do you know you may need - nys historic...

Before Purchasing SEEDORAINS, TOKTUBEO THE Horrible Faio of Three American Soldier** From Calinos:, on the little Island of Pauay, come tiriinus of toe horrible fate that befell Privates Dugan, Tracy and Hajs of Company F, Twenty-sixth infan- try. While.Hoarina: through the interior of Panay, these uufortuuaie men dropped our of Hue and went in search of some r'uba,, the native intoxicant- When their •ibKecce was discovered, a corporal was sent out to' a neighboring and friendly village to bring them back to camp The raba'had already doue its work sufficient- ly to ocmke them stubborn and qaarrel : some, aod, in coD^equetiee, the/C6rporal was uaabh? to induce them to ^company him. When be srot back to camp bis com- pany was.called to clear out the brush of turtle bushwhackers who bad just beea •located, and, after a short skirmish, an- other detail was sen hm- drunken privates. t in search of the irho had in the and « aJl and <«et Our Price**. hfen captured and carried off ! bv a hnud of cu 1 -throat, robbers. Regard- I iug' th** uifiujHfe fate of these aiun a i correspondt-o? writes. ' . ToUTl'KKD THEIR PRISONERS,. _ *~~> Remember, BRADLEY':? Best F^rtif-j 4i The fiend* kepc the American's in close imrs can be bought at as low a price as j conftuemcut uutii after the departure of the Fertilizers which nr? sold by ffifbnn- \ the Arabic m troops from that, neighbor- FROM pHOfcERA DURING THE VAST YEAR. The Germs of this Fatal Disease are Lurking Everywhere! Tiiou- saafts of Dollars Saved by This Wonderful Discovery. Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been lost in the poultry business on account of the devastation among the flocks, caused by cholera, roup, gape, and other fatal diseases. There have been many remedies advanced, but none seem to be, so successful as the American Poultry Mixture. This will cure chickens in the last stage of j cholera and roup, and is excellent for j gapes. Do your fowls suffer from vio j lent diarrhea, dropping of the wings, stupor or excessive thirst? These are the first symptoms of cholera. Cholera is a germ disease and being infectious Do You Know WHAT AILS YOU "Bradlcy's." LAWRENCE & TAYLOR, East Main Street. jrhetwenty-ixth infantry .were brought | ^ stop toWperiinent with unrelia- j out to ae made sport ot oy tbe populace. | w un * tried reoiedies. Use this mix, ! Tbe Filtpioo padre ar Cahootf. a rank ?n- ' jsurrecto and a disreputable-fellow of tbe ! lowest stripe, acted a§'master tf rhe cere- ! monies. The full exteu " ' [ perpetrated at ffai* nV.«n ; gues^ii at. I^nt enough ! the wurhi an idea of *n only nitary measures j they recommend in connection. Don't I give the fowl* up. Cholera is a terri I \ ble disease but this remedy cures it \ e i v e j - wh[e j ? ? f j breathinsr. swelled eves, discliarge at wre;ofce, TIJO thu- took delight IU tortur- { rlf)Str i K resemblinjrcatarrh. Fiftv i.«* prisoners. Tae Amen- ^ - M| ' Amen- i can* were tied ; nan «takw ? et up m the ha*- , dollars is offered for any case the .«, „„., , .m, * the., fee, | M ^ ^ d * wi^vl/Z I rest trom eatcoing ir. Try it. It is | tific preparation, goes more than three S times as far as any other remedy; does | more good than all of them combined, jltjs used and endorsed by the most j the world. Ttie manufacturers guar- i antee every package or refund pur- !?u ' «.vauU; have Deeii merciful when compared ?"i~ ; with rhe tiendi^h treat men t wbien Hays, ; Dogati aad Tracy received. _* o-,, | ^ Their feet 'vrVre roasted in theftreaad a t.«trips of flesh cut from their bodies by v<e- r ks^ee knifes ia tbe oaads of the ladrones. ^, i rht-y were seared with hot iroDJ»,""aud cbe ; natives thrust the points of their daggers ' * Just far enough iato the muscles of the ~; prisoner? to occasion agony and not kill. i Finally, as though they were not satisfied \ with the amount of cruelty iutlieted, the j heartier creatures untied, the three men e ^ Snd$l -,: HOT I cession, dragged them ia triumph, through j , Mv irirl | tbe town. When the Americans were j t-,-,7' a labour, to expire from the wounds and! I rough treatment they had already received, j k<; . ; .,.^, ; the rebels finished the bloody work with j their holes." 1 ! DE$rBTPTIO> T OF THE RiOSBOTES. j j The correspondent's agent at Trindad, i in. the heart of the wild Igorrote country, j j reports very Satteiing prospects for the j I mining parry of which be is a member, j •, Speaking of the aborigines, he says: j j "There could be no more friendly peo- i I pie than tbe Igorrotes. During our stay j | in their midst, they have done everything * There is some talk that Cleveland may I possible ior oar comfort, and in their [ run again for president. The matter ia j dealings with as have ever siaown a dis-j being s-riously eoosidfred, according to j position of fairnes^and generosity. Theyl report, by powerful leaWers of the Eastern 1 say the Americans are their brothers be- j Democracy Tbe report does not say how j cause they have never been baptized, au ; ; the m»a without a party*' is to be nom- 1 idea they got from tbe Spaniards during j inated. I the war. They think we have no God and | I on this account are pleased, yes, and proud j I To wait upon us and win our friendship. I TRY DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY. Sold trr all Druggist* A.t $1.00 a Bottle. On Jellies preserves and pickle)*, spread ' & tiuxi costing ot retineti PARAFFINE WAX Will keep tht-mfcissalatmlymoi«ttin> i acid proof. Paraffin? Wax ia also na«faj a doMB otfa. T wiys afcont the buaae. SoM everywhere. STAS3ARD C!L CO. istan» and LOOB Lake ami <'xo»la. | MAT 7.— Mr. Mihtil, from Wniming- tt, in town, j W. Litrtejobn ba« taken tbe job of building Mu4 Pond bridge Mrs. Libbie McLanMhiin has moved up- on her place and is contemplating buitd- K a Dt»w bt>u«e. # Oar oew pastor, tbe. R*v. Mi".' L^wis^ preached a jrrand sermon to n^ last Sun- day, bis text being, "What think, ye of Christ?" G. W. Lam?on is on the «ick list. Mrs. Louisa Pox, of Sarauac Lake, is n town looking after her farm and prop- erty. Mrs. Sarah Tyter and daughter* Hattie, are going to Saranac Lake to spend tbe summer. Cold weather and some snow. Some have been planting potatoes in tbe snow storm. Sylvester Gun' bouse came near burn- ing up one day lane w^ek. H«'d it not been for tbe work of brave women of Ozonia. 'the property would have been destroyed. / Cbarle« Coehran aad famUy, of Saranac Lake, are in town visiting tbeir many riends. The bill appropriating $12,000 for es- tablishing a boundary ttne between Her- kimer and Hamilton counties has b*eo ned by Governor Roosevelt. There is an intt resting story connected with the passage of this bill through tbe Legisla- ture that has oever been told. Tbe bill was introduced by Assemblyman Kelly in the early part of tbtsension of the legls- lai ore, but opposif1B|B developed to tbe measure and this opposition was responsi- ble for tying it np in committee. Owing to tbe dispute between tbe two counties as to the boundary, certain large tracts* have escaped taxation and of course the owners of this property were anxious to preserve the same condition. Opposition has developed from Hnmilton county, but Senator Feettr sneceeded in putting tb.6 bill through on tbe last day of t ne session. It wasnexc to the last bill passed before the senate adjourned. The work on tbe boundary line will be commenced as soon as the weather condifrbns will permit. The^work is an extensive undertaking and will probably last ali summer, f^ You May Need •Pain-Kiuef For 4 Cuts Burns Bruises , Cramps Diarrtt<»a All Bow«l CompMild it a rare, safe axA qaidc remedy, Tberea OWLY ONE Pctin-Kil\er Perry Ba»is' Trouble, ays- •^"do i ^is ^ act ^^ appear a little strange when not hesitate to pronounce Dr. A, W. Chase's 11 tell you they ate not without Gods by Cnntmect a^^sixive cure for blind. Jtchinff piles^ i aQy tneans. As a matter of fact they ine. I <hali retxwnmend it a^si iise my nee ro make kaown its w^osi^rfui merits," v. Chase'* Ointment is posttireiy srnaraDteed ure any enae, of piie«. eczema, salt rheum or tU'bijur or buraioff or the skin. Any sufferer doubt; fcHls statement, «an be taoiMujrhly :-r s;i5e at .vir a box hyali firu Gofernor Theodore Roosevelt" ?M el«eted GoTernor of New York, first "by reasom f bis military aciaevementa, and seeoadly on ae- -junt of popnlar belief In his personal integrity n<l political soundness. Every Americas boy should read the biography f this great American administrator, historian and •iiiier. Nowhere is the life of this rep^esecuitiv-i merican citizen mere eieariy aad authoritative!? could be'profltably disposed of up in this \ ;t forth than in the country without any trouble at all. It is i interesting to watch them prepare the j of this interesting animal. They j si use my in- j of a hog seems to be a favorite with most- of the tribes. They never have a feast of any consequence without roasting a pig, which they eat with the keenest relish. "They are al>o exceedingly fond of dog. LEE'S NEW LIFE TEA ALWAYS CURES CONSTIPATION, INDIGE5TION, SICK HEADACHE, Lnd imparts new life to tbe whole system. A , all druggists and dealers, 25c, or sent by mail. if your dealer will not supply you* Address, LANGHAfl fWD. CO., Lfi ROY, N. Y. la if* a3ran chr.» l / JJ ^' ^V-^'a^--V o '*^» t lm \ na » ^ r ty matters little whether he is fat or lean. t b e k W . c i a uanoual convention . £ r i n either case they pound and bruise S?- MS - itit^rh^TSI DC ^ ! hi ^ iQa m ^ dreadful manner until he e j-j jlJU '-*'J > t < %% " vooa^ve , j i.% so swollen aod crippled that he can I ... _____ , Hher lie down or stand up, and when j is sufficiently bruised, and his bruises j Jliivmg i bave sufficiently festered, the beast is kill: f S t".'' i '" s :^ and cat up into the juciest kind of, and you steaks aad roasts. D >g-taii soup is a j KI5TD ANI> HOSPITABLE. j Y=.•!•_.'• (Sve uj. prejiici'k-e ; "These little black men of the hills are j I exceedingly kind and hospitable. Fre- rhe : i lf is always ssfer to Of ahead of time or ; a rnnle than behiud either. ! Agents >m «iiar> r of $15.iX) per week ana ex- j 1 I»mse*: thegreau^t a««ntsellererer produced, le vry ^ o k a 1 poukr" u : * J1 * ! I every k a1 p Hustier, want**!. Re; si amp, Am^riuan Mis. ^ met by the Presidente in person, who escorts us to bis home and entertains us o tbe best manner possible, and, in many ^ases, absolutely without cost. If we ^ j «PHnt hordes or men or provisions a word id* i to the Presidents ia sufficient. While we are in his part of the country be KEW WEEHER Encyclopaedia Bfitannica It tells how after graduating from Harvard, ht •tndied law, vras a member of the N.Y. Assembly^ | An Ogdensbarg dispatch says:—"The j Ottawa & New York rarlfc^ad is making j arrangements tottiKJve its e^pMwrdnfioechftn-! ical shops from Santa Clara to Ottawa the latter part of July or early in August, j Negotiations are now going on to obtain a i site for a location and it is expected that one will be purchased shortly, a building ejected and the plant installed. Abdut I 125 hands will be employed in this depart- ment. Thefirstlocomotive the company has sent into Canada went over a few days ago, and is of * somewhat unique pattern, and is said to be the first double stack engine ever used in Canada. The two small smokestacks which take the place of a large one increase the draught, thus causing a great degree of heat and producing more steam^-The engine is not a heavy one, but is calculated to run at a high speed." One of the most important track meets ever held in Northern New York will °tak*e And imparts new life to tbe whole system. A- 1 place on the Potsdam fair grounds Satur- " " ' ~ " * day, June 2, wh«n tbe track teams of the State Normal school, the Clarkson School of Technology and St. Lawrence Universi- ty will compete for a $25 dollar cup, which will be contributed by the institutions. Managers Smith, of the Normal, Harring- ton, of St. Lawrence,and Jacobean, of tbe Tech,, have decided upon the following order for the events; 100 yard dash, 1 mile^ I run. t tnile bicycle, 220 yard hurdle, pole j vault, 1 mile walk, putting 16 pound j shot, 20 yard bardle,rnnning broad jump, j throwing hammer, + mile run, 220 yard I run, 1 mile bicycle, standing broad jump, 440 yard run, running l»road jump, run- ning hop, step and jump, * uaile relay race. « j Two citizens of Watertown. well-known ! in paper manufacturing history, Nekon !R. Caswell and C. R. Remington, -have I obtained control of about 40,000 acres of | land located around {be headwaters of the HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oi T H E P I L E OOTTMEITE. One Application Gives Refefj It c a m Plksor Hemorrhoids—External or 1 xuO, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, If«i and Fistulas. Belief Immedlate-eqre certahu It cures Bums, Scalds and UloeratloM and € tractions from Btrns. Tbe Belief fa wfoderfnL It cores Torn, Cot or Lacerated Wooads t Bruises. It cures Boils, eartwndes, felons, "B Ulcers, Old Sores, Itcfctag Erapttooa, Seurfy < Scald Head. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breast* and ! Hippies. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Kraptt Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips < Noetxils. Coras, Buntoas, Sore and Chafed f*M Stings of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Susbona. Three Sizes, 25c,, 5Oc. and $l,0O Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt <rf> HUMPHREYS* MED, C&, Cor. William 4k Jobs Ste., 9f£W YG 11 You'd Leare Your B&ppy Borne" For one "' \ WEBSTER'S) Up-to-Dat« Turnouts. Compliments coming our way far Prompt Attention, Courteous and Experienced Drivers. Time and Experience aie severe tests; but both tests, a all other tests, have been me^by Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. It Has cur^thoui-ands of colds; it j ^S^Sl i Jt ^'J.^!™ Wlll/Care thoutends of Others—and j 0 f the best timber has been removed.' It ! Pfke S T08tfc2efee i PresMeat of thfe U.S. Ciril Service ^resident of the New York Police Commission; '.sst. Secy, of the-Navy; Lieutenant-Colonel and :ater Coloael of the "Rough Eiders," and now Goveruer of New York, ! It characterises him as a thorough scholar, an j indefatigable sportsman, a typical ftoatiersman 1 &.vd a brave leader. \ The feariere maa ia the greatest of ferni" j assume all the responsibility of oar wel- J it mentions the many valuable historical works nine attractions. ^re. But he and his good natured and j he vui3nsh^t how ^ e i^ his mea at x^s Guasi- lazy people are painfully superstitious. { They do a great deal of mining on a small j What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family eyery day. Let u» ai^wer it today. Try JelH), a delicious and healthful dess>ert. No boiling! ao baking; sirnpjy add * little hot wafer and set to cool Fl :—Lemon, uiuage. Raspberry aad Straw- A d i i h t & l change from other.desserts ld " Flav beiry mid a A deiight&il chan eiish vrhioh <*ld am e at yoar grocer aud young 1 eny. ! s today. 10 cts. A conceited ynung lady says the men are a covet-us lot. Cured « Running Sore. S I had a bad running sore on my breast foP over a year, 1 ' says Henry A. Richards*. of Willdeyviile, N Y., " and tried a great scale, but they are careful not to eat meat, \ whistle or sing while in the vicinity of i their mines^ as they are sure that such ! conduct would insure them oniy the worst possible luck. ?t Jell-O the Best Dessert. It id quite a new thinsr, but it is so far superior, ta most of its kind that, it took from the start It is put up ia four flavors, lemon, oraiyje. straw b«rry and raspberry, and can be prepared in two minutes. No coo jrry, aj t>kmg. just add hot water, aad set to eool. It makes a delioious ciian^e from the pie and pudding desserts with no trouble what- ever, and everybody likes it. especially the chil- .dreti. All grocers sell it. 10 cts. Try it today. half box. I WHS perfectly cured. I can- not recommend it foo highly, and will never be without, it ia the house/' For wile by all druggists. ! has about eating. CA8TORIA. Bears the Signature Pneumonia follows lagrippe, but never follows the use of FOLEY'S HONEY and TAU, the great throat aod long remedy, For sale by all druggists. When a man doubles bis lists he natur- ally iwtomeH foor-haaded. T. F. Anthony, £x-Postmaster, of Promise City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of 'Mys- tie Cure' for liheuroatism, and two doses of R did me more £ixtd than any medicine I ever took." Sold bf C. W. Breed & CO., Druggists. Fumpn: Ptinip.! At Fell's. I have several kinds. When in need of. » pump call and see me. M. N. FELL, Makme, N. Y. Our experience in fitting glasses is yours fre* of charge. If you need glasses we will guarantee tofityou property at the right price. If not it cofefcs yoa,;nothing, and it sorely will be omen satisfaction to know that f ajar eyes are all right. G. A- CAKTWitl* Jeweler. FOR SAUL—A iO0~egg taettbator. ^ In- qai If a man has no temptations it's easy to remain honest. The Flout Stubborn Coughs resulting from an attack of lagrippe or heavy cold, must yield to the wonderful healing properties of FOLEY'S HOKET AKB TAR, which strengthens the lungs and kes them sound. Nothing else as good. For sale by all druggists. Great opportunity offered to men. Salary of $15 per n—' ; «i, reliable s for .... ..jkaiid exp©».ws for man with Tig to introduce oar Poaltry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, American Mfg, Co., Terre Haate. Ind. «•» .—- Don't cry over spilt milk; hustle around and gjet some more milk tickets. Try Grain-O! Try Gralo-O! your rroeer today to show you a package of GRA.IS-O, the new food drlok that takes tee place of coffee. The children maxdrink it wftb- oat tajwry as well as the adult All who try it. like it. GR4JN-q has that rich seal brown of Mocka or Java, bdt it is made frompure grains, and the most delicate stomach reeeras it with- out distress. H the price of coffee^ I5eaad25c per package. Sold by all grocers.' s. El Caney, a And this is only one out of 4,000 biographies of noted mea FOUND IN NO OTHER ENCYCLOPEDIA jfc ^ ^ Just now you can get the complete work, deliver- ed free, on payment of One Dollar (f 1.00) eash, balance in small monthly payments. • a Oak Bookcase. Guide to Sy stemfttlc R«*dlag Freight charges prepaid. T. T, BITTBKK. mill.of the papacity of 100 tons per day. j The waterpower at Natural Dam is excel- lent, having a fall of about feet. For Over Fifty Year* Mas. Wn*sr,ow"s skxsTBiNa SYBCP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken oi voor rest by a sick eMld suflceoringr and erring with pain of Catting Teeth send aifoaee and get a bottle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethin) ~-'" " ' little sufferer mothers, there _.. Diarrhoea,, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cores Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- Sammatkm. and gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Mtn* Winslow's Soothmg Syrap" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five eents a bqttie. Sold by all drugsrists tlirooghout the world.-? Be sore acd ask for " Mas. WIJTSLOW*! " " STBUT." FREE FOBGET THAT ORVILLE MOORE KEEPS FOB SALE N, B. Cedar Shingle, Matched Sprue© Lumber, Pine Lumber, Pine and Hemlock Lath, Clap- boards from $5.00 to $20.00 per thousand, Pine Ceiling, White Wood and Cherry, FULL USE pare lead and oil, the best mixed paint that can be made, in all colors. Froor paint that cannot be excelled. Floor varnish and wax and all inte- rior finish. The best goods are the cheapest. Don't fail to try GYPSINE, for Kalsomining; will never come off. The only pl*ce to get Fay's Manila Paper for watts and veiling. Remem- ber the place, 17 Milwaukee St., Malone. j Aristocrats Buy their shoes from us. And that isn't because they have lots of money to spend bat because they want the most fashionable and most comfort- able shoes to he had and want to get them as cheaply as possible, Monejed people are not usually extrav- agant. They bay diamonds but they do not pay fancy prices for them. They buy good shoes but they buy judiciously. Walkover Qiiccn Quality ARE RIGHT. Shufelt & Donaldson, Malone, N. Y. tle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" hildren Teething It will relieve the poor ^offerer immediately. Depend upon hX ers, there is no mistake aboat It. It core? h l h S h d Bl Sometime* a woman makes a fool 6t a man—and he never gets over it. The EBTF of Ait Women. -^' What woman or girl does not admire a.b£jiu fui, ros«-tiDted complexion ? one cannot, a beautiful complexion if the blood U uui weak, if the bowels are constipated, if tjie iiver and kidneys are out of order. If you would' try Dr. Band's Family Remedy, the great berh medi- cine, you woaid not only possess a beautiful complexion but aii*o perfect robust health, the sn-eatest charm woman can possess. Triai size free, large packages 25 Paine, "Burke, soie a«ent. Mill Street, MALONE, N. Y. If T3SS & OTTi^J 14-16 .«ixd. A. M. a-m 8:12 (-6:23 te-.m 6:50 7-20 ^7:H4 '8.-08 &:30 9:10 8:10 12:53 1^4 9:33 tl-Oi A.. M. TS KFPECT FEBY 18 | Exp. } Stations, P. M. 1 1, 1900. -13 b 15 Esp. i Mud A. M. ! P M 1:30 Lv. Tripper Lake Ar. 12^30 3-JO 1:36 CentralJc. tl50 CMldwold tt-M SUdare 2:17 Blue Pond 11:54 *21 •ii:« sn lls£ 7 40 Rapids .Junction t8.-35 Bay Pond 2:47 Brandon nM MadiiWitskA t8:2£ Spaing Cove 3:% Lv. Santa Clara 3*7 St. Regis Falls 4:3! Dickinson Ctr 4:40 Ar. Moira Lv. Moira Irontoa Hetena Ar. Hogac'sbarg- 5^3S Lv. Moira 5:30 Ar. Malone $M Lv. Moira 11:10 Ar, Ogdenaborg P. M. t Stop oil ^gnaL tU:ll K5S 11:08 7 10 Ar. 10s2 % 17 10:05 ?44 9:56 5 % Lv. 3-35 * :0 Ax. 9M Lr. 8r30 Ar. 9:S8 W> Lv. 9^56 Z & Ar. 753 5-08 6:38 4^3) Lr. 5^0 1^0 A. M. P 51 / Trains run daily, eieept Suaday. 1 H. W. 6AYS, QenT Manaj^r. / Ottawa. Ont. V Road Horses- and the Latest Styles in ^ S3 -— Vehicles.! We also have several family horse«. OUR HACKS ARE THE BEST We ran to All Trains, j Leave Orders at f N. M. Sabourin'sj Restaurant or I Call ap 82-2 J Palace Stables, E. A. WEBSTER, Jr., Prop. BAD- H an posse and 50 < The smaller the man the greater his vanity. Does Coffee Agree Wltb You? If not, drink Grain-O—made from pure-grains. A lady wvitm; " The first time I made Graia-0 I did not like it but after using it for one week nothing would induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening sabstance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, follow the dl rections in making it and you will have a delio- | ious and healthful table beverage for old and young. vl5e and 35c. , •> men are always deaf to unjust GO TO UEVi FRECHETTE For your Meats, Groceries, Provis- ions, Vegetables, Tobaccos and Cigars, Lake Ontario Fresh Fish Every Friday. Catherine »*,« JlalaBc, N. Y. TORIA. B&itataft r Sensible criticisoai Great enterprw^^fteo result from •mall begtspjpga. ^ Xinis chances in Urn your kidneys tbat i>e©d Attention if yon dont'fwel weiL Foorrjs Kn>FKT COBS makes healthy kidneys an* wiH make you well. Tor l b ird4te .L Mall 0Her» for footwear fiilted prompt- •, .i- <? Coal $6.50 per ton. D,-& H. I*ck»waiuiJU A. SBERWUl« SOU, With Thompson « Wood, Vast FARM FOR BALE.

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Post on 28-Oct-2019




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Page 1: Do You Know You May Need - NYS Historic · Owin to tbe dispute between tbe two counties as to the boundary,

Before Purchasing



Horrible Faio of Three AmericanSoldier**

From Calinos:, on the little Island ofPauay, come tiriinus of toe horrible fatethat befell Privates Dugan, Tracy andHajs of Company F, Twenty-sixth infan-try. While.Hoarina: through the interiorof Panay, these uufortuuaie men droppedour of Hue and went in search of somer'uba,, the native intoxicant- When their•ibKecce was discovered, a corporal wassent out to' a neighboring and friendlyvillage to bring them back to camp Theraba'had already doue its work sufficient-ly to ocmke them stubborn and qaarrel:

some, aod, in coD^equetiee, the/C6rporalwas uaabh? to induce them to ^companyhim. When be srot back to camp bis com-pany was.called to clear out the brush ofturtle bushwhackers who bad just beea•located, and, after a short skirmish, an-other detail was senhm- drunken privates.

t in search of theirho had in the

and« aJl and <«et Our Price**.

• hfen captured and carried off! bv a hnud of cu1 -throat, robbers. Regard-I iug' th** uifiujHfe fate of these aiun ai correspondt-o? writes.' . ToUTl'KKD THEIR PRISONERS,. _ *~~>

Remember, BRADLEY':? Best F^rtif-j 4 iThe fiend* kepc the American's in closeimrs can be bought at as low a price as j conftuemcut uutii after the departure ofthe Fertilizers which nr? sold by ffifbnn- \ the Arabic m troops from that, neighbor-


The Germs of this Fatal Diseaseare Lurking Everywhere! Tiiou-

saafts of Dollars Saved by •This Wonderful


Hundreds of thousands of dollarshas been lost in the poultry businesson account of the devastation amongthe flocks, caused by cholera, roup,gape, and other fatal diseases. Therehave been many remedies advanced,but none seem to be, so successful asthe American Poultry Mixture. Thiswill cure chickens in the last stage of jcholera and roup, and is excellent for jgapes. Do your fowls suffer from vio jlent diarrhea, dropping of the wings,stupor or excessive thirst? These arethe first symptoms of cholera. Cholerais a germ disease and being infectious


"Bradlcy's."LAWRENCE & TAYLOR,

East Main Street.

jrhetwenty-ixth infantry .were brought | ^ s t o p toWperiinent with unrelia-j out to ae made sport ot oy tbe populace. | w u n * t r i e d reoiedies. Use this mix,! Tbe Filtpioo padre ar Cahootf. a rank ?n- 'jsurrecto and a disreputable-fellow of tbe! lowest stripe, acted a§'master tf rhe cere-! monies. The full exteu " '[ perpetrated at ffai* nV.«n; gues^ii at. I^nt enough! the wurhi an idea of

* n o n l y

nitary measuresj they recommend in connection. Don'tI give the fowl* up. Cholera is a terri

I \ ble disease but this remedy cures it\ e iv e j - w h [ e


? ? f j breathinsr. swelled eves, discliarge a twre;ofce, TIJO thu- took delight IU tortur- { r l f ) S t r i K resemblinjrcatarrh. Fiftvi.«* prisoners. Tae Amen- ^ - M | 'Amen-

i can* were tied; nan

«takw ?et up m the


, dollars is offered for any case the.«, „„., , a« ...m, * the., fee, | M ^ ^ d * wi^vl/Z

I rest trom eatcoing ir. Try it. It is

| tific preparation, goes more than threeS times as far as any other remedy; does| more good than all of them combined,j l t j s used and endorsed by the most

j the world. Ttie manufacturers guar-i antee every package or refund pur-

! ? u ' «.vauU; have Deeii merciful when compared?"i~ ; with rhe tiendi^h treat men t wbien Hays,

; Dogati aad Tracy received. _*o-,, | ^ Their feet 'vrVre roasted in the ftre aad

a t.«trips of flesh cut from their bodies byv<e-

r ks ee knifes ia tbe oaads of the ladrones.^, i rht-y were seared with hot iroDJ»,""aud cbe

; natives thrust the points of their daggers' * Just far enough iato the muscles of the— ~; prisoner? to occasion agony and not kill.

i Finally, as though they were not satisfied\ with the amount of cruelty iutlieted, thej heartier creatures untied, the three men

e ^Snd$l

-,: HOTI cession, dragged them ia triumph, through j ,

Mv irirl | tbe town. When the Americans were jt-,-,7' a labour, to expire from the wounds and!

I rough treatment they had already received, jk< ; . ; . , .^, ; the rebels finished the bloody work with j

their holes."1 !DE$rBTPTIO>T OF THE RiOSBOTES. j

j The correspondent's agent at Trindad, i• in. the heart of the wild Igorrote country, jj reports very Satteiing prospects for the jI mining parry of which be is a member, j•, Speaking of the aborigines, he says: jj "There could be no more friendly peo- iI pie than tbe Igorrotes. During our stay j| in their midst, they have done everything *

There is some talk that Cleveland may I possible ior oar comfort, and in their [run again for president. The matter ia j dealings with as have ever siaown a dis-jbeing s-riously eoosidfred, according to j position of fairnes^and generosity. Theylreport, by powerful leaWers of the Eastern 1 say the Americans are their brothers be- jDemocracy Tbe report does not say how j cause they have never been baptized, au ;

;the m»a without a party*' is to be nom- 1 idea they got from tbe Spaniards during jinated. I the war. They think we have no God and |

I on this account are pleased, yes, and proud jI To wait upon us and win our friendship. I


Sold trr all Druggist*A.t $1.00 a Bottle.

On Jelliespreserves and pickle)*, spread

' & tiuxi costing ot retineti


Will keep tht-m fcissalatmly moi«ttin> iacid proof. Paraffin? Wax ia also na«faja doMB otfa. T wiys afcont the buaae.

SoM everywhere.STAS3ARD C!L CO.

istan» and

LOOB Lake ami <'xo»la. |MAT 7.— Mr. Mihtil, from Wniming-tt, L« in town,j W. Litrtejobn ba« taken tbe job of

building Mu4 Pond bridgeMrs. Libbie McLanMhiin has moved up-

on her place and is contemplating buitd-K a Dt»w bt>u«e. #Oar oew pastor, tbe. R*v. Mi".' L^wis^

preached a jrrand sermon to n^ last Sun-day, bis text being, "What think, ye ofChrist?"

G. W. Lam?on is on the «ick list.Mrs. Louisa Pox, of Sarauac Lake, is

n town looking after her farm and prop-erty.

Mrs. Sarah Tyter and daughter* Hattie,are going to Saranac Lake to spend tbesummer.

Cold weather and some snow.Some have been planting potatoes in

tbe snow storm.Sylvester Gun' bouse came near burn-

ing up one day lane w^ek. H«'d it notbeen for tbe work of brave women ofOzonia. 'the property would have beendestroyed. /

Cbarle« Coehran aad famUy, of SaranacLake, are in town visiting tbeir manyriends.

The bill appropriating $12,000 for es-tablishing a boundary ttne between Her-kimer and Hamilton counties has b*eo

ned by Governor Roosevelt. There isan intt resting story connected with thepassage of this bill through tbe Legisla-ture that has oever been told. Tbe billwas introduced by Assemblyman Kelly inthe early part of tbtsension of the legls-lai ore, but opposif1B|B developed to tbemeasure and this opposition was responsi-ble for tying it np in committee. Owingto tbe dispute between tbe two countiesas to the boundary, certain large tracts*have escaped taxation and of course theowners of this property were anxious topreserve the same condition. Oppositionhas developed from Hnmilton county, butSenator Feettr sneceeded in putting tb.6bill through on tbe last day of t ne session.It wasnexc to the last bill passed beforethe senate adjourned. The work on tbeboundary line will be commenced as soonas the weather condifrbns will permit.The^work is an extensive undertakingand will probably last ali summer, f^


•Pain-KiuefFor 4CutsBurnsBruises ,

CrampsDiarrtt<»aAll Bow«lCompMild

it i« a rare, safe axA qaidc remedy,

Tberea OWLY O N E

Pctin-Kil\erPerry Ba»is'


ays- •^"do i i s ^ a c t ^ ^ appear a little strange whennot hesitate to pronounce Dr. A, W. Chase's 11 tell you they ate not without Gods byCnntmect a^^sixive cure for blind. Jtchinff piles i aQy tneans. As a matter of fact they

ine. I <hali retxwnmend it a^si iise mynee ro make kaown its w^osi^rfui merits,"v. Chase'* Ointment is posttireiy srnaraDteedure any enae, of piie«. eczema, salt rheum ortU'bijur or buraioff or the skin. Any suffererdoubt; fcHls statement, «an be taoiMujrhly

:-r s;i5e at .vir a box hyali firu


Theodore Roosevelt"?M el«eted GoTernor of New York, first "by reasomf bis military aciaevementa, and seeoadly on ae--junt of popnlar belief In his personal integrityn<l political soundness.Every Americas boy should read the biographyf this great American administrator, historian and•iiiier. Nowhere is the life of this rep^esecuitiv-imerican citizen mere eieariy aad authoritative!?

could be'profltably disposed of up in this \ ; t forth than in thecountry without any trouble at all. I t is iinteresting to watch them prepare the j

of this interesting animal. They j

si use my in- j of a hog seems to be a favorite with most-of the tribes. They never have a feast ofany consequence without roasting a pig,which they eat with the keenest relish.

"They are al>o exceedingly fond of dog.




SICK HEADACHE,Lnd imparts new life to tbe whole system. A ,

all druggists and dealers, 25c, or sent by mail.if your dealer will not supply you* Address,

LANGHAfl fWD. CO., Lfi ROY, N. Y.

l a if* a 3 r a n chr.»

l/JJ^' ^V-^ 'a^--V o '*^» t l m \na» ^ r ty matters little whether he is fat or lean.t b e k W . c i a uanoual convention H« . £ r i n either case they pound and bruiseS ? - M S - i t i t ^ r h ^ T S I DC^ ! hi^ iQ a m ^ dreadful manner until he

e j - j j l J U ' - * ' J > t<

% % " v o o a ^ v e , j i.% s o s w o l l e n a o d c r i p p l e d t h a t h e c a n I

— . . . _____ , Hher lie down or stand up, and when j

is sufficiently bruised, and his bruises jJliivmg i bave sufficiently festered, the beast is kill:

f S t " . ' ' i ' " s :^ and cat up into the juciest kind of,and you • s teaks aad roasts. D >g-taii soup is a j


Y=.•!•_.'• (Sve uj. prejiici'k-e ; "These little black men of the hills are jI exceedingly kind and hospitable. Fre-

rhe :


lf is always ssfer to Of ahead of time or ;

a rnnle than behiud either. !

Agents >m «iiar>r of $15.iX) per week ana ex- j 1I»mse*: thegreau^t a««ntsel lererer produced, l e

v r y ^ o k a 1 poukr" — u :* J 1 * !Ievery k a1 pHustier, want**!. Re;si amp, Am^riuan Mis. ^

met by the Presidente in person, whoescorts us to bis home and entertains uso tbe best manner possible, and, in many^ases, absolutely without cost. If we

^ j «PHnt hordes or men or provisions a wordid* i to the Presidents ia sufficient. While we

are in his part of the country be



It tells how after graduating from Harvard, ht•tndied law, vras a member of the N.Y. Assembly^ |

An Ogdensbarg dispatch says:—"The jOttawa & New York rarlfc^ad is making jarrangements tottiKJve its e pMwrdnfioechftn-!ical shops from Santa Clara to Ottawa thelatter part of July or early in August, jNegotiations are now going on to obtain a isite for a location and it is expected thatone will be purchased shortly, a buildingejected and the plant installed. Abdut I125 hands will be employed in this depart-ment. The first locomotive the companyhas sent into Canada went over a fewdays ago, and is of * somewhat uniquepattern, and is said to be the first doublestack engine ever used in Canada. Thetwo small smokestacks which take theplace of a large one increase the draught,thus causing a great degree of heat andproducing more steam^-The engine is nota heavy one, but is calculated to run at ahigh speed."

One of the most important track meetsever held in Northern New York will °tak*e

And imparts new life to tbe whole system. A- 1 place on the Potsdam fair grounds Satur-" " ' ~ " * day, June 2, wh«n tbe track teams of the

State Normal school, the Clarkson Schoolof Technology and St. Lawrence Universi-ty will compete for a $25 dollar cup, whichwill be contributed by the institutions.Managers Smith, of the Normal, Harring-ton, of St. Lawrence,and Jacobean, of tbeTech,, have decided upon the followingorder for the events; 100 yard dash, 1 mile^

I run. t tnile bicycle, 220 yard hurdle, polej vault, 1 mile walk, putting 16 poundj shot, 20 yard bardle,rnnning broad jump,j throwing hammer, + mile run, 220 yardI run, 1 mile bicycle, standing broad jump,440 yard run, running l»road jump, run-ning hop, step and jump, * uaile relayrace. «

j Two citizens of Watertown. well-known! in paper manufacturing history, Nekon!R. Caswell and C. R. Remington, -haveI obtained control of about 40,000 acres of| land located around {be headwaters of the

HUMPHREYS'Witch Hazel Oi


One Application Gives RefefjIt c a m Plksor Hemorrhoids—External or 1

xuO, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, If«iand Fistulas. Belief Immedlate-eqre certahu

It cures Bums, Scalds and UloeratloM and €tractions from Btrns. Tbe Belief fawfoderfnL

It cores Torn, Cot or Lacerated Wooads tBruises.

It cures Boils, eartwndes, felons, "BUlcers, Old Sores, Itcfctag Erapttooa, Seurfy <Scald Head.

It cures Inflamed or Caked Breast* and !Hippies. Invaluable.

It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy KrapttChapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips <Noetxils. Coras, Buntoas, Sore and Chafed f*MStings of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Susbona.

Three Sizes, 25c , , 5Oc. and $ l ,0OSold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt <rf>

HUMPHREYS* MED, C & ,Cor. William 4k Jobs Ste., 9f£W YG

11 You'd Leare Your B&ppy Borne"For one "' — \

WEBSTER'S)Up-to-Dat« Turnouts.

Compliments coming our way farPrompt Attention,Courteous and ExperiencedDrivers.

Time and Experienceaie severe tests; but both tests, aall other tests, have been me^by

Hale'sHoney of

Horehoundand Tar.

It Has cur thoui-ands of colds; it j S^Sl i J t ^ ' J . ^ ! ™Wlll/Care thoutends of Others—and j0f the best timber has been removed.' It

! Pfke S T08tfc2efeei

PresMeat of thfe U.S. Ciril Service^resident of the New York Police Commission;'.sst. Secy, of the-Navy; Lieutenant-Colonel and:ater Coloael of the "Rough Eiders," and nowGoveruer of New York, !

It characterises him as a thorough scholar, an jindefatigable sportsman, a typical ftoatiersman 1&.vd a brave leader. \

The feariere maa ia the greatest of ferni" j assume all the responsibility of oar wel- J it mentions the many valuable historical worksnine attractions. ^re . But he and his good natured and j he vui3nsh^t h o w ^ e i ^ his m e a a t x^s Guasi-

lazy people are painfully superstitious. {They do a great deal of mining on a small jW h a t Shall We H a v e for Dessert?

This question arises in the family eyery day.Let u» ai^wer it today. Try JelH), a deliciousand healthful dess>ert. No boiling! ao baking;sirnpjy add * little hot wafer and set to coolFl :—Lemon, uiuage. Raspberry aad Straw-

A d i i h t & l change from other.dessertsld "

Flavbeirymid a

A deiight&il chaneiish vrhioh <*ld ame at yoar grocer

aud young1 eny.!s today. 10 cts.

A conceited ynung lady says the menare a covet-us lot.

Cured « Running Sore.SI had a bad running sore on my breast

foP over a year,1' says Henry A. Richards*.of Willdeyviile, N Y., " and tried a great •

scale, but they are careful not to eat meat, \whistle or sing while in the vicinity of itheir mines^ as they are sure that such !conduct would insure them oniy the worstpossible luck.?t

Jel l -O H» t h e Bes t Desser t .It id quite a new thinsr, but it is so far superior,

ta most of its kind that, it took from the startIt is put up ia four flavors, lemon, oraiyje. strawb«rry and raspberry, and can be prepared in twominutes. No coo

jrry, ajt>kmg. just add hot water, aad

set to eool. It makes a delioious ciian^e from thepie and pudding desserts with no trouble what-ever, and everybody likes it. especially the chil-.dreti. All grocers sell it. 10 cts. Try it today.

half box. I WHS perfectly cured. I can-not recommend it foo highly, and willnever be without, it ia the house/' Forwile by all druggists.

! has about eating.

CA8TORIA.Bears theSignature

Pneumonia follows lagrippe, but neverfollows the use of FOLEY'S HONEY andTAU, the great throat aod long remedy,For sale by all druggists.

When a man doubles bis lists he natur-ally iwtomeH foor-haaded.

T. F. Anthony, £x-Postmaster, of PromiseCity, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of 'Mys-tie Cure' for liheuroatism, and two doses of Rdid me more £ixtd than any medicine I evertook." Sold bf C. W. Breed & CO., Druggists.

F u m p n : Ptinip.!At Fell's. I have several kinds. When

in need of. » pump call and see me.M. N. FELL, Makme, N. Y.

Our experience in fitting glasses is yoursfre* of charge. If you need glasses wewill guarantee to fit you property at theright price. If not it cofefcs yoa,;nothing,and it sorely will be omen satisfaction toknow that f ajar eyes are all right.

G. A- CAKTWitl* Jeweler.

FOR SAUL—A iO0~egg taettbator. ^ In-qai

If a man has no temptations it's easy toremain honest.

The Flout Stubborn Coughsresulting from an attack of lagrippe orheavy cold, must yield to the wonderfulhealing properties of FOLEY'S HOKET AKBTAR, which strengthens the lungs and

kes them sound. Nothing else as good.For sale by all druggists.

Great opportunity offered tomen. Salary of $15 per n—' ;

«i, reliables for„ .... ..jkaiid exp©».ws for

man with Tig to introduce oar Poaltry Mixtureand Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp,American Mfg, Co., Terre Haate. Ind.

«•» .—-Don't cry over spilt milk; hustle around

and gjet some more milk tickets.

T r y Gra in-O! Try Gra lo-O! your rroeer today to show you a package

of GRA.IS-O, the new food drlok that takes teeplace of coffee. The children maxdrink it wftb-oat tajwry as well as the adult All who try it. GR4JN-q has that rich seal brown ofMocka or Java, bdt it is made frompure grains,and the most delicate stomach reeeras it with-out distress. H the price of coffee^ I5eaad25cper package. Sold by all grocers.'

s. El Caney, a

And this is only one out of

4,000 biographies of noted



Just now you can get the complete work, deliver-ed free, on payment of One Dollar (f 1.00) eash,balance in small monthly payments.

• a Oak Bookcase.Guide to Sy stemfttlc R«*dlagFreight charges prepaid.


mill.of the papacity of 100 tons per day.j The waterpower at Natural Dam is excel-lent, having a fall of about )£ feet.

F o r Over Fifty Year*Mas. Wn*sr,ow"s skxsTBiNa SYBCP has been usedby millions of mothers for their children whileteething. If disturbed at night and broken oivoor rest by a sick eMld suflceoringr and erringwith pain of Catting Teeth send aifoaee and geta bottle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"for Children Teethin) ~ - ' " " 'little sufferermothers, there _..Diarrhoea,, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,cores Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In-Sammatkm. and gives tone and energy to thewhole system, "Mtn* Winslow's SoothmgSyrap" for children teething is pleasant to thetaste and is the prescription of one of the oldestand best female physicians and nurses in theUnited States. Price twenty-five eents a bqttie.Sold by all drugsrists tlirooghout the world.-? Besore acd ask for " Mas. WIJTSLOW*! " " —STBUT."




N, B. Cedar Shingle, MatchedSprue© Lumber, Pine Lumber,Pine and Hemlock Lath, Clap-boards from $5.00 to $20.00 perthousand, Pine Ceiling, WhiteWood and Cherry,

FULL USEpare lead and oil, the best mixedpaint that can be made, in all colors.Froor paint that cannot be excelled.Floor varnish and wax and all inte-rior finish. The best goods are thecheapest. Don't fail to try

GYPSINE,for Kalsomining; will never come off.The only pl*ce to get Fay's ManilaPaper for watts and veiling. Remem-ber the place,

17 Milwaukee St., Malone.

j AristocratsBuy their shoes from us.

And that isn't because they have lots ofmoney to spend bat because they wantthe most fashionable and most comfort-able shoes to he had and want to getthem as cheaply as possible,

Monejed people are not usually extrav-agant. They bay diamonds but theydo not pay fancy prices for them. Theybuy good shoes but they buy judiciously.


Qiiccn QualityARE RIGHT.

Shufelt & Donaldson,Malone, N. Y.

tle of ** Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"hildren Teething It will relieve the poor

^offerer immediately. Depend upon hXers, there is no mistake aboat It. It core?h l h S h d B l

Sometime* a woman makes a fool 6t aman—and he never gets over it.

The E B T F of Ait Women.-^'What woman or girl does not admire a.b£jiu

fui, ros«-tiDted complexion ? one cannot,a beautiful complexion if the blood U uuiweak, if the bowels are constipated, if tjie iiverand kidneys are out of order. If you would' tryDr. Band's Family Remedy, the great berh medi-cine, you woaid not only possess a beautifulcomplexion but aii*o perfect robust health, thesn-eatest charm woman can possess. Triai sizefree, large packages 25Paine, "Burke, soie a«ent.

Mill Street, MALONE, N. Y.

I f T3SS & OTTi J14-16.«ixd.A. M.







12:531 ^ 4


tl-OiA.. M.


Exp. } Stations,P. M. 1

1, 1900.-13 b 15Esp. i MudA. M. ! P M

1:30 Lv. Tripper Lake Ar. 12 30 3-JO1:36 CentralJc.

tl50 CMldwoldtt-M SUdare2:17 Blue Pond

11:54 *21•ii:« snl ls£ 7 40

Rapids .Junctiont8.-35 Bay Pond2:47 Brandon

nM MadiiWitskAt8:2£ Spaing Cove3:% Lv. Santa Clara3*7 St. Regis Falls4:3! Dickinson Ctr4:40 Ar. Moira

Lv. MoiraIrontoaHetena

Ar. Hogac'sbarg-

5 3S Lv. Moira5:30 Ar. Malone

$M Lv. Moira

11:10 Ar, OgdenaborgP. M.

t Stop oil ^gnaL

tU:ll K5S11:08 7 10

Ar. 10s2 % 1710:05 ?449:56 5%4£

Lv. 3-35 * :0Ax. 9M

Lr. 8r30

Ar. 9:S8 W>Lv. 9 56 Z &

Ar. 753 5-086:38 4^3)

Lr. 5^0 1^0„ A. M. P 51

/Trains run daily, eieept Suaday. 1

H. W. 6AYS, QenT Manaj^r. /Ottawa. Ont. V

Road Horses-and the Latest Styles in

^S3-— Vehicles.!We also have several family horse«.


BESTWe ran to All Trains, j

Leave Orders at fN. M. Sabourin'sj

Restaurant or ICall ap 82-2 J

Palace Stables,E. A. WEBSTER, Jr., Prop.



an posseand 50 <

The smaller the man the greater hisvanity.

Does Coffee Agree W l t b You?If not, drink Grain-O—made from pure-grains.

A lady wvitm; " The first time I made Graia-0I did not like it but after using it for one weeknothing would induce me to go back to coffee."It nourishes and feeds the system. The childrencan drink it freely with great benefit. It is thestrengthening sabstance of pure grains. Get apackage today from your grocer, follow the dlrections in making it and you will have a delio-

| ious and healthful table beverage for old andyoung. vl5e and 35c. , •>

men are always deaf to unjust


UEVi FRECHETTEFor your Meats, Groceries, Pro vis-

ions, Vegetables, Tobaccosand Cigars,

Lake Ontario Fresh Fish Every Friday.Catherine »*,« JlalaBc, N. Y.


r Sensiblecriticisoai

Great enterprw^^fteo result from•mall begtspjpga. ^

Xinis chances in Urn W» your kidneystbat i>e©d Attention if yon dont'fwel weiLFoorrjs Kn>FKT COBS makes healthykidneys an* wiH make you well. Tor

l b i r d 4 t e


Mall 0Her» for footwear fiilted prompt-

• , .i- <?

Coal $6.50per ton.

D,-& H. I*ck»waiuiJU

A. SBERWUl« SOU,With Thompson « Wood, Vast