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March 2013

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Dear Friends

As I type this there is snow on the ground and we keep telling ourselves Spring is around the corner. Certainly I hope that by the time you read this the daffodils are in full bloom and summer is around the corner. Time is so fluid it is almost like trying to hold water in our hands. We are always looking to the next season, the next event, the next holiday that often we can miss what is happening today, in the present, and before we know it we are onto the next thing wondering what happened to the last event, holiday, season.

The author of Ecclesiastes said “There is a time for everything and everything on earth has its special season.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NCV). At Lent/Easter we are reminded again about the timing of God’s plan – a plan mentioned frequently in the Old Testament, a plan that took hundreds of years to come to fruition. Between the Old and New Testament we have what is known as 400 years of silence. Quite a thought in a world where everything must be done immediately and we comment on how fast the time goes.

During Lent we usually think about giving something up. Perhaps this Lent we could give up wishing time away as we hurry to the next major event or season. Let’s enjoy the time we have been given, yes enjoy it. God meant us to enjoy life in all its fullness so share a coffee and cake with a friend or do that one thing you really want to but never find the time for…or…Yes plans are good and looking forward to them being fulfilled is important but missing out on what is happening now denies what a gift the present actually is. At the heart of the message of Easter is God’s eternal love. We have far more time to play with than we ever realise so take time to enjoy your time!

As the author of Ecclesiastes goes on to say:

Ecclesiastes 3:12 So I realize that the best thing for them is to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live. 13 God wants all people to eat and drink and be happy in their work, which are gifts from God. 14 I know that everything God does will continue forever. People cannot add anything to what God has done, and they cannot take anything away from it. God does it this way to make people respect him. (NCV)

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Easter blessings to you all at this special time of year. May you know God’s love in Christ Jesus as we celebrate his life, death and resurrection that all may have the gift of eternity with God Himself.

Warm regards

Interim ModeratorContact: [email protected] / 01555 812832

The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Warmly invites you to join our church family on

Sunday, 3rd March 2013 11am Carstairs Church

When the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated

We look forward to your company

If you are entertaining visitors that day we hope you might also ask them to share in this invitation.


We operate a transport service every Sunday from Carstairs Junction to Carstairs Village Church, if you require to be picked up from any of the Junction bus stops please contact Volunteer Driver (1) on the rota. Transport is also available for anyone within Carstairs Village who would like to come to Church but has difficulty walking. If you would you like to be a volunteer or use this service please contact Elizabeth Brown (870787).

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Over the last few months we have been blessed to have Rev Susan Cowell working with us and conducting our Sunday Services.

Susan sends us the following message.

Dear Friends Thank you for your warm welcome--again! It is a privilege to be with you in worship and to visit some of your homes. Because I do not live locally please feel free to speak or phone me if you think there is something I should know.

I am amazed at all the work you are doing and I hope to be involved when and where possible.

I hope you enjoyed all the Christmas Services. We are busy planning the Easter week celebrations now. How time flies!

Two children's hymns come into my mind. ‘The Church is not a building it is the people’ and ‘The Church is wherever God's people are working’.... How true!

With best wishes to you all.Susan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You’ve barely been in Susan’s Lanark home five minutes and there’s already been three separate phone calls. ‘It’s been one of those days,’ she says hurrying through coffee and biscuits. ‘But this is the joy of the ministry. No two days are ever the same’. After another five minutes pass, suddenly we’ve jumped back several decades, skipped out a few years here and there and the remarkable jigsaw puzzle of anecdotes that make up Susan Cowell’s life story begin to assemble.

Born in Glasgow before moving to Dalkeith aged four, young Susan was active in all manners of local church life. However, she set out to become a school teacher. It was the swinging sixties and Susan duly moved to London to complete her teacher training, housed in a hostel with a strict 9.30pm curfew that she promises she stuck to. On returning north, Susan taught at Edinburgh Academy for some 5 years. After a brief spell at Kelvinside, she sought out a very different and interesting role - ‘just for the challenge!’ This was a church organised endeavour called the ‘Socio-Educational Project among Travelling Families’ based in Perthshire. The unconventional nature

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of teaching aboard minibuses or outside on campsites with large numbers of children and dogs running riot did not dissuade Susan, who fully immersed herself into this unfamiliar lifestyle setting up after-school clubs with activities, games and plays. One such nativity involved altering well known song lyrics to become: ‘A wean in a manger!’

After finishing in this job, Susan decided to work with special needs children in Edinburgh. ‘Initially, I couldn’t bear to go back to the classroom. I had been teaching in the great outdoors up in Perth. I was making up my own rules and didn’t have to answer to a headmistress or to anyone. I was just enjoying myself. But special needs education was varied enough to accommodate my daft ideas!’ All in all, Susan was a teacher in one form or another for 18 years but, of course, that was all to change. ‘I wish I knew why I changed! I suppose I had always been interested in church growing up. I had taken the Sunday School, I’d run the brownies, run the cubs, served as an elder… played the organ…distributed the magazine…’ she takes a breath, ‘I had done every job I could’ve - except the minister’s job!’

Susan applied for the ministry and went through the rigorous selection process with two days of intensive interviews (including a psychologist’s analysis), emerging successfully to study for four years at New College, Edinburgh. She recalls the very date of her induction, 23rd April 1987, and took up the post at Symington, Coulter and Quothquan – leaving behind a cloud of dust as she raced between her three Sunday morning services in a 21 mile round-trip. The perks of life as a minister brought with it a new home. ‘The problem with the manse was the acre and a half of garden! I had to buy a big strimmer and a tractor just to cut the grass. Of course I drove it myself!’ Susan reveals an interesting regulation that a Manse must have 7 rooms – and by chance her present Lanark home does have precisely 7 rooms!

The tractor driving experience may have served Susan well as 7 years into her stint at the Symington Parish there came another key moment. ‘I went on a convoy of aid to Romania with John Thompson of St. Nicholas. We had three arctic and two 7.5 tonne trucks. But I was driving this small support car…which broke down on the Thankerton Road 20 minutes into a 5 day journey! It was late summer but the only way it would run was with the heating full on. But on we soldiered until we parked up just outside Budapest for lunch, and then there this awful ‘harrumph’ and the whole of the engine just fell out!’

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However, Susan completed the remainder of the journey in a hire car in an epic two week voyage. Clearly inspired by her trip abroad, Susan now unwittingly set about her most daring escapade yet. She broke the news first to her congregation at Symington, who expected her to reveal some sort of new job in Dundee, or Forfar, or back through in Edinburgh. They were wrong... ‘I saw this advert: ‘‘WANTED: Minister, Budapest’. I sent for details just out of curiosity but left it a while. One day, amongst my papers, I found the advert again. I thought: I wonder what would happen if I phone this number…’

True enough Susan landed in Hungary on 20th June 1994 to take up her post at the St. Columbus’ Budapest, Church of Scotland. Spookily, this happened to be the very same date that legendary Scottish war-time missionary Jane Haining arrived in Budapest in 1935.

‘Jane Haining, from Dumfries, was there before the war, working with orphans and lots of Jewish children. Even when the church ordered her home, she refused to come. She said: ‘If the children need me in the sunshine, they need me n the showers’. Jane stood by her children during the war until she was taken to Auschwitz. I met an old Hungarian lady who actually knew her. I found this all strange and a bit scary that here I was, following in Jane’s footsteps at the very same school. I was very aware of the past’. Susan went on to contribute to a book profiling Jane Haining, published by the Church of Scotland.

There were some leftover effects of communism lingering around at that time and Susan recalls delivering her ‘Sunrise Service’ in Budapest’s famous Hősök Tere (Heroes' Square) with the Police circling and monitoring her congregation! Much like her earlier work, Susan was completely dedicated, openly inviting local people to ‘come meet the lord and learn English’. At the height of its popularity the St Columbus Budapest congregation had a varied roster of Hungarians, Swedes, French, English, American and 2 or 3 Scots. Despite this, Susan insisted upon Monday night Scottish Country Dancing with a cassette tape, and an annual Burns supper.

She also played a decisive role in bringing together a young couple she was particular fond of. ‘William was always coming round to mine for tea. He had been working in Budapest and was due to leave to return home to America, but it was at one last meeting in my flat, where a regular church-going Hungarian girl brought along her cousin, Hedi. No-one admits it, but I swear I saw their eyes meet!’

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Now William and Hedi are happily married with four children, and Susan goes to visit them twice a year like her very own family.

After four wonderful years in Hungary, circumstance brought Susan back to Scotland. Since then she has been doing the rounds at a host of churches and communities. Remarkably, she reveals she has been in every church in the presbytery apart from three.

Helping people has been one of Susan’s great outreaches and she still invites European friends and families over, giving them the experience of a visit to the UK every year. One special sub-character or sub-setting over the years is that of her former Edinburgh flat which has been graced by many of these acquaintances. Whether on church business, studying, working or just visiting – many have enjoyed its hospitality. Susan reveals that she has recently sold the well-serving flat, not before raiding its best furniture to decorate her current residence. Incidentally, it was when Susan had been playing piano for the Celia Orr School of Dance in Lanark that she sought out her present home before it was even built, moving there in 2007.

Some of her greatest personal challenges have come in recent years, but a resilient Susan has battled through cancer, overcome hip replacements and multiple broken bones (she never was too keen on the steepness of the stairs).

At her old Budapest flat, Susan had a visitor book signed with 132 different names. One entry read: ‘Your home is an oasis of refreshment, vitality and peace.’

Susan Cowell’s life is full of charming stories, encountering many characters and undertaking great adventures. She has brought people together, taught them, enriched them and left them as better people for it.

Written by Fraser Bruce

Stated Annual Meeting

Sunday 10th March 2013 at 12 noon (Following the Church Service)

Carstairs Village Church

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CONGREGATIONAL REGISTEROver the past few months we have lost a few folk, and we

remember in our prayers the families of:

Christina Brown, Carstairs JunctionDouglas Paul, RavenstrutherJohn Blacklaw, Ravenstruther

Douglas Alexander, Carstairs JunctionAllan Hodge, Carstairs

Sarah Hughes, Carstairs VillageJohn Kearney, Carstairs

David Jamieson, CleghornDonald McInnes, Beechgrove Care Home (formerly Carstairs

Village)Catherine Cummings, Carstairs Village

Mervyn Graham, Forth (formerly Carstairs Village)Olive Burnett, Carstairs Village

Billy Henderson, Carstairs Village

Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.



Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your

requests to God. --Philippians 4:6

Did you know that there is a time set aside for Prayer for the work of the Church? If you would like to come and be part of this time you will find us on Monday evenings at 7.30 – 8.00pm in Carstairs Church Vestry. We meet on March 4th & 18th, April 1st, 15th & 29th, May 13th & 27th, June 10th &24th.

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Palm Sunday – 24th March, 11.00am at Carstairs Village

Maundy Thursday – 28th March, 7.00pm at Carstairs Junction

(Celebration of Communion)

Good Friday – 29th March, 11.00am at Carstairs Junction

Easter Sunday – 31st MarchEaster Breakfast in Carstairs Junction Church at 9.00am. From

there we will walk to Carstairs Village for an open air service on the Village Green at 11.00am (weather permitting). This will be

followed by a service in Carstairs Church.

Holy Week Labyrinth “Walk with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter”

Carstairs Junction Church

Tuesday, 26th March 2-4pm & 6-8pmWednesday, 27th March 2-4pm & 6-8pmThursday, 28th March 2-4pm & 5-6.30pm

Friday, 29th March 2-4pm & 6-8pmSaturday, 30th March 10am-1pm

Holy week, the last week of Jesus life, can be a time for us to reflect on life and faith; to ask who Jesus is, and what difference can he make to me? For five days we are providing a special opportunity for reflection in the form of a Labyrinth. The Labyrinth is a pathway which will be marked out on the floor of Carstairs Junction Church. We are invited to

walk along the path taking the opportunity at various points to stop and reflect, and think about some aspect of life or faith. The Labyrinth gives us time to pause in the middle of busy lives; time to think about ourselves, our loved ones, our world and our God. You are welcome to come along at any time

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during the opening hours. We believe you will find this a special and meaningful experience.

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‘Bite Back at Hunger’Christian Aid Week

12–18 May 2013

As a Christian Aid Volunteer it’s very rewarding to know that Christians of different

traditions are working together for one common aim during Christian Aid Week. Thousands of churches will stand together this Christian Aid Week to speak out for change. Some 100,000 committed volunteers will go out and put their faith into action, raising funds to help some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

This includes Britain’s largest house-to-house collection, an extraordinary act of witness – demonstrating to our communities that we care about ending poverty and injustice. There is enough food for everyone in the world, but one in eight people will go to bed hungry tonight. This year’s Christian Aid Week tells the story of how Christian Aid is helping communities to bite back at hunger through the lens of land rights in Bolivia, new technology in Kenya and innovative agriculture in Zimbabwe.

You can support Christian Aid Week by volunteering for our local door to door collection in Carstairs Village & Junction. Please contact Christine Lothian on 07917138387 or email [email protected]

There will also be a Christian Aid fundraising Lunch at Carstairs Community Centre on 12th May 2013 following the Sunday service. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DRAMA GROUP

New members are always welcome for the drama group. It doesn't matter if you are 3 or 83 and no previous experience is required - it's just a bit of fun, a chance to meet other people and try out some new skills along the way!

We'll also be more than happy to hear from anyone who fancies helping out behind the scenes with costumes or backdrops etc. If you are interested please contact Maggie McGeary to find out more (07977 134854).

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The following report is by Emma Kelly (8yrs) and is written in her own words.

At the christingle service we had to bring oranges and we had a practice of what I had to say. We learned about christingles from Linda. I read stuff and we learned the christingle song and then sung it 2 times. We made the christingles with the oranges and sweets. We turned the lights off and I lit Susan Cowels christingle. We sang A Way In A Manger and then the lights came back on we blew them out in case they were a fire. I read again then a prayer and Susan thanked us for coming. We all had a great time and then we left and I took raisins home and I eat the sweets that were left and on Christmas day we lit the christingle to say happy birthday to Jesus.



Stonehouse Male Voice Choir will be playing in Carstairs Village Church on Friday 8th March at 7.30pm. The choir are one of the top rated in Scotland and have won many awards and accolades. Tickets still available at £5 for downstairs and £3.00 upstairs (restricted viewing). These are available from Barbara Kaye or Stuart Kelly (07825983799).

 The Rag Bag collection will again take place this year with all donations of clothing, bags, old bedding and shoes to be at the Junction Church for 9.00am, Thursday 25th April.

 A Car Treasure Hunt is planned for May (final date to be intimated shortly) this will take place after one of the church services. A BBQ will also be held. Tickets are being planned as £10.00

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per car and £3.00 for attendance at the BBQ only. Please come along with friends and family and support this event.

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A group for those in P7 and secondary school who want to meet up with friends, have some

fun and be challenged on life’s big issues.

Coming up this session we have a visit from a ‘rapper’, some ‘sweet treats’, a scavenger hunt with a difference and a return visit from ‘Dance Active’ to name a few, as well as games, Thot Spot,

the cafe and music.

If you haven’t been before come along and join us at Carstairs Community centre, 7.00pm to 8.45pm and bring a friend too.

Sunday 3rd, 24th March, Sunday 14th, 28th AprilSunday 12th, 26th May, Sunday 9th June


As the crowds shouted and cheered as Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, we are hoping our young people will enjoy a Palm Sunday of fun and celebration too. The day begins with an all age service to celebrate Palm Sunday and signify the commencement of Holy week.

From there they will enjoy an ‘indoor picnic lunch’ before heading off to the Hollywood Bowl for an afternoon of 10 Pin Bowling. Who will be the best team or have the most strikes? Find out in the next magazine.

Join the Fun and discover more about yourself and your faith at

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MESSY CHURCHLast time at Messy Church we were hearing all about Noah. It is safe to

say that with over 70 adults and children attending, the Junction Hall

was probably as busy and as noisy as Noah’s Ark! Here are some comments

from children who come to Messy Church.

Harris, age 7 –‘I like making things at Messy Church. The best was the cupcakes with the rainbow on top. I have good fun and the burgers are good. We learnt all about Noah and the rainbow’.

Kaleb, age 9 – ‘At Messy Church you can play and make things and you get dinner. I like the burgers. I like it cos my uncle comes with us too. The last story was Noah who had an ark.

Kyle, age 7 – ‘I like Messy Church because you can make things like the shakers. I come with my mum and brother and I see my friends there too. The story was about when God flooded the town and then put a rainbow in the sky to promise he won’t do that again.’

Fraser, age 6 – ‘You get to make things at Messy Church. My best thing is a shaker that we put rice in to sound like rain. My favourite food is the baked beans. Noah built a big ship to put animals in and stayed there ‘til the rain stopped and the rainbow came out’.

Please come along to Messy Church and enjoy some fun, food and fellowship whilst hearing more about God’s love for us.

(Children must be accompanied by an adult)


Clydesdale Christian Youth Trust, in conjunction with Lanark Presbytery, will be running a training evening for Youth Leaders working with teenagers.

It will be led by Alex Kelly, Associate Worker with 2CYtrust and will be held on Thursday, 9th May at 7pm in Greyfriars Church, Lanark. To book a place, please speak with Linda

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Brown (870028).

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Flower Calendar

03.03.13 Mrs M Brown10.03.13 Vacant17.03.13 Mrs O Henderson24.03.13 Vacant31.03.13 Miss P Little & Mrs I Milne

07.04.13 Mrs I Jarvie14.04.13 Mrs M Savage21.04.13 Mrs J Hamilton28.04.13 A & E McInnes

05.05.13 Mrs K Sommerville12.05.13 Mrs M Jamieson19.05.13 Mr T Mee26.05.13 Miss M Madill & Mrs A Bruce

02.06.13 Miss E Brown09.06.13 Mrs S Wilson & Mrs J Summers16.06.13 Mrs J Diplacito23.06.13 Mr J Speedie30.06.13 Mrs N Gordon & Mrs W Spence

Anyone wishing to donate flowers please contact Hazel McDonald (870694) or Mary Cowan (870580)



Within our communities there are no activities specifically for girls and yet there are plenty of young girls in our schools. In September we are hoping to start Girls' Brigade but to do so we need leaders and helpers.

So, if you were ever in GB as a girl or a GB leader or enjoy working with young people, then we need you.

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and you think it might be something you may be interested in, please speak to

Karen Burnett (07966678015) or Sharon Corrigan [email protected]

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The Girls' Brigade was formed in 1965 from the amalgamation of 3 organisations.

The Girls Brigade Ireland – founded 1893 in Dublin

The Girls' Guildry founded 1900 – Glasgow

The Girls' Life Brigade founded 1902 – England

The Girls' Brigade took elements from each of its founding organisations to form a modern Christian organisation for girls and young women. The UNION was formally confirmed on June 10th, 1968 and the united body took on the name of THE GIRLS' BRIGADE.

The movement is international and interdenominational. Its world-wide membership embraces many races, languages and dialects. Today, THE GIRLS' BRIGADE can be found in more than fifty countries and nations throughout the world.

The Girls Brigade is a Christian organisation with 3 founding principles:The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Scriptures and seeks to fulfil its aim to the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The Brigade witnesses to the standard set by Jesus Christ and gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to life The Brigade promotes a just society where all people are equally valued.

The Motto"Seek, Serve and Follow Christ"

The Aim

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"To help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through self control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life

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At our November Meeting we had Karin Hynes from The Little Haven in Forth as our guest speaker. The visit was enjoyed by all and we were grateful to Karin for giving up her time to tell us about the great centre they have at Forth.

Our December theme was Christmas Carols. We heard about the writers of the carols and we sang each carol. We also had our annual Bring and Buy.

The January meeting had a change of format and was held in the afternoon, this proved successful and we had a good turnout. Mrs Trudi Prentice was our guest speaker. Trudi told us all about her adventure in America. All enjoyed her talk and are so glad Ian and Trudi survived their ordeal!!

The February meeting was also an afternoon meeting and our guest speaker was Dr Sinclair Scott from Douglas.

This year Carstairs hosted the World Day of Prayer on 1st March. Both Carnwath and Forth churches joined with us. Our guest speaker was Rev Harry Findlay.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Perhaps you are thinking that you would like to find out more about your faith and know a bit more about the Bible. Why not come along to the

Jigsaw Group? You will be made very welcome. There is a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. So no need to feel anxious.

Where? The vestry of Carstairs ChurchWhen? Monday evenings fortnightly at 7.30pmDates? March 11th & 25th, April 8th & 22nd, May

6th & 20th, June 3rd & 17th

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A CALL FOR MUSICIANS!“Praise him with trumpet sound;

praise him with lute and harp! Praise

him with tambourine and

dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals;

praise him with loud clashing cymbals!” Psalm 150

Carstairs Churches are looking for keen musicians to form a WORSHIP BAND for events and praise evenings. All instruments are welcome. If you haven’t played for a while please don’t be put off - DO get in touch, WE NEED YOU!!

Our YOUTH BAND meets at the Old Schoolhouse music studio in Carstairs Junction once a month for jamming, rehearsal and special projects. The sessions are suitable for anyone aged 12-18 who play an instrument or sing and new members are very welcome. For more info contact Rob, or speak to Linda at The Net.

Contact: Rob Hall 07973 145976 / 01555 870555 / [email protected]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SO SING

“I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your

praise.” Hebrews 2.12

The church CHOIR is always looking for new members so if you enjoy singing and would like to help lead others in worship please get in touch. No reading skills are required (other than text!) and all of our songs are very accessible. All you need is your voice and lots of enthusiasm!

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Contact: Christine Lothian (07917138387) / [email protected]

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I was first introduced to the Church at the age of 4 when I joined the Sunday School, I really enjoyed my time at Sunday School which I attended up to the age of 10, activities included arts & crafts, learning about stories in the bible and playing games, one of favourite times was the Christmas Nativity Play which was great fun, we also got to go lots of outings such as Santa’s Grotto, Bowling and McDonalds!

When I turned 5yrs of age I joined the Anchor Boys, I used to get excited every Tuesday night at the thought of seeing my friends we had great fun playing physical games such as football, Dodge ball and Tig, the Arts and Crafts were great too I remember making mother and father day cards, calendars, baking cakes and planting daffodil bulbs in the Village Green, I have great memories of the Anchor Boys which made my decision an easy one to progress the Junior Section when I turned 8 yrs of age, all of the activities mentioned above continued the main difference between the anchor Boys and the Junior section was gaining a greater understanding of the Object and Motto of the Boys Brigade which is:

The “Object” is Promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.

The “Motto” is 'Sure & Steadfast'. The motto is taken from the bible, the book of Hebrews, Chapter 6: Verse 19.

You may be asking how did I learn the key skills within the Object and Motto of the Boys Brigade, I learned them by listening to my leader’s and Carrying out tasks which you are rewarded for by progressing up through the badges, achievements include:-

Helping at Home Arts & Crafts (Elizabeth is good at this!) Baking (Louise is great at this!) Marching Skills (Mr Brown is really good at this!)

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We also attend the Church Regularly, annually we March on remembrance Sunday which am really proud off, I have also taken part in Church readings and senior roles within the Nativity Play which is a great confidence builder. I am now in my final Year and have recently achieved my Gold Badge which completes 7 years of involvement with the Boys Brigade; I plan to stay involved with the BB’s perhaps helping out and passing on what I have learnt to my brother’s Finlay and Aaron.I am now old enough to attend the NET which meets every other Sunday from 7pm to 9pm in the Community Centre, I really enjoy the NET and all the different activities, I even got to spend the night in the Community Centre which was an organized sponsored sleepover it was great, we had to take part in activities all through the night and stay awake… it was tough but I achieved it!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This session the Anchor boys have been busy with their usual activities of arts & crafts, stories and games. In particular they have been making Bird Feeders for the garden. In January they had a Burns night with a Burns ‘Picnic’ of haggis (piped in by a local Piper), neeps & tatties.

The Junior Section continued with their BB achievements and enjoyed origami, magnet making, pancake baking, golf lessons and also Rapping!!…... not sure if any of them will make it onto the stage with their ‘Rapping’ but a good time was had by all.

In February the full company received a visit from the local Fire Brigade, the boys found this very informative and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of seeing the inside of a fire engine close up. I think we have some budding Fireman Sam’s in the company!

In March the boys along with Sclub will participate in an afternoon of Ten Pin Bowling this will be a fun day out and will mark the end of this year’s session, BB’s will resume in September.

In June the company will once again provide a Guard of Honour for Gala Queen Hollie. Best wishes to everyone involved in the

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Gala and we pray for good weather throughout Gala Week and for the sun to shine on the day itself.

The Gameathon fundraiser raised £291, well done boys and thanks to everyone who supported this event.

Sadly we say goodbye this session to a great bunch of boys…..Jordan Callan (thanks Jordan for the fab report on your time with the BB’s, see above), Mark Dougall, Craig Bailey, Calvin Stewart, Harry Archibald and Lewis Wilson. We hope the teaching and experience they have from the BB’s will remain with them as they progress on to the Grammar School and the years beyond. Good luck to them all.

As always the BB’s could not survive each week without the help and support of Niki, Jackie, Lorna, Louise, Ian Snr and our young leaders Connor and Ian. Thank you all.

If you have a spare hour on a Tuesday night to help with the boys or if you have a particular skill or talent that you would be willing to share with the boys please contact Elizabeth (870787) or any of the leaders.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


March Communion – Clydesdale Food BankNew Beginnings Clydesdale provides food parcels to those who have been re-housed and who are receiving their household starter pack so it has been decided that the Clydesdale Food Bank will work in association with them to extend this work to those with homes but no money to buy food. Churches throughout the Clydesdale area are being invited to collect food for the bank/or donate a sum of money to cover expenses. The Food Bank will work exclusively in partnership with referrers from statutory agencies, local faith groups and other charities.

Spring Sing in Carstairs Junction Church on 14th April at 7pm- Christian AidChristian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. It provides urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes.

June Communion- Loaves and FishesLoaves and Fishes is a registered Scottish charity established for more than 20 years. It started out as a soup kitchen, feeding homeless people

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from the back of a van. It moved indoors for the first time in 2003, where they were able to provide greater comfort, warmth and a less hostile atmosphere for the people it helped. Today it’s based at Renfield St Stephen’s Church Centre in Glasgow. It provides a sit down meal for around forty people twice a week at the Oasis café in Renfield St Stephen’s Church Centre in Glasgow. Everyone who assists Loaves and Fishes does so on a voluntary basis – so more of the funds received go to support the people who need it. If you wish to know more about this charity or volunteer please speak to Trevor Mee.

September Communion- Girls BrigadeGirls' Brigade is a worldwide Christian organisation for girls and young women. It is committed to offering girls a safe, secure environment where they are supervised by adult leaders who work within a Christian framework. It is hoped that in September Carstairs will have a new Girls Brigade Company and this retiring offering will go towards the work of our new company.

Armistice Sunday- Poppy Scotland Poppyscotland is the leading charity supporting ex-Servicemen and women and their families in Scotland. It is probably best known for running the iconic Scottish Poppy Appeal, but it works all year round to help veterans and their families receive the care and support they urgently need. It is able to provide financial assistance to thousands of ex-Servicemen and women as well as helping to fund specialist services such as long term care, housing and employment.

December Communion- Fabric FundThe funds held in our church Fabric Fund account are used to maintain and repair the fabric of our church buildings.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WEEKLY FREEWILL OFFERINGS

We would like to encourage all members and friends of the Church who support the church by their regular giving. For anyone without envelopes who would like to contribute in this way, envelopes can be obtained by contacting Robert Cowan (01555 870580).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gift Aid is a government scheme which allows members of the congregation to reclaim the tax you have already paid on the money you give in your offering. If you wish to participate in this please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form which can be obtained from the Gift Aid Treasurers, or pick one up from the church vestibule. For further information contact: Anne Stewart (660678) or Lorna Bruce (870426).

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Nov 2011 F.W.£2505.60

Nov 2012 F.W.£2168.70



Dec 2011 F.W.£2105.00

Dec 2012 F.W.£3081.80



Jan 2012 F.W.£2900.35

Jan 2013 F.W.£2275.00



Total £9327.57 Total £8275.90

The Offerings show a decrease of approximately £1050 over the same period last year.

*Please Note all cheques should be made payable to:The United Parish of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction

Retiring Offerings Fund RaisingErskine: £196.40

Church Fabric Fund: £117.00 (December Communion)

Church Fabric Fund: £406.95 (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day &

31st December Services)Salvation Army: £161.00

Ceilidh: £446.00Lite Bite Lunch (Nov): £152.00Lite Bite Lunch (Jan): £175.00

Christmas Fayre: £651.00

The Congregational Board would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who has helped in any way to achieve all the above totals.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Welcomes You........

Our invitation to Everyone,Who has faith or who needs it,

Who lives in hope or who needs it,Whose character is glorified by love of

God or, marred by love of selfto ALL.

Who pray and who do not,Who mourn and are weary,

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Who rejoice and are strong,To CITIZEN and STRANGER

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,This church offers a door of entry and

A place of worship saying.WELCOME

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Interim Moderator Rev Sarah Ross, 22 Lea Rig, Forth, Tel. 812832

email: [email protected]

Session Clerk Keith Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Congregational Board Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, Carstairs

Clerk ML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Treasurer Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Deputy Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

F.W.O. Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

Gift Aid Treasurers Anne Stewart, Braxfield Road, Lanark, 660678 Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs, 870426

Presbytery Elder Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, CarstairsML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Roll Keeper Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Property Convenor Ian Brown (Jnr), 87 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QQ, Tel. 870028

Social Convenor Stuart Kelly, 33 Castledykes Road, Carstairs

Tel. 871271

Child Protection Trevor Mee & Kate Langton, 4 Silvermuir

Co-ordinators Cottages, Cleghorn, ML11 Tel. 870558

Youth Co-ordinator Linda Brown, 87 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QQ, Tel. 870028

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Christian Aid Christine Lothian, 1 Howe’s Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870031

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Magazine Co-ordinatorsMary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, 870580Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs,


Flower Convenors Mary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, CarstairsML11 8PX, Tel. 870580Hazel McDonald, 72 Strawfrank Road,Carstairs Junction, ML11 8RE, Tel. 870694

CCL Licence Jennifer Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs,Correspondent ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Organist Mrs Ann McMillan, 45 Belstane Road, Carluke

ML8 4BG Tel. 771039

Web Site Liz Warnock, 12 Park Ave, Carstairs Junction,

ML11 8PW, Tel.

Published by The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Typeset & compiled by Lorna Bruce

Printed by Riverside Printing

Carstairs & Carstairs Junction Church of Scotland Registered Charity No SCO 28124