
Name: Sohaib Ali(2443) Functional Requrements of 1:Login:The user should have a login in which all his information and account sale and purchase data must be managed. 2:Authorization:The user must be authorized in specific way so no fake user will make an account on the website. 3:Administrative Functions:The admins of the website should have the full right to change or make any decisions about the website. 4:Technical issues: The technical issues of the website should we handled such as testing, versions of the languages used. 5:User Friendly: The interface of the website should be user friendly and user should face no problem with interacting the website. Non Functional Requrements of 1:Reliability:The website should be relaiable. 2:Recoverability: if the data in the website is lost it should be recoverable. 3:Maintainability: The website should be maintainted in a well. 4:Serviceability: The website should provide full service to the customers. 5:Security: The data of the website and the account of the customers should be secure.

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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Name: Sohaib Ali(2443) Functional Requrements of

1:Login:The user should have a login in which all his information and account sale and purchase data must be managed.2:Authorization:The user must be authorized in specific way so no fake user will make an account on the website.3:Administrative Functions:The admins of the website should have the full right to change or make any decisions about the website.4:Technical issues: The technical issues of the website should we handled such as testing, versions of the languages used.5:User Friendly: The interface of the website should be user friendly and user should face no problem with interacting the website. Non Functional Requrements of

1:Reliability:The website should be relaiable.2:Recoverability: if the data in the website is lost it should be recoverable.3:Maintainability: The website should be maintainted in a well. 4:Serviceability: The website should provide full service to the customers.5:Security: The data of the website and the account of the customers should be secure. Functional Requrements of eBay

1: IntegrateIntegrates a selected number of popular social networking sites in one place.2: LoginUses login mechanisms to authorize.3: NotificationThe website shall allow the managers to send notifications to their subordinate seller or buyers.4: StoringStores the data locally Displays total statistics for the user.5: VerificationThe system shall send a verification email containing a verification link to the subscriber within 30 seconds after the system check of the registration form was successful. Non-Functional Requrements of eBay

1: Performance requirements Requirements about resources required, response time, transaction rates, throughput, benchmark specifications or anything else having to do with performance.2: Operating constraints List any run-time constraints. This could include system resources, people, needed software.3: Platform constraints Discuss the target platform. Be as specific or general as the user requires. If the user doesn't care, there are still platform constraints.4: Accuracy and Precision Requirements about the accuracy and precision of the data. (Do you know the difference?) Beware of 100% requirements; they often cost too much.5:Portability The effort required to move the software to a different target platform. The measurement is most commonly person-months or % of modules that need changing.