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Diversity and Inclusion

• The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen communities. Together we work to ensure everyone, regardless of gender, income, faith, sexual orientation or cultural background, has the opportunity to live life to its fullest. We share the values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and inclusion—everything we do stems from it


Diversity and Inclusion

How do you define Diversity?

What do you think of when you hear Diversity?

• Diversity is about valuing and promoting differences, similarities and unique characteristics of groups and individuals in the workforce

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Diversity Defined and Measured

Diversity Defined How do we measure Diversity?

The presence of differences that make each person unique and that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another

• Individual attitudes and beliefs about diversity (i.e. how open employees are to different cultural groups, and how comfortable staff is with cultural change);• Organizational values and norms that impact the management of diversity• Management practices and policies that help or hinder the process of becoming a multicultural business (i.e. how do managers use organizational systems such as accountability, reward, and decision-making to capitalize on diversity.)4

Diversity and Inclusion

How do you define Inclusion?

When you think about Inclusion, what does it mean to you?

• Inclusion is about empowering and leveraging diversity in the workforce by enabling individuals to contribute to their fullest potential through individual development, retention and pluralistic work processes.

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Inclusion Defined and Measured

Inclusion Defined Inclusion Measured

The full engagement and development of all YMCA employees/members/volunteers/ guests

Engagement: How valued and engaged everyone within the YMCA feels.

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Diversity Wheel

• Diversity includes all the dimensions diagrammed on the Diversity Wheel on the following slide. We are all diverse, because we are all similar and different on a variety of dimensions.   A. Personality: this includes an individual's likes and dislikes, values, and

beliefs. Personality is shaped early in life and is both influenced by, and influences, the other three layers throughout one's lifetime and career choices.

B. Internal Dimensions: relate to our physical bodies; This dimension is the layer in which many divisions between and among people exist and which forms the core of many diversity efforts. These dimensions include the first things we see in other people, such as race or gender and on which we make many assumptions and base judgments.

C. External Dimensions: relate to our upbringing and socio-economic environment, which might change over time, and which usually form the basis for decisions on careers and work styles.

D. Organizational Dimensions: Include our histories and environment; While much attention of diversity efforts is focused on the internal dimensions, issues of preferential treatment and opportunities for development or promotion are impacted by the aspects of this layer


Context: Diversity Wheel*

(From Implementing Diversity © 1996. Irwin Professional Publishing.)

*The Diversity Wheel is adapted from Marilyn Loden’s chart in her book “I mplementing Diversty”


The Case for Diversity and Inclusion

Diverse organizations aren’t necessarily inclusive

Inclusive organizations aren’t necessarily diverse

Diverse organizations do not necessarily out-perform non-diverse organizations


• The highest performing companies are inclusive, diverse and properly managed. Some of the poorest performing companies may be diverse, but are not properly managed and don’t embrace their diversity. Please look at the following diagram, which helps to illustrate this philosophy.

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The Case for Diversity and Inclusion in Companies


YMCA Focus

Diversity: The presence of differences that make each person unique and that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another

Inclusion: The full engagement and development of all YMCA constituencies

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all


Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture: The expression of an organization’s collective values, beliefs, and behaviors.


Do staff, volunteers or program participants “check their individual differences at the door?”

What’s wrong with just being “color-blind” or “gender-blind” or “whatever-kind of blind?”

Is there some way you “ought to be” in order to fit in the association and its programs?”


How do we embrace Diversity and Inclusion?

• Respect others’ opinions

• Acknowledge cultural/generational differences and historical injustices without becoming defensive

• Be open to learning about other cultures and ideas

• Give others the benefit of the doubt in a dispute

• Seek first to understand others’ point of views; then to be understood

• Don’t stereotype

• Don’t judge others by your own cultural standards

• Don’t assume your culture’s way is the only way

• Don’t talk down to anyone; communicate effectively


What are some benefits of Workplace Diversity & Inclusion?

• Improved understanding of those you work for, with, and around

• Creates a work environment that allows everyone to reach their full potential

• Provides multiple perspectives on problem solving

• Better performance outcomes

• Increases employee productivity

• Increases retention rates

• Boosts employee morale

• Improved member relations

• Reduces complaints


How can Managers Promote Diversity and Inclusion?

• Lead employees by example; respect people and differences in the workplace

• Create a welcoming, inclusive environment in which to conduct business

• Incorporate diversity in policies, strategic plans, operational procedures

• Learn and practice early conflict resolution strategies

• Practice regular, effective and open communication; empower your employees; requires trust

• Demonstrate executive commitment to diversity on an ongoing and regular basis

• Walk the talk.


How Can Employees Promote Diversity?

• Practice positive constructive work habits in the workplace; work cooperatively towards a common goal.

• Live up to the social contract; contribute to your fullest potential; strive for excellence.

• Recognize and respect others and their individuality

• Think before you speak and be sensitive to others

• Talk about your differences and ask tactful questions about how people want to be treated

• Work to eliminate (and make people aware of) stereotypes and generalizations


Definition of Stereotype

• A stereotype is a commonly held popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and “prejudice” are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.

• A stereotype is a generalization about a person or group of persons. We develop stereotypes when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information we would need to make fair judgments about people or situations. Our society often innocently creates and perpetuates stereotypes, but these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution when the stereotype is unfavorable.

Example: All women like to cook.

This is a stereotype because not all women like to cook.


Facts About Stereotypes


-Originate within and are caused by a history of socio-political struggle between unequal groups within a region, nation, or society.

-Present generalizations which function to create or sustain inequalities of value, power, and/or wealth among socially constructed groups (by race, age, sex, class, religion etc.).

-Are intended to harm or have a negative effect on the object of the stereotype, or can reasonably be predicted to do so.

-Circulate repeatedly in a culture so that they are accepted as "common sense" truths by many people in the culture, even those who are the object of the stereotype.

-Disguise or distort the truth through misrepresentation based on only partial aspects of a person or situation.

-Appeal to the prejudices of the audience, by attaching them to emotions of pleasure or hatred that are reinforced often by casting stereotypes within the entertainment world.


Definitions of Generalization

• A generalization is a statement based on a fixed set of observations and experiences, but claims to hold true for the larger set, even for those cases that have not been seen or experienced. It is a foundational element of logic and human reasoning. The process of verification is necessary to determine whether a generalization holds true for any given situation.

Example: School is fun and easy. This is a generalization because for some people school is boring and hard.

• All statements of fact or truth require generalization. All generalizations, then, can be said to be theoretical. They offer a theory about how things are in general. The generalization originates in a rational effort to categorize, not in an irrational effort to take over.

• Consider this: When does a generalization become a stereotype? Do they have different origins or effects?


Stereotypes/Generalizations Exercise:

• While all stereotypes are generalizations, not all generalizations are stereotypes.

• Stereotypes prohibit really getting to know people as individuals

– Exercise: Think of a teenage mom, a homeless person, a CEO, a Fast food worker. Take a moment and think of the stereotypes that these individuals may fall under. Now think of an actual person that you know that fits one of these categories and see if some of those stereotypes don’t hold true for them.

• These are individual people, everyone with a different story and background. Work to get to know the person, rather than labeling a stereo



Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in.

Alan Alda

Diversity is only F.A.I.R

•Feedback/communication promotes understanding,

reduces conflict and enhances productivity

•Assist others to become culturally competent; support

one another-we are all in this together!

•Inclusion should be practiced; empower employees to fully

perform and participate in pursuit of the YMCA Mission

•Respect is non-negotiable; honor the social contract


Famous Thoughts on Diversity & Inclusion

“We have become not a melting pot, but a beautiful mosaic—different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams” –Jimmy Carter

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color” –Maya Angelou

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

“When everyone is included, everyone wins.” –Rev. Jesse Jackson


History of Y Initiatives

• Need for YMCAs to remain significant, relevant, and viable leaders of our communities

• National Diversity Initiative began in late 1990’s

• Urban Group explored ways that associations and branches could increase their level of cultural competency and inclusiveness

• Helped launch diversity efforts in numerous YMCAs and trained 2,500 leaders

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Y-USA’s 2020 Vision for Diversity & Inclusion

YMCA volunteers and staff are culturally competent, inclusive, and they understand, respect, and value the diversity of others as an intuitive and preferred way of operating.

Diversity and inclusion practices at the Y foster a high-performing learning environment where staff and volunteers are engaged, valued and encouraged to collaborate, generate ideas and contribute at the highest level.  We are passionate about our cause and know that our ability to achieve it begins with reflecting and partnering with all people and communities

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Diversity Quiz

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