· commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of...

1 2 3 Sr. No. 1 SCOPE OF WORK VALIDITY RATES Name of Manufacturer M/ S Associated Dairy Fab Pvt Ltd. B-5, MIDC, Ajanta Road . 1 Ja lgaon-425003 PH:0257-2211210- 2211700, FAX:0257- I 2210950 Kind Atten: I Shri Prashant Kothari I ,.t ' f i .. \ ;;\ ... J \ ,.. . ) ••. ' .9 ' ·j . r., · ·, ,,.., .; -..., .. ,- ,, •.• ( jil . ; ' ' - ,. / nl .,, ' ·" ' 'i."' /:;'1' ' 'fl ' '"'""" •• ........ #. ,, ... RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supply, Unloading, Erection/Installat ion, Commissioning, Testing, Start up, Training to staff etc of Bulk Milk Coolers w ith accessories, DG set, Piping, Cabling etc to be installed at Village Dairy Co-operative societies of Membe r Unions located within Gujarat State. Up to 31st March, 2018 The rates mentioned below are inclusive of applicable GST,Freight,loading-Unloading & Installation/Commissioning. Capacity Descriptions 2000 Litres 4000 Litres 5000 Litres 10000 Litres Basic Price incl. p & F GST Frieght -- --. ---- TOTAL COST (RS.) Loading- Install & Comm. 1 Total Rate (Rs.) ------- 2160330 I Permissible Ass istance . ------ -- I 1728264.00 @.

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Page 1: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting




Sr. No.





Name of


M / S Associated Dairy

Fab Pvt Ltd. B-5,

MIDC, Ajanta Road .

1 Ja lgaon-425003


2211700, FAX:0257-


2210950 Kind Atten: I Shri Prashant Kothari


,.t '

f i .. ~ \ ;;\ .~s~ ... J \ ,.. ~~J'> . ) ••. ' .9 ' • ·j . r., · ·, ,,.., .;

• ~ -..., . . , - ,, •.• (jil . ; ' ' - , . / nl

.,, .~ '·"' 'i."' ~'~ /:;'1' ' 'fl ' '"'""" •• ........ # . ~ ,, ---~--... ~


RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supply, Unloading, Erection/Installation, Commission ing, Testing, Start up, Training to staff etc of Bulk Milk Coolers w ith

accessories, DG set, Piping, Cabling etc to be installed at Village Dairy Co-operative societies of Member Unions located within Gujarat


Up to 31st March, 2018

The rates mentioned below are inclusive of applicable GST,Freight,loading-Unloading & Installation/Commissioning.

Capacity Descriptions

2000 Litres

4000 Litres

5000 Litres

10000 Litres

Basic Price

incl. p & F GST Frieght

- - --. ---- ~ -- .


Loading- Install &



Total Rate (Rs.)




Permiss ible

Ass istance

. ------ -- I



Page 2: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting




Sr. No.



~. ;'




Name of


M/S Kri shna Allied

Industries Pvt. Ltd.,

9-25 A Chandawadi

CP Tank road,


400 004

Mr. Ankur Shah


Email:brajraj@krish n

aallied .com

' >,

"'\ " -'' };. i ;;... . . . . '" ' '\ ": · , · - ~tl " .·'

(-. " "'r I . .' \.. ,/ '~ I ;., ~ -: ·-' ... ;'!l 'tl

,..., ' '" ' \' :t" .. ~~ . .. , "' > ' ' __ :;~~-

RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supply, Unloading, Erection/Installation, Commissioning, Testing, Sta rt up, Training to staff etc of Bu lk Milk Coo lers with

accessories, DG set, Pip ing, Cab ling etc to be installed at Vil lage Dairy Co-operative societies of Member Unions located with in Guja rat


Up to 31st March, 2018

The rates mentioned below are inclusive of applicable GST,Freight,load ing-U nload ing & Installation/Commissioning.


1000 Lires

2000 Litres

4000 Litres

5000 Litres

Descript ions Basic Price

incl. p & F GST Frieght



Install &

Comm. Total Rate (Rs.)



(Rs .)


Page 3: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting



Sr. No.



Name of

M anufacture r

M/S Chadha Sales Pvt

Ltd, 137-139,

RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supply, Unloading, Erection/ Installation, Commiss ioning, Test ing, Start up, Training to st aff etc of Bulk Milk Coo lers with

accessories, DG set , Piping, Cab li ng etc to be installed at Village Dairy Co-ope rative societies of Member Unions located w ith in Guja rat


The rates mentioned be low are inclusive of applicable GST,Freight, loading-Unloading & Installation/Commissioning.

Capacit y Basic Price

Descriptions GST

1000 Lires

2000 Litres

Frieght Loading­


Insta ll &

Comm . Total Rate (Rs.)


Ass ista nce

RajindraMarket,Tis I I 1 1 · - ---- ~ -- - ,-- - -, 1 1 I -- ----- I

,..__ ~., . 0 (

;. r'': ( ,.. \ ... ' ·;'; !


? i· . ·--' . ,_

•.· '


Hazari, De lh i-110054

PH :011-2392290-

23944840 FAX: 011-

239142 11 Kind Atten

Shri Aditya


(m) 9999444337


~~ l. J.t~. ' ' ' V • · ' '~~­

\ \ ~

~' , •i! r

":"··· ~· ··,,_,;~·· ,· !/ ~ ·'; , ··' •"~,;· "' /. # ' ~~~::"::.{/ -.~_,....,.,.,.,~_ . .­:i'.S..!J.~~

4000 Litres

5000 Litres

10000 Litres


Page 4: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

·• ·' { $

f t ,

~ \



Sr. No.

1 I



Name of

Manufactu rer

M/S Serap India Ltd, I 714 & 715, GIDC-

Manjusar, Taluka-

Savli, District

Vadodara, Gujarat-

391775 I Email:skakkar@grou Kind

Atten . Shri

Sum it Kakkar {M}

098104 11343 I

RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supp ly, Un loading, Erection/Insta llation, Commissioning, Testing, Start up, Training to staff etc of Bulk M il k Coo lers w ith

accessories, DG set, Piping, Cabling etc to be insta lled at Village Dairy Co-operative societies of Member Unions located within Gujarat



The rates mentioned below are inclusive of applicable GST,Freight,loading-Unloading & Installation/Commissioning.

Capacity Descriptions

1000 Lires

2000 Litres

4000 Litres

5000 Litres

10000 Litres

Basic Price GST Frieght

Loading- Install & Tota l Rate (Rs .)




Page 5: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

.. ' {

r. ~





Sr. No.

1 I



Name of


M/S IDMC Ltd Plot

No. 124-128 GIDC

estate , Vittha I



PH : 02692-225334 I FAX:02692-229820

Kidn Atten. Shri

Ketul Sheth (M)

0990 4002361

I :· ·-....,..<': ~

. ... ": ~~~ill-;


RATE APPROVAL FOR BULK MILK COOLERS: YEAR 2017-18 Design, Supply, Unloading, Erection/I nstallation, Commissioning, Testing, Start up, Training to staff etc of Bulk M ilk Coo lers w ith

accessories, DG set, Piping, Cabling etc to be insta lled at Village Dairy Co-operative societies of Membe r Un ions located w it hin Gujarat


The rates mentioned below are inclusive of applicab le GST,Freight,loading-Unloading & Installat ion/Commission ing.

Capacity Descriptions

1000 ti res

2000 Litres

4000 Litres

5000 Litres

10000 Lit res

Basic Price

incl. p & F GST Frieght



Insta ll &

Comm. Total Rate (Rs.)

Permissib le

Ass istance


Page 6: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

f I I



1. The Bidders should have strength and able to carry out supply, loading/unloading, installation, commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, train ing to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site.

All the inter connecting SS pipes & fittings for installation and commissioning of equipments is in scope of bidders . Similarly all the electrical, DG Set, Stabilizer, main contro l panel, refrigeration control panels, Milk tank panel etc and cables are in the scope of supply. The earthing material wherever required is also in the scope of bidders.

2. Third Party lnspec ion: During project implementation I contract period, Third Party Inspection Agency will monitor all activities I supplies being carried out during projects execution and based on their physical verification report /feedback, Government of Gujarat (GOG) wil l ar range to release fund I financial support.

3. The Bidders sha ll have to arrange for Third Party Inspection from parties like LlyodiBVIS/TUV/SGS and have to HARD STAMP on their equipments before dispatch. Third Party Inspection report shall be submitted with each Invoice to ordering member unions.

4. Service Centers I Network: The bidder should have at least ONE service center I service provider located District wise in Gujarat. The details of which to be provided to ordering unions.

5. RATES: The ra tes with GST approved shall be on firm price basis & shall remain unchanged during contract period. On no other account increase/decrease in the price will be given during the contract period. The rates so quoted shall be obviously inclusive of Packing , Forv1arding. loading/unloading , insurance charges, service tax and exclusive of applicable octroi , entry/toll tax, local levies etc. In case there is any increase/reduc!ion in Government levies on finished product!#raw material during the contract period, it will come into effect as per government notificalions with documentary support . ...

6. PURCHASE ORDER: As per the laid down process of department, Govt. of Gujarat and as per the choice of beneficiaries, member unions will place purchase order in favor of bidders those are selected for empanelment.

7. DELIVERY OF GOODS AND INSTALL TION: The material is to be supplied and installed at village co-operative societies (VCS) of our ember unions and I or doorstep of beneficiary located vvithin Gujarat State . Bidders wil l have to provide the supply along with indefeasible label having details like amount and year of financial support scheme etc or as per the instruction from Govt. of Gujarat. The dispatches are to be made against purchase order strictly as per the specifications v-tithin 6 weeks from the receipt of order and the commissioning must be accomplished w ithin 12 weeks from receipt of order. Seven working days shal l be allowed as a Grace period. Bidders will have to submit 3 sets of actual photographs of equipments instalted w·ith beneficiary, shovling name of beneffciary. Related supporting documents shall be subr~1itted to ordering unions N CSJGCt-litv'if.

8, PENALTY: ff Bidders fails to supply the goods I services specif.ed in Contract I PO at site atu Lead Time and Al :v.'lable Grace Period, the ordering member unions v.-m impose PenCJ lty@ 1% per Day in terms of INR for de ayed qt y as liquidated c'an~agc: s until actual delivery. Any incremental taxes and levies on account of delayed qty supply by bidder, shalf be in bidders accounts. The tota l amount of penaliy exceeds 10% of con:ractJPO value, ordering union reserve the rights to terminate the contract without any prior notice. Bidders will have to compensate the loss that ordering member unions may sustain by way of procuring the material from other sources at higher prices, or by way of loo.s of production in addition to forfeiting your security deposit. -

9. The quantity we may buy from you will depend on your competitiveness of rates, promptness of delivery, quality, performance feedback and other detaifs/data. We reserve the right either to obtain or not obtain any clarification/documents in the maHer after opening of offers. GCrvtMF at its so le discretion and without assigning any reason thereof, reserves the right to accept and I or reject the whole or pari of any ali offers received.

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·:-;# Page 1 oflS

Page 7: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

10. In case of your failure to supply the materials as per the contracUdispatch advice of our member unions I co-operative societies, you will have to compensate the loss that our member unions may sustain by way of procuring the material from other sources at higher prices, or by way of loss of production In addition to forfeiting your security deposit.


Invoices are to be prepared in the name of respective ordering member unions and be sent to them directly for payment. Invoices should carry purchase order numbers without fail, test certificates confirming the quality/specification of supplied goods and separate delivery challans should accompany each supply to enable member unions to prepare separate GR. Suppliers have to submit performance report of their installation duly signed stamped by authority. Suppliers have to submit the supporting documents as and when requ ired for ISO audit/requirement. Please ensure that invoices are prepared as per approved price break up only, specifying rate of GST. Monthly Consolidated Report of orders placed , delivery schedule and supplies made etc to reach ordering member unions by 5th of next month positively.


Please note that the quality of your material should remain as per specifications and latest standards. Any deterioration in the qual ity of material & work 'Nill be attributable to you and will be to your account. Acceptance by our member unions/co-operatives Qual ity Control Department and release of payment, as such, shall not absolve supplier of his responsibili ty towards the same. In other words your material should reta in the desired qualities up to utilization. Kindly note that if any of your supplies are found substandard with respect to any aspects of specifLca!ion, te rms, conditions laid down, such supplies may not be accepted at a discount a111d·shall be liable for rejection summarily and our member unionsNCS/GCMMF may cancel orders placed and rate approval a! any time without any prior notice on this account, during the ~ntract.

In such cases, your security deposit may also be forfeited. In case materials are found substandard at site, on receipt of the same we reserve our right to reject the material out rightly. Labour charges if any will also be recovered from you. We reserve the right to send your material for testing at any laboratory, third party inspection and in case the result is found unsatisfactory we reserve the right to take any action as deemed fit. Initia l acceptance of the goods on delivery is not the final acceptance of quality. All goods if found substandard during actual use, shall be rejected and the supplier shaH replace such rejected goods at their cost and risk within a week from the date of communication of rejection.


Payment wi ll be released to the supplier through local payable cheque I DD (wherever local accounts have been opened hy suppl i,;;~s or ef e by DD) as under:

90% amount within 30 days after safe rc:;Eipt of complete mate;is!s and physical verifica tion of materials at si:e by orde:ing un:Ons and bslance 10 % p:. yn<enl against submission of Pertorrnance Bank Guarantee to ordering member unions of Na.!iona!ized Bank vvhich shai! valid up to completion of warran!ee period & after satis·aclory instaHa:ion, commissioning, inspection, start up, testing of all equipments and it is found acceptable as per our specification. Release of payment by member -unions does not absolve you from the responsibil ity towards supply of substandard material if any found at a later stage. The proceeds of the performance security shaH be payable to the'f3urchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's fa ilure lo complete its ob ligations under the Contract.

Page 8: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting


The security deposit @ Rs. to be submitted by bidders those are considered for empanelment. Security deposit shall be submitted within 15 days from the date of our contract/rate approval letter by Demand Draft 1 Bank Guarantee of nationalize bank or authorized bank for financial transaction with government like IDBI, UTI, HDFC bank and ICICI Bank, to be drawn in favour of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd., Anand. The Demand Draft I Bank Guarantee shall valid up to completion of warrantee period. On receipt of the same, the EMD deposited with your offer shall be refunded. In no case the EMD amount shall be adjusted against SO amount.

In case you fail to arrange supplies as per the requirement of member unions and as per terms and conditions laid down here, the deposit will be forfeited fully. Otherwise on completion of contract/supplies , the deposit will be refunded within 15 days provided there are no outstanding dues to be recovered from you. This Security Deposit will carry no interest. In case we find that you have given any misleading/false information as mentioned in your data on firm, or at any other point of time we may forfeit your SO and also delete your name from our suppliers list.


We reserve our right to depute either our representatives or representatives of our member unions or of any independent body of third party for inspection of materials while U)e same are under manufacturing and delivery at site, if any. To facihtate inspections as and when necessary, you will be required to give prior intimation as to when you are likely to start manufacturing I deltvery of materials. In case during such inspection the result is found dissatisfactory, we reserve the right to take whatever action is necessary to protect our interests. We also reserve our right to inspect the original invoices/Gate pass pertaining to your purchases of raw materials used in manufacturing by you and other records being maintained by you , \Vhich are relevant to us.

16. The supptieFshaTI obtain ali the necessary legal approvals if necessary from concern authority to complete the project/contract in time. The requisite fees if any shall be borne by the supplier. Successful,. Bidqer should visit the site to review existing site conditions and to know the details/information required for understanding the nature and type of works involved ln the project. Supplier should submit operating / maintenance manual , necessary drawings of equipments, piping, electrical, civil, flow diagram, other miscellaneous drawing etc as required to ordering member unionslvillage societies.


The supplier warrants tha t the goods and equipment supplied, installed and commissioned under the contract are ne'l..', unused, of most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and maltrials unless provided othef'<vise in the contract. The supplier further vvarrants that the goods supplied under th is contract shal l have no defect arising from design, materials or v;orkrnanship (except in so far as the design or material is required by the purchaser's specificatlons) or from any act or omission of the supplier, that rnay dcvelop under normal use of the suppl ied goods in the normal conditions. The supplier also guarantees that !he goods supplied shaH perform sa\isfactorfly as per the designed I rated I installed capacity as provided for in the contract The, vvarranty \ViH not cover no.rr:nal \vear and tear of consurnabies; ho\':;'2\lCf the eiectric.cJ parts Vinl be co·vered under vtarranty.

The warranly \Viii also cover the gas leakages during waranty period. The equiprnents, machineries, accessorres etc used shall be covered under warrantee / guarantee & shall remain valid for 12 months from date of commissioning OR 18 months from date of receip t of equipn1ents at sit~, Vl.hichever is earlier .

Th~s \Varrantee I ouarantee-..shsH not cover anv darncqe/s resuH!no from norrna! \Vear and tear or irnproper handling by the p-urchaser or his authorized r~presentatrvcs. An:' de:ect arising out of faulty install ation or use of subs1.andi3rd materia l or workmanship shaH be rectified by the supplier at his own cost The supplier shaH make \/isit for preventive maintenance I after sa les services of equipment at least once in every 3 months at no cost to the purchaser. During these visit the supplier shall do the complete overhaul and preventive maintenance including minor repairs ai no cost to the purchase;, Quarterly maintenance service report 1 History Cards will have to be submitted duly cer\ifie·d by the respective viHage society/user at !he end of each quarter to the ordering member unions.

Page 9: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

18. Considering 25% variation in quantity requirement, we I ordering unions reserve our right to extend/reduce the contract period by 90 days at approved ra tes, terms and conditions depending on the requ irement of our member unions/co-operative societies.

19. Rejection; In case of rejections in supplies made by you, GCMMF/ member unions/co-operative societies will make no payment. Further the rejected material shall be handled by the member unions/societies as they deemed fit, and will be lifted by you at your ccst & risk. If the rejected material is not lifted by you within 15 days from the date of intimation, the member union/societies is free to charge storage charges or dispose off the material as they may deem fit. We reserve the right to get your material tested from any authentic independent laboratory, the resu lt of which would be binding to both of us. In case of any non specified/non standard material being used in your material, we reserve the right to suspend business with you, cancel the rate contract, take legal action and forfeit your security deposit.


Since supply of ordered material shall be directly to the ordering Member Unions, based on the strength of our Contract, it is highly necessary for the suppliers to ensure that business ethics are maintained at the highest degree with GCMMF/Member Unions/Societies. In no case we will be able to tolerate any unethical practice by the supplier by way of offering either cash or in kind or compensation in any form either to get the rejected material accepted or to get higher volume of the business than the approved quantity in this contract letter. By any chance if it comes to our notice that you or any of your employee/representative/agent has tried to initiate such unfair business practices with any of our employee or any of the employee/decision maker of our Member Unions/GCMMF/Societies, even with/w.ithout any documentary evidences, the same shall be considered as a breach of contract and we reserve our right to terminate/suspend the contract during any time of the contract period without assigning any reason thereof.


In case ·of any dispute arising out of this contract, jurisdiction will be the ordering unions.


Page 10: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting


(PURCHASE DIVISION ) Annexure-It (a)



The Bulk cooling units shall be used to cool raw milk at the village level co-operative milk societies from the ambient temperature to 4 degree centigrade in conformity to specified ISO 5708 2A II standard.

The cooling tank shall be used for immediately cooling the milk after milking so as to conserve the quality of milk and check the grov.rth of microorganisms. It is intended for daily collection of milk. It is a hygienic container built to sanitary standards, which besides cooling also serves as buffer storage prior to transfer of milk for onwards transportation for further processing.

Two milking system has been configured such that volume of each milking is as under:

i) Milking in the morning (up to 10 AM) ii) Milking in the evening

-50% -50 %

The agitator provided in the cooling tank works intermittently and at a very gentle speed to avoid damage to the fat globules of milk.


The bulk cooling tanks are buill to ISO 5708 standard with categorization under T)'pe 2A!I.

The technicat dater for the complete module are also given in enclosed Data sheet (An nex--ll(b-f)). ~ .

. A) BULK MILK COOLER AT DCS- CAPACITY 1000L,2000 L,3000L, 4000L& 5000L, 10000l. .... . 1.0 Bulk Milk Cooler with Cover and Standard Accessories

1.1 BMC Tank capacity 1000L, 2000L,3000L, 4000l and 5000L, 10000L

Tank inner, outer, bottom dimpled jacket shaH be f-abricated from Stainless Steel AISI 304 material and welded with TIG process. In case of 1000 L & 2000L, minimum thickness of Inner Shell (1.6mm) & Outer Shell (1 .6mm) and incase of 3000L,4000L, 5000l & 1 OOOOL, minimum thickness of Inner Shefl (2.0mm) & Outer Shell (1.6mm). The inner shell and all other product contact surface sha ll be polished up to minimum 150 grit finish.

Tile tank shall be complete with following: Top manhole cover with locking arrangement for inspection in SS 30-4 cons~ruct io n is: provided.

Milk inlet complete with no fcam inlet arrangement for easy deaning . ou::e:: comple:e with lockable buUer fiy valve size 51nlni _

Tr1e insulation of the tank sha:: be done by injection, in si tu, oi high-dens;ty (minimum 40 kglm3, CFC free and erwironmen:al friendly) polyureihane foam viithcut having any imperfection and hygroscopicity. The efficiency of insulation is confirmed as per the requirc:ne:nt of ISO 5705 2A li (latest version) when the refrigeration unit is not working.

Ball feet specially made to prevent tempering, which could result in erratic measurement

Min. One No. Agitator for 8-MC tank in SS 304 construction complete with direct mount motor. The agitator is designed for producing uniform distribution of fat in milk.

Shape of BMC Tank: Open I Close type . Horizontal I Vertical I Cylir;drical I Semi Cylindrical I Rectangular etc.

Page 11: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

2.0 Refrigeration Unit

The refrigeration system is designed for operation on R22 or CFC Free refrigerant for Scroll compressors. The condensing units shall meet the latest safety standards.

The refrigeration system is designed Single Condensing Unit for 1000L, Twin condensing units for Cap: 2000L, 3000L, 4000L and 5000L and Four condensing unit for cap: 1 OOOOL. The total evaporator circuit is divided in two segments and each segment is connected to an independent condensing unit in case of twin condensing unit. The condensing units shall operate on Single Phase for BMC Cap: 1000L and Three-phase electric supply for capacity 2000L and above. Each condensing unit shall comprise of the fol lowing:

2.1 Compressor - Hermetically sealed EMERSON I DANFOSS make scroll compressor only complete with drive motor. The motor is fu lly enclosed su itable for specified electrical supply. It is confirmed that the hermetic is provided with thermister temperature sensor for protection against excess heating due to over loading and short-circu iting.

2.2 Condenser- Air-cooled, screen protected compact condenser unit make EMERSON I DANFOSS or any reputed make comprising of Finned Tube Heat Exchanger in several rows. Condenser fan s of reputed make are fitted for the duty. The air circulation fans shal l be induced draft type that will ensure blowing the air from inside to outs ide thereby making the system suitable for dusty and dry areas.

2.3 Receiver • A sui table size liquid receiver is included in the circuit of each condensing unit that vvould hold the refrigerant during maintenance and otherwise during the pump down cycle at the end of operation.

2.4 Thermostatic Expansion Valve - A thermostatic expansion valve shall be maximum operating pressure (MOP) type to ensure optimum quanti ty of refrigerant to the evaporator.

2.5 Evaporateir::.. The evaporalor shall be dimpled pressed plate jacket put al the bottom plate of the inner tank. The total evaporator area is divided and separated into two sections and each section shall be operates by one condensing unit. All connecting pipes terminating outside the tank are of stainless stee l construction. Evaporator plate is laser welded for all capacity cooling tanks, thus offering prolonged life compared to the regular spot welded evaporators.

2.6 Refrigerant Pipes & Fittings and Controls - Compressors are provided with isolation valves to ease the maintenance. CopperiSS tubing for refrigerant shall be properly laid to facilitate attending the leakage if occurred during operation without dismantling the total sys tem. Ali pipes are properly clamped on fixed suppori and sponge insulated for protection.


Three control panels namely shall be supplied along wJth BMC unit

1. Main Con rol Panel vvith servo voltage s{abilizer 2. Refrigeration control pa:-.el 3. rv1ilk tank control panel are included in the scope.

Re7rigeration control pc: r~c:l and rnHk !<.:nk con '.rol pan~ ' s s~: ali be conform:ng to following specifrcations :

3.1 r,lain Control Panel with Servo Stabilizer: fv(ai n Control Panel: This panel should be su itable !o tap the incorning Stale Electricity Board supply and feed the re frigeralion unit , agitator motor and milk unloading pump (frorn balance tank) and dispatch pump. The DG set should be hooked up with lhis panel through a 'rnanua! change-over-swi!d1' in order to operate the DG set in place of State Efedricity Board supply &s & when required. It should be provided vvith necessary phase indicat io lamps (LED type). contactors, MCBs, ammeter, voltmeter, energy-meter, frequency-meter, push buttons, DG sst running hour meter etc. A battery charger to trickle charge !he battery when the DG set is in operation (charge indicalions shall be displayed on the panel) should be provided.

Page 12: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

Voltage stabilizer (servo type) and single phase preventer: The system should have Voltage stabilizer conforming to following features and single phase preventer of suitable rating:

• Input Range -1 50VAC to 31 0VAC (1Phase) and 350VAC to 480 VAC (3 Phase)

• Output self adjustable for a range of ±5%

• Supply Frequency - 47 to 53 Hz

• Load & Line Regulation - 1%

• Output A.C Voltage correction for wide input variations

• No output waveform distortion

• Fast correction of output voltage : 20V/sec.

• Auto/manual operation facil ity

• Under-voltage and over-voltage cut-out arrangement

• Voltmeter with facility to read input or output voltage

• High efficiency

• Compact and modular cons truction for ease in servicing

• M.C.B. on input circuit

• Emergency Push Butlon

• The rati ngs considered as under:

o 1KL- 10KVA, 2KL - 15KVA, 3KL· 20KVA, 4KL - 25KVA & 5KL • 25KVA 10KL -62.5KVA

"' 3.2 Refrigeration Control Panel:

One number control panel in dust and vermin proof design in stainless steel 304 enclosure suitable for mounting on the wall is included. The panel is pre wired to terminal connections and shall comprise of the following :

• In coming MCB to receive power from main control panel (In stabi lizer)

• Line voltage controller to guard the compressor against voftage supply fluctuation

• Sequent ial controller with timer delay arrangement to avoid surge on power supply

• Selector switch for au to/manual mode of operation

One number Sw i'chgear i.e. contactors and overload relay for the motor of compressor , condenser and agitator.

3.3 Milk Tan k Con trol Pane l.: This p2nel shall be mounted on the buik milk storage lank. lt is a pre monufacturc:! cont;ol pan c>! in SS 304 construction in dust and vermin proof design comprising the foilowing:

Digi:ai Temperature Indicator and display range (0 to 100 Deg . C)

• Panel shaH provide wiU; batiery back up to view temperature in absence of efectricity.

• -Selector faci!it' for seled ing operation of ag itator and compressors on auto or manual arrangement.

4.0 Pumped Feed System: In ter connecting pipes and Fittin gs: One Jot of SS pipes and fittings (38m m for I KL, 2.Kl , 3KL & SKL and 51 mm for IOKL) shall be supplied to inter conned the bulk cooler with balance tank, milk pump and tanker unloading hose. The piping shall include necessary butterfl y va lves, SS unions and support pipe holders. Gf pipe support shall be used to hold SS pipe holders for supporting from walls!floor.

Page 13: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

Balance Tank: A pla in un-insulated SS 304 construction balance tank cap. 200L for all BMC complete with cover, SS ba ll feet, and inlet and outlet connection is included to receive milk after weighment by direct tipping . A design of the balance tank shall be such that no milk should leave in the balance tank after reception. SS 304 Strainer shall be provided on Balance Tank.

Tanker loading Hose 38151 mm: A nylon-braided hose pipe for unloading milk from the cooling tank shall be supplied. A length of 10mtrs is considered in the scope of supply. Additional length if required as per specific site layout condition will be supplied at additional price calculated on pro rata basis.

5.0 Stainless Steel Sanitary Milk Pump for loading and unloading of milk: A sanitary design mono block pump of 5KLPH@ iOMWC of 1HP for 1KL & 2KL, 10KLPH@10MWC of 1.5 HP rating for 3KL, 4KL & SKL and 15KLPH@1 OMWC of 2HP for 1 OKL. It shall be driven by Single I Three phase motor in standard design for the all BMC Modules is included in the scope.

6.0 Heat Recovery Unit

SPECIFICATION: 1) Capacity : 200Ltr 2) Evaporator plate Laser welded evaporator plate ensure perfect distribution of

refrigerant, higher heat transfer short time & long life of

3} 4) 5) 6} 7)

equipment. Material used for construction: compact in design & high quality Stainless steel AISI-304 Insulation :High thermal efficient poly urethane (PUFF) (40 kg/m3 density) Valve : Brass or SS 304 Ball Valve Inlet : Range Y.." to 1" (without Valve) Mounting Stand : M.S. stand with suitable 3 or4 ft Heigh! duly painted.


Whije in ru-nning condition refrigerant is discharged from the compressor. This Discharged gas is at high temperat 1re and pressure and is further sent to con~nsec to get condensed. Instead of sending this high temperature gas to condenser, it is sent to heat recovery unil. This high temperature of gas is used to heat the medium (water) in the heat recovery unit. Thus in above process the Heat transfer takes place and as a result the temperature of discharged refrigerant is reduced and the heat given by it is used in heating medium (water) from about 0-65"'C. This reduced tempera'ure gas is sent to condenser and as a result it will increase the efficiency of condenser. From there it is sent to receiver and then to expansion valve further il goes to evaporator plate and reiums back to compressor through suction . The healed medium (water) can be used for CIP purpose.

6.0 Cables 8.. Electrical Switch Gou s

The electrical S'.Vi lchgcars as required are included in U1e conlrol p2'lels mentioned above . AH power and con trol ca:)ling belween Reirigeretion Pa:1e! and mi:V- panel shzl! be flexib le un­armoured, wherever lard lhfough conduits. The conduits sha:: be heavy duly PVC type .

7.0 Tool Box I Kit and Operation Manual

A Gt Shee' toolbox containing one set of all necessary tools i.e Electric Tester, Screw Driver Set, Spanner Set 6" ~ 1 Sei, 2 Set Gaskel of Union and Valves etc required for regular maintenance of the unit shall be supplie'd-a!ong with the Biv1C.

One set of operation &. maintenance manual in Gujara li and English containing complete details of starting, putting off, criticaf checks and day-to-day maintenance of the complete sys\ern shall be supplied. The manual shall also have the requiied electricaf circuit diagrams. Bidder shall submit a detailed general arrangement drawing for comple te system giving complete details with bill of materials, size, capacity, quantity, material of construction, thickness etc_

"'""""A $~~ -~

· · Page 8 of 15

Page 14: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

8.0 DG Set with Accessories

Diesel Generating Set with Alternator and Engine as per latest updated CPCB II Norms

Air/water cooled diesel generating set (DG Set) with single phase/three phase system shall be supplied mounted on common base frame duly supported on anti-vibration mountings. The DG Set shall be of proven make conforming to the following conditions.

1. The DG set shall be suitable for power factor 0.80 lag and alternator efficiency shall be maximum 85%.

2. The DG set shall be suitable to take care of the electrical load pertaining to the condensing units, milk tank agitator and milk dispatch pump mounted on the tanker. The DG set shall also be sized considering the loads of milk pump in case of pump feed systems.

3. An allowance of 10% additional load and ambient condition of 50 Degree dry bulb temperature is considered in design.

4. The DG set shall be suitable for operating 10% over load for a continuous period of one hour after every twelve hours of continuous operation without overheating.

Each set shall have the following accessories: • Starter motor mounted sideways. • Key start The key start station shall be mounted on a panel along with oil pressure gauge. • Suitable coupling shall be provided. • Fuel tank of 50 L. capacities shall be provided with each set. • Residential silencer shall be provided with each set. • A Frame shall be provided for mounting the Battery. • The emission limits for diesel engines shall be in conformity with the latest Gazette OF India

notificalion for N02, HC, CO, PM, sound and smoke limit. A certificate to this effect from competent .A.ulhority shall be submitted with each set. Each OG set st1a!l be CPCB apprpv~d. ~

Barrel and Hand Pump Single used'harrel of capacity 200 ltrs and hand pump for Diesel is included.

We have also included Battery and Battery Charger under main control panel & electrical Starting System in the system.

The ratings considered forD G set are as under: • For BMC cap: 1 KL is 1 Ol<VA (18BHP)

For BMC cap: 2KL is 15KVA (20BHP) For BMC cap: 3KL is 20KVA (288HP)

o For BMC cap: 4KL is 25KVA (33BHP) • For BMC cap: 5KL is 25 f<VA (33BHP)

For 81v1C cap: 1 OKL is 62.5KVA (82BHP)

9.0 Water

Water for cleaning One nurr!:ler 10 0-litcr cap&city ve- :-:ica! cy!indrica! vtale~ s:orage to;:<k - closed l ype v:ith manhole for main:en2nce - (HOPE) is included, preferably SINTEX lv1 akc. The tank sha!r be provided with one outlet and inlet with over fio·n connection. It shaH b:: double vvalled . Necessary UVPC/CPVC piping Ui) to a convenient point near the DCS bui!ding to be provided in consultation with Client Union. Ttie HOPE tank shall be placed on tile terrace of the society.

The HOPE tank of capacity 1000L is required to be placed at terrace floor level. The ra'N water from the mains supp!y s!;.a ll be transfe rred to the HDPE tank of capacity 1 OOOL with the help of wa'er pump of capacity 0.5HP. The rav1 \Vater from HOPE tank of capacity 1000L shall flow by gravity at floor level. / \II co!d water and hot water piping is considered UPVC/CPVC class of size W or suitable size. The scope shall be discussed with the client and necessary additions and deletions can be done on mutual agreement with the client. However as per the tender terms and cond itions our scope is limited to transfer the raw water from main supply in the DCs bu ilding to HOPE tank of cap: 1 OOOL placed on the terrace with the help of water pump of cap: 0.5HP. The raw water from the HOPE tank shall be brought to a convenient point in the DCS building.

Page 15: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting

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Page 16: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting



TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: (Please refer Details mentioned at Annexure-It{ a))

Annexure-11 (b)

Sr. No Technical specifications

>>>I&.,~· •\, ,<fp>,;_~;;- ;;; ;1~ .. . 1000 - L-tr. ," •~ :- t . -w·s·, ,_ ... ,.t · wro ,, .. •f. '~<:

GCMMF Specification

1 Type Ooen I closed Type 2 Shape Horizontal/ Vertical 1 Cylindrical /Semi Cylindricai/Rectanoular 3 Rated!Gross Capacity 1000U1100L 4 MOC AIS1304 5 Overall Dimension As per bidders supply

6 Minimum Thickness .shells

of inner and outer Inner : 1.6 MM Outer: 1.6 MM

7 Number & RPM of agitat.or(s)& Make : As per bidders supply 8 CIP facl!f(y (Manual/ Auto) Yes 9 Measwement of Mifk Volume SS 304 dlo Slick with Calibraton Chart

10 lnsulation .type Thickness Effidency

By inje-ction in situ of High Densit)' (mln.40 kg/m3 ) CFC free polyurethane foam 1•.1thout any imperfection and hygroscopicity Minimum 50 MM. It should be such that at 50 deg C ambient the rate of rise of mean temp, of Milk Initia lly at 4 deg. C shall not Exceed 1 dg. C in 4 hour when rated volume is allowed to stand-stil l as per requirement of ISO 5708 Tvoe 2AOI\.

1 Compressors Make Emerson/Oanfoss Make

2 Typeof Com~~~~s=o~r ________________ 4-S~~~o~ll --~~77 ___________ -----------------------------~ 3 Mod~l Danfoss: MLZ21

Emerson: ZB21KOE ~ · Capacity of Compressor As per bidders supoty

~ No.ofC~~~re=s~s~o~r _________________ ~~O~ne~--------~--~----------------------------------~ ~ _fondenser Model Air Cooled Fin and Tube fVOe

7 Condenser Capacitv As per bidders suPPlY 8 No. or Fans As per bidders suoply 9 Overall dimensions and weight of L'le unit. As oer bidders su[}plv 10 Type oCrefrigerant I R-22 or CFC free Environment friendJY. . .:.r::.ef:,:.ri~g,.c::e,_,na:.:.n:.:.l _________________ ~

l\t~"6' f~1:~f~;;:~i~~~te~rs~.;l{;;:..:S'"·,~-~0~~ '0".:2· •• ? ~'>[;·,,~· - :2--. :;};i~~Sin~gte,~ ph~ase~2t:~0:-~· ·""·~.&x.••:z=;;- =:§>-c• ···< ~:r-b:;;:.:~•::£·"2::2· ~ Y•.tQ:i:~'?G · f!~~;=·~')j'~ c<'· :::i· .;'L-~H 1 Ambient temperature considered for desion 43 Deq C

Maximum - cooling lime conside<ed (a)AlL ,... , milking 3 hrs from 35 To 4 cegC

2 Oeg c ;b; SECO 1.5 hrs from iO deg. C To 4degC 101 · . ND rnilking_.:...._ __ .....,..,--.,..--+------------·------------ -i Temperature range con'-i -'~c~r> I • ~-• '='-' 35 Deg C To 4 degC

3 (a)ALL Milking. 10 deg. C To 4degC (b) SECOND m!lf;ino.

lSI Approved armoured/Flexible cable wiUl other required materials for i :t:ing .

~~'i~'ir~-~~.~~!Jt$-~~- ~~a~:~le~~£~~~7~,"'~-~S~~d~F~it~t~in~g~.s~~~~~~~,JEJ~bb pe suitabte caoacitv ~•rii<-' ", . ;,;!kW!iJ/ ,, #01'B¥';,%'h"Mt'~'N~,:;;;;i_0ct:,.Jr ~/C:r''::t Make of the alternator Stamford/ leroysomleriSiemens/Cromplon GreaveslKir1osker Green Model of the alternator. To be soecified bv the bidder. (a)KVA rating of the afternator M1n 10 KVA 230 volts 50 Hz

ra ting To be specified by the bidder 2

(b)Volts (c)i\mps.

r---~~(d~);o~F~r~at~in~aL_ _________________ ~~~~~:~·~~~~~--~~~~~--~~~~~----~~

t. Mahindta /Eic.'lerf Kir1oskar/ Cur..rninsi Reputed make Mode! to be specifie-:1

Rating Maximum o.e iag

3 Maf:e and Model of the engine. by bidders

r---:r- 8HP ralino of the eoo i,n.:.e~~-'------------+ I ~M;in~io:m~u::,·m~1;.B--"B:.;H.:.P:,..· ·-----------------------------~-- --~--5 ! Tyoe oi-e;;'g ine cooling I AiuWater Cc.oted

6 I Derating f;;;ctors consid-~rc<! in the j . oesiqnl sels:;:<on 0.1

[7~BY.l:.:ntJm current tnet se.t can v:i:hs:.Zr"!d. 1.-5 t mes t;1e r~led curn~nt _ _ ___ I

I ---~


Earthings 4 Nos. of EarU" . G. I pifl€, G.l s:rlps and o ther ma\erials as per required

mm spanner anj '2 Set of J I Tool 1-:i\s Stendard Ul with pipe brush, tzr.k brush,38/51 ~ Gas~et.s of vatves and Un_~i:::on::_ ___ ~~~--------------------l

-·--K 1 s i;ic·s operation mariua.,-1 ---------~phe Set {One-inGi;f?.ra:i and Q;-,e in English) L HOPE Watert.aflk ! 1000 ltr. Sintexmake preferably -~·~

Page 17: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting


{PURCHASE DIVISION) Annexure-11 (c)

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: (Please mfer beta li s mentioned at Annaxure-ll(a))

Sr. No Technical specifications

1 Type 2 Shape 3 Raled/Gross Capacity 4 MOC 5


7 8 9


Overall Dimension

Minimum Thickness of inner and outer shells

Number & RPM of aoitator(s). Make: CIP facility (Manual / Aula) Measurementol Milk Volume

Insulation. type Thickness Efficiency

1 Compre.ssors Maf:<:. 2 Type of Compresscr


,_~ ,_, .. ·>•.'>-'''!fi1'?;:;"'·:·:·•·' · '"'ii·. 2ooo Ltr J;'ce•;<<·.,::~~·<""~·:);'·~:~'· · :B ,:·" .'i~_ GCMMF Specification

Open I closed Type Hori7..ontal I Vertical I Cylindrical/Semi Cylindrlca!IRectanqular 2000LJ2200L AISI304 As per bidders supply Inner: 1.6 MM Outer : 1 .6 MM As per bidders supply Yes SS 304 dip Stic{. vlith Calibraton Chart By infection in situ of High Density (min .40 kg/m3) CFC free polyureU1ane foam without any imperfection and hygroscopicity Minimum 50 MM. II should be such that at 50 deg C ambient the rate of rise of mean temp. of Milk Initially at 4 deg. C shall not Exceed 1 dg. C in 4 hour when rated volume is a llowed to stand-still as per requirement of ISO 5708 Type 2A(II).

EmersonlDanfoss Make Sctoll Danfoss : MLZ21 Emerson : Z821KOE

~ . Capacity of Compressor I As per bidders supply 5 No. of Compressor Two 6 Condenser Medel Air Cooled Fin and Tube Typo

t--;7;:-+ Ci7"o,_,nd:,::enser Caoaci\y As per bidders sup~-·------------ I ~ No. of Fans As per bidders supply .. .• _ .. _ __ ]

1 9 Overall din1ensio:Js and weiaht of the unit As per bidders supp!y 10 Tx~ of refriqerant -•'---t-'iR"'o·22~or"-'c~F'3CG'7tr""e·3""E:"'·nLvir-o.-nn-,1c-·i1t,.-;lr-,-ie-nd71y-r-,e.f:-c:-rio:-:_e-=-=ra""'nt;--------jl

'·~~.r ~~:~jt~~;!~f~r!ti]rs -, ·, ""''" -·, '"' l:n:~e,~n~~~'~""·"·· ·<". I -··-----=----'-- -----'1 ,.; ·.j

1 l Ambi,cnHemoeraiure o nsidered for desiGn 43 Oeg C Maximum cOoling · Vme consid~red c..=. ___ __ _______ _

2 (a)ALL milking 3 hrs fro;r. 35 Deg _ JE.i..~E~ONDmifking. 1.5 hrs from 10 deg. C To 4degC

Tempera!ure range considerao 3 (a)ALL Milking. 35 Dcg

(b) SECOND milkinq. 10 deg. G To 4degC

c To

I d!lgC i

I degC

I c To 4

D Cabelling and Fittings

~·).C's operation manual One Set (One in Ggiara ti an:i One in Enolish) I HD?E Water Ia:.:.•'::.• k'--- ---------·--!-c1'-'00::0:.:0:,:Ic::lr.:,. ,::S;!"':::-xc..:.:m.:::a:.:ckc.::.Je preferably ___ m I

f--':'i--·!-1 .:.,V{aler Pump - 0.5HP, CG!Reouted Maf;e I l--:o--t-:\C7V-"a!er pipe fitting_s UPVCiCPVC Pipi~ (Min. 30M!:) I

He-at RecovC!)' Unit f<..•iin .20DL wi:h At.~~~~§ycass/Ct!ton Syst-em -··· - ----------'

I':". ··~ ~ ;fr.i:. ~­~-~, ~!<•i! ~

Page 12 of b

Page 18: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting



TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: {Please refer Details mentioned at Annexure-ll(a))

Anncxure·ll (d)

·;~tjtA'-f;,j; IKBMC :Tank(Vx~{:{V-ti_:}. :/-~.xr :.-i'l;U>~~::.~~tr~ ( • ~~: - -" :JjN;, 'f=~' ~-::-~,~,'iif.:r·~:r~:~1u~$:.~·t3- ~_,::~ :·=f~~?'(* -:. t~:/.~ ... );_,, •.$ .• ~~~~!\.,_1) .. ~·-. ·: ~ft~(~.;:.~..,,~~-~,~·1. ~~ ~. :\~·;ft ;/l 1 Type 6i>e-n I closed Type 2 Shape Horizontal/ Vertical/ CvlindricatiSemi Cvllndricai/Rectanqular 3 Rated/Gross Caoacity 4000U4400L 4 MOC A lSI 304 5 Overall Dimension As per bcdders supply



8 9

Minimum TI1iclmess of inner and outer shells

Number Make:


CIP facility (Manual/ Auto) Measurement of MilK Volume

of agitator(s).

Inner : 2.0 MM Outer: 1.6 MM

As per bidders supply

Yes SS 304 dip Stick v.-ith Calibratcn Chart

10 rnsu!ation.type Thickness Effidency

By injection in situ of High Density (min.40 kglm3) CFC free poi)'Urelhane roam without any imperfection and hygroscopicity Minimum 50 MM. It should be such that at 50 deg C ambient the rate or rise of mean temp. of Milk Initially at 4 deg. C shall not Exceed 1 dg. C in 4 hour when ra ted volume Is allowed to stand-still as per requirement or ISO 5706 Type 2A(II).

1 Comoressors Make ~ _ti£e of Compressor

3 Mode!

Emerson/Danross Make Scroll Danfoss : MLZ45 Emerson: ZS45KQE

4 Capacilv of Compressor As per bidders supply !

7 I Condenser C<>oadtv As per bidders supp!y

t--.;_---1f-7A.mbient temperature considered for deslan --~1 ...::4c::3~P~eo:LOc~· - ------------------------Maximum .., cooling time consideie<l ' 3 hrs from 35 Deg


(a)ALL milking 1.5 hrs from 10 C To 4deoC (b) SECOND milking. -Temperature range (a)ALL (b) SECOND milking.

considered Milking.

35 Oeg c 10 deg. C To 4degC

c To 4

To degC

D Cabelling and Fittings lSI Approvoo anmourc-di Fie>-i ble cable with other required materials for

· suitable capadtv :-Sff;EJ<\? :_{hl :~-~t /4<{;1':~·<1:t§0V<,:i%~;_it(, ·pt :~~ ~-0<{>---~fl~~:-_,':~: 't~~~~~r ·.-,S''t'?i~;'"' ~~':1

Make of the alternator~ Stamford/ Leroywmler /Siemens /Crompton Greaves/Kirlosker Gre,;,n Mode! of the alternator. To be speCified b" the btdder.

volts 50 Hz 2 the bidder

Page 19: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting


{PURCHASE DIVISION} Annoxure -11 (e)

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: {Please refer Details mentioned at Annexurc-ll{a))

Sr. No

Technical specifications

,{;fff\;l';i; ~BMC;Tank:h.~:t;t:J\.>.w"'' »';- ,., 1 T;<pe - .

2 Shape 3 Rated/Gross Caoacit\' 4 MOC 5 Overall Dimension


7 8 9


Minimum Thickness of Inner and outer shells

Nvmber & RPI·II of agitalor(s). Make : CIP faci lity (Manual 1 Auto) Measurement of Milk Volume

lnsulatlon.type Thickness Efficiency

.-::.~~- .;,;<;,::~.,,,(c.:}·(;? _;;;:,:%<···". sooo Llr'. ·., .• , ·~'"":"·.;,;sr~,·. ~ ... ·;.<, !'Vl''' GCMMF Specification

"·V·'· .;'"\;1• ;'io".•c"((' ·' ;,",•,.:;/, .,,, .. ;:: • · ;.,~~'t''•'(j.\i':!,.\\.'{1 ;ll.)!f•Jo;ci'J'.: Ooen I Close Tvoe Horizontal/ Vertical/ Cylindrical/Semi Cylindricai/Rectanoular 5000U5SOOL AIS1304 As per bidders supply Joner:2.0MM Outer : 1.6 MM As oer bidders suool\• Yes SS 304 dio Stick with Calibraton Chart By injection in situ of High Density (min.40 kglm3) CFC free polyurethane foam vlithout any impertection and hygroscopici ty Minimum SO MM. It should be such that at 50 deg C ambient the rate or rise of mean temp. of Milk Initially at 4 deg. C shall nol Exceed 1 dg. C in 4 hour when rated volume is allowed to stand-still as per requirement of ISO 570B Type 2A{II).

_)_ Compressors M§_k;::·e~--------------l·._:::E,:cm~e:!ro~c!.!n!.!/D~a::;n~f~o::>s~s..!h!.!A::.a!"ke'0.. ___________________ 4 2 I Tyoc of Compresscr Scrolt

3 Medel Danfoss:MLZ48

Emerson:ZB48~K~Q~E~-----------------------------------~ 4 Capacily of Compressor As per bidders ~:::ut:t:oo:~llv __________________ ____ --i 5 No. of Cornoressor Two 6 Condenser Model Air Cooled Fin and Tube Tvoe 7 Ccndenssr Capacitv As_fl~e:.'.r~b'-"id~d~e:.'.r5!s..os~u~olc!11\'':_ _____________________ --l 8 No. of Fans As oer bidders suooly 9 Overall dimensicns and weiohl of U1c unit.,~;o:t:o:lll¥ ':_ ____________________________________ --i

10 . I Type of refrigerant .. R·22 or C~nvlronme_l!.!!'t..!f!.!ri-::e:cn:::d:~lv_,rc::e:!fn:,:.'oli.. e~· r:,oa!:.n~t ___________________ 1

~~:~~~~:=~3~~:::rh,~ -:~~p,~,~~~-~7··--. - l 2


Maximum ,.. coc{ing time considered 3 hrs from 3s (a)All milking (b) SECOND mi!king. 1.5 hrs from 1Gdeg. C To 4degC

1\-}ake of Medel of the aHe:na\or.

I' (a)KVA rating

(b)Voi!s (c)Amps. (d)oF raHnn

or lie alternator ra ting


Min To l.laximurn 0.8 lag

25 KVA specified

Deg c

415 by


volts the




Hz bidder

Page 20: · commissioning, inspection, testing, start up, training to staff etc of BMC's, D G Sets, Suitable Accessories, Piping, Cabling etc at site. All the inter connecting



TECHNICAL DATA SHEET: (Please refer Details mentioned at Annexure-ll(a))

Annexure-11 (f )

~~ Technical specifications )f"'.i~" :;!!m,s,,t.;·.;:,,,"".'""· ·' ~~~~~~~~eo~~i~~\~~t-•·Js~· .":'%;;;.;, '~ .. ~:vat /&:A .-...:~1 ·~ BfltC ·rank~. Y~~·';tlv~~--~ ·-~-;:' ·. ,,-\:~·: ·-•. ··'S·~ra -~:t.,;..~~< ~)J(J' Jtk;;.:t1li!:.r;:.,-.-;.:.y: 1fr;;"7r -~4~c~ ., ~-"~..--~vi-~~r,.,.~t-;i; ··::t- ·-·-~-:~- ·-,~\ .. ?9. f·. ~<"- {-:Y::;tc

1 Type Closed Tvoe 2 Shape Horizontal / Ve,_rtical/ Cytin:iricai/Semi CylindricaURectanoular 3 Rated/Gross Capacity 1 OOOOU11 OOOL 4 MOC AISI 304 5 Overall Dimension As per bidders supp[y


7 8


Minimum Thickness or inner and outer shells

Number & RPM of agitator(s)& Make: CIP facility (Manual / Auto) Measurement or Milk Volume

Insulation. type Thickness Efficiency

Inner: 2.0 MM Outer. 1.6MM As per bidde~:.:r:.:s_s_u_o_PIII,-v------------------i

Yes SS 304 dip Stick wilh Calibration Chart Sy lnje.ction in situ of High Density (min.40 kg/m3) CFC free polyurethane foam Vlithout any Imperfection and hygrosooplcity Minimum 50 MM. It should be such that at 50 deg C ambient the rate of rise of mean temp. of Milk Initially at 4 deg. C shall nol Exceed 1 dg. C in 4 hour when rated volume is allowed to stand-still as per requirement of tSO 5708 Type 2A fll\ .

~~- -tRefriQ'et:atiori_ Unit •:u! f{ff> · ..:_ ~~J;~) ~~~- --::Ft;;;. ?.,.;~~:f;:,v _et_:: t. --<t·-~:·_ ~:y><f':.%~\:~~~t- ;-;..;:·5'.tt ,;~.;..,~;.~;~~fJ\V~ ~;i-·.~-~;,~~[t:J1 k1·:.~-;"'.!Z:t-l~Ft•4.fA .~ .\~t-. 1 Compressors Mal<.e EmersonfOanfoss Make 2 Type of Compmssor Sc(oli

3 Model Dan foss: MLZ48 Emerson : ZB48KQE

~ Capacity of Compressor To be so-2ci:led b~)v~Bc=id:...d~e-r------------------1 i--~·-1 No._of Compressor ··- ----- ·---l'-'-F.:::o.::u;.r __ -=- --------

6 Condenser Model Air C::;OO:=;I:,e~dC!FC!i!.:n.:;a::,n:::o~· T!,'u:!:be~·'-.· c_T.LV't::De"---- -------------l 7 Corv.Jenser Capacity As per bidders supplY 8 No. of Fans As per bidders supply




Make or the alternator Stamford/ Leroy somler /Siemens!Crompton Grea·;esfKiriosker Green 1---- --i--"i-M'-''oc:d;;:e::,l.::o.:..f "-th:.:e:..:a:::!:.;;,----------!-T:..:<>:..::b.:::..::e specified by !he biddoor. ·-

(a)KVA rating of \he altema!or (b)Volts rating (c)Amps. Rating


(d)pF ralinQ

Min To

62.5 be

Maximum o.a lag

KVA spedfied

415 volts Hz. by the bidder

Model to be