ••• KS PRESCHOOL $ 336,300.00 $ 22.33 $ 22.33 $ $ 336,277.67 0.01%

26 · ···· -·- ··- •·· AT RISK 4Y R OLD $ 1,201,849.00 $ 5,599.27 $ 5,599.27 $ {429.64) $ 1,196,679.37 0.43%

32 - ---- --- ---- --- AT RISK $ 11,352,197.00 $ 350,032.95 $ 350,032.95 $ 2,517.69 $ 10,999,646.36 3.11%

33 · ---· ··· --- ••· FOOD SERVICE $ 3,617,991.00 $ 66,950.79 $ 66,950.79 $ 332.98 $ 3,550,707.23 1.86%

35 • •·•• -· ··- -- VOCATIONAL EDUCATION $ 1,208,173.00 $ 6,726.76 $ 6,726.76 $ $ 1,201,446.24 0.56%

37 - •••• ·- •••• ••• CARL PERKINS $ 104,948.00 $ 11,093.86 $ 11,093.86 $ 7,122.64 $ 86,731.50 17.36%

40 - --- - •··· --· EARLYCHILDHOOD BLOCK GRANT $ 40,818.00 $ 26,405.94 $ 26,405.94 $ $ 14,412.06 64.69%

46 - •••• ••• •••· ··• DODEA_THE CONNECTION PROJECT $ 248,704.00 $ 11,657.58 $ 11,657.58 $ 4,800.00 $ 232,246.42 6.62%

47 - •·•• ••· •••• ••• GIFTS AND GRANTS FUND $ 130,938.00 $ 1,077.44 $ 1,077.44 $ $ 129,860.56 0.82%

48 • •·•• ••· •••• - ENGLISH LANGUAGE TITLE Ill $ 53,753.00 $ $ $ $ 53,753.00 0.00%

49 • •·•• •·· -·- ··• BILINGUAL $ 2,263,946.00 $ 11,042.24 $ 11,042.24 $ 39.95 $ 2,252,863.81 0.49%

53 - •··· -· ---- --- 21ST CENTURY-WARE $ 103,191.00 $ $ $ $ 103,191.00 0.00%

54 • ••·· ••• •··• -·· TITLE 1 - DELINQUENT $ 150,348.00 $ 4,708.91 $ 4,708.91 $ 672.97 $ 144,966.12 3.58%

55 - ·••• ••· •••• ·- TITLE IV-A SAFE AND DRUG FREE $ 141,380.00 $ 772.67 $ 772.67 $ $ 140,607.33 0.55%

56 - •••· ·- -· -- PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT $ 570,927.00 $ 8,161.59 $ 8,161.59 $ $ 562,765.41 1.43%

57 - •••• ••• •·•• -- PARENTS AS TEACHERS $ 217,605.00 $ 7,998.15 $ 7,998.15 $ $ 209,606.85 3.68%

58 - ---- --- --- -- 21st CENTURY-SEITZ $ 161,896.00 $ 258.00 $ 258.00 $ $ 161,638.00 0.16%

59 · ···· --- ---- ··- 21st CENTURY-WESTWOOD $ 155,445.00 $ 5,337.16 $ 5,337.16 $ $ 150,107.84 3.43%

61- ·••• ·- ·••• -- DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 $ 1,619,186.00 $ 4,493.00 $ 4,493.00 $ 207.00 $ 1,614,486.00 0.29%

63 - -·-- -·- --·· -· CARES ACT $ 1,620,870.00 $ $ $ $ 1,620,870.00 0.00%

64 - --·· ••· ··- --- SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE $ 1,200,000.00 $ 18,052.14 $ 18,052.14 $ 4,049.07 $ 1,177,898.79 1.84%

69 - -··· ••• ··- -- HOMELESS GRANT $ 33,934.00 $ 565.35 $ 565.35 $ 667.12 $ 32,701.53 3.63%

70 • •••• ••• -·· ••• TITLE II-A TEACHER QUALITY $ 324,969.00 $ 57,570.18 $ 57,570.18 $ $ 267,398.82 17.72%

72 - ···· ··· ··- -- TEXT BOOK RENTAL $ 585,020.00 $ 34,586.89 $ 34,586.89 $ 108,531.24 $ 441,901.87 24.46% 74 - ··-· ··· •••• -- BOND AND INTEREST $ 7,782,129.00 $ 5,409,877.00 $ 5,409,877.00 $ $ 2,372,252.00 69.52%

75 - ···- -·· --- ··· BOND PROCEEDS $ 71,477,665.00 $ 6,619,016.31 $ 6,619,016.31 $ $ 64,858,648.69 9.26%

76 · ---- --- --- --· ARMY - DAYCARE $ 65,880.00 $ 365.40 $ 365.40 $ 802.02 $ 64,712.58 1.77%

78 - ···· ·•· ···· --- AYPYN $ 15,000.00 $ 12,211.23 $ 12,211.23 $ $ 2,788.77 81.41%

84 • •··· •·· ··•· -- HEAVY IMPACT AID PL 382 (874) $ 9,000,000.00 $ $ $ $ 9,000,000.00 0.00%

87 • •••• ••• ·••· •·• 21ST CENTURY-WA/ GV $ 118,641.00 $ 10,115.99 $ 10,115.99 $ $ 108,525.01 8.53%

88 - ---- -- --- -· STEM-AVID 2016 $ 585,272.00 $ 15,659.05 $ 15,659.05 $ 77.58 $ 569,535.37 2.69%

BUDGET TO ACTUAL TOTAL $ 231,894,857 .oo $ 16,817,608.61 $ 16,817,608.61 $ 323,796.45 $ 214,753,451.94 7.39%

SCHOOL BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUE EXPENSES  ENDING BALANCEEARLY CHILDHOOD 2,388.87$                          0.29$                  ‐$                    2,389.16$                  EISENHOWER 5,240.67$                          0.63$                  ‐$                    5,241.30$                  FT RILEY  16,533.25$                        ‐$                    ‐$                    16,533.25$                FT RILEY MIDDLE  27,583.31$                        311.34$              ‐$                    27,894.65$                FRANKLIN 8,945.54$                          1.08$                  ‐$                    8,946.62$                  GRANDVIEW 17,244.30$                        2.08$                  ‐$                    17,246.38$                JC HIGH 309,851.09$                      2,616.38$          50,394.56$        262,072.91$             JC MIDDLE 47,106.06$                        275.69$              65.39$                47,316.36$                LARRY DIXON 2,362.72$                          ‐$                    ‐$                    2,362.72$                  LINCOLN 14,047.18$                        1.69$                  ‐$                    14,048.87$                MILFORD 5,431.29$                          0.65$                  ‐$                    5,431.94$                  MORRIS HILL 11,374.13$                        ‐$                    ‐$                    11,374.13$                SEITZ 12,760.97$                        ‐$                    ‐$                    12,760.97$                SHERIDAN 7,688.25$                          0.92$                  ‐$                    7,689.17$                  SPRINGVALLEY 26,521.02$                        3.19$                  ‐$                    26,524.21$                WARE 37,873.44$                        ‐$                    192.18$              37,681.26$                WASHINGTON 4,763.78$                          0.57$                  ‐$                    4,764.35$                  WESTWOOD 8,664.14$                          31.04$                ‐$                    8,695.18$                  SBAA TOTAL BALANCE 566,158.21$                     3,245.55$          50,652.13$        518,973.43$             

DEVIN CENTER (Petty Cash) 200.00$                              ‐$                    ‐$                    200.00$                     

TOTAL PETTY CASH/ ACTIVITY FUNDS 566,358.21$                     3,245.55$          50,652.13$        519,173.43$             

Note:  ‐ Accounts are annually audited as part of the financial audit. ‐ Additional compliance reviews are performed throughout the fiscal year by the Finance Compliance Unit



Note: The month of July is absent on the graph as the district does not make payment for July expenses until August each year. The district makes two payments in June.

BUS, $524 , 0%

EDUCATION, $552,129 , 8%

FOOD SERVICE, $105,563 , 1%

TECHNOLOGY, $327,245 , 5%

CONSTRUCTION, $5,548,648 , 79%


OPERATIONS, $517,164 , 7%




This includes the payment for the construction of the new high school.

Geary County Unified Schools

District 475 - Junction City

Printed: 9/3/2020 11:32:27AM

Vendor Summary Report



Supplies and Materials TEXT BOOK RENTAL 7,805.18



Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,948.00

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,449.89

Total for: AIR FILTER PLUS 3,397.89


Supplies and Materials FOOD SERVICE 2,375.00

Total for: ALL PRO CLEANING LLC 2,375.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 13,080.60

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 973.17

Supplies-Technology Related SUPP GENERAL FUND 39.96

Equipment SUPP GENERAL FUND 79.99

Professional Dev Services SPECIAL EDUCATION 319.92

Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 2,305.40

Supplies and Materials AT RISK 1,665.88

Supplies and Materials FOOD SERVICE 309.90

Supplies and Materials CARL PERKINS 11.00

Supplies and Materials BILINGUAL 181.93

Supplies and Materials TITLE 1 - DELINQUENT 667.24

Supplies-Technology Related CARES ACT 268.97

Supplies and Materials SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 296.99

Supplies and Materials HOMELESS GRANT 175.75

Supplies and Materials ARMY - DAYCARE 0.05

Total for: AMAZON CREDIT PLAN 20,376.75


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 328.50

Total for: AMERICAN TIME & SIGNAL CO 328.50


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 217.28



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 4,766.85

Supplies and Materials TITLE 1 4,237.20

Total for: ANCORA PUBLISHING 9,004.05


Equipment DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 101,591.55

Total for: APPLE COMPUTER INC 101,591.55

Page 1


Prof/Tech Contracted Services SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 523.94



Supplies and Materials CARL PERKINS 2,302.40

Total for: B & H PHOTO-VIDEO 2,302.40


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,947.03

Total for: B & R FLOORING LLC 3,947.03


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 4,600.00

Total for: B D 4 DISTRIBUTING INC 4,600.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 452.32

Total for: BAGMASTERS 452.32


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 57.45

Total for: BAUDVILLE INC 57.45


Other Construction Services CAPITAL OUTLAY 97.19



Supplies and Materials FOOD SERVICE 1,599.78

Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 11,321.97



Software GENERAL FUND 14,419.23

Total for: BLACKBOARD INC 14,419.23


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 3,092.27

Total for: BLICK ART MATERIALS 3,092.27


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 550.00



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,583.95

Total for: BOBCAT OF SALINA INC 2,583.95


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 25.00

Total for: AMY BOLAND 25.00

Page 2


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 25.00

Total for: BRIAN BOLAND 25.00


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,477.73



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,950.00

Total for: BREAKOUT EDU 1,950.00


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 4.40

Total for: NAKISHA BRYAN 4.40


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 50.47

Total for: BUILT SO-WELL LLC 50.47


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 14.40

Total for: GARRETT BYE 14.40


Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 4,882.50

Total for: C & C PRODUCE INC 4,882.50


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 1,437.00

Technology Related Repairs SUPP GENERAL FUND 90.00

Total for: C B S MANHATTAN LLC 1,527.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 120.11

Supplies-Technology Related SUPP GENERAL FUND 11,612.39

Software SUPP GENERAL FUND 370.00

Software DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 249.30

Supplies-Technology Related CARES ACT 256.70

Total for: C D W GOVERNMENT LLC 12,608.50


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 1,921.25

Total for: CAMPUS AGENDAS 1,921.25


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 206.91

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,868.72

Supplies and Materials AT RISK 44.26



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 55.00

Page 3

Total for: LASHANDA CARTER 55.00


Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 533.88

Total for: CASH - WA DISTRIBUTING CO 533.88


Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 100.00




Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 311.94



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 150.00

Total for: JOEL CELESTIN 150.00


Other SUPP GENERAL FUND 12,562.00

Total for: CENERGISTIC INC 12,562.00


Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 7,039.00



Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 210.90

Total for: KRISTY CLAXTON 210.90


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 4,485.00

Total for: CLEVER PROTOTYPES LLC 4,485.00


Prof/Tech Contracted Services GENERAL FUND 20.00

Total for: COMPLIANCEONE 20.00


Technology Related Repairs SUPP GENERAL FUND 450.00

Administrative DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 13,014.41

Software DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 665.59

Total for: CONVERGEONE INC 14,130.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 2,687.50

Total for: COOLE SCHOOL 2,687.50


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 2,140.00

Total for: CORO MEDICAL LLC 2,140.00

Page 4


Software TEXT BOOK RENTAL 720.00



Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,236.00

Total for: RICK CRUMP 2,236.00


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 45.90

Total for: JUAN CRUZ 45.90


Supplies and Materials BILINGUAL 1,677.39

Total for: DATA RECOGNITION CORP 1,677.39


Administrative DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 3,299.98

Total for: DELL FINANCIAL SVCS LLC 3,299.98


Administrative SUPP GENERAL FUND 152.77

Total for: DELL USA LP 152.77


Administrative TEXT BOOK RENTAL 13,575.39

Supplies and Materials TEXT BOOK RENTAL 50.74

Total for: DELTA EDUCATION LLC 13,626.13


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 1,788.07

Supplies and Materials TITLE 1 581.17

Total for: DEMCO INC 2,369.24


Software CARES ACT 19,950.00

Total for: DOCUSIGN INC 19,950.00


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 66.75

Total for: DONS TIRE & SUPPLY INC 66.75


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 35.50

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 84.00

Total for: KAREN EDDY 119.50


Advertising GENERAL FUND 282.70

Total for: ENOTICE INC 282.70


Supplies and Materials SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 1,995.00

Page 5

Total for: ENVISION 1,995.00


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 89.25

Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 72.66

Total for: KAMILLA EVANS 161.91


Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 11,224.27

Total for: EVCO WHOLESALE FOOD CORP 11,224.27


Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 14,189.35

Total for: F & A FOOD SALES INC 14,189.35


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 28,750.00

Total for: FORT RILEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 28,750.00


Contracted Building Services CAPITAL OUTLAY 318,372.13

Total for: G C A EDUCATION SERVICES 318,372.13


Gasoline SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,653.96

Gasoline FOOD SERVICE 184.77



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 726.00

Total for: GEARY GRAIN INC 726.00


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 165.84

Total for: GERKEN RENT-ALL 165.84


Software GENERAL FUND 341.67

Total for: GETTY IMAGES (US) INC 341.67


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 144.10

Total for: GOPHER SPORT 144.10


Other Equipment Services GENERAL FUND 1,167.00

Prof/Tech Contracted Services SPECIAL EDUCATION 925.00

Other Professional Services PARENTS AS TEACHERS 510.00

Total for: GORDON N STOWE & ASSOCIATES 2,602.00


Textbooks TEXT BOOK RENTAL 287.98

Page 6

Total for: GRACENOTES LLC 287.98


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 556.56

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 422.42

Total for: GRAINGER 978.98


Textbooks TEXT BOOK RENTAL 93,384.09

Workbooks TEXT BOOK RENTAL 346.04

Total for: GREAT MINDS PBC 93,730.13


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 16.80

Total for: NATASHA HAUGHTON 16.80


Dues and Fees FOOD SERVICE 409.50



Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 670.00



Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 8,385.43

Total for: HILAND DAIRY FOODS 8,385.43


Prof/Tech Contracted Services SPECIAL EDUCATION 17,181.25

Other Professional Services SPECIAL EDUCATION 5,158.00

In District Travel SPECIAL EDUCATION 82.80



Legal Services GENERAL FUND 4,425.50



Construction Services (Outside Contractors) CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,091.70

Adminstrative BOND PROCEEDS 5,540,555.96

Total for: HUTTON CORPORATION 5,548,647.66


Supplies and Materials AT RISK 645.00

Total for: IN-HOUSE INC 645.00


Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 999.42

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,509.92



Page 7


Software DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 22,732.00

Total for: ISG TECHNOLOGY 22,732.00


Technology Related Repairs SUPP GENERAL FUND 19,297.50

Total for: J L NETWORK SERVICES LLC 19,297.50


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 565.00

Total for: J S SIGN & AWNING LLC 565.00


Textbooks TEXT BOOK RENTAL 7,747.87

Total for: J W PEPPER & SON INC 7,747.87


Administrative GENERAL FUND 7,400.00

Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 8,028.16

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 53.00



Supplies and Materials HOMELESS GRANT 341.95

Total for: JOSTENS 341.95


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 31.80

Total for: JOSTENS INC 31.80


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 28,750.00



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 115,150.00



Professional Dev Services GENERAL FUND 375.00

Collective Bargaining Svcs GENERAL FUND 1,610.00

Total for: K A S B 1,985.00


Equipment CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,836.00

Total for: K C STRINGS INC 11,836.00


Equipment GENERAL FUND 375.00



Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 104.50

Page 8



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 104.67

Total for: FELICIA KEITH 104.67


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 125.34

Total for: ORIANNA KING 125.34


Equipment GENERAL FUND 215.80

Total for: K-LOG INC 215.80


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 101.13



Other Professional Services SPECIAL EDUCATION 31.36



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 60.00

Total for: KYLE MAIOR 60.00


Administrative GENERAL FUND 9,271.20

Repair of Equip, Contracted GENERAL FUND 298.71

Total for: MANNING MUSIC INC 9,569.91


Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 4,656.00

Total for: MASSCO INC 4,656.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 645.00

Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 5,499.00

Total for: MASTER TEACHER- CA#44678 6,144.00


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 14.00

Supplies and Materials VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 158.72

Total for: MATHESON TRI-GAS INC 172.72


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 110.00

Total for: CHAD MCFALL 110.00


Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 95.00

Total for: MCGEE ROOFING LLC 95.00

Page 9


Extermination Services GENERAL FUND 1,540.00

Total for: MCKINZIE PEST CONTROL 1,540.00


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 120.00

Total for: SHAINA MCLAMB 120.00


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 198.86

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 254.52



Dues and Fees SUPP GENERAL FUND 6,000.00



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 82.67

Total for: ALYSSA MILLER 82.67


Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,500.00



Prof/Tech Contracted Services GENERAL FUND 2,231.60



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 737.30

Total for: NELCO 737.30


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 771.83



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 44.40



Other Purchased Services GENERAL FUND 500.00

Total for: LISA OSBOURN 500.00


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 96.20

Total for: BRANDON PANCOAST 96.20


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 159.30

Total for: JESSICA PARTIDA 159.30

Page 10


Testing Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 381.60



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 14,025.00



Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 8,149.42

Total for: PIONEER FARM & RANCH SUPPLY 8,149.42


Non-Technology Repairs/Maint SUPP GENERAL FUND 691.80



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 139.45



Supplies and Materials AT RISK 317.18



Supplies and Materials TEXT BOOK RENTAL 51,032.66

Total for: POWERSCHOOL GROUP LLC 51,032.66


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 96.90

Total for: YURIKO POWERS 96.90


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,285.01



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 334.00



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 424.47

Copier Supplies and Exp GENERAL FUND 3,069.86

Copier Supplies and Exp PARENTS AS TEACHERS 4.21

Total for: PROCOPY INC 3,498.54


Testing Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 189.20



Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 133.90

Supplies and Materials TITLE 1 173.92

Page 11

Total for: REALLY GOOD STUFF LLC 307.82


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,427.68

Total for: REEVES WIEDEMAN CO 3,427.68


Supplies and Materials TITLE 1 2,202.00



Software DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 3,745.00

Total for: RESPONDUS INC 3,745.00


Testing Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 167.24

Total for: RIVERSIDE INSIGHTS 167.24


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 1,552.50

Total for: ROCHESTER 100 INC 1,552.50


Supplies-Technology Related CARL PERKINS 3,813.00

Total for: S/P2 3,813.00


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 621.30



Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 60.00

Total for: KAY SAUNDERS 60.00


Equipment AT RISK 1,474.75

Total for: SCHOOL OUTFITTERS 1,474.75


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 5,959.00

Total for: SCHOOL PRIDE LTD 5,959.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 3,420.22

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 64.08

Supplies and Materials FOOD SERVICE 321.66

Administrative ARMY - DAYCARE 445.52



Technology Related Repairs SUPP GENERAL FUND 983.02


Page 12


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,580.00

Total for: SCHURLE SIGNS INC 1,580.00


Repair of Equip, Contracted GENERAL FUND 53.72



Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 4,400.00

Total for: DENNIS SHERBERT 4,400.00


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,515.55

Total for: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO 1,515.55


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 50.00

Total for: LINDA SIGNOR 50.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 421.51

Supplies and Materials SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 1,183.33

Total for: SIR SPEEDY 1,604.84


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 50.00

Total for: MATTHEW SMITH 50.00


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 17.90

Total for: TAMMY SMITH 17.90


Supplies and Materials TITLE IV-A SAFE AND DRUG FREE 20,989.35

Total for: SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SVC 20,989.35





Supplies and Materials CARES ACT 1,914.04

Total for: ST XAVIER SCHOOL 1,914.04


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 265.46

Total for: JOE STALDER 265.46


Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 341.60


Page 13


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 460.47

Total for: STAPLES ADVANTAGE 460.47


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 50.00

Total for: DEQUAINDA STEWART 50.00


Equipment FOOD SERVICE 39,439.00



Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 7,444.56

Total for: SYSCO KANSAS CITY INC 7,444.56


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,232.90

Total for: T O HAAS TIRE 1,232.90


Administrative DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 240.00

Technology Related Repairs DEPT OF DEFENSE/SECTION 373 120.00

Total for: TAVTECH INC 360.00


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 688.58

Total for: TEACHER DIRECT LLC 688.58


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 162.00



Administrative PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4,000.00



Repair of Bldgs, Contracted SUPP GENERAL FUND 49,257.97

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,482.38

Supplies and Materials SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 23,574.00

Total for: THERMAL COMFORT AIR INC 75,314.35


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 3,297.25

Total for: TREND ENTERPRISES INC 3,297.25


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 164.00



Postage/Delivery Services GENERAL FUND 198.68

Page 14

Total for: U P S 198.68


Returns and Fees FOOD SERVICE 60.00

Total for: U S D #475 JUNCTION CITY 60.00


Food and Milk FOOD SERVICE 2,946.03

Total for: U S FOODSERVICE 2,946.03


Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 127.91

Supplies and Materials SPARKS - STRENGTH/REVITALIZE 110.74

Other Supplies ARMY - DAYCARE 803.41

Total for: ULINE INC 1,042.06


Trash Disposal GENERAL FUND 136.00



Prof/Tech Contracted Services GENERAL FUND 566.00



Communication Services SUPP GENERAL FUND 94,876.32



Other Miscellaneous Expenses SPECIAL EDUCATION 4,698.20



Administrative SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,636.24

Total for: UNITED RENTALS INC 2,636.24


Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,325.60

Total for: VERITIV OPERATING CO 2,325.60


Professional Dev Services GENERAL FUND 1,041.00

Supplies and Materials GENERAL FUND 4,034.95

Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 34.95

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 932.68

Gasoline SUPP GENERAL FUND 40.64

Miscellaneous Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 75.91

Supplies-Technology Related SUPP GENERAL FUND 2,153.31

Software SUPP GENERAL FUND 1,638.00

Out of District Travel SPECIAL EDUCATION 6,620.00

Supplies and Materials SPECIAL EDUCATION 1,891.05

Supplies and Materials AT RISK 4YR OLD 709.26

Professional Dev Services CARL PERKINS 975.00

Page 15

Professional Dev Services DODEA_THE CONNECTION PROJECT 200.00

Supplies and Materials PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4,263.74

Supplies and Materials HOMELESS GRANT 994.81

Supplies and Materials TITLE II-A TEACHER QUALITY 734.82

Supplies and Materials TEXT BOOK RENTAL 15.14

Total for: VISA 26,355.26


Other Miscellaneous Expenses BOYS/GIRLS CLUB 109.00

Total for: ALISSIYA WARREN 109.00


Supplies and Materials SUPP GENERAL FUND 857.26

Other Supplies SUPP GENERAL FUND 835.40


Total for: WATERS HARDWARE 1,735.45


Supplies and Materials CAPITAL OUTLAY 248.00

Equipment CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,148.00

Total for: WOODWIND & BRASSWIND 1,396.00


Page 16


September 8, 2020


NAME POSITION BUILDING Alyse Grosek Kindergarten Remote Learning Westwood Elementary Emily Hartwick Grade 4 Remote Learning Westwood Elementary Donna Krumm Kindergarten Remote Learning Spring Valley Elementary Ivelis Peralta Jorge Vocal Music Seitz Elementary Charla Robredo Grade 1 Seitz Elementary Carrianne Volk Grade 5 Remote Learning Westwood Elementary


NAME POSITION BUILDING Tammy Miller School Nurse (LPN) Grandview Elementary


September 8, 2020


2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR NAME BUILDING POSITION Amy Hayes Fort Riley Elementary Head Secretary Kyle Barton Junction City Middle School BSC Para Educator Alexandria Burton Fort Riley Middle School Para Educator Gabrielle Carroll Grandview Elementary Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Jordan Carroll Fort Riley Elementary Library Clerk Lacey Kehoe Fort Riley Middle School Student Support Monitor Tim Klein Junction City High School Rule 10 Coach Melanie Phelps Westwood Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Quinn Shadle Franklin/Ware Elementary SLP Para Educator Sheryl Sponcey Ware Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Susan Woods Morris Hill Elementary Student Support Monitor Amber Azevedo Seitz Elementary Cafeteria Server Toni Engle Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Shaila Figueroa Junction City High School ELL Aide Chalad Holmes, Jr. Eisenhower Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Shadaya Johnson Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Jeremy Morgan Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Tianna Morvant Spring Valley Elementary BSC Para Educator Crystal Ross Morris Hill Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Linda Sarmiento Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Kadie Smith Eisenhower Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Amanda Van Zlike Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Terry Malcolm Morris Hill Elementary ELL Aide Megan Dolve Seitz Elementary Classified Substitute Curniera Forrest Seitz Elementary Para Educator Taylor Fosu-Mensah Junction City High School BSC Para Educator Diane Funk Morris Hill Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Rose Gabeau Ware Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Tim Gotchey Junction City High School Para Educator Kimberly Hernandez Fort Riley Middle School Para Educator Misun Lawson Morris Hill Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Callee Primacio Ware Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Karene Ryan Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Rebecca Trechter Grandview Elementary Para Educator Kathryn Bennett Junction City High School Para Educator Arianna Bowser Morris Hill Elementary Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Taylor Boyd Sheridan Elementary Para Educator Emily Burtis Junction City High School BSC Para Educator Immanuel Cason Junction City High School Rule 10 Coach

NAME BUILDING POSITION Lauren Finley Fort Riley Middle School PE Aide/Rule 10 Coach Ashley Garcia Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Taylor Jefferson Grandview Elementary Para Educator/Lunchroom Aide Katrin Johnson Junction City High School Rule 10 Coach Sarah Joos Seitz Elementary ACSS Para Educator Stephanie Marshalek Westwood Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Rachel Rhodes Fort Riley Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Heather Weeden Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide G=Paid with Grant Funds N=New Position N*=New Position, due to enrollment numbers *=Budgeted Tutor position, a proposal was submitted to Dr. Deb Gustafson and approved


September 8, 2020


NAME POSITION BUILDING Lakeisha Flemming Special Education – ACSS Junction City High School


NAME POSITION BUILDING Corey Omel Computer Technician Professional Learning Center


September 8, 2020


2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR NAME BUILDING POSITION Jennifer Noble Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Christine Avery Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Krystine Graban Ware Elementary Early Childhood Para Educator Linda Darnell Ware Elementary Early Childhood Para Educator Ashley Negrete Sheridan Elementary Early Childhood Para Educator Chung Yim Seitz Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Yerika Silvagnoli-Rivera Seitz Elementary Cafeteria Server Sarah Rayburn Fort Riley Elementary Para Educator Diane Eston Fort Riley Middle School Para Educator Francheska Vasquez Morris Hill Elementary ELL Aide Jaime Sanchez Grandview Elementary Para Educator Ariana Edgerton Diaz Grandview Elementary Para Educator/Lunchroom Aide Karrie Kemp Ware Elementary Para Educator Terha Trevino Ware Elementary Student Support Monitor Mitchell Whaley Junction City High School Rule 10 Coach Ashley Walton Junction City Middle School Para Educator Nicole Schraml Seitz Elementary ACSS Para Educator Michelle Roberts Seitz Elementary ACSS Para Educator Brittany Moorman Seitz Elementary Classified Substitute Troy Wrone, Jr. Westwood Elementary Para Educator Glorielys Moret Spring Valley Elementary ELL Aide Alexander Painter Seitz Elementary Para Educator Angela Irvine Junction City Middle School Para Educator Corie Moore Seitz Elementary Library Clerk Debra Lumb (R) Junction City High School Athletic/Activity Secretary Natividad Grullon Sheridan Elementary Para Educator Shelly County (R) Lincoln Elementary Student Support Monitor Kendra Cheek Junction City High School AVID Tutor Emily Laverty Early Childhood Center Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Jennifer Haysmer Ware Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Valarie Anderson Junction City High School Para Educator AnaRosa Alvarez Junction City Middle School ACSS Para Educator Nayibeth Sanchez Junction City High School ELL Aide Stephanie Cruz Washington Elementary Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Sonia Bamba Fort Riley Elementary Early Childhood Lunchroom Aide Robert Shefelton Fort Riley Middle School Para Educator Sylvene Byron All Schools Classified Substitute Denise Forbus Washington Elementary Para Educator Brittany Johnson All Schools Classified Substitute

NAME BUILDING POSITION Jessie Kingrey Seitz Elementary Classified Substitute Robin Martino All Schools Classified Substitute Teresa Ryan Lincoln Elementary Classified Substitute Hannah Lagasse Morris Hill Elementary Early Childhood Teacher Assistant Glinda Bermudez Morin Sheridan Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Barbara Aragon Franklin Elementary Para Educator Barbara Mayhall Eisenhower Elementary Lunchroom/Playground Aide Angela Fleming Seitz Elementary Para Educator Quinn Shadle Franklin/Ware Elementary SLP Para Educator Virginia Lawrence Junction City Middle School Student Support Monitor Emily Burtis (T) Junction City High School BSC Para Educator T = Terminated R = Retiring E = Job Eliminated D = Deceased



FROM ....................................Kathi Teeter, Principal of Lincoln Elementary

MEETING ...............................September 8th, 2020

SUBJECT ................................New Position – Classroom Aide

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services

BACKGROUND Lincoln Elementary is anticipating an increase in their 2nd Grade class over 23 as of September 7th, 2020. The school currently has one 2nd grade in remote status and one in on-site status.


District procedure is when a class size at the Kindergarten to 2nd grade level grows to 22 students or more, a Classroom Aide is provided to assist the Certified staff with small group items, classroom management, etc. The Classroom Aide only remains as long as the student population would warrant it.


The Funding for these positions would come from General Funds at a cost of $8,000.00 for the remaining 2020/2021 school year.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the new position.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.




FROM ....................................Lacee Sell, Associate Superintendent

MEETING ...............................September 8th, 2020 Meeting

SUBJECT ................................Position for Elementary Educators – Remote Learning

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services


Due to the prevention needs of COVID-19, the district has implemented two learning platforms in the district – on-site and remote/online learning. The remote learning is currently utilizing existing staff in the district and the classroom capacities are as high as 33 students in a remote learning classroom. As families move into the district, the remote classrooms may continue to increase in size.


Based with the COVID-19 guidance and requirements, the district would need to potentially place an educator at each grade level – K-5th grade. These positions would be for a one-year status.


The Funding for these positions would come from General Funds.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the addition of the Remote Learning Elementary Educator positions.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.




FROM ....................................Phyllis Boller, Principal at Milford Elementary

MEETING ...............................September 8th, 2020 Meeting

SUBJECT ................................Position for .5 Library Clerk

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services


Due to the current 4th Grade Teacher vacancy at Milford Elementary, the Library Media Specialist/Instructional Coach will be substituting in the classroom until such time as a candidate has been hired and placed. The duties of the library will need to be covered during this period.


The building principal would like to request .5 library clerk be added for this short period to assist with the management of the daily library duties.


The Funding for these positions would come from General Funds at a cost of less than $5000 if implemented through the 1st semester of the school year. The position would be funded through the General Fund.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the addition of .5 Library Clerk.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.




FROM ....................................Karl DeArmond, Chief Information Officer

MEETING ...............................September 8th, 2020 Meeting

SUBJECT ................................Position for Computer Technician

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services


Due to the increased need for informational technology support throughout the district, the Information Technology Department would like to return back to an eight-person team of computer technicians. Currently, there are seven computer technicians within the district. As the IT needs continue to increase the need for the additional staff member is becoming increasingly significant.

The decrease is staffing is due to the departure of Robert Jacobs in 2018. His position has not been replaced to date. Due to lapse of over one year, the addition of this position would be classified as a new position in the district.


Based on the continued modernization of IT infrastructure, implementation of further expansion of remote access and device maintenance, and standard day to day operations, the additional staff member will provide additional support at building and district levels.


The Funding for these positions would come from General Funds at a cost of $32,396 to $45,467 annum. The position would be funded through the Supplemental General Fund.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the addition of Computer Technician.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.


'°5l0LC Boe ""D,� IUCJ\ A-PP('U)uE 2�1)

Geary County USD475

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CC ("Y'\ p . 'lt-L.\-t 6-A<..-lL



REQUESTER: Karl DeArmond BUILDING: LDC DATE: 2020-08-16

Description of Change:







Description of Item or Personnel Change Amount

� Replace•R-0k1tJatdbs

Describe the need for the Budget/Personnel Request:

Technicians were cut from 9 to 8 in 2018. Need to stay at the staffing level of 8.


(Click on Field/Menu)

Permanent Change

.. n If r

( hoosc ,111 item.

(. hon l l1l Hu11

�:l10nsc an item.

Describe how the Budget/Personnel Request will be funded: (i.e. Reduction ofotherhudgetiunds,

program reduction, new gnat, At Risk Fuad, etc)

He change. \ \ e

Describe the impact if the Budget/Personnel Request is not approved:

Longer turn acound times for Technology tickets.

Principal/ Grant Director Approval:

Chief Executive Human Resource Approval:

Chief Financial Officer Approval:

Superintendent Approval:

,'\·otr: For support in drternining b,dgrt .imounts pk,1st ,'Ont.i,1 D.ium C Toom�. H11m.i11 Rt,011MJ (.,'4010) or Muri/rt F"dridu, Fis,nl Srm , (.,•I050).




FROM ....................................Kim Dressman, Principal of Westwood Elementary

MEETING ...............................September 8th Meeting

SUBJECT ................................New Position – Classroom Aide

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services


Due to the current 5th Grade Teacher vacancy at Westwood Elementary, the two sections of 5th grade classes will be combined into one. If the class size becomes larger than 25 students, the district would provide a classroom aide to assist the classroom teacher with small group instruction and classroom management.


District procedure is when a class size at the 3rd thru 5th grade level grows to 25 students or more, a Classroom Aide is provided to assist the Certified staff with small group items, classroom management, etc. The Classroom Aide only remains as long as the student population would warrant it.


The Funding for this position would come from General Funds at a cost of $8,000.00 for the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 school year.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the new position.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.


Geary County USD475


REQUESTER: Kimberly Dressman Westwood

Description of Change:

Description of Item or Personnel Change Amount







Classroom Aide - 5th grade to assist with classroom management

Describe the need for the Budget/Personnel Request:

$4000 to $6000

OATE:8/21 /2020


(Click on Field/Menu)

Current Year Only

f'hoo,l lf1 Ill Ill

Choose an Hem.

I hno 111 11• 111

Choose an Item.

< hoo c 111 ltl:lll

Choose an Item.

A classroom aide is needed to assist with my 5th grade classroom until a full-time 5th grade teacher is hired. Class size is

currently 21. When class size becomes more than 23 students, the aide will be implemented.

Describe how the Budget/Personnel Request will be funded: (i.e. Reduction of other budget funds,

program reduction, new grant, At Risk Fund, etc.)

General Fund - 10E 2100 121 7614 000

Describe the impact if the Budget/Personnel Request is not approved:

The classroom numbers will remain high and the needs of our students will be compromised.

Principal/ Grant Director Approval:

Chief Executive Human Resource Approval:

Chief Financial Officer Approval:

Superintendent Approval:

Nott: For s11pport ;11 dttm1111111,g b11tf.�tt an,01111/s plr.ist contad Da,m C Toomry, H11mm1 RtsoHms (.,:4010) or Mari/tr Frrdrides. Fiscal Smim (.,:4050).



FROM ....................................Jodi Testa, Principal of Seitz Elementary

MEETING ...............................September 8th Meeting

SUBJECT ................................New Position – Classroom Aide-Music

PRESENTER(S) ........................Dawn C. Toomey, Executive Director of Personnel Services


Due to the current Music Teacher vacancy at Seitz Elementary, all the music classes will be covered by one music teacher. The school is requesting a classroom aide for the music teacher to assist until the 2nd music teacher has obtained their KSDE licensure.


District procedure is when a class size at the grows to 25 students or more, a Classroom Aide is provided to assist the Certified staff with small group items, classroom management, etc. The Classroom Aide only remains as long as the student population would warrant it.


The Funding for this position would come from General Funds at no more than $12,157.50 for the 2020/2021 school year.

ALTERNATIVE(S) 1. Approve the position 2. Deny the position

RECOMMENDATION(S) The recommendation from administration is to accept the new position.

POSSIBLE MOTION(S) Approve the recommendation from administration to accept the recommendation as presented.


Geary County USD475


REQUESTER:. Jodi Testa BUILDING; sz DATE: 8/20/2020

Description of Change:

1 Duration







Description of Item or Personnel Change Amount

Waiting on teacher licensure so starting as classroom aide.

Describe the need for the Budget/Personnel Request:

l"Y'I L'--"':J I L

t. This aide position will help provide support until teacher can begin as titst §"8 lie teacher.

(Click on Field/Menu)

Choose an item.

C..LL1L��� '--51.. .. -f'rlL

( hno c 111 11 l m

C ·1ioosc an uem.

hoo l 111 I• Ill

l 10 lfl lit Ill

Choose .m Item.

Iv f-L t S

k \S-l.....1� \ ':::, C 1½n� \ ,0 I ,U l I �H l\1 l,..-,..Ji7 C ct,!.\ \I") \...,\ (.\.. 1-.J "'.Ji.=- -, 1-J fl LI..... h \ s \.. \.. r

SL SC"\"', '1.. \ 'J > t. \\) t. .._ c �""'(\'--"--< (_ ·n"M (_ 1,-,""\c-i\-_ H: ,L ;;:1.c 1 .:: Ti...,,-.,:,

Describe how the Budget/Personnel Request will be funded: (i.e. Reduction of other budget funds,

program reduction, new grant, At Risk Fund, etc.} 1\i, '-' '--'--''-- ,._ 1�, v)' (liL�-- ·::i, L• 1=n1)\

lb( I l.J._C \ � \ l Lcc...,1 l .._'7 '--'( �•� 1-1,._ '") 1,,1.., 1.( (}1 1-

1. gcncrnl budget c , 1 -C,).... � � l t< 4.-\ ""\LDescribe the impact if the Budget/Personnel Request is not approved:

f"'\""\U.. -:ilC..

1. This position allows us to have adequate and appropriate supports as we work to meet the needs of om {".rst.gtadestudents.

Principal/ Grant Director Approval:

Chief Executive Human Resource Approval:

Chief Financial Officer Approval:

Superintendent Approval:

Solt: For s,,pport i11 dttrrmil1i11� lmd_gtt o1mo1111fs pita.rt ,011/oJ,t Dau'// C Too,11�·. Hlfma11 Resolfms (.,'1010) or ,\11111/re Frrdridu, P,s,-,1/ Stm,-,.s (.,'1050).

Requests to Receive Gifts, Apply for a Grant and/or Accept a Grant during the Month of August 2020

Request to Accept Gifts School Receiving

the Gift Person Providing


Value of Gift

Reviewed/Accepted Washington Flint Hills Christian

Church $500.00 (estimate) August 11 2020

Westwood Flint Hills Christian Church

$500.00 August 11, 2020

Westwood Flint Hills Christian Church

$200.00 August 11, 2020

Seitz DonorsChoose $1,851.54 August 1, 2020 Lincoln Central National

Bank $119.65

August 18, 2020

Request to Accept a Grant

Name of Grant

Administrator of


Date Notified about


Amount KSDE – Special Education – Grants to States Part B 3-21 allocations

Nathan Downs


$1,553,744 KSDE – Special Education- Preschool Grants – Part B 3-5 allocations

Nathan Downs


$60,196 Request to Apply for a Grant

Name of Grant

Person Submitting






District Cash


Providing affordable, quality, comprehensive medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare for all in a courteous, professional and personalized manner



361 Grant Ave Junction City, KS 66441 785.238.4711 785.238.4260


Junction City

361 Grant Avenue Junction City, KS 66441 785.238.4711 866.309.8893

Manhattan 2030 Tecumseh Road Manhattan, KS 66502 785.320.7134 866.807.7393


Junction City 361 Grant Avenue Junction City, KS 66441 785.238.1829 877.671.5661

Manhattan 2030 Tecumseh Road Manhattan, KS 66502 785.320.7134 866.534.5933


361 Grant Ave Junction City, KS 66441 785.579.6146 866.533.3613

August 24, 2020 Dr. Deb Gustafson, Executive Director of Student Support Services Geary County Schools 123 N. Eisenhower Junction City, KS 66441 Re: Konza Prairie Community Health Center School-Based Clinic Dr. Gustafson, During the uncertain times of COVID-19 strong partnerships between community and healthcare organization have never been more important. We were contacted by Melissa Sharp about sharing the clinic space where we currently have our school-based health center because of the air condition unit problems in the Deever Center at the high school. Rachel was also contacted by the school nursing staff about the process for sharing the space and making sure there is a process in place for any issues related to COVID-19 and protecting the students and staff. After discussing it with our internal administrative team at Konza Prairie we have decided it would be mutually beneficial temporarily suspend operations of the school-based health center. This will afford USD 475 staff every opportunity to create a safe and healthy environment for the students while, hopefully, alleviating some element of stress, regarding space issues during this process. I want you to know our team will still be available to the staff and students during the temporary suspension. We will be available to answer questions and assist with getting students and staff access to healthcare services in at our Grant Avenue location. A strong partnership with USD 475 remains a priority for our organization. Should any healthcare needs arise during the suspension, or if we can be of assistance to you during this challenging time, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Respectfully, Lee Wolf Chief Executive Officer

Professional Services Agreement This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the 1st day of August, 2020 by USD #475 Geary County located at 123 N. Eisenhower, Junction City, KS 66441 “Hiring Entity” (USD #475 Geary County) and Turner Vision & Mobility Services, a Kansas sole proprietorship, with its principal office located at 12201 Labette Road, Oskaloosa, KS 66066 ("TVMS").


A. Hiring Entity is currently engaged in the business of education (school district).

B. TVMS is current engaged in the business of providing assessment, instruction, training and consultation in the practice areas of Orientation and Mobility (“O & M), and Special Education.

C. Hiring Entity has determined it is in the best interest of the Hiring Entity to obtain assessment, instruction, training and/or consultation services in the practice areas of O & M, and/or Special Education.

D. TVMS has substantial expertise in assessment, instruction, training and/or consultation services in the practice areas of O & M, and/or Special Education.

E. The parties have agreed on the terms and conditions pursuant to which Hiring Entity will procure the aforementioned services from TVMS.

In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:

1. Appointment of Service Provider

(a) By this Agreement, Hiring Entity appoints TVMS, and TVMS accepts such appointment, to provide Hiring Entity with the following services:

* Direct service in the area of O&M * Orientation and Mobility consultation

* Assessment of skills in the area of O&M * Assessment write-ups, goal and progress updates * IEP Meetings/Staff Meetings in regards to O&M

* Phone conversations with staff and parents regarding students’ education


(b) TVMS shall perform its services with care, skill, and diligence, in accordance with the applicable professional standards currently recognized by its profession, and shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, completeness, and coordination of all reports, plans,

information, and other items and Services furnished under this Agreement. TVMS shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations in performing the

Services. If TVMS fails to meet applicable professional standards, TVMS shall without additional compensation correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its reports and other items or Services. (c) Hiring Entity's representative with respect to implementation of the Services may appoint by written

notice to TVMS, with whom TVMS will communicate regarding all matters pertaining to this Agreement. Said representative will make all arrangements for consultation by TVMS with

employees or designees of Hiring Entity. In addition, the IEP team and the said representative shall have authority and responsibility to define and agree on the scope and specification of the Services, require and receive reports regarding the progress of the Services, and terminate the performance of

the Services or any phase thereof in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

2. Term; Termination or Suspension

A. Except as provided below, this Agreement shall commence on the date this Agreement is executed by both parties, August 1, 2020 and shall continue thereafter through and including July 31, 2021.

B. TVMS may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof to Hiring Entity. In addition, TVMS shall have the right, upon written notice, to cancel this Agreement immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events: i. Failure to make payment for services rendered within thirty-one (31) days of being invoiced for the same; ii. The commission of any act by Hiring Entity, its agents, representatives or assigns, that would jeopardize the license of TVMS or any of its employees or members; iii. The repeated commission of any act by Hiring Entity, its agents, representatives or assigns, which unreasonably creates potential liability for TVMS;

C. Upon termination or cancellation of this Agreement, TVMS shall have no liability to Hiring Entity. The terms and conditions in this Agreement that by their sense and context are intended to survive the performance hereof by either or both parties hereunder shall so survive the termination, cancellation, or completion of performance of this Agreement.

D. Upon completion of its obligations hereunder, or at such other time as may be requested by Hiring Entity, TVMS shall return to Hiring Entity all documents, records, notebooks and other proprietary information of Hiring Entity, including copies thereof, in TVMS' possession.

E. Hiring Entity may terminate this Agreement by giving (30) days prior written notice thereof to TVMS. In the event of termination, TVMS shall be compensated for all monies earned to date. F. In the event of an extended school closure that is recommended by the state or local health department or mandated by the Governor, payment will be made to TVMS for services rendered to date on behalf of the Hiring Entity.

3. Compensation for Services and Reimbursement for Certain Products

As compensation for the performance of the Services, TVMS shall be paid the following amounts: i. TVMS shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $90.00 for assessments and consultation pertaining to Orientation and Mobility. The hourly rate of $ 90.00 shall be compensated for direct


O&M instruction (which includes concept/motor/sensory development; safe travel techniques; compass directions; route planning; indoor and outdoor layout of environment; crossing intersections; public transportation; low vision devices and GPS devices for travel), actual travel time from hiring entity's address to school district and from school district to entity's address, training (with staff and/or students) or consultation services (with staff). TVMS shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $90.00 for assessments, direct service, drive time from district building/school to another district building/school, daily lesson plans, Individualized Education Plan updates/grades, phone calls with students' parents or staff members on topics pertaining to the students’ education or progress. If a student is absence and the hiring entity fails to contact TVMS prior to the service time, the hourly rate of $90.00 shall be charged. Any discrepancy in billing should be submitted by email to TVMS with a detailed accounting of where the discrepancy lies.

4. Turner Vision & Mobility Services' Representations and Warranties

TVMS represents and warrants to Hiring Entity as follows:

4.1 Organization and Standing

TVMS is a sole proprietorship company solely organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and has the requisite power and authority to transact its business as presently conducted and as proposed to be conducted. TMS is solely qualified to do business and is in good standing in each place and jurisdiction where the nature of the business conducted by it requires qualification, provided, however, that TVMS need not be qualified in a jurisdiction in which its failure to qualify would not have a material adverse effect on its operations or financial condition.

4.2 Authorization

TVMS has all the requisite legal and entity-level power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to carry out and perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement. All entity-level action on the part of TVMS and its owner, members and managers that is necessary for the authorization, execution, delivery, and performance of all of the obligations of TVMS under this Agreement has been taken. This Agreement has been solely executed and delivered by TVMS and, assuming due execution and delivery by Hiring Entity, is a valid and legally binding obligation of TVMS, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

4.3 Absence of Conflicting Agreements

Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by TVMS, the consummation by TVMS of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor compliance by TVMS with any provisions contained herein will (i) conflict with or result in any breach of any provision of the Articles of Organization or Operating Agreement of TVMS; (ii) result in a default (or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation or acceleration) under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any indenture, mortgage, note, lien, license, government registration, contract, lease, agreement or other instrument or obligation to which TVMS is a party or by which TVMS or any of its assets may be bound, or result in the creation of any pledge, lien, encumbrance or charge upon any of the properties or assets of TVMS; or (iii) violate any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to TVMS or any of its assets.

4.4 Litigation

There is no pending or currently threatened claim or action, suit, arbitration, proceeding or investigation before any court, arbitrator or government commission or agency against TVMS or


against any other person or entity (i) which questions or would affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or TVMS' right to enter into the same or to consummate transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) which might reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on TVMS' assets or its business, (iii) which might affect TVMS' ability to conduct its business as presently conducted or as proposed to be conducted, or (iv) which might result in any change in the business, assets, condition, affairs, operations, properties or prospects of TVMS, financially or otherwise; nor is TVMS aware that there is any basis for any of the foregoing.

5. Hiring Entity’s Representations and Warranties

Hiring Entity represents and warrants to TVMS as follows:

5.1 Organization and Standing

Hiring Entity is a school district duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and has the requisite power and authority to transact its business as presently conducted and as proposed to be conducted. Hiring Entity is duly qualified to do business and is in good standing in each place and jurisdiction where the nature of the business conducted by it requires qualification, provided, however, that Hiring Entity need not be qualified in a jurisdiction in which its failure to qualify would not have a material adverse effect on its operations or financial condition.

5.2 Authorization

Hiring Entity has all the requisite legal and entity-level power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to carry out and perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement. All entity-level action on the part of Hiring Entity and its owners, directors, shareholders, members or managers that is necessary for the authorization, execution, delivery, and performance of all of the obligations of Hiring Entity under this Agreement has been taken. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Hiring Entity and, is a valid and legally binding obligation of Hiring Entity, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

5.3 Absence of Conflicting Agreements

Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Hiring Entity, the consummation by Hiring Entity of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor compliance by Hiring Entity with any provisions contained herein will (i) conflict with or result in any breach of any provision of the Organizational or Operational documents of Hiring Entity; (ii) result in a default (or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation or acceleration) under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any indenture, mortgage, note, lien, license, government registration, contract, lease, agreement or other instrument or obligation to which Hiring Entity is a party or by which Hiring Entity or any of its assets may be bound, or result in the creation of any pledge, lien, encumbrance or charge upon any of the properties or assets of Hiring Entity; or (iii) violate any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable to Hiring Entity or any of its assets.

5.4 Litigation

There is no pending or currently threatened claim or action, suit, arbitration, proceeding or investigation before any court, arbitrator or government commission or agency against Hiring Entity or against any other person or entity (i) which questions or would affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or Hiring Entity’s right to enter into the same or to consummate transactions contemplated hereby, (ii) which might reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on Hiring Entity’s assets or its business, (iii) which might affect Hiring Entity’s ability to conduct its business as presently conducted or as proposed to be conducted, or (iv) which might result in any change in


the business, assets, condition, affairs, operations, properties or prospects of Hiring Entity, financially or otherwise; nor is Hiring Entity aware that there is any basis for any of the foregoing.

6. TVMS' Covenant of Confidentiality

TVMS agrees that it will keep confidential and will not disclose or divulge any confidential, proprietary or secret information which TVMS may obtain from the Hiring Entity, and which Hiring Entity has prominently marked "confidential", "proprietary" or "secret" or has otherwise identified as being such, pursuant to financial statements, reports and other materials submitted by Hiring Entity as required hereunder unless such information is already known to TVMS or is or becomes publicly known, or unless Hiring Entity gives its written consent to TVMS' release of such information.

7.1 Notices Any notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing, sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by telegram or facsimile followed by a

confirmation letter, addressed to such party as follows: (a) Notices to Hiring Entity: USD #475 Geary County 123 N. Eisenhower Junction City, KS 66441

(b) Notices to TVMS: Turner Vision & Mobility Services 12201 Labette Road Oskaloosa, KS 66066 (785)393-0593 [email protected]

Notices sent in accordance with this Section shall be deemed effective on the date of dispatch. Any changes in the information set forth in this Section shall be upon notice to the other party delivered in the manner set forth above.

7.2 Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties, and supersedes all prior agreements and negotiations, whether oral or written. There are no other agreements between the parties, except as set forth in this Agreement. No supplement, modification, waiver, or termination of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and executed by all parties to this Agreement.

7.3 Assignment; Binding Effect

Neither this Agreement, nor any rights, benefits or obligations under it, may be assigned by any party to this Agreement without the prior express written consent of the other party. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon all of the parties to this Agreement and their respective executors, administrators, successors, and permitted assigns.

7.4 Severability

In the event any of the provisions of this Agreement are found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

7.5 Construction


The headings of the Sections contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only, and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The parties have been advised by counsel in connection with this Agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the plain meaning of its language, and not for or against either party, and as a whole, giving effect to all of the terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement.

7.6 Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas.

7.7 Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, which shall together constitute one and the same agreement.

7.8 Attorney Fees

In the event that any party to this Agreement shall commence any suit or action to interpret or enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action shall recover that party's reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with the suit or action, including attorney fees and costs of appeal, if any.

7.9 No Third-Party Benefit

Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to confer any right or benefit on any person who is not a party to this Agreement.

7.10 Injunctive Relief

Hiring Entity agrees and acknowledges that a breach by Hiring Entity, or any representative, agent, employee, officer, director, shareholder, partner, principal, successor, assign, member, affiliate, consultant, or professional representative or advisor of Hiring Entity, of any provision of this Agreement would result in severe and irreparable injury to TVMS, which injury could not be adequately compensated by an award of money damages, and Hiring Entity therefore agrees and acknowledges that TVMS shall be entitled to injunctive relief in the event of any actual, potential, or threatened breach of any provision of this Agreement, or to enjoin or prevent such a breach, including without limitation an action for specific performance of this Agreement. Hiring Entity further expressly waives any requirement for TVMS to post a bond in connection with any of the relief specified in this Section 7.10, or, in the event such a bond is required, expressly agrees that a bond in the amount of $100.00 shall be sufficient.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. Turner Vision & Mobility Services Hiring Entity


6Laura M. Turner


Laura M. Turner Signature of Authorized Agent


July 25, 2020 _______________________________


U.S.D. #475 Transportation

This agreement is made this 8th day of September, 2020, between Unified School District #475 Geary County Schools and USD #364 Marysville School District.

Both parties are public school districts and, as such, provide services to students. This agreement addresses transportation services to Kansas State School for the Blind/Kansas State School for the Deaf from both school districts as provided by U.S.D. #475 Geary County Schools and its transportation contractor.

The parties agree to the following:

1. The Cooperating District shall provide proof of comprehensive public liability insurance thereby insuring Geary County U.S.D. #475, its agents, employees, officers and directors, against liability associated with transportation service.

2. The Cooperating District will provide pertinent information to parents and to Geary County U.S.D. #475 to enable scheduling of transportation.

3. The Cooperating District will be the contact with parents, guardians, and students regarding schedules, pickup points, student behavior, and other information as requested by Geary County U.S.D. #475.

4. Pick up and drop off of all students riding Geary County U.S.D. #475 van will be at Sapp Brothers, 1913 Lacy Dr. Junction City, KS.

5. Payment of a prorated fee will be paid by Cooperating Districts. The fee will be no more than actual costs incurred by Geary County U.S.D. #475 and will be apportioned based on the miles students from Cooperating District ride.

6. Cooperating District shall indemnify Geary County U.S.D. #475 against any and all liability, loss, damage, or expense, including attorneys fees, incurred by Geary County U.S.D. #475 as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgments against Geary County U.S.D. #475 arising out of Cooperating District’s negligence, or the negligence of Cooperating District’s agents, employees, directors, officers, sponsors, or invitees while using Geary County U.S.D. #475 transportation. Such obligation of indemnity applies whether such claims, demands, costs, or judgments are rightfully or wrongfully brought or filed. Both parties will notify the other in writing of any claim or lawsuit regarding this service. Geary County U.S.D. #475 may employ an attorney of its own selection to appear and defend the action on behalf of Geary County U.S.D. #475 at the Cooperating District’s expense.

7. Cooperating district shall comply with all provisions of any applicable laws, orders, and regulations relating to this transportation service.

8. All notices, requests, demands, or other communications, which are required or permitted to be given, shall be in writing and sent to the Director of Special Education, U.S.D. 475.

9. Failure by either party to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, conditions, or covenants herein shall not constitute a waiver of the right by either party to insist upon strict compliance at any other time.

10. The laws of the State of Kansas shall govern this Agreement. The parties consent and agree that personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction and venue all lie in Geary

U.S.D. #475 Transportation

County, Kansas, and further consent and agree that any action(s) commenced regarding the Agreement shall be litigated in the District Court of Geary County, Kansas.

11. This agreement shall be in effect for the 2020-2021 school year and may be terminated by either party by giving 10 days written notice.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands on the dates indicated below:

By: __________________________ By: __________________________ Geary County U.S.D. #475 Cooperating District: ___________ Executive Director of Special Education Director of Special Education Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________ By: __________________________ By: __________________________ Geary County U.S.D. #475 Cooperating District: ___________ Superintendent Superintendent Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________ By: __________________________ By: __________________________ Geary County U.S.D. #475 Cooperating District: ___________ Board of Education President Board of Education President Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________

Official School Contact Information for all communication regarding passengers.

__________________________ Name of School Contact

__________________________ Name of School

__________________________ District Name and Number

__________________________ Mailing Address

__________________________ City

__________________________ Zip Code

__________________________ Main Contact Telephone

__________________________ Alternate Telephone #1

__________________________ Alternate Telephone #2 (home or cell)

__________________________ Email of Contact


To: Member Unified School Districts and other Member Organizations From: Donna L. Whiteman, KASB General Counsel, Assistant Executive Director of Policy Development Re: June 2020 Board Policy Update

KASB has posted this packet on the KASB’s website under the Member Portal, Member Resources tab. The accompanying documents are the first set of 2020 policy updates to our KASB recommended policies. If you did not receive the December 2019 Policy Updates, they are also posted on our website under Member Portal.

The following policy recommendations have been edited and revised by the KASB Legal/Policy Services staff. Along with this letter, you will find a table explaining in detail the changes in the policies and a copy of the policies showing the edits using Track Changes in Word. A clean copy of the policy with all edits incorporated may also be downloaded.

The contents of this policy package should be reviewed by the superintendent, the clerk, and the board. If your policy requires staff and student input, you may share these changes with administrators, staff, and student representatives.

If these policy recommendations meet district needs, they are ready to add to the policy book after board approval.

Once adopted, policies have the force and effect of law. Suggested policies should not be placed in the policy book without an opportunity for board discussion and a board motion to approve this addition to the district’s policy book.

Minutes from the meeting should reflect when the policies were adopted. To save time in case of an audit, file a copy of the minutes with critical policies required by law.

Please add the local adoption date at the bottom of each policy.

Clerks, please make sure an historical policy file is maintained in the district containing older versions of the policies for future reference. Note these may be scanned and retained electronically.

If you have comments, questions, or concerns about these policy recommendations; or if you have additional policy questions, call 1-800-432-2471 and ask to speak to Donna L. Whiteman or Leslie Garner, email us at [email protected] or [email protected], or contact another member of the KASB Legal/Policy Services staff.

Sincerely, Donna L. Whiteman, KASB General Counsel Assistant Executive Director of Policy Development

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.




CF (Board-Superintendent Relations) Revised

This policy update edits punctuation. Review and adopt.

DFE (Investment of Funds) Revised

This policy update reflects the statutory language requiring school district monies be deposited with a main branch office located within the district, county or counties in which part of the district is located.

Review and adopt.

GAAB (Complaints of Discrimination) Revised

This policy is amended to state that any complaint of student sexual harassment would be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and covered by student policy JGEC, and complaints of sexual harassment by employees would be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and addressed by policy GAAC. It also refers complaints concerning child nutrition programs to policy KNA.

Review and adopt.

GAAC (Sexual Harassment) Revised

This sexual harassment policy applicable to school employees reflects significant Title IX regulatory changes issued by the U.S. Department of Education on May 6, 2020. These new regulations address major changes to the definition of what constitutes sexual harassment, what triggers the district’s legal obligation to respond, and how the district must respond. The new regulations require a school district to respond “promptly” and not in a “deliberately indifferent” manner, which is defined as “not clearly unreasonable in light of known circumstances” when it has “actual knowledge” of sexual harassment. No investigation of sexual harassment may occur until a formal complaint has been filed by the victim or the Title IX Coordinator. The role and responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator are expanded to provide “supportive measures” to the victim and requires the district to provide for

Review and adopt.

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

procedural safeguards to both parties during the investigation and decision-making stages. These regulations become effective August 14, 2020 including the new training requirements for the Title IX Coordinator, the investigator, the decision-maker and anyone else involved in any informal resolution process.

GAAD (Child Abuse) Revised

The mandatory child abuse reporting policy is amended to add the requirement that school districts provide annual training to employees on reporting child abuse. It is recommended the district retain records that the training occurred, of the materials presented, and of the employees in attendance at the trainings. This annual training for school employees is required for the Kansas Education System Accreditation (KESA).

Review and adopt.

GAOC (Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Staff) Revised (Title change)

This policy change reflects the recommendations of the Vaping Task Force as adopted by the Kansas State Board of Education. The definition of “tobacco product” is expanded to cover products made or derived from tobacco, including electronic nicotine delivery systems and any components or accessories used in the consumption of tobacco products. It also prohibits school employees from the “promotion” of tobacco products including product advertising. However, caution should be exercised as teacher “wearing apparel” is a mandatory topic of negotiations, and employee First Amendment Free Speech rights may be implicated.

Review and adopt.

HAE (Board Negotiating Representatives) Revised (Title change)

This policy change deletes the word “agent” and replaces it with the more legally accurate term of board “representative(s).” The board appoints two or three board members and others to represent the district’s interests in negotiations with the teachers’ association, and the board representatives bring back any agreed upon

Review and adopt.

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

changes to the negotiated agreement’s language to the entire board for its approval.

IC (Educational Program) Revised

This update deletes the outdated “policy handbook” language and adds “curricular offerings” to accurately reflect the current practice of districts developing an outline of course outlines and learning objectives that are approved by the board.

Review and adopt.

IJ (Evaluation of Instructional Program) Revised

This policy was changed in 2012 to provide the superintendent with flexibility in developing guidelines to evaluate the instructional program, and the edit deletes the remaining “shall” to provide that any evaluation “may” become part of the district’s improvement efforts. This edit reflects the legal recommendation that “shall” should only be used in district policy when a specific law or regulation requires a certain board action.

Review and adopt.

JCDAA (Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Students) Revised (Title change)

This policy addresses the student use of nicotine products and adopts the recommendations of the Kansas State Board of Education as discussed above in GAOC. These policy edits expand the definition of “tobacco product,” adds a definition of “electronic nicotine delivery system,” and prohibits the “promotion” of tobacco products on school grounds. The policy updates the reference to student discipline violations set forth in board policies by also adding “student handbooks.” KASB legal staff recommends reviewing existing student handbook language to add the expanded definitions and ensure any student handbook language addresses the authority of the building administrator to require the student to participate in a tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery systems education program, refer them to a cessation program, and/or community service program as a disciplinary consequence.

Review and adopt.

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

JGEC (Sexual Harassment) Revised

These changes to the definition of what constitutes sexual harassment, what triggers the district’s legal obligation to respond, and how the district must respond are required by the new Title IX regulations that become effective August 14, 2020. The Title IX Coordinator’s responsibilities are increased including providing “supportive measures,” filing a complaint if the complainant chooses not to do so, and ensuring both parties are treated equitably throughout the investigation and responsibility determination process. There are new procedures for investigating complaints, preparing an investigation report, and having a separate individual make the final determination. The Title IX Coordinator, the investigator, and the decision-maker cannot be the same person, and there are new training requirements for all employees involved in Title IX compliance.

Review and adopt.

JQKA (Foreign Exchange Students) Revised

This change provides flexibility to local school boards in determining whether to admit foreign exchange students and adds criteria, similar to those used when allowing out of district students to enroll. The word “shall” is replaced with “may”, and, before enrolling exchange students, the board or administrators can review whether “staff, facilities, equipment, and supplies are available.”

Review and adopt.

KMA (Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Visitors) NEW

This policy recommendation prohibits the use of tobacco products including the use of “any product that is made from or derived from tobacco” by parents and other visitors on school property including “electronic nicotine delivery systems”. It is important to note that while districts have authority to discipline students and employees for violations of tobacco free school policies, when it comes to parents and visitors, the district should only request the parent or visitor stop, request the visitor to

Review and adopt.

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

voluntarily leave the premises, or request the assistance of local law enforcement.

KN (Complaints) Revised This policy now excludes claims of discrimination on the basis of sex from the KN policy and requires them to be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and to be addressed under the specific procedures required under revised board policies GAAC for employee complaints and JGEC addressing student complaints. Note that boards could designate the Title IX Coordinator to investigate discrimination complaints under all federal and state laws or designate another employee to be responsible for the complaints based on race, national origin, age, and other protected classes. Language excluding complaints regarding child nutrition programs was excluded, also, and complainants were referred to policy KNA.

Review and adopt

KN (Complaint Form) Revised This form was revised to more clearly apply to all complaints, not just complaints of discrimination or harassment, and to include the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information.

Review and utilize if preferred to present form.

KNA (Complaints Regarding Child Nutrition Program) NEW

This new nondiscrimination policy is required to participate in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program, Afterschool Snack Program, At-Risk Afterschool Meals, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Summer Food Service Program, and other child nutrition programs funded and operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Review and adopt.

TOTAL = New Policies 2 Existing Policy Revisions 13 Existing Form Revision 1 Table of Contents Chapter G Table of Contents Chapter H Table of Contents Chapter I Table of Contents Chapter J Table of Contents chapter K

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

C F B o ar d- Su pe r in te nd en t R e la t io ns ( See BB C ) C F

T h e bo a rd d e l e ga t e s t o t he s upe r in t en den t a l l a dmin i s t r a t i ve d u t i e s . T he

b oa rd r e s e rv es t he u l t im a te de c i s i on i n a l l m a t t e r s co nce rn i ng pe r so nn e l , p o l i c y ,

o r e xp en d i t u r e s o f f u n ds ; an d i t wi l l no rma l ly p r oce ed i n t h os e a r ea s o n l y a f t e r

r ece i v i ng t h e su pe r i n t e n den t ’ s r e comme nda t io ns .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 0 1 /0 2 ; 4 / 07 ; 6 /20

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D F E I nv es tm en t o f F un ds D F E

T h e i n ve s tme n t o f s ch o o l d i s t r i c t m on i e s s ha l l b e t he r e s po ns ib i l i t y o f t h e

s up e r i n t e nde n t , bu s in es s ma na ge r , an d / o r t h e d i s t r i c t t r e a s u re r .

A n y mo n ie s no t imme dia t e ly r eq u i r ed f o r t h e p u rp ose s fo r wh ich t he

mo n ie s w ere c o l l ec t ed o r r e ce i ved m ay b e i nv es t e d a s p ro v id ed b y c u r r e n t s t a tu t e .

P os t i n g Se cur i t i e s

A l l i n ves tm en t s o f d i s t r i c t mo n ie s s ha l l be s e cu r ed t o 1 00% of t he am ou n t

o f d i s t r i c t m on i e s by F . D . I . C . co ve r ag e , a p l e dg e o f d i r ec t f e de ra l ob l i ga t i o ns , o r

d i r e c t gu a ra n t e ed f e de ra l ag en cy d ep os i t s i n acc ord an ce w i th r eq u i r eme n t s o f s t a t e

l a w . Ex cep t i o ns t o t h e r e qu i r e d p os t i ng o f s ec u r i t i e s sha l l b e o n l y a s p r ov i de d b y

l a w a nd wi t h a pp ro va l o f t he b oa rd .

A l l o f f e r i n gs o f m on ie s f o r i nve s tme n t s ha l l s t a t e t he amou n t t o b e i nv es t e d

a nd t he ma t u r i t y da t e o f e ach i nv es tme n t .

A l l b an ks an d sa v i ngs a nd l oa n a s so c i a t i o ns (h e re a f t e r “ f i na nc i a l

i n s t i t u t i on ( s ) ” ) wi t h ma i n o r b r an ch o f f i c e s l o ca t ed wi th i n t h e d i s t r i c t a nd t he

c ou n t y o r c ou n t i e s i n w h ic h pa r t a d jo in i ng co un t i e s o f t he d i s t r i c t i s l oca t ed s ha l l

b e g i ve n an op por t un i t y t o r e s po nd t o r eq ue s t s f o r p r op os a l s o n mo n ies o f f e r ed

f o r i nv es tm en t . A l l r e sp on ses sh a l l be d i r e c t e d t o t he su pe r in t e nd en t a nd sh a l l be

s pe c i f i e d on t he b as i s o f s impl e i n t e r e s t .

D i s t r i b u t i on o f mo n ie s f o r i n ve s tme n t sha l l b e a s f o l l o ws :

T h e t r e a su re r o r o the r pe r so n des i gn a t e d b y t he bo a rd sha l l i n fo rm each

e l i g i b l e f i n an c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n o f t h e t o t a l amo un t o f mo ney t o b e i nve s t e d on a

s pe c i f i e d da t e an d t he ma t u r i t y da t e o f t he i nve s tme n t . Eac h f i n an c i a l i n s t i t u t i on

r e sp on d i ng sh a l l su bmi t a s i n g l e p r op os a l o f t he r a t e o f i n t e r e s t i t w ou l d pa y on

a l l o r pa r t o f t h e f und s t o b e i nv es t e d .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

D F E I nv es tm en t o f F un ds D F E -2

M on i es s ha l l be i n ve s t e d wi th t he f i nan c i a l i n s t i t u t i on o f f e r i n g t he

h ig hes t i n t e r e s t r a t e i n s uc h am ou n t a s t he f i nan c i a l i n s t i t u t i on wi l l a c cep t , an d

a ny r ema i n i ng amo un t s sh a l l be i nv es t e d w i t h t h e f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i on ( s ) o f f e r i n g

t he ne x t h i gh es t i n t e r e s t r a t e s i n s uch amo un t s a s i t w i l l a cc ep t u n t i l a l l f un ds

o f f e r ed fo r i n ve s tmen t a r e i nv es t e d . No f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i on s ha l l b e e l i g i b l e t o

r ece i ve a ny fu nd s i n t he s am e o f f e r i n g a t a r a t e l o we r t ha n i t s p ro po sa l r a t e .

N o p ro pos a l l e s s t han t he m os t r e ce n t l y d e t e rmin ed i n ves tm en t r a t e a s

d e f i ne d i n K. S . A . 12 -1 67 5a sh a l l be acc ep t ed u n l e s s o the rw i s e a u t hor i ze d b y

K . S . A. 12 -1 67 5 . No f un ds wi l l b e i nve s t ed fo r ma t u r i t i e s o f mo re t ha n t w o y ea r s .

A n y m on i es no t o t he rw i se i n ves t ed i n e l i g i b l e f i n an c i a l i n s t i t u t i o ns

l oca t ed i n t h e d i s t r i c t du e t o t he i r i na b i l i t y , f o r wh a t e ve r r ea so n , t o ac c e p t t h e

f un ds , s ha l l b e i nve s t e d i n s ec u re d de pos i t s i n f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i o ns w h ic h hav e

o f f i c e s l o ca t ed i n c ou n t i e s i n wh i ch a p a r t o f t he s c ho o l d i s t r i c t i s l oca t ed .

A n y m on i es n o t i nve s t e d i n f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i ons i n t he d i s t r i c t o r

l oca t ed i n c ou n t i e s i n w h ich a p a r t o f t h e s c ho o l d i s t r i c t i s l o ca t e d ma y b e i n ve s t e d

a s au t ho r i ze d by Ka ns as l a w .

M oni es av a i l a b l e fo r r e in ve s tme n t a s a r e s u l t o f ma t u r i t i e s m ay b e

r e in ves t ed wi t h t h e f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i on ho ld i ng s uc h mon ies p ro v i ded t he

f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i o n a g re es t o p ay t he s ame o r h ig he r r a t e a s t ha t o f f e r ed by t he

h ig hes t p ro po sa l a t t h e t ime t h e r eq ues t s f o r p r op osa l s w ere ac ce p t e d .

I n t h e ev en t o f i d en t i ca l h ig h p r op osa l s , t h e a l l oc a t i o n o f mo n i es t o be

i nv es t e d b e t wee n t h e f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i o ns o f f e r i n g t h e h i gh p r op osa l s s ha l l be a t

t he d i s c r e t i o n o f t h e s up e r i n t e nde n t .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

D F E I nv es tm en t o f F un ds D F E -3

T h e t r ea su r e r sh a l l r eco rd t h e fo l l o win g i n f o rma t io n : t he da t e o f ea ch

r eq ues t f o r p ro p osa l ; t he name o f e ach f i na nc i a l i n s t i t u t i o n no t i f i ed ; t he nam e o f

t he o f f i c e r no t i f i e d ; t he p ro po sa l ; t he amo u n t o f mo n ies t he f i n an c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n

i s wi l l i ng t o acc ep t a t t h e r a t e p ro pos ed .

T o be e l i g i b l e t o r ece i ve i nv es t ed f un ds o r de po s i t s f rom t he d i s t r i c t , an y

o th e r wi se e l i g ib l e f i n an c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n sh a l l ha ve on f i l e i n t he o f f i ce o f t he

d i s t r i c t t r e a s u re r a l e t t e r r e que s t i ng i t s i nc l us i on i n an y r e ques t f o r p r op os a l an d

p ro v id i ng p ro pe r a s su ra nce o f com pl i a nce wi t h r eq u i r eme n t s o f ap p l i c ab l e l a ws

a nd boa rd p o l i cy r e l a t i n g t o ma i n t e na nce o f p ro pe r s ec u r i t y an d a s su r an ce o f i t s

mem ber sh i p i n go od s t a nd i ng c ons i s t e n t wi th cu r r e n t f ede ra l r e gu l a t i o ns . T he

s up e r i n t e nde n t sh a l l r ep or t m on th l y t o t h e b oa r d on t h e d i s t r i c t ' s i nv es tme n t s .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B re comm en da t io n 6 / 06 ; 4 /0 7 ; 6 /1 8 ; 1 2 / 19 ; 6 /2 0

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

G A A B C om pl a in t s o f Di s cr imi na t io n (S ee J D DC , J G E C A a nd K N) G A A B

( Se e G A A C, GA A C A, JD D C , JG E C , J G E CA , K N, a nd K N A)

T h e d i s t r i c t i s c ommi t t ed t o ma i n t a in in g a wor k i ng a nd l ea r n i ng

e nv i ro nme n t f r ee f rom d i s c r imi na t i on , i n s u l t , i n t im i da t i on , o r ha r a s sm en t d ue t o

r ace , co lo r , na t i o na l o r i g i n , r e l i g io n , s ex , a ge , ge ne t i c i n f o rma t i on , o r d i s a b i l i t y .

E x cep t a s o th e r wi se p ro v id ed i n t h i s po l i c y an d boa rd p o l i c i e s G A A C, J G E C, an d

K N A , a A ny i nc i de n t o f d i s c r imi na t i on i n a ny f o rm s ha l l p r omp t ly be r e po r t e d to

a n em plo yee ’ s imme dia t e s upe rv i so r , t h e b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l , o r t h e d i s t r i c t

c ompl i an ce c oo rd i na t o r fo r i nv es t i ga t i o n a nd co r r ec t i ve a c t i on b y t h e bu i l d i ng o r

d i s t r i c t com pl i a nc e o f f i ce r . A ny emp lo yee wh o en ga ges i n d i s c r imi na t o r y co nd uc t

s ha l l be su b j e c t t o d i s c ip l i na ry ac t i o n , u p t o a nd i n c lu d i ng t e rmi na t i on .

D i s c r imi na t i on ag a ins t an y i nd i v id ua l on t h e b as i s o f r ac e , co l o r , n a t i o na l

o r i g i n , s e x , d i s a b i l i t y , a ge , g ene t i c i n fo rma t io n , o r r e l i g i on i n t he admi s s i on t o ,

o r a cce s s t o , o r t r ea tme n t , o r empl oym en t i n t he d i s t r i c t ’ s p r og r ams a nd ac t i v i t i e s

i s p ro h ib i t ed . ( Po s i t i on , ad dre s s , em a i l ad dr es s , an d ph on e numb er o f t h e d i s t r i c t

c ompl i an ce c oo rd i na t o r ) h as bee n d es i gn a t e d t o co ord ina t e c ompl i an ce wi t h

n o nd i s c r imi na t i on r eq u i r eme n t s c on t a in ed i n T i t l e V I a nd T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l

R ig h t s A c t o f 19 64 e xc ep t d i s c r imin a t i on on t he bas i s o f s ex , T i t l e IX o f t h e

E d uca t i o n Ame ndmen t s o f 1 97 2 , S ec t i on 50 4 o f t h e Reh ab i l i t a t i o n Ac t o f 19 73 ,

a nd The Ame r i ca ns w i t h Di sab i l i t i e s A c t o f 1 99 0 , t he Age Di s c r imi na t i on Ac t o f

1 9 75 , t h e P e r s on a l Re sp on s ib i l i t y Wor k O p po r tu n i t y R ec on c i l i a t i o n Ac t o f 19 96 ,

a nd t he F oo d S t am p A c t o f 19 77 , a s ame nd ed .

C om pla i n t s r eg a r d ing a l l e ge d d i sc r imina t i o n o n t h e ba s i s o f s e x , a s

p ro h ib i t ed b y T i t l e IX o f t he E duc a t i on A me ndm ent s o f 1 972 a nd o t he r f e de ra l

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

a nd s t a t e l aw s r e gu l a t i ng su ch d i s c r imin a t i o n an d d i sc r imi na t o ry h a ra s sme n t , sh a l l

b e ha nd l ed i n a cc orda nc e wi t h t he p roc edu res o u t l i ne d i n b oa r d po l i c i e s G A A C

a nd J G E C an d s ha l l b e d i r ec t ed t o t he T i t l e IX C oor d in a to r a t ( Pos i t i o n o r name ,

a dd res s , em a i l ad dre s s , an d ph on e numb er o f T i t l e IX Coo rd i na t o r ) . M ore

i n fo rma t i on m ay be o b t a ine d on d i s c r imin a t i on on t he ba s i s o f s e x b y c on t ac t i ng

t he T i t l e IX C oor d ina t o r .

C om pla i n t s a l l eg i ng d i sc r imin a t i o n i n c h i l d nu t r i t i o n p ro grams o f f e r e d

b y t he d i s t r i c t sh a l l be ha nd l ed i n a cc o r da nce wi th t he p r oc ed ure s o u t l i ne d in

b oa rd po l i c y K N A, an d m ore i n fo rm a t io n ma y be ob t a i ned o n p r oce du res fo r s uc h

c ompl a in t by c on t ac t i ng t h e d i s t r i c t c ompl i anc e co ord ina to r .

C om pla i n t s o f d i s c r imi na t i on sh ou ld be ad dres se d t o an emp lo yee ’ s

s up e rv i so r o r t o t he bu i l d i ng p r i nc i pa l o r t h e c ompl i an ce co ord in a t o r . C ompl a in t s

a ga i ns t t he su pe r in t en de n t sh ou ld b e a dd re s se d t o t h e bo a rd o f ed uc a t i o n .

U n le s s o t he r wi s e p r ov id ed h e re i n , cC ompla in t s o f d i s c r imin a t i o n wi l l b e

r e so lve d us i ng t he d i s t r i c t ’ s d i s c r imi na t i on c omp la i n t p ro ce dure s i n p o l i c y K N .

G A A B C om pl a in t s o f Di s cr imi na t io n (S ee J D DC , J G E C A a nd K N) G A A B-2

T h e d i s t r i c t p r oh i b i t s r e t a l i a t i on o r d i s c r imi na t i on a ga i ns t an y p e r s on f o r

o p pos i n g d i sc r imin a t i on , i nc l ud in g ha r a s sme n t ; f o r pa r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e

c ompl a in t p ro ces s ; o r mak in g a c ompl a in t , t e s t i f y i ng , a s s i s t i ng , o r p a r t i c i pa t i n g

i n an y i nv es t i ga t i on , p r oce ed i n g , o r h ea r in g .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 2 / 98 ; 8 /9 8 ; 4 / 07 ; 6 / 09 ; 6 /1 5 ; 6 / 19 ; 6 /2 0 ; 7 / 20

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

G A A C S e xu a l H ar assm en t ( Se e G A F a nd J G E C) G A A C

T h e b oa r d o f ed uca t i o n i s commi t t ed t o p ro v id i ng a p os i t i v e a nd

p ro du c t i v e w or k in g a nd l ea r n in g e nv i r onme n t , f r ee f rom d i sc r imi na t i o n on t he

b as i s o f s ex , i nc l ud in g se xua l h a r a s sme n t . Th e d i s t r i c t do es no t d i s c r imin a t e on

t he ba s i s o f s ex i n adm is s i on s , em plo yme n t , o r t he e du ca t i on a l p ro gram s o r

a c t i v i t i e s i t o pe r a t e s an d i s p ro h i b i t e d b y T i t l e IX f rom e ng ag i ng i n s uc h

d i sc r imin a t i o n . Di s c r imi na t i o n o n t he ba s i s o f s e x , i n c lu d i ng sS e xua l h a r a s sme n t ,

w i l l n o t be t o l e r a t ed i n t he s c ho o l d i s t r i c t . Di sc r imin a t i on o n t he b as i s o f

s ex Se xu a l h a r a s sme n t o f em pl oye es o r s t ud en t s o f t h e d i s t r i c t b y boa rd m embe r s ,

a dmin i s t r a to r s , ce r t i f i ca t ed l i c en se d an d s up por t c l a s s i f i ed pe r so nn e l , s t u de n t s ,

v en do r s , a nd an y o the r s hav in g b us i ne s s o r o the r c on t ac t wi th t he s c ho o l d i s t r i c t

i s s t r i c t l y p r oh i b i t ed .

S e xua l ha r a s sme n t i s u n l a wf u l d i s c r imin a t i on o n t he b as i s o f s ex u nd e r

T i t l e IX o f t h e Ed uca t i o n Ame ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l R i g h t s A c t

o f 19 64 , a nd t he Ka ns as Ac t s A ga i ns t D i s c r imi na t i on . Al l f o rms o f s ex ual

h a r a s sme n t a r e p ro h i b i t e d a t s c ho o l , o n s c ho o l p r op e r ty , an d a t a l l s ch oo l -

s po ns ore d ac t i v i t i e s , p r og r ams , o r eve n t s wi th i n t h e U n i t ed S t a t e s . Sex ua l

h a r a s sme n t ag a in s t i n d i v id ua l s a s s oc i a t ed wi t h t he s ch oo l i s p ro h ib i t ed , w he t he r

o r no t t he ha ra s sme n t o ccu r s o n s ch oo l g ro u nds .

I t s ha l l b e a v io l a t i on o f t h i s p o l i c y fo r an y s t u de n t , em plo ye e , o r t h i r d

p a r t y ( v i s i t o r , ve nd or , e t c . ) t o s e xu a l l y h a ra s s an y s t u de n t , em plo ye e , o r o the r

i nd i v id ua l a s s oc i a t ed wi t h t h e s c ho o l . I t s ha l l f u r t he r be a v i o l a t i o n fo r an y

em plo ye e t o d i s co ur ag e a s t u de n t o r a no t he r em plo yee f rom f i l i n g a c ompla in t , o r

t o f a i l t o i nve s t i ga t e o r r e f e r f o r i n ves t i g a t i on , an y com pla i n t l o dg ed u nd e r t h e

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

p ro v i s i on s o f t h i s po l i cy . Vi o l a t i on o f t h i s po l i cy b y a ny emp lo yee sh a l l r e s u l t

i n d i s c ip l i na ry ac t i on , u p t o an d i nc lu d ing t e rmin a t i on .

S e xua l ha r a s sm en t sh a l l i n c lu de , co nd uc t o n t he bas i s o f s ex , b u t n o t b e

l im i t ed t o , u n we l come s ex ua l a dv anc es , r e qu es t s f o r s e xu a l f a vor s , a nd o the r

v e r ba l o r p hy s i c a l GA A C S e xu al Ha ra ssme nt

G A A C-2 co nd uc t o f a s e xu a l n a tu r e wh en i n vo l v i ng on e o r mo re o f t he

f o l l o wi ng : ( 1 ) s ubmis s io n t o s uc h co nd uc t i s mad e e i t he r e xp l i c i t l y o r imp l i c i t l y

a t e rm o r co nd i t i o n o f a n i nd iv i du a l ’ s em pl oyme n t ; ( 2 ) su bmis s i on t o o r r e j e c t i on

o f s uc h c on du c t by an i n d i v id ua l i s u s ed a s t he ba s i s f o r empl oyme n t de c i s i on s

a f f ec t i n g s uc h i nd i v i du a l ; o r ( 3 ) s uc h c on du c t has t h e p u rp os e o r e f f ec t o f

u n r eas on ab l y i n t e r f e r i ng w i th an i n d iv i du a l ’ s wor k pe r f o rman ce o r c r e a t i n g an

i n t im i da t i ng , ho s t i l e o r o f f e ns i ve w or k in g en v i r onm en t . A d i s t r i c t empl o yee

c on d i t i on i ng t he p r ov i s i on o f a n a i d , ben e f i t , o r s e rv i ce o f t he d i s t r i c t o n a n

i nd i v id ua l ’ s p a r t i c i pa t i o n i n un we lcom ed s ex ua l co nd uc t ; ( 2 ) un w e lc ome d co nd uc t

d e t e rmin ed by a r ea s on ab l e p e r s on t o be so s ev e re , p e rv as iv e , an d o b j e c t i v e ly

o f f e ns i ve t h a t i t e f f ec t i ve l y de n i e s a p e r s on e qu a l acc es s t o t h e d i s t r i c t ’ s

e du ca t i on a l p r og ram o r ac t i v i t y ; o r ( 3 ) s ex ua l a s s au l t , da t i ng v io l enc e , dom es t i c

v io l enc e , o r s t a l k in g .

S e xua l ha r a s sm en t ma y r e s u l t f r om ve rb a l o r ph ys i ca l c on duc t o r wr i t t e n

o r g r a ph i c m a te r i a l . S e xua l ha r a s sme n t ma y i nc lu de , b u t i s n o t l im i t e d t o : ve r ba l

h a r a s sme n t o r ab use o f a s ex ua l na t u r e ; p r e s s u r e f o r s ex ua l ac t i v i t y ; r e pe a t e d

r emar ks t o a pe r so n , w i t h s ex ua l o r d eme an in g im pl i c a t i on ; u nw e l com e t ou ch i ng;

o r su gg es t i ng o r dema nd i ng sex ua l i nvo lv emen t acc omp an ie d b y im pl i ed o r

e xp l i c i t t h r ea t s co nce rn i ng a n empl oy ee ’ s j o b s t a t us .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e d i s t r i c t enc ou rage s a l l v i c t im s o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t an d p e r s on s wi t h

k n ow led ge o f s uc h ha ra s smen t t o r ep or t t h e h a ra s sme n t imme dia t e l y . Com pla in t s

o f s e xu a l ha r a s smen t w i l l b e p r ompt l y i n ve s t i g a t e d an d r e so l ved . An y pe r so n ma y

ma ke a v e rb a l o r wr i t t en r e po r t o f s e x d i s c r imi na t i on by a ny mea ns a nd a t a ny

t im e .

( Po s i t i on o r nam e , a dd res s , em a i l a ddr es s , a nd p h one num ber o f t he T i t l e

IX C o ord i na t o r ) h as b ee n de s ig na t e d t o c oo rd i na t e c ompl i an ce wi th

n o nd i s c r imi na t i on r e qu i r eme n t s co n t a in ed i n T i t l e IX o f t he Ed uca t i o n

A me ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t he Ci v i l R ig h t s A c t o f 19 64 r e ga r d in g

d i sc r imin a t i o n o n t he bas i s o f s ex , an d t h e K an sas Ac t A ga in s t Di sc r imin a t i o n .

I n fo rma t i on c on ce r n i ng t h e p r ov i s io ns o f t h es e Ac t s , a nd t he r i gh t s p r ov i de d

t he r eu nde r , a r e a va i l a b l e f r om the T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r . Inq u i r i e s a bo u t t he

a pp l i ca t i o n o f T i t l e IX t o t h e d i s t r i c t ma y b e r e f e r r ed t o t he T i t l e IX Co ord ina to r ;

t o t h e A ss i s t an t S ec re t a r y fo r C i v i l R ig h t s a t t h e U . S . De pa r tme n t o f E du ca t i on ,

O f f i ce o f C iv i l R i gh t s , 4 00 Mar y l a nd Av en ue , SW, W as h in g to n D . C . 2 02 02 - 11 00 ,

( 80 0)4 21 -3 48 1 , o r a t O C R@ ed .g ov ; o r bo t h .

R e sp ons e t o H ara s sme n t C omp la i n t s

T h e d i s t r i c t t a ke s a l l r e po r t s o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t s e r i o us l y a nd wi l l

r e sp on d mea n in gf u l l y t o ev e ry r ep or t o f d i s c r imin a t i o n ba se d o n sex , i n c lu d ing

s ex ua l ha r a s smen t , o f w h ic h t he d i s t r i c t h a s ac t ua l k no wle dge . Empl oy ee s wh o

b e l i e ve t hey h av e bee n su b j e c t e d t o s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t sh ou l d d i sc us s t he p r ob l em

w i t h t h e i r imme dia t e s up e rv i so r . I f an emp lo yee ’ s imme dia t e s up e rv i so r i s t he

a l l eg ed ha r a s s e r , t he empl oy ee s ho u ld d i sc us s t he p ro b l em w i th t he bu i l d i ng

p r in c ip a l admi n i s t r a t o r o r t h e T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r d i s t r i c t com pl i anc e

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

c oo rd i na t o r . Empl oye es wh o d o no t be l i ev e t h e ma t t e r i s a ppro pr i a t e l y r e so l ve d

t h ro ug h

G A A C S e xu a l H ar assm en t G A A C-3

t h i s me e t i ng ma y f i l e a f o rma l c omp la in t u nde r t h e d i s t r i c t ’ s d i s c r imi na t i o n

c ompl a in t p ro ce dur e i n p o l i c y K N . Al l em plo ye es r e ce iv in g r e por t s o f a l l eged

s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t sha l l no t i fy t h e T i t l e IX C oor d i na t o r .

D e f in i t i on s

T h e fo l l o win g d e f in i t i o ns a pp ly t o t h e d i s t r i c t i n r e spo n d in g to

c ompl a in t s o f s ex ua l d i s c r imi na t i o n i nc lu d i ng se xu a l ha r a s sme n t a s d e f i ned by

T i t l e IX o f t h e Ed uca t i o n Ame ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l R i g h t s A c t

o f 19 64 , an d t he Ka ns as A c t A ga i ns t Di s c r imi na t i o n .

T h e “ com pla i na n t ” me an s a n i nd i v i dua l wh o i s a l l e ge d t o be a v i c t im o f

c on du c t t ha t co u ld co ns t i t u t e s e xua l ha r a s sme n t .

“ D a t in g v i o l e nc e” me an s v i o l e nce commi t t ed by a pe r so n w ho i s o r h as

b ee n i n a soc i a l r e l a t i o nsh ip o f a r om an t i c o r i n t ima te na tu re wi t h t he v i c t im

w h ere t he ex i s t e nce o f s uc h a r e l a t i ons h ip sh a l l be d e t e rmi ned ba se d o n a

c on s id e ra t i o n o f t h e l e n g th o f t he r e l a t i on sh i p , t h e t ype o f r e l a t i o ns h ip , a nd t h e

f r eq ue ncy o f i n t e r ac t i on b e t wee n t he p e r so ns i nv o lv ed .

T h e “ de c i s i on -m ak er” r e v i e w s a l l t he ev id en ce an d p re pa r es an im par t i a l

w r i t t en r e s po ns i b i l i t y de t e rmin a t i on a s t o w he t he r t he a l l eg ed co nd uc t o cc ur r ed

a nd p r ov i des an op po r tu n i t y fo r t h e pa r t i e s a nd t he i r r e p re sen t a t i ves t o p r e pa r e

w r i t t en que s t i o ns t o b e an s wer ed b y t he o th e r pa r ty . Th e d Dec i s io n -m ake r sha l l

n o t b e t he T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r o r i n ves t i g a t o r .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

“ D omes t i c v i o l e nc e” i n c lu des c r ime s o f v i o l e nce c ommi t t ed by a pe r so n

w h o i s a c u r r en t o r f o rmer sp ou se , pa r tn e r , p e r s on wi th w hom t he v i c t im sh a re s a

c h i l d , o r wh o i s o r h as co ha b i t e d wi th t h e v i c t im as a sp ou se o r pa r t ne r , by a

p e r s on s imi l a r l y s i t ua t ed t o a sp ou se o f t he v i c t im un de r K an sa s o r ap p l i c ab l e

f ede ra l l a w , o r b y a ny o the r pe r so n aga i ns t a n ad u l t o r yo u t h v i c t im hav in g

p ro t ec t i on f r om su ch pe r so n’ s a c t s b y K an sa s o r ap p l i c ab l e f ed e r a l l aw .

A “ fo rma l com pla in t ” me ans a d oc umen t f i l ed b y a c ompl a in an t o r s i gn ed

b y t h e T i t l e IX Co ord in a to r a l l eg in g sex ua l ha r a s sm en t a ga i ns t a r e sp on den t an d

r eq ues t i n g t ha t t h e d i s t r i c t i nv es t i ga t e t he a l l eg a t i on o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t .

T h e “ in ves t i g a to r ” i s t h e pe r so n w ho ca r r i e s o u t t he i nv es t i ga t i on a f t e r

t he f o rma l c omp la i n t i s f i l e d an d co nd uc t s i n t e rv i ew s o f t he w i t nes ses , c o l l e c t s

a nd d oc ume n t s e v id en ce , an d d ra f t s a n i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t .

A “ r e s po nd en t ” i s a n i nd i v i dua l wh o h as be en r ep or t ed t o b e t he

p e r pe t r a to r o f co nd uc t t ha t c ou l d co ns t i t u t e s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t .

“ Se xu a l a s s au l t ” m ean s an o f f en se c l a s s i f i e d a s a fo r c ib l e o r non fo r c ib l e

s ex o f f ens e un de r t he u n i fo rm c r im e r e po r t i n g sys t em o f t he Fe de r a l Bur ea u o f

In v es t i ga t i on .

“ S t a lk i ng ” m ea ns eng ag in g i n a co ur s e o f c on du c t d i r ec t e d a t a s pec i f i c

p e r s on t ha t w ou l d cau se a r ea so na b l e pe r s on t o f e a r f o r h i s o r h e r s a f e ty o r t h e

s a f e t y o f o t he r s o r t o su f f e r s ub s t a n t i a l emo t io na l d i s t r e s s .

T h e “ Ti t l e IX C oor d i na t o r” i s t h e i n d iv id ua l de s ig na t ed a t t h e d i s t r i c t

l e ve l wh o h as r e s po ns i b i l i t y t o c oo rd in a t e com pl i anc e wi th T i t l e IX o f t he

E d uca t i o n Am en dmen t s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t he Ci v i l R ig h t s Ac t o f 1 96 4

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

r ega rd i ng d i s c r imi na t i o n o n t he ba s i s o f s ex , an d t h e K a nsa s Ac t A ga i ns t

D i s c r imi na t i on . T he T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r ’ s r e s po ns i b i l i t i e s i nc l u de , bu t a r e no t

l im i t ed t o : d ev e lo p in g m a te r i a l s a nd ens u r i ng p r o fe s s i ona l d ev e lo pme n t occ ur s

f o r s t a f f i n vo lve d i n T i t l e IX com pl i a nce , c r e a t i n g sys t ems t o c en t r a l i ze r ec o rd s ,

g a t he r i ng r e l ev an t d a t a , c on t ac t i ng t h e comp la i nan t ( an d /o r pa r en t s o r gu a rd i an s ,

i f a pp l i ca b l e ) onc e t he d i s t r i c t ha s ac t ua l kn o wle dg e o f a l l ege d s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t ,

c oo rd i na t i ng t he imp leme n ta t i o n o f su p por t i ve me asu res , s i gn i ng a fo rmal

c ompl a in t t o i n i t i a t e a g r i e va nce p roce s s , an d ens u r i ng a ny r emed ies a r e

im pleme n te d .

T h e T i t l e IX Co ord ina t o r , a ny i nv es t i ga t o r , de c i s i on -mak er , o r a ny pe r so n

w h o f a c i l i t a t e s an i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i on p r oc es s sh a l l n o t hav e a c on f l i c t o f i n t e r e s t

o r b i a s fo r o r a ga i ns t t h e c omp la i nan t o r r e sp on de n t . T he se i n d iv id ua l s s ha l l

r ece i ve t r a i n in g o n t he de f in i t i on o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t ; t he s co pe o f t he e du ca t i on

p ro gram an d a c t i v i t i e s ; ho w t o c on du c t a n i nv es t i ga t i on , i nc l ud i ng ap pe a l s an d

i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i o n p r oce s se s ; an d h o w t o s e rv e im par t i a l l y , i nc l ud i ng b y a vo i d in g

p re j ud gme n t o f t he f a c t s , co nf l i c t s o f i n t e r e s t , an d b i a s . D ec i s i on -ma ker s s ha l l

r ece i ve t r a in i ng o n i s s ue s o f r e l e va nce o f q ue s t i o ns a nd e v id enc e , i n c lu d i ng whe n

q ue s t i o ns an d e v id en ce ab ou t t he com pla i na n t ’ s s e xu a l p r ed i s po s i t i on o r p r i o r

s ex ua l be ha v io r a r e no t r e l ev an t . I n ves t i ga t o r s s ha l l r ec e iv e t r a i n i ng on i s s ue s o f

r e l e van ce o f qu es t i on s a nd ev ide nc e i n o rd e r f o r t hem t o c r ea t e i n ves t i g a t i v e

r ep or t s t h a t f a i r l y summar i ze r e l ev an t e v id en ce .

A n y empl oy ee w ho w i t nes ses a n a c t o f s ex ua l ha r a s smen t o r r ec e iv es a

c ompl a in t o f h a r a s sme n t f r om an o th e r em plo ye e o r a s t u den t sh a l l r e por t t he

c ompl a in t t o t he i r imme dia t e s upe rv i so r , b u i l d i ng admi n i s t r a t o r , o r T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r . Em pl oy ee s w ho f a i l t o r ep or t com pla i n t s o r i nc i den t s o f s e xua l

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

h a r a s sme n t t o a ppr opr i a t e d i s t r i c t o f f i c i a l s m ay f ac e d i sc i p l i n a r y ac t i o n . Di s t r i c t

o f f i c i a l s wh o f a i l t o i n ve s t i g a t e a nd t a ke ap pr opr i a t e c o r r ec t i ve ac t i o n i n r e s po ns e

t o com pla i n t s o f s exu a l ha r a s sme n t m ay a l so f a ce d i sc i p l i na ry a c t i on .

C om pla i n t s r ec e iv ed w i l l be i nv es t i ga t ed t o de t e rmi ne w he t he r , u n de r t he

t o t a l i t y o f t he c i r c ums t an ces , t he a l l e ged be ha v io r c ons t i t u t e s s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t

u n de r t he d e f i n i t i on o u t l i ne d a bo ve . Un ac cep t ab l e c on du c t ma y o r m ay no t

c on s t i t u t e s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t , d epe nd in g o n t h e n a tu r e o f t h e c on duc t an d i t s

s ev e r i t y , pe rva s iv ene s s , a nd p e r s i s t e nce . Beh av i o r s wh i ch a r e u nac ce p t a b l e b u t

d o n o t co ns t i t u t e ha ra s sme n t may a l so r e su l t i n emp lo yee d i sc ip l i n e .

I f d i s c r imin a t i on o r h a ra s sme n t h as o cc ur r ed , t h e d i s t r i c t w i l l t a ke

p rom pt , r emed ia l ac t i on t o s t op i t a nd p rev en t i t s r eo cc ur r e nc e .

A n y empl oy ee w ho w i t nes ses a n a c t o f s ex ua l ha r a s smen t o r r ec e iv es a

c ompl a in t o f h a r a s sme n t f r om an o th e r em plo ye e o r a s t u den t sh a l l r e por t t he

c ompl a in t t o t h e b u i l d in g p r in c ip a l . Em pl oy ees w ho f a i l t o r ep or t com pla in t s o r

i nc i den t s o f s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t t o a pp ro pr i a t e s ch oo l o f f i c i a l s ma y f a ce

d i sc i p l i na r y ac t i o n . S ch oo l a dmi n i s t r a t o r s wh o f a i l t o i nv es t i ga t e an d t a ke

a pp ro pr i a t e c o r r e c t i ve ac t i on i n r e sp on se t o com pla in t s o f s exu a l h a r a s sme n t ma y

a l so f a ce d i sc i p l i na ry a c t i on .

T h e T i t l e IX C oo rd i na t o r s ha l l p r omp t ly r e sp on d i n a m ea n in gfu l wa y to

a ny r ep or t s o f s ex ua l d i s c r im ina t i o n i nc lu d i ng se xu a l ha r a s sme n t o f wh i ch t he

d i s t r i c t ha s ac t ua l k no w led ge a s f o l l ow s :

• C o nta c t t he com pla in an t wi th in 10 bu s in es s d ays a nd d i s cus s t he

a va i l ab i l i t y o f su pp or t i ve me as ures , wi th o r wi t ho u t t he f i l i ng o f a

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

f o rma l com pla i n t , an d c on s id e r t he c omp la i nan t ’ s wi she s a s t o

s up po r t i v e m eas ure s ; an d

• In fo rm the com pla i na n t o f t he r i gh t t o a fo rma l c omp la i n t

i nv es t i ga t i on co ns i s t e n t wi t h T i t l e IX an d t he i n fo rma l r e so lu t i on

p ro ces s .

S u pp or t i ve Mea su res

T h e d i s t r i c t wi l l t r e a t t h e c ompl a in an t a nd r e s po nd en t equ i t a b ly by

o f f e r i n g su pp or t i ve me as ures . T he se n on-d i s c ip l i na ry a nd n on -p un i t i ve m eas ure s

w i l l be o f f e r ed a s ap pr opr i a t e , a s r ea son ab ly a va i l ab l e , a nd w i th ou t co s t t o t he

c ompl a in an t o r t he r e sp on de n t . S up por t i v e me asu res a r e de s ig ne d t o r e s to r e or

p r e s e rv e e qu a l a cce s s t o t he ed uc a t i o n p ro gr am o r ac t i v i t y wi t ho u t u n r eas on ab l y

b u r de n in g t h e o t he r pa r ty . “ Su pp or t i ve M ea sur es” sh a l l i n c lu de , b u t n o t b e l im i t e d

t o , mea su r es d es ig ned t o p ro t ec t t h e s a f e ty o f a l l pa r t i e s , t o p ro t ec t t he d i s t r i c t ’ s

e du ca t i on a l en v i r onme n t , o r t o de t e r s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t . Th es e me as ures ma y

i nc l ude c ou nse l i n g , ex t en s io ns o f de ad l i n es o r co ur s e - r e l a t ed a d ju s tme n t s ,

mo d i f i ca t i on s o f w ork o r c l a s s s ch ed u l e s , e sco r t s e r v i c es , mu tu a l r e s t r i c t i o ns on

c on t ac t be t we en t h e p a r t i e s , c ha ng es i n w ork l oca t i o ns , l e av es o f a bs enc e ,

i nc r eas ed sec u r i t y an d m on i t o r i ng , a nd o th e r s im i l a r m eas ur es . T he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r i s r e s po ns i b l e f o r c oo rd i na t i n g t he e f f e c t i v e im pleme n ta t i o n of

s up po r t i v e m eas ure s .

T h e Form a l C ompl a in t

N o i nv es t i ga t i on o f a l l eg ed s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t ma y o ccu r un t i l a f t e r a

f o rma l c ompl a in t has be en f i l ed .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

A fo rm a l com pla i n t i s a d oc umen t f i l ed by t he com pla ina n t o r s i gne d by

t he T i t l e IX Co ord in a to r a l l eg i n g s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t an d r e que s t i ng an

i nv es t i ga t i on . T he p ro ce dur es fo r f i l i n g a f o rma l c ompl a in t a r e a s f o l l o w s :

• A t t he t im e o f f i l i n g a fo rm a l c ompl a i n t , a c ompl a in an t mu s t be

p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n o r a t t em pt i ng t o pa r t i c i p a t e i n t he ed uc a t i o n p r ogr am

o r ac t i v i t y o f t he d i s t r i c t co nce r n i ng whic h t he fo rma l c ompla in t i s

f i l ed .

• A f o rma l c ompl a in t s ho u ld b e f i l ed i n wr i t i n g a nd co n t a i n t he nam e

a nd ad dres s o f t he pe r so n f i l i ng t he c omp la i n t . The com pla in t sh ou l d

b r i e f l y d esc r ib e t he a l l ege d v i o l a t i o n . F i l i n g o f t he c omp la i n t w i t h t he

T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r may be d one i n pe r so n , by ma i l , o r b y ema i l . I f

a n i nd i v id ua l do es no t wi s h t o f i l e a w r i t t e n c omp la i n t , an d t he m a t t e r

h as n o t bee n a de qu a t e l y r e s o lv ed , t he T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r ma y i n i t i a te

t he c omp la i n t . F o rms fo r f i l i ng wr i t t en com pla in t s a r e a va i l ab l e i n

e ac h s ch oo l bu i l d i ng o f f i ce a nd t he ce n t r a l o f f i c e .

• A c ompl a in t sh ou ld b e f i l ed a s so on a s po s s i b l e a f t e r t h e c on du ct

o cc ur s , bu t no t l a t e r t h an 1 80 c a l e nd a r da ys a f t e r t h e comp la i nan t

b ec omes a wa re o f t h e a l l ege d v i o l a t i on , un l e s s t h e co nd uc t f o rmi ng t h e

b as i s f o r t h e com pla in t i s on go i ng .

• A n in ves t i g a t i o n sha l l f o l l o w th e f i l i ng o f t h e c ompl a in t . I f t he

c ompl a in t i s a ga i ns t t he s up e r in t en de n t , t he b oa r d sh a l l app o i n t an

i nv es t i ga t i ng o f f i ce r . I n o t he r i n s t a nces , t he i n ve s t i g a t i on s ha l l b e

c on du c t e d b y a qua l i f i e d i nd i v id ua l de s ig na t ed by t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r o r a no th e r i n d iv i du a l ap po i n t e d by t he b oa r d . T he

i nv es t i ga t i on s ha l l be t ho r ou gh . Al l i n t e r e s t e d pe r so ns , i n c lud in g t he

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

c ompl a in an t a nd t h e r e s po nd en t , wi l l b e a f f o rd ed an o pp or tu n i t y t o

s ubmi t wr i t t e n o r o r a l e v id enc e r e l e va n t t o t he c ompl a in t .

F o rm a l C ompl a in t No t i ce Re qu i r eme n t s

U p on f i l i n g o f a fo rm a l com pla i n t , t he d i s t r i c t sha l l p r ov id e w r i t t e n

n o t i ce t o t h e kn o wn p a r t i e s i n c lu d in g :

• N o t i ce o f t he a l l ega t i on s o f s e xua l ha r a s sme n t i nc l ud i ng s u f f i c i e n t

d e t a i l s t o p r ep a re a r e sp on se be fo r e an y i n i t i a l i n t e r v i e w in c lud in g :

o t h e i de n t i t i e s o f t h e p a r t i e s i n vo l ve d , i f kn o wn ;

o t h e co nd uc t a l l ege d ly c on s t i t u t i n g se xu a l ha r a s sme n t ; an d

o t he da t e an d l oc a t i on o f t he a l l e ge d i nc ide n t , i f kn ow n .

• T h e d i s t r i c t ’ s i n ves t i ga t i o n p r oce d ures , i nc lu d in g an y i n f o rma l

r e so lu t i on p roc es s ;

• A s t a t eme n t t ha t t h e r e sp on de n t i s p r e sume d no t r e sp on s ib l e fo r t he

a l l eg ed co nd uc t an d t h a t a d e t e rmi na t i o n r e ga r d i ng r e s po ns i b i l i t y wi l l

b e m ad e by t h e dec i s i o n -m ake r a t t he c onc l us i on o f t he i n ves t i ga t i o n ;

• N o t i ce t o t h e pa r t i e s t h ey ma y ha ve a n ad v i s o r o f t he i r ch o i ce a nd

ma y i ns pe c t an d r ev i e w a ny e v id enc e ; and

• N o t i ce t o t he pa r t i e s o f an y p ro v i s i on i n t he d i s t r i c t ’ s c ode o f co n duc t

o r p o l i cy t ha t p r oh ib i t s k no wi ng ly ma k i ng f a l s e s t a t emen t s o r

k n ow in g ly s ubmi t t i ng f a l s e i n fo rma t i on .

I f , i n t he c our se o f an i nv es t i ga t i on , t he i nv es t i ga t o r d ec i de s t o

i nv es t i ga t e a l l e ga t i on s a bo u t t he com pla in an t o r r e sp on de n t t ha t a r e no t i nc l ude d

i n t he no t i ce i n i t i a l l y p ro v id ed , n o t i ce o f t he ad d i t i ona l a l l e ga t i o ns sha l l b e

p ro v id ed t o kn ow n pa r t i e s .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

F o rm a l C ompl a in t I nv es t i ga t i o n Pr oce dure s

T o e ns u re a com ple t e an d t h o r ou gh i nve s t i g a t i on a nd t o p ro t ec t t he

p a r t i e s , t he i n ve s t i g a t o r sh a l l :

• E n sur e t h a t t h e p r ep on de ran ce o f t h e e v id en ce bu r de n o f p r oof an d t he

b u r de n o f ga t he r i ng ev i de nc e s u f f i c i e n t t o r ea ch a d e t e rmin a t i on

r ega rd i ng r e sp on s ib i l i t y r e s t s on t he d i s t r i c t a nd no t t h e pa r t i e s ;

• P ro v id e a n eq ua l op po r tu n i t y fo r t he pa r t i e s t o p r e s en t wi t ne s se s an d

e v i den ce ;

• N o t r e s t r i c t e i t he r p a r t y ’ s ab i l i t y t o d i s cu s s t he a l l e ga t i ons u nde r

i nv es t i ga t i on o r t o ga t he r a nd p re s en t r e l e va n t ev i de nc e ;

• A l l o w th e p a r t i e s t o b e a cc ompa n ie d wi th an ad v i s o r o f t he p a r t y ’ s

c ho i ce ;

• P ro v id e wr i t t e n no t i c e o f t he d a t e , t im e , l oc a t i on , pa r t i c i p an t s , an d

p u r po se o f a ny i n t e r v i e w , m ee t i ng , o r h ea r in g a t w h ic h a p a r t y i s

e xp ec t ed t o p a r t i c i p a t e ;

• P ro v id e t he p a r t i e s eq ua l a cce s s t o r e v i ew a l l t he e v id en ce co l l ec t ed

w h ich i s d i r ec t l y r e l a t e d t o t he a l l e ga t i o ns r a i s e d i n a f o rmal

c ompl a in t , i n c lu d i ng t h e i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t , an d t he op por tu n i t y t o

r e sp on d t o t h a t ev i den ce b e fo re a de t e rmin a t i on i s ma de ;

• B e imp ar t i a l a nd o b j e c t i v e ly e va l ua t e a l l r e l e va n t ev i de nce w i t ho ut

r e ly i ng o n se x s t e r eo t yp es ;

• N o t hav e co nf l i c t s o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s fo r o r a ga i ns t com pla ina n t s o r

r e sp on de n t ;

• N o t mak e c r ed i b i l i t y de t e rmin a t i o ns ba sed o n t h e i nd i v id ua l ’ s s t a t us

a s com pla i na n t , r e spo n den t , o r wi t nes s .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

F o rm a l C ompl a in t I nv es t i ga t i o n Re po r t

T h e i nv es t i ga t o r sh a l l p r ep a re a n i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t t h a t f a i r l y

s ummar i ze s r e l ev an t ev i de nce an d s ha r e t he r ep or t wi th t he pa r t i e s an d t he i r

a dv i so r s fo r r e v i e w an d r e s po ns e .

B e f o re c omp le t i ng t h e i n ves t i ga t i v e r epo r t , t he i n ve s t i g a to r mus t s end

e ac h pa r ty an d t h e i r a dv i so r s t he i nv es t i g a t i ve r ep or t f o r r ev i e w an d a l l o w t he

p a r t i e s 1 0 da ys t o s ubm i t a wr i t t e n r e s pon se fo r t he i n ve s t i g a to r ’ s c on s id e ra t i on .

T h e i nv es t i ga t o r ’ s wr i t t en r ep or t sh a l l i n c lu de a n o b j e c t i v e ev a lu a t i on o f

a l l r e l ev an t e v i den ce u s in g a p r e po nd e ra nc e o f t he ev i de nce s t a nd a rd t o de t e rmin e

r e sp on s ib i l i t y .

D e c i s i on -Mak er ’ s De t e rmin a t i o n

U p on r ec e iv in g t h e i n ve s t i g a to r ’ s r ep or t , t he dec i s i on -m ake r mu s t ma ke

a de t e rmin a t i o n r e ga r d in g r e sp ons ib i l i t y a nd a f fo rd e ac h pa r ty t he op por t un i t y t o

s ubmi t wr i t t en , r e l ev an t q ues t i o ns t ha t t he pa r t i e s w an t a s ke d o f a ny pa r ty or

w i t nes s , p r ov i de ea ch p a r t y wi th t h e a nsw er s , a nd a l l o w fo r a dd i t i o na l , l im i t e d

f o l l o w -u p que s t i ons .

T h e d ec i s i o n -ma ker m us t i s s ue a wr i t t en de t e rmi na t i on r ega rd i ng

r e sp on s ib i l i t y b ase d o n a p r ep on de ran ce o f t he ev i de nce . Th e dec i s i on -m ake r ’ s

w r i t t en d e t e rm ina t i on s ha l l :

• Id e n t i f y t he a l l eg a t i on s po t en t i a l l y co ns t i t u t i n g se xua l ha r a s sme n t ;

• D e sc r i be t h e p r oc edu ra l s t ep s t ak en , i n c l ud i ng a nd a n y no t i f i c a t i ons

t o t h e p a r t i e s , s i t e v i s i t s , me th od s u se d t o g a th e r e v i denc e , an d

i n t e r v i e w s ;

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• In c l ud e t he f i nd i ng s o f f ac t s up por t i n g t he d e t e rm ina t i o n ;

• A d dre s s an y d i s t r i c t p o l i c i e s a nd / o r co ndu c t r u l e s w h ic h a pp ly t o t h e

f ac t s ;

• A d dre s s e ach a l l e ga t i on a nd a r e s o lu t i o n o f t he com pla i n t i n c lu d i ng a

d e t e rmin a t i o n r e ga rd in g r e s po ns i b i l i t y , t he r a t i o na l e t he r e f o r , an y

d i sc i p l i na r y s an c t i on s im po se d on t h e r e sp on de n t , a nd w he th e r t h e

r emed ies a r e des i g ned t o p r e se r ve a cce s s t o t h e e duc a t i ona l p ro gr am

o r ac t i v i t y wi l l be p ro v i de d by t h e d i s t r i c t t o t he com pla i na n t ; an d

• T h e p ro ced ure s an d pe rmi s s i b l e b ase s f o r t he c ompl a in an t an d /o r

r e sp on de n t t o a ppe a l t h e de t e rmin a t i o n .

A co py o f t he wr i t t e n de t e rmi na t i on s ha l l be p r ov i de d t o bo th p a r t i e s

s im ul t ane ou s ly .

T h e r a ng e o f d i s c ip l i na r y s an c t i o ns a nd r emed ie s may i nc l ude , bu t ma y

n o t be l im i t e d t o , s up po r t i v e me asu re s , sh o r t t e rm s usp en s io n , l o ng t e rm

s us pe ns i on , e xp u l s io n fo r s t ude n t s , a nd /o r t e rmi na t i on fo r emp lo yee s .

C om pla i na n t s an d r e sp o nde n t s s ha l l be t r ea t ed e qu i t ab l y by p r ov id i ng r em ed i e s t o

a c ompl a in an t w here a d e t e rmi na t i on o f r e sp on s ib i l i t y f o r s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t ha s

b ee n m ade . T he T i t l e IX C oo rd i na to r i s r e s po ns i b l e f o r t he e f f ec t i v e

im pleme n ta t i o n o f any r emed ies . I f t h e i n ve s t i g a t i on r e su l t s i n a r ec omme nd a t i on

t ha t a s t u den t be s usp en de d o r e xp e l l e d , p ro ced ure s o u t l i ned i n bo a rd po l i cy a nd

s t a t e l a w g ov e rn in g s t ud en t s usp en s io n and e xp u l s io n wi l l be fo l l o w ed .

I f t he i n ves t i ga t i o n r e su l t s i n a r ecomme nd a t io n t ha t an emp lo yee be

s us pe nde d wi th o r w i t ho u t pa y o r t e rmin a t e d , p roc ed ure s ou t l i ne d i n bo a rd p o l i cy ,

t he ne go t i a t ed a g reeme n t ( a s a pp l i ca b l e ) , an d / o r s t a t e l a w wi l l b e f o l l o wed .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

R e cor ds r e l a t i ng t o c ompl a in t s f i l ed an d t he i r r e s o lu t i on s ha l l be

ma i n t a ine d b y t he T i t l e IX Co ord ina to r fo r s e ve n ye a r s .

T h e d ec i s i o n b ecom es f i n a l on t he da t e t he pa r t i e s r e ce i ve t he r e su l t s o f

a n a pp ea l , i f a ny app ea l i s f i l ed , o r o n t he da t e t he op po r tun i t y f o r an a pp ea l

e xp i r e s .

A p pe a l s

T h e com pla i na n t o r r e sp on de n t ma y a pp ea l t he d ec i s i o n -m ake r ’s

d e t e rmin a t i o n r eg a rd i ng r e sp ons ib i l i t y o r a d i smi s sa l o f a f o rma l c ompl a in t , o n

t he fo l l o wi ng b ase :

• P ro ce dur a l i r r e gu l a r i t y t ha t a f f ec t ed t he ou t c omes ;

• N e w e v id enc e t ha t wa s no t r ea s on ab l y ava i l ab l e a t t h e t im e t ha t

c ou ld a f f ec t t h e ou t com e; an d / o r

• T h e T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r , i n ves t i ga t o r , o r de c i s i on -mak er ha d a

c on f l i c t o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s a ga i ns t e i t he r p a r t y t ha t a f f ec t ed t he

o u t come .

T h e r e qu es t t o ap pe a l sh a l l be m ade i n wr i t i ng t o t he T i t l e IX Coo rd i na t or

w i t h in 20 d ay s a f t e r t h e d a t e o f t he wr i t t e n d e t e rm ina t i o n . A p pe a l s s ha l l be on

t he r e co r d an d he a r d b y a n a t t o rne y , an i nd ep en de n t he a r in g o f f i ce r a pp o in t ed by

t he b oa r d , o r t he bo a r d . T he a ppe a l dec i s i o n -m ake r ma y no t be t h e T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r , t he In ve s t i g a to r , o r t he dec i s i on -m ake r f rom th e o r ig i na l

d e t e rmin a t i o n .

T h e a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -ma ker wi l l i s sue a wr i t t en d ec i s i o n wi t h in 30 da ys

a f t e r t he a pp ea l i s f i l e d . T he a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -m ake r w i l l d e sc r ib e t h e r e su l t o f t he

a pp ea l a nd t h e r a t i ona l e fo r t he r e s u l t .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -ma ker s ha l l :

• R e vie w th e ev ide nc e g a th e re d by t he i nve s t i g a to r , t he i n ve s t i g a t o r ’ s

r ep or t , a nd t he o r i g in a l de c i s i on -mak er ’ s de t e rmi na t i on ;

• N o t i fy bo t h p a r t i e s i n w r i t i n g o f t h e f i l i ng o f an a pp ea l an d g iv e t h em

1 0 day s a f t e r t he a ppe a l i s f i l e d t o su bmi t f u r t he r e v i den ce i n wr i t i n g ;

• N o t hav e a co nf l i c t o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s f o r o r a ga i ns t c ompl a in an t o r

r e sp on de n t an d r ec e iv e t he r eq u i r e d t r a i n in g ;

• I s su e a wr i t t e n de c i s i on an d t h e r a t i on a l e f o r t he dec i s i o n wi th in 30

d ay s a f t e r t he a ppe a l i s f i l e d ;

• D e sc r i be t h e r e s u l t o f t h e ap pea l an d t he r a t i o na l e f o r t h e r e s u l t i n t he

d ec i s i o n ; an d

• P ro v id e t he wr i t t en de c i s i on s im ul t ane ou s l y t o bo th p a r t i e s an d t o t h e

T i t l e IX C oo rd i na t o r .

I n fo rma l R es o lu t i o n P ro ces s

A t an y t im e dur in g t h e f o rm a l c omp la i n t p ro ces s a nd p r io r t o r eac h in g a

d e t e rmin a t i o n r ega rd i ng r e s po ns i b i l i t y , t h e d i s t r i c t m ay f ac i l i t a t e an i n fo rm a l

r e so lu t i on p roc es s , su ch a s me d ia t i o n , t ha t doe s no t i nv o lv e a f u l l i n ves t i ga t i o n

a nd d e t e rm ina t i o n o f r e s po ns i b i l i t y .

T h e i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i o n p ro ce s s m ay be f a c i l i t a t e d by a t r a i ned

e du ca t i on a l p ro f e s s io na l , co nsu l t a n t , o r o th e r i nd i v id ua l s e l ec t ed b y t h e T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r u nd e r t he f o l l o wi ng c on d i t i on s :

• T h e pa r t i e s a r e p r ov i de d a wr i t t e n no t i ce d i s c l os i ng t he a l l ega t i o ns ,

t he r e qu i r eme n t s o f t he i n fo rm a l r e s o lu t i o n p r oc es s , i n f o rm a t i on o n

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

w h en i t may p rec lu de t he pa r t i e s f rom r e s umin g a fo rm a l comp la i n t

a r i s i ng f r om t he s ame a l l eg a t i ons ;

• A t a ny t im e p r i o r t o a g re e in g t o a r e s o lu t i on , an y p a r ty has t he r i gh t

t o wi t hd r a w f r om th e i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i o n p r oce s s an d r e sume th e

i nv es t i ga t i on o f t he f o rma l c ompla in t an d be i n f o rme d o f an y

c on se que nc es r e su l t i n g f r om p a r t i c ip a t i ng i n t he i n f o rma l r e so lu t i on

p ro ces s ;

• T h e pa r t i e s vo l un t a r i l y a nd i n w r i t i ng c on sen t t o t he i n f o rma l

r e so lu t i on p roc es s ; an d

• T h e i n f o rma l r e s o l u t i o n p ro ces s ca nn o t b e u se d t o r e s o lv e a l l eg a t i ons

t ha t a n empl oye e se xu a l l y ha r a s s ed a s t ude n t .

I f t he m a t t e r i s r e so lv ed t o t he s a t i s f a c t i on o f t he pa r t i e s , t h e f ac i l i t a t o r

s ha l l do cum en t t he na t u r e o f t he c ompl a in t a nd t he p ro po se d r e s o lu t i o n , ha ve b o th

p a r t i e s s i gn t h e d ocume n ta t i o n an d r ec e ive a c op y , an d f o r ward i t t o t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r . Wi t h in 2 0 d ay s a f t e r t h e c omp la i n t i s r e s o lv ed i n t h i s man ne r , t he

T i t l e IX Cc oor d in a to r sh a l l c on t ac t t h e c omp la i nan t t o de t e rmin e i f t h e r e so l u t i on

o f t he ma t t e r r em a in s ac ce p t a b l e . I f t he ma t t e r i s n o t r e so l ve d , o r i f t he i nd i v id ua l

d oe s no t be l i ev e t he r e so l u t i o n r ema i ns ac ce p t a b l e wi t h i n 20 da ys a f t e r t he

i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i on do cume n t i s e xecu t e d , t he i n d iv i du a l o r t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r ma y p r oc ee d wi t h t he f o rma l com pla in t p r oc es s .

I f d i s c r imin a t i on o r h a ra s sme n t h as o cc ur r ed , t h e d i s t r i c t w i l l t a ke

p rom pt , r emed ia l ac t i on t o p r e ve n t i t s r eoc cur r e nce . Th e d i s t r i c t p r oh i b i t s

r e t a l i a t i o n o r d i s c r imi na t i on a ga i ns t a ny pe r so n fo r o pp os in g d i sc r im ina t i o n ,

i nc l ud i ng ha ra s smen t ; f o r pa r t i c i pa t i n g i n t h e c omp la in t p ro ce s s ; o r ma k i ng a

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

c ompl a in t , t e s t i f y in g , a s s i s t i ng , o r p a r t i c i p a t i ng i n an y i n ves t i g a t i on , p r oce ed i ng ,

o r ap pea l .

U s e o f t h i s com pla i n t p r oce dur e i s no t a p r e r eq u i s i t e t o t he p u r su i t o f an y

o th e r r eme d ie s i nc l ud in g t he r i gh t t o f i l e a c omp la i n t wi th t h e O f f i c e fo r C iv i l

R ig h t s o f t h e U . S . De pa r tmen t o f Ed uca t i o n , t he Eq ua l Emp loym en t O pp or t un i t y

C ommi ss i on , o r t h e K a nsa s H uma n Ri gh t s Commi ss i on .

I n i t i a t i o n o f a com pla in t o f s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t i n g oo d f a i t h wi l l no t

a dv e r s e ly a f f ec t t he j ob se cu r i t y o r s t a t us o f an em plo ye e , n o r wi l l i t a f f ec t h i s

o r he r c omp ens a t i on . An y ac t o f r e t a l i a t i o n o r d i s c r im ina t i o n a ga i ns t a ny p e r s on

w h o ha s f i l ed a com pla in t o r t e s t i f i e d , a s s i s t ed , o r pa r t i c i p a t e d i n an y

i nv es t i ga t i on , p r oc ee d i ng , o r h ea r i ng in vo lv i ng a s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t s ex

d i sc r imin a t i o n i n c lud in g sex ua l ha r a s smen t G A A CS e xu a l Har as sme nt

G A A C-4 com pla i n t i s p ro h ib i t ed . An y pe r s on w ho r e t a l i a t e s i s s ub j ec t t o

imme dia t e d i s c ip l i n a r y ac t i on , up t o an d i n c l ud i ng t e rm ina t i o n o f em plo yme n t .

T o t he ex t en t po s s ib l e wh i l e s t i l l f o l l o w in g t h e a bo ve p ro ce dur es ,

c on f id en t i a l i t y wi l l b e ma in t a in ed t h r ou gh o u t t he i nv es t i ga t i on a nd r e s o lu t i o n o f

a c ompl a in t . T he d es i r e fo r co nf id en t i a l i t y m us t b e ba l an ced w i t h t he d i s t r i c t ’ s

o b l i ga t i on t o c on du c t a t ho ro ug h i n ves t i g a t i on , t o p r ov i de s up po r t i v e mea su res t o

b o t h pa r t i e s , t o t a ke a pp ro pr i a t e c o r r e c t i ve ac t i on , a nd o r t o p ro v i de d ue p ro ce s s

t o t he a ccu se d com pla i na n t an d t h e r e s pon de n t .

F a l s e o r ma l i c io us com pla i n t s o f s exu a l ha r a s smen t ma y r e s u l t i n

c o r r ec t i ve o r d i s c i p l i n a r y a c t i on a ga i ns t t h e com pla i na n t .

A s ummar y o f t h i s po l i c y a nd t he c ompl a i n t p ro ced ure s i nc l ud i ng ho w to

r ep or t o r f i l e a f o rma l c ompla in t o f s ex d i s c r imi na t i on o r s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t sh a l l

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b e p os t ed i n e ac h d i s t r i c t f ac i l i t y , s ha l l be pu b l i she d i n em ploy ee ha nd bo ok s , an d

o n t he d i s t r i c t ’ s we bs i t e a s d i r ec t ed b y t h e d i s t r i c t c omp l i a nce co or d in a to r T i t l e

IX C o ord ina to r . No t i f i c a t i on o f t he po l i c y m ay i nc l ud e po s t i ng i n fo rma t i on

n o t i ce s , pu b l i s h in g i n l o ca l ne w spa pe r s , p u b l i s h in g i n n e ws pap e r s a nd m ag az i nes

o pe ra t e d b y t h e s ch oo l , o r d i s t r i bu t i n g memo ran da o r o t he r wr i t t en

c ommu nic a t i o ns t o s t u de n t s an d em plo ye es . I n a dd i t i o n , t he d i s t r i c t i s r eq u i r e d t o

i nc l ude a s t a t em en t o f no nd i sc r imi na t o r y p o l i cy i n a ny bu l l e t i n s , an no un ceme n t s ,

p u b l i ca t i o ns , ca t a lo gs , ap p l i c a t i on fo rm s , o r o t he r r e c r u i tme n t m a te r i a l s t ha t a r e

ma de av a i l a b l e t o p a r t i c i p an t s , s t u de n t s , ap p l i c an t s , o r em plo ye ess ha l l be

i nc l ude d i n t h e s c hoo l ne ws l e t t e r o r pu b l i s he d i n t h e l oc a l new s pa pe r a nn ua l l y .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 2 / 98 ; 8 /9 8 ; 7 / 03 ; 6 / 04 ; 4 /0 7 ; 6 / 15 ; 12 /1 8 ; 06 /2 0 ; 7 /2 0

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

G A A D C h i ld A bu se (S ee J CA C an d JG E C) G A A D

A n y d i s t r i c t em plo yee wh o has r ea s on t o kn o w o r su sp ec t a ch i l d has b een

i n ju r ed a s a r e su l t o f p hy s i ca l , me n ta l o r em ot io na l a bu se o r ne g l e c t o r s e xu a l

a bu se , s ha l l p rom pt l y r e por t t h e ma t t e r t o t he l oca l K an sa s Dep a r tme n t f or

C h i ld r en a nd Fami l i e s ( D C F) o f f i c e o r t o t he l oca l l a w en fo r ceme n t a ge ncy i f t h e

D C F o f f i c e i s n o t o pe n . Emp lo yee s ma y f i l e a r ep or t o f s us pe c t e d a bu se

a no nym ou s ly t o e i t h e r DC F b y ph on in g 1 - 80 0 -92 2 -5 33 0 o r t o l oc a l l aw

e n f o rcem en t o f f i c i a l s . T he C od e fo r C a r e o f Ch i l d r en a l s o p r ov ide s c i v i l

imm uni t y f rom p ros ec u t i on i f t h e r ep or t i s ma de i n g oo d f a i t h .

T h e empl oy ee ma k ing the r ep or t wi l l no t c on t ac t t he c h i l d ’ s f ami ly o r

a ny o the r pe r so ns t o d e t e rmin e t he ca us e o f t he s us pec t ed a bus e o r ne g l e c t .

D C F o r La w E nf o rceme n t A cce s s t o S tu de n t s o n S ch oo l P remi s es

T h e bu i l d i ng p r i nc i pa l sh a l l a l l o w a s t ud en t t o be i n t e r v i e we d b y D CF or

l a w e n fo r ceme n t r e p re se n t a t i ve s o n sch oo l p r em i se s t o i n ve s t i ga t e sus pe c t e d c h i l d

a bu se an d s ha l l ac t a s a ppr op r i a t e t o f a c i l i t a t e t h e a ge ncy ’ s a cce s s t o t he ch i l d

a nd t o p ro t ec t t he s t u de n t ’ s i n t e r e s t s du r i ng t he p ro ces s . S t a t e l a w g ra n t s t he

i nv es t i ga t i ng a gen cy t h e a u t hor i t y t o d e t e rmin e wh e th e r a s ch o o l empl oy ee m ay

b e p r e sen t wh i l e t he i n t e r v i e w i s be i ng con d uc t e d , t a k in g i n to a cc ou n t t he ch i l d ’ s

b es t i n t e r e s t s . I f a sk ed t o s i t i n on t he i n t e r v i e w by t he agen cy r ep re s en t a t i v e

c on du c t i ng i t , t he b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l o r des i gn ee t he r e o f s ha l l o b l i ge su ch r eq ue s t

i n o r de r t o p ro v i de com for t t o t he ch i l d t h ro ug ho u t t he p roc es s an d t o f ac i l i t a t e

t he i n ves t i g a t i o n .

C o op e ra t i o n Be t w een S ch oo l a nd Ag enc i e s

P r i n c ip a l s s ha l l w or k w i th D C F an d l a w en fo r ceme n t a ge nc i e s t o de ve l op

a p l an o f c oo pe r a t i o n fo r i n ve s t i g a t i n g r epo r t s o f s usp ec t ed ch i l d a bu se o r ne g l e c t .

T o t h e ex t en t t ha t s a f e ty i s n o t com pr omis ed , l a w en f o rc eme n t o f f i ce r s

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G A A D C h i ld A bu se G A A D-2

i nv es t i ga t i ng com pla i n t s o f sus pe c t e d c h i l d a bu se o r neg l ec t o n sch oo l p r op e r t y

s ha l l no t b e i n un i fo rm .

R e por t i n g Pr oce du re

T h e empl oy ee s ha l l p r omp t ly r ep or t t o t h e l o ca l DC F o f f i c e o r l a w

e n f o rcem en t i f D C F i s c l os ed . I t i s r ecomme nd ed t he b u i l d in g a dmin i s t r a to r a l s o

b e no t i f i e d a f t e r t he r ep or t i s mad e .

I f t he bu i l d i ng p r i nc i pa l has bee n n o t i f i ed , t he p r i n c i pa l s ha l l

imme dia t e l y n o t i f y t h e s up e r i n t e nde n t t ha t t h e i n i t i a l r e por t t o D CF ha s bee n

ma de . I f a pp ro pr i a t e , t he p r i n c ip a l may c on fe r wi t h t h e s c hoo l ' s s oc i a l wor ke r ,

g u i da nce c ou nse l o r o r p syc ho lo g i s t . At no t im e sha l l t he p r i nc i pa l o r an y o th e r

s t a f f m embe r p r ev en t o r i n t e r f e r e w i th t h e ma k in g o f a su spe c t e d c h i l d ab us e

r ep or t .

I f a va i l ab l e , t h e f o l l o win g i n fo rma t i on s ha l l b e g iv en by t h e pe r son

ma k in g t he i n i t i a l r ep or t : n ame , ad dre s s a nd ag e o f t h e s t ud en t ; nam e a nd a dd res s

o f t he pa r en t s o r g ua r d i a ns ; n a tu r e an d e x t e n t o f i n j u r i e s o r d es c r i p t i o n o f n eg l ec t

o r a bus e ; a nd an y o th e r i n fo rma t i on t ha t m i gh t he l p e s t a b l i sh th e ca use o f t he

c h i l d ’ s c on d i t i on .

A n y pe r so na l i n t e rv i e w o r p hy s i ca l i n s pec t i o n o f t he ch i l d b y a ny sc ho ol

em plo ye e sh a l l b e co n duc t ed i n a n ap pro pr i a t e ma nn e r wi th a n ad u l t wi t nes s

p r e s en t .

S t a t e l a w p ro v id es t ha t an yo ne m ak i ng a r e po r t i n go od f a i t h an d wi t ho u t

ma l i ce sh a l l b e immu ne f rom an y c i v i l l i a b i l i t y t ha t m i gh t o th e r wi s e b e i n cu r r ed

o r im po se d .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

G A A D C h i ld A bu se G A A D-3

A n nu a l Tr a in i ng

A n nu a l t r a i n i ng fo r a l l s ch oo l em pl oyee s on c h i l d ab us e an d n eg l ec t

r ep or t i ng r e qu i r eme n t s s ha l l b e p r ov i de d , a nd d oc ume n ta t i on o f t h e t r a i n in g sha l l

b e m a in t a i ned .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n - 2 / 98 ; 4 / 07 ; 6 /0 7 ; 1 1 /1 0 ; 8 / 12 ; 1 0 / 12 ; 1 1 /1 2 ; 6 / 20

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

G AO C U s e o f T ob ac co P rod u ct s a n d Ni cot i ne D e l ive ry De v ice s Tob a cco -F ree S c ho o l G ro u nd s f or S ta f f G AO C ( Se e J C D A A an d KMA ) O p t io n 1 : T h e us e o f t o ba cc o p ro du c t s i n an y fo rm a nd / o r o f an y n i co t i n e de l i ve ry

d ev i ce i s p ro h ib i t ed f o r s t a f f m embe r s i n an y sc ho o l bu i l d i ng o wn ed o r ope ra t ed

b y t he d i s t r i c t ; wi t h in 10 f ee t o f en t r an ces , o pe n win do ws , a nd a i r i n t ak e ve n t s o f

s uc h bu i l d i ngs ; i n o th e r d i s t r i c t f a c i l i t i e s ; an d i n s c ho o l ve h i c l e s . { A ny us e o f

t ob acc o p ro duc t s o r n i c o t i n e d e l i v e ry de v i c es on d i s t r i c t p r op e r t y s ha l l be o n ly i n

a r ea s des ig na t e d fo r s uc h pu r p ose .}

F o r t he p u rp os es o f t h i s p o l i c y , “ n i c o t i ne d e l i ve r y de v i c e” mean s an y de v i c e

t ha t ca n be u se d t o de l i ve r n i c o t i ne o r n i c o t i ne s a l t s t o t h e pe r so n i nh a l i n g f rom

t he dev i ce . Su ch de f in i t i o n s ha l l i n c lu de , b u t m ay no t be l im i t ed t o , a ny e l e c t r on i c

c i ga re t t e , c i ga r , c i g a r i l l o , p ip e , o r pe r so na l vap or i ze r .

O p t io n 2 :

T h e us e , po s se s s i on , o r p r omot i o n o f a ny t o bac co p ro du c t s i n an y f o rm

a nd /o r o f a ny n i c o t i n e de l i ve ry d ev i ce i s p ro h ib i t ed f o r b y s t a f f m emb er s i s

p ro h ib i t ed a t a l l t ime s i n a ny d i s t r i c t f ac i l i t y ; i n s c ho o l ve h i c l e s ; a t s c ho o l -

s po ns ore d , ac t i v i t i e s , p r og r ams , o r e ve n t s ; an d o n sc ho o l ow n ed o r o pe r a t e d

p ro pe r t y .

T h e f o l l ow in g de f i n i t i on s ap p ly t o t h i s po l i c y .

“ Ni co t i ne d e l i ve r y de v i c e” mea ns a ny d ev i ce t ha t ca n be used t o de l i ve r

n i c o t i n e o r n i c o t i n e s a l t s t o t h e p e r s on i nh a l i ng f rom th e dev i c e . Suc h de f in i t i on

s ha l l i nc lu de , bu t may no t be l im i t e d t o , an y e l ec t r o n i c c i ga re t t e , c i ga r , c i ga r i l l o ,

p ip e , o r p e r s on a l va po r i z e r .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

“ T oba cc o p r od uc t ” me an s an y p ro du c t t h a t i s m ad e f r om o r d e r i ve d f rom

t ob acc o , o r t ha t c on t a i ns n i c o t i ne , t ha t i s i n t e nde d f o r h uma n c on sum pt io n o r i s

l i ke l y t o be c on sum ed , whe the r smo ked , he a t e d , c he we d , a bs o rb ed , d i s so l ve d ,

G AO CU s e o f T o bac co P ro d uct s an d N ic o t i ne D e l i ve ry De v ice s

G AO C-2

I i nh a l e d , o r i ng es t e d b y an y o t he r mea ns , i n c l ud i ng , bu t n o t l im i t ed t o , e l e c t ro n i c

n i c o t i n e de l i ve r y sy s t em ( he r ea f t e r “ EN DS ”) , a c i g a re t t e s , a c i g a r s , p i pe t o ba cco ,

c he wi ng t o ba cc o , s nu f f , o r sn us .

“ T oba cc o p ro duc t ” a l so mea ns an y c omp o nen t o r ac ce s so ry use d i n t he

c on sum pt io n o f a t o ba cc o p ro du c t , s uc h a s f i l t e r s , r o l l i n g pape r s , p ipe s , c ha r g in g

d ev i ce s , ca r t r i d ge s , an d a ny su bs t an ces us ed i n E N D S, e l e c t r on i c c i ga r e t t e s ,

w h e th e r o r no t t h ey co n t a i n n i c o t i n e . Th i s de f in i t i on d oes n o t i nc lu de F D A-

a pp ro ved n i c o t i ne r ep l ac eme n t t h e r a p i e s i nc l ud i ng t r an sd e rma l n i c o t i n e p a t c hes ,

n i c o t i n e gum , a nd n i c o t i ne l oze ng es p r e s c r i bed t o t h e emplo ye e by a m ed i ca l

p r ac t i t i o ne r o r o b t a i ne d o ve r t h e co un t e r a nd u sed i n a cco rd anc e wi t h l ab e l

r eq u i r em en t s .

“ E l ec t r on i c n i c o t i ne d e l i ve r y sy s t em” o r “ (E N D S)” me ans an y d ev i ce t h a t

d e l i ve r s a va por i ze d so l u t i o n ( i nc lu d in g n i c o t i n e , T H C, o r any o t he r su bs t an ce )

b y m ean s o f c a r t r i dge s o r o t he r c hemic a l d e l i ve r y s ys t ems . S uc h de f i n i t i on sh a l l

i nc l ude , b u t may no t b e l im i t e d t o , an y e l ec t ro n i c c i ga r e t t e , va pe pen , h oo ka h pe n ,

c i ga r , c i g a r i l l o , p i pe , o r pe r s o na l va por i ze r . E ND S a re no t F D A-a p pro ve d n i co t i ne

r ep l acem en t t h e r a py d ev i ce s .

“ Pr omot i on ” i n c lu des , b u t i s no t l im i t e d t o , p ro du c t a dve r t i s i ng v i a b r a nd ed

g ea r , b ag s , c l o t h in g , a ny pe r so na l a r t i c l e s , s i gn s , s t r u c tu r e s , v eh i c l e s , f l ye r s , o r

a ny o the r m a te r i a l s .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 2 / 98 ; 4 /0 7 ; 6 / 13 ; 6 / 16 ; 12 / 18 ; 6 /1 2

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H A E B o ar d N eg ot ia t in g A g en t s R ep res en ta t iv es H A E

T h e bo a rd sha l l s e l ec t a s i t s ag en t s r ep re se n t a t i ve ( s ) t h os e pe r so n( s ) t he

b oa rd f e e l s w i l l be s t r ep r e se n t t h e i n t e r e s t s o f t he d i s t r i c t .

E ac h ye a r t he b oa r d s ha l l de s i gn a t e i t s ag en t s r ep re s en t a t i v e ( s ) f o r t h e

p u r po se o f ne go t i a t i n g d u r i ng t he c u r r en t s ch oo l ye a r . Th e s up e r i n t e nde n t a nd

t he b oa r d p r e s i de n t sh a l l ma ke r ecomm end a t i ons t o t h e b oa r d r ega rd i ng i n r e ga r d

t o wh o s ha l l b e t he ch i e f ne go t i a to r f o r t he b oa r d an d o t he r mem ber s o f t h e

n eg o t i a t i n go n t eam .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 4 / 07 ; 6 /2 0

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

I C E d uc at i on a l P ro gr am (S ee ID, ID A A, IDA B , ID A C an d I J ) I C

T h e ac ad emic p ro gram sh a l l a s s i s t s t ude n t s t o g ro w i n t e l l ec t ua l l y , t o

ma s t e r t h e c u r r i c u l um ob j ec t i ves , an d t o p r e pa re fo r f u r t h e r ed uc a t i o n o r t r a in i ng .

T h e boa rd s ha l l c on s id e r t h e d i s t r i c t ' s bas i c e du ca t i on a l p r ogr am ea ch y ea r . An d,

w h en a ppr ov ed , t he p r ogr am sh a l l co ns t i t u t e t he d i s t r i c t ' s b a s i c cu r r i c u lum .

C u r r i c u lum Ha nd bo ok s Cur r i c u l a r Of f e r i ng s

C u r r i c u lum ha nd bo ok s s ha l l co n t a i n a nA n ou t l i n e o f ea ch b as i c c our se

c u r r i cu l a r o f f e r i n g an d t he l e a rn i ng o b j e c t i ves t o b e ma s t e r ed s ha l l b e dev e lo pe d.

E ac h ha nd bo ok , w hen W he n a pp ro ve d by t h e boa rd , t he y sha l l b ecom e a pa r t o f

t hes e po l i c i e s an d r u l e s by r e f e r en ce .

E d uca t i o na l Goa l s and Ob jec t i ve s

D i s t r i c t ed uc a t i o na l go a l s an d c u r r i cu l um o b j e c t i v es fo r t he ba s i c

e du ca t i on a l p r ogr am sh a l l b e on f i l e i n t h e d i s t r i c t o f f i ce , an d av a i l a b l e f o r

i n sp ec t i on up on r e que s t .

A d d i t i on a l E duc a t i ona l P ro gram s

A d d i t i on a l ed uca t i on a l p r ogr ams s ha l l be i n on e o f t he f o l l o wi ng

c a t e gor i e s :

S p ec i a l P ro gr ams ( ID A A ) , Su pp or t P r og rams ( ID A B) a nd E x cep t io na l

P ro gram s ( IDA C) .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 6 / 04 ; 04 / 07 ; 6 /10 ; 6 /2 0

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I J E v a l uat i o n o f In s t ru c t i on a l P ro gr am I J ( Se e IC , IC A A , ID , an d I I )

T h e su pe r i n t e nd en t ma y de ve l op gu i de l i n es t o eva lua t e t h e i n s t r uc t i on a l

p ro gram . T h i s e va l ua t i o n s ha l lmay b e pa r t o f t he d i s t r i c t ' s s ch o o l im pro vem en t

e f fo r t s .

T h e su pe r i n t e nd en t ma y e s t ab l i sh s pe c i a l c u r r i cu l um commi t t e e s t o s t u dy

t he d i s t r i c t ' s i n s t ru c t i on a l p r og ram o n a r eg u l a r s ch ed u l e . T h e su pe r in t en den t

ma y r eq u i r e r ep or t s f r om t hes e commi t t ee s wh i ch ma ys ha l l i nc l ude t he

c ommi t t ee ' s r e comme nd a t io ns fo r imp rov eme n t , mo d i f i ca t i on , o r e l im i na t i on o f

a ny pa r t o f t h e i n s t ru c t i o na l p r ogr am. Th e s upe r in t en den t ma y su bmi t a

c omp reh en s iv e r ep or t f r om t he c ommi t t e e s t o t he b oa r d .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 6 / 04 ; 4 /0 7 ; 6 / 12 ; 6 / 19 ; 6 /2 0

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J C D A A T o ba cc o an d Nic o t in e D e l i ver y D ev i ces T o ba cc o- Fre e Sc ho o l

Gr ou n ds fo r S t u de nt s (S ee GA O C) J C D A A

( Se e G A O C an d KMA )

O p t io n 1 :

U s e a nd / o r po s se s s i on o f a ny t o bac co p r od uc t o r n i co t i ne d e l i v e r y d ev i ce

b y s t ud en t s i s p r oh ib i t e d i n a ny d i s t r i c t f a c i l i t y ; i n s ch oo l v eh i c l e s ; a t s ch oo l -

s po ns ore d , ac t i v i t i e s , p r og r ams , o r e ve n t s ; an d o n sc ho o l ow n ed o r o pe r a t e d

p ro pe r t y .

A dmi n i s t r a t o r s m ay r ep or t s t ud en t s wh o a r e i n v i o l a t i o n o f t h i s po l i cy t o

l a w e n f o rcem en t , a s a pp ro pr i a t e .

F o r t he p u rp os es o f t h i s p o l i c y , “ n i c o t i ne d e l i ve r y de v i c e” mean s an y de v i c e

t ha t ca n b e use d t o de l i ve r n i co t i n e t o t h e pe r so n i nha l i n g f r om t he de v i c e . Such

d e f i n i t i on s ha l l i n c lud e , bu t ma y no t be l im i t ed t o , an y e l e c t r on i c c i ga r e t t e , c i g a r ,

c i ga r i l l o , p i pe , o r pe r so na l va po r i z e r .

O p t io n 2 :

T h e u se , Use a nd / o r p os ses s io n , o r p romo t io n o f an y t ob acco p ro duc t o r

n i c o t i n e de l i ve r y dev i ce b y a ny s t ud en t s t ud en t s i s p r oh ib i t ed a t a l l t im e i n an y

d i s t r i c t f ac i l i t y ; i n s c ho o l ve h i c l e s ; a t s ch o o l - s po ns ore d , ac t i v i t i e s , p r og rams , o r

e ve n t s ; a nd o n sc ho o l o w ned o r op e ra t ed p ro pe r t y .

S tu de n t v i o l a t i o ns ma y r e su l t i n pa re n t / gu a r d i a n no t i f i c a t i o n , p a r t i c i p a t i o n

i n t ob acc o ed uca t i o n p r ogr am, s us pen s ion a nd /o r e xp u l s i on f r om sch oo l a nd /o r

e x t r acu r r i c u l a r ac t i v i t i e s , c ommu ni t y s e rv i ce , a nd / o r n o t i f i ca t i o n o f l aw

e n f o rcem en t . wi l l r e su l t i n d i s c ip l i na r y a c t i on s a s ou t l i ne d b y b oa rd p o l i cy a nd / or

s t ud en t h an db oo ks . Di s c ip l i n a ry ac t i o ns ma y i nc l ud e p a re n t / gua r d i a n n o t i f i ca t i o n ,

p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n a t o ba cc o an d e l e c t ro n i c n i c o t i n e de l i v e ry s ys t em s ed uc a t i o n

p ro gram , r e f e r r a l t o a ce s sa t i on p r ogr am , an d / o r c ommu ni ty s e r v i c e . S t ud en t

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v io l a t i o ns m ay b e r ep or t ed t o l a w e n f o rcem en t i f u s e o r po s se s s i on i s de eme d to

b e i l l e ga l .

T h e f o l l ow in g de f i n i t i on s ap p ly t o t h i s po l i c y .

“ Ni co t i ne d e l i ve r y de v i c e” mea ns a ny d ev i ce t ha t ca n be used t o de l i ve r

n i c o t i n e o r n i c o t i ne s a l t s t o t he p e r s on i nh a l i ng f r om t he d ev i c e . S uch

J C D A A T o ba cc o an d Nic o t in e D e l i ver y D ev i ces J C D A A- 2

d e f i n i t i on s ha l l i n c lud e , bu t ma y no t be l im i t ed t o , an y e l e c t r on i c c i ga r e t t e , c i g a r ,

c i ga r i l l o , p i pe , o r pe r so na l va po r i z e r .

“ T oba cc o p r od uc t ” me an s an y p ro du c t t h a t i s m ad e f r om o r d e r i ve d f rom

t ob acc o , o r t ha t c on t a i ns n i c o t i ne , t ha t i s i n t e nde d f o r h uma n c on sum pt io n o r i s

l i ke l y t o be co ns ume d , w he t he r smo ke d , h ea t ed , c he we d , abs o r bed , d i s s o l ved ,

i nh a l ed , o r i nge s t e d b y a ny o t he r m ean s , i nc l ud i ng , b u t no t l im i t ed t o , e l e c t ro n i c

n i c o t i n e de l i ve r y sy s t em ( he r ea f t e r “ EN DS ”) , a c i g a re t t e s , a c i g a r s , p i pe t o ba cco ,

c he wi ng t o ba cc o , s nu f f , o r sn us .

“ T oba cc o p ro duc t ” a l so mea ns an y c omp o nen t o r ac ce s so ry use d i n t he

c on sum pt io n o f a t o ba cc o p ro du c t , s uc h a s f i l t e r s , r o l l i n g pape r s , p ipe s , c ha r g in g

d ev i ce s , ca r t r i d ge s , an d a ny su bs t an ces us ed i n E N D S, e l e c t r on i c c i ga r e t t e s ,

w h e th e r o r no t t h ey co n t a i n n i c o t i n e . Th i s de f in i t i on d oes n o t i nc lu de F D A -

a pp ro ved n i c o t i ne r ep l ac eme n t t h e r a p i e s i nc l ud i ng t r an sd e rma l n i c o t in e p a t c hes ,

n i c o t i n e g um, an d n i c o t i n e l o ze nge s p r e sc r i be d t o t h e s t ud en t b y a m ed i ca l

p r ac t i t i o ne r o r o b t a i ne d o ve r t h e co un t e r a nd u sed i n a cco rd anc e wi t h l ab e l

r eq u i r em en t s .

“ E l ec t r on i c n i c o t i ne d e l i ve r y sy s t em” o r “ (E N D S)” me ans an y d ev i ce t h a t

d e l i ve r s a va por i ze d so l u t i o n ( i nc lu d in g n i c o t i n e , T H C, o r any o t he r su bs t an ce )

b y mea ns o f c a r t r i dge o r o th e r ch emica l d e l i ve r y sys t ems . Suc h de f in i t i o n s ha l l

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i nc l ude , b u t may no t b e l im i t e d t o , an y e l ec t ro n i c c i ga r e t t e , va pe pen , h oo ka h pe n ,

c i ga r , c i g a r i l l o , p i pe , o r pe r s o na l va por i ze r . E ND S a re no t F D A-a p pro ve d n i co t i ne

r ep l acem en t t h e r a py d ev i ce s .

“ Pr omot i on ” i n c lu des , b u t i s no t l im i t e d t o , p ro du c t a dve r t i s i ng v i a b r a nd ed

g ea r , b ag s , c l o t h in g , a ny pe r so na l a r t i c l e s , s i gn s , s t r u c tu re s , v eh i c l e s , f l ye r s , o r

a ny o the r m a te r i a l s .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n 7 / 96 ; 9 /9 7 ; 4 /0 7 ; 6 /1 3 ; 6 / 16 ; 1 2 /1 8 ; 6 /2 0

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

JG E C S e xu a l H ar assm en t ( Se e G A A C, GA A D , G A F , J D DC a nd K N) JG E C

T h e b oa r d o f ed uca t i o n i s commi t t ed t o p ro v id i ng a p os i t i v e a nd

p ro du c t i v e l ea rn i ng a nd w ork i ng en v i ro nme n t , f r ee f rom d i sc r imi na t i o n on t he

b as i s o f s ex , i nc l ud in g se xua l h a r a s sme n t . Th e d i s t r i c t do es no t d i s c r imin a t e on

t he ba s i s o f s ex i n adm is s i on s , em plo yme n t , o r t he e du ca t i on a l p ro gram s o r

a c t i v i t i e s i t o pe r a t e s an d i s p ro h i b i t e d b y T i t l e IX f rom e ng ag i ng i n s uc h

d i sc r imin a t i o n . Di s c r imi na t i o n on t h e ba s i s o f s ex , i nc l ud in g se xu a l Se xu a l

h a r a s sme n t , sh a l l wi l l no t be t o l e r a t e d i n t he s c ho o l d i s t r i c t . D i s c r imi na t i on on

t he ba s i s o f s ex Se xu a l ha r a s sme n t o f emp lo yee s o r s t ude n t s o f t he d i s t r i c t b y

b oa rd mem be r s , admi n i s t r a to r s , c e r t i f i c a t e d l i c en se d an d s up po r t c l a s s i f i e d

p e r s on ne l , s t ude n t s , v en do r s , a nd a ny o the r s ha v i ng b us i nes s o r o t he r c on t ac t wi t h

t he s c ho o l d i s t r i c t i s s t r i c t l y p ro h ib i t e d .

S e xua l ha r a s sme n t i s u n l a wf u l d i s c r imin a t i on o n t he b as i s o f s ex u nd e r

T i t l e IX o f t h e Ed uca t i o n Ame ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l R i g h t s A c t

o f 19 64 , a nd t he Ka ns as Ac t s A ga i ns t D i s c r imi na t i on . Al l f o rms o f s ex ual

h a r a s sme n t a r e p ro h i b i t e d a t s c ho o l , o n s c ho o l p r op e r ty , an d a t a l l s ch oo l -

s po ns ore d ac t i v i t i e s , p r og r ams , o r eve n t s wi th i n t h e U n i t ed S t a t e s . Sex ua l

h a r a s sme n t ag a in s t i n d i v id ua l s a s s oc i a t ed wi t h t he s ch oo l i s p ro h ib i t ed , w he t he r

o r no t t he ha ra s sme n t o ccu r s o n s ch oo l g ro u nds .

I t s ha l l b e a v io l a t i on o f t h i s p o l i c y fo r an y s t u de n t , em plo ye e , o r t h i r d

p a r t y ( v i s i t o r , ve nd or , e t c . ) t o s e xu a l l y h a ra s s an y s t u de n t , em plo ye e , o r o the r

i nd i v id ua l a s s oc i a t ed wi t h t h e s c ho o l . I t s ha l l f u r t he r be a v i o l a t i o n fo r an y

em plo ye e t o d i s c ou rag e a s t ud en t f r om f i l i n g a comp la i n t , o r t o f a i l t o i n ves t i g a t e

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

o r r e f e r f o r i nv es t i g a t i on , a ny com pla in t l o dg ed un de r t h e p ro v i s i on s o f t h i s

p o l i cy .

S e xua l ha r a s sm en t i s u nw e lc ome se xu a l ad va nc es , r eq ues t s f o r s e xu a l

f av or s a nd o t he r i napp ro pr i a t e o r a l , wr i t t en o r ph ys i ca l c on du c t o f a s ex ua l

n a t u r e whe n m ad e by a memb er o f t h e s c ho o l s t a f f t o a s t ud en t o r wh en ma de by

a ny s t ud en t t o an o the r s t u den t w hen : ( 1 ) s ubmi s s i on t o s uc h co n duc t i s

JG E C S e xu a l H ar assm en t JG E C- 2

ma de , ex p l i c i t l y o r imp l i c i t l y , a t e rm o r c on d i t i on o f t he i n d iv id ua l ’ s ed uca t i o n ;

( 2 ) su bmis s io n t o o r r e j ec t i o n o f su ch c ond uc t by a n i nd i v i dua l i s u s ed a s t he

b as i s f o r ac ad emic de c i s i on s a f f e c t i n g t ha t i nd i v i dua l ; o r ( 3 ) s uc h co nd uc t h as

t he p u rp ose o r e f f e c t o f i n t e r f e r i ng wi th an i nd i v i dua l ’ s ac ad emic o r

p ro f e s s io na l p e r fo rma nc e o r c r e a t i n g an i n t im id a t i ng , ho s t i l e o r o f f ens ive

a ca demic e nv i ro nmen t .

S e xua l ha r a s sm en t sh a l l i nc l ude c on du c t o n t he bas i s o f s ex i n vo lv i ng

o ne o r mor e o f t he fo l l o win g : ( 1 ) A d i s t r i c t em plo ye e c on d i t i on in g t he p r ov i s io n

o f a n a id , be ne f i t , o r s e rv i c e o f t he d i s t r i c t on a n i nd i v id ua l ’ s p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n

u n we l com ed sex ua l co n duc t ; ( 2 ) u n we l come d c on du c t d e t e rmin ed b y a r ea s on ab l e

p e r s on t o be so s e ve r e , pe r va s iv e , an d ob j ec t i ve ly o f f ens ive t ha t i t e f f ec t i ve ly

d en i e s a pe r so n eq ua l a cce s s t o t he d i s t r i c t ’ s e du ca t i on a l p r ogr am o r ac t i v i t y ; o r

( 3 ) s e xu a l a s s au l t , da t i n g v io l en ce , dom es t i c v i o l e nce , o r s t a lk in g .

S e xua l ha r a s sm en t ma y r e s u l t f r om ve rb a l o r ph ys i ca l c on duc t o r wr i t t e n

o r g r a ph i c m a te r i a l . S e xua l ha r a s sme n t ma y i nc lu de , b u t i s n o t l im i t e d t o : ve r ba l

h a r a s sme n t o r ab use o f a s ex ua l na t u r e ; p r e s s u r e f o r s ex ua l ac t i v i t y ; r e pe a t e d

r emar ks t o a pe r so n , w i t h s ex ua l o r d eme an in g im pl i c a t i on ; u nw e l com e t ou ch i ng;

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

o r su gg es t i ng o r dema nd i ng sex ua l i nvo lv emen t acc omp an ie d b y im pl i ed o r

e xp l i c i t t h r e a t s co nce rn i ng a s t u de n t ’ s g r ade s , pa r t i c i pa t i on i n ex t r a - cu r r i c u l a r

a c t i v i t i e s , e t c .

T h e d i s t r i c t enc ou rage s a l l v i c t im s o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t an d p e r s on s wi t h

k n ow led ge o f su ch ha ra s smen t t o r e por t t h e ha ra s sm en t imm edia t e l y . T he d i s t r i c t

w i l l p r ompt ly i n ves t i ga t e a l l c Com pla in t s o f s e xu a l ha r a s sm en t a nd t a ke p r ompt

c o r r ec t i ve ac t i o n t o en d t h e ha r a s sm en t wi l l b e p rom pt l y i n ves t i g a t e d an d

r e so lve d . An y pe r son ma y m ake a v e rb a l o r w r i t t e n r ep or t o f s e x d i sc r imin a t i on

b y an y mea ns a nd a t a ny t im e .

( Po s i t i on o r nam e , a dd res s , em a i l a ddr es s , a nd p h one num ber o f t he T i t l e

IX C o ord i na t o r ) h as b ee n de s ig na t e d t o c oo rd i na t e c ompl i an ce wi th

n o nd i s c r imi na t i on r e qu i r eme n t s co n t a in ed i n T i t l e IX o f t he Ed uca t i o n

A me ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t he Ci v i l R ig h t s A c t o f 19 64 r e ga r d in g

d i sc r imin a t i o n o n t he bas i s o f s ex , an d t h e K an sas Ac t A ga in s t Di sc r imin a t i o n .

I n fo rma t i on c on ce r n i ng t h e p r ov i s io ns o f t h es e Ac t s , a nd t he r i gh t s p r ov i de d

t he r eu nde r , a r e a va i l a b l e f rom the T i t l e IX C o or d in a to r . In q u i r i e s a bo u t t h e

a pp l i ca t i o n o f T i t l e IX t o t h e d i s t r i c t ma y b e r e f e r r ed t o t he T i t l e IX Co ord ina to r ;

t o t h e A ss i s t an t S ec re t a r y fo r C i v i l R ig h t s a t t h e U . S . De pa r tme n t o f E du ca t i on ,

O f f i ce o f C iv i l R i gh t s , 4 00 Mar y l a nd Av en ue , SW, W as h in g to n D . C . 2 02 02 - 11 00 ,

( 80 0)4 21 -3 48 1 , o r a t O C R@ ed .g ov ; o r bo t h .

R e sp ons e t o H ara s sme n t C omp la i n t s

T h e d i s t r i c t t a ke s a l l r e po r t s o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t s e r i o us l y a nd wi l l

r e sp on d mea n in gf u l l y t o ev e ry r ep or t o f d i s c r imin a t i o n ba se d o n sex , i n c lu d ing

s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t , o f wh i ch t h e d i s t r i c t ha s ac t ua l k no wl ed ge .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

A n y s t ude n t s w ho be l i ev es t ha t h e o r s he has bee n su b j e c t e d t o s ex ual

h a r a s sme n t s ho u ld d i s cu s s r e po r t t h e a l l e ge d ha ra s sme n t w i th t o t he b u i l d in g

p r in c ip a l , a no the r a dmin i s t r a t o r , t he gu i da nce c ou ns e l o r , t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r , o r ano th e r c e r t i f i ed l i c en se d s t a f f memb er . An y s ch oo l Al l

em plo ye es w ho r ec e iv es r ec e iv in g r e po r t s a c ompl a in t o f s e xua l h a r a s sme n t f r om

a s t ude n t sh a l l no t i f y t he T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r . i n fo rm t he s t ude n t o f t he

em plo ye e ’ s ob l i g a t i on t o r e por t t h e c ompla i n t an d a ny p r op osed r e so l u t i on o f t he

c ompl a in t t o t he bu i l d in g

JG E C S e xu a l H ar assm en t JG E C- 3

p r i n c ip a l . I f t he bu i l d in g p r in c ip a l i s t he a l l eg ed h a ra s se r , t he c ompl a in t s ha l l b e

r ep or t e d t o t h e d i s t r i c t c ompl i an ce c oo rd in a t o r . T he bu i l d i ng p r in c ip a l o r d i s t r i c t

c ompl i an ce co or d in a t o r sha l l d i s cus s t he c ompl a in t wi t h t he s t u de n t t o de t e rmi ne

i f i t c a n be r e so l ve d . I f t he ma t t e r i s n o t r e so l ve d t o t he s a t i s f ac t i o n o f t he s t ud en t

i n t h i s mee t i n g , t he s t ud en t m ay i n i t i a t e a f o rma l com pla in t un de r t he d i s t r i c t ’ s

d i s c r imin a t i o n com pla i n t p r oc ed ure i n po l i c y K N .

D ef in i t i on s

T h e fo l l o win g d e f in i t i o ns a pp ly t o t h e d i s t r i c t i n r e spo n d in g to

c ompl a in t s o f s ex ua l d i s c r imi na t i o n i nc lu d i ng se xu a l ha r a s sme n t a s d e f i ned by

T i t l e IX o f t h e Ed uca t i o n Ame ndm ent s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l R i g h t s A c t

o f 19 64 , an d t he Ka ns as A c t A ga i ns t Di s c r imi na t i o n .

T h e “ com pla i na n t” me an s a n i nd i v i dua l wh o i s a l l e ge d t o be a v i c t im o f

c on du c t t ha t co u ld co ns t i t u t e s e xua l ha r a s sme n t .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

“ D a t in g v i o l e nc e” me an s v i o l e nce commi t t ed by a pe r so n w ho i s o r h as

b ee n i n a soc i a l r e l a t i o nsh ip o f a r om an t i c o r i n t ima te na tu re wi t h t he v i c t im

w h ere t he ex i s t e nce o f s uc h a r e l a t i ons h ip sh a l l be d e t e rmi ned ba se d o n a

c on s id e ra t i o n o f t h e l e n g th o f t he r e l a t i on sh i p , t h e t ype o f r e l a t i o ns h ip , a nd t h e

f r eq ue ncy o f i n t e r ac t i on b e t wee n t he p e r so ns i nv o lv ed .

T h e “ de c i s i on -m ak er” r e v i e w s a l l t he ev id en ce an d p re pa r es an im par t i a l

w r i t t en r e s po ns i b i l i t y de t e rmin a t i on a s t o w he t he r t he a l l eg ed co nd uc t o cc ur r ed

a nd p r ov i des an op po r tu n i t y fo r t h e pa r t i e s a nd t he i r r e p re sen t a t i ves t o p r e pa r e

w r i t t en qu es t i on s t o b e a ns wer ed by t he o t he r pa r t y . T he dec i s i on -m ak er s ha l l no t

b e t he T i t l e IX Co ord in a to r o r i nv es t i ga to r .

“ D omes t i c v i o l e nc e” i n c lu des c r ime s o f v i o l e nce c ommi t t ed by a pe r so n

w h o i s a c u r r en t o r f o rmer sp ou se , pa r tn e r , p e r s on wi th w hom t he v i c t im sh a re s a

c h i l d , o r wh o i s o r h as co ha b i t e d wi th t h e v i c t im as a sp ou se o r pa r t ne r , by a

p e r s on s imi l a r l y s i t ua t ed t o a sp ou se o f t he v i c t im un de r K an sa s o r ap p l i c ab l e

f ede ra l l a w , o r b y a ny o the r pe r so n aga i ns t a n ad u l t o r yo u t h v i c t im hav in g

p ro t ec t i on f r om su ch pe r so n’ s a c t s b y K an sa s o r ap p l i c ab l e f ed e ra l l aw .

A “ fo rma l com pla in t ” me ans a d oc umen t f i l ed b y a c ompl a in an t o r s i gn ed

b y t h e T i t l e IX Co ord in a to r a l l eg in g sex ua l ha r a s sm en t a ga i ns t a r e sp on den t an d

r eq ues t i n g t ha t t h e d i s t r i c t i nv es t i ga t e t he a l l eg a t i on o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t .

T h e “ in ves t i g a to r ” i s t h e pe r so n w ho ca r r i e s o u t t he i nv es t i ga t i on a f t e r

t he f o rma l c omp la i n t i s f i l e d an d co nd uc t s i n t e rv i ew s o f t he w i t nes ses , c o l l e c t s

a nd d oc ume n t s e v id en ce , an d d ra f t s a n i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t .

A “ r e s po nd en t ” i s a n i nd i v i dua l wh o h as be en r ep or t ed t o b e t he

p e r pe t r a to r o f co nd uc t t ha t c ou l d co ns t i t u t e s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

“ Se xu a l a s s au l t ” m ean s an o f f en se c l a s s i f i e d a s a fo r c ib l e o r non fo r c ib l e

s ex o f f ens e un de r t he u n i fo rm c r im e r e po r t i n g sys t em o f t he Fe de r a l Bur ea u o f

In v es t i ga t i on .

“ S t a lk i ng ” m ea ns eng ag in g i n a co ur s e o f c on du c t d i r ec t e d a t a s pec i f i c

p e r s on t ha t w ou l d cau se a r ea so na b l e pe r s on t o f e a r f o r h i s o r h e r s a f e ty o r t h e

s a f e t y o f o t he r s o r t o su f f e r s ub s t a n t i a l emo t io na l d i s t r e s s .

T h e “ Ti t l e IX C oor d i na t o r” i s t h e i n d iv id ua l de s ig na t ed a t t h e d i s t r i c t

l e ve l wh o h as r e s po ns i b i l i t y t o c oo rd in a t e com pl i anc e wi th T i t l e IX o f t he

E d uca t i o n Am en dmen t s o f 19 72 , T i t l e V I I o f t he Ci v i l R ig h t s Ac t o f 1 96 4

r ega rd i ng d i s c r imi na t i o n o n t he ba s i s o f s ex , an d t h e K a nsa s Ac t A ga i ns t

D i s c r imi na t i on . T he T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r ’ s r e s po ns i b i l i t i e s i nc l u de , bu t a r e no t

l im i t ed t o : d ev e lo p in g m a te r i a l s a nd ens u r i ng p r o fe s s i ona l d ev e lo pme n t occ ur s

f o r s t a f f i n vo lve d i n T i t l e IX com pl i a nce , c r e a t i n g sys t ems t o c en t r a l i ze r ec o rd s ,

g a t he r i ng r e l ev an t d a t a , c on t ac t i ng t h e comp la i nan t ( an d /o r pa r en t s o r gu a rd i an s ,

i f a pp l i ca b l e ) onc e t he d i s t r i c t ha s ac t ua l kn o wle dg e o f a l l ege d s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t ,

c oo rd i na t i ng t he imp leme n ta t i o n o f su p por t i ve me asu res , s i gn i ng a fo rmal

c ompl a in t t o i n i t i a t e a g r i e va nce p roce s s , an d ens u r i ng a ny r emed ie s a r e

im pleme n te d .

T h e T i t l e IX Co ord ina t o r , a ny i nv es t i ga t o r , de c i s i on -mak er , o r a ny pe r so n

w h o f a c i l i t a t e s an i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i on p r oc es s sh a l l n o t hav e a c on f l i c t o f i n t e r e s t

o r b i a s fo r o r a ga i ns t t h e c omp la i nan t o r r e sp on de n t . T he se i n d iv id ua l s s ha l l

r ece i ve t r a i n in g o n t he de f in i t i on o f s ex ua l h a r a s sme n t ; t he s co pe o f t he e du ca t i on

p ro gram an d a c t i v i t i e s ; ho w t o c on du c t a n i nv es t i ga t i on , i nc l ud i ng ap pe a l s an d

i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i o n p r oce s se s ; an d h o w t o s e rv e im par t i a l l y , i nc l ud i ng b y a vo i d in g

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

p r e j ud gme n t o f t he f a c t s , co nf l i c t s o f i n t e r e s t , an d b i a s . D ec i s i on -ma ker s s ha l l

r ece i ve t r a in i ng o n i s s ue s o f r e l e va nce o f q ue s t i o ns a nd e v id enc e , i n c lu d i ng whe n

q ue s t i o ns an d e v id en ce ab ou t t he com pla i na n t ’ s s e xu a l p r ed i s po s i t i on o r p r i o r

s ex ua l be ha v io r a r e no t r e l ev an t . I n ves t i ga t o r s s ha l l r ec e iv e t r a i n i ng on i s s ue s o f

r e l e van ce o f qu es t i on s a nd ev ide nc e i n o rd e r f o r t hem t o c r ea t e i n ves t i g a t i v e

r ep or t s t h a t f a i r l y summar i ze r e l ev an t e v id en ce .

A n y empl oy ee w ho w i t nes ses a n a c t o f s ex ua l ha r a s smen t o r r ec e iv es a

c ompl a in t o f h a r a s sme n t f r om an o th e r em plo ye e o r a s tu den t sh a l l r e por t t he

c ompl a in t t o t he i r imme dia t e s upe rv i so r , b u i l d i ng admi n i s t r a t o r , o r T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r . Em pl oy ee s w ho f a i l t o r ep or t com pla i n t s o r i nc i den t s o f s e xua l

h a r a s sme n t t o a ppr opr i a t e d i s t r i c t o f f i c i a l s m ay f ac e d i sc i p l i n a r y ac t i o n . Di s t r i c t

o f f i c i a l s wh o f a i l t o i n ve s t i g a t e a nd t a ke ap pr opr i a t e c o r r ec t i ve ac t i o n i n r e s po ns e

t o com pla i n t s o f s exu a l ha r a s sme n t m ay a l so f a ce d i sc i p l i na ry a c t i on .

C om pla i n t s r ec e iv ed w i l l be i nv es t i ga t ed t o de t e rmi ne w he t he r , u n de r t he

t o t a l i t y o f t he c i r c ums t an ces , t he a l l e ged be ha v io r c ons t i t u t e s s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t

u n de r t he de f in i t i o n o u t l i ne d a bo ve . U nac ce p t a b l e s t u de n t c on d uc t m ay o r m ay

n o t c ons t i t u t e s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t , d ep en d in g o n t he n a tu re o f t h e co nd uc t a nd i t s

s ev e r i t y , pe rva s iv ene s s , a nd p e r s i s t e nce . Beh av i o r s wh i ch a r e u nac ce p t a b l e b u t

d o n o t c on s t i t u t e ha ra s sme n t ma y p r ov ide g ro un ds f o r d i s c i p l i n e u nd e r t h e c od e

o f s t u de n t co nd uc t .

I f d i s c r imin a t i on o r h a ra s sme n t h as o cc ur r ed , t h e d i s t r i c t w i l l t a ke

p rom pt , r emed ia l ac t i on t o s t op i t a nd p rev en t i t s r eo cc ur r e nc e .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e T i t l e IX C oo rd i na t o r s ha l l p r omp t ly r e sp on d i n a m ea n in gfu l wa y to

a ny r ep or t s o f s ex ua l d i s c r im ina t i o n i nc lu d i ng se xu a l ha r a s sme n t o f wh i ch t he

d i s t r i c t ha s ac t ua l k no w led ge a s f o l l ow s :

• C o nta c t t he com pla in an t wi th in 10 bu s in es s d ays a nd d i s cus s t he

a va i l ab i l i t y o f su pp or t i ve me as ures , wi th o r wi t ho u t t he f i l i ng o f a

f o rma l com pla i n t , an d c on s id e r t he c omp la i nan t ’ s wi she s a s t o

s up po r t i v e m eas ure s ; an d

• In fo rm the com pla i na n t o f t he r i gh t t o a fo rma l c omp la i n t

i nv es t i ga t i on co ns i s t e n t wi t h T i t l e IX an d t he i n fo rma l r e so lu t i on

p ro ces s .

S u pp or t i ve Mea su res

T h e d i s t r i c t wi l l t r e a t t h e c ompl a in an t a nd r e s po nd en t equ i t a b ly by

o f f e r i n g su pp or t i ve me as ures . T he se n on-d i s c ip l i na ry a nd n on -p un i t i ve m eas ure s

w i l l be o f f e r ed a s ap pr opr i a t e , a s r ea son ab ly a va i l ab l e , a nd w i th ou t co s t t o t he

c ompl a in an t o r t he r e sp on de n t . S up por t i v e me asu res a r e de s ig ne d t o r e s to r e or

p r e s e rv e e qu a l a cce s s t o t he ed uc a t i o n p ro gr am o r ac t i v i t y wi t ho u t u n r eas on ab l y

b u r de n in g t h e o t he r pa r ty . “ Su pp or t i ve M ea sur es” sh a l l i n c lu de , b u t n o t b e l im i t e d

t o , mea su r es d es ig ned t o p ro t ec t t h e s a f e ty o f a l l pa r t i e s , t o p ro t ec t t he d i s t r i c t ’ s

e du ca t i on a l en v i r onme n t , o r t o de t e r s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t . Th es e me as ures ma y

i nc l ude c ou nse l i n g , ex t en s io ns o f de ad l i n es o r co ur s e - r e l a t ed a d ju s tme n t s ,

mo d i f i ca t i on s o f w ork o r c l a s s s ch ed u l e s , e sco r t s e r v i c es , mu tu a l r e s t r i c t i o ns on

c on t ac t be t we en t h e p a r t i e s , c ha ng es i n w ork l oca t i o ns , l e av es o f a bs enc e ,

i nc r eas ed sec u r i t y an d m on i t o r i ng , a nd o th e r s im i l a r m eas u r es . T he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r i s r e s po ns i b l e f o r c oo rd i na t i n g t he e f f e c t i v e im pleme n ta t i o n of

s up po r t i v e m eas ure s .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e Form a l C ompl a in t

N o i nv es t i ga t i on o f a l l eg ed s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t ma y o ccu r un t i l a f t e r a

f o rma l c ompl a in t has be en f i l ed .

A fo rm a l com pla i n t i s a d oc umen t f i l ed by t he com pla ina n t o r s i gne d by

t he T i t l e IX Co ord in a to r a l l eg i n g s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t an d r e que s t i ng an

i nv es t i ga t i on . T he p ro ce dur es fo r f i l i n g a f o rma l c ompl a in t a r e a s f o l l o w s :

• A t t he t im e o f f i l i n g a fo rm a l c ompl a i n t , a c ompl a in an t mu s t be

p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n o r a t t em pt i ng t o pa r t i c i p a t e i n t he ed uc a t i o n p r ogr am

o r ac t i v i t y o f t he d i s t r i c t co nce r n i ng wh ic h t he fo rma l c ompla in t i s

f i l ed .

• A f o rma l c ompl a in t s ho u ld b e f i l ed i n wr i t i n g a nd co n t a i n t he nam e

a nd ad dres s o f t he pe r so n f i l i ng t he c omp la i n t . The com pla in t sh ou l d

b r i e f l y d esc r ib e t he a l l ege d v i o l a t i o n . F i l i n g o f t he c omp la i n t w i t h t he

T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r may be d one i n pe r so n , by ma i l , o r b y ema i l . I f

a n i nd i v id ua l do es no t wi s h t o f i l e a w r i t t e n c omp la i n t , an d t he m a t t e r

h as n o t bee n a de qu a t e l y r e s o lv ed , t he T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r ma y i n i t i a te

t he c omp la i n t . F o rms fo r f i l i ng wr i t t en com pla in t s a r e a va i l ab l e i n

e ac h s ch oo l bu i l d i ng o f f i ce a nd t he ce n t r a l o f f i c e .

• A c ompl a in t sh ou ld b e f i l ed a s so on a s po s s i b l e a f t e r t h e c on du ct

o cc ur s , bu t no t l a t e r t h an 1 80 c a l e nd a r da ys a f t e r t h e comp la i nan t

b ec omes a wa re o f t h e a l l ege d v i o l a t i on , un l e s s t h e co nd uc t f o rmi ng t h e

b as i s f o r t h e com pla in t i s on go i ng .

• A n in ves t i g a t i o n sha l l f o l l o w th e f i l i ng o f t h e c ompl a in t . I f t he

c ompl a in t i s a ga i ns t t he s up e r in t en de n t , t he b oa r d sh a l l app o i n t an

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

i nv es t i ga t i ng o f f i ce r . I n o t he r i n s t a nces , t he i n ve s t i g a t i on s ha l l b e

c on du c t e d b y a qua l i f i e d i nd i v id ua l de s ig na t ed by t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r o r a no th e r i n d iv i du a l ap po i n t e d by t he b oa r d . T he

i nv es t i ga t i on s ha l l be t ho r ou gh . Al l i n t e r e s t e d pe r so ns , i n c lud in g t he

c ompl a in an t a nd t h e r e s po nd en t , wi l l b e a f f o rd ed an o pp or tu n i t y t o

s ubmi t wr i t t e n o r o r a l e v id enc e r e l e va n t t o t he c ompl a in t .

F o rm a l C ompl a in t No t i ce Re qu i r eme n t s

U p on f i l i n g o f a fo rm a l com pla i n t , t he d i s t r i c t sha l l p r ov id e w r i t t e n

n o t i ce t o t h e kn o wn p a r t i e s i n c lu d in g :

• N o t i ce o f t he a l l ega t i on s o f s e xua l ha r a s sme n t i nc l ud i ng s u f f i c i e n t

d e t a i l s t o p r ep a re a r e sp on se be fo r e an y i n i t i a l i n t e r v i e w in c lud in g :

o t h e i de n t i t i e s o f t h e p a r t i e s i n vo l ve d , i f kn o wn ;

o t h e co nd uc t a l l ege d ly c on s t i t u t i n g se xu a l ha r a s sme n t ; an d

o t he da t e an d l oc a t i on o f t he a l l e ge d i nc ide n t , i f kn ow n .

• A n e xp l an a t i o n o f tTh e d i s t r i c t ’ s i nv es t i ga t i o n p ro ced ur es , i nc l ud i ng

a ny i n fo rm a l r e s o l u t i o n p r oc es s ;

• A s t a t eme n t t ha t t h e r e sp on de n t i s p r e sume d no t r e sp on s ib l e fo r t he

a l l eg ed co nd uc t an d t h a t a d e t e rmi na t i o n r e ga r d i ng r e s po ns i b i l i t y wi l l

b e m ad e by t h e dec i s i o n -m ake r a t t he c onc l us i on o f t he i n ves t i ga t i o n ;

• N o t i ce t o t h e pa r t i e s t h ey ma y ha ve a n ad v i s o r o f t he i r ch o i ce a nd

ma y i ns pe c t an d r ev i e w a ny e v id enc e ; and

• N o t i ce t o t he pa r t i e s o f an y p ro v i s i on i n t he d i s t r i c t ’ s c ode o f co n duc t

o r p o l i cy t ha t p r oh ib i t s k no wi ng ly ma k i ng f a l s e s t a t emen t s o r

k n ow in g ly s ubmi t t i ng f a l s e i n fo rma t i on .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

I f , i n t he c our se o f an i nv es t i ga t i on , t he i nv es t i ga t o r d ec i de s t o

i nv es t i ga t e a l l e ga t i on s a bo u t t he com pla in an t o r r e sp on de n t t ha t a r e no t i nc l ude d

i n t he no t i ce i n i t i a l l y p ro v id ed , n o t i ce o f t he ad d i t i ona l a l l e ga t i o ns sha l l b e

p ro v id ed t o kn ow n pa r t i e s .

F o rm a l C ompl a in t I nv es t i ga t i o n Pr oce dure s

T o e ns u re a com ple t e an d t h o r ou gh i nve s t i g a t i on a nd t o p ro t ec t t he

p a r t i e s , t he i n ve s t i g a t o r sh a l l :

• E n sur e t h a t t h e p r ep on de ran ce o f t h e e v id en ce bu r de n o f p r oof an d t he

b u r de n o f ga t he r i ng ev i de nc e s u f f i c i e n t t o r ea ch a d e t e rmin a t i on

r ega rd i ng r e sp on s ib i l i t y r e s t s on t he d i s t r i c t a nd no t t h e pa r t i e s ;

• P ro v id e a n eq ua l op po r tu n i t y fo r t he pa r t i e s t o p r e s en t wi t ne s se s an d

e v i den ce ;

• N o t r e s t r i c t e i t he r p a r t y ’ s ab i l i t y t o d i s cu s s t he a l l e ga t i ons u nde r

i nv es t i ga t i on o r t o ga t he r a nd p re s en t r e l e va n t ev i de nc e ;

• A l l o w th e p a r t i e s t o b e a cc ompa n ie d wi th an ad v i s o r o f t he p a r t y ’ s

c ho i ce ;

• P ro v id e wr i t t e n no t i c e o f t he d a t e , t im e , l oc a t i on , pa r t i c i p an t s , an d

p u r po se o f an y i n t e rv i e w o r , me e t i n g , o r h ea r i ng a t w h ic h a p a r t y i s

e xp ec t ed t o p a r t i c i p a t e ;

• P ro v id e t he p a r t i e s eq ua l a cce s s t o r e v i ew a l l t he e v id en ce co l l ec t ed

w h ich i s d i r ec t l y r e l a t e d t o t he a l l e ga t i o ns r a i s e d i n a f o rmal

c ompl a in t , i n c lu d i ng t h e i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t , an d t he op por tu n i t y t o

r e sp on d t o t h a t ev i den ce b e fo re a de t e rmin a t i on i s ma de ;

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

• B e imp ar t i a l a nd o b j e c t i v e ly e va l ua t e a l l r e l e va n t ev i de nce w i t ho ut

r e ly i ng o n se x s t e r eo t yp es ;

• N o t hav e co nf l i c t s o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s fo r o r a ga i ns t com pla ina n t s o r

r e sp on de n t s ;

• N o t mak e c r ed i b i l i t y de t e rmin a t i o ns ba sed o n t h e i nd i v id ua l ’ s s t a t us

a s com pla i na n t , r e spo n den t , o r wi t nes s .

F o rm a l C ompl a in t I nv es t i ga t i o n Re po r t

T h e i nv es t i ga t o r sh a l l p r ep a re a n i nv es t i ga t i ve r ep or t t h a t f a i r l y

s ummar i ze s r e l ev an t ev i de nce an d s ha r e t he r ep or t wi th t he pa r t i e s an d t he i r

a dv i so r s f o r r e v i e w an d r e s po ns e .

B e f o re c omp le t i ng t h e i n ves t i ga t i v e r epo r t , t he i n ve s t i g a to r mus t s end

e ac h pa r ty an d t h e i r a dv i so r s t he i nv es t i g a t i ve r ep or t f o r r ev i e w an d a l l o w t he

p a r t i e s 1 0 da ys t o s ubm i t a wr i t t e n r e s pon se fo r t he i n ve s t i g a to r ’ s c on s id e ra t i on .

T h e i nv es t i ga t o r ’ s wr i t t en r ep or t sh a l l i n c lu de a n o b j e c t i v e ev a lu a t i on o f

a l l r e l ev an t e v i den ce u s in g a p r e po nd e ra nc e o f t he ev i de nce s t a nd a rd t o de t e rmin e

r e sp on s ib i l i t y .

D e c i s i on -Mak er ’ s De t e rmin a t i o n

U p on r ec e iv in g t h e i n ve s t i g a to r ’ s r ep or t , t he dec i s i on -m ake r mu s t ma ke

a de t e rmin a t i o n r e ga r d in g r e sp ons ib i l i t y a nd a f fo rd e ac h pa r ty t he op por t un i t y t o

s ubmi t wr i t t en , r e l ev an t q ues t i o ns t ha t t he pa r t i e s w an t a s ke d o f a ny pa r ty or

w i t nes s , p r ov i de ea ch p a r t y wi th t h e a nsw er s , a nd a l l o w fo r a dd i t i o na l , l im i t e d

f o l l o w -u p que s t i ons .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e d ec i s i o n -ma ker m us t i s s ue a wr i t t en de t e rmi na t i on r ega rd i ng

r e sp on s ib i l i t y b ase d o n a p r ep on de ran ce o f t he ev i de nce . Th e dec i s i on -m ake r ’ s

w r i t t en d e t e rm ina t i on s ha l l :

• Id e n t i f y t he a l l eg a t i on s po t en t i a l l y co ns t i t u t i n g se xua l ha r a s sme n t ;

• D e sc r i be t he p roc ed ur a l s t e ps t ake n , i nc lud in g an y n o t i f i ca t i ons t o t h e

p a r t i e s , s i t e v i s i t s , me t h ods u se d t o ga t he r ev ide nc e , a nd i n t e r v i e w s ;

• In c l ud e t he f i nd i ng s o f f ac t s up por t i n g t he d e t e rm ina t i o n ;

• A d dre s s an y d i s t r i c t p o l i c i e s a nd / o r co ndu c t r u l e s w h ic h a pp ly t o t h e

f ac t s ;

• A d dre s s e ach a l l e ga t i on a nd a r e s o lu t i o n o f t he com pla i n t i n c lu d i ng a

d e t e rmin a t i o n r e ga rd in g r e s po ns i b i l i t y , t he r a t i o na l e t he r e f o r , an y

d i sc i p l i na r y s a nc t i on s imp os ed on t he r e sp on de n t , an d w h e th er

r emed ies des ig ned t o r e s to r e o r p r e se r ve acc es s t o t he ed uc a t i o na l

p ro gram o r ac t i v i t y wi l l b e p ro v id ed by t h e d i s t r i c t t o t he c ompla i na n t ;

a nd

• T h e p ro ced ure s an d pe rmi s s i b l e b ase s f o r t he c ompl a in an t an d /o r

r e sp on de n t t o a ppe a l t h e de t e rmin a t i o n .

A co py o f t he wr i t t e n de t e rmi na t i on s ha l l be p r ov i de d t o bo th p a r t i e s

s im ul t ane ou s ly .

T h e r a ng e o f d i s c ip l i na r y s an c t i o ns a nd r emed ie s may i nc l ude , bu t ma y

n o t be l im i t e d t o , s up po r t i v e me asu re s , sh o r t t e rm s usp en s io n , l o ng t e rm

s us pe ns i on , e xp u l s io n fo r s t ude n t s , a nd /o r t e rmi na t i on fo r emp lo yee s .

C om pla i na n t s an d r e sp o nde n t s s ha l l be t r ea t ed e qu i t ab l y by p r ov id i ng r em ed i e s t o

a c ompl a in an t w here a d e t e rmi na t i on o f r e sp on s ib i l i t y f o r s e xu a l h a r a s sme n t ha s

b ee n m ade . T he T i t l e IX C oo rd i na to r i s r e s po ns i b l e f o r t he e f f ec t i v e

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

im p leme n ta t i o n o f a ny r em ed i e s . I f t he i nv es t i ga t i o n r e su l t s i n a r e comme nd a t i on

t ha t a s t u den t be s usp en de d o r e xp e l l e d , p ro ced ure s o u t l i ned i n bo a rd po l i cy a nd

s t a t e l a w g ov e rn in g s t ud en t s usp en s io n and e xp u l s io n wi l l be fo l l o w ed .

I f t he i n ves t i ga t i o n r e su l t s i n a r ecomme nd a t io n t ha t an emp lo yee be

s us pe nde d wi th o r w i t ho u t pa y o r t e rmin a t e d , p roc ed ure s ou t l i ne d i n bo a rd p o l i cy ,

t he ne go t i a t ed a g reeme n t ( a s a pp l i ca b l e ) , an d / o r s t a t e l a w wi l l b e f o l l o wed .

R e cor ds r e l a t i ng t o c ompl a in t s f i l ed an d t he i r r e s o lu t i on s ha l l be

ma i n t a ine d b y t he T i t l e IX Co ord ina to r fo r s e ve n ye a r s .

T h e d ec i s i o n b ecom es f i n a l on t he da t e t he pa r t i e s r e ce i ve t he r e su l t s o f

a n ap pea l , i f an y app ea l i s f i l ed ; , o r o n t h e da t e t he o pp or tu n i t y fo r a n ap pea l

e xp i r e s .

A p pe a l s

T h e com pla i na n t o r r e sp on de n t ma y a pp ea l t he d ec i s i o n -m ake r ’s

d e t e rmin a t i o n r eg a rd i ng r e sp ons ib i l i t y o r a d i smi s sa l o f a f o rma l c ompl a in t , o n

t he fo l l o wi ng b ase s :

• P ro ce dur a l i r r e gu l a r i t y t ha t a f f ec t ed t he ou t c omes ;

• N e w e v id enc e t ha t wa s no t r ea s on ab l y ava i l ab l e a t t h e t im e t ha t

c ou ld a f f ec t t h e ou t com e; an d / o r

• T h e T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r , i n ves t i ga t o r , o r de c i s i on -mak er ha d a

c on f l i c t o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s a ga i ns t e i t he r p a r t y t ha t a f f ec t ed t he

o u t come .

T h e r e qu es t t o ap pe a l sh a l l be m ade i n wr i t i ng t o t he T i t l e IX Coo rd i na t or

w i t h in 20 d ay s a f t e r t h e d a t e o f t he wr i t t e n d e t e rm ina t i o n . A p pe a l s s ha l l be on

t he r e co r d an d he a r d b y a n a t t o rne y , an i nd ep en de n t he a r in g o f f i ce r a pp o in t ed by

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

t he b oa r d , o r t he bo a r d . T he a ppe a l dec i s i o n -m ake r ma y no t be t h e T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r , t he In ve s t i g a to r , o r t he dec i s i on -m ake r f rom th e o r ig i na l

d e t e rmin a t i o n .

T h e a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -ma ker wi l l i s sue a wr i t t en d ec i s i o n wi t h in 30 da ys

a f t e r t he a pp ea l i s f i l e d . T he a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -m ake r w i l l d e sc r ib e t h e r e su l t o f t he

a pp ea l a nd t h e r a t i ona l e fo r t he r e s u l t .

T h e a pp ea l d ec i s i o n -ma ker s ha l l :

• R e vie w th e ev ide nc e g a th e re d by t he i nve s t i g a to r , t he i n ve s t i g a t o r ’ s

r ep or t , a nd t he o r i g in a l de c i s i on -mak er ’ s de t e rmi na t i on ;

• N o t i fy bo t h p a r t i e s i n w r i t i n g o f t h e f i l i ng o f an a pp ea l an d g iv e t h em

1 0 day s a f t e r t he a ppe a l i s f i l e d t o su bmi t f u r t he r e v i den ce i n wr i t i n g ;

• N o t hav e a co nf l i c t o f i n t e r e s t o r b i a s f o r o r a ga i ns t c ompl a in an t o r

r e sp on de n t an d r ec e iv e t he r eq u i r e d t r a i n in g ;

• I s su e a wr i t t e n de c i s i on an d t h e r a t i on a l e f o r t he dec i s i o n wi th in 30

d ay s a f t e r t he a ppe a l i s f i l e d ;

• D e sc r i be t h e r e s u l t o f t h e ap pea l an d t he r a t i o na l e f o r t h e r e s u l t i n t he

d ec i s i o n ; an d

• P ro v id e t he wr i t t en de c i s i on s im ul t ane ou s l y t o bo th p a r t i e s an d t o t h e

T i t l e IX C oo rd i na t o r .

I n fo rma l R es o lu t i o n P ro ces s

A t an y t im e dur in g t h e f o rm a l c omp la i n t p ro ces s a nd p r io r t o r eac h in g a

d e t e rmin a t i o n r ega rd i ng r e s po ns i b i l i t y , t h e d i s t r i c t m ay f ac i l i t a t e an i n fo rm a l

r e so lu t i on p roc es s , su ch a s me d ia t i o n , t ha t doe s no t i nv o lv e a f u l l i n ves t i ga t i o n

a nd d e t e rm ina t i o n o f r e s po ns i b i l i t y .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i o n p ro ce s s m ay be f a c i l i t a t e d by a t r a i ned

e du ca t i on a l p ro f e s s io na l , co nsu l t a n t , o r o th e r i nd i v id ua l s e l ec t ed b y t h e T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r u nd e r t he f o l l o wi ng c on d i t i on s :

• T h e pa r t i e s a r e p r ov i de d a wr i t t e n no t i ce d i s c l os i ng t he a l l ega t i o ns ,

t he r eq u i r em en t s o f t h e i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i on p r oc es s , a nd i n f o rma t io n

o n wh en i t ma y p r ec lu de t he pa r t i e s f rom r e sum in g a f o rma l comp la i n t

a r i s i ng f r om t he s ame a l l eg a t i ons ;

• A t a ny t im e p r i o r t o a g re e in g t o a r e s o lu t i on , an y p a r ty has t he r i gh t

t o wi t hd r a w f rom the i n fo rm a l r e s o lu t i on p ro ces s , an d r e s ume th e

i nv es t i ga t i on o f t he fo rma l com pla in t , an d be i n fo rmed o f an y

c on se que nc es r e su l t i n g f r om p a r t i c ip a t i ng i n t he i n f o rma l r e so lu t i on

p ro ces s ;

• T h e pa r t i e s vo l un t a r i l y a nd i n w r i t i ng c on sen t t o t he i n f o rma l

r e so lu t i on p roc es s ; an d

• T h e i n f o rma l r e s o l u t i o n p ro ces s ca nn o t b e u se d t o r e s o lv e a l l eg a t i ons

t ha t a n empl oye e se xu a l l y ha r a s s ed a s t ude n t .

I f t he m a t t e r i s r e so lv ed t o t he s a t i s f a c t i on o f t he pa r t i e s , t h e f ac i l i t a t o r

s ha l l do cum en t t he na t u r e o f t he c ompl a in t a nd t he p ro po se d r e s o lu t i o n , ha ve b o th

p a r t i e s s i gn t h e d ocume n ta t i o n an d r ec e ive a c op y , an d f o r ward i t t o t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r . Wi t h in 2 0 d ay s a f t e r t h e c omp la i n t i s r e s o lv ed i n t h i s man ne r , t he

T i t l e IX C oor d i na t o r s ha l l co n t a c t t h e comp la i nan t t o de t e rmin e i f t he r e so lu t i on

o f t he ma t t e r r em a in s ac ce p t a b l e . I f t he ma t t e r i s n o t r e so l ve d , o r i f t he i nd i v id ua l

d oe s no t be l i ev e t he r e so l u t i o n r ema i ns ac ce p t a b l e wi t h i n 20 da ys a f t e r t he

i n fo rma l r e s o lu t i on do cume n t i s e xecu t e d , t he i n d iv i du a l o r t he T i t l e IX

C o or d in a to r ma y p r oc ee d wi t h t he f o rma l com pla in t p r oc es s .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

I f d i s c r imin a t i on o r h a ra s sme n t h as o cc ur r ed , t h e d i s t r i c t w i l l t a ke

p rom pt , r emed ia l ac t i on t o p r e ve n t i t s r eoc cur r e nce . Th e d i s t r i c t p r oh i b i t s

r e t a l i a t i o n o r d i s c r imi na t i on a ga i ns t a ny pe r so n fo r o pp os in g d i sc r im ina t i o n ,

i nc l ud i ng ha ra s smen t ; f o r pa r t i c i pa t i n g i n t h e c omp la in t p ro ce s s ; o r ma k i ng a

c ompl a in t , t e s t i f y in g , a s s i s t i ng , o r p a r t i c i p a t i ng i n an y i n ves t i g a t i on , p r oce ed i ng ,

o r ap pea l .

U s e o f t h i s com pla i n t p r oce dur e i s no t a p r e r eq u i s i t e t o t he p u r su i t o f an y

o th e r r em ed i es , i n c lu d i ng t he r i g h t t o f i l e a c ompl a in t wi th t h e Of f i ce f o r C iv i l

R ig h t s o f t h e U . S . De pa r tmen t o f Ed uca t i o n , t he Eq ua l Emp loym en t O pp or t un i t y

C ommi ss i on , o r t h e K a nsa s H uma n Ri gh t s Commi ss i on .

A n em plo ye e wh o wi t nes ses a n ac t o f s e xu a l ha r a s smen t s ha l l r ep or t t he

i nc i den t t o t h e b u i l d i ng p r i nc i pa l . Emplo ye es w ho f a i l t o r ep or t com pla i n t s o r

i nc i den t s o f s ex ua l ha r a s sm en t t o a pp ro pr i a t e s ch oo l o f f i c i a l s ma y f a ce

d i sc i p l i na r y ac t i o n . S ch oo l a dmi n i s t r a t o r s wh o f a i l t o i nv es t i ga t e an d t a ke

a pp ro pr i a t e c o r r e c t i ve ac t i on i n r e sp on se t o com pla in t s o f s exu a l h a r a s sme n t ma y

a l so f a ce d i sc i p l i na ry a c t i on .

W he n a c omp la i n t c on t a i ns e v i den ce o f c r im i na l ac t i v i t y o r ch i l d a bu se ,

t he bu i l d i ng c oor d i na t o r o r d i s t r i c t co ord in a to r s ha l l r e po r t s uc h co nd uc t t o t h e

a pp ro pr i a t e l a w en f o r ceme n t o r DC F a u tho r i t i e s .

JG E C S e xu a l H ar assm en t JG E C- 4

T o t he ex t en t po s s i b l e , c on f i de n t i a l i t y wi l l b e m a in t a i ned t h ro ug h ou t t he

i nv es t i ga t i on o f a comp la i n t . Th e d es i r e fo r c onf i de n t i a l i t y m us t be ba l anc ed wi t h

t he d i s t r i c t ’ s ob l i g a t i on t o c on duc t a t h o ro u gh i n ves t i ga t i o n , t o t a ke a ppr op r i a t e

c o r r ec t i ve ac t i o n o r t o p ro v id e du e p r oce s s t o t he ac cu se d .

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

T h e f i l i n g o f a comp la i n t o r o th e r wi se r ep o r t i ng s ex d i sc r imin a t i o n

i nc l ud i ng se xu a l ha r a s sm en t sh a l l no t r e f l ec t u po n t he i n d iv id ua l ’ s s t a tu s o r

g r a des . An y a c t o f r e t a l i a t i o n o r d i s c r imin a t i on aga ins t an y pe r so n w ho ha s f i l ed

a c ompl a in t o r t e s t i f i e d , a s s i s t e d , o r pa r t i c i pa t e d i n a ny i n ve s t i ga t i o n , p roc ee d in g ,

o r he a r i ng i nv o lv i ng a s ex d i s c r imi na t i on , i nc l ud i ng s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t , com pla i n t

i s p ro h ib i t ed . An y p e r s on wh o r e t a l i a t e s i s s ub j ec t t o imme dia t e d i s c ip l i na ry

a c t i o n , up t o an d i nc l ud i ng e xp u l s i on f o r a s t u den t o r t e rmi na t i on o f empl oyme n t

f o r an em plo ye e .

F a l s e o r ma l i c io us com pla i n t s o f s exu a l ha r a s smen t ma y r e s u l t i n

c o r r ec t i ve o r d i s c i p l i n a r y a c t i on a ga i ns t t h e com pla i na n t .

A s ummar y o f t h i s po l i c y a nd t he c ompl a i n t p ro ced ure s i nc l ud i ng ho w to

r ep or t o r f i l e a f o rma l c ompla in t o f s ex d i s c r imi na t i on o r s ex ua l ha r a s sme n t sh a l l

b e pos t ed i n ea ch d i s t r i c t f ac i l i t y a nd sh a l l be pu b l i she d i n s t ud en t h an db oo ks ,

a nd on t he d i s t r i c t ’ s w e bs i t e a s d i r e c t e d b y t he d i s t r i c t c omp l i a nce co ord ina t or

T i t l e IX Co or d in a to r . No t i f i c a t i o n o f t h e po l i cy m ay i n c lu de pos t i n g

i n fo rma t i on a l no t i ce s , p ub l i sh i ng i n l oc a l n e wsp ap e r s , pu b l i sh in g i n ne w sp ape r s

a nd ma ga z in es o pe r a t e d b y t he s ch oo l , o r d i s t r i bu t i n g m emor and a o r o th e r w r i t t e n

c ommu nic a t i o ns t o s t u de n t s an d em plo ye es . I n a dd i t i o n , t he d i s t r i c t i s r eq u i r e d t o

i nc l ude a s t a t em en t o f no nd i sc r imi na t o r y p o l i cy i n a ny bu l l e t i n s , an no un ceme n t s ,

p u b l i ca t i o ns , ca t a lo gs , ap p l i c a t i on fo rm s , o r o t he r r e c r u i tme n t m a te r i a l s t ha t a r e

ma de av a i l a b l e t o p a r t i c i p an t s , s t u de n t s , ap p l i c an t s , o r em plo ye ess ha l l be

i nc l ude d i n t h e s c hoo l ne ws l e t t e r o r pu b l i s he d i n t h e l oc a l new s pa pe r a nn ua l l y .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 7 / 96 ; 8 /9 8 ; 7 / 03 ; 4 / 07 ; 6 /1 3 ; 6 / 15 ; 12 /1 8 ; 6 / 20 ; 7 / 20

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JQK A F o re i gn Exc h an ge St ud e nt s (S ee J B C) JQK A

F o r e ig n e xc ha nge s t u de n t s f rom ap pro ve d o rg an i za t i ons may sh a l l be

a dmi t t ed t o t h e d i s t r i c t on a t u i t i on - f r ee b as i s t o t he ex t en t s t a f f , f a c i l i t i e s ,

e qu ipme n t , an d s up p l i e s a r e a va i l ab l e . Oth e r f o r e ig n ex ch an ge s t u den t s wh o me e t

r e s i den cy r eq u i r em en t s ma y be a l l o we d t o en r o l l i n t he d i s t r i c t un de r r u l e s

e s t a b l i s he d by t h e b oa rd . S t ud en t s wh o en t e r t he co un t ry o n a n F -1 v i sa sh a l l p r e -

p ay t u i t i o n eq ua l t o t he cu r r e n t cos t pe r p u p i l a s ca l cu l a t e d by t he K an sas S t a te

D e pa r tm en t o f Ed uc a t i on .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n –7 / 96 ; 9 /9 7 ; 4 /0 7 ; 1 2 / 15 ; 6 /2 0

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KM A T o ba cc o- Fre e Sc ho o l Gr ou n ds for V i s i tor s KM A

( Se e G A O C an d J C DA A )

T h e us e o f a ny t ob acc o p r od uc t by pa r en t s , c on t r ac t o r s , v o lu n t e e r s , a nd a l l

o th e r v i s i t o r s i s p r oh ib i t ed a t a l l t imes i n an y d i s t r i c t f a c i l i t y ; i n s ch oo l o wn ed

o r op e ra t ed p r op e r t y .

T h e f o l l ow in g de f i n i t i on s ap p ly t o t h i s po l i c y .

“ T oba cc o p ro du c t ” me an s a n y p ro du c t t h a t i s ma de f rom o r d e r i ve d f rom

t ob acc o , o r t ha t c on t a i ns n i c o t i ne , t ha t i s i n t e nde d f o r h uma n c on sum pt io n o r i s

l i ke l y t o be co ns ume d , w he t he r smo ke d , h ea t ed , c he we d , abs o r bed , d i s s o l ved ,

i nh a l ed , o r i nge s t e d b y a ny o t he r m ean s , i nc l ud i ng , b u t no t l im i t ed t o , e l e c t ro n i c

n i c o t i n e de l i ve r y sys t em (h e rea f t e r “ E ND S ”) , c i g a re t t e s , c i g a r s , p i pe t o ba cco ,

c he wi ng t o bac co , s nu f f , o r sn us . To bac co p r od uc t s a l so m ea ns an y c omp on en t or

a cce s s o ry us ed i n t he co ns umpt io n o f a t o ba cc o p ro duc t , su ch a s f i l t e r s , r o l l i n g

p ap e r s , p i pes , ch a rg i ng d ev i ces , ca r t r i dg es , an d an y su bs t an ce u se d i n E N DS ,

w h e th e r o r no t t h ey co n t a i n n i c o t i n e . Th i s de f in i t i on d oes n o t i nc lu de F D A -

a pp ro ved Nic o t i n e Rep l ac eme n t Th e ra p i e s i nc l ud i ng t r a ns de rm a l n i c o t i ne pa t ch es ,

n i c o t i n e gum , an d n i c o t i ne l o zen ge s .

“ E l ec t r on i c n i c o t i n e de l i ve r s ys t em” o r “ E N DS ” me an s a ny d ev i ce t h a t

d e l i ve r s a va por i ze d so l u t i o n ( i nc lu d in g n i c o t in e , T H C, o r any o t he r su bs t an ce )

b y m ean s o f c a r t r i dge s o r o t he r c hemic a l d e l i ve r y s ys t ems . S uc h de f i n i t i on sh a l l

i nc l ude , b u t may no t b e l im i t e d t o , an y e l ec t ro n i c c i ga r e t t e , va pe pen , h oo ka h pe n ,

c i ga r , c i ga r i l l o , p ip e , o r pe r so na l v ap or i ze r .

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A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 6 / 20

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K N C om pl a in t s K N

( Se e B C B I , G A A C , G A A C A , G AA B , GAA F , IF , IK D , a nd JC E , J G E C,

J G E C A, a nd KN A)

T h e bo a rd en co ura ges a l l c ompl a in t s r e ga r d in g t h e d i s t r i c t t o be r e s o lv ed

a t t he l o w es t p os s ib l e a dmin i s t r a t i ve l e ve l . W he ne ve r a c ompl a in t i s m ad e

d i r e c t l y t o t h e b oa r d a s a wh o le o r t o a b oa rd mem ber a s a n i nd iv i du a l , i t w i l l b e

r e f e r r ed t o t he a dmin i s t r a t i on f o r s t u d y a nd pos s ib l e r e s o l u t i o n .

D i s c r imi na t i on ag a ins t an y i nd i v id ua l on t h e b as i s o f r ac e , co l o r , n a t i o na l

o r i g i n , s e x , d i s ab i l i t y , a ge , o r r e l i g io n i n t he a dmis s io n o r acce s s t o , o r t r e a tme n t

o r em plo yme n t i n t he d i s t r i c t ’ s p r ogr ams an d a c t i v i t i e s i s p ro h ib i t e d . Ha ras sme n t

o f an i n d i v id ua l o n a ny o f t he se g r ou nd s i s a l so p r oh i b i t ed . ( Po s i t i on , ad dre s s ,

em a i l a ddr es s , a nd ph o ne n umb er o f comp l i a nce co ord ina to r ) h as bee n d es i gn a t e d

t o c oor d i na t e c ompl i a nc e wi th n on d i s c r imi na t i on r e qu i r eme n t s c on t a in ed i n T i t l e

V I o f t he C iv i l R ig h t s Ac t o f 19 64 r eg a rd in g d i s c r imi na t i on o n t h e bas i s o f s ex ,

T i t l e V I I o f t h e Ci v i l R ig h t s A c t o f 1 96 4 , T i t l e IX o f t he E du ca t i o n Ame ndm ent s

o f 1 97 2 , Se c t i o n 5 04 o f t he Re ha b i l i t a t i o n Ac t o f 19 73 , an d T h e th e Am er i c an s

w i t h Di sa b i l i t i e s Ac t o f 19 90 , t h e A ge Di s c r imi na t i on Ac t o f 1 9 75 , t he Pe r so na l

R e sp ons ib i l i t y Wor k O p po r tu n i t y Rec on c i l i a t i o n Ac t o f 19 96 , an d t he F oo d S t am p

A c t o f 19 77 , a s amen de d . I n fo rma t i on co nc e rn in g t he p r ov i s i ons o f t he se A c t s ,

a nd t he r i g h t s p ro v ide d t he r eu nd e r , a r e ava i l ab l e f rom t he comp l i a nce c oor d i na t o r .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Di s c r imi na t i on o r Di s c r imi na t o r y Ha ras smen t

C om pla i n t s o f d i s c r imi na t i o n o r d i s c r imi na t o ry h a ra s smen t b y an

em plo ye e , e xc l ud in g c ompl a in t s r e ga r d ing d i s c r imi na t i on o r h a ra s sme n t o n t h e

b as i s o f s e x o r i n ch i l d nu t r i t i on p ro grams , sh ou l d be a dd res se d t o t he em plo yee ’ s

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

s up e rv i so r , t h e bu i l d i ng p r inc ipa l , o r t he d i s t r i c t com pl i a nce c oo rd i na t o r . S uc h

c C ompl a in t s b y a s t ud en t sh ou ld be ad dres se d t o t he b u i l d i ng p r in c ip a l , an o t he r

a dmin i s t r a to r , t he gu id anc e c ou ns e lo r , o r an o th e r ce r t i f i e d s t a f f mem ber . A ny

s ch oo l em plo ye e who r ece i ve s a c ompl a in t o f suc h d i s c r imi na t i o n o r ha r a s sm en t

f r om a s t ud en t sh a l l i n fo rm the s t u de n t o f t he em plo yee ’ s o b l i g a t i on t o r e por t t he

c ompl a in t an d K N C om pl a in t s

K N- 2an y p r op os ed r e so l u t i on o f t h e comp la i n t t o t he bu i l d ing p r i nc i pa l .

I f t he bu i l d i ng p r in c i pa l i s t h e a l l e ge d ha ra s se r , t he c ompl a in t sha l l be r e por t ed

t o t he d i s t r i c t c ompl i a nc e co ord ina to r . Com pla in t s by a ny o the r pe r so n a l l e g in g

s uc h d i s c r imi na t i on s ho u ld be ad dr es s ed t o t he b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l o r t he d i s t r i c t

c ompl i an ce co ord ina t o r . E xc ep t a s o th e rw i s e p ro v id ed i n t h i s p o l i c y r e ga r d i ng

c ompl a in t s o f d i s c r imi na t i on o n t he ba s i s o f s ex o r r e ga r d in g ch i l d n u t r i t i on

p ro gram s , c Comp la i n t s a bo u t d i s c r imina t i o n , i n c lu d i ng com pla i n t s o f ha r a s sm en t ,

w i l l b e r e s o lv ed t h rou g h t he fo l l o wi ng c omp la i n t p r oce dur es :

I n fo rma l P r oc ed ure s

T h e b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l sh a l l a t t em pt t o r e so l ve comp la i n t s o f

d i s c r imin a t i o n o r ha r a s sm en t i n a n i n fo rma l ma nn e r a t t he bu i l d i ng l e ve l . An y

s ch oo l em plo ye e who r ece i ve s a c ompl a in t o f suc h d i s c r imi na t i o n o r ha r a s sm en t

f r om a s t ud en t , an o t he r em plo ye e , o r an y o t he r i nd i v i dua l s ha l l i n fo rm t he

i nd i v id ua l o f t h e emp lo yee ’ s o b l i g a t i on t o r ep or t t he c ompla in t an d an y p r op os ed

r e so lu t i on o f t he comp la i n t t o t he b u i l d in g p r i nc i pa l . The b u i l d i ng p r i nc i pa l s ha l l

d i s c us s t h e c ompl a in t wi t h t he i nd i v i dua l t o d e t e rmi ne i f i t c a n b e r e so l ve d . I f

t he ma t t e r i s r e s o lv ed t o t he s a t i s f ac t i on o f t he i nd i v id ua l , t he b u i l d in g p r in c ip a l

s ha l l do cum en t t he n a t u re o f t h e c ompla i n t a nd t he p r op osed r e s o l u t i o n o f t he

c ompl a in t , an d f o r war d t h i s r ec o rd t o t h e d i s t r i c t com pl i a nce co or d in a to r . Wi t h in

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2 0 d ay s a f t e r t h e c omp la i n t i s r e s o lv ed i n t h i s man ne r , t he p r i nc i pa l s ha l l co n t a c t

t he com pla ina n t t o de t e rmi ne i f t he r e so lu t i o n o f t h e m a t t e r r em a in s acc ep t ab l e .

I f t he ma t t e r i s no t r e so l ve d t o t he s a t i s f a c t i o n o f t he i nd i v i du a l i n t he me e t i ng

w i t h t he p r in c ip a l , o r i f t he i n d iv id ua l do es n o t b e l i e ve t h e r e so lu t i on r ema i ns

a cce p t a b l e , t h e i nd i v i du a l m ay i n i t i a t e a fo rma l c ompl a in t .K N C om pl a in t s

K N- 3

I f s uc h d i sc r imi na t i on o r h a ra s sme n t ha s o cc ur r e d , t he d i s t r i c t w i l l t a ke

p rom pt , r emed ia l ac t i on t o p r e ve n t i t s r eoc cur r e nce . Th e d i s t r i c t p r oh i b i t s

r e t a l i a t i o n o r d i s c r imi na t i on a ga i ns t a ny pe r so n fo r o pp os in g d i sc r im ina t i o n ,

i nc l ud i ng ha ra s smen t ; f o r pa r t i c i pa t i n g i n t h e c omp la in t p ro ce s s ; o r ma k i ng a

c ompl a in t , t e s t i f y in g , a s s i s t i ng , o r p a r t i c i p a t i ng i n an y i n ves t i g a t i on , p r oce ed i ng ,

o r hea r in g .

F o rm a l C ompl a in t P ro ce dur es

• A f o rma l c ompl a in t s ho u ld b e f i l ed i n wr i t i n g a nd co n t a i n t he nam e a nd ad dres s o f t he pe r so n f i l i ng t he c omp la i n t . The com pla in t sh ou l d b r i e f l y de sc r i be t h e a l l eg ed v i o l a t i o n . I f an i n d iv id ua l do es n o t w i sh t o f i l e a wr i t t en comp la i n t , an d t h e ma t t e r h as no t be en a de qu a t e l y r e so lve d , t h e b u i l d ing p r i nc i pa l may i n i t i a t e t he comp la i n t . Fo rms f o r f i l i n g wr i t t en com pla i n t s a r e a va i l ab l e i n ea ch sc ho o l bu i l d in g o f f i ce a nd t he ce n t r a l o f f i ce .

• A c ompl a in t sh ou ld b e f i l ed a s so on a s po s s i b l e a f t e r t h e c on du ct o cc ur s , b u t no t l a t e r t han 18 0 da ys a f t e r t he c ompl a in an t b ec omes a w are o f t he a l l ege d v i o l a t i o n , u n l e s s t he c on du c t f o rmi ng t h e ba s i s f o r t he c omp la i n t i s o n go i ng .

• I f a pp ro pr i a t e , a n i n ve s t i g a t i on s ha l l f o l l ow the f i l i n g o f t h e comp la i n t . I f t he com pla i n t i s ag a i ns t t he s up e r in t end en t , t he boa rd s ha l l a pp o in t a n i nv es t i ga t i n g o f f i c e r . I n o t he r i n s t an ce s , t h e i nv es t i ga t i on s ha l l b e c on du c t e d by t h e bu i l d in g p r i nc i pa l , t he com pl i a nc e c o ord i na t o r , o r a no the r i nd i v i dua l ap p o in t ed b y t he b oa rd . Th e i n ves t i ga t i o n sh a l l be i n fo rma l b u t t ho r ou g h . Al l i n t e r e s t e d p e r s on s , i nc l ud i ng t he c ompl a in an t an d t he p e r s on ag a in s t wh om t he c omp la i n t i s l o dge d , w i l l

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b e a f fo rd ed an o pp or t un i t y t o su bmi t wr i t t e n o r o r a l e v id en ce r e l e van t t o t he c ompl a in t .

• A w r i t t en d e t e rm ina t i on o f t h e com pla i n t ’ s va l i d i t y a nd a desc r ip t i on o f t he r e s o lu t i o n sha l l be i s su ed by t he i nv es t i ga t o r , an d a co py f o r war de d t o t h e comp la i nan t an d t he ac cu sed no l a t e r t h an 3 0 da ys a f t e r t h e f i l i ng o f t he c ompl a in t .

o I f t h e i nv es t i ga t i on r e su l t s i n a r e comm end a t i on t ha t a s t ude n t b e s us pe nde d o r e xpe l l e d , p r oce du res ou t l i n ed i n boa rd po l i cy a nd s t a t e l aw go ve r n in g s t ud en t s us pe ns i on a nd e xp u l s i on wi l l b e f o l l o w ed .

K N C om pl a in t s K N- 4

o I f t he i n ves t i g a t i o n r e su l t s i n a r e comme nd a t i on t h a t an em ploy ee b e su sp en de d wi t ho u t p ay o r t e rmi na t ed , p r oc ed ure s ou t l i n ed i n b oa rd p o l i c y , t h e ne go t i a t ed ag reem en t ( a s ap p l i c ab l e ) , a nd or s t a t e l a w wi l l b e f o l l o wed .

• R e cor ds r e l a t i n g t o com pla i n t s f i l ed an d t he i r r e s o lu t i on s ha l l b e f o r war de d t o a nd ma i n t a i ne d i n a c on f id en t i a l ma nn e r b y t h e d i s t r i c t c ompl i an ce c oor d in a t o r .

• T h e c ompl a in an t ma y a pp ea l t he d e t e rmi na t i on o f t he comp la i n t . A p pe a l s s ha l l be he a rd by t he d i s t r i c t c ompl i an ce co ord in a t o r , a h ea r in g o f f i ce r ap po in t ed by t he b oa r d , o r by t he b oa r d i t s e l f a s d e t e rmin ed b y t he b oa rd . T he r eq ues t t o ap pe a l t h e r e so l u t i on s ha l l be ma de wi th i n 20 d ays a f t e r t he d a t e o f t h e wr i t t e n r e so lu t i on o f t he c ompl a in t a t t h e l ow er l e ve l . Th e a ppe a l o f f i c e r sha l l r e v i e w th e e v i den ce ga t he r ed by t he i n ves t i ga to r an d t he i nv es t i ga t o r ’ s r e po r t , an d s ha l l a f f o rd t he com pla ina n t a nd t he p e r s on aga ins t wh om t he c ompl a in t i s f i l ed a n op po r tu n i t y t o s ubmi t f u r t h e r ev i de nce , o r a l l y o r i n wr i t i n g , wi t h in 10 d ays a f t e r t he a ppe a l i s f i l ed . Th e ap pe a l o f f i c e r w i l l i s su e a wr i t t en d e t e rmin a t i o n o f t he c ompl a in t ’ s v a l i d i t y an d a d es c r ip t i o n o f i t s r e so lu t i on wi t h in 3 0 day s a f t e r t he a pp ea l i s f i l e d .

• I f d i s c r imi na t i o n o r ha r a s sm en t h as occu r r e d , t h e d i s t r i c t wi l l t a ke p rom pt , r em ed i a l a c t i on t o p r eve n t i t s r eoc cur r e nce . T he d i s t r i c t p ro h ib i t s r e t a l i a t i on o r d i s c r imina t i o n a ga i ns t an y p e r s on fo r op p os in g d i sc r imin a t i o n , i n c lu d i ng ha ra s smen t ; f o r pa r t i c i pa t i ng i n t he c ompl a in t p r oce s s ; o r m ak i ng a com pla i n t , t e s t i f y i ng , a s s i s t i ng , o r p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n a ny i n ve s t i g a t i on , p ro ce ed in g , o r hea r in g .

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• U s e o f t h i s com pla i n t p r oce du re i s no t a p r e r eq u i s i t e t o t he pu r s u i t o f a ny o t he r r eme d ie s i nc l ud i ng t he r i gh t t o f i l e a com pla i n t w i t h t h e O f f i ce f o r C i v i l R i gh t s o f t he U . S . D epa r tme n t o f Ed uca t i o n , t h e Eq ua l E mpl oym en t Op por tu n i t y C ommiss io n , o r t he Kan sas Hum an Rig h t s C ommi ss i on .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Di s c r imi na t i on o n t he B a s i s o f Sex

C om pla i n t s r eg a r d ing a l l e ge d d i sc r imina t i o n o n t h e ba s i s o f s e x , a s

p ro h ib i t ed b y T i t l e IX o f t he E duc a t i on A me ndm ent s o f 1 972 a nd o t he r f e de ra l

a nd s t a t e l aw s r e gu l a t i ng su ch d i s c r imin a t i o n an d d i sc r imi na t o ry h a ra s sme n t , sh a l l

b e ha nd l ed i n a cc orda nc e wi t h t he p roc edu res o u t l i ne d i n b oa r d po l i c i e s G A A C

a nd J GE C an d s ha l l b e d i r e c t e d t o t he T i t l e IX Co ord ina to r a t ( po s i t i on o r name ,

a dd res s , ema i l ad dres s , a nd p ho ne n umb er o f T i t l e IX Co ord i na t o r ) .

C om pla i n t s Co nc e rn in g C h i l d N u t r i t i on P r ogr ams

C om pla i n t s a l l eg i ng d i sc r imin a t i o n i n c h i l d nu t r i t i o n p ro grams o f f e r e d

b y t he d i s t r i c t sh a l l be ha nd l ed i n a cc o r da nce wi th t he p r oc ed ure s o u t l i ne d in

b oa rd p o l i c y K N A .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Po l i cy

T h e su pe r in t en den t sh a l l r ep or t an y u nreso lv ed c omp la i n t a bou t p o l i c i e s

t o t he b oa r d a t t h e ne x t r e gu l a r l y s ch ed u l e d bo a r d me e t i ng .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Cu r r i c u l um ( Se e IF )

T h e s upe r in t en de n t sh a l l r ep or t a f a i l u r e t o r e so l ve an y c ompla i n t ab ou t

c u r r i cu l um to t h e boa rd a t t h e ne x t r eg u l a r l y s c he du l ed b oa r d mee t i n g .

K N C om pl a in t s K N- 5

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C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Ins t ru c t i o na l Ma te r i a l s

T h e bu i l d in g p r i nc ip a l sh a l l r e por t a ny un r eso lve d com pla i n t a bo u t

i n s t r uc t i on a l m a te r i a l s t o t he su pe r in t en de n t imm edi a t e l y a f t e r r ec e iv in g t he

c ompl a in t .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Fac i l i t i e s an d Se r v i c es

T h e s up e r in t en de n t sh a l l r e por t a ny un reso lv ed com pla i n t ab ou t f ac i l i t i e s

a nd s e rv i ce s t o t he bo a r d a t t he n ex t r e gu l a r l y s che du l ed boa rd me e t i ng .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Pe r so nne l

T h e su pe r i n t e nd en t o r t he bu i l d in g p r i nc i pa l i nv o lv ed s ha l l r e por t an y

u n r eso lve d c ompl a in t a bo u t p e r s on ne l t o t h e b oa r d a t t he ne x t r e gu l a r l y s c he du l ed

b oa rd mee t in g .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Eme rge nc y Sa fe t y In t e r ve n t i o n U se

C om pla i n t s co nce rn in g t he u se o f emerg en cy s a f e ty i n t e r ven t i o ns by

d i s t r i c t s t a f f s ha l l be a ddr es s ed i n ac cord an ce wi th t he l o ca l d i s pu t e r e s o lu t i o n

p ro ces s ou t l i ne d i n bo a r d po l i cy G AA F .

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 9 / 97 ; 8 /9 8 ; 3 / 00 ; 4 / 07 ; 6 /1 3 ; 6 / 15 ; 6 /2 0 ; 7 / 20

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K N A C om pl a in t s R eg ar din g Chi ld Nut r i t i on P r ogr ams K N A

D is c r imi na t i on a ga i ns t a ny i nd i v id ua l on t he ba s i s o f r ace , co lo r ,

n a t i ona l o r i g in , s e x , d i s a b i l i t y , a ge , o r r e t a l i a t i on f o r p r i o r c iv i l r i g h t s ac t i v i t y

i n an y p ro gram o r ac t i v i t y c o nd uc t e d o r fu n ded b y t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s D ep a r tme n t

o f A gr i c u l t u r e i s p roh ib i t ed . (P os i t i o n o r n ame , ad dre s s , em a i l ad dre s s , an d

p h one n umb er o f c omp l i a nce c oor d i na t o r ) h as be en d es i gn a t ed t o co ord ina t e

c ompl i an ce wi th no nd i sc r imin a t i o n r e qu i r em en t s co n t a i ne d i n T i t l e V I o f t he

C iv i l R i gh t s A c t o f 19 6 4 , Amer i can s wi th D i s ab i l i t i e s Ac t , S ec t i on 5 04 o f t he

R e ha b i l i t a t i o n A c t o f 1 97 3 , Ag e Di s c r imin a t i on Ac t o f 1 97 5 , P e r so na l

R e sp ons ib i l i t y Wo rk O p po r tu n i t y Re co nc i l i a t i o n A c t o f 1 99 6 , a nd t he F oo d

S t am p Ac t o f 19 77 , a s am en ded .

C om pla i n t s Ab ou t Di s c r imi na t i on i n Ch i ld Nu t r i t i on P ro gram s

T o f i l e a c ompl a in t o f d i s c r imi na t i on r eg a r d in g ch i l d n u t r i t i o n p r og rams

o f f e r ed b y t h e d i s t r i c t , com ple t e t he U SD A Pro gram D i sc r imi na t i on C ompl a in t

F o rm ( A D -30 27) a t :

h t t p : / / ww w .a sc r .u sda . g ov / com pla i n t_ f i l i ng _c us t .h tml ; o r

w r i t e a l e t t e r an d p ro v i de t h e i n f o rma t i on r eq ues t ed i n t he fo rm . T o r eq ues t a

c ompl a in t f o rm , ca l l ( 86 6) 63 2 -99 92 .

S u bmi t t he c omp le t ed f o rm to :

U . S . D epa r tme n t o f A g r i c u l t u r e O f f i ce o f t he A ss i s t an t Se c re t a ry f o r C i v i l R ig h t s 1 4 00 In de pe nde nc e A v en ue , SW W ash in g to n , D . C . 202 5 0 -9 41 0 . F A X : ( 20 2) 6 90 -74 42 E mai l : p ro g ram . in t ake@ us da .g ov

A p pr ove d :

K A S B Rec omme nda t io n – 6 / 20

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The policies of Board of Education of U.S.D. No. ### prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, religion, genetic information, and sex in all programs and activities of the district. Additionally, discrimination on the basis of age is prohibited in employment. Harassment of individuals on any of these grounds is strictly prohibited. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against on any of these grounds may file a complaint with the following discrimination coordinators: District Discrimination Coordinator: Name:______________ Address:______________ Email:______________ Phone:______________ Building Discrimination Coordinators: Name:______________ Address:______________ Email:______________ Phone:______________ Title IX Coordinator: Name:______________ Address:______________ Email:______________ Phone:______________ Name of Complainant: Address: Email Address: Telephone Number:





Nature of the Complaint (Please Select Any that Apply):

I believe that I have or someone I know has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of: Race Color National Origin Racial Harassment Sex Sexual Harassment Disability Religion Age Genetic Information Harassment on the basis of ____________;


General Complaint/Not Related to Perceived Discrimination

My complaint is not one of perceived discrimination or harassment but is regarding the situation described below.

Please describe the incident or act complained of: Please include information about: • Who was the person

engaging in the conduct? • Who was the conduct

directed toward? • What was the nature of

the conduct? • When did it occur? • Where did it occur? • What effect did the

incident have on you? What effect did it have on the person allegedly targeted?










___________________________________________________________________________ Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Were there any witnesses to this incident?

Yes No

If yes, please indicate who the witnesses were: ___________________________________________________________________________


What action do you believe the school or district should take with regard to this incident?



If this matter proceeds to an investigation or hearing, will you appear and be interviewed and/or testify as to your knowledge of the matter? Yes No

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G- - P E RSO N N E L

GA ................................ Personnel Policy Organization

GAA .............................. Goals and Objectives (See BDA, CM, CMA and JA)

GAAA ........................... Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

GAAB ........................... Complaints of Discrimination (See GAAC, GAACA, JDDC, JGEC, JGECA, and

KN, and KNA)

GAAC ........................... Sexual Harassment (See GAF and JGEC)

Response to Harassment Complaints


Supportive Measures

The Formal Complaint

Formal Complaint Notice Requirements

Formal Complaint Investigation Procedures

Formal Complaint Investigation Report

Decision-Maker’s Determination


Informal Resolution Process

GAACA ........................ Racial and Disability Harassment; Employees (See GAF, JGECA and KN)

GAAD ........................... Child Abuse (See JCAC, and JGEC)

DCF or Law Enforcement Access to Students on School Premises

Cooperation between School and Agencies

Reporting Procedure

Annual Training

GAAE ........................... Bullying by Staff (See EBC, GAAB, JDD and JDDC)

Cyber Bullying

GAAF……………….. Emergency Safety Interventions (See GAO, JRB, JQ, and KN)


Prohibited Types of Restraint

Use of Emergency Safety Interventions

ESI Restrictions

Use of Seclusion


Notification and Documentation

Law Enforcement, School Resource, and Campus Security Officers

Documentation of ESI Incidents

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Reporting Data

Parent Right to Meeting on ESI Use

Local Dispute Resolution Process

GACA ........................... Positions (See CD and GACB)

GACB ........................... Job Descriptions (See CD and GACA)

GACC ........................... Recruitment and Hiring



Hiring Sequence

GACCA ........................ Nepotism

Supervision Limitations

GACD ........................... Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) (See GAK)

GACE ........................... Assignment and Transfer

GAD .............................. Employee Development Opportunities

GAE .............................. Complaints

GAF .............................. Staff-Student Relations (See GAAC, GAACA, JGEC, JGECA and KN)

GAG ............................. Conflict of Interest

GAH ............................. Participation in Community Activities

GAHB ........................... Political Activities

Holding Public Office

Political Activity in the Schools

GAI ............................... Solicitations (See KDC)

GAJ .............................. Gifts (See JL and KH)

Gifts to Staff Members

GAK ............................. Personnel Records (See CEI, CGI, GACD, GBI, and GCI)

Requests for References

Immunity Provided

Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse

GAL .............................. Salary Deductions (FLSA) (See GAOF)

GAM ............................. Personal Appearance

GAN .............................. Travel Expenses (See BBBF, CG, CEF, GBRC and GCA)

GANA.......................... Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards (See CEF and GAN)

GAO ............................. Maintaining Proper Control (See JGFB)

GAOA .......................... Drug Free Workplace (See LDD)

Alternative I

Alternative II

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GAOB ........................... Drug Free Schools (See JDDA and LDD)

Employee Conduct

GAOC .......................... Use of Tobacco Products and Nicotine Delivery Devices Tobacco-Free School

Grounds for Staff (See JCDAA and KMA)

Option 1

Option 2

GAOD .......................... Drug and Alcohol Testing

GAOE ........................... Workers Compensation


Choice of Physician

GAOF ........................... Salary Deductions (See GAL)

GAR .............................. Communicable Diseases

GARA ........................... Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan

GARI ............................ Family and Medical Leave

GARID ......................... Military Leave

GAT .............................. Staff Use of Communication Devices


General Use

Use in Vehicles

Use of District-Provided Communication


Personal Use of District-Provided

Communication Devices

Staff Bring Your Own Device Policy

GBH .............................. Supervision

GBI ............................... Evaluation (See GAK)

Availability of Evaluation Documents

Evaluation Criteria

GBK .............................. Suspension

GBN .............................. Nonrenewal and Termination

GBO .............................. Resignation

Option 1

Option 2

Exit Interviews

GBQA ........................... Reduction of Teaching Staff

GBR .............................. Working Schedule (See JGFB)

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Work Schedules

Attendance Required

GBRC ........................... Professional Development (See GAN and GBRH)

GBRD ........................... Staff Meetings

GBRE ........................... Additional Duty

GBRF ........................... Student and Parent Conferences

GBRG ........................... Non-School Employment

GBRGA ........................ Consulting

GBRGB ........................ Tutoring for Pay

GBRH ........................... Leaves and Absences (See GBRC)

GBRIBA ....................... Disability Leave

GBRJ ............................ Substitute Teaching

GBU .............................. Ethics (See IA and IKB)

GCA .............................. Compensation and Work Assignments (See GAN)

Work Assignments

Attendance Required


Classification of Employees


Compensation for Out-of-Town/Overnight Trips

GCI ............................... Classified Employee Evaluation (See GAK)

GCIA ............................ Evaluation of Coaches and Sponsors

GCK ............................. Suspension

GCRF ........................... Non-School Employment

GCRG .......................... Leaves and Absences

Paid Leave

Unpaid Leave

Jury Leave

GCRH .......................... Vacations

GCRI ............................ Paid Holidays

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HAA .............................. Legal Status

HAB .............................. Goals and Objectives

HAC ............................. Scope of Negotiations

HAE .............................. Board Negotiating AgentsRepresentatives

HAF .............................. Superintendent's Role

HAHBA ........................ Use of School Facilities

HAHBB ........................ Use of School Equipment

HAI ............................... Negotiations Procedures (See CN)

Distribution of Information

Research Assistance

Minutes and Records

Reporting to Staff and Board

Reporting to the Media and Public

HAJ .............................. Preliminary Agreement Disposition

HAK ............................. Ratification Procedures

HAL .............................. Announcement of Agreement

HAN .............................. Slowdowns

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IA .................................. Philosophy - Mission Statement (See GBU and IKB)

IB .................................. School Site Councils See (KA)

IC .................................. Educational Program (See IDAA, IDAB, IDAC and IJ)

Curriculum HandbooksCurricular Offerings

Educational Goals and Objectives

Additional Educational Programs

ICA ............................... Pilot Projects (See IDAE,)

Pilot Project Evaluation

Student Surveys

ICAA ............................ Teaching Methods (See ICA, IDAE, IJ)

ID .................................. Instructional Program (See BBG, CJ, CL and IJ)



Financial Resources


IDAA ............................ Special Programs (See IC and JJ)

Partnerships/Work-Study Program

IDAB ............................ Support Programs (See IC and LDD)

Drug Education

Student Mental Health

Dropout Prevention

At-Risk Students


Homebound Instruction

IDAC ............................ Exceptional Programs (See IC)

IDACA ......................... Special Education Services

IDACB .......................... Section 504 Accommodations for Students

IDAD ............................ Title I Programs

Annual Parent Meeting

IDAE ............................ Student Privacy Policy (See BCBK, ICA, ICAA, II and JR et seq.)

Student Data Restrictions

Student Data Security Breach

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Biometric Data

Select Student Surveys

IDCE ............................ College Classes (See JBE and JQ)

Concurrent Enrollment

IDFA ............................. Athletics

IE .................................. Instructional Arrangements

Class Size

Scheduling for Instruction


IEB ................................ Charter Schools

IF .................................. Textbooks, Instructional Materials & Media Centers (See IKD and KN)

Selection Criteria: Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Selection Criteria: Media Center Materials

Collection Development

Challenges of Materials

Review Committee

The Review Committee Shall:

Removing Challenged Materials

IFBH ............................. Outside Speakers (See IKB)

IFC ................................ Community Resources (See KFD)

IFCB ............................. Field Trips

USD Approved Field Trips

Non-Sanctioned Field Trips

IHA ............................... Grading System

IHB .............................. Homework

IHEA ............................ Make-Up Opportunities (See JBD and JDD)

IHF ............................... Graduation Requirements (See JFCA)

II ................................... Educational Testing Programs (See BCBK, BE, CN, CNA, IDAE, IJ and KBA)

Test Integrity

Reporting Test Results

IIA ................................ Performance-Based Credits

IIBF…………………...Acceptable Use Guidelines

IIBG .............................. Computer Use (See ECH, JCDA and KBA)

Use of District Computers/Privacy Rights


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E-mail Privacy Rights

Ownership of Employee Computer Materials

IIBGA ........................... Children’s Internet Protection Act

IIBGB ........................... On-Line Learning Opportunities



Other Regulations or Guidelines

IIBGC………………. Staff Online Activities

IJ ................................... Evaluation of Instructional Program (See IC, ICAA, ID, and II)

IKA ............................... Financial Literacy (See ID)

IKB ............................... Controversial Issues (See GBU, IA and IFBH)

IKCA ............................ Human Sexuality and AIDS Education

Opt-Out Procedure and Form

Annual Request Required

Notice of Availability

IKD ............................... Religion in Curricular or School Sponsored Activities (See AEA, IF, IKDA and KN)

Teaching About Religion

Religion in the Curriculum and School Activities

Religious Symbols in the Classroom

Religious Holidays

Graduation and Other Ceremonies

IKDA ............................ Religious Objections to Activities (IKD)

IKE ............................... Assemblies

IKI ................................ Lesson Plans

ING ............................... Animals and Plants in the School

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J - - ST U D E N TS

JA .................................. Goals and Objectives (See BDA, CM, CMA, GAA and JCDA)

JB .................................. Attendance Records (See JBC, JBD and JBE)

JBC ............................... Enrollment (See IIBGB, JBCA, JBCB, and JQKA)

Resident Students

Non-resident Students

Non-Resident Student Continued Enrollment

Enrollment Restriction

Enrollment Procedures

Part-time Students

Identification of Students

Enrollment Information

Assignment to a School Building, Grade Level, or Classes

Transferring Credit

Transfers from Non-Accredited Schools

JBCA ............................ Homeless Students (See EDAA and JBC)


JBCB ............................ Foster Care Students (See EDAA, JBC, and JBCA)

Point of Contact

JBD ............................... Absences and Excuses (See AEB, IHEA, JBE and JDD)

Excused/Unexcused Absences

Significant Part of a School Day

Make-Up Work

JBE ............................... Truancy (See AEB, IDCE, JBD, and JQ)

Waiver of Compulsory Attendance Requirements

Involvement of Law Enforcement

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Reporting to Parents

Dual Enrollment Students

JBH ............................... Release of a Student during the School Day (See EBB and EBBD)

JCAB ............................ Searches of Property (See JCABB)

Search of Lockers

Searches of Property

JCABB ......................... Searches of Students (See JCAB and JCAC)

JCAC ............................ Interrogation and Investigations


Coordination with Law Enforcement

Notification of Investigations Conducted by Law Enforcement Officers

Child Abuse and Identity Investigations Conducted by Law Enforcement Officers

Law Enforcement Initiated Investigations at School

Taking Students into Custody

Disturbance of School Environment


JCDA ............................ Student Conduct (See AEB, IIBG, JA, JCHAA and JHBAA)

JCDAA ......................... Tobacco and Nicotine Delivery DevicesTobacco-Free School Grounds for Students (See GAOC and KMA)

Option 1

Option 2

JCDB ............................ Dress Code

JCDBB ......................... Weapons (See EBC, JDC, JDD, JHCAA and KGD)

Weapons and Destructive Devices

Penalties for Weapon Violations

JCE ............................... Complaints (See JDDC and KN)

Complaints about Discrimination

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Complaints about School Rules

JCEC ............................ Demonstrations (See JCAC)

JDA ............................... Corporal Punishment

JDB ............................... Detention

JDC ............................... Probation (See JCDBB and JDD)

JDD ............................... Suspension and Expulsion Procedures


Reasons for Suspension or Expulsion

Short-term Suspension

Long-term Suspension or Expulsion

Rules Which Apply in all Cases When a Student may be Suspended or Expelled

Student Rights during a Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion Hearing

Appeal to the Board

JDDA ............................ Drug Free Schools (See GAOB and LDD)

Student Conduct

Insert Local Sanctions Here

JDDB ............................ Reporting to Law Enforcement (See EBC and JDD)

JDDC ............................ Bullying (See EBC, GAAB, JCE, JDD, JGEC, JGECA and KGC)

Cyber Bullying

JF .................................. Academic Achievement (See II and JR et seq.)


Report Cards

JFA ............................... Peer Grading of Assignments

Option I – Peer Grading Prohibited

Option II – Limited Peer Grading Allowed

JFB ............................... Promotion and Retention

JFC ............................... Graduation Exercises

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JFCA ............................ Early Graduation (See IHF)

JGA .............................. Student Insurance Program

JGC .............................. Health Assessments and Physicals (See JGCB)

JGCA ............................ Local Wellness

Wellness Committee


JGCB ............................ Inoculations (See JGC)

JGCBA ......................... Automated External Defibrillators

JGCC ............................ Communicable Diseases

JGCD ............................ Health Screenings

Vision Screenings

Hearing Screening

Dental Screenings

Selected Screenings

JGD .............................. Student Psychological Services (See JR, et seq.)

JGEC ............................ Sexual Harassment (See GAAC, GAAD, GAF, JDDC and KN)

Response to Harassment Complaints


Supportive Measures

The Formal Complaint

Formal Complaint Notice Requirements

Formal Complaint Investigation Procedures

Formal Complaint Investigation Report

Decision Maker’s Determination


Informal Resolution Process

JGECA ......................... Racial and Disability Harassment (See GAACA, GAAD, GAF, JDDC and KN)

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JGFB ............................ Supervision of Students (See GAO, GBR and JH)

JGFF ............................ Student Transportation Regulation

JGFG ............................ Student Accidents and Health Emergencies

Emergency Care


JGFGB ......................... Supervision of Medications (See JGFGBA)

JGFGBA ...................... Student Self-Administration of Medications (See JGFGB)

Student Eligibility

Authorization Required

Employee Immunity

Waiver of Liability

Additional Requirements

JGFGBB ...................... Accommodating Students with Diabetes

JGG .............................. Transportation (See ED and EDDA)

JGGA ........................... Use of Video Cameras (See CN and JR et seq.)

JGH .............................. School Food Service Programs

Free or Reduced Price Meals

Contracts with Other Agencies

JGHB ............................ Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines (See DK and JGCA)

JH ................................. Student Activities (See DK, JGFB, JM and KG)

Eligibility for Activities

Adding or Eliminating Activities

Activity Fund Management

JHC .............................. Student Organizations

Student Clubs

Non-School Sponsored Student Clubs

Student Government

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JHCA ............................ Student Publications (See KI)

School-Sponsored Student Publications

Non-School Sponsored Student Publications


JHCAA ......................... Gang Activity (See JCAC, JCDA, JCDBB and JDD)

JI ................................... Community Activities

JJ .................................. Employment of Students (See IDAA)

In-School Employment

Outside Employment

Vocational or Other Work Experience

JK ................................. Solicitations (See KI)

JL .................................. Gifts (See DK, GAJ and KH)

Student Gifts to Staff Members

Faculty Gifts to Students

Student Organization Gifts to the School

JM ................................. Contests for Students (See JH)

JN .................................. Awards

JQ ................................. Exceptional Students (See IDCE and JBE)

Concurrent Enrollment

JQA .............................. Temporarily Disabled Students (See IDACB and JGFGBA)

JQE ............................... Alternative Arrangements for Nontraditional Students

JQI ............................... Adult Students

JQKA ........................... Foreign Exchange Students (See JBC)

JQL ............................... Hearing Procedures for Exceptional Students

JQLA ............................ Class-size/Caseload Limits for Exceptional Students

JR .................................. Student Records

(See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR et seq. and KBA)

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JRA ............................... Types of Records

(See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR et seq. and KBA)

Permanent Student Records

Administrative records

Supplementary records

Tentative records

JRB ............................... Release of Student Records

(See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR et seq. and KBA)

Directory Information

Forwarding Pupil Records

JRC ............................... Disposition of Records

(See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR et seq. and KBA)

JRD ............................... Hearing Request

(See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR et seq. and KBA)

JS .................................. Student Fees and Charges

Credit Card Payments

Fee Schedules

Debt Collection

Forwarding Pupil Records

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KA ................................ Goals and Objectives (See IB)

KB ................................. Public Information Programs (See CEE, CEF, and KBA)

Newsletters and other Media

KBA .............................. District or School Websites (See DC, ECH, II, IIBG, JR et seq. and KB)

Website Rules

KBC .............................. Media Relations

Broadcasting and Taping

News Releases

Conferences and Interviews

KCA .............................. Protection of Privacy Rights

KCB .............................. Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent Rights

KDC .............................. Solicitations (See GAI)

KFD .............................. School Volunteers (See EBAA and IFC)

KG ................................ Use of School Facilities by Community Groups (See DFG and JH)

Use in Accordance with Board Policies

Fees and Rental Charges

Lease Arrangements

Supervision of Non-School Groups

Insurance and/or Bonds

KGA ............................. Use of District Personal Property and Equipment

Personal Use

KGB .............................. Concealed Observations (See JGGA)

KGC ............................. Bullying by Parents (See EBC, GAAE, JDDC, KGD)

KGD ............................. Disruptive Acts at School or School Activities (See EBC GAAE, JCDBB, JDDC and KGC)

Criminal Possession of a Firearm

©KASB. This material may be reproduced for use in USD ###. It may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, to be given, sold or transmitted to any person or entity including but not limited to another school district, organization, company or corporation without written permission from KASB.

KGDA………………...Public Conduct on School Property

KH ................................ Gifts to Schools (See GAJ and JL)

KI .................................. Distributing Materials in Schools (See JHCA, JK and JR et seq.)

Materials Produced by Outside Groups – Including Religious Materials

Political Campaign Materials

Advertising in the Schools

Mailing Lists

KK ................................ Sale of District Property (See DFM)

KM ................................ Visitors to the School

KN ................................ Complaints (See BCBI, GAAC, GAACA, GAAB, GAAF, IF, IKD, and JCE, JGEC, JGECA, and KNA))

Complaints About Discrimination or Discriminatory Harassment

Informal Procedures

Formal Complaint Procedures

Complaints About Discrimination on the Basis of Sex

Complaints Concerning Child Nutrition Programs

Complaints About Policy

Complaints About Curriculum (See IF)

Complaints About Instructional Materials

Complaints About Facilities and Services

Complaints About Personnel

Complaints About Emergency Safety Intervention Use

KNA .............................. Complaints Regarding Child Nutrition Programs

Complaints About Discrimination in Child Nutrition Programs




FROM ....................................Karl DeArmond, Chief Information Officer

MEETING ...............................September 8, 2020 Regular BOE Meeting

SUBJECT ................................Signature Services for Remote Learning Logs

PRESENTER(S) ........................Karl DeArmond, Chief Information Officer

BACKGROUND As part of the KSDE’s Navigating Change guidance, USD 475 needs to collect

remote learning logs for all students who opt for remote learning. According to

KSDE, both students and parents or guardians need to sign the document.

DISCUSSION Per KSDE, we are sending out remote learning logs by week. In Table 1, we

anticipate nearly 68,043 packets that will need to be collected.

Table 1: Option 2 - Remote Logs by Week

School Enrollment Weeks Total Packets

Elementary Schools 920 37 34,040

Middle Schools 467 37 17,279

High School 452 37 16,724


Remote learning elementary students receive remote learning logs automatically

when they are enrolled in a remote learning homeroom. On-Site elementary

students receive remote learning logs automatically when the student category

code of RLL is placed on their account.

Remote learning secondary students receive remote learning logs automatically

when their counselor in Skyward is set to remote learning. On-Site secondary

students receive remote learning logs automatically when the student category

code of RLL is placed on their account.

District staff will send out the weekly remote learning logs. The remote learning

log will be sent out on Friday evenings. Students and parents will be able to fill

out the log daily. The system will log the responses to each prompt. The parent

and student should submit the log at the end of the week.

For elementary, it would be best if the parents filled out the logs first, and the

student signed it. For secondary, it would work fine either way. Both parties can

see what is being entered by the other.

Teachers and principals will be able to log in to DocuSign and review all

outstanding, unsigned documents. Teachers will want to monitor students who




are not turning in their documents and work with them on getting them signed

electronically. The remote learning log is a state requirement for remote students,

so it is important that we receive these back timely.

General Information

• A student should have 360 minutes of learning per school calendar day.

• During a normal five-day school week, the total 1,800 minutes of learning

can come from any of the seven days of the week.

• Per KSDE, the student’s week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday.

• The first week of school (8/31) will have five calendar days.

• All other weeks of schools will have seven calendar days that the

student/parent can fill out.

• If a parent does not have an email address in Skyward, then paper copies

will need to be collected from the parent.

The following fields will be prefilled for the students and parents:

• Student Name

• Student School

• Student ID

• Student Grade

FINANCING DocuSign came in as the cheapest option for the remote learning logs. The least

expensive option from DocuSign allowed us 150,000 remote learning logs to be

collected. Any fewer “envelopes” did not result in a cost savings for the District.

CARES Act funds will be used for this purchase. Furthermore, DocuSign will allow

us to exceed 150,000 signatures if there is a long term closure of schools. The cost

for DocuSign in total is $75,000.

ALTERNATIVES 1) Purchase DocuSign for $75,000 for 150,000 signatures.

2) Purchase AdobeSign for approximately $100,000 for 70,000 signatures.

3) Deny the motion.

RECOMMENDATION The recommendation from administration is to purchase DocuSign services for

$75,000 for the 2020-21 school year.

POSSIBLE MOTION Approve the recommendation from administration to purchase DocuSign

services for $75,000 for the 2020-21 school year.

Geary County Schools:

Academic Program

Analysis and

Improvement Planning

Submitted to: Geary County Schools

USD 475

Dr. Reginald Eggleston, Superintendent

[email protected] | 785-717-4000

Submitted by: WestEd

730 Harrison Street

San Francisco, CA 94107-1242

Matt Navo, Director for Systems Transformation

[email protected] | 559-575-4706

Ryan Miskell, Research Associate

[email protected] | 315-506-2631

Submitted on 8/28/2020

Proposed Project Timelines: September 2020 - June 2021


Table of Contents

Proposed Scope of Work .......................................................................................................... 2

Project Related Goals ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Tasks Association for Project Goals ................................................................................................................. 2

Overall Description of the SOW ....................................................................................................................... 2

Proposed Prioritized Academic Component Area of Study ........................................................................... 3

Description of proposed tasks ........................................................................................................................... 3

Tasks and Study Questions ...................................................................................................... 4

Review Schedule of Activities .................................................................................................. 7

Overall Project Management ................................................................................................... 8

Cost of the Project ................................................................................................................... 9

Contact .................................................................................................................................... 9

Closing .................................................................................................................................... 9

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 2

Proposed Scope of Work

WestEd is pleased to submit this draft proposal to assist the Geary County School District to analyze current district academic focus areas and create an improvement planning guide that prioritizes academic achievement. The scope of work (SOW) described herein constitutes detailed descriptions of the project proposal. These details will be finalized in collaboration with Geary County Schools. The outcome of this project will be the development of a strategic improvement plan that includes stakeholder recommendations and prioritized focus areas for district-wide implementation of improved academic outcomes for ALL students.

Project Related Goals

WestEd will provide oversight and responsibility for all identified tasks below and will conduct qualitative and quantitative data collection and review activities that will guide district analyses and development of the final strategic improvement plan recommendations. WestEd will collect and analyze information that will assist the Geary County Schools Leadership Team to identify recommendations focused on producing positive outcomes for ALL students.

Tasks Association for Project Goals

This project is designed to accomplish the following 4 tasks in order to achieve the overarching

project goals:

• Task 1: Conduct all stakeholder (CORE) group facilitated conversations to assess academic challenges and recommended stakeholder improvement opportunities.

• Task 2: Identify areas of inconsistency within district-wide infrastructure and inform decision making and recommended strategies for building a cohesive alignment for future district infrastructure.

• Task 3: Work in collaboration with Geary County Schools Leadership Team that will provide direction and help to identify necessary changes, next step actions, and guidance on the Academic Strategic Improvement Plan.

• Task 4: Develop an Implementation Action Plan that details district ownership and execution of the strategic improvement plan.

Overall Description of the SOW

WestEd staff will first work with the Leadership team, composed of designated district

leadership team members, to revise the proposed key questions to assess prioritized academic

component areas (see below for recommended areas to be analyzed).

The expected outcomes of the SOW will employ a multiple methods approach which will

provide for a comprehensive and well-documented review of the services across the school

district. WestEd will engage with the Leadership Team to ensure that we are reflecting the

district’s evolving needs.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 3

WestEd staff will use qualitative and improvement science methodologies to investigate more

complex and sensitive inquiries that are not as easy to quantify or identify where system

perception gaps exist. We will employ descriptive methods when it is necessary to define data

and to add to the construction of the strategic improvement plan and our staff will gain a

variety of perspectives from CORE Group that will reflect key stakeholder groups within the

district. The CORE Group may include between 15-20 administrators, teachers,

classified/certificated staff, community groups, and parents (where and when appropriate).

Specific attention will be given to ensuring that focus group sessions establish an environment

and processes that allow for all members to meaningfully participate, and to know that their

thoughts, ideas, and feelings can be shared in confidence with the research staff.

WestEd staff will then comprehensively review the perceptions, feedback, and findings from

the CORE Group and share preliminary results with the Leadership Team to ensure that we

have explored and addressed all components identified in the project.

The WestEd team will then lead the Leadership Team through a planning process using these

findings and recommendations as a basis for development of the academic strategic

improvement plan.

Proposed Prioritized Academic Component Area of Study

The WestEd team will collaborate with the Leadership Team to align and finalize proposed areas of academic improvement and focus to:

• Data use and system standards;

• Academic policy and procedures;

• Equity and access to high-quality instructional practices;

• Resource management (budgeting planning, facilities, and monitoring); and

• Communication and collaboration.

Description of proposed tasks

For each task outlined above, we have provided a table highlighting suggested study questions.

The project director will meet with the Geary County Team Lead to tailor study questions to

identify exact needs under each task. The WestEd team will comprehensively review the data

and share preliminary results with the Leadership Team to ensure that we have explored and

addressed all components. WestEd staff will then produce a final detailed action plan for

specific tasks, as well as an academic strategic improvement plan that identifies the

recommendations and next steps for each prioritized area of study.

For each task outlined in the SOW, we have provided a table highlighting our approach to data

and questions that could be used with the CORE Group.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 4

Tasks and Study Questions

Task 1 - Conduct all stakeholder (CORE) group facilitated conversations to assess academic challenges and recommended stakeholder improvement opportunities (see sample questions below).

Processes for Task 1 will include the identification and organization of the CORE Group, the creation and approval of data collection protocols, and data collection efforts to update information from previous district reports. Data collection will include interviews from focus groups, and virtual data and document reviews provided by district staff and researched by WestEd staff to create a current picture of district systems and results. These data will be triangulated across the various data points to identify themes which can be used for systemic improvement planning.

Task 1 Activities: Proposed Review Questions Data Collection Activities

Task 1: Collect data to understand the challenges and successes in

supporting successful outcomes for ALL students.

a. Review staffing, organization, and utilization of the

District’s general and Special Education Services program

personnel, and any other identified personnel. Do








a A




s G








1. Are current levels of staffing effective, efficient and

comparable to comparison districts? X X X X X

2. Are there recent changes in the District’s incidence of

disabilities (by type) relative to others?

a. What practices may lead to over-identification and/or

services that could be offered more cost-effectively?


3. Does the District’s overall organization structure contribute to

effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of ALL students? X X X X X

4. Are site leaders able to provide support and leadership in the

development of high-quality instructional framework? X X X

5. How effective is the current tiered support system? a. Are instructional practices (EBP) and being implemented

with fidelity across the district? b. Are the number of pre-referrals/referrals for intensive

intervention consistent over time and across the District?


Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 5

Task 2 - Identify areas of inconsistency within district-wide infrastructure and inform decision making and recommended strategies for building a cohesive alignment for future district infrastructure.

Processes for Task 2 will include compiling the data into findings and recommendations for use in the academic strategic improvement plan. The WestEd team will then work with the Leadership Team and district decision-makers on developing common understanding of the System Theory and Improvement Science in relation to the district systems and data to ensure engagement and transparency in the planning process with all stakeholders.

Task 2 Activities: District Wide Infrastructure Data Analysis Activities

Task 2: Develop a summary of the review of the data to identify

areas of inconsistency and provide recommendations of strategies

to address prioritized areas.


a R











se A



















c P




1. In what ways do current District organization and

infrastructure activities and plans help to address

inconsistencies within the district that may contribute to

ineffective outcomes for students?


2. In what areas does district resource allocation create

discrepancies or inconsistencies between the District, schools,

and teacher(s)?


3. What recommendations could be made for changes or

improvements to districts processes, procedures, staffing, and

organizational infrastructure to increase/maximize efficiency

and effectiveness of academic outcomes for both special and

general education students, and other identified subgroups?


4. What recommendations could be made that will result in the

greatest increase in effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for

serving ALL children, including high-risk, often marginalized



Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 6

Task 3 - Work in collaboration with District Leadership Team that will provide direction and help to identify necessary changes, next step actions, and guidance on the strategic improvement plan.

Task 4 - Develop an Implementation Action Plan that details district ownership and execution of the strategic improvement plan.

Processes for Tasks 3 and 4 will include purposeful, planned efforts to engage the Leadership Team in the findings and recommendations that have been shared from the CORE Group and organized across identified thematic areas by the WestEd team. This process will inform the creation of an Implementation Plan and an Academic Improvement Plan to provide for the details on identified areas for improvement and change and the timelines and staff that will help ensure progress and completion of identified tasks.

Task 3 & 4 Activities: Leadership Team Collaboration Tasks

1. WestEd team will develop and confirm with the Leadership Team recommendations to guide the CORE

stakeholder group process to ensure focus group sessions establish environments in which each

member is comfortable to share and be vulnerable on topics that will guide research findings and


2. Geary County School Leadership will identify and prioritize 15-20 CORE stakeholders knowledgeable and

willing to provide thoughtful participation in the process.

3. WestEd and Geary County School Leadership will co-develop the planning questions, facilitation process,

timelines, and responsibilities for implementing the recommendations.

4. Geary County School Leadership will identify a lead and co-lead for this project that will assist WestEd

staff in guiding the project.

5. WestEd staff will develop and produce the strategic action planning that supports the Academic

Improvement Plan documents. Geary County School Leadership will provide guidance and

recommendations on finished products and task completions.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 7

Review Schedule of Activities

Review Activities Primary

Responsibility Deliverable



Initial planning meeting between WestEd

and the District to reach agreements,

purpose, processes, evaluation

questions, methodology and timelines


The District

Meeting notes of conference calls about study questions, methodology, and timelines finalized

Within 10 days

from start of


Submit work plan WestEd Work Plan Week 2

Schedule and make logistical

arrangements for CORE group meetings

The District


Meeting notes with schedule

Weeks 3-4

Request documents for review


The District

Week 3

Submit documents and data for review

to WestEd

The District Week 3 and


Review documents, data, and summarize


WestEd Preliminary document and data review

Weeks 3-7

Develop surveys, interview questions,

and data review protocols for review and


WestEd Evaluation Instruments

Weeks 3-5

Disseminate any needed online surveys

to teachers, families, and administrators

The District Online surveys Weeks 6-8

Conduct interviews and focus groups

WestEd Interviews Focus groups

Week 9-12

Qualitative and quantitative analysis and

summary of online surveys, interviews,

focus groups, and document reviews

WestEd Preliminary findings from interviews and focus groups to inform Tasks

Weeks 12-14

Discuss preliminary findings with the



The District

Minutes from meeting Week 18

Finalize written report; share findings

and recommendations with Leadership

Team to begin writing of Strategic

Academic Improvement Plan


The District

Written report of findings and recommendations

Weeks 18-20

Strategic and Implementation Plan

completed draft and board ready for



The District

Strategic Plan Weeks 20-24

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 8

Overall Project Management

WestEd has formed a team that includes staff who have experience working with school districts and their stakeholders to evaluate and study programs, processes, and policies. WestEd proposes an initial team below that can efficiently meet the goals of the project. Additional collaboration from the Kansas Department of Education can be included to ensure project success.

• Matt Navo is Director of System Transformation with WestEd. Matt Navo was the Superintendent of the Sanger Unified School District from 2013-2018. Matt has been a special education teacher, secondary instructor, counselor, resource teacher, junior high learning, high school assistant principal, elementary principal, alternative education principal, director of special education, area administrator, before assuming the role of Superintendent in 2013. Matt will oversee and guide district and school transformation practices that include, developing and aligning state, county and local educational agency Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), strategies, structures, policies and practices that will assist in closing the achievement gap for all students. Matt specializes in aligning systems, building capacity for continuous improvement, building collaborative cultures, and establishing coherent and efficient models for district and schools.

• Ryan Miskell, PhD, is a Research Associate with WestEd. He provides technical assistance and training to school leaders and teachers to build capacity and to evaluate and improve programs. Miskell has served as a middle school and elementary school teacher and holds certifications in principal leadership and as an English language learner specialist. He is proficient in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and conducts classroom observations, teacher coaching, trainings, meetings, interviews, and focus groups. Related project work has includes evaluations of special education programs in Illinois and Maryland, evaluations of family engagement activities in Massachusetts, and his involvement in leading community feedback sessions to inform Tulsa Public Schools’ reorganization of its facilities and grade levels.

• Kimberly Salomonson is a Senior Program Associate with WestEd. As a former Director of Special Education in a very diverse district, Salomonson worked as part of the MTSS Leadership team to implement aligned systems of support to ensure the inclusion of all student needs. In addition, Kimberly has worked at all levels of the system and understands the issues and challenges from these multiple perspectives.

• Jana Rosborough, JD, MSE, is a Senior Program Associate with WestEd. She a assists states in transforming systems of early intervention and special education, leveraging her legal background to drive systems alignment, to improve outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities. Rosborough has assisted states and school districts with outcome driven accountability across systems, special education compliance, issues related to intersection of special education with general education programing, fiscal requirements, and MTSS. She also brings detailed knowledge of the KS education landscape.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 9

Cost of the Project

Project cost include Tasks 1-4 as described above for a combined total of $60,000.00 which

includes costs for all planning, materials, preparation, and execution of tasks. If additional

meetings are required that are not described in this proposal (for example, additional days of

follow-up or more in-depth work), actual time and reasonable expenses will be negotiated with

the school district.



Ryan Miskell & Matt Navo

[email protected] and [email protected]


WestEd is committed to supporting and strengthening the programs, processes, and policies implemented by school districts and stakeholders. The WestEd team has the knowledge and expertise to design and conduct the identified tasks. WestEd will collaborate with Geary County Schools and identified stakeholders (e.g., Kansas State Department of Education [KSDE] Technical Assistance Support Network [TASN] MTSS and Alignment) to ensure that every step of the project aligns with information needs, and results in appropriate reporting.

USD 475 Geary County Schools

Custodial, Facilities and Grounds Maintenance

Proposal Evaluations

Procurement Strategy

• RFQ: Issued Aug 2019

• RFP: Written proposals w/ Oral presentations• Three rounds of written proposals

• RFP Cancelled due to COVID-19

• RFP II issued 15 May 2020

RFP Methodology:

• Best Value award selection based on Trade-off decisions between Technical, Management, Quality and Pricing factors.

• Quality shall be evaluated as more important than Management and Technical (which are equal).

• Quality, Management and Technical considerations shall be more important than price.

Evaluation Results—Best and Final Offers

Element Weight ABM B

MGMT 30% 23.4 (78) 21.3 (71)

TECH 30% 25.2 (84) 19.8 (66)

QC 40% 28.4 (71) 28 (70)

Price $4,577,973 $4,295,471

Total ScoreAssessment

77 (Acceptable)


Overall Risk Low Moderate


Best Value Decision: Is 11% better Quality worth 6.6% higher Price?


Before KPERS

EvaluationCriteria & Method

Assessment Criteria

• Areas other than Cost (Management, Technical, Quality Control):• Adequacy of Approach• Feasibility of Approach• Understanding Requirements

• Cost:• Completeness• Realism / Reasonableness

• Source Selection Eval Committee• Belle Whaley, JCHS• Wilfredo Delatorre, DC• Dr Deb Gustafson, DC• Chip Cooper, Emerg Mgmt• David Wild, DC

Proposal Scoring

Assessment Description Score

Excellent Exceeds expectations. Proposal is precise / relevant. Includes improvement through innovation / added value


Good Meets expectations. Comprehensive proposal in terms of detail and relevance


Acceptable Meets in most aspects but fails in some areas. Acceptable level of detail, accuracy and relevance


Limited Fails in most aspects but meets some. Limited information / inadequate or partially addressed information


Inadequate Significantly fails to meet expectations. Inadequate detail provided / leaves many questions


Not Eligible for Consideration

Completely fails to meet expectations. Proposal is significantly deficient or no response


Evaluation ResultsCriteria & Weighting

Evaluation Criteria—Management (30%)

MGMT Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

40 pts. Controls. Org chart w/ lines of authority, responsibility, communication

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts)


(28-31 pts) (24-27 pts) (20-23 pts)

20 pts. Past Performance

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts)


(12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

40 pts. Key Personnel

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts) (28-31 pts)


(24-27 pts) (20-23 pts)

Offeror ABM

Total Points = 78Weighted = 23.4

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Overall Management approach is deemed acceptable and meets USD 475 expectations in terms of detail and relevance to Geary County

Schools. Includes some innovation w/ Quality Assurance. 2. Past Performance is acceptable. The proposal addresses most of the proper employee licensing, etc.

Evaluation Criteria-Technical (30%)

TECH Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

50 pts. Understandingof requirements.Demonstrates clear understanding. Evidence of plan for timely work accomplishment

(45-50 pts) (40-44 pts)


(35-39 pts) (30-34 pts) (25-29 pts)

50 pts. Soundness of approach. Appropriatepersonnel, equipment, subcontracting

(45-50 pts) (40-44 pts)


(35-39 pts) (30-34 pts) (25-29 pts)

Offeror ABM

Total Points = 84Weighted = 25.2

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Proposal technical approach is good and meets expectations for detail and relevance. Some innovation noted: KAIVAC, Clorox Total 360 and


2. Technical proposal demonstrates a good understanding with some evidence of a plan for timely work accomplishment with appropriate personnel, equipment and subcontracting.

3. Proposal doe not adequately address how the offeror will handle emergency response needs during and after regular hours.

Evaluation Criteria—Quality Control (40%)

QC Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

40 pts. Relevant. Plan is consistent with District needs. Incudes reporting processes

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts) (28-31 pts)


(24-27 pts) (20-23 pts)

20 pts. Efficient. Plan includes a means to measure results IAW relative importance

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts)


(12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

20 pts. Impact. Plan includes interventions and corrective actions

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts)


(12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

20 pts. Sustainable.Achievable with probability of long-term benefit

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts)


(12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

Offeror ABM

Total Points = 71Weighted = 28.4

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Proposal Quality Control plan provides adequate information but leaves some questions regarding intervention and timely corrective action.2. QC plan does not adequately address lines of authority and reporting process. 3. Measuring results leaves some questions and its long term sustainability and effectiveness is deemed limited. 4. .

Evaluation Criteria—Management (30%)

MGMT Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

40 pts. Controls. Org chart w/ lines of authority, responsibility, communication

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts) (28-31 pts) (24-27 pts)


(20-23 pts)

20 pts. Past Performance

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts)


(14-15 pts) (12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

40 pts. Key Personnel

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts) (28-31 pts)


(24-27 pts) (20-23 pts)

Offeror B

Total Points = 71Weighted = 21.3

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Overall Management approach is deemed limited. It lacks narrative for a clear and sustainable management structure, delineati on of

controls, lines of authority, responsibilities and communications. 2. Past performance and use of key personnel demonstrates an acceptable level of detail, accuracy and relevance to USD 475. However,

those key personnel, their roles and responsibilities, are not consistently identified.

Evaluation Criteria-Technical (30%)

TECH Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

50 pts. Understandingof requirements.Demonstrates clear understanding. Evidence of plan for timely work accomplishment

(45-50 pts) (40-44 pts) (35-39 pts)


(30-34 pts) (25-29 pts)

50 pts. Soundness of approach. Appropriatepersonnel, equipment, subcontracting

(45-50 pts) (40-44 pts) (35-39 pts) (30-34 pts) (25-29 pts)


Offeror B

Total Points = 66Weighted = 19.8

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Overall Technical proposal offers acceptable information. Proposal does not convey a clear understanding of the Geary County Schools requirements and evidence for ensuring timely work accomplishment.

2. Technical proposal is inadequate in addressing a sound approach, use of appropriate personnel, equipment and subcontracting. Does not address emergency responses after regular hours. Daytime custodial staffing levels are deemed inadequate.

Evaluation Criteria—Quality Control (40%)

QC Excellent Good Acceptable Limited Inadequate

40 pts. Relevant. Plan is consistent with District needs. Incudes reporting processes

(36-40 pts) (32-35 pts) (28-31 pts)


(24-27 pts) (20-23 pts)

20 pts. Efficient. Plan includes a means to measure results IAW relative importance

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts)


(12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

20 pts. Impact. Plan includes interventions and corrective actions

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts) (14-15 pts) (12-13 pts)


(10-11 pts)

20 pts. Sustainable.Achievable with probability of long-term benefit

(18-20 pts) (16-17 pts)


(14-15 pts) (12-13 pts) (10-11 pts)

Offeror B

Total Points = 70Weighted = 28

Source Selection Committee Comments:1. Overall Quality Control program offers adequate information and reporting processes. (3rd party)2. QC plan does demonstrate efficiency with limited demonstrated means for measuring results in accordance with relative importance.3. QC plan does adequately address periodic intervention by a third party evaluator but offers no comment regarding immediate interventions and

corrective actions.

Evaluation Criteria-Price

Risk District Est ABM B

Cost Per Year $4,608,975 $4,577,973 $4,295,471

Staffing (FTE):Mgmt / AdminGroundsCustodiansFOM






RISKLow—Price is deemed realistic / reasonable. +/- SDHigh—Price is deemed inadequate / unreasonable. > SD

Low(.23 SD)

High(1.9 SD)

Round 4—RFP II

District Estimate (Revised)• Reduced custodial wages to match CBA• Increased ODCs for realism (from projected est.)• Reduced Corporate OH & Profit rates to AVGOfferor A• Mgmt increased for QA• Grounds may be slightly over staffed• Facility Maintenance may be slightly over staffedOfferor B• Mgmt appears understaffed but QA is to be

offloaded to a third party• Custodian staffing appears inadequate


• Award to Offeror A (ABM)

• Award to Offer B

• Convert to In-House performance

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BOE approve contract award to ABM with performance effective 1 April 2021 at an initial annual contract price of $4,577,973

USD 475 Geary County Schools

Transportation Program

Busing Services

Purpose & Background

Inform the BOE on actions being taken to re-procure District bus services for the FY21 / 22 school year. New contract to be effective: 1 July 2021

The District currently receives bus services from two providers. Both contracts are scheduled to expire 30 June 2021.


• District intent is to solicit bus services the fall of 2020 and bring a contract award recommendation to the BOE in the early winter

• Contract award will be to a single provider

• An early award will ensure a timely and coordinated transition of services

Discussion (Solicitation Requirements)

• Solicitation Requirementso Negotiated Firm Fixed Type Requirements type contract

o Five performance years approved annually by the BOE

o Guarantee Right of First Refusal for current, qualified drivers

o Average fleet age of 8 years with no vehicle older than 10

o District provides routing software and computer

o Deliverables:Daily reports

Itemized trip reports

Mileage records

Personnel reports

Student misconduct and video

$ Driver

Discussion (Evaluation)

• Evaluation & Award Process

oOral Presentations (upon District request)

oPast Performance

o Location of support / maintenance operations

oProposed vehicle fleet

oQuality Control program

oAdequacy of staffing & support

oSafety & Training

o Technology

• Award to Low Priced Technically Acceptable

Board of EducationDiscussion & Questions

Proposal from Greenbush From: Bart Swartz <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 11:41 AM To: Eggleston, Reginald <[email protected]> Subject: [External] Strategic Plan I received your voice message and would be happy to visit with you. However, if you need some information, my recommendation for the process would be as follows: 1. Step 1: They survey would be shared with the community so they can provide input on action steps they would see as necessary to accomplish the main goals in the plan 2. Step 2: You and I (and your board president if you would like) would review the survey data develop the measurable action steps that would go into the plan 3. Step 3: We would assist you in developing a process to host a series of community feedback sessions where at each session, one part of the strategic plan is hared with stakeholders and they are given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. 4. Step 4: Based on community feedback, the plan would be updated and a draft plan would be shared with the board as a review item in on month and, based on feedback from the board could be on the agenda as an action item with any updates the following month. Since we are not able to provide in-person services at this time, I would propose that we could assist you in this work remotely and discount the cost of support to $2,000 for the entire project. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this further. Bart

4401 Wilson Blvd, 4th Floor, Arlington, VA, 22203

P 202.793.8707 F 866.808.6585 www.hanoverresearch.com

Letter of Agreement Date of Agreement: 9/16/2020 Client: Geary County Unified School District 475 Client Address: 123 N. Eisenhower Drive, Junction City, KS 66441

Effective Date: 9/21/2020 End Date: 9/20/2021 Agreement This agreement “Agreement” between The Hanover Research Council LLC (“Hanover Research”) and Client runs from the Effective Date to the End Date. Under this Agreement, Client has the authority to request research services on any topic (the “Research Services”), as well as the right to ask Hanover Research to expedite work of particular urgency. All Research Services are available to Client on a subscription basis within the confines of a sequential research queue, in that Hanover will perform up to one (1) Research Services project at a time. Client shall, in its discretion, prioritize the research projects that form the basis of the Research Services as it deems appropriate. Research Services may include, but are not limited to: custom research reports; survey design, administration and analysis; interviews with industry/issue experts; secondary research; data analysis; and benchmarking (product/service comparison, key performance and efficiency metrics). Research Services also include an on-site workshop or focus group facilitation. This Agreement hereby incorporates by reference the following terms and conditions (“Terms”) that are available for review by Client online at: http://www.hanoverresearch.com/client-services-terms-conditions-education/. Client’s signature below shall be deemed its acceptance and acknowledgement of the Terms as they related to the Research Services. Service Fee: $72,500

Invoicing – Net 30 9/21/2020 - $72,500

Client understands and agrees that there may from time to time be incidental costs not included in the Service Fee set forth above (''Additional Services''). Such Additional Services may include purchased database access, panel costs, survey incentives, translation costs, infographic development costs, postage/printing for mass mailings, etc. With prior written approval, Client agrees to pay for all such Additional Services to either Hanover or directly to such third party vendor if requested. If Additional Services are estimated to cost more than $5,000, Client shall either (1) contract directly with the third party vendor(s) for such Additional Services, or (2) pre-pay to Hanover the estimated costs for the Additional Services prior to the project kick-off. Confirmation Each person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized and has legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement. Geary County Unified School District 475 Hanover Research Council LLC Signature: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________________



BACKGROUND & OVERVIEWRecap of discussions

CONTEXT: WHAT WE HEARDXYZ District recently began the process of developing a new strategic plan, with

direction from the School Board to replace the existing plan that expires in 2022.

Moving forward, XYZ District is now tasked with engaging with key stakeholders in the

community and identifying what peer districts have successfully done to inform their

own strategic planning processes. Hanover Research can support XYZ District by

benchmarking similar districts to identify metrics that their peers utilize to measure

progress towards their goals. Furthermore, Hanover can tap into other

methodologies (surveys, focus groups, best practices, data analysis. Etc.) to address

follow up questions on an as-needed basis. XYZ District will also be set up with a

Hanover Team who can provide actionable recommendations and next steps, thus

ensuring accountability for using the insights with limited effort from XYZ’s end.


• Identify KPIs/metrics and actionable next steps used by peers to inform the goals

outlined within XYZ’s strategic plan

• Engage with community stakeholders to identify areas of focus and

communicate progress throughout the strategic planning process


Hanover’s research team will work with the district to execute and augment the

priorities and projects throughout the partnership term. It is understood that priorities

may shift, timelines may be adjusted, and project needs may arise throughout the

partnership term.


BACKGROUND & OVERVIEWRecap of discussions

WHY HANOVER?✓ Custom and proprietary research based on your unique on-going needs

and special initiatives

✓ Flexible capacity model that can execute on a pre-planned agenda,

or execute specific projects as and when needs arise

✓ Specialized expertise that can serve a wide variety of use cases

✓ Networking opportunity to interact with other K-12 partners

in your role across the country

✓ Fixed-fee for 12 months of ongoing support is simple and affordable

HANOVER’S SOLUTION▪ Hanover provides unlimited access to customized research – including

data analytics, survey design, administration, and analysis, peer

benchmarking, and best-practice research – in order to serve K12 districts

as an adjunct planning group or extension of the central office.

▪ Hanover offers this access to district leaders for a fixed, annual fee. This

provides budget visibility and creates a lower-stress environment where

Hanover can serve as a one-stop shop for all research-related issues.


SUMMARY OF PRIORITIESMapping Strategic Priorities to Your Research Agenda

* Methodologies are subject to change following in-depth consultation and analysis.



Strategic Planning

▪ Which metrics and benchmarks do peer districts

include in their strategic plans to measure progress

toward goals similar to those adopted by XYZ?

▪ What are best practices in selecting KPIs to align

with these strategic goals?

▪ How are peer districts building strategic plans

within an equity framework?

BenchmarkingStrategic Plan KPIs

▪ What are XYZ’s baseline metrics for discipline and


Data AnalysisEstablishing a baseline for Behavioral Outcomes and

Identify Equity Gaps

▪ What are XYZ’s baseline metrics for student

academics? How do XYZ’s metrics compare to

peers in the state?

Data AnalysisEstablishing a baseline for

Student Growth and Identify Equity Gaps


SUMMARY OF PRIORITIESMapping Strategic Priorities to Your Research Agenda

* Methodologies are subject to change following in-depth consultation and analysis.



Strategic Planning

▪ How well do beliefs and perceptions of key

stakeholder groups (administrators, staff, parents)

about XYZ align with district goals and priorities?

Strategic Priorities DiagnosticEstablishing baseline

▪ What questions should working groups consider as

they make meaning of the desired outcomes?

▪ What are possible metrics aligned to each


▪ What questions should working groups consider as

they identify metrics that best align with each


WorkbookFacilitating working group


▪ How can XYZ keep key stakeholders involved and

updated as they work through the strategic

planning process?

Stakeholder InfographicCommunicating goals and sub-



Mapping Strategic Priorities to Your Research Agenda


The following is a recommended timeline for the first year of the partnership term.


P r o j e c t 1




Identifying and

Aligning Strategic

Plan KPIs

P r o j e c t 2

Discipline and



Determine what,

if any, gaps exist

in student


P r o j e c t 3





performance of

district within

equity framework

P r o j e c t 4

Equity Workbook

Builds district

capacity to

examine data

analysis projects

P r o j e c t 5




goals and sub-

goals in an

external facing


Strategic Priorities


Diagnostic for



Focus Groups

S p r i n g 2 0 2 1

Virtual Advisory Consultations (monthly or quarterly cadence)



* See the following slide for additional context on our membership engagement options.

Workflow Price Point

Advisory ▪ $75,000 annual fee (recommended engagement)

Strategy ▪ $110,000 annual fee

Structuring Your Partnership to Meet District Deadlines


Program Advantages Designed For Annual Fee


• Additional capacity – two simultaneous streams – to support multiple initiatives

• All Advisory, Custom, & Digital capabilities offered below

Ideal for district leaders at larger organizations who want to provide ongoing research and analytics support to several functional units.

$105,000 -$125,000


• One day onsite workshop to build internal capacity or one day of onsite focus group facilitation

• Quarterly consultations with Senior Research Advisor

• All Custom & Digital capabilities offered below

Ideal for district leaders who have ambitious strategic objectives in the upcoming year and need in-depth information and a comprehensive level of hands-on support.

$70,000 -$80,000


• Dedicated research advisor • Tailored research requests including all research

methodologies (survey, data, secondary)• All Digital capabilities offered below

Ideal for district leaders at fast-growing organizations that are seeking additional research capacity in a cost-effective way.

$45,000 -$55,000


• Unlimited access to online research library (over 1,100 studies)

• Unlimited access to Data Lab • Unlimited access to proprietary dashboards• Unlimited access to implementation tools

(instructional toolkits, discussion guides, etc.)• Weekly and monthly syndicated updates

curated for your organization

Ideal for district leaders of smaller organizations searching for easy-to-use best practices and wish to stay up-to-date with latest research trends.

$15,000 -$25,000

Different memberships designed with different district needs in mind.



Hanover Digital

✓ Always-on client workspace

✓ Access to actionable research

and tools 24/7

✓ Share user access across your team

Research Library

Data Lab

✓ Access a repository of more

than 900 research studies on

curricular, teaching, student,

operational, technological,

and administrative topics

✓ Extract insights easily from

complex datasets with more

than 280 million data points

✓ Benchmark against 17,000+

district peers

✓ Identify emerging trends with 3

customizable on-demand



OUR PEOPLEA Dedicated Team, Selected for You

Gerald Eggleston

Director, K-12 Education(e) [email protected](o) (646) 766-9772

Mike Leshner

Managing Director, K-12 Education(e) [email protected](o) (202) 517-6310

• IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWER: Skilled primary researcher who can facilitate

everything from focus groups to interviews with Fortune 500 executives

• DATA SPECIALIST: Our in-house statisticians and PhDs conduct

sophisticated quantitative research analyses

• MARKET RESEARCHER: Expert on market segmentation and evaluation,

trends forecasting

• SURVEY EXPERT: Has significant experience with all areas of survey design

• ANALYZE DATA: Program evaluation, strategic plan

progress monitoring

• GATHER FEEDBACK: Survey design and analysis,

in-depth interviews

• BENCHMARK PEERS: Comparative analysis on

departmental practices

• IDENTIFY BEST PRACTICES: Synthesize literature on key topics

and summarize case studies



Data Specialist

In-Depth Interviewer





OUR SUPPORTHow to Think About Hanover Across the Executive Administration

Program EvaluationAudience: Assistant Superintendent,

Research & Evaluation

• Academic and Behavioral Impact Assessment• Fidelity of Implementation Survey

• Program Return on Investment Analysis

• Equity Gap Analysis

College & Career ReadinessAudience: Assistant Superintendent

• Early Warning System Dashboard

• Best Practices Strategies for At-Risk Student Populations

• Course Sequencing Analysis

• Graduating Student Post-Secondary Readiness Survey

Safe & Supportive EnvironmentsAudience: Assistant Superintendent,

Student Services

• School & District Climate Survey• Best Practice Strategies for Climate

Improvement Areas

• Social-Emotional Skills Needs Assessment

Talent ManagementAudience: Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources

• New Teacher Engagement and Experience Assessment

• Professional Development Needs Survey• Teacher Evaluation Model Benchmarking

• Employee Exit Survey

Operational ImprovementAudience: Assistant Superintendent,

Business Services

• Demographic Analysis• Grade Configuration Feasibility Study

• Staffing and Spending Benchmarking

• Community Facilities Needs Assessment

Community EngagementAudience: Assistant Superintendent,

Community Engagement• Parent Engagement Survey• Community Partnership Strategies

• Community Feedback Survey




Leadership SolutionsAudience: Superintendent and Board• Strategic Planning KPI Identification

• Stakeholder Perception Survey• Central Office Benchmarking

• Board Relations Diagnostic

w w w . h a n o v e r r e s e a r c h . c o m

Geary County Schools:

Academic Program

Analysis and

Improvement Planning

Submitted to: Geary County Schools

USD 475

Dr. Reginald Eggleston, Superintendent

[email protected] | 785-717-4000

Submitted by: WestEd

730 Harrison Street

San Francisco, CA 94107-1242

Matt Navo, Director for Systems Transformation

[email protected] | 559-575-4706

Ryan Miskell, Research Associate

[email protected] | 315-506-2631

Submitted on 8/28/2020

Proposed Project Timelines: September 2020 - June 2021


Table of Contents

Proposed Scope of Work .......................................................................................................... 2

Project Related Goals ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Tasks Association for Project Goals ................................................................................................................. 2

Overall Description of the SOW ....................................................................................................................... 2

Proposed Prioritized Academic Component Area of Study ........................................................................... 3

Description of proposed tasks ........................................................................................................................... 3

Tasks and Study Questions ...................................................................................................... 4

Review Schedule of Activities .................................................................................................. 7

Overall Project Management ................................................................................................... 8

Cost of the Project ................................................................................................................... 9

Contact .................................................................................................................................... 9

Closing .................................................................................................................................... 9

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 2

Proposed Scope of Work

WestEd is pleased to submit this draft proposal to assist the Geary County School District to analyze current district academic focus areas and create an improvement planning guide that prioritizes academic achievement. The scope of work (SOW) described herein constitutes detailed descriptions of the project proposal. These details will be finalized in collaboration with Geary County Schools. The outcome of this project will be the development of a strategic improvement plan that includes stakeholder recommendations and prioritized focus areas for district-wide implementation of improved academic outcomes for ALL students.

Project Related Goals

WestEd will provide oversight and responsibility for all identified tasks below and will conduct qualitative and quantitative data collection and review activities that will guide district analyses and development of the final strategic improvement plan recommendations. WestEd will collect and analyze information that will assist the Geary County Schools Leadership Team to identify recommendations focused on producing positive outcomes for ALL students.

Tasks Association for Project Goals

This project is designed to accomplish the following 4 tasks in order to achieve the overarching

project goals:

• Task 1: Conduct all stakeholder (CORE) group facilitated conversations to assess academic challenges and recommended stakeholder improvement opportunities.

• Task 2: Identify areas of inconsistency within district-wide infrastructure and inform decision making and recommended strategies for building a cohesive alignment for future district infrastructure.

• Task 3: Work in collaboration with Geary County Schools Leadership Team that will provide direction and help to identify necessary changes, next step actions, and guidance on the Academic Strategic Improvement Plan.

• Task 4: Develop an Implementation Action Plan that details district ownership and execution of the strategic improvement plan.

Overall Description of the SOW

WestEd staff will first work with the Leadership team, composed of designated district

leadership team members, to revise the proposed key questions to assess prioritized academic

component areas (see below for recommended areas to be analyzed).

The expected outcomes of the SOW will employ a multiple methods approach which will

provide for a comprehensive and well-documented review of the services across the school

district. WestEd will engage with the Leadership Team to ensure that we are reflecting the

district’s evolving needs.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 3

WestEd staff will use qualitative and improvement science methodologies to investigate more

complex and sensitive inquiries that are not as easy to quantify or identify where system

perception gaps exist. We will employ descriptive methods when it is necessary to define data

and to add to the construction of the strategic improvement plan and our staff will gain a

variety of perspectives from CORE Group that will reflect key stakeholder groups within the

district. The CORE Group may include between 15-20 administrators, teachers,

classified/certificated staff, community groups, and parents (where and when appropriate).

Specific attention will be given to ensuring that focus group sessions establish an environment

and processes that allow for all members to meaningfully participate, and to know that their

thoughts, ideas, and feelings can be shared in confidence with the research staff.

WestEd staff will then comprehensively review the perceptions, feedback, and findings from

the CORE Group and share preliminary results with the Leadership Team to ensure that we

have explored and addressed all components identified in the project.

The WestEd team will then lead the Leadership Team through a planning process using these

findings and recommendations as a basis for development of the academic strategic

improvement plan.

Proposed Prioritized Academic Component Area of Study

The WestEd team will collaborate with the Leadership Team to align and finalize proposed areas of academic improvement and focus to:

• Data use and system standards;

• Academic policy and procedures;

• Equity and access to high-quality instructional practices;

• Resource management (budgeting planning, facilities, and monitoring); and

• Communication and collaboration.

Description of proposed tasks

For each task outlined above, we have provided a table highlighting suggested study questions.

The project director will meet with the Geary County Team Lead to tailor study questions to

identify exact needs under each task. The WestEd team will comprehensively review the data

and share preliminary results with the Leadership Team to ensure that we have explored and

addressed all components. WestEd staff will then produce a final detailed action plan for

specific tasks, as well as an academic strategic improvement plan that identifies the

recommendations and next steps for each prioritized area of study.

For each task outlined in the SOW, we have provided a table highlighting our approach to data

and questions that could be used with the CORE Group.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 4

Tasks and Study Questions

Task 1 - Conduct all stakeholder (CORE) group facilitated conversations to assess academic challenges and recommended stakeholder improvement opportunities (see sample questions below).

Processes for Task 1 will include the identification and organization of the CORE Group, the creation and approval of data collection protocols, and data collection efforts to update information from previous district reports. Data collection will include interviews from focus groups, and virtual data and document reviews provided by district staff and researched by WestEd staff to create a current picture of district systems and results. These data will be triangulated across the various data points to identify themes which can be used for systemic improvement planning.

Task 1 Activities: Proposed Review Questions Data Collection Activities

Task 1: Collect data to understand the challenges and successes in

supporting successful outcomes for ALL students.

a. Review staffing, organization, and utilization of the

District’s general and Special Education Services program

personnel, and any other identified personnel. Do








a A




s G








1. Are current levels of staffing effective, efficient and

comparable to comparison districts? X X X X X

2. Are there recent changes in the District’s incidence of

disabilities (by type) relative to others?

a. What practices may lead to over-identification and/or

services that could be offered more cost-effectively?


3. Does the District’s overall organization structure contribute to

effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of ALL students? X X X X X

4. Are site leaders able to provide support and leadership in the

development of high-quality instructional framework? X X X

5. How effective is the current tiered support system? a. Are instructional practices (EBP) and being implemented

with fidelity across the district? b. Are the number of pre-referrals/referrals for intensive

intervention consistent over time and across the District?


Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 5

Task 2 - Identify areas of inconsistency within district-wide infrastructure and inform decision making and recommended strategies for building a cohesive alignment for future district infrastructure.

Processes for Task 2 will include compiling the data into findings and recommendations for use in the academic strategic improvement plan. The WestEd team will then work with the Leadership Team and district decision-makers on developing common understanding of the System Theory and Improvement Science in relation to the district systems and data to ensure engagement and transparency in the planning process with all stakeholders.

Task 2 Activities: District Wide Infrastructure Data Analysis Activities

Task 2: Develop a summary of the review of the data to identify

areas of inconsistency and provide recommendations of strategies

to address prioritized areas.


a R











se A



















c P




1. In what ways do current District organization and

infrastructure activities and plans help to address

inconsistencies within the district that may contribute to

ineffective outcomes for students?


2. In what areas does district resource allocation create

discrepancies or inconsistencies between the District, schools,

and teacher(s)?


3. What recommendations could be made for changes or

improvements to districts processes, procedures, staffing, and

organizational infrastructure to increase/maximize efficiency

and effectiveness of academic outcomes for both special and

general education students, and other identified subgroups?


4. What recommendations could be made that will result in the

greatest increase in effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for

serving ALL children, including high-risk, often marginalized



Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 6

Task 3 - Work in collaboration with District Leadership Team that will provide direction and help to identify necessary changes, next step actions, and guidance on the strategic improvement plan.

Task 4 - Develop an Implementation Action Plan that details district ownership and execution of the strategic improvement plan.

Processes for Tasks 3 and 4 will include purposeful, planned efforts to engage the Leadership Team in the findings and recommendations that have been shared from the CORE Group and organized across identified thematic areas by the WestEd team. This process will inform the creation of an Implementation Plan and an Academic Improvement Plan to provide for the details on identified areas for improvement and change and the timelines and staff that will help ensure progress and completion of identified tasks.

Task 3 & 4 Activities: Leadership Team Collaboration Tasks

1. WestEd team will develop and confirm with the Leadership Team recommendations to guide the CORE

stakeholder group process to ensure focus group sessions establish environments in which each

member is comfortable to share and be vulnerable on topics that will guide research findings and


2. Geary County School Leadership will identify and prioritize 15-20 CORE stakeholders knowledgeable and

willing to provide thoughtful participation in the process.

3. WestEd and Geary County School Leadership will co-develop the planning questions, facilitation process,

timelines, and responsibilities for implementing the recommendations.

4. Geary County School Leadership will identify a lead and co-lead for this project that will assist WestEd

staff in guiding the project.

5. WestEd staff will develop and produce the strategic action planning that supports the Academic

Improvement Plan documents. Geary County School Leadership will provide guidance and

recommendations on finished products and task completions.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 7

Review Schedule of Activities

Review Activities Primary

Responsibility Deliverable



Initial planning meeting between WestEd

and the District to reach agreements,

purpose, processes, evaluation

questions, methodology and timelines


The District

Meeting notes of conference calls about study questions, methodology, and timelines finalized

Within 10 days

from start of


Submit work plan WestEd Work Plan Week 2

Schedule and make logistical

arrangements for CORE group meetings

The District


Meeting notes with schedule

Weeks 3-4

Request documents for review


The District

Week 3

Submit documents and data for review

to WestEd

The District Week 3 and


Review documents, data, and summarize


WestEd Preliminary document and data review

Weeks 3-7

Develop surveys, interview questions,

and data review protocols for review and


WestEd Evaluation Instruments

Weeks 3-5

Disseminate any needed online surveys

to teachers, families, and administrators

The District Online surveys Weeks 6-8

Conduct interviews and focus groups

WestEd Interviews Focus groups

Week 9-12

Qualitative and quantitative analysis and

summary of online surveys, interviews,

focus groups, and document reviews

WestEd Preliminary findings from interviews and focus groups to inform Tasks

Weeks 12-14

Discuss preliminary findings with the



The District

Minutes from meeting Week 18

Finalize written report; share findings

and recommendations with Leadership

Team to begin writing of Strategic

Academic Improvement Plan


The District

Written report of findings and recommendations

Weeks 18-20

Strategic and Implementation Plan

completed draft and board ready for



The District

Strategic Plan Weeks 20-24

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 8

Overall Project Management

WestEd has formed a team that includes staff who have experience working with school districts and their stakeholders to evaluate and study programs, processes, and policies. WestEd proposes an initial team below that can efficiently meet the goals of the project. Additional collaboration from the Kansas Department of Education can be included to ensure project success.

• Matt Navo is Director of System Transformation with WestEd. Matt Navo was the Superintendent of the Sanger Unified School District from 2013-2018. Matt has been a special education teacher, secondary instructor, counselor, resource teacher, junior high learning, high school assistant principal, elementary principal, alternative education principal, director of special education, area administrator, before assuming the role of Superintendent in 2013. Matt will oversee and guide district and school transformation practices that include, developing and aligning state, county and local educational agency Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), strategies, structures, policies and practices that will assist in closing the achievement gap for all students. Matt specializes in aligning systems, building capacity for continuous improvement, building collaborative cultures, and establishing coherent and efficient models for district and schools.

• Ryan Miskell, PhD, is a Research Associate with WestEd. He provides technical assistance and training to school leaders and teachers to build capacity and to evaluate and improve programs. Miskell has served as a middle school and elementary school teacher and holds certifications in principal leadership and as an English language learner specialist. He is proficient in quantitative and qualitative methodologies and conducts classroom observations, teacher coaching, trainings, meetings, interviews, and focus groups. Related project work has includes evaluations of special education programs in Illinois and Maryland, evaluations of family engagement activities in Massachusetts, and his involvement in leading community feedback sessions to inform Tulsa Public Schools’ reorganization of its facilities and grade levels.

• Kimberly Salomonson is a Senior Program Associate with WestEd. As a former Director of Special Education in a very diverse district, Salomonson worked as part of the MTSS Leadership team to implement aligned systems of support to ensure the inclusion of all student needs. In addition, Kimberly has worked at all levels of the system and understands the issues and challenges from these multiple perspectives.

• Jana Rosborough, JD, MSE, is a Senior Program Associate with WestEd. She a assists states in transforming systems of early intervention and special education, leveraging her legal background to drive systems alignment, to improve outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities. Rosborough has assisted states and school districts with outcome driven accountability across systems, special education compliance, issues related to intersection of special education with general education programing, fiscal requirements, and MTSS. She also brings detailed knowledge of the KS education landscape.

Geary County School District – Academic Program Analysis and Improvement Planning

WestEd 9

Cost of the Project

Project cost include Tasks 1-4 as described above for a combined total of $60,000.00 which

includes costs for all planning, materials, preparation, and execution of tasks. If additional

meetings are required that are not described in this proposal (for example, additional days of

follow-up or more in-depth work), actual time and reasonable expenses will be negotiated with

the school district.



Ryan Miskell & Matt Navo

[email protected] and [email protected]


WestEd is committed to supporting and strengthening the programs, processes, and policies implemented by school districts and stakeholders. The WestEd team has the knowledge and expertise to design and conduct the identified tasks. WestEd will collaborate with Geary County Schools and identified stakeholders (e.g., Kansas State Department of Education [KSDE] Technical Assistance Support Network [TASN] MTSS and Alignment) to ensure that every step of the project aligns with information needs, and results in appropriate reporting.


Kansas Schools Gating CriteriaGREEN


School Activities

On-Site following Navigating Change

guidelines. Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’

social distancing.

No all school activities. Small group activities

limited; masks and social distancing required; stable groups with limited group

numbers. No high risk activities. No group travel. Conditioning/ practice may continue with modifications

On-Site following Navigating Change

guidelines. Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’

social distancing.

On-Site following Navigating Change

guidelines. Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’

social distancing.

On-Site following Navigating Change

guidelines. Facilities should limit capacity to allow for 6’

social distancing.

Open: Capacity to allow for 6’ social distancing; total

group numbers limited per guidelines

Open: Capacity to allow for 6’ social distancing; masks

required if less than 6’ social distance maintained; total group numbers limited per


Allowed: Distancing by household groups; masked if indoors. 6’ social distanc-

ing required; total group numbers limited per


Limited: by appointment; masks and social distancing

required; building access requirements must be met.

Extremely limited: by appointment; masks and social distancing required;

building access requirements must be met

Spectators - audience

Visitor Access



Remote Only

Remote Only

Remote Only

Remote Only

None Allowed


Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.

On-Site Remote Only

PK-12 PK-12PK-5 6 -12 PK-5 6 -12

On-Site /Hybrid


Remote Only


Note: The following recommendations are subject to change by actions of federal, state, county, or local authorities.

Student Absen-teeism based on

building level Average Daily Attendance in

2019-20 (i.e. 95%)

<3.0% above baseline building

level ADA

3.0-5.9% above building level


6.0-9.9% above building level


2 week County percent positive

case rate (% positive tests / all tests performed

< 5% 5.1-9.9% 10-14.9% > 15%

2 week cumulative County incidence

rate (# new cases/100K over prior 2 weeks)

0-50 new cases

51-100 new cases

101-150 new cases

> 151 new cases

> 30% available capacity

* increase of absenteeism rate should trigger conversation with local health officials regarding next steps.

** for example, 15 cases for 50,000 would equal 30 per 100K or another example 1 case for 4,000 would equal 25 per 100K

29.9-20% available capacity

19.9-10% available capacity

< 10% available capacity

>10% above building level

ADABuilding Gating


Community Gating Criteria

Community Gating Criteria **

Trend in County incidence rate

Local / referring hospital capacity

Decreasing Stable Stable IncreasingCommunity Gating Criteria

Community Gating Criteria


Gating Criteria

Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.

GREENAdditional Gating Criteria


Strategies to consider to promote full time on-site learning for Pre-K-5 students:1. Students should be grouped together in cohorts of less than 15 students per group.

A) Either have class sizes with < 15 students per class.

B) OR have separate cohorts within classes of < 15 students per cohort with adequate physical distancing between cohorts and no mixing of groups other than the teacher

2. Safe but unused facilities within the district and community should be utilized to spread out students.

3. Nurses, special education teachers, administrators, and other staff should work in teams and be prepared to travel between sites as needed to provide services.

A) Middle and high school buildings should be utilized when those students are learning remotely

B) Sports and recreation facilities should be utilized when otherwise not in use

C) Outside areas should be utilized weather permitting

D) Schools should work with their community to utilize additional community locations to space out students for on-site education. This may include commu-nity buildings, churches, restaurants, etc.

E) Locations should be consistent between classes/cohorts.

Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.



Formal Agreement For

School Year 2020-2021


The Junction City Education Association


The Geary County Schools USD #475 Board of Education


Table of Contents Article I - Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 3

Article II – General Provisions .................................................................................................................. 4

Article III – Professional Day .................................................................................................................... 4

Article IV – Grievance Procedure ............................................................................................................. 9

Article V – Leaves ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Article VI – Association Rights ................................................................................................................ 16

Article VII – Fringe Benefits .................................................................................................................... 16

Article VIII – Professional Compensation .............................................................................................. 17

Article IX – Teacher Appraisal................................................................................................................ 28

Article X – Teacher Discipline ................................................................................................................. 33

Article XI –Contract Year ........................................................................................................................ 34

Article XII – Teaching Load .................................................................................................................... 34

Article XIII – Reduction in Force ............................................................................................................ 35

Article XIV - Resignations ....................................................................................................................... 37

Article XV – Due Process Rights ............................................................................................................. 38

Ratified Agreement ................................................................................................................................... 42

Appendix A– Catastrophic Leave Guidelines ........................................................................................ 43

Appendix B– Supplemental Salary Committee Guidelines ................................................................... 46

Appendix C– Plans of Assistance ............................................................................................................. 48

Appendix D – Transfer Policies and Procedures ................................................................................... 51

Appendix E-Pandemic Clause.................................................................................................................. 53


Agreement THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the of July 1, 2019 2020, by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION, Geary County Unified Schools, District No. 475 (hereinafter referred to as the “BOARD”) and the JUNCTION CITY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (a professional employees’ organization, as defined in KSA 72-2218). This agreement is made for the one (1) year period, July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Article I - Definitions A. Association: The Junction City Education Association (JCEA) affiliated with Kansas National

Association (KNEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).

B. Board: The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 475, Geary County, Kansas.

C. District: Geary County Unified School District No. 475.

D. Employer: The Board of Education

E. Teacher: All personnel employed by the Board in a position which requires a license or certificate issued by the State Board of Education (other than administrative employees) including all full and part-time Classroom Teachers, Special Education teachers, English Language Learner teachers, Itinerant Teachers, Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, School Psychologists, Library Media Specialists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, Instructional Coaches, English Language Learner Specialist, Title I Curriculum Specialist, and Parents as Teachers. The term “teacher” does not include substitute teachers. The president of the Association will be notified of any additions to this list. All licensed-staff, non-administrators on a teacher contract will be referred to as “teacher.”

F. Day: Except when otherwise indicated, days shall mean contractual days, not calendar days.

G. Employee: The term’s “employee” and “teacher” may be used interchangeably.

H. Part-Time Teacher: Licensed staff who work less than 30 hours per week.

I. Itinerant Teacher: Licensed staff with no single assignment, hired on a teacher contract, to cover teacher absences, i.e.: permanent substitutes.

J. Additional Duty: A necessary task outside the regular classroom teaching responsibility, such as, but not limited to bus, hall, assemblies, cafeteria, etc.

K. Administrator/Primary Evaluator in Evaluation: A licensed administrator assigned to the evaluatee. An Instructional Coach is not an evaluator. Evidence obtained from the Instructional Coach can be used by the evaluatee as evidence but not shared directly with the evaluator (administrator).

L. USD 475 Teacher Appraisal Supervision Committee (TASC): The TASC will remain in place to ensure the tool’s fidelity and recommend appropriate changes as required. The committee will be compromised of four (4) teachers and four (4) administrative representatives. It is recommended that one (1) teacher representative be the JCEA President, and one (1) administrative representative be the Executive Director of Personnel Services. It is recommended that the committee be co-chaired by a rep from JCEA and admin.

M. Self-Directed Professional Development: The given time after professional development used to create or prepare learning opportunities based on the professional development.

N. Collaborative planning: Collaborative planning is defined as when teachers consult with one another to plan together for student progress, for improved delivery of instruction, or develop curriculum related to their teaching assignment.


O. Short Notice of Change: A short notice change in assignment is a change of assigned content or change of location outside of a teacher’s current building on less than 45 calendar days’ notice.

Article II – General Provisions A. Amendment of Agreement: This agreement may be altered changed, added to, deleted from, or

modified, only through voluntary, mutual consent of the parties in written signed and ratified amendment to this agreement. In addition, between formal negotiations sessions, this agreement may be altered changed, added to, deleted from or modified at any time in the same manner as this agreement.

1. The Board and Association may agree to reopen negotiations and permit amendments to appropriate sections of this agreement whenever State and Federal funds over and above or reduced from those previously anticipated for current budget year have been appropriated.

2. The Board shall inform the Association within five (5) days of its notification of the amounts to be received in such subsequent State or Federal appropriations.

B. Maintenance of Standards: Changes in the board policy will not affect this agreement. In the event that a new negotiated agreement has not been ratified for successive year(s), the terms of this agreement will remain in effect until such ratification can take place. In the event that any clause or provision of this agreement should be inconsistent with or be superseded by any statutory provision or regulation imposed by the Federal Government, the State of Kansas, or any appropriate agency thereof, teacher protections will revert back to the clause in the most recent prior negotiated agreements that most closely meets (but does not exceed) the statutory regulations. Except as provided for in the paragraphs above, no terms of this negotiated agreement can be altered.

C. Savings Clause: In the event that any clause or provision of this agreement should be inconsistent with or be superseded by any statutory provision or regulation imposed by the Federal Government, the State of Kansas, or any appropriate agency thereof, such clause or provision shall be null and void. The parties shall reopen negotiations as soon as practical to replace any provision found contrary to law. Subject to the foregoing, this agreement shall be binding upon the parties and in full force and effect, after ratification by the negotiating unit and the Board as provided by law.

D. Successor Agreement: This agreement is made for a period of one year. Proposals for amendments, additions, or deletions with respect to such items are submitted on or before March 31, 2021.

Article III – Professional Day A. Student Contact Days: The teacher duty day on student contact days is 7 hours and 50 minutes at all

levels. If an appointment or unforeseen circumstance arises where the teacher may need to adjust their duty start or end time, the teacher must communicate with their building administrator/designee to make arrangements, this is not intended for teachers to create an alternate duty start and end time through the school year. During the professional day, teachers are expected to be at their assigned place of duty. If it necessary to be away from the place of duty, teachers must inform their supervisor/designee so that the teacher may be contacted in case of an emergency.

1. Early Childhood: Early childhood staff with 2 sections of classes (am/pm) will arrive 10 minutes before student contact and be expected to stay 10 minutes after dismissal of students. Early childhood staff with one section (full day) will arrive 20 minutes before student contact and remain 60 minutes after student dismissal. This will sunset after one year.

2. Elementary: Duty day will begin 20 minutes before student contact time and end 15 minutes after student contact time. The expectation is that teacher instruction begins at the official start time.


3. Middle School: Duty day will begin 30 minutes before student contact time and end 20 minutes after student contact time.

4. High School: Duty day will begin 30 minutes before student contact time and end 15 minutes after student contact time.

B. Professional Development/Work/Plan Days: An equal number of designated duty days for staff development (or equivalent as described in this negotiated agreement) will be scheduled at all levels. The length of the day on Professional Development/Work/Plan days established on the district calendar shall be: 1. Building Professional Development Days: On Building Professional Development days six (6)

hours of professional development, thirty (30) or sixty (60) minutes for lunch, and sixty (60) minutes of self-directed professional development at the end of the day. The lunch time will be determined by majority teacher vote. The start time will be 8AM.

2. District Professional Development Days: On District Professional Development days the day will be determined by the district not to exceed eight (8) hours including a duty-free lunch. The start time will be 8AM.

3. Split Building/District Professional Development Days: On a split Professional Development Day, split between the Building and the District, the day will be determined by the district not to exceed eight (8) hours including a duty-free lunch and thirty (30) minute self-directed professional development. The start time will be 8AM. a. High school and middle school may use up to one (1) professional development day for late

start days at the building level.

b. Four (4) late start days will substitute for one (1) professional development day.

c. On late start days, students will report to school 80 minutes later than the regular starting time.

d. High school and middle school classes will be in regular session on the day when the rest of the district is having professional development will observe the normal student contact day.

e. The professional development date’s affected and specific dates for late start will be identified collaboratively by the school improvement teams at the high school and two middle schools with the approval of the principals. Those dates will be established no later than two weeks before the end of the prior school year.

4. Work/Plan Days: On Work/Plan days the day will be six (6) hours, one (1) hour of flexible plan and teachers shall have a sixty (60) minute duty free lunch. No meetings will be held; this should not be interpreted in such a way as to prevent teachers from voluntarily collaborating with each other.

a. The Flexible hours shall be between 6AM and 6PM if they take place in the building.

b. Each year the date of a full designated August teacher workday will be determined by the building leadership team.

C. Extended contract days will be designated immediately before or after the contract year. The days need not be equally split but will best meet the needs of the students. These days will be arranged by mutual consent of the teacher and the administrator.

1. The day is the same length as a student contact day, seven (7) hours and fifty (50) minutes with a sixty (60) minute duty free lunch.


2. Teachers may schedule an equal number of hours for the extended contract as long as the hours worked in a single day do not exceed ten (10) hours.

D. End of the Duty Day:

1. On the last student attendance day of each week, except for the last day of school, the duty day shall end the same time as student classroom instruction provided the teacher’s area is secured and all assigned duties are completed.

2. On days preceding holidays and vacations, the duty day shall end at the same time as student classroom instruction, provided the teacher’s area is secure, and all assigned duties are completed.

3. On the last teacher duty day of the school year, teachers may leave after their flexible time has been met provided that they have completed all checkout requirements, unless a full contact day has been deemed necessary.

4. In the case of an emergency, the teacher’s area must be secure, and buses must have departed for the duty day to end.

E. Work Beyond the Duty Day:

1. Elementary music; elementary physical education; Middle School Music, Band, and Orchestra teachers, not covered by a supplemental salary, who are required to be present for performances under their direction and beyond the duty day will be compensated at a rate of $18.50 per hour. The same teachers will voucher time beyond the duty day used to plan and produce programs at $18.50 an hour.

2. Teachers from any level who are required to attend IEP/504 meetings outside the duty day will be compensated at the rate of $18.50 per hour.

F. Parent Teacher Conferences/Orientation: Parent teacher conferences will be held each semester

1. Individual schools will determine the dates and times of their parent teacher conferences to meet the needs of their families, by majority vote within the designated conference week. The schools will submit the dates and times of parent teacher conferences and orientation to Teaching and Learning for approval

2. The date of parent teacher conferences and orientation sessions, and where applicable the date of release times, will be established in the Spring of the prior year or no later than the first ten (10) days of the current school year, by majority building vote.

a. Early Childhood, Elementary and Middle school conferences will be 12.50 hours per semester.

b. High School conferences will be 6.25 hours per semester.

3. Teachers who do not have classroom responsibilities or teach a regular class may elect, with permission from their administrator/supervisor, to serve an equivalent amount of time for parent teacher conferences. This time may be served immediately prior to the teacher start date or outside of the duty day prior to parent teacher conference weeks.

a. For teachers whose home school is the high school, parent teacher conferences time shall not exceed 6.25 hours per semester.

b. For teachers whose home school is Early Childhood, Elementary or Middle School parent teacher conference time shall not exceed 12.50 hours per semester.

4. The Board may, however, at any time, change the manner of parent teacher conferences, but only as to future conferences for which it has not previously given its approval.


5. Upon the written request of either party, a joint committee of teachers and administrators shall be appointed by the Superintendent and/or designee to revise guidelines for the implementation of conference scheduling and parent orientation.

6. Orientation session hours shall not exceed 7 hours.

7. Compensation for this time (parent teacher conferences and parent orientation) will be accomplished by releasing the faculty for an equal amount of time on days designated on the calendar as parent teacher conference day or parent teacher compensation day, providing students are not in session.

G. Additional Work Within the Duty Day (Building):

1. In emergency conditions or whenever a substitute is not available, whether it be a partial or full class, the teacher at all levels will receive the student contact pay for up to one and one half (1 ½) hours. If coverage exceeds one and one half (1 ½) hours the teacher shall receive half a day substitute pay. When class combining exceeds half day (3 ½ hours), the teacher shall receive the substitute full day pay.

2. Special Education teachers that are required to leave their regular assignment to substitute will be compensated for any missed plan time and for any legally required services that are compensatory during subsequent plan times and that are completed within two weeks of the original missed services.

3. Itinerant teachers may be assigned additional duties during their designated plan time with no compensation.

4. The supervisor may require licensed staff to perform additional duties as may be assigned within the duty day on a rotating basis.

H. Meetings

1. The supervisor may require licensed staff to attend one meeting per week for 45 minutes outside of student contact time.

a. Morning meetings will end 15 minutes prior to student contact time.

b. After school meetings will begin 15 minutes after the student contact time.

c. The Supervisor may extend one (1) meeting per month for an additional 15 minutes with one week notice to staff.

2. All other meetings outside of the duty day shall be compensated at the rate of $18.50 per hour with fractions of hours to be prorated to the nearest one-fourth hour.

3. Teachers shall be provided at least 24 hours’ notice of days on which they will be required to attend a meeting that will be held outside student contact time.

4. Compensation for attendance at district professional development/meetings will begin at the latter of when the program begins, or the duty day ends.

5. During elementary planning days no meeting will be held, except that teachers may require attendance at meetings during the planning time for the purpose of collaboration with the consent of 2/3 or more of the teachers affected losing their planning time in the designated group. The previous sentence shall not be interpreted in such a way as to prevent teachers from consulting with each other.

6. School Improvement Team Chairs, Team Leaders and Department Chairs may require attendance at meetings during planning time or anytime during the duty day for the purpose of collaboration with consent of 2/3 or more of the teachers in the designated group.


7. Except in the case of an emergency or within the provisions described in the paragraphs above, no mandatory meeting will be called by principals during teacher planning time.

I. IEP Meeting: An IEP is a legally required meeting set at a time of parents’ convenience. General education classroom teachers are required to attend, and it is considered part of their classroom duties. Parents may require more than one general education teacher or specific general education teacher(s) at their discretion. All IEP’s that occur beyond the duty day shall be paid at $18.50 per hour for all teachers.

J. Lunch Period Duties: The Board agrees to provide at least thirty (30) minutes of consecutive time at the early childhood and secondary levels and forty (40) minutes at the elementary level, generally coincident with but not necessarily equal to the student lunch period including recess time, free of assigned duties each day for instructional teachers, except for deviation in case of an emergency as determined by the building principal. This time shall not be used for meetings or parent teacher conferences without the consent of the teacher. Similarly, non-instructional teachers will be provided at least thirty (30) minutes of consecutive time at the early childhood and secondary levels and forty (40) minutes at the elementary level, free of assigned duties, the time to be scheduled by the building principal or appropriate administrator.

K. Planning Time: At all levels, planning time is part of the professional day. Teachers are encouraged to plan collaboratively during designated plan time. Principals may designate time and focus for collaborative planning within guidelines of the agreement. Teachers may agree to participate in collaborative planning whenever time is available beyond that. This does not preclude administrators from attending collaborative planning.

1. Early Childhood shall be provided no less than 60 minutes of planning time each day. Early childhood staff will be provided with at least the equivalent plan time as elementary, with days potentially substituted for possible loss of time due to screening obligations; reflecting K,2,c This will sunset after one year.

2. Elementary shall be provided within the student contact day no less than 60 minutes of planning time each day. Teachers whose classes are scheduled to cover plan periods are guaranteed a minimum of 300 minutes of plan a week. a. Principals may designate the time and focus, which will not exceed 45 minutes of

collaborative plan one (1) day per week during weeks of four (4) or five (5) student contact days. Upon completion of teamwork the teacher may use the remainder of the time for individual plan. This does not include weeks with designated professional development days.

b. Teachers will be able to determine if collaboration occurs at the beginning or end of plan time by a 2/3 majority of the collaboration group.

c. Elementary planning time will also be scheduled using six (6), six (6) hour planning days.

3. Middle School shall be provided no less than 90 minutes of planning each day. In a four (4) or five (5) day work week a team will have 3 team or content meetings. On weeks of three (3) days or less there will be two (2) team or content meetings. This does not discourage teams to not collaborate. Upon completion of team/content work the teacher may use the remainder of the time for individual plan. Teams can require attendance of all team members at one (1) additional team/content meeting per week if half of the teachers agree.

4. High School: shall be provided no less than 80 minutes of plan each day. On any given day, but no more than ten (10) days per school year, the principal may designate a portion of the existing plan time for teachers to be used for school improvement activities, provided that no teacher will be required to lose more than one half the regular allotted planning time. This schedule change


may be implemented on short notice for activities that are critical or essential to school improvement.

L. Flexible Professional Development: One professional development day will be a flexible professional development day. Teachers are responsible for completing the district required trainings (i.e. training videos, etc.) as their flexible professional development. The time allotted for training should not exceed six (6) hours of training time plus one (1) hour self-directed professional development and be completed by the district required deadline.

M. Professional Development-Non KSDE Licensed Staff: Non-KSDE licensed staff (i.e. School Social Worker, Nurses and Speech Language Pathologist) may develop a professional development activity plan that meets the needs of their licensing requirements and Continuing Education Units (CEU) presented to their department/supervisor and be approved by the Professional Development Council.

Article IV – Grievance Procedure

A. Definitions:

1. A grievance means an alleged violation of a specific article or section of this agreement.

2. A grievant shall mean a person or persons with an alleged a grievance under this assignment. The grievant may choose to be accompanied by not more than five persons, unless a larger number of persons is agreeable to both parties, who may speak on behalf of the grievant if requested to do so, at any step of the following procedure.

3. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services means an Agency that provides help to build better relationships through problem-solving and constructive responses to inevitable conflict. The Agency concentrates its efforts on assisting employers and employees in coping with the demands of a rapidly changing workplace.

B. Miscellaneous Provisions

1. The purpose of the process is to settle quickly any alleged violations of the agreement. Therefore, the days listed above are considered the maximum time allowed. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement.

2. If the school year ends prior to the settling of the grievance, then the days shall be those days when the district office is open for business.

3. Failure of the administrator/supervisor to present a written decision within the time allotted at Level One will advance the grievance to the next level.

4. Grievances may be filed at the level appropriate for the requested remedy, but only with prior approval of the Superintendent or his or her designee. If an issue has already been discussed by all involved, with the Superintendent’s permission, the procedure may begin with Level Three.

5. No reprisals of any kind will be taken by any person or entity against any participants in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation. The burden of establishing reprisals shall be on the person alleging that such has occurred.

6. The employee may be represented in all stages of the grievance procedure by himself or herself or, by a person of his or her own choosing. If an employee is not represented by the Association, the Association shall have the right to be present and to state its view at all stages of the grievance procedure.

C. Procedure: Any teacher may present a grievance. Decisions must be made consistent with the terms of this agreement.


1. Level One

a. All teacher grievances of any kind will be discussed initially with the immediately involved administrator or supervisor. If such discussion does not satisfactorily resolve the matter, and the teacher feels that he or she has a grievance under the terms of this agreement as above provided and desires to formally present such grievance for consideration, he or she may do so.

2. Level Two

a. Within twenty (20) days of the time an alleged incident constituting a grievance occurs, or the time when a teacher first becomes aware of the claimed grievance (or reasonably should have been aware of the claimed grievance) the grievant may present his or her grievance in writing on the grievance report form signed by the grievant and delivered in person to the immediately involved administrator or supervisor. If not filed with building administrator, the building administration must be notified. A copy thereof shall also be delivered by the teacher to the Superintendent and the JCEA President.

b. The “statement of grievance” shall name the grievant involved, shall state the facts giving rise to the grievance, shall identify be appropriate reference the provisions of this agreement alleged to have been violated, shall state the contention of the employee with respect to the provisions, and shall include a description of the remedy sought.

c. Within ten (10) days after receiving the statement of grievance, the administrator or supervisor shall communicate his or her answer in writing to the grievant, with a copy to the Superintendent.

3. Level Three

a. If the grievance is not resolved at Level Two within eight (8) days, the grievant may submit to the Superintendent the original grievance form signed by the grievant, and a request for continuing the grievance procedure. No changes or modifications of the original grievance report form will be permitted.

b. The Superintendent or designee shall give an answer in writing no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the written grievance.

4. Level Four

a. Within ten (10) days after the delivery of the decision of the Superintendent to the grievant, a formal request for Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) can be requested. Labor or management can contact the FMCS Director of Mediation Services or a federal mediator in their area to discuss the type of assistance the FMCS can provide and to make a formal request for grievance mediation. The formal written request shall be made jointly by labor and management (JCEA president and Superintendent) through contacting FMCS and following the procedures mandated accordingly through FMCS. Formal written request should provide a very brief description of the issues and the geographic location of the parties. The FMCS reserves the right to decide whether or not it will offer its services. Filing a request with the FMCS does not commit the Agency to offer services. All involved parties must sign the FMCS Grievance Mediation Agreement before a grievance mediation can begin.

b. Notification from FMCS will be provided after receipt of the appeal request, the FMCS will hold a closed mediation process on the grievance to help each party come to a mutually acceptable resolution of the grievance by identifying the underlying interest of labor and management and exploring potential avenues of settlement.


c. After the mediation process, the FMCS mediator shall provide its advisory resolution. A transcriber shall be present, for recording purposes, to provide a detailed report to the grievant, the administrator/supervisor, the Association President and the Superintendent, labor and management will provide a detailed transcript of the mutually acceptable resolution. If both parties cannot come to a mutual decision, the grievant shall proceed to Level 5.

5. Level Five

a. Within ten (10) days of the FMCS report, the grievant may request a hearing with the Board of Education.

b. If the appeal is received by the Superintendent on behalf of the Board of Education at least ten (10) days prior to its next regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Education shall hear the appeal at its next regularly scheduled meeting. If filed less than ten (10) days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Education will hear the appeal at its subsequent regularly scheduled meeting, unless the president shall call a prior special meeting of the Board for this purpose. An appeal hearing before the Board of Education will be in executive session between the individual teacher or teachers and the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall consider the teacher’s complaint, the written decision of the principal or immediate supervisor and the Superintendent and any relevant evidence or oral arguments that either party desires to present, as well as the advisory process that was implemented through FMCS. The parties will then be excused, including the Superintendent when the Board considers the matter, unless all of the parties are recalled to elicit additional information. The grievant, however, may not present any allegation or complaint that was not presented in the preceding steps. Neither party shall withhold information, which is pertinent to the grievance. Proposed motions for Board action shall not be submitted to the Board by the administration unless they are submitted in the alternative.

c. Within ten (10) days after the hearing, the Board shall communicate its decision in writing to the grievant, giving the reasons for the decision.

d. The decision of the Board shall be final.

Article V – Leaves A. Leaves and Resignations

1. Leave time as follows:

a. Teachers in 1st through 6th year are granted leave in the amount of ten (10) days per year by the district.

b. Teachers in their 7th through 14th year are granted leave in the amount of eleven (11) days per year by the district.

c. Teachers in their 15th through 21st year are granted leave in the amount of twelve (12) days per year by the district.

d. Teachers in their 22nd year and beyond are granted thirteen (13) days per year by the district.

2. A teacher serving his/her first year in the district and who resigns prior to the close of the year shall be granted this leave equal to one (1) day for each 19.2 days worked not to exceed ten (10) total leave days. Any absence charged to this leave in excess of that permitted thereunder shall be deducted from the final salary payment to be received by the teacher.


3. Except in the case of personal illness or illness of an immediate family member, leave may not be used by any teacher for days following the last day the teacher is actually present for work in the district assignment.

4. Unused leave is not intended to be used as a severance benefit for the employee whose resignation is accepted before the end of the contract year.

5. Leave benefits may be used for personal illness or injury of the employee.

a. This leave shall also apply in cases related to maternity and adoption. b. It is also available in the case of illness, injury or death of the employee’s immediate family

(immediate family means husband, wife, parents, stepparents, children, grandparents, grandparents of spouse, grandchildren, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; other more remote relatives may be included if approved in advance by the Superintendent).

c. An employee may also use leave to attend funerals of either family or friends.

6. Leave benefits may be used for personal business, which out of necessity falls within the school day, without deduction from pay within the limits described below:

a. Reasonable notice, within four (4) days of needing to take leave, shall be given to the principal or immediate supervisor prior to taking the leave in the case when it is possible to do so. The principal or immediate supervisor will grant leave, if possible, within forty-eight (48) hours.

b. The reason for the leave request need not be given.

c. In the event it is not possible to obtain a substitute teacher, or if the requested leave date is in conflict with the building or a district event which requires teacher attendance, the building principal and the teacher shall arrange to reschedule the leave. Disagreement between the principal and the teacher may be appealed to the Superintendent or designee.

d. Use of leave for personal business is discouraged during the first ten (10) teacher contract days, the last five (5) teacher contract days.

e. Use of leave for personal business may not be taken during state assessment testing days. Principal or immediate supervisor must approve any exceptions.

7. A teacher who is absent and using leave may be required to submit documentation verifying the reason for the absence in the event of suspected abuse.

8. Teachers receiving notice to serve on jury duty or who are required to appear in court as a result of subpoena must promptly notify their principal or immediate supervisor. Leave and pay will not be deducted for such time as they are actually required to serve or appear in court.

9. If substitutes are available at the time administrative approval is granted, teachers may schedule two secured personal business days, which may not be cancelled except under unforeseeable emergency conditions.

10. For activities that require travel approval, the teacher will request leave in Frontline – Absence Management as part of the travel request process.

B. Workers Compensation Leave: Teachers who are injured on the job as a result of an incident involving student safety or physical assault by a student and are absent from work due to doctor restrictions shall receive additional paid leave as follows:

1. If the absence is nine (9) days or less, the teacher shall receive additional paid leave for each day of absence since no workman’s compensation would be payable.


2. If the absence is for ten (10) but less then fifteen (15) days, the teacher shall receive up to five (5) additional days of paid leave since workman’s compensation would not pay for five (5) days.

3. If the absence is for fifteen (15) days or more, the teacher shall not receive any additional days of paid leave since workman’s compensation would pay for all days.

C. Professional Leave

1. Teachers working on an advanced degree will be granted two (2) total professional days which may be used for observations aligned to their program of study, oral/written comprehensive exams, or to attend their graduation.

2. Teachers may use up to three (3) days of professional leave to finalize paperwork for National Board Certification or for renewal National Board Certification.

D. Supplemental Leave

1. Supplemental leave will be granted as followed:

a. Teachers in 1st through 6th years in the district receive four (4) supplemental days.

b. Teachers in the 7th through 14th years in the district receive (3) supplemental days.

c. Teachers in the 15th through 21st years in the district receive (2) supplemental days.

d. Teachers in the 22nd above years in the district receive (2) supplemental days.

2. The supplemental leave days may be used only with approval of the principal and the Superintendent or designee.

3. In the event a teacher has exhausted the available leave days, the supplemental leave shall be available with no deduction in pay and may be used for any of the following:

a. Maternity or adoption

b. Illness, injury or death of the employee’s immediate family (immediate family means husband, wife, parents, stepparents, children, grandparents, grandparents of spouse, grandchildren, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; other more remote relatives may be included if approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee)

c. To attend funeral of either family or friends.

4. Supplemental leave days do not accumulate, nor are useable as credit toward early retirement benefits, nor are they reimbursable under the provisions of F of this Article.

5. Teachers with 15 years or more in the district will have one (1) supplemental day credited towards either early retirement or retirement at the end of the year.

6. The district will set aside not more than $38,500 and maintain a bank of at least 150 days as a Catastrophic Leave Bank. It will be administered by the Catastrophic Leave Bank committee as outlined in the Catastrophic Leave Bank Guidelines. (See attached Appendix A).

E. Change in Status

1. Accumulated days of leave earned while a full-time teacher shall entitle the teacher to a proportionately increased number of partial days of leave upon a change in status to a part-time teacher.


2. Accumulated part-time days of leave earned while a part-time teacher shall only entitle the teacher to a proportionate number of full days of leave upon a change in status to a full-time teacher.

F. Accumulation of Leave and Reimbursement

1. Any unused leave will be credited to the teacher’s useable accumulated leave up to a maximum of fifty (50) days. Additional unused accumulated leave days beyond the maximum of fifty (50) days but not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days, shall apply toward early retirement benefits as described in Section G. of this Article, or if useable accumulated leave has been exhausted, these days may be used to replenish useable accumulated leave up to a maximum of 10 annually. Written notification to the Superintendent is required.

2. Useable accumulated leave without a deduction in pay is available only for personal illness, death of a member of the immediate family, or illness of a member of the immediate family when a statement from a licensed/certified health care provider indicates the circumstances require the teacher’s presence.

a. Except for personal leave, useable accumulated leave may be used for any of the other purposes described in Section A, subsection 5.

b. Use of personal leave in excess of available leave or unless as approved in Section D, will not be granted and any such absences will result in a deduction in the teacher’s pay equal to the full salary for the period of absence.

G. Early Retirement Benefits

1. Leave may accumulate to maximum of one hundred eighty (180) days only for the purpose of calculating the early retirement benefits. Accumulation in excess of fifty (50) days is not available as paid leave, except on a limited basis as described above in Section A, subsection 5 of this article, but is used to determine a teacher’s eligibility for early retirement and to calculate the annual benefit.

2. To qualify for early retirement benefits from the district, all of the following conditions must be met:

a. A minimum of fifteen (15) years continuous full-time district employment.

b. At least sixty (60) days of accumulated leave (total both useable and unusable).

c. Completed application for early retirement has been received by the Superintendent by May 10th.

d. Eligibility ends when the retiree reaches Medicare Eligibility age.

e. No payment under this program shall be made prior to retirement under the provisions of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement system.

3. Early retirement benefits shall be payable for a maximum of five (5) years and shall terminate upon the death of the early retiree or when the retiree reaches Medicare Eligibility age (whichever occurs first). The benefit shall be calculated as follows:

a. If the total accumulated leave days are in the range 61-100, then Board will continue to contribute the amount currently paid to certified/licensed employees per month toward the health insurance premium for employees who chose to remain in the districts’ health insurance group plus $25 per day for each day of leave above 60.

b. For each additional day of total accumulated leave in the range for 101-150, the retiring employee’s annual benefit will increase $50.


c. For each additional day of total accumulated leave in the range from 151-180, the retiring employee’s annual benefit will increase to $75.

4. Requests for a waiver of any of the qualifications of early retirement benefits, including accumulated leave, fifteen (15) years of continuous full-time district employment, or an application for early retirement not received by May 10th will be considered by the Review Committee. The Review Committee will consist of three members: one (1) administrator appointed by the Superintendent and two (2) teachers who are JCEA members. The Review Committee will forward its recommendation(s) to the Superintendent who has the final discretion to waive requirements for Early Retirement Benefits. Committee members shall maintain confidentiality regarding any discussion of requests.

H. Retirement Benefits

1. Leave may accumulate to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) days only for the purpose of calculating the retirement benefit. Accumulation in excess of fifty (50) days is not available as paid leave but is used to determine a teacher’s eligibility for the retirement benefit.

2. To qualify for retirement benefits from the district all of the following conditions must be met:

a. A minimum of fifteen (15) years continuous full-time district employment

b. At least sixty (60) days of accumulated leave (total of both useable and unusable)

c. A completed application for retirement has been received by the Superintendent by May 10th

d. No payment under this program shall be made prior to retirement under the provisions of the Kansas Public Employees Retirement system.

3. Retirement benefits shall be a onetime payment made with the retiree’s final district check. This payment is taxable. The benefit shall be calculated as follows.

a. If the total accumulated leave days are in the range 61-100, then the Board will contribute $25 per day for each day of leave above 60

b. For each additional day of total accumulated leave in the range for 101-150, the retiring employee’s benefit will increase $50

c. For each additional day of total accumulated leave in the range from 151-180, the retiring employee’s annual benefit will increase to $75.

4. Requests for a waiver of the fifteen (15) years of continuous full-time district employment or an application not received by May 10th will be considered by the Review Committee. The Review Committee will consist of three members: one (1) administrator appointed by the Superintendent and two (2) teachers who are JCEA members. The Review Committee will forward its recommendation(s) to the Superintendent who has the final discretion to waive requirements for Early Retirement Benefits. Committee members shall maintain confidentiality regarding any discussion of requests.

I. Study Leave

1. A teacher may, upon written application, be granted a leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits for pursuing studies related to professional growth and improvement.

2. Such leave of absence may be granted at the will of the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent or designee.

3. A teacher may participate in the school group health insurance plan through COBRA.


4. When the employee returns from the leave of absence, he/she shall retain the following re-employment rights held by him/her before such leave was granted.

a. The salary increments to which he/she was entitled when he/she left his/her position plus the amount his/her additional hours and other qualification would justify on the salary schedule at the time of his/her return.

b. Unused leave days and other leave benefits as held by said teacher at the start of the leave.

5. Re-employment during the school year shall be at the sole discretion of the Board and re-employment for the beginning of a new school year shall be dependent upon an opening on the staff for which the employee is qualified. The above provisions shall be applicable only where the teacher returns to the district directly upon completion of the studies for which the leave of absence was taken and without having accepted any intervening employment from another school district.

Article VI – Association Rights The following privileges will be granted to the Association by the Board of Education.

A. Dues Deduction: The Board will provide dues deduction from the payroll for Association membership where authorized by the member. Deductions shall be for ten (10) equal amounts beginning in September. After an employee initially authorizes a payroll deduction of his/her dues, such authorization shall remain in effect until such time as payroll is notified in writing by the Association to discontinue the deduction, which notification shall state that the employee has advised the Association of the change being made. The authorization to withhold dues shall contain the agreement of the employee to indemnify and hold the district harmless from all loss, cost or expense as a result of any such withholding. The Association similarly agrees to indemnify and hold the District harmless.

B. Access to Building and Equipment: School buildings and equipment may be used by the Association when not being used for school purposes and when teachers are not assigned to perform school duties. Permission and schedule for usage of buildings and equipment will be obtained from the principal.

C. Communication: The Association may use the school mailboxes and district e-mail for communication to teachers. Bulletin boards in the teacher’s lounges may be used by the Association.

D. Association Leave: The Board shall provide up to thirty-five (35) days to be used by officers or agents of the Association for activities of the Association.

Article VII – Fringe Benefits A. Fringe Benefit Plan: The Board shall provide for fringe benefits through a flexible benefit plan under

and in compliance with the provisions of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, related statutory provisions and applicable regulations. Any administrative costs for individual offerings within the Section 125 plan will be the responsibility of the employee choosing that option.

1. For each teacher electing to participate in the group health insurance plan, the Board will provide a contribution proposed in the annual benefit handbook.

2. Under no condition will the Board’s contribution toward a single, employee + 1 or family option exceed the cost of the premium for the lowest option for that respective coverage.


B. Salary Reduction and Elective Option: The Board shall provide each teacher with the opportunity to execute a salary reduction agreement. Contributions under the salary reduction agreement shall be designated by the teacher for the purchase of a benefit or benefits from the following approved plans:

1. Group Term Life Insurance up to $50,000

2. Group Health Insurance

3. Disability Income Insurance

4. Cancer and Other Dread Diseases Insurance

5. Dependent Care

6. Medical Reimbursement

7. Such other lawful components or options as may be approved by the Board from time to time.

C. Salary Reduction and Benefit Election Form: Teachers wishing to participate in the Section 125 cafeteria plan shall complete a “salary reduction agreement and benefit election form” approved by the Board of Education and submit it to the required office on or before the date at the commencement of each school year designated by the Superintendent. The salary reduction agreement and benefit election forms shall be provided by the Board, but it shall be solely the teachers’ responsibility to complete the form and submit it to the office designated by the Superintendent on or before the prescribed date. Each teacher agrees to hold the District harmless from any failure on his or her part to submit the necessary form in a timely fashion. Once made, a salary reduction agreement and benefit election shall be irrevocable (except as specifically permitted by the Internal Revenue Code and regulations) for that particular contract year.

D. Administration of Section 125: It is agreed that the teacher shall comply with all applicable directives of the Internal Revenue Service or other federal or state regulations, as amended, in administering and maintaining the Section 125 cafeteria plan. The Board reserves the right to draft and implement all necessary documentation in regard to the Section 125 cafeteria plan in compliance with applicable rules and regulations of federal and state law and further reserves the right to modify or terminate the plan if it is found to be unlawful under any applicable law or regulation, or to modify or terminate this plan subsequent to the expiration of this agreement as and to the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code or the Plan.

E. Withholdings: The Board may withhold such amounts of a teacher’s compensation hereunder as may be necessary in the opinion of the Board to comply with state and federal laws including social security and retirement.

F. Selection of Carriers: The selection of carrier or carriers for each of the offered benefits shall be made by the Board.

G. Insurance Refunds/Rebates: Any insurance refunds shall first be used to reduce the cost of future insurance premiums. If, for any reason, the district receives a cash refund for group health insurance, the amount of refund shall be distributed to the participating employees (including employees not subject to this agreement) and the board in proportion to the contribution of each. Any payroll deduction or salary reduction amount shall be considered employee contribution. Any amount paid as a defined benefit shall be Board contribution. The employees entitled to a distribution shall be those employees participating in the district plan in the year the refund is actually received by the district.

Article VIII – Professional Compensation A. Salary Schedule for Teachers and Nurses


Step BS BS+15 BS+30 MS MS+15 MS+30 MS+45 Ph.D. PSSLPT

1 $41,500 $42,735 $43,753 $44,770 $44,945 $45,248 $46,805 $49,730 $49,730

2 $42,735 $43,753 $44,770 $45,279 $45,584 $46,000 $47,362 $50,973 $50,973

3 $43,244 $44,261 $45,279 $45,788 $46,296 $46,850 $47,926 $52,248 $52,248

4 $43,753 $44,770 $45,788 $46,296 $47,314 $48,000 $48,496 $53,554 $53,554

5 $44,261 $45,279 $46,296 $46,805 $48,000 $49,500 $49,466 $54,893 $54,893

6 $44,770 $45,788 $46,805 $47,314 $49,500 $51,000 $50,702 $56,265 $56,265

7 $45,279 $46,296 $47,314 $47,823 $51,000 $52,500 $53,238 $57,672 $57,672

8 $45,788 $46,805 $47,823 $48,331 $52,500 $54,000 $54,835 $59,113 $59,113

9 $46,296 $47,314 $48,331 $48,687 $54,000 $55,500 $56,480 $60,591 $60,591

10 $46,805 $47,823 $48,840 $49,603 $55,500 $57,000 $58,174 $62,409 $62,409

11 $47,314 $48,331 $49,349 $50,519 $57,000 $58,500 $59,919 $64,281 $64,281

12 $48,840 $49,858 $51,740 $58,500 $60,000 $61,717 $66,692 $66,692

13 $51,384 $53,063 $60,000 $61,500 $63,568 $69,193 $69,193

14 $52,910 $54,487 $60,800 $63,000 $65,476 $71,788 $71,788

15 $55,149 $56,980 $62,271 $65,629 $68,000 $73,941 $73,941

B. Placement and Movement on the Salary Schedule

1. The Superintendent with the approval of the Board will determine initial placement.

2. Those with an RN classification will be placed on the BS schedule and those with a BSN will be placed on the MS schedule.

3. Current and new PSSLPT in this column will be placed according to specialty experience in both education and clinical work.

4. Not later than April 1 of the school year preceding the anticipated move, teaching staff shall notify the Executive Director of Personnel Services of their intent to move horizontally on the salary schedule. A form will be provided by the Executive Director of Personnel Services for intent to move horizontally. Any teacher who fails to notify the Executive Director of Personnel Services of shall be ineligible to move horizontally during the next contract year.

5. For the Bachelor schedule (plus classifications), additional hours of 15 or 30, may be earned in any field, either graduate or undergraduate, but must be earned after date of eligibility for a teaching certificate. The hours for nurses may be earned in any field, either graduate or undergraduate, that applies towards re-licensure as a nurse, or towards their employment in the school environment. However, any credits for nurses must be approved by the Professional Development Council.

6. For the MS + 15, MS+ 30, MS+ 45, or Doctorate (PhD/EdD) classification, credits must be earned after the date of the highest earned degree and must be specifically approved by the Superintendent/designee.

7. Horizontal salary tier classification adjustments will be made in September of each year, with the horizontal tier salary classification position for each teacher to be determined by Personnel


Services based upon the information that has been submitted to the office by September 1st. Horizontal tier salary classification advancements will be based upon the following, to-wit: (1) official transcripts of college hours from the college or university issuing the college hours; or (2) state approved professional development hours/plan, with the stipulation that if college hours are a component of the professional development plan/hours, then an official transcript from the college or university issuing the college hours must be submitted to the personnel office by September 1 of each year.

8. Subject to the provisions of paragraph one above, as a general rule teacher, newly employed in Geary County Unified Schools, will be placed on the salary schedule up to and including the fourteenth year, based on out-of-district service for the fifteenth school years preceding the year of employment but taking into account the compression of the salary schedule.

9. Credits for movement on the salary schedule shall include both college and state approved professional development hours earned while employed by Geary County Unified Schools. Only those professional development activities completed no later than July 31 and for which validations/evaluation forms are received in the office of the Executive Director of Personnel Services of at the Devin Center no later than July 31 may be applied to the movement on the salary schedule for the coming school year. In the case of KSDE Non-Licensed employees (i.e. nurses and social work) CEU credits and professional development hours must be approved by the Professional Development Council.

10. The Board grants a stipend to those who have been professionally employed twenty years in Geary County Unified Schools. The stipend will be $1,000 for twenty years of service in USD 475 and will be increased proportionately per year up to $2,000 for thirty years of service in Geary County Unified Schools. The stipend will be paid one time – upon retirement of the employee from employment in USD 475 and will be subject to all state and federal taxes.


20 years…$1,000 24 years…$1,400 28 years…$1,800

21 years…$1,100 25 years…$1,500 29 years…$1,900

22 years…$1,200 26 years…$1,600 30 years…$2,000

23 years…$1,300 27 ears…$1,700

C. Supplemental Salary Schedule

Supplemental Salary Senior High 2020-2021

***Supplemental salaries are calculated as a percentage of the base pay rounded down to the nearest $1000.00***

41,000 Years 1, 2, 3 Years 4,5,6 Years 7,8,9 Years 10+

Athletics Baseball Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Baseball (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Basketball Head (M/F) 20.00% $8,200 22.00% $9,020 24.00% $9,840 26.00% $10,660


Athletics (cont.)

Basketball (Asst.) (M/F) 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510 12.00% $4,920

Bowling Head 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Bowling (Asst.) 6.00% $2,460 6.50% $2,665 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280

Cross Country Head 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Cross Country (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Football Head 20.00% $8,200 22.00% $9,020 24.00% $9,840 26.00% $10,660 Football Head Assistant 9.75% $3,998 11.00% $4,510 12.00% $4,920 13.00% $5,330

Football (Asst.) 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510 12.00% $4,920

Football: Equipment/ Operations Manager

5.60% $2,296 6.50% $2,665 7.50% $3,075 8.50% $3,485

Golf Head M/F 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Golf (Asst.) M/F 6.00% $2,460 6.50% $2,665 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280

Soccer Head M/F 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Soccer (Asst.) M/F 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Softball Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Softball (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Swimming Head M/F 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Swimming (Asst.) M/F 6.00% $2,460 6.50% $2,665 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280

Tennis Head M/F 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Tennis (Asst.) M/F 6.00% $2,460 6.50% $2,665 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280

Track Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Track (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Volleyball Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Volleyball (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Wrestling Head 20.00% $8,200 22.00% $9,020 24.00% $9,840 26.00% $10,660


Athletics (cont.)

Wrestling (Asst.) 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510 12.00% $4,920

KSHSAA - ACTIVITIES Band Instructor Head 20.00% $8,200 22.00% $9,020 24.00% $9,840 26.00% $10,660

Band Instructor (Asst.) 9.00% $3,690 9.50% $3,895 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510

Cheerleading Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Cheerleading (Asst.) 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690

Dance Team Head 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Dance Team (Asst.) 6.00% $2,460 6.50% $2,665 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280

Debate Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Debate (Asst.) 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280

Flag Team Sponsor 4.00% $1,640 6.00% $2,460 8.00% $3,280 10.00% $4,100

Forensics Head 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Forensics (Asst.) 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870 7.50% $3,075 8.00% $3,280

Kays 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640 4.50% $1,845 5.50% $2,255

Kays Assistant 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Scholar's Bowl Head 6.00% $2,460 8.00% $3,280 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920

Scholar's Bowl (Asst.) 4.00% $1,640 5.00% $2,050 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870

Vocal Music Director 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380

Vocal Music Director (Asst.) 9.00% $3,690 9.50% $3,895 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510

Clubs - Curriculum A/V Sponsor 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Blue Jay Nation 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Class Sponsor (Freshman) 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845


Clubs – Curriculum (cont.)

Class Sponsor (Sophomore) 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Class Sponsor (Junior) 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870

Class Sponsor (Senior) 4.00% $1,640 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 6.00% $2,460

Digital Media Sponsor 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

Drama Coach 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560

German Club 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

National Honor Society Head 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640 4.50% $1,845 5.50% $2,255

National Honor Society (Asst.) 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Orchestra 8.00% $3,280 10.00% $4,100 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740

Project Graduation 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Spanish Club 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845

Strength and Conditioning Coach - Head (School and Summer)

8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510

Strength and Conditioning - Asst. (School & Summer)

4.00% $1,640 5.00% $2,050 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870

Student Council Sponsor 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870

Student to Student 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.50% $1,845


Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America - FCCLA

2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Future Business Leaders of America- FBLA

2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Future Educators of America - FEA 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640


Future Farmers of American - FFA 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Health Occupational Students of America - HOSA

2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Technology Student Association - TSA 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Workskills USA 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Musical Production Staff

Musical Accompanist $1,095

Musical Assistant Music Director/Vocal $1,095

Musical Choreographer $1,095

Musical Costumer $1,095

Musical Stage Director $1,095

Musical Orchestra Conductor $1,095

The following positions at the Senior High payment continues according to the 2013-14 agreement; payment of a stipend will cease when the currently employed teacher(s) vacate the contract.

Komomantys $695


Middle School 2020-2021

***Supplemental salaries are calculated as a percentage of the base pay rounded down to the nearest $1000.00***

Years 1, 2, 3 Years 4,5,6 Years 7,8,9 Years 10+


Athletic Director 12.00% $4,920 14.00% $5,740 16.00% $6,560 18.00% $7,380


Athletics (cont.)

Basketball Lead (M/F) 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100

Basketball (Asst.) M/F 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460

Bowling (Asst.) 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640 4.50% $1,845

Bowling Lead 4.00% $1,640 4.40% $1,804 5.30% $2,173 7.00% $2,870

Cross Country (Lead) 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100

Cross Country (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460

Football Lead 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 11.00% $4,510 11.50% $4,715

Football (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460

Golf (Lead) 4.00% $1,640 4.40% $1,804 5.20% $2,132 7.00% $2,870 Golf (Asst.) 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640 4.50% $1,845 Tennis (Lead) 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 Tennis (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460 Track Lead 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100 Track (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460

Volleyball (Lead) 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100

Volleyball (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460

Wrestling (Lead) 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100

Wrestling (Asst.) 4.50% $1,845 5.00% $2,050 5.50% $2,255 6.00% $2,460


Band Instructors (Lead) CM/FM 7.00% $2,870 8.00% $3,280 9.00% $3,690 10.00% $4,100

Kay Sponsor 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640 Scholar’s Bowl 4.00% $1,640 5.00% $2,050 6.00% $2,460 7.00% $2,870 Student Senate 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

Clubs - Curriculum NJHS 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

SADD 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00% $1,640

JCMS - Yearbook 2.50% $1,025 3.00%

$1,230 3.50% $1,435 4.00%



The following positions at the Middle School payment continues according to the 2013-14 agreement; payment of a stipend will cease when the currently employed teacher(s) vacate the contract and be paid by agreed upon hourly rate for work beyond the duty day.

Year 1-3

Years 4-5

Years 6-10

Years 11-15

Years 16+

Orchestra CM $2,500 $2,625 $2,750 $3,000 $3,250

Elementary Schedule Years 1, 2, 3 Years 4,5,6 Years 7,8,9 Years 10+

Student Council 1.50% $615 2.00% $820 2.50% $1,025 3.00% $1,230

District Wide Services

***These stipends are paid out over 12 months***

Assistant to the Principal at Washington Elementary $3,000

District Instrumental Music Chairperson $1,155

Elementary Vocal Music Chairperson $1,155

Elementary Team Leaders 10 or fewer staff $925

Elementary Team Leaders more than 10 staff $1,225

Lead Nurse Coordinator $2,000

Elementary Physical Education Chairperson $1,155

Secondary Department Heads 10 or fewer staff $925

Secondary Department Heads more than 10 staff $1,225

Social Worker Chairperson $1,155

Speech Language Pathologist Chairperson $1,155

School Psychologist Chairperson $1,155

Behavior Strategies Classroom, ACSS Special Education (Covers possible loss of planning time and duty-free lunch due to student behavioral needs) $2,045

SPED Instructional Coach Chairperson $1,155

Elementary District Grade Level Steering Committee Chairs $1,155


***These stipends are lump sum payments***

Teacher Mentor $1,000

Nationally Board-Certified Teachers $1,000

Extended Contracts Number of Extended Days

Assistant to the Principal at Washington Elementary per diem 10

Psychologist per diem 5

MS Counselor per diem 10

SE Counselor per diem 15

Social Worker per diem 5

Secondary Library Media Specialist per diem 8

Elementary Library Media Specialist per diem 4

School Nurse

(Nurses are eligible for up to two (2) days to be used at the beginning of the contract year provided one of the per diem days is used for scheduled enrollment day.

per diem


ECH Grant Specialist per diem 10

CTE Specialist per diem Up to 10

Transition Specialist/Facilitator per diem 4

Speech Pathologist per diem 4

District Funded Positions

District ELL Specialist up to 10 per diem + $2,000 (paid w/contract) Ongoing

D. Grants: It is understood that the district at any time may be pursing and/or operating various programs with funds from a variety of sources. When grants are received, the JCEA Advisory Board will be informed immediately and grant positions will proceed to IBB. These grant-funded positions do not draw on funds available for the salary schedule but will appear in the supplemental salary schedule. Furthermore, when the grant expires, so do the positions funded by the grant.

E. Supplemental Salary Committee: Additions to or deletions from the Supplemental Salary Schedule will be recommended as outlined in the Supplemental Salary Committee Guideline. Committee will meet quarterly to review throughout the school year. See Appendix B.

F. Supplemental Assignment

1. Supplemental pay assignments are separate and in addition to the teacher’s duty day.

2. Such assignments shall be voluntary, and no teacher shall be required to accept any such assignment. Refusal to accept a supplemental pay assignment shall not be the basis for negative teacher appraisal.


3. The number of persons who may fill a position listed on the Supplemental Pay Schedule is based upon district guidelines for coaches/sponsors (See Appendix B). Request for additional coach/sponsors shall follow procedures set forth in the district guidelines for coaches/sponsors. Each person filling a position shall receive the full amount listed on the schedule.

4. With permission of the administration and the President of the Association and/or designee, teachers may enter into discussions about sharing or splitting the responsibilities of assignments listed on the schedule. Should teachers agree to share/split responsibilities, then such sharing/splitting of the assignment shall be allowed provided that:

a. The duties assigned to each teacher be placed in writing;

b. The salary amount for each teacher be placed in writing;

c. The total salary for a position shall be neither greater than nor less than that negotiated;

d. Alleged violations of the above may become grieveable under the procedure described in Article IV; and

e. The Association shall approve in writing within five (5) working days. Failure to respond will indicate approval.

G. Hourly Rate: Ticket takers, ticket sellers, athletic event supervisors, timers, scorers, announcer, etc. for the high school and middle schools will be paid at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Hourly rate shall begin at the time the teacher is required to report.

H. Teachers Instructing Students Beyond the Duty Day/Contract Year: Teachers instructing students beyond the duty day/contract year shall be compensated at the rate of $18.50 per hour.

I. Professional Development Trainers: Teachers utilized from time to time and designated by the Superintendent/designee as Staff Development Trainer for the purpose of teaching sessions in teacher development programs shall be compensated on an hourly basis at $18.50 per contact teaching hour.

J. Reimbursement for Tuition: In the event any teacher is required by the Superintendent or designee of schools to take additional college hours to increase the scope of his/her certification/license, tuition costs incurred by the teacher shall be paid by the Board upon presentation of proper receipts.

1. Waiver Teachers: Teachers working on waiver for Special Education endorsement who receive tuition reimbursement for completed college course work to become a Special Education teacher are required to stay three years with the district in a special education position. Should they leave the district or the Special Education position, they must reimburse the district for monies received for their tuition. Special circumstances (i.e. circumstances that you would not be charged liquidated damages) are exempt from having to pay expenses back.

2. SLP/Psych: SLP’s and Psychologist are to follow the Geary County Schools USD 475 Sign-on Bonus Agreement.

3. Social Worker CEU Reimbursement: There is an annual Continuing Education Units (CEU’s)/Licensure renewal up to $850 for social workers upon submission of the appropriate documentation that includes receipts for payment of license renewal, conference/workshop and certificate of completion/attendance to the Special Education Department.

K. Mileage Reimbursement: Employees required in the course of their work to drive personal automobiles from one building to another should be reimbursed for travel expenses. The mileage rate will be established for the contract year at the federal rate in effect on the date of the final step in ratification of the contract.

L. New Teacher Orientation: Teachers new to the district who are required to be on duty extra days because of new teacher orientation shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $18.50 per hour.


M. National Board Certification: Nationally Board Certified/Licensed teachers will be compensated at the rate established by the state. The district will provide compensation of $1,000 to each Nationally Board-Certified teacher(s) currently under contract who have the National Board Certification listed on the teacher’s current contract Kansas teaching license.

Article IX – Teacher Appraisal A. Assumptions and Rationale Underlying KEEP2 Appraisal Process

1. Teacher appraisal in the Geary County Unified Schools is based on the assumption that appraisal;

a. Fosters continuous cooperation

b. Facilitates the professional growth

c. Improves the quality of instruction and learning

B. Purpose of the Teacher Appraisal Process


1. The educator evaluation process comprises two major categories:

a. Formative evaluation, which gathers specific information about an individual educator’s strength and weaknesses to be used for improving individual performance.

b. Summative evaluation, which collects information about an educator’s overall performance relevant to administrative decisions such as retention, promotion, or non-renewal.

2. The key components of the evaluation process include student achievement, teacher goal, professional responsibilities, observations and assigned duties. A growing body of evidence indicates that the individual having primary responsibility for carrying out a given assignment must be significantly involved in the evaluation process in order to achieve improved performance.

3. It must also be emphasized that at some point in the appraisal process, administrative decisions the summative evaluation must utilize information gathered in the formative stage.


1. Specific objectives for educator appraisal as adopted by Geary County Unified School Board of Education include:

a. To improve the classroom instruction of educators and thus provide optimal education opportunities for student of Geary County Schools USD 475

b. To communicate to each educator the expectations of the administration

c. To improve each educator’s understanding of the duties, responsibilities and performance expectations of his/her performance.

C. Teacher Appraisal Process

1. Kansas Law Requirements

Years Number of appraisals Completion Date

1 and 2 2 per year Prior to 60th day of each semester

3 and 4 1 per year By February 15 each year


5 and on 1 every three years By February 15 of the appraisal year

2. Pre-Appraisal Training

a. Training for administration and educators preceded initiation of appraisal process. This training includes but is not limited to (and includes new teachers and any other certified staff interested in attending):

i. Defining effective teaching using multiple measures

ii. Describing effective teaching

iii. Observing to obtain desired evidence of quality teaching

iv. Writing a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely) goal. A measurable goal states clearly the evidence required for documentation of progress. Professional Development Plan (PDP) goals, evaluation goals, and applicable licensure goals should closely relate.

v. Choosing and collecting evidence of student growth

vi. Gaining understanding of timelines for the appraisal process

vii. Plan of Assistance Process

b. The administrator will meet with both probationary and non-probationary educators to be evaluated during the year to discuss requirements for an appraisal no later than the end of August.

3. Probationary Educators

a. Probationary educators meet one of the following criteria:

i. New to the profession and in their first through third years in the district

ii. From out-of-state and in their first through third year in the district

iii. Non-probationary from another Kansas school district and in their first and second years in the district

b. Annual Requirements

i. Individual preliminary conference held prior to the 60th class day between administrator and educator to determine measurable goals. The administrator will guide and approve goals in relation to the KEEP2 rubric, building and district goals. *Goals for Professional Development Plans must also be approved by the administrator according to state regulations.

ii. Formal appraisals that include student growth, educator goal, professional responsibilities, classroom observations related to the goals, and assigned duties.

iii. Required participation in the district’s three-year induction program.

iv. The educator is responsible to produce and maintain evidence which is required to document completion of all multiple measures. This evidence must be presented/ uploaded to their administrator during the formative follow-up meetings for monitoring and input. Examples of evidence for all measures can be found under sections IV-VII in the KEEP2 training manual.

4. Non-Probationary Educators: educators who have successfully completed the probationary process requirements in the district.


a. Requirements

i. Certified staff and administrators will meet annually by October 15 to establish and/or maintain measurable goals and agreed upon evidence. Other more frequent meetings may occur if requested by the administrator or staff member.

ii. The staff member will share collected data, evidence and progress with the administrator in a follow-up conference determined by the administrator. All data or documentation over the three-year cycle will be considered in the KEEP2 process. Goals and activities support the individual’s Professional Development Plan and School Improvement Goals.

iii. Formal appraisals that include student growth, educator goal, professional responsibilities, classroom observations related to the goals, and assigned duties.

iv. The educator is responsible to produce and maintain evidence which is required to document completion of all multiple measures. This evidence must be presented/uploaded to their immediate supervisor and/or building administrator during the formative follow-up meetings for monitoring and input. Examples of evidence for all measures can be found under sections IV-VII in the KEEP2 Training Manual.

5. Preliminary Support

a. Step 1: Teacher does not meet district expectations: if at any time during the year, whether the teacher is on cycle or not, the primary evaluator determines that the teacher does not meet a district expectation, the primary evaluator will:

i. Confer with the teacher and share in writing the performance and construct(s) concerns correlated with KEEP.

ii. The teacher may provide documentation showing history of evidence of meeting the expectations.

iii. However, if at this conference or a later date, the primary evaluator determines that a formal evaluation is needed, a follow up date will be scheduled.

iv. Guidelines for the Follow up Evaluation:

a. At least thirty (30) minutes per observation;

b. One observation with one day notice, to include evidence that will be collected;

c. One observation scheduled cooperatively; Subsequent observation may occur with or without notice.

v. The primary evaluator has the discretion, based on totality of the Preliminary Support process, to place the teacher on a Plan of Assistance. The written Preliminary Support documentation shall be submitted to the District Personnel Services office within twenty (20) student contact days.

b. Step 2: Plan of Assistance Guidelines

i. The teacher will be informed in writing of the primary evaluator’s decision to place him/her on a Plan of Assistance.

ii. The primary evaluator will provide the teacher completed Section 1 and 2 from the Plan of Assistance for the teacher’s improvement and together with the teacher complete Section 3 of the Plan of Assistance. The teacher and the primary evaluator will work together to create and achieve the improvement goal(s).


iii. Improvement goal(s) and the course of action will be reviewed and documented in accordance with the timeline specified in the Plan of Assistance.

iv. If in a review of evidence collected, the primary evaluator determines that the teacher’s performance has met the expectations outlined in the Plan of Assistance, the teacher will be released from the plan.

v. If in a review of evidence collected, the primary evaluator determine that the teacher’s performance has not met the expectations outlined in Plan of Improvement, the primary evaluator will recommend to the Superintendent/designee, the teacher may continue on the Plan of Assistance for a maximum of one (1) additional year.

vi. When the teacher is laced on a Plan of Improvement, he/she begins an annual cycle of evaluation and will remain on this annual until the teacher is released from the Plan of Improvement. At that time the teacher will resume his/her regular evaluation cycle.

vii. If the teacher disagrees with the provision(s) of Sections 1 and 2 of the Plan of Assistance, he/she may file a response to the Plan of Assistance with the Executive Director of Personnel Services and seek modifications pertaining to the accuracy of the data and/or evidence contained within the Plan of Assistance within three (3) days. The Executive Director of Personal Services will have five (5) days to work towards an agreement on the plan with all parties. If there are still concerns by the professional employee, they will have three (3) days to appeal and seek recommendations from the Teacher Appraisal Supervision Committee. This committee will forward their recommendations within five (5) days. During this time, the Plan of Assistance will be followed as written.

c. Step 3: District Office Review

i. Once both parties have discussed and signed the official document, a copy shall be

a. Given to the professional employee;

b. Retained by the primary evaluator and;

c. Sent to the Executive Director of Personnel Services for review and recommendation

ii. An opinion (concurring or dissenting) may be written by the professional employee and attached to the formal document within fourteen (14) calendar days or with an extension as approved by Personnel Services. The professional employee is aware of the contents of the evaluation report. If the professional employee believes that the evaluation procedure had not been followed, the grievance procedure may be implemented at any time.

6. If the evaluation indicates a recommendation for non-renewal, Article XV shall be followed.

7. During any conference, the teacher shall have the right to representation.

8. See Appendix C for Evaluation Forms.

9. General Provisions

a. The administrator and teacher will choose evidence of progress based on needed areas of improvement. Evidence must indicate that goals have been met, or the administrator may recommend to the superintendent that the teacher’s contract not be renewed. Either placement of any teacher on a Plan of Assistance multiple times or failure to make progress on a given plan could be cause for non-renewal.


i. Assessment results alone will not be the basis for placement on an assistance plan.

ii. Administrator and teacher will work together to develop a support system, which may include mentor teachers, co-workers, or other district personnel. When teachers assist one another in a voluntary observation experience, this peer assistance process shall not be used in conjunction with formal or required teacher appraisal. Confidentiality is essential in this process.

10. Program for Professional Development

a. A key component of teacher appraisal is the teacher’s participation in the district’s ongoing Professional Development Program.

b. The Professional Development Program will support the educational goals of the building and the district.

11. Responsibility for Teacher Appraisal

a. The principal of each school is responsible for the appraisal of professional staff members assigned to his/her building. In carrying out this responsibility, principals may involve assistant principals or designated administrators. It must be stressed, however, that the building principal is ultimately responsible for the teacher appraisal of all his/her teachers and must therefore retain a high degree of involvement which will allow him/her to make an intelligent judgment in each case.

b. In some cases, a teacher’s appraisal will be the responsibility of an appropriate administrator rather than a building principal. All the principles and procedures which apply to building-level teacher appraisal apply also to a teacher appraisal conducted by one of these designated persons.

12. Professional Performance Goals

a. The basic purpose of setting goals is to improve some aspects of the teacher’s performance or area of responsibility and therefore contribute to the implementation of the School Improvement Plan.

b. Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely). A measurable goal states clearly the evidence required for documentation of progress. Professional Development Plan goals, evaluation goals, and applicable licensure goals should closely relate.

13. Appeals Process

a. If the teacher thinks the appraisal is unfair, inaccurate, or incomplete, the teacher shall attempt to resolve the matter with the administrator who made the appraisal. If the matter is not resolved, the teacher shall have the right to appeal the matter to the Executive Director of Personnel Services of. The teacher is afforded all the protections of K.S.A. 72-2411.

KEEP2 will continue in the school year. Summative evaluations will occur according to previously established cycles. This appraisal system will be continually monitored for reinterpretations as needed.


Article X – Teacher Discipline A. It is agreed informal disciplinary actions are the first steps taken in constructive discipline and are to

be taken by administrators in situations of a minor nature involving the teacher’s conduct or job performance. Disciplinary actions will be administered in a fair and equitable manner, and, where practical, in a private manner with an appropriate substantive investigation of the key individuals involved.

B. The information regarding proposed and implemented discipline of teachers shall be considered confidential, privileged information, only to be released to administrators who work with the teacher, the superintendent, and, if appropriate, to the Board of Education. The teacher may release information regarding the discipline to any appropriate party.

C. Discipline of a teacher will be progressive and/or sequential, and appropriate to the severity of the infraction, except in those situations that constitute a breach of board policy that could impair the effective operation of the school, or a potential criminal violation. The sequence of discipline shall be as follows: 1. Counseling shall be the first step to a minor infraction such as; lateness to work, professionalism

or professional responsibilities. Documentation may occur for record, but no written record will be placed in the professional employee’s personnel file.

2. Oral reprimand transmitted directly to the teacher, acknowledged by the teacher, and recorded in the building personnel file only as the existence of the reprimand, without extensive detail.

3. Once the administrator determines that a written reprimand is necessary, a face to face meeting with the teacher shall occur within 3 business days unless there are extenuating circumstances. It shall contain sufficient details of the incident to allow understanding by the teacher who shall submit a written response to the allegations within 3 business days unless there are extenuating circumstances. The response shall be attached to the reprimand, and both will remain in the teacher’s building personnel file. There shall be no further appeal of the reprimand. A series of oral reprimands can be grouped together under unprofessional behavior.

4. In the event of the failure of a teacher to correct the behavior identified in the written reprimand, the teacher may be placed on a written behavior plan and a timeline for meeting those expectations. The written behavior plan shall provide an opportunity for the teacher to object in writing to elements of the plan within 3 business days unless there are extenuating circumstances. Any objections shall be resolved by the Superintendent, or Associate Superintendent within 5 business days unless there are extenuating circumstances.

5. If the teacher does not satisfactorily meet the goals of the behavior plan, or if the teacher’s behavior becomes insubordinate, the immediate supervisor shall notify the Executive Director of Personnel Services. The Superintendent shall have the authority to suspend the teacher with pay, pending further review. With permission of the teacher, notification will be sent to the JCEA President.

6. Any reprimand or written behavior plan that is resolved may not be referenced after 13 calendar months and shall be purged at the end of that school year.

7. If the teacher does not correct the issues identified as the basis for the suspension with pay, or if the behavior is serious enough to warrant termination of employment, the Superintendent will notify the teacher of the intent to recommend suspension without pay to the Board of Education. All protection pursuant to Article XIV of this agreement will be followed.


8. The teacher is entitled to be represented in any disciplinary proceeding under this provision.

9. The discipline committee will create the parameters of a behavior plan to ensure that it does not circumvent due process.

Article XI –Contract Year A. Length of Year

1. The calendar committee will provide three (3) calendar options for teachers, not later than the third week in February, to vote on, prior to BOE approval.

2. The length of the contract year for the school year 2020-2021 will be 189 days.

3. Days scheduled for winter and spring recesses for the 2020-2021 school year shall include.

• Labor Day ~ September 7, 2020 • Veteran’s Day ~ November 11, 2020 • Thanksgiving Break ~ November 24-27, 2020 • Winter Break ~ December 21, 2020- January 1, 2021 • Martin Luther King’s Birthday ~ January 18, 2021 • Spring Break ~ March 15-19, 2021 • Good Friday ~ April 2, 2021 • Memorial Day ~ May 31, 2021

Article XII – Teaching Load A. Normal Teaching Load

1. The normal teaching load at the high school shall not exceed more than six (6) class periods in a 2 (two) day scheduling cycle plus an Advisory assignment or duties assigned by the principal during advisory. Advisory will be used for all student advocacy initiatives, establishing relationships with students and families, post-secondary planning, facilitating lessons provided to all teachers related to a school improvement goal or career clusters (i.e. grades, social emotional, IPS/Career Exploration).

2. The normal teaching load in the middle schools shall be no more than 295 minutes the 20-21 and 21-22 school years. Advisory at the middle schools will be used for all student advocacy initiatives, establishing relationships with students and families, post-secondary planning, facilitating lessons provided to all teachers related to a school improvement goal or career clusters (i.e. grades, social emotional, IPS/Career Exploration).

3. The normal teaching load at the elementary shall not exceed 335 minutes.

B. Overload Assignments

1. When a teacher accepts an additional daily class period on a regular basis beyond the normal teaching load it shall be considered an overload assignment.

2. Teachers shall be compensated as follows for an overload assignment.

a. High School – an additional one-sixth of salary schedule amount

b. Middle School – an additional one-sixth of salary schedule amount.

3. Any Elementary teacher who believes the makeup of classroom students is detrimental to the well-being of the classroom may request an overload review and should refer to the Memorandum of Understanding.


C. Alternative Scheduling

1. Alternative schedules based on student needs may be implemented by the principal as long as the normal teacher workload is not changed. Openings based on alternative schedules will be posted. Selection of personnel for alternative schedules will be made by the principal after consulting with the appropriate building faculty. Any alternative schedule established and assigned on less than 45 calendar days’ notice, which involves a change in a teacher’s schedule, will include a one-time compensation of $300 for the teacher.

D. Short Notice of Change

1. A plan for how much time will be needed will be submitted to the principal/supervisor and the Executive Director of Personnel Services by the teacher(s) involved in a short notice change of assignment shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $18.50 an hour for work related to the transfer and required to be done outside the duty day. The Executive Director of Personnel Services will make final determination regarding the compensation.

E. Transfer Procedures: In the event of voluntary and involuntary transfers the guidelines in Appendix D will be followed.

Article XIII – Reduction in Force A. Reduction in Force

1. If, at any time, in the judgment of the Board of Education, a reduction in staff is necessary, the following procedures will be used.

a. To the extent the Board considers practical, the reduction will be accomplished through attrition.

b. If the Board determines that the required reduction cannot be accomplished entirely through attrition, the Board shall give written notice to the Association of its intention to implement a reduction in force.

c. The Board retains the sole discretion and authority to determine the number of teaching positions to be reduced and the specific employees to be laid off. In making these decisions the board shall consider tenure, certification, seniority, previous experience, effectiveness as a teacher, student success, complaints of parents, levels of minority teachers, and any and all other factors deemed by the Board to be relevant to maintaining the best qualified and effective faculty for the school district. For the purpose of determining “seniority” in the application of the above sentence, a teacher’s seniority shall be determined as follows:

i. Each teacher shall be credited with one (1) point for each year of service in Geary County USD 475.

ii. Each teacher shall be credit with one (1) additional point for each column on the salary schedule.

iii. Each teacher shall be credited with one (1) additional point for each tier on the salary schedule.

iv. The total of points for each teacher shall determine each teacher’s seniority rank. The district shall make the initial determination of the teacher or teachers best qualified for each position to be retained and if it is determined that more than one teacher is equally qualified, the district will calculate the seniority rank of the teachers as set forth above and the teacher with the higher rank will be retained.


d. Personnel to be laid off shall be provided written notice of termination by the third (3rd) Friday in May.

B. Recall Procedure

1. If the Board of Education has declared a reduction in staff is necessary and has given written notice to the Association as required under A.1. above, the following procedures will apply:

a. As teachers are selected for layoffs, their names will be placed on a list in the order of their selection. When the list is complete, a copy of the list shall be dated and given to the Association. If necessary, additional lists may be completed, dated and a copy furnished to the Association.

b. After implementing such a reduction procedure, each list of names of teachers laid off because of such reduction in staff shall be maintained for two years from its date. Any teacher who has been so laid off shall no longer be considered an employee and shall have no employee rights or benefits other than those required by law, except that such teacher shall retain the right to file a grievance pursuant to Article IV in connection with any alleged violation of his or her recall rights under this Article. It shall be the responsibility of laid off teachers to keep the Executive Director of Personnel Services informed of their current address and any changes in teaching qualifications and certification.

c. If a vacancy occurs within the two year period specified in paragraph 2 above for which any teacher named on the list is certified/licensed and is considered by the district to be the best qualified, and the position cannot be filled from teachers then currently on the teaching staff, the position shall be offered to the best qualified teacher on the lists for the position to be filled. The determination of whether teachers are similarly qualified shall be made by the district and shall be binding upon all concerned. In the event more than one teacher is considered similarly qualified, the position will be offered to the teacher with the highest seniority rank. The normal employment factors, as set forth in Section A, subsection C above will be utilized by the district to determine the teacher that is best qualified to fill the position, and this determination shall be binding on all concerned. A vacancy shall not be deemed to exist for purposes of this paragraph if the position may be filled by a non-probationary teacher currently on the teaching staff. Similarly, the district shall not be obligated to offer any teacher a position of greater full-time equivalency than that teacher had when he or she was laid off.

d. Any teacher re-employed by recall shall be given salary, related benefits, and the experience level to which he or she was entitled when laid off. No teacher shall lose re-employment rights by securing other employment during the layoff. Time during the lay off period shall not be counted, except that appropriate credit on the salary schedule may be given for teaching experience in a KSDE accredited school as if continuously employed with USD 475.

e. If any teacher named on the list waives recall rights in writing, fails to accept recall to a position for which the teacher is qualified, fails to respond within six (6) calendar days of a recall notice sent to the latest address which the teacher has furnished, or fails to report for duty and accept the position, the name of such teacher shall be removed from the list and such teacher shall have no further recall rights.


Article XIV - Resignations

A. Early Resignation

1. Teachers are encouraged to notify the Board as soon as possible of their intention to resign or retire.

2. Teachers who submit to the Personnel Services Department a resignation effective the end of the 2020-2021 contract year between August 20, 2020 and January 23, 2021 shall receive an incentive payment of $500.00.

3. Resignations will be reviewed at the next scheduled board meeting, and upon acceptance by the board, incentives will be disbursed with the final paycheck.

B. Liquidated Damage

1. Resignations received between the 15th day (June 5, 2021) and the 30th day (June 20, 2021) following the 3rd Friday in May will be approved by the Board of Education after payment of a $1,000 liquidated damage assessment.

2. Resignations received between 31st day (June 21, 2021) and the 54th day (July 14, 2021) following the 3rd Friday in May will be approved by the Board of Education after payment of a $1,500 liquidated damage assessment.

3. Resignations received between the 55th day (July 15, 2021) after the 3rd Friday in May and the staff member’s individual reporting day will be approved by the Board of Education after payment of a $2,500 liquidated damage assessment and when a suitable replacement has been found.

4. Resignations after the staff member’s individual reporting day will be approved by the Board of Education after payment of a $4,500 liquidated damage assessment and when a suitable replacement has been found.

5. Teachers working on waiver for Special Education endorsement who receive tuition reimbursement for completed college course work to become special education teacher are required to stay three (3) years with the district in a special education position. Should they leave the district or the special education position, they must reimburse the district for monies received for their tuition. Special circumstances (i.e. circumstances that you would not be charged liquidated damages) are exempt from having to pay expenses back.

6. SLP/Psychologists who received the Geary County Schools USD 475 Sign-on Bonus Agreement/Tuition Reimbursement will pay expenses back according to the terms on the Geary County Schools USD 475 Sign-on Bonus Agreement.

C. Waiver

1. Liquidated damages will be waived when the Executive Director of Personnel Services determines the professional educator is compelled to resign for medical/family emergencies or in the event of a compulsory transfer of the professional educator’s spouse. Verification of such reasons may be required.

2. The Superintendent or designee may waive terms of resignation on a case by case basis.


Article XV – Due Process Rights A. Due Process Procedure

1. All contracts of teacher shall continue for the next succeeding school year unless written notice of termination or non-renewal is served.

a. Written notice to terminate a contract may be served by the Board upon any teacher prior to the time the contract has been completed.

b. Written notice of intention to non-renew contract must be served by a Board upon any teacher on or before the third (3rd) Friday in May.

c. The notice of intention to non-renew or to terminate the contract of a teacher will be prepared in the office of the superintendent of schools. Such a notice will be served to the teacher via registered mail.

The following provisions (Section C-G inclusive) shall apply only to (1) teachers who have completed not less than three (3) consecutive years of employment, and been offered a fourth contract, in USD 475; and (2) teachers who have completed not less than two (2) consecutive years of employment in USD 475; and have been offered a third contract by USD 475, if at any time prior to the current employment the teacher has completed the years of employment requirement of provision (1) in any school district, area vocational-technical school or community college in this state

B. Notice of Nonrenewal; Hearing Officer

1. Whenever a teacher is given written notice of intention to not renew the teacher’s contract or whenever the teacher is given notice of intention to terminate the contract, the notice shall include: (1) a statement of the reasons for the proposed nonrenewal or termination; and (2) a statement that the teacher may have the matter heard by a hearing officer, upon written request filed with the Clerk of the Board of Education within 15 calendar days from the date of such notice of non-renewal or termination.

2. Upon the filing of any written request of a teacher to be heard as provided in a. above, within 10 calendar days thereafter, the Board shall notify the commissioner of education that a list of qualified hearing officers is required. Such notice shall contain the mailing address of the teacher. Within 10 days after receipt of notification from the Board, the commissioner shall provide to the Board and to the teacher, a list of nine randomly selected, qualified hearing officers.

3. Within five (5) days after receiving the list from the commissioner, each party shall eliminate four names from the list, and the remaining individual on the list shall serve as hearing officer. In the process of elimination, each party shall eliminate no more than one name at a time, the parties alternating after each name has been eliminated. The first name to be eliminated shall be chosen by the teacher, within five (5) days after the teacher receives the list. The process of elimination shall be completed within five (5) days thereafter.

4. Either party may request that one new list be provided within five (5) days after receiving the list. If such a request is made, the party making the request shall notify the commissioner and the other party, and the commissioner shall generate a new list and distribute it to the parties in the same manner as the original list.

5. In lieu of using the process provided in subsections (b) and (c), if the parties agree, they may make a request to the American Arbitration Association for an arbitrator to serve as the hearing officer. Any party desiring to use this alternative procedure shall so notify the other party in the notice required under subsection (a). If the parties agree to use this procedure, the parties shall make a joint request to the American Arbitration Association for a hearing officer within 10 days


after the teacher files a request for a hearing. If the parties choose to use this procedure, the parties shall each pay one-half of the cost of the arbitrator and of the arbitrator’s expenses.

C. Due Process Hearing – Procedural Requirements

1. The hearing provided for in Section 2; above shall commence within 45 calendar days after the hearing officer is selected unless the hearing officer grants an extension of time. The hearing shall afford procedural due process which shall include the following:

a. right of each party to have counsel of the party’s own choice present and to receive the advice of counsel or other person whom the party may select;

b. the right of each party or such party’s counsel to cross-examine any person who provides information for the consideration of the hearing officer, except those persons whose testimony is presented by affidavit;

c. the right of each party to present such party’s own witnesses in person, or their testimony by affidavit or deposition, except that testimony of a witness by affidavit may be presented only if such witness lives more than 100 miles from the district office of USD 475 in Junction City, Kansas, or is absent from the state, or is unable to appear because of age, illness, infirmity or imprisonment. When testimony is presented by affidavit the same shall be served upon the clerk of the board of education or the agent of the board and upon the teacher in person or by first-class mail to the address of the teacher which is on file with the board not less than 10 calendar days prior to presentation to the hearing officer;

d. the right of the teacher to testify in the teacher’s own behalf and give reasons for the teacher’s conduct, and the right of the board to present its testimony through such persons as the board may call to testify in its behalf and to give reasons for its actions, rulings or policies;

e. the right of the parties to have an orderly hearing; and

f. the right of the teacher to fair and impartial decision based on substantial evidence.

D. Witnesses; Fees and Costs

1. Witnesses who are subpoenaed to appear before a hearing officer shall receive $5 per day and mileage at the rate prescribed by statute, for miles actually traveled in going to and returning from attendance at the hearing. The fees and mileage for the attendance of witnesses shall be paid by the party calling the witness, except that fees and mileage of witnesses subpoenaed by the hearing officer shall be paid by the board. Witnesses voluntarily appearing before the hearing officer shall not receive fees or mileage for attendance at the hearing.

2. The hearing officer shall be paid $240 per diem compensation or a portion thereof, for each day of actual attendance at the hearing or for any meeting held for the purpose of performing the hearing officer’s official duties. In addition to compensation, the hearing officer shall be paid subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided by statute. The costs for the services of the hearing officer shall be paid by the board.

3. Testimony at a hearing shall be recorded by a certified shorthand reporter. The cost for the certified shorthand reporter’s services shall be paid by the board. The transcript shall be transcribed if the decision of the hearing officer is appealed to the district court, or if either party requests transcription. The appellant or the party making the request shall pay for the cost of transcription. If both parties jointly request that the transcript be transcribed at the hearing level, the parties shall each pay one-half of the cost of transcription.


4. Each party shall be responsible for the payment of its own attorney fees.

5. All costs of a hearing which are not specifically allocated in this section shall be paid by the Board.

E. Testimony by Affidavit or Deposition

1. When either party desires to present testimony by affidavit or by deposition, that party shall furnish to the hearing officer the date on which the testimony shall be taken.

2. A copy of the affidavit or deposition must be furnished by the opposing party within ten (10) days following the taking of the testimony.

3. No such testimony shall be presented at a hearing until the opposite party has had at least ten (10) days prior to the date upon which the testimony is to be presented to the hearing officer to rebut the testimony by affidavit or deposition or to submit interrogatories to the affiant or deponent to be answered under oath.

4. Such ten (10) day period may, for good cause shown, be extended by the hearing officer.

F. Powers of Hearing Officer

1. The hearing officer may:

a. Issue subpoenas for attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of, books, papers and documents relating to any matter under investigation;

b. Authorize depositions to be taken;

c. Administers oaths;

d. Receives evidence and limit lines of questioning and testimony which are repetitive;

e. Calls and examines witnesses and introduces into the record documentary and other evidence;

f. Regulate the course of the hearing and dispose of procedural requests, motions and similar matters; and

g. Takes any other action necessary to make the hearing accord with administrative due process.

G. Opinion of the hearing officer

1. Unless otherwise agreed to by both the board and the teacher, the hearing officer shall render a written opinion not later than 30 days after the close of the hearing, setting forth the hearing officer’s findings of fact and determination of the issues. The decision of the hearing officer shall be submitted to the teacher and to the board.

2. The decision of the hearing officer shall be final, subject to appeal to the district court by either party as provided by statue.

Hearings shall not be bound by the rules of evidence whether statutory, common law or adopted by the rules of court, except that, the burden of proof shall initially rest upon the board in all instances other than when the allegation is that the teacher’s contract has been terminated or nonrenewal by reason of the teacher having exercised a constitutional right. All relevant evidence shall be admissible, except that the hearing officer, in the hearing officer’s discretion, may exclude any evidence if the hearing officer believes that the probative value of such evidence is substantially outweighed by the fact that its admission will necessitate undue consumption of time.


H. Procedure for Determination of an Abridgement of a Constitutional Right

1. In the event any teacher alleges that his or her contract has been non-renewed because the teacher exercised a constitutional right, the following procedure shall be implemented:

a. The teacher alleging an abridgement by the board of a constitutionally protected right shall notify the board of the allegations within fifteen (15) days after receiving the notice of intent to not renew or terminate the teacher’s contract. Such notice shall specify the nature of the activity protected, and the times, dates and places of such activity.

b. The hearing officer provided for Section A.2; shall there upon be selected and shall decide if there is substantial evidence to support the teacher’s claim that the teacher’s exercise of a constitutionally protected right was the reason for the non-renewal.

c. If the hearing officer determines that there is no substantial evidence to substantiate the teacher’s claim of a violation of a constitutionally protected right, the board’s decision to not renew the contract shall stand.

d. If the hearing officer determines that there is substantial evidence to support the teacher’s claim the board shall be required to submit to the hearing officer any reasons which may have been involved in the non-renewal.

e. If the board presents any substantial evidence to support its reasons, the board’s decision not to renew the contract shall be upheld.

f. The above due process provisions are intended to paraphrase and represent the due process statute in effect January 1, 1998.

For purposes of this section, the term “teacher” shall be defined as any professional employee who is required to hold a certificate to teach in any school district, but not including any supervisors, principals or superintendents or any other persons employed under the authority of K.S.A. 72-2215.


Ratified Agreement

This agreement shall be in full force and effect for one (1) year only, beginning July 1, 2020, and ending on June 30, 2021, according to Chapter 284, 1970 Session Laws of Kansas as amended by the Kansas Legislature, except as indicated in any attached letter of understanding.

Junction City Education Association Board of Education – USD 475 ____________________________ __________________________ President President ____________________________ __________________________ Secretary Secretary ____________________________ __________________________ Ratification Date Ratification Date By the Professional Employees Negotiations Unit By the Board of Education


Appendix A– Catastrophic Leave Guidelines CATASTROPHIC LEAVE BANK

A catastrophic leave bank of a cost not to exceed $38,500 and maintain a bank of at least 150 days will be administered by the catastrophic leave bank committee as outlined in the Catastrophic Leave Bank guidelines.

A. DEFINITION: Catastrophic injury or illness is defined as an unplanned, severe condition affecting the physical health or mental health of the licensed employee or an employee’s spouse/partner, children (son or daughter), and parents. These are immediate family members as specified in FMLA. Parent does NOT include a parent “in-law”.

1. Such injury or illness must be severe, continuing, unusual and force the licensed employee to exhaust all benefit time earned and potentially lose compensation. Any mental health issue must be severe enough to require inpatient care for a minimum of 5 days.

2. Catastrophic illness or injury must require the services of a Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine or surgery, as appropriate, by the state in which the doctor practices.

3. The licensed employee must provide a statement from the medical professional recommending the extended absence and the estimated time needed before returning to work.

4. Normal pregnancy and the normal (as defined by the Family and Medical Leave Act) recovery time that is part of childbirth are not considered to be a catastrophic illness or disability under the terms of this provision.

5. The catastrophic leave bank is not designed to provide additional temporary leave due for non-extraordinary illness, elective surgery, or well-baby care or adoption bonding.


1. Licensed employees are defined as those employees covered by the negotiated agreement.

2. A licensed employee must contribute a minimum of one supplemental day to the catastrophic leave bank in order to use the bank.

3. When the leave bank is at 150 days, the teacher will be notified that action has been taken on their letter of intent to contribute to the leave bank by the personnel department.

4. Notifications of teacher’s intent to contribute annually to the catastrophic leave bank must be submitted by the third Friday in October or January to the personnel department.

5. All unused days will carry over into the next school year.


1. Termination of employment automatically cancels all catastrophic leave bank benefits.

2. Any licensed employee who is hired in mid-year shall have the opportunity to join the catastrophic leave bank, within 31 days of the hire.

3. In order to be eligible for use of the catastrophic leave bank, the participating licensed employee:

a. Must have used all of his/her accumulated sick leave.

b. May not be collecting Workman’s Compensation, Short Term Disability, or KPERS disability.

c. Must complete the required application.


d. Must meet catastrophic leave bank membership requirements as defined above.


1. Days contributed by the licensed employee become a permanent part of the catastrophic leave bank and will not be refunded to that licensed employee.

2. A licensed employee may continue to draw days from the catastrophic leave bank beyond the current school year following these conditions:

a. Must have used all of his/her accumulated sick leave.

b. Medical records must connect current need to previous year granted catastrophic leave.

c. Total days may not exceed ten (10).

d. Must meet catastrophic leave bank membership requirements as defined above.

3. Any days granted by the Catastrophic Leave Committee that are unused once a licensed staff is released by their medical provider will be returned to the Catastrophic Leave bank.

4. Leave benefits may be used starting at an absence of one (1) day if it is deemed catastrophic.

5. Benefits up to and including twenty (20) days of absence may be awarded by a majority vote of the Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee. Applicants may reapply for an additional ten (10) days. The total number of days is not to exceed fifty (50).

6. In the event the limit and/or that all the days in the catastrophic leave bank are exhausted prior to the end of the contract year, there will be no further allowances for use of the bank. The cost to the catastrophic leave bank is determined by the requesting teacher’s per diem.


1. If an employee desires to apply for leave from the catastrophic leave bank, he/she shall make a formal request to the Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee via the superintendent/designee.

2. Requests for catastrophic leave bank days shall be forwarded to the Superintendent/designee no later than five (5) days following the depletion of all of the member’s annual, general, supplemental and usable leave accumulation.

3. The Superintendent/designee will inform the Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee of the request. The Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee will meet within 72 hours of receiving the written request.

4. Catastrophic leave bank days, if approved by the committee, will begin coverage on the day following the last day of the member’s accumulated leave.

5. Requests may be filed on behalf of an incapacitated licensed employee by a district representative.


1. The Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee will consist of three (3) members: one (1) administrator appointed by the superintendent and two (2) teachers, JCEA members who have donated to the catastrophic leave bank will be appointed by JCEA. A designee from the central office who handles sick leave records will also meet with the committee.

2. Committee members shall maintain the confidential nature of the information supporting the requests for catastrophic leave bank days.


3. Responsibilities of the committee consist of reviewing applications for use of the catastrophic leave bank, recommending whether days from the bank shall be awarded and if so, the number of days to be awarded.

4. The committee by majority vote shall make recommendation to the Superintendent/designee to approve or disapprove the request and if approval is recommended, the number of days allowed. Superintendent/designee will consider the committee recommendation and make a final determination of the matter.

5. In the event that a member of the Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee is requesting leave from the bank, he/she shall be excused from deliberation of that request.


1. Written notification of approval or other disposition of the application will be made by the office of the Superintendent to the applicant.

2. The decision of the Superintendent/designee is final and may not be appealed.

3. The decisions regarding the use of catastrophic leave bank days and the interpretation of these decisions shall not be the basis for any grievance.

H. RECORDKEEPING: All records involving the catastrophic leave bank will be the responsibility of the personnel department.


Appendix B– Supplemental Salary Committee Guidelines 1. The Supplemental Salary Schedule is included in the formal agreement between JCEA and USD 475

Board of Education.

2. There shall be a committee to review compensation adjustment requests and to recommend adjustments changes to the Board of Education. Requests from the review committee to the JCEA President and the Superintendent of USD 475 shall be in writing, with a majority and minority (if appropriate) report(s) attached. Requests shall be made following the adopted process found in attachment A and attachment B.

3. The committee members will be jointly appointed by the JCEA President and the Superintendent of USD 475. The methodology utilized will be responsibility of a foresaid two parties.

4. The chairperson of the Supplemental Salary Committee will be the Executive Director of Personnel Services.

5. Committee members will serve a three (3) year term on the Supplemental Salary Committee. Beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, six (6) members will be appointed to serve in the following term format: 2 to a one-year term, 2 to a two-year term, 2 to a three-year term. Replacements will be appointed to a three (3) year term.

6. The Supplemental Salary Committee structure will be:

a. JCEA appointed member

b. JCEA appointed member

c. JCEA appointed member

d. Administrative appointed member

e. Administrative appointed member

f. Administrative appointed member

g. Executive Director of Personnel Services, Chairperson

h. JCHS Athletic Director, Permanent Member

i. JCMS Athletic Director, Permanent Member

j. FRMS Athletic Director, Permanent Member


Supplemental Salary Committee Guidelines Attachment/Part A

A. Addition to the Supplemental Salary Schedule Process The following process is to be used to add to the Athletics, Academics, Activities, and Service Supplemental Salary Schedules. 1. The request shall be in writing and include the following:

a. Statement of purpose

b. Rationale/Description

c. Implementation (timeline/competition-location and numbers)

d. Budget

e. Job description

f. Building Administrative Statement of Support

2. The following review process is to be used:

a. Request must be submitted to the Supplemental Salary Schedule Committee prior to February 1st. Committee will review and make recommendations.

b. District response to request (approve/deny)

c. Approval of BOE is required

d. Superintendent take sponsor/coach request to IBB

e. Written response provided to requestor by Supplemental Salary Committee.

Attachment/Part B

B. Deletion from the Supplemental Salary Schedule Process The following process is to be used to delete from the Athletics, Academics, Activities, and Service Supplemental Salary Schedules. 1. The request shall be in writing and include the following:

a. Statement of purpose

b. Rationale/Description

c. Implementation (timeline/competition-location and numbers)

d. Budget

e. Job description

f. Building Administrative Statement of Support

2. The following review process is to be used:

a. Request must be submitted to the Supplemental Salary Schedule Committee prior to February 1st. Committee will review and make recommendations.

b. District response to request (approve/deny)

c. Approval of BOE is required

d. Superintendent take sponsor/coach request to IBB

e. Written response provided to requestor by Supplemental Salary Committee.


Appendix C– Plans of Assistance



Semester: Date Form Completed: School Year: Last Name: First Name: Educator ID: Assignment: Home Building: Primary Evaluator: Licensure Information Related to Assignment Observation Information (Should be at least 20 minutes) Licensure Area: Pre-Evaluation Conference Date: Licensure Level: 1st Observation Date: Length: Licensure Expiration Date: 2nd Observation Day: Length: I agree that the information presented above this line is accurate. Professional Employee’s Initials: Follow-up Date:

1. The teacher will be informed in writing of the Primary Evaluator’s decision to place him/her on a Plan of Assistance.

2. The Primary Evaluator will provide the teacher completed Section 1 and 2 from the Plan of Assistance for the teacher’s improvement and together with the teacher complete Section 3 of the Plan of Assistance. The teacher and the Primary Evaluator will work together to create and achieve the improvement goal (s).

3. Improvement goals and the course of action will be reviewed and documented in accordance with the timeline specified in the Plan of Assistance.

4. If, in a review of evidence collected, the Primary Evaluator determines that the teacher’s performance has met the expectations outlined in the Plan of Assistance, the teacher will be released from the Plan.

5. If in a review of evidence collected, the Primary Evaluator determines that the teacher’s performance has not met the expectations outlined in the Plan of Improvement, the Primary Evaluator will recommend to the Superintendent, or designee, the teacher may continue on the Plan of Assistance for a maximum of one additional year.

6. When the teacher is placed on a Plan of Improvement, he/she begins an annual cycle of evaluation and will remain on this annual evaluation cycle until the teacher is released from the Plan of Improvement. At that time the teacher will resume his/her regular evaluation cycle.

7. If the teacher disagrees with the provision(s) of Sections 1 and 2 of the Plan of Assistance, he/she may file a response to the Plan of Assistance with the Executive Director of Personnel Services and seek modifications pertaining to the accuracy of the data and/or evidence contained within the Plan of Assistance within 3 days. The Executive Director of Personnel Services will have 5 days to work towards agreement on the plan with all parties. If there are still concerns by the Professional Employee, they will have 3 days to appeal and seek recommendations from the Teacher Appraisal Supervision Committee. This committee will forward their recommendations within 5 days. During this time, the Plan of Assistance will be followed as written.


SECTION 1: Construct (s) requiring improvement: SECTION 2: Evidence of the need for improvement: SECTION 3: Plan for Improvement (Includes resources and timeline(s):

SMART GOAL ACTION STEPS (include dates of completion)


Evidence of sufficient Improvement will include the following:


Date for follow-up meeting: ______________________________________ ________________________________ Teacher’s Signature: Date signed by the Teacher: ______________________________________ ________________________________ Primary Evaluator’s Signature: Date signed by Primary Evaluator: Follow-up Date: Select the appropriate action: _____ Teacher is released from the Plan of Assistance as of: _____ Teacher is continuing on the Plan of Assistance according to the timeline set forth in the Plan of Improvement to be reviewed by __________________________________ _____ Teacher is recommended for non-renewal or termination _____________________________________ ________________________________ Teacher’s Signature: Date signed by the Teacher: _____________________________________ ________________________________ Primary Evaluator’s Signature: Date signed by Primary Evaluator: The teacher’s signature indicates that this information has been read by the teacher but does not imply agreement. The teacher may attach a statement to this evaluation to be placed in his/her personnel file.


Appendix D – Transfer Policies and Procedures Purpose: To ensure equitable, demand-based distribution of teachers to protect the academic interests of students and optimize job satisfaction for our teachers in a fair and transparent way. Once hiring begins, a list of job vacancies will be distributed to all staff in the district on the last day of each week and will be posted in the building.

A. Voluntary Transfers

1. Transfer within building but changing grade levels

a. Teachers will complete a Request for Transfer.

b. Notify their supervising administrator by obtaining signature on transfer request form.

c. Submit transfer request form to Personnel Services.

d. The positions that a candidate requests will be noted in Frontline Recruiting and Hiring.

2. Transfer within building to another department or In-District Transfer to another building

a. Teachers will complete a Request for Transfer. They will specify the school(s) and the position(s) on the USD 475 Transfer Request Form.

b. Notify their supervising administrator by obtaining signature on transfer request form.

c. Submit a transfer request to Personnel Services.

d. Teachers will apply via Frontline Recruiting and Hiring, the district employee portal, so that administrators will have all the needed information to select candidates for their open positions. They will specify the school(s) and the position(s) on the USD 475 Transfer Request Form.

1. Upon request of staff member, if Frontline Recruiting and Hiring has been inactive for more than a year, staff member may submit a request to Human Resources to reactivate their account.

2. Administrators will then view candidates that have applied within Frontline Recruiting and Hiring.

B. Selection and Notification process:

1. Candidates seeking a transfer that are not selected or interviewed will receive an email indicating the status once the new hire has been made.

2. Teachers not receiving a transfer will need to resubmit the following year within the Frontline Recruiting and Hiring system.

3. The following criteria will be considered as transfer requests are reviewed:

a. Certification required for the open position

b. Desired characteristics or qualities candidate possesses that align with demands of the position

c. Experience in a similar position


d. Needs of the building teacher has requested to transfer to along with needs of the building teacher is transferring from

e. Past performance as documented on evaluations

4. When an employee has requested a transfer and is not selected for an interview, they can request a conversation with Personnel Services to determine what they could do to improve (feedback).

5. Transfer requests will be considered after July 1st only if a suitable replacement can be found.

C. Involuntary Transfers

1. An involuntary transfer or reassignment will be made only when deemed a necessity or to prevent undue disruption of the instructional program.

2. Notice of involuntary transfer shall be given in writing to employees as soon as possible.

3. Employees being involuntarily transferred will be asked to request the positions, in order of preference, to which they desire to be transferred. All involuntary transfers are not considered Reductions in Force, unless a Reduction in Force is needed.

4. The following criteria will be considered as involuntary transfer requests are reviewed:

a. Certification required for the open position

b. Desired characteristics or qualities candidate possesses that align with demands of the position

c. Experience in a similar position

d. Needs of the building teacher has requested to transfer to along with needs of the building teacher is transferring from

e. Past performance as documented on evaluations

Experience and time with the district are valued and appreciated. Teachers already employed within the district will be considered for transfers before an outside hire is made.


Appendix E-Pandemic Clause

During this pandemic health emergency and the re-opening of schools in August 2020, USD 475 will take proactive steps to protect the education environment and workplace to ensure all essential educational services are continuously provided and students and employees are safe.

USD 475 will provide a clean school environment to prevent the spread of infection in the school buildings, including the regular cleaning of objects and areas that are frequently used, such as bathrooms, break rooms, conference rooms, door handles and railings. Health department designated cleaning solution or disinfecting wipes will be provided to employees and students to clean personal workspaces and equipment.

The Superintendent, under the directive of the board, will designate a district administrative team to monitor and coordinate events around an infectious disease outbreak, as well as to create pandemic guidelines that could be implemented to promote safety through infection control.

Reducing the transmission of infectious disease in the school environment will take the cooperation of everyone and will require frequent hand washing with warm, soapy water; covering mouths when sneezing or coughing; and discarding used tissues. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers will be installed throughout the workplace and in common areas. These will require all staff to be diligent in the cleaning of classroom surface areas to mitigate possible transmissions.

Normal attendance and employee leave policies will remain in place. Students and employees who believe they may face challenges attending school and reporting to work, should contact their teacher/supervisor to develop contingency education and work plans. Telework requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis based on the employee’s job description and the educational needs of the students. While not all positions will be eligible, all requests for temporary telecommuting should be submitted to the supervisor for consideration.

During an infectious disease outbreak, it is critical that students and employees not report to school while they are ill and/or experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that individuals self-quarantine for a minimum of fourteen days.

All non-essential travel should be avoided until further notice. Employees who travel as an essential part of their job should consult with their supervisor and discuss appropriate steps to protect the employee from the possibility of infection.

Whenever possible, all employees and students, should practice social distancing which may include:

1. Avoid meeting people and parents face-to-face. Employees are encouraged to use the telephone, online conferencing, e-mail, or instant messaging to conduct business as much as possible, even when participants are in the same building.


2. If a face-to-face meeting is unavoidable, minimize the meeting time, choose a large meeting room, and sit at least 6 feet from each other if possible; avoid person-to-person contact such as shaking hands. Masks are currently required in all district buildings.

3. Avoid any unnecessary travel and cancel or postpone nonessential meetings, gatherings, workshops, and training sessions.

4. Avoid congregating in work rooms, pantries, copier rooms or other areas where people socialize.

If a pandemic outbreak prevents the successful implementation and execution of a traditional school year, up to and including interruption of the programs, any sunset clause and/or time limitation listed in the negotiated agreement will re-set effective the next full school year.

If a pandemic outbreak prevents the execution of any athletic or activity events from occurring during their designated season, the supplemental salary will be paid out on a pro-rated scale for all work performed to that point.

If a pandemic outbreak prevents the participation of students, parents, and teachers in a parent/teacher conference, then the designated compensation day will become a student contact day.

All staff will participate and complete required COVID-19 training for 2020/2021 school year on August 20th and 21st.

A COVID-19 option will be included in the catastrophic leave bank for the 2020-2021 school year and will not be subject to the max of $38,500. The COVID-19 option will be subject to the catastrophic leave guidelines. These guidelines can be found in Appendix A The order of leave to be utilized for a COVID-19 event will be as followed: Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), if applicable, All accumulated leave banks available to the certified staff member, and COVID-19/catastrophic leave bank.

This pandemic clause will be sunset on June 30th, 2021.

Changes to Negotiated Agreement for 2020-2021 Sections and Subsections numbers/letters may have changed due to the movement of language within the negotiated agreement to the appropriate Article, section and subsections. Change to update KSA 72-5413 to reflect the corrected, updated KSA 72-2218 (page 1)

Article I, E – update Librarian to reflect the current title used by the district – Library Media Specialist; update English Language Learner Coordinator to English Language Learner Specialist (page3)

Article I, E – strikeout Special Education Coordinator/Facilitator - this is an administrative level position (page 3)

Article I, E – update “and Parents as Teachers.” strikeout - and Athletic/Activities Coordinator. - this is an administrative level position (page 3)

Article I, E – The term “teacher” shall also include nurses and social workers but does not include substitute teachers. (page 3) Article I, E – update grammar to reflect “All licensed-staff, non-administrators"

Article III, A-1 - Early Childhood: Duty day will begin 20 minutes before student contact time and end 20 minutes after student contact time. Early childhood staff with 2 sections of classes (am/pm) will arrive 10 minutes before student contact and be expected to stay 10 minutes after dismissal of students. Early childhood staff with one section (full day) will arrive 20 minutes before student contact and remain 60 minutes after student dismissal. This will sunset after one year. (page 5) Article III, A-2 – Elementary - Duty day will begin 20 minutes before student contact time and end 15 minutes after student contact time. A building vote shall be held in August with majority vote deciding when students will enter the classroom prior to the official start time. The expectation is that teacher instruction begins at the official start time. (page 5) Article III, K-1 - Early Childhood shall be provided no less than 230 minutes of planning time based on a week in which there are four (4) student contact days. shall be provided within the student contact day no less than 60 minutes of planning time each day. Teachers whose classes are scheduled to cover plan periods are guaranteed a minimum of 300 minutes of plan a week. Early Childhood will be provided with the equivalent plan time as elementary, with days substituted for loss of plan time for screening. This will sunset after one year. (page 8)

Article V – A-10 - Strikeout AESOP and replaced with Frontline – Absence Management. This is the correct title of the absence system used by the district. (page 13).

Article V – A-11 - At the end of a year, the teacher will be eligible to be paid for three (3) days at their per diem rate, if the teacher only used 2 days of their 10 general leave days. If compensation is received, these days will not roll over into annual useable, annual or retirement leave banks days. Sunset at the end of the 19-20 school year. Strikeout - This item sunset at the end of the 19/20 SY. (page 13) Article VII – A-1- Remove reference of years as descriptor: For each teacher electing to participate in the group health insurance plan, the Board will provide a contribution proposed in the 2019-2020 annual benefit handbook. (Page 17)

Article VII – A-2- Update addition of additional tier: Under no condition will the Board’s contribution toward a single, employee + 1 or family option exceed the cost of the premium for the lowest option for that respective coverage. (page 17) Article VIII – A – Salary Schedule updated and negotiated for Horizontal and Vertical movement. (page 18) Article VIII – B-7 – Update: Horizontal salary tier classification adjustments will be made in September of each year, with the horizontal tier salary classification position for each teacher to be determined by the Personnel Services Office based upon the information that has been submitted to the office by September 1st. (page 19) Article VIII – C – Supplemental Base salary changed from $40,000 to $41,000. (pages 20-26) Article VIII – C – added the JCMS Yearbook position (page 20-26) Article VIII – C – District Wide Services – update Nurse Coordinator to Lead Nurse (no leadership endorsement requirement needed for position) (page 25) Article VIII – C – District Wide Services – update Librarian to Library Media Specialist which is correct title used by district (page 26)

Article VIII – C – District Wide Services – update Coordinator to Specialist for ECH Grant, CTE, Transition, and District ELL (no leadership endorsement requirement needed for position) (page 26)

Article IX – 13 – update statute from KSA 72-9005 to correct statute KSA 72-2411 (page 32)

Article XI - Contract Year – updated holidays to reflect 20/21 SY calendar (page 34)

Article XII – Teaching Load - The normal teaching load in the middle schools shall be not exceed more no more than 295 minutes than five (5) class periods per day plus an advisory assignment for the 20-21 and 21-22 school years. Advisory at the middle schools will be used for all student advocacy initiatives, establishing relationships with students and families, post-secondary planning, facilitating lessons provided to all teachers related to a school improvement goal or career clusters (i.e. grades, social emotional, IPS/Career Exploration). (page 34)

Article XIII – Reduction in Force – 1-d – corrected misspelling of Personal to Personnel (page 36)

Article XIV – A – updated dates to reflect 2020-2021 year (page 37)

Article XIV – A-2 – updated Human Resources to Personnel Services (page 37)

Article XIV – A-3 – update that the final payout for resignation incentive will be paid with the final paycheck. (page 37)

Article XIV – B – updated dates to reflect 2021 year (page 37)

Article XIV – B – updated Exceptional Student Services and ESS to Special Education (page 37)

Article XV - update statute from KSA 72-8202b to correct statute KSA 72-2215 (page 41)

Appendix D – A-1-c – Submit transfer request form to Human Resources Personnel Services. (page 51) Appendix D – A-2-c – Submit transfer request form to Human Resources Personnel Services. (page 51)

Appendix B – B-4 – Submit transfer request form to Human Resources Personnel Services. (page 52)

Appendix E – Expired at the end of the 2019-2020 negotiated agreement. Removed for 2020-2021 negotiated agreement. (page 54)

Appendix E – Pandemic Clause – sunset June 30, 2021


Article III – D – Make sure that the bargaining unit understands the professional responsibility of being at their assigned place of duty. Building administrators will work to handle and utilize the discipline process. Building administrators will utilize their JCEA building representatives and building advisory teams to resolve issues.

Article XI – 2020-2021 academic calendar was modified to reflect the COVID-19 changes and delays to the start and end of the school year.

Article XII – A –2 – The assist with the fidelity and implementation of district universal screener, and reading adoption, and 10-minute advisory period – the data from the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school year will be examined to determine the continuation of the minutes versus periods of middle school scheduling.

****End of Changes****