does our creator have a name? is it important to know his name? does he want to be called lord? who...

Does our creator have a Name? Is it important at all to know His Name? The set-apart writings, commonly known as “Bible”, which have been handed down to us by the “Hebrews” ( ה= Ha IBRYM > the Eberites), explain that it is very important to know the Name of Him or rather of those who have created us (See > In the Beginning 1:26 …Let us make Adam in our image…”). In YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 52:6 for example we read: “…My people shall know My Name!And in Tehilym (= Praises, also known as Psalms) 105:1-3 " upon His Name: make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to him! Play for Him! Think about all his wondrous works! Glory ye in the Name of His set-apartness!" Or in Ma‘aseh ha Shlichym (Deeds of the Ambassadors) 4:12 In non other is deliverance, for there is no other Name under the heavens that is given to men, by which, as is necessary, we need to be saved!And again in Tehilym 79:6 Pour out your wrath on the nations who have not known you, and on the generations that have not invoked in Your Name!So, if we want to be saved and belong to His people, we need to ask ourselves the same question as we find it in Mishley (Proverbs) 30:2-6. “…Who bound water in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what the Name of His Son? Surely you know!...Those who do not only believe in the creator described in the “Bible”, but also believe Him, that is believe the words inspired by Him, will take such verses as we have cited them above very serious. They will not give heed to such people who say that His Name is not important. How can one claim to love His creator when he is not even interested in knowing what His Name is? Unfortunately, many of those who claim to be His representatives here on earth put no effort at all into announcing the true Name of the One who is responsible for the whole creation and to whom all of humanity owes everything! But how can we know His Name and know how it is to be pronounced since it was first written in Eberit (Hebrew)? In the original ת > IBRYT / EBeRYT (= Eberit / Eberic / Ebraic) sacred writings we find many verses in which the very ones who created us, themselves proclaim to us the Name above all names! When we read such verses, for example YeremYahu (Jeremiah) 33:2 in traditional English translations like “The King James Version” it wants to convey to us that the title >LORD< is his name. Thus saith the LORD, the maker thereof, the LORD, that formed it to establish it; the LORD is his name; Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

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A very comprehensive study on the name of our Creator and the true name of his son. In this study we look at possible pronunciations of the name above all names in light of what the "Hebrew" scriptures show and teach us. The false name Jesus Christ and its meaning is revealed and discussed in detail. You will also learn that our father in heaven does not want to be called upon by the titles LORD or God.


  • 1.Does our creator have a Name? Is it important at all to know His Name? The set-apart writings, commonly known as Bible, which have been handed down to us by the Hebrews ( = Ha IBRYM> the Eberites), explain that it is very important to know the Name of Him or rather of those who have created us (See > In the Beginning 1:26 Let us make Adam in our image). In YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 52:6 for example we read: My people shall know My Name! And in Tehilym (= Praises, also known as Psalms) 105:1-3 " upon His Name: make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to him! Play for Him! Think about all his wondrous works! Glory ye in the Name of His set-apartness!" Or in Maaseh ha Shlichym (Deeds of the Ambassadors) 4:12 In non other is deliverance, for there is no other Name under the heavens that is given to men, by which, as is necessary, we need to be saved! And again in Tehilym 79:6 Pour out your wrath on the nations who have not known you, and on the generations that have not invoked in Your Name! So, if we want to be saved and belong to His people, we need to ask ourselves the same question as we find it in Mishley (Proverbs) 30:2-6. Who bound water in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what the Name of His Son? Surely you know!... Those who do not only believe in the creator described in the Bible, but also believe Him, that is believe the words inspired by Him, will take such verses as we have cited them above very serious. They will not give heed to such people who say that His Name is not important. How can one claim to love His creator when he is not even interested in knowing what His Name is? Unfortunately, many of those who claim to be His representatives here on earth put no effort at all into announcing the true Name of the One who is responsible for the whole creation and to whom all of humanity owes everything! But how can we know His Name and know how it is to be pronounced since it was first written in Eberit (Hebrew)? In the original > IBRYT / EBeRYT (= Eberit / Eberic / Ebraic) sacred writings we find many verses in which the very ones who created us, themselves proclaim to us the Name above all names! When we read such verses, for example YeremYahu (Jeremiah) 33:2 in traditional English translations like The King James Version it wants to convey to us that the title >LORD< is his name. Thus saith the LORD, the maker thereof, the LORD, that formed it to establish it; the LORD is his name; Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

2. 2 Until a few years ago only very few English translations rendered the Name of our father in the heavens instead of LORD in this and other verses as Yahweh and some as Jehovah. But since we are talking about the Name we are to call upon for salvation we should not simply trust others! Everyone should study and want to know for sure what His Name is and means. Tehilym 91:14 Because he cleaves unto Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My Name! It is a fact that the Name above all names (> ) is found approx. 7000 times in the original Ebraic texts. It should therefore also be found just as many times in every translation! But, in most translations we find Him, if at all, in only a few verses. In the preface of most Bibles it is often explained that the translators did not know how His Name is to be pronounced, or that they held to a Jewish tradition which says that his name is too holy to be pronounced. But since these translators were able to translate the whole text of the original Ebraic writings, the assertion that they didnt know how His Name is pronounced can hardly correspond to the truth! They were also able to render almost every one of the 2800 names found in the Old Testament as they were pronounced by the Eberites (Hebrews) in ancient times. There is a good case to believe that none other than the enemy himself and his cohorts are the ones responsible for this conspiracy against our creator to extinguish His Name and to cause people to believe that His Name is not important. One would think that those people who claim to be "Jews" or are called that by others could explain or would announce to us how His Name should be pronounced so that we make no mistake, because as He says: His Name is qadosh (= set-apart, sanctified, special)! Notice! In this study we will not use the word holy because in its English pronunciation it is very close to the Ebraic word > CHoLY = grief or sickness # H 2483 in Strongs Lexicon. Unfortunately, most Jews, as afore said, hold on to a 2000 year old tradition which rests on a commandment that was thought up by mere men! Or perhaps, as is even more likely was concocted by ha Satan (= the enemy) himself. This manmade rule states that His Name is so holy that we must not pronounce it at all! Therefore, they substitute His Name even while reading the scriptures with titles like "ha Shem"(= the Name) or "Adonay"(= my master). But this superstition goes directly against everything the scriptures teach us! And this is not the only thing they taught and still teach people today contrary to the word of Elohym. The Messiah rebuked them for this! Mark 7:9+13 And he said unto them:Full well ye reject the commandment of Elohym, that ye may keep your own traditionMaking the word of Elohym of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things ye do. 3. 3 Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Messiah. There are at least 4 places in all the Ebraic writings that clearly prohibit the taking away from or adding to His words. These verses are: Deuteronomy 4:3-4, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18 +19 and Eleh ha Debarym (= These [are] the speaches also known as Deuteronomy) 12:32 ET KaL HaDaBaR ASHeR ANoKY MeTSaWeH ETKeM AoToW TiSHMeRuW LaASoWT Even all the word which I am commanding to you, even Him shall ye observe to do. ( > ET = Aleph-Tau > Beginnig and End / First and Last of all the word that I command you, even Him shall you observe to do!) LoE ToSePH ALaYoW uWeLoE TiGRA MiMeNuW Not you [shall] add on Him and not you [shall] diminish from Him! (Do not add to Him and do not take away from Him!) This same tradition, not to pronounce His Name, which they hold onto unto this very day, is also the principal reason why the rest of mankind, ever since these people came up with this nonsense, have been taught that a certain "LORD" is our creator and savior. From the true original set-apart writings and a correct translation of them one can and should recognize that our creator never even wanted to be called upon by the title "LORD". This title doesn't correspond at all to our creator's true nature, His being and the way He revealed himself to us. But there seems to be someone else that really wants to be called upon by the title "LORD", someone who is not even entitled to this! And you may guess who that could be. Many times, even those people who serve this LORD also insist on being called by that title. For those who love their creator it should be an important concern to take part in the search of finding out, whom we should really call upon to be saved! Nowadays it is not so difficult anymore to find out what His Name is and how he can be pronounced. Many people today have access to the original Ebraic texts of the Bible either through Interlinear Translations, Lexicons or the Internet. And since we are not to trust any man (> YeremYahu 17:5 Cursed is the man who trusts in man), we must search this out ourselves and ask our father in heaven to help us and to give us wisdom and understanding of His word! Our father who art in heaven, set-apart / sanctified be Your Name! For your Names sake we ask that you would help us and guide us in this study to get a good understanding of what Your Name is and how we can pronounce it, that we may give glory and honor to You! Truly! 4. 4 Bereshyt (= In the Beginning / Genesis) 32:29 And he said: Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after My Name? And He blessed him there! Now let us look again at YeremYahu 33:2, but this time we will go to the original Ebraic text. Ebraic is written from right to left. This verse is pronounced: KoH AMaR AoSaH YoWTSeR AoWTaH LaHaKYNaH SHeMoW Literally translated it says (Note! It is speaking of Him creating the earth): Sosays : Creating her [is] , building her to establish her, [is] His Name! As we can see, His Name > appears in this verse 3 times! Here are some more verses that show us His Name with these modern Ebraic caracters: YeshaYahu 42:8 I am , this is My Name and my honor that I will not give to another Shemot (= Names, also known as Exodus) 15:3 is a man off battle, is His Name. Shemot 3:15 , 'Elohey(= Mighty Ones) [of] Abraham, Elohey Yitzchaq, and Elohey Yaqob has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance from generation to generation! Hoshea 12:5 ,Elohey haTsebaot(= Mighty One of hosts), is His remembrance! Tehilym 135:13 , Your name endures forever, Your remembrance from generation to generation! YeremYahu 33:2+3 , is His Name, call unto Me and I will answer you Tehilym 113:2 YeHY SHeM MeBoRaK MeATaH uWeAD AoWLaM [May] he be, [the] Name blessed from now on and unto eternity. 5. 5 The following text is quoted from THE SCRIPTURES / INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESERCH The Hebrew word > SHeM means much more than Name in English. It is not a mere label of identification, it is an expression of the essential nature of the bearer of that name. In the Hebrew Scriptures it speaks foremost of His authority. The Name reveals Him, His character, the remembrance of Him, and His authority. However, an unseen heavenly Being can only be identified by His Name and by the word that He has given to us, how else. His Name, as we have seen in the above verses, appears in the scriptures as: these letters, read from right to left are called: yod - heh - waw - heh they correspond to the modern Latin letters: Y - H - W - H In the ancient Latin Alphabet it would have corresponded to I-H-V-H The Ebraic Aleph-Beyt (Alphabet) consists only of consonants! Since the vowels, the sounds in between the consonants are not written out in the Ebraic language, shows us that it must be possible to pronounce His Name in different ways, depending on what vowels one would choose for in between the consonants and what someone would want to say. It is a fact that almost every written word in the Eberic tongue can have different meanings assigned to it depending on how these words are pronounced. A good example of this would be the name of Saul. It looks like this: > SH uWA L It is correctly pronounced Shaul. His name means desired or requested. Consisting of the same letters but pronounced different is the word: > SH oWE L pronounced sheol. This word stands for the underworld or the place of the dead, or the grave. Here is another example: > ZaKaR = male, manly, masculine. > ZeKeR = recall, remember, remembrance. Each of the possible pronunciations of His Name and their meanings says something about His character or His behavior. To understand how the Name of our creator can be pronounced, we have to look at other words and Names in scripture that include His Name or at least part of it, and of which there is no doubt of how they are pronounced. 6. 6 The best word to begin with would be Halleluiah. Why? Because it ends with the same 3 letters that make up the Name of our creator! Most people have probably pronounced the word Halleluiah at least once themselves or may have heard someone else say it. We find the word Halleluiah in Tehilym (= Praises, also known as Psalms) 24 times! In modern Eberic writing it looks like this: It consists of the letters: heh - lamed - lamed - waw - yod - heh they correspond to the Latin letters: H - L - L - W - Y - H they are pronounced: H a L e L u W - Y a H HaleluYah HaleluYah consists of the Verb > HaLaL # H 1984 and the shortened form of His Name > YaH (# H 3050). Halal means: to praise -halelu means: praise ye. HaleluYah therefore, does not mean, as taught in Christianity: Praise the LORD but rather: Praise ye YaH! Tehilym 68:5 Sing to [honor] Elohym! Sing praises to His Name! Make way for Him who rides through empty spaces! In YaH ( ), His Name therefore, rejoice in His presence! Shemot (= Names) 15:2 My pride and my song is YaH, and He is become my > YSHuWAaH (= salvation): He is my EL (> might), and I will prepare Him an habitation; [the] ELoHeY (> mighty ones) [of] my father, and I will exalt him. The last three letters in the word Haleluyah > the Yod(), the Heh()and the Waw() are the very letters that the Name of our creator ( ) consists off. Therefore we can already conclude that the first part in his Name begins either with Yah or Yahu / Yahoo. The letter Waw can be found in many Hebrew words, like > SuWS (soos = horse) or > BaRuWK (barook = bless) and is mostly pronounced as u > oo and sometimes has an o sound like in > HoWSHeA (Hoshea) or > ELoWaH (Eloah). 7. 7 Tehilym 148:1 also seems to hint to the pronunciation Yahu. HaLeLuWYaH HaLeLuW ET YaHuW?H MiN HaSHaMaYM HaLeLuWHuW BaMeRoWMYM Praise YaH! Praise even YaHuW?H from the heavens! Praise Him in [the] hights! + HaLeLuWYaH + HaLeLuWHuW Y a H u W Yahu (Yahoo) An interesting name to compare the word HaleluYah to is found in 2 Chronicles 29:12 > YeHaLeLEL (Yehalelel) = He praises Elohym (Strongs Lexicon # H 3094) Following is an article from the Watchtower Online-Library (in brown), called: Gods Name, Jehovah, in an Egyptian Temple This article gives us an important clue of how we can pronounce His Name! Notice! We do not agree with all teachings of the Jehovahs Witnesses! The Shasu Land of Yahu By about the year 1370 B.C.E., the Egyptians had conquered many lands. The Egyptian ruler of the time, Pharaoh Amenhotep (Amenophis) III, built a magnificent temple at Soleb, in Nubia, now known as Sudan. When archaeologists discovered that temple, they found an Egyptian hieroglyphic that appears to show the Hebrew Tetragramm > YHWH, or Jehovah. That engraving is older by 500 years than the famous Moabite Stone - previously the oldest known occurrence of Gods name. Why does the name of the God of the Bible seem to be engraved in an Egyptian temple? Pharaoh Amenhotep III dedicated the temple he built to the god Amun-Ra. The temple was about 400 feet [120m] long and stood on the west bank of the Nile River. Hieroglyphics decorating the bases of columns in one of its halls list the names of territories that Amenhotep claimed to have subjugated. Each territory is represented by a prisoner, his hands tied behind his back and bearing a shield upon which the name of his land or people is inscribed. The lands of a number of the so-called Shasu, or Shosou, people figure among those hieroglyphics. Who were the Shasu people? The following is an excerpt from an Article in Wikipedia ( The name 3w (> Shasu or Shasoo) is derived from the Egyptian root-verb 3 (shas) meaning: to traverse, to cross, to transit, to walk, to travel by/on foot. (transl. from German) 8. 8 The term > IBRY / EBRY or > Ha EBRY = the Eberite # H 5680 + # H 5681 or plural > Ha EBRYM = the Eberites, is rendered in most Bibles as Hebrews. It is derived from the word / name > EBeR # H 5677. Eber is the name of an ancestor of > ABRaHaM. (In the Beginning 11:14-26) The root word is the verb > ABaR # H 5674, according to Strongs Lexicon > to cross, to pass through, to traverse, to travel and according to PONS Kompaktwrterbuch Althebrisch (translated from German) > to go ones way, to be on the way, to move, to migrate, to sojourn. So Ha Eberym can literally mean: Wanderers or Sojourners > In the Beginning 46:2-7+31-34 (quoted from: The Scriptures) And Elohym spoke to Yisrael in the visions of the night, and said: Yaaqob! And he answered: Here I am. And He said: I am ha El (= the might), Elohym (= the mighty ones) of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Mitsrayim, for I shall make you there into a great nation. I Myself am going down with you to Mitsrayim and I myself shall certainly bring you up again. And let Yoseph put his hand on your eyes. And Yaaqob rose up from Beersheba. And the sons of Yisrael brought their father Yaaqob, and their little ones and their wifes in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to transport him. And they took their livestock and their property which they had acquired in the land of Kenaan, and came into Mitsrayim, Yaaqob and all his seed with him. His sons and his sons sons, his daughters and his sons daughters, and all his seed he brought with him to Mitsrayim. And Yoseph said to his brothers and to his fathers household: I am going up to inform Pharaoh, and say unto him: My brothers and those of my fathers house, who were in the land of Kenaan, have come to me. And the men are shepherds, that they have been men of livestock, and they have brought their flocks and their herds, and all that they have. And it shall be, when Pharaoh calls you and says: What is your occupation? Then you shall say: Your servants have been men of livestock from our youth even till now, both we and also our fathers, so that you may dwell in the land of Goshen, for every shepherd is an abomination to the Mitsrites. After the departure of the Eberites from Egypt 430 years later, it was said to them: And it shall be, when you come into the land which your Elohym is giving you as an inheritance, and you possess it and dwell in it, that you shall take some of the first of all the A depiction of Eberites as they enter Egypt ? 9. 9 fruits of the soil which you bring from your land which your Elohym is giving you, and shall put it in a basket and go to the place where your Elohym chooses to make His Name dwell thereAnd you shall answer and say before your Elohym: My father was a perrishing Aramean, and he went down to Mitsrayim and sojourned there with a few men. And there he became a nation, great, mighty and numerous. But the Mitsrites did evil to us, and afflicted us, and imposed hard labour on us. Then we cried out to Elohym of our fathers, and heard our voice and saw our affliction and our toil and our oppression. And brought us out of Mitsrayim with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, with great fear and with signs and wonders. (Eleh ha Debarim 26:1-2+5-9) This is what Shasu looks like in Egyptian hieroglyphs: 3sw Shasu Shasu-Nomads (northeastern territory ancient Egypt) Shasu was the generic name that the Egyptians gave to the Bedouin, despised tribes who lived beyond the eastern border of Egypt. The lands of the Shasu covered southern Palestine, southern Transjordan, and Sinai. Some researchers say that the lands described as belonging to the Shasu extended as far north as Lebanon and Syria. The list of subjugated lands dis- played at Soleb includes one that has been read as Yahw[eh] in the Shosou land, The Shasu land of Yahu, or Land of the Shasu-yhw. Egyptologist Jean Leclant says that the name inscribed in the shield at Soleb corresponds to the tetragram of the god of the Bible > YHWH. Ta Shasu Yahu in hieroglyphs T3 3sw Yhw(3) Ta Shasu Yahu(?) Land of the Shasu of Yahu(?) Mid-Egyptian: Jhwjw (Ta Shasu Yahu) Jhwjw (T3 3sw Yhw(3)) 10. 10 Most scholars believe that the name Jahu, Yahu, or Yahw[eh] in this and similar contexts must refer to a place or a district. Scholar Shemuel Ahituv says that the inscription identifies the wandering area of the clan of the worshippers of Yh, the God of Israel. If his conclusion is correct, the place-name would be just one of several ancient Semitic examples that identify both a locality and its god. Another example is Assur, which identifies the land of Assyria and its supreme deity. Regarding the inscription in the temple at Nubia, Biblical scholar and archaeologist Roland de Vaux says: In a region with which the forefathers of Israel had so many connections, there was, as early as the middle of the second millennium BC, a geographical or ethnic name very similar, if not identical, with the name of the God of Israel. A Name still revered! Soleb is not the only place in Nubia where the name Yahw[eh] appears in Egyptian hieroglyphics. What appear to be copies of the Soleb list are found also in temples of Ramses II at Amarah West and at Aksha. In the Amarah listing, the hieroglyphic for Yahw[eh] in the Shosou land appears close to those for other Shosou territories, thought to be Seir and Laban. The Bible associates those areas with southern Palestine, Edom, and Sinai. (Genesis 36:8; Deuteronomy 1:1) They were areas frequented by people who knew and worshipped Jehovah both before and after Israels sojourn in Egypt. (Genesis 36:17, 18; Numbers 13:26). The fact that the Name of the Mighty One of Abraham, Yitzchaq and Yaqob is found in Egypt should not surprise us. After all, the Eberites, the Shasu of Yahu(?) spent 430 Years there. Just before they left, Egypt was almost totally ruined by for the hardness of Pharaoh. Romans 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: For this same purpose have I raised you up, that I might show forth My power on you, and that My Name may be declared in all the earth. NechemYahu 9:10 And You have established Your words, for You are righteous! And You saw the affliction of our fathers and heard their cry by the sea of reeds. And You gave signs and wonders against Pharaoh and against all his servants, and against all the people of his land. For You knew that they acted proudly against them. And You made Yourself a Name, as it is this day! YeshaYahu 63:11-16 Where is He who brought them up from the sea, even the shepherds of His flock? Where is He who put within his inner parts even the RuWaCH QoDeSHoW (spirit of His set-apartness)? Who caused His comely arm to walk at the right hand of Mosheh! Who divided the waters before them to make Himself an everlasting Name! ...You led Your people, to make Yourself a glorious Name! ...You (YaHuW?H) are our Father, our Redeemer, Your Name is from everlasting! YeshaYahu 64:1-2 Oh that You would tear the heavens open and come down, that mountains shall shake before You as when fire burns twigs, as fire makes water boil to make Your Name known to Your adversaries, so that nations tremble before You! 11. 11 The pronunciation of the first three letters in his Name as Yahu is also confirmed to us by many other Names we find in scripture. In the story of Yaaqob and Leah in Bereshyt (= In the Beginning) 29:35 we can read: And she conceived again and bore a son, and said: HaPaAM AuWDaH ET YaHuW?H This time I honor / appreciate / thank even YaHuW?H. therefore she called his name these letters are called: yod - heh - waw - dalet - heh they are pronounced: YaHuWDaH Yah + udah = Yahudah - or a conjunction of Yahu + udah > Yahudah (often shortened to Yudah or Judah. Note! The letter yod does not make a J-sound!) So YaHuWDaH consists of the short form YaH ( ) or YaHuW ( ) and uWDaH or oWDeH ( ) > both variants of the Verb YaDaH ( ) > Strongs Lexicon # H3034 with the meanings: to profess, to honor, to appreciate, to thank. Therefore in Bereshyt 29:35 AuWDaH ( udah) or AoWDeH ( odeh) ET YaHuWaHA A I honor/thank or I will honor/thank even YaHuWaH, therefore she called his name YaHuWDaH (Yahudah = Yah be honored / thanked). is also found in the word > ToWDaH(Todah) # H 8246 = thanks. Of the same word family is the word > HoWD (# H 1935 +1936) = Highness, Majesty, Exaltation, being elevated to a high position. We find it in names like: or > HoWDiYaH (Hodiyah) = my Majesty is Yah (1 Chron. 4:19) > ELYHuWD > Elihud = my El (Mighty One) is Highness (MatitYahu 1:14) or > ABYHuWD > Abihud = my Father is Majesty (1 Chronicles 8:3) and > EHuWD > Ehud = Aleph (> the head) is exalted (Judges 3:15) In NechemYah 11:17 we can find a word that is very similar to > YaHuWDaH. And MatanYah, son of Mikah, son of Zabdy, son of Asaph, the head of the introduction > YeHoWDeH La TePHiLaH = he exulted to prayer. 12. 12 The name of the chosen tribe > Yahudah, from which the Messiah came forth, gives us an important clue of how we can pronounce the Name above all names. In the ancient pictographic Ebraic script the letter dalet (), the D, symbolised a door, an entrance, exit, a portal or gateway. YaHuWDaH > when we open this door we can see > YaHuW aH It shows that the Name is the key, which opens the door to the right understanding of the scriptures. If we remove His Name from the sacred writings we do not only rob from him the honor He deserves, no, we also get a different meaning to the whole text than what wanted us to get! The vowel-points the scribes added to the name Yahudah change his name to > YeHuWDaH > Yehudah. But its meaning of > He is majesty or Hebe honored, contradicts with Bereshyt 29:35 > YaH be honored. Luka 11:52 Woe unto you teachers of Torah (instruction), for you have taken away the key to knowledge! You did not enter in [to worship YaH] yourselves, and those who were entering you hindered! The Rabbis at the time of Messiah did not allow people to pronounce His Name! Bereshyt (In the Beginning) 49:10+11 The scepter will not turn aside from YaHuWDaH, nor the leaders staff from between His feet, until YaBoA SHYLoH he comes [the] Peaceful One and to him belongs the obedience of the nations, he binds His donkey to the vine YaHuWDaH is the tribe through which Ha MaSHiYaCH (> the Messiah) has come into the world. See also: Ha Ibrym (Hebrews) 7:14 For it is perfectly clear that our Master has come out of YaHuWDaH Yaboa Shyloh, mentioned in the verse above is clearly referring to the Messiah. The numerical value of the letters in Yaboa Shyloh and Mashiyach also testify to this fact. YaBoA SHYLoH yod-beyt-aleph-shin-yod-lamed-heh 10 + 2 + 1 + 300 + 10 + 30 + 5 = 358 MaSHYaCH mem-shin-yod-chet 40 + 300 + 10 + 8 = 358 Here are some more names that begin or end with the short form of His Name > Yahu: EliYahu (Elijah), YeshaYahu (Isaiah), YeremYahu (Jeremiah), ChizqiYahu (Hezekiah), ZekarYahu (Zechariah), MatitYahu (replaced through Matthew), Yahuchanan (replaced through John) Yahunatan (replaced through Jonathan) and so on. Even today we can find names which include Yahu, like the Name of the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin NetanYahu. His name means: given by Yahuwah. 13. 13 2 Chronicles 7:14 IfMy people [> the Yahudym], over whom My Name is called out, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and will heal their land. The Verb HaWaH / HauWaH ( ) Strongs Lexicon # H 1934, a variant of HaYaH ( ) > to be, to become, to remain # H 1961 also shows us that we can pronounce His Name as YaHuWaH or YaHuWaH. HauWaH has the meanings: to breath, to blow (like the wind), to become, to be (in the sense of existing, being present), to happen, remain, continue, to live. It consists of the same 3 letters (> heh-waw-heh) that make up the latter part of His Name (yod-heh-waw-heh). Now in the Hebrew language vowel-sounds can stand on both sides of a consonant but seldom together without the sound of a consonant between them. So, if we take the word HauWaH and add the yod(Y) to it, it can become YaHuWaH. In the ancient Eberic pictographic language the letter Yod symbolized the hand or the arm and the works that one can do with it. The Ebraic word for hand is > YaD. The Name YaHuWaH can therefore also have the meaning of: >>He works breath>He is the giver and sustainer of life home, place of abode (as a dwelling of sheep or of the shepherds). It is related to the word NauWaCH / NuWaCH (# H 5117) > to rest, to sit down, to dwell, to settle and also: to breathe, to comfort. And the noun NoWaCH (# H 5118) > rest, comfort and in the shortened form as the name > NoaCH In the Beginning 5:29 And he called his Name Noach, saying: This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands,... NuWaCH we find in Shemot (Names) 23:12 Six days you are to do your work, but in the day the seventh you rest, so that your ox and your donkey YaNuWaCH he can / will rest, and the sojourner be refreshed. YeshaYahu 63:14-16 As the cattle, that goes down into the valley, [so the] RuWaCH (> = spirit) YaHuWaH > TeNYCHeNuW > she caused us to rest. 14. 14 So have you lead your people, to make Yourself a comely Name. Look down from the heavens, and see from the dwelling of Your set-apartness and Your majesty! Where are Your ardour and Your might?...For You are our Father. For Abraham knows nothing of us, and Yisharel does not recognize us. You, YaHuWaH, are our Father, our redeemer from of old, [that is] Your Name! YeshaYahu 14:5+7 YaHuWaH has broken the scepter of the wrong, the rod of the rulers, In silence > NaCHaH (= rests) all the earth, breaking forth into singing. Tehilym 125:3 KY LoE YaNuWaCH For not Yanuach (> he will rest) the staff (the scepter) of the wrong on the [land] allotted to the righteous. Lest the righteous stretch forth their hand to unrighteousness. NaWaCH becomes YaNuWaCH (he will rest) and HaWaH becomes YaHuWaH (he will be)! In 2 Kings 15:29 & Yehoshua 16:6+7 we find > YaNoWaCH = he rests (# H 3239) as a name of a place or town! The same vowel-points as YaNuWaCH are also found in > TaPHuWaCH (= appel or as a name for an apple-orchard) > the name of a town in Yehoshua 15:34, 16:8, 17:8 and a Name of a King in Yehoshua 12:17 and 1 Chronicles 2:43. Shyr ha Shyrym (Song of Songs) 1:16 & 2:3 + 16-17 Behold, you are YaPHeH > beautifull, my beloved,like a TaPHuWaCH > Apeltree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved amongst the youths. In his shadow I desire to restMy beloved is for me, and I for him, who is grazing amongst the lilies. AD SHeYaPHuWaCH HaYoWM Until that Yaphuach > he shines / arises - the day, (= until the day arises) (alternat. translation > Until that he blows, the morning wind) and the shadows fade away. Another name with 3 syllables consisting of 4 letters is > MaNoWaCH (Manoach) # H 4494 = resting-place, it is also used as a status for a woman in marriage. > RuWT (Ruth) 3:1 And Noomi, her mother-in-law, said to her: My daughter, should I not seek MaNoWaCH (> a resting-place) for you, so that it may be well with you? Shophetym (= Judges) 13:2-5 +15-18 There was a certain man from Zora, of the tribe of Dan, whose Name was MaNoWaCH. And his wife was barren and had not born. And the MaLeAK (> Messenger) YaHuWaH appeared to the woman and said to her: See now; you are barren and have not born, 15. 15 but you shall conceive, and you shall bear a son. And now, guard yourself and do not drink wine or strong drink and do not eat anything unclean!...and let no razor come upon his head, KY NeZYR ELoHYM YiHeYeH for dedicated [to the] mighty ones he will be and he shall begin to save Yisharel out of the hands of the Palestinians And Manoach said to the messenger YaHuWaH: We would have liked to detain You, and prepared a young goat for You. But the messenger YaHuWaH said to Manoach: Even if you detained me, I would not have eaten of your bread. But if you want to prepare an offering, offer it to YaHuWaH! For Manoach did not recognize that the messenger YaHuWaH HuWE(> He [was]). Then said Manoach to the messenger YaHuWaH: What is Your Name? For when Your word has come true, we would like to honor You. But the messenger YaHuWaH said to him: What for do you ask about My Name, uWe HuWE PHiLEY since he [is] wondrous?! YeshaYahu 9:6 and His Name shall be described [as] PHeLE > wonderfull Related to HaiYaH and HauWaH are the verbs > CHaiYaH (# H 2421)= to be alive, to become alive, to revive. Also: [the] revival, and > CHauWaH (# H 2331) = to breathe, to make alive, to bring to life, revive. YeshaYahu 57:15 For thus declares RaM > the high One and the exalted One who dwells forever and QaDoSH SHeMoW > set-apart is His Name! I dwell in the high and set-apart place with him who has a rueful and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the hearts of the broken ones! Tehilym 25:11 For Your Name's sake, YaHuWaH, pardon my guilt, for it is great. Tehilym 80:18 And we shall not backslide from You! Revive us, and in Your Name we will invoke! Tehilym 143:11 For Your Names sake YaHuWaH, You will revive me! CHauWaH (# H2332) as feminine noun with the meaning life, is also the Name of the first woman, the wife of ADaM. Her real name was replaced in most English translations with Eve or in German Bibles with Eva > pronounced by Germans as Efa or Epha. But > EPHaH / EFaH & also > EYPHaH (# H374) is a measuring unit for grain! 16. 16 Bereshyt (In the Beginning) 2:7 And YaHuWaH Elohym built ET Ha ADaM (> even the earthen one / man) from the dust of Ha ADaMaH (> the ground) and he breathed into his nostrils NiSHMaT CHaYYM (> the breath [of] lifes / the living). So the man became a NePHeSH CHaYaH (> soul alive / living soul). Bereshyt 3:20 And Ha ADaM called the name of his wife CHauWaH, for she became the mother of all life / living (CHaY). The aH-ending of the name YaHuWaHis like in CHauWaH grammatically seen feminine. The same applies to the Hebrew word for spirit / breath / wind > = RuWaCH. And is it not so, that the RuWaCH Ha QoDeSH (> Spirit of the set-apart or set-apart Spirit) is the true mother of all life? who is one /united with YaHuWaH! There are many verses in which the role of the Ruach ha Qodesh is described as Comforter or Helper. In Yahuchanan 14:16+26 we read: I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Helper / Comforter (Advisor), that He may be with you forever > RuWaCH Ha EMeT (the Spirit of the Truth) And the Identification of the Comforter with YaHuWaH acting as Mother( > EM) in YeshaYahu 66:13 For so said YaHuWaH:As one whom his Mother ( > EMoW / IMoW) comforts, so I [myself], I will comfort you, and in Yerushalem you will be comforted. YeshaYahu 40:1+2 Comfort, comfort My people!, says your mighty one! Speak to the heart of Yerushalem YeshaYahu 51:3 For YaHuWaH will comfort TSiYoWN, He shall comfort all her waste places And the comparing of YaHuWaH to a woman in labour in YeshaYahu 42:14 I have kept silent for a long time. I have been still and held Myself back. Like > YoWLeDaH (a woman in labor) will I cry out, will I [now] pant and gasp at once! YeremYahu 30:6 Ask now, and see if a male is giving birth!... Yahuchanan 6:63 The RuWaCH is she who maketh alive, the flesh he profiteth nothing; the words that I speak to you are spirit and are life! 1 Timhowhy (Timothy) 6:13 (TiMHoWHY is an aramaic word /name with the meaning: His wonders) I charge you in the sight of ELoWaH, who gives life to allwho alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or is able to see; to whom be honor and everlasting might! Truly! 17. 17 Another word that helps us to understand how we can pronounce His Name is the title Eloah > Strongs Lexicon # H 433. It consists of the letters: aleph - lamed - waw - heh E - L - W - H ELoWaH Tehilym 18:30-31 Ha EL His way is blameless; the word YaHuWaH is proven; a shield is He to all who hide in Him. For who is ELoWaH besides YaHuWaH? And who is a rock except ELoHeYNuW (our mighty one)? The same word pronounced as ALoWeH > ALoWeH would have the meaning: I lend. It consists of Aleph(), in this case it stands for I and the verb LaWaH ( ) # H 3867 > to lend, to lend out, to partake, to participate, to join, to come together, to affiliate, to espouse, to hold on to. There are some other names also that indicate the WaH-ending to His Name: > PuWaH (Puah) in Bereshyt 46:13, > PaRuWaCH (Paruach) in 1 Kings 4:17, > HoWDeWaH (Hodewah) in NechemYah 7:43. There are reasons to assume that a great mystery is hidden in the pronunciation of His Name as YaHuWaH. And this can be recognized not only by the fact that each letter in His Name has a special meaning and a specific numerical value attached to it. His Name is composed of three Ebraic letters and at the same time three syllables which are joined together to form a unit testifying of our creators, that is the Father, the Mother and the Son as being > ECHaD (= united / one). If you understand the meanings of the individual letters in His Name, then this can already be seen in the short form of His Name > YaHuW. Mark 6:29-31 SHeMA YiSHaREL YaHuWaH ELoHeYNuW YaHuWaH ECHaD Hear [O] Yisharel! YaHuWaH our mighty ones, YaHuWaH united! The main meaning of the word > ECHaD is one. It is related to > YaCHaD # H 3161 with the meaning: to join, to unite, to agree with. It can be found in Tehilym 86:11 Teach me Your way [O] YaHuWaH. I will walk in Your truth! > Unite my heart to fear Your Name! 18. 18 That the word ECHaD can also mean joined or united / unified and even agreed (> one) is confirmed to us in Bereshyt 2:24. Therefore will a man leave even his father and even his mother and shall abide with his wife uWeHaYuW LeBaSHaR ECHaD and they shall become to flesh united (> one). Now let us take a closer look at the meanings of the individual letters in His Name. In the oldest pictographic Ebraic language, the Yod () looked like a hand or an arm > and also symbolized the works that are done with it. YeshaYahu 56:1-7 Thus saith YaHuWaH: keep ye judgment, and do justice! For YSHuWATY (= My help) is near to come and My righteousness to be revealed. Blessings to ENoWSH (= a mortal one / human) who does this and to BeN ADaM (= son of the earthen one / man) who clings to her, guarding SHaBaT (= the seventh / the day of rest) from desecrating him and keeping > YaDoW (= his hand) from doing any evil. And neither shall say the son of the stranger who joined himself to YaHuWaH, suggesting: Surely, YaHuWaH will exclude me from his people! And neither shall say the eunuch, behold, I am a dry tree! For thus saith YaHuWaH about the eunuchs that keep my days of rest and that choose in what I delight and that hold fast to my covenant: yes I will give them in my house and within my walls YaD (hand > work) and a name that is good as of sons and daughters. A name of continuity will I give to him which shall not be blotted out! And the sons of the stranger, that hold fast to YaHuWaH to serve Him and Le AHaBaH ET SHeM YaHuWaH > to love even the Name YaHuWaH, to become servants for Him, all who preserve the day of rest from profaning him, and who hold on to my covenant, yes I will allow them come to the mountain of my holiness, and I will make them joyful in my house of prayer. YeremYahu 16:21 Therefore, behold I will cause them to understand this time, I will cause them to perceive > YaDY(myhand)and my strength,so that they will realize that My Name is YaHuWaH. The letter Yod ( ) also looks like a dot or a comma and represents the principle of the origin of all things. All other letters in the Eberic Aleph-Beyth originate or consist of several variants of this letter. Yod also represents strength, power, ability and authority and clearly symbolizes the Father! The Yod, when attached to the front of words but mainly to verbs in the Ebraic language stands for He. In such use it can be pronounced Y (> i) and also Ya, Ye, Yi, Yo. 19. 19 Before we discuss the Heh () we will first take a look at the Waw (). The Waw in a sense is actually an extended Yod ( ) - the extension of His Hand or His Arm which He is extending down to us. The ancient pictographic Waw also represented a nail or a tent peg or a hook > . Waw also stands for safety, connection, association, attachment, restitution. When it is found attached to the front of a word it stands for And, and just like the word "and", a nail also combines two or more things together. So the letter Waw clearly symbolizes the Messiah who has come down for us as the extended arm of YaHuWaH to unite us with him again. Yahushua (> this is the correct Name of our Savior when He walked on earth in His human body > this Name will be discussed more precisely further down in the text!) has said: Yahuchanan 14:10-11 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say unto you, I speak not of myself; but the Father abiding in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me! But if not, because of the works themselves believe! Yahuchanan 17:21 ...thou, Father, art in me and I in thee!" And what are the works of the Father? He saves (> YoWSHA) or He delivers / He helps. 1. Chronicles 11:14 uWaYoWSHA (> and he saved) YaHuWaH with a deliverance (TeSHuWAaH) so great. Luka 1:49-52 KY HuWE ASHeR GiBoWR ASaH LY GeDoLoWT uWeQaDoWSH SHeMoW For He who [is] mighty has done for me great [things] and set-apart [is] His Name! And His kind-heartedness for generations and generations, for those who fear Him. He exercised power with His arm. He dispersed those who thought arrogantly in their hearts. He brought down the powerful from their thrones and exalted the lowly. YeshaYahu 52:10 YaHuWaH, He hath uncovered Aleph-Tauw (> even) the arm of His set-apartness before the eyes of all the nations, that they may see all the ends of the earth Aleph-Tauw (> even) YSHuWAaT (> the salvation) of our mighty ones. YeshaYahu 51:5 My righteousness is near! He goeth forth! YSHAY (> My salvation)! And My arms shall judge the peoples. Tehilym 136:12 Be YaD (> With hand) strong and with the Arm stretched out, for His mercy endures forever! 20. 20 1 Kepha 5:6-7 Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Elowah, that He may exalt you at the proper time, having thrown all your anxiety upon him, because He cares for you! Now we come to the Heh (). The old Eberit pictograph of this letter looked like a man with his arms stretched out to worship or to wave or to indicate something important. The word "Heh" or "Hey" means See / Behold! or Woe! Let's look now at how His Name used to be depicted. Hand - See/Woe - Nail - See/Woe or rephrased so we can understand it better: Behold the hand, behold the nail! Now we can see that the great work of redemption, which our Creator accomplished for us has always been apparent in His Name! HalleluYah! Listed below is the further development of the spelling of His Name. The modern Heh () is composed of a Dalet () and a Yod ( ). The vertical line of the Dalet, actually a lying Waw () and the horizontal line of the Dalet, actually a Gimmel represent the physical world, while the Yod indicates the world to come. So, the Heh therefore depicts the connection or unification of the physical and spiritual world. The heavenly presence (of the Yod) in the Heh represents the feminine aspect of our Creator, the SHeKYNaH > His splendor or glory, and at the same time the breath. Depicted in the Heh therefore we can see our Creator who humbled or humiliated Himself and came down to us into our world through the Door YaHuWDaH. The Heh also stands for light and revelation. In the Heh we can see all three characters which make up the Name of our Creator combined plus the Gimmel, which by its numeric value also symbolizes the Ruach Ha Qodesh! Another important point concerning the Heh which must be addressed is that some believe that the Heh, which corresponds to our Latin H, is replaced by a vowel sound when it is found in the middle of an Ebraic word. That is one reason why, for example, the name Ye'hudah / Yahudah is shortened by some to "Judah" or the name Ye'hoshua / Yahushua is 21. 21 shortened to Yeshua or "Joshua". For others it is a major reason for believing that the pronunciation of the Name of our Creator as YaHWeH (IAUE) is the only one possible. (Note: The pronunciation "Yahweh" is discussed in more detail on page 53!) In the Scriptures we find enough names and words that prove to us that the Heh is indeed pronounced when it is found in the middle of a word. Here are some examples! The first four words also consist of four letters with the second and fourth letter being a Heh. > AHaBaH = love (Song of S. 2:4), > TeHiLaH = Praise (TsephanYah 3:20), > NeHaRaH = daylight (Eyob 3:4), > AHoLaH + > AHoLYBaH = names of p. in Yechezqel 23:4, > ToHaR = putity (Names 24:10), > AHaH = Alas! (YeremYahu 32:17), > BiLHaH + > BiLHaN = names of persons in Bereshit 29:29 + 36:27 In many translations the name of the priest > AHaRoWN (= Aharon) # H 175 is rendered as Aaron. But > ARoWN (= Aron) # H 727 without the Heh is the Ebraic term for the arc of the covenant > = ARoWN BeRYT. An example of where the Heh is not really pronounced in a name is where YaHuWaH renames Abram to Abraham, adding an extra Heh into his name. A little later He also renames Abrahams wife Sharay to Sharah and promises her a son. Bereshyt 17:3-16 + 18:10 "...and your name shall henceforth no more be called > ABRaM (= father exalted), but thy name shall be > ABRaHaM (most lexicons explain this name to mean: father of a multitude or father of many nations)...And Elohym spoke to Abraham: Sharay your wife, never shall you call her name again > SHaRaY but > SHaRaH shall be her name, because I have blessed her...surely I will return to you, at the time of revival > CHaYaH, and behold to SHaRaH a son." The name ABRaHaM most likely consists of the word > AB = father (# H 1) and > RAaH = to see, to foresee, to perceive, to appear, to make visible (# H 7200) and > AM = nation, people, folk. (# H 5971) So Abraham in reality means: Father foreseeing / perceiving / apprehending a nation. In other words, he is having faith that his descendants will be many. He believed YaHuWaH and He counted it to him for righteousness.(Bereshyt 15:6) 22. 22 Romans 4:16-18 Abraham; who is the father of us all, before him whom he believed, even Elohym, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. To better understand that "the set-apart Spirit" has a role as that of a helping woman or a comforting mother, we should also look at the verses in which the attributes or the properties of the Ruach ha Qodesh are described. YeshaYahu 11:1-5 "And there shall come forth a rod from the stump of > YSHaY and a > NeTSeR = sprout (or branch) from his roots > YiPHReH = he will bear fruit. And on Him will alight the > RuWaCH YaHuWaH, the spirit of wisdom (CHoKMaH) and of understanding (BYNaH), the Spirit of Counsel (ETSaH) and of force (GeBuWRaH), the spirit of discernment and of fearing YaHuWaH. And His delight is in the fear of YaHuWaH and not after the seeing of His eyes he judges, and not after the hearing of His ears he decides (or decrees), and he judges in righteousness those who are helpless, and he decides with equity (or uprightness) for the humble of the land. And he smites the land with the rod of his mouth, and by the Ruach (the breath) of his lips he causes the wicked to die. Righteousness is the girdle of his hips, and faithfulness (EMuWNaH) the girdle of his loins." And in Shemot 31:1-3 we see that the Ruach is given to Betsal'el for a particular purpose. "And YaHuWaH spake to Mosheh, saying: Behold, I call by name Betsal'el the son of Aury, grandson of Chur of the tribe of Yahudah. And I fill him with the Ruach Elohym, with wisdom and skill (TeBuWNaH) and with knowledge and for all craftsmanship (MeLAKaH)." In these verses we can see 7 characteristics of the Ruach ha Qodesh with the feminine ending aH. The letters Yod (), Heh () and Waw () in His Name with their meanings and uses have a clear indication to the Father, the Son and the Ruach or the Mother (EM). In the Name > YaHuWaH or YaHWeH we can see > the Father with the Ruach and > the Son with the same Ruach! And the same Ruach has been given to all who have been born from above! YeshaYahu 53:10 when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed 23. 23 YeshaYahu 44:3 I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. YeshaYahu 32:15 Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high Yahuchanan 7:39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive Yahuchanan 20:22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them: Receive the Ruach ha Qodesh. Acts of the Emissaries 2:33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of Elohym, and having received from the Father the promise of the Ruach ha Qodesh, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. > YaHuWSHuA Ha MaSHYaCH Himself tells us that the Name > YaHuWaH is not only the Name of the Father, but also of the Son, and of the Ruach, > the Family Name! MatitYahu 28:17-20 "And coming up Yahushua spoke to them, saying: All authority and power has been given unto Me in heaven and on earth! Go ye therefore and make > TaLMYDYM (= students / scholars) of all nations, immersing them in the Name (not names!) of the Father and of the Son and the Ruach ha Qodesh, teaching them to keep everything I have commanded you! And behold, I am with you always, unto the end of the world." The Greek text of Yahuchanan 17:11 can possibly be translated in 2 different ways: "Set-apart Father, keep them in Your Name which You have given Me, that they may be one as We are!" The Name of Messiah Yahushua is ebraically seen the same Name as Yahuah, for Yahushua means Yahuah saves! The other possibility of translating this verse is: "Set-apart Father, keep those in Your Name whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are!" The same applies to verse 12. When I was with them I kept them in Your Name which You have given Me or When I was with them I guarded those in Your Name whom You have given Me The one Greek word in these verses is translated in other places to both them and those, and the other is translated to both which and whom. Yahuchanan 14:16-26 And I will pray the Father, and another helper / comforter he will give you, that with you he will be for eternity, the Ruach Ha Emet > the Spirit of Truth,...but the helper / comforter, the Ruach ha Qodesh, which the Father will send in My Name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you. 24. 24 So again, Yahushua has got the Name of the Father and the Ruach ha Qodesh is sent in the Name of the Son, which is the Name of the Father. How much the Father loves the Son, can very well be seen and understood in that the Father gives Him His own Name, and by that giving Him all honor and all power! Yahuchanan 3:35 "The Father loves the Son and all [things] has He given into His hand." Yahuchanan 5:20-21 + 26-27 "The Father loves the Son and shows Him everything what He Himself does, and greater works than these will he show him, that ye may marvel. For as the Father raises the dead and makes alive, so also the Son, whom He wishes, makes alive... For as the Father has life in Himself, so also to the Son has He given to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authorization to hold the assizes, because BeN ADaM He is. The Salkinson Ginsburg Hebrew version of Yahuchanan 5:26 would translate into English as follows: For as the Father who has life from the well of His inner being, so is given to the son to be alive to Him from the well of His inner being. Yahuchanan 6:63 (compare HiWE to Bereshyt 3:20 + 3:12 > in this study on page 26) " > RuWaCH HiWE = [The] spirit [is] she who makes alive, the flesh he profits nothing; the words which I spake unto you, are spirit and are life!" and again YeshaYahu 42:14 I have kept silent for a long time. I have been still and held Myself back. Like > YoWLeDaH (a woman in labor) will I cry out, will I [now] pant and gasp at once! YeremYahu 30:6 Ask now, and see if a male is giving birth!... Yahuchanan 16:15 all that the Father has is mine MatitYahu 28:17 All Power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth To better understand all this, we should re-read those verses in which YaHuWaH Himself tells us what His Name also is, namely "His Memorial" / Remembrance / Commemoration. 25. 25 Hoshea 12:6 YaHuWaH ELoHeY HaTSeBAoWT YaHuWaH ZiKRoW YaHuWaH, Mighty Ones of hosts, YaHuWaH [is] His remembrance! Tehilym 135:13 YaHuWaH, your Name endures forever, your remembrance from generation to generation. His Remembrance? A Memorial or commemoration as we all know, reminds of a specific event or a person who is known for something special! Since the word for remembrance ( > ZeKeR) is also used in verses, which talk about the set-apart feast days or Sabbaths, His Name must therefore also remind us of a very special event. So what does His Name reminds us of? Could it be the great act of creation itself, with the creation of mankind as the crowning event? Romans 1:18 "For what is invisible of Him, since the creation of the world is recognized, being apprehended, and also His eternal power and exaltedness..." What actually happened at the act of creation? After the earth and the entire universe was created animals and plants were brought to life, and these both as male and female, so they could produce offspring / increase. The crowning of it all of course is mankind, created in the image of their Creator. In the Beginning 1:26-27 "And > ELoHYM / ELoaH'YM: (Note: the ending > YM sets Eloah into plural >) He said: We will make Adam in our image, after our likeness...And Elohim created > ET = even > the Adam = the earthen one (mankind) in His image, in the image of Elohym He created him, > ZaKaR = male and > NeQeBaH = female He created > AoTaM = them. And Elohym blessed them and Elohym said to them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill even the earth..." In the Beginning 2:7+18 "And Yahuwah Elohym built ET Ha ADaM > even the Adam [off the] dust [of] Ha ADaMaH > the ground and He blew into his nostrils the breath of the living (CHaYiYM). Thus ADaM became NePHeSH CHaYaH > a soul alive...And Yahuwah Elohym said. It is not good for Ha ADaM to be for himself, I will make for him a Helper as his counterpart." 26. 26 In the Beginning 2:21-24 "And Yahuwah Elohym YaPHeL (> he caused to fall) on Ha ADaM a deep sleep and he slept. And He took > ACHaT = one of his ribs, and He closed with flesh instead of her. And Yahuwah Elohym He built the rib which He had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam, he said: This one this time is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! To her he will call > AiSHaH = woman (manin / womb-man) because from man ( > AYSH) she was taken. Therefore will a man leave even his father and even his mother and shall cleave to his wife and they will become > BaSHaR ECHaD = flesh united." In the Beginning 3:20 "And Ha ADaM he called the name of his wife > CHauWaH (Eve?) KY HiWE HaYeTaH EM KaL CHaY Because she was mother [of] all living." The word for spirit > Ruach is also related to > RaCHaM # H 7357. This word means: womb or bosom. It also refers to the inner parts and the seat of emotions; mercy, compassion and grace. > ReCHeM # H 7358 means: to act in a loving way to someone, to love, to have mercy, to pity. In the Psalms also, Dawid gives us an indication of the nature of the Ruach ha Qodesh! Tehilym 143:10-11 "Teach me to do what is pleasing to thee, for thou art ELoHaY (my Eloah), RuWCHaKa (your spirit) ToWBaH (she, who is good) may accompany me in an even land! Because of Your Name YaHuWaH, You will revive me! In your righteousness you will lead out of distress (> MiTSaRaH) my soul!" As mentioned above, the true mother of all living is the Ruach ha Qodesch, who is a part of YaHuWaH, one / united with YaHuWaH > "one like we" and through whom YaHuWaH breathes life into all of us. 1 Timhowhy (Timotheos) 6:13 "I charge thee before ELoWaH, who gives life to all...who only has immortality, inhabiting inaccessible light, whom none of mankind has seen nor can see; to whom be honor and eternal dominion! AMeN (Truly)." 27. 27 1 Corinthians 15:47-49+53-54 "The first ADaM from ADaMaH, earthen / earthly, the second ADaM "from heaven" (Some texts suggest that in our translations it should read > "YaHuWaH from heaven"!) As the earthen one, so also are those who are earthly, and as is the heavenly one, so also those who are heavenly! And as we have borne the image of the earthy, so shall we also bear (wear) the image of the heavenly For this corruptible has to put on incorruption, and this mortal has to put on immortality. And when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall come to pass the word that has been written > Death is swallowed up in victory!" 1 Corinthians 15:22+45 "For as in Adam all die, so also in MaSCHYaCH shall all be made it is written: "Thus [the first] ADaM became a soul alive", the last ADaM a spirit that maketh alive!" Colossians 2:9+10 KY BoW BeGuWPHoW SHaKeN KaL MeLoE HaELaHuWT For in Him, in His body, dwells all [the] fullness [of] the mightiness / exaltedness! And you have been made complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power. The name > ADaM consists of the letters Aleph-Dalet-Mem. He also contains the Wort > ED (Aleph-Dalet), an ebraic word for Water and the word > DaM (Dalet-Mem) = blood! Therefore ADaM also means Alephs blood! Yahuchanan (John) 19:33-35 "...but having come to Yahushua, when they saw that he was dead of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and immediately blood and water came out. And he that saw it has testified, and his testimony is true, and he knows that he tells the truth, that ye might believe." 1 Yahuchanan 5:6-8 "This is He who came through water and blood, Yahushua ha Mashiyach, not in water only, but in water and blood, and the Spirit testifies, because the Ruach is the Truth.(> EMET) For there are three who bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Ruach ha Qodesh: > and these three are as one < (the Greek text says: "and these three that one is"). And there are three who bear witness in the earth, the Ruach and the water and the blood, and the three are united in one." 28. 28 Tehilym 8:2 YaHuWaH, our master, how excellent is Your Name, which describes Your Exaltedness HalleluYaH!!! Ephesians 1:21 "...Far above every authority and power and LORDship, and every other name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come..." The letter Aleph (first later today ) and the letter Tauw (first later today ), in other words the first & the last letter in the ebraic Aleph-Beyt have very special meanings! ALaPH / ALePH / ELePH > Cattle, Ox, chief, first, supreme, leader, chairman, thousand, circle of friends, tribe, even family (> Judges 6:15). TauW > Last, mark, badge, sign (a sign is also a [special] mark and stands for a specific character trait) hallmark, signature. > TauWY = my signature, for example we can find in Eyob 31:35 or Yechezq'el 9:4+6 "And YaHuWaH said unto him: Strut along in the midst of the city, in the midst of Yerushalem, and HiTauWYTa = draw you > TauW = a sign on the foreheads of those men who sigh and groan because of all the atrocities committed in their midst. And to this [other] He said in my hearing, Go ye after him and smite! Let not your eye spare, and do not have pity. Old man, young men and virgin and child and women shall ye kill, for to destroy. But to every man on whom is > Ha TauW = the sign, you shall not draw near! And from my sanctuary shall ye begin!" We find the letters Aleph and Tau in the Scriptures pronounced as > ET very often right in front of certain words or names. It points out that the emphasis is on the word following this ET. It serves as a pathogen for attention for what follows or is important in the text. In most translations it is simply ignored, although it could very well be rendered with words like "even", "indeed" or "yes"! Most often we find it in front of the name . Now we will apply what we have learned in the above to translate the third of the Ten Commandments, which addresses the use of His Name, accordingly. But before we do this, we will need to look at the meaning of another word, which also occurs in the third commandment. It is the word TASHA or, as in this verse > TiSA or TiSHA. It cant be found in Strongs Lexicon as such. In YeshaYahu 6:11 we can find > TiSHaEeH = she is devastated / undone. > TeSHuAaH (?) / TeSHAaH # H 8663 we can find in ZekarYahu 4:7 as > TeSHuAoWT / TeSHAoWT and generally translated to "shouts", shoutings, cries. 29. 29 The root of this word seems to be # H 7722 / 21 > SHoWA = devastation, destruction or # H 7723 > SHaWE = emptiness, nothingness, uselessness, vanity, falsehood, vanity. Strongs links the word in the third commandment to # H 5375 > NaSA / Nasha or # H 5376 NeSA / Nesha with the meanings: take up, take away, carry, bring, hold up, lift up, accept, spare. Now lets read the third commandment with this understanding. Shemot (= Names) 20:7 LoE TiSHA ET SHeM YaHuWaH ELoHeYKa LaSHaWE Do not shout out even [the] Name Yahuwah your mighty ones to vanity / falsehood! Another way of rendering this verse would be:: Do not carry / bring > the First [and] the Last, [the] Name Yahuwah your mighty ones to nothingness! or Do not take away > the leaders mark / the family-signature, [the] Name Yahuwah your mighty ones to nothingness! KY LoE YeNaQeH YaHuWaH ET ASHeR For not will absolve Yahuwah even those, YiSHA ET SHeMoW LaSHaWE who bring even His Name to nothingness. or who take up / speak out even His Name to falsehood / lies. And here again, an alternative translation: For not will absolve YaHuWaH, the First [and] the Last, those who bring the leaders mark / the family-signature His Name to nothingness! YaHuWaH > the family-signature! or the leaders sign / mark! HaleluYaH!!! Ha Eberym 2:12 I will proclaim Your Name to my brethren!... How wrong it is to replace His Name with the title -L-O-R-D-!!! 30. 30 The references, evidences and comparisons with other Ebraic words and names from the Scriptures that we have listed up to this point should really be enough to show that it must indeed be possible to pronounce His Name > as YaHuWaH. So now lets look at other possible pronunciations. Many Africans owe their translation of the scriptures to the hard work of some Evangelists from Germany, who in the mid-18hundrets were active as Missionaries in the eastern part of the African continent. But mainly: Johannes Rebmann (1820-1876) and Johann Ludwig Krapf (1810-1881). In an Article in Wikipedia we can read: Krapf had great importance as a linguistic researcher. In Abyssinia Krapf collected handwritings of the Semitic languages Ge'ez and Amharish. For this the Philosophical Faculty of Tuebingen (Germany) awarded him in 1842 with the honorary doctor dignity. He studied in Ethiopia Amharish and Tigrinya, two Semitic languages. He translated parts of the Bible in Tigrinya. He wrote a vocabulary and translated parts of the Bible in Oromo (Galla), an eastern-kushitic language. He published a vocabulary of the Maasai language and another six East african languages and several Bantu languages in East Africa. He dealt with the Mombasadialect Kiswahili and the language of the Mijikenda and as the first he converted these languages into writing by using the Latin alphabeth. In 1850 he published the first Kiswahili grammar and 1882 a dictionary for Kiswahili. 1844 he translated parts of the Bible in Kiswahili and by that he laid the foundation for Kiswahili to become the traffic and literature language of East Africa. As YaHuWaH himself explained to us in Judges 13:18, His Name is wonderful! And that not only because he has a special meaning when pronounced as YaHuWaH. His name is probably the most remarkable word of all in the Ebraic language. Since His Name consists of the four consonants yod-heh-waw-heh> Y-H-W-H, it must be possible to pronounce His Name in different ways, depending on which vowels we insert or what we may want to say or how we would like to honor him. For this reason a group of people who believe in the God of the Bible considered calling Him Jehova, therefore they call themselves Jehova's witnesses. Un- fortunately, most people in this assembly do not know the true meaning of this pronounciation. Early Bible-translations in Swahili, in which His Name is rendered as Yahuwa and Jehova 31. 31 Following is a clarification of this. First of all, the ebraic letter Yod (Y) can and should not be pronounced as the relatively new english letter Jay(J). In Strongs Lexicon we can find the word > HoWaH / HoVaH ? (# H 1943) > a feminine noun with the meaning: trouble, disaster, ruin, decline, calamity, destruction. If this is indeed so, it may also be interpreted as a verb with the meanings: to trouble, destroy, ruin, devastate, damn, shatter, wreck. The pronounciation of His Name as YeHoWaH then would mean: YeHoWaH YeHoWaH = He [is] trouble or He destroys The word HoWaH occurs in scripture only in two places. One is YeshaYahu 47:11 and the other Yechezqel 7:26. We only know that this word is pronounced HoWaH in these two verses because the vowel points suggest this to us. But I have not found proof that this word with this meaning is still in use today. Lets look at YeshaYahu 47:11 but starting at verse 4, 5 & 10 to get an understanding who YaHuWaH is talking to. Our Redeemer, YaHuWaH Tsebaot [is] His Name, [the] set-apart one [of] Yisharel. 5 Sit thou silent, and go into darkness Bat Kashdym (> daughter [of the] Chaldeans)! For no more do they call you mistress [of] kingdoms10 And you have trusted in your evil, you have said: >No one sees me!< Your wisdom and your knowledge, HiWE (> she) has led you astray. And you have said in your heart: >I and none else!< uWBA ALaYiK RAaH LoE TeDEY SHaCHRaH 11 But [it] comes upon you evil, not you know [to] charm [away] her. uWeTiPHoL ALaYiK HoWaH LoE TuWKLY KaPHRaH and she falls on you, trouble, not you can whipe [away] her. uWeTaBoA ALaYiK PiTEoM SHoWAaH LoE TeDAY and she comes on you suddenly, devastation, not you [will] notice. If we would ignore the vowel points in the word HoWaH > , which did not exist in the original text, the word here can also be read as being a form of HaWaH (# H 1933 / 34 > become, be, remain, happen, breathe - like HaWoH. In verse 11 it could read as follows: 32. 32 uWeTiPHoL ALaYiK H?W?H LoE TuWKLY KaPHRaH and she falls on you remaining, not you can whipe [away] her. (or in plain English: And it falls on you remaining, you cannot wipe it away.) This makes much more sense! It is also impossible to translate > SHaCHRaH in the first part of verse 11 to from whence it rises as some translations have done! Some dictionaries like Pons and the German interlinear translation of Steurer renders this word like shown above. If heh-waw-heh can be a feminine noun pronounced HoWaH with the meaning > trouble, ruin, destruction, then it must certainly also be possible for heh-waw-heh to be a noun with positive meanings! Lets look at Yechezqel 7:26 starting in verse 24 as it is usually rendered. and I shall cause the pride of the strong to cease, and their holy places shall be profaned. 25 Destruction shall come. And they shall seek peace, but there is none. HoWaH AL HoWaH TaBoWA uWSHMuAaH EL SHMuWAaH TiHeYeH 26 Calamity upon Calamity she comes and report to (= upon) report she will be. And they shall seek a vision from the prophet, but the teaching has perished from the priest and counsel from the elders! 27And they shall know that I am YaHuWaH. If we again ignore the vowel points in the word HoWaH > , we could read this word in verse 26 as HaWoH which is similar to HaYoH > event, incident (1 Ki. 13:23, see page 66) HaWoH (?) AL HaWoH (?) TaBoWA uWSHMuAaH EL SHMuWAaH TiHeYeH 26 Event upon Event she comes and report to (= upon) report she will be. (or in plain English: Incident upon incident shall come and news upon news will be.) Some claim HaWaH can also have a bad meaning since Strongs Lexicon # H 1942 seems to indicate this. But when we look at the 15 verses where it occurs we can only find HaWaT (4x) and HaWoWT (10x) and HaWaTY (1x). Strongs says its another form of HaWaH which is very unlikely especially since it is nowhere to be found as HaWaH. It seems that HaWaT is a distinct or separate word altogether. Strongs gives us meanings like: desire, chasm, greed or figuratively: destruction, calamity, craving, ruin. The same is true for HaWaH (# H 1933). Strongs says the first meaning is to fall and the second is to be, to exist, to happen. But in the 6 verses where it occurs it is nowhere translated as fall. 33. 33 The only place where fall could make sense is EYoWB (Job) 37:6. Most translation render it as: He says to the snow, Be on earth, Some have fall to earth. But when we look at the original verse we find a different word which looks exactly like the Eberit word for he which is > HuWE (# H 1932) only with different vowel points. So it seems that HaWaH / HeWeH can also be spelled with an Aleph at the end instead of the Heh. KY LaSHeLaG YoAMaR HeWE AReTS For to [the] snow He says be [on] earth But since the word for Snow in Eberit is masculine, the above verse can also be rendered as: KY LaSHeLaG YoAMaR HuWE AReTS For to [the] snow He says: he [shall be] [on] earth HeWE pronounced as HuWE can also be found in Kohelet (Gatherer) 11:3-5 and if he falls, [the] tree, in [the] south or if in [the] north MeQoWM SHeYiPHoWL HaETS SHaM YeHuWE [in the] place that he falls, the tree, there he remains Since SHaM is written like SHeM (> name), perhaps there is another hidden meaning in this verse! 5 As you do not know the way of the wind or of the bones in the womb of her that is filled, even so you do not know even the work of ha Elohym, who, he is doing even that all. Without the vowel points the word HoWaH in Eberit looks exactly like the word HaWaH, but like in other languages where many words have the same consonants but different vowels, so also these may not be related to each other and can even be total opposites. Lets look at a few words in the English language that consist of the same consonants but different vowels. ball, bell, bill, bull or band, bend, bind, bond or bear, beer, boar or beat, boat, boot or best, boast, beast, boost or males, miles, moles, mules or slam, slim, slum or nation, notion or spell, spill or naked, nuked or lentil, lintel or label, libel or macro, micro. To say: He destroys, is no insult, it merely declares what He is also able to do without anyone having the right to accuse Him for it! As can be seen from the scriptures He has actually done this many times, we only need to think of the flood or the destruction of Sedom and Amora, the destruction of Egypt etc. The predictions about the Day of YaHuWaH, when our creator will appear visible for everyone, do not only speak of Him giving eternal life to those who wait for Him. He will also be the destroyer of those who do not want to acknowledge Him as their King! (or: He says: remain [on] earth) 34. 34 Eleh Ha Debarym (Deuteronomy) 32:39-41 ReuW ATaH KY ANY, ANY HuWE See now, that I, I [am] He (or HuW-Aleph) uWeEYN ELoHYM IMaDY and no Elohym (> Mighty Ones) [are] with Me! ANY AMYT uWaACHaYeH MaCHaTSeTY uWaANY ERePHA I, kill and I make alive, [I] smite and I, I heal; uWeEYN MiYaDY MaTSYL and non from My hand delivers! For I raise My hand to heaven and say: CHaY ANoKY LeAoLaM [Truly] alive am I forever! When I have sharpened > BaRaQ (= the lightning or flash) of my sword and My hand takes hold on judgment, I shall return vengeance to my enemies and repay those who hate me. YeremYahu 10:25 Pour out Your wrath on the nations who do not know You, and on the tribes who do not invoke in Your Name! Fort they have eaten Yaakob, yes, they have devoured him and consumed him, and laid waist his pasture. Romans 10:11-14 Because the scripture says: Everyone who believes in Him shall not be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Yahudym (Jews) und Yewanym (Greeks), for He is Master over all, and He is rich unto all who call upon Him; for: Everyone who calls on the Name YaHuWaH, will be saved. How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed?... YeremYahu 25:29 For behold, in the city, over which my Name is called out, I will begin to work destruction, and you, should you go unpunished? You will not remain unpunished; for I am calling for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth, declares YaHuWaH Tsebaot. 35. 35 Yechezqel 25:6+7 For so saith the Master YaHuWaH: Because you clapped your hands, and you stamped your feet and rejoiced with all the scorn of your being against the land of Yisharel: therefore see, I myself shall stretch out My hand against you... I will destroy you, and you shall know, that I [am] . Tehilym 83:17 Cover their faces with shame, that they may seek Your Name, YaHuWaH! Dear reader of this study! I am sure you have noticed by now that you will not find the titles Lord or God or even Christ in this study like they have traditionally been used in Christianity. There is enough evidence to come to the conclusion that these titles or names were actually in use in heathen religious practices even before the beginnings of the so called Christianity. Therefore we keep a close watch on ourselves and on the original teaching, for as the scripture says in 1 Timhowhy 4:16 Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers! In the original > IBRYT (= Eberic / Ebraic) sacred writings YaHuWaH Himself and all the prophets and other men involved in writing down the scriptures had always used titles like = EL, = ELoWaH or = ELoHYM in reference to YaHuWaH and there is no reason for doing away with this! These original Ebraic terms have special meanings that can and should not be replaced with other words unless the replacement or translation represents what the original word means! Instead of God the word EL can better be translated to might or power or in reference to YaHuWaH mighty or mighty one! Bereshyt (In the Beginning) 31:29 YeSH LeEL YaDY LaASoWT IMaKeM RA He is to the might [of] my hand, to do with you evil or as most translations render it: It is in the power of my hand to do evil unto you, but ELoHeY > the mighty ones of your father spoke to me last night, saying: Guard yourself that you do not speak to Yaqob either good or evil. EL,the first part in ELoWaH and YaH, the first part in YaHuWaH we can also find in the name of the prophet ELiYaH / ELiYaHuW. ELiYaH(= my Might [is] YaH). Following is an interesting excerpt (although the first sentence is not quite correct!) from an article in Wikipedia (translated from German) about the origin of the word / name God. The root of the word of God is very old, only to be found in the Germanic linguistic area and outside unknown. Notations are Middle and Old High German got, Gothic gu, English god and Swedish gudFor the origin of the Germanic word God it is assumed that the term has arisen from the nominalized second participle of the Indo-Germanic ghuto m the verbal root 36. 36 gheu- > (to) call upon. Hence God would be a creature called upon (by magic word)The Germanic name Guda- > God was originally sexually neutral just like other Germanic ex- pressions for gods. The word became masculine at the assignment to the Christian God in the time of the Arian Christianization in the eastern roman sphere of influence by the Gothics in the 3rd to 4th century and in the Franconian-Anglo-Saxon roman-catholic mission under the Merowingians and Carolingians. In Gothic the word as a title of the heathen gods remained asexual because of the Christian rejection of these gods. The transition from neuter to the masculine in the west-German area was put into effect from about the 6th to the 8th century. According to Strongs und Gesenius Lexicon the word > GaD or GoD (# H 1408) has the meanings: coincidence, luck, chance, fate, destiny, wealth and was also the nameof a babylonian idol. By the Canaanite nations that Yehoshua, the successor of Mosheh was to destroy this idol was called Baal God= Lord God or Lord of Luck (# H 1171). And according to another encyclopedia the wordGod was already in use by some heathen nations in pre-Christian worship, in other words for > household gods/house idols! Besides this it was used as synonym for supernatural beings in heathen mythology! Tehilym 50:22 Understand this! Please! You who forget ELoWaH, lest I tear in pieces, and non can deliver! YeshaYahu 65:11-12 And you who foresake YaHuWaH, who forget the mountain of my set-apartness, who prepare a table to God (> meant here is the sun!) and who fill a drink-offering to Meni (> the moon), yes I allot you to the sword and all of you to the slaughter will bow down, because I called, but you did not answer, I spoke, but you did not hear and you did what was evil in My eyes and you chose that in which I do not delight. > mainly, worshiping idols like the LORD or GOD !!! Shemot (Names) 23:13 The name of other mighty-ones shall you not acknowledge/confess/mention; he shall not be heard from your mouth! Yehoshua 23:7 And in the name of their mighty ones shall you not commemorate, and neither shall you swear and neither shall you serve them, and neither shall you bow down to them, but to YaHuWaH your mighty ones shall you cling! In Tehilym 16:4 Dawid said: The sorrows of those who run after another-one are increased; I will not pour out their drink offerings of blood, nor take up their names on my lips! YeremYahu 33:3 YaHuWaH is His Name! So call unto Me and I will answer you! And will make known to you great and inaccessible things, which you do not know! 37. 37 Like in the original Eberic text, His Name should also be found approx. 7000 times in every translation of the scriptures! But instead of His Name we find the LORD. Debarym (Deuteronomy) 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I command you and you shall not take away from it, so that you may keep the commandments of YaHuWaH ELoHeYKeM (your mighty ones), which I am commanding you! Revelation 22:18+19 I witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, Elohym will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of this prophecy, Elohym will take away his part from the tree(some have book) of life and out of the set-apart city, of which are written in this book. Proverbs 30:6 "Add nothing to His words, or He will reprove in you and you will be found a liar." Debarym 12:32 ET KaL HaDaBaR ASHeR ANoKY MeTSaWeH ETKeM Even all the word which I am commanding even you, AToW TiSHMeRuW LaASoWT LoE ToSePH ALaYoW uWeLoE TiGRA MiMeNuW even Him shall you observe to do! Do not add on Him and do not take out from Him! To use the word LORD as a substitute for His Name, does not only violate the commandments mentioned above, no, for it is actually the translation of the meaning of a completely different name which we can also find in the original Eberit writings. According to lexicons and dictionaries the main meaning of the name of the Idol Baal >(BaAL) # H 1168 is Lord! So if we read in our translations in Shemot (= Names) 15:3 or Yeremyahu 33:2 and Amoz 5:8+9:6: The LORD is His Name it would be the same, as if an Hebrew speaking person would read Baal is His Name. To claim His Name is LORD, is not only a lie, no, it isthe greatest fraud of all time!How can anyone treat the Name of Him who gives life to all of us and who forgave us our sins with such disrespect? Did He not also promise to us not to wipe out our names from his Book of Life? Revelation 3:5 He who overcomes shall be dressed in white robes, and I shall by no means blot out his name from the Book of Life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His messengers. 38. 38 So how can anyone who is mere men take it upon himself to take out His Name from the book He inspired? He wrote this book, what we call The Scriptures or Bible for the reason of making Himself known to us and letting us know how we can be reconciled to Him! Names 20:7 > YaHuWaHthat is My Name and that is My remembrance from generation to generation. In 1 Kings 18:17-40 it is made very clear to us how bad it actually is if we replace His Name for whatever reasons we may have, or even worse, if we call on, worship or admire other names! And it came to be, when Achab saw > ELiYaHuW, that Achab said to him: Are you the one, troubling Yisharel? But he answered: Not I have troubled (> even) Yisharel, but you and the house of your father, in that you have forsaken the commandments of >YaHuWaH and you have followed > HaBaALYM(= the Lords). And now, send and gather all Yisharel to me on Mount Karmel and the 450 prophets of > HaBaAL (=the LORD) and the 400 prophets of Ashera [> elsewhere also called Astarte, Ishtar or Ostara], who eat at the table of > EYZaBeL. Achab then sent for all the sons of Yisharel and gathered the prophets on Mount Karmel. And Eliyahu came to all the people and said: How long will you go lame on both knees? If > YaHuWaH HaELoHYM, then follow Him! But if the LORD, then follow him! But the people answered him not a word. And Eliyahu said to the people: I alone am left a prophet of YaHuWaH, but the prophets of the LORD are 450 men. Now let them give us two young bulls! And let them choose one bull for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but set no fire to it. And I, I will prepare the other bull and shall lay it on the wood, and I [also] will set no fire under it. Then you shall call on the name of your mighty one, uWaANY EQRA BeSHeM YaHuWaH and I, I will invoke in [the] Name YaHuWaH. (and I, I will call upon [the] Name YaHuWaH) uWeHaYaH HaELoHYM ASHeR YaANeH BaESH HuWE HaELoHYM And [he] is ha Elohym, who, he answers by Fire, he [is] ha Elohym. Then answered all the people and said: Good is this word! 39. 39 And Eliyahu said to the prophets of the LORD: Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, for you are many. Then call on your mighty one, but set no fire to it! So they took the bull which was given them, and prepared him. Then they invoked in the Name of the LORD from morning until noon, saying: The LORD [will] answer us! But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they leaped about the altar which they had made. And it came to be at noon, that Eliyahu taunted them and said: Cry aloud, for Elohym he [is]! Perhaps he is meditating, or he resigned, or he is on a journey; or it could be that he is asleep and has to be awakened! So they cried with a loud voice and cut themselves, as it is custom to them, with knives and spears, until the blood gushed out on them Notice: The Baal/HuBaal/Allah-worshippershave kept this customalive until this veryDay! Ashura (arabic , DMG r von ashara / /aara /ten) is the 10th day of Muharram the first month in the Islamic calendar and marks the climax of the Mourning of Muharram. This day is important for muslims throughout the world but is diversely celebrated. Many Sunnites fast on Ashura. Besides this they prepare a dessert that is also called Aure or Ashure which they give to neighbors, friends and relativesOn the 10th of Muharram the Passion Play reaches its peak. Sword-bashers clothed in white wound themselves with shortswords or long daggers even on the foreheadAfter Shiite tradition follows a 40day fast, followed by a commemoration feast Sounds a lot like Easter and Babylonian idol-worship! Here yet another interesting article: The 10th Muharram primarily is of great importance for the Muslims and became known as the day of Ashura. On this day special favors and services are carried out. One of these deeds is fasting at the 10th Muharram. Fasting on the Ashura day was already known in pre-Islamic time. When our prophet (f.s.m.i.) came to Medina, he saw that the Jews fasted on the Ashura day and asked for the cause. They answered: This is an honorable day ". This is the day on which Allah saved the children of Israel from her enemy whereupon Moses (f.s.m.i.) fasted". The prophet (f.s.m.i. ) replied: We are closer to the tradition of Moses than you and he fasted on this day and instructed the Muslims to fast also. (Buhr,es-Savm,69;Tecrd- i Sarih,VI,308,309). It is the tradition of the prophet to fast for three days and to be more precise at the 9., 10. and 11. Muharram. In the month of Muharram some special events are to be noted which are of great importance for us. The day on which Noahs (f.s.m.i.) ark rested on the mountain Dshudi; when Abraham (f.s.m.i.) was freed from the fire; when Yakob (f.s.m.i.) saw his son Yosef (f.s.m.i.) again and many more. In addition to this it is passed on that on the 16th of Muharram Jerusalem was fixed as the direction prayer. 40. 40 Here another article from a Bibel-Lexicon (translated from German): Ashera > meaning of the name: Astrte and shera (majority: Astaroth) = the light or luck giving/bringing source (Good Luck Chuck): Small concordance of names (Kleine Namenskonkordanz), Hebrew: asherah, asherath, plural: Asherim, Asherot. This expression describes a tree-trunk with branches which was thrust into the earth without roots [Christ-Mass Tree!] to the honor of the goddess Astoret. This can be derived from different places of the Old Testament. It is said that the Ashera was planted (Deut. 16:21), made (1st Kings 14:15) or built (1st Kings 14:23). It is also said, that the Asherim were placed under every green tree (1st Kings 14:23 & 2nd Kings 17:10). Manashe placed a carved image of the Ashera which he made into the temple, which Josiah in turn removed, burned and ground to powder. (2nd Kings 21:7 & 23:6). From this can be concluded that this image was made from metal or stone. Of the Asherim themselves however we read, that they were cut down and burned, so they were probably made of wood (Judges 6:25+26 & 2nd Kings 23:14+15). They are always taken to connection with idol images and particularly with Baal (compare Judges 3:7, 1st Kings 18:19 & 2nd Kings 17:16, 21:3, 23:4). They were often set up next to the altars of Baal (Judges 6:25+28+30). In 2nd Kings 23:7 we read that the women were weaving Tents (literally houses") for the Ashera which means that they were enclosing the Ashera, probably for immoral purposes. Immorality was almost always connected with idol worship. The many references to idol images and the Asherim show us how far Israel had removed themselves from the living God and had become slaves to idol-worship. The Holman Bible Dictionary says: Asherah (uh sshee' rah) A fertility goddess, the mother of Baal, whose worship was concentrated in Syria and Canaan and the wooden object that represented her. The King James Version translated Asherah to grove. Nowadays Ashera-poles are again placed/planted in parks or gardens, at public places and next to Altars in or besides church-buildings of all sorts of religious communities. Since 1983 250thousand have been set up all around the globe! They are hidden behind the modern label Peace pole!!! Just like the stone obelisks that can be found in almost every large city around the globe these Peace poles symbolize the male genital! Their origin can be traced back to the first global empire under the LORDship of a man called Nimrod. Responsible for the erection of these idols is a group of people who call themselves Freemasons (> a satanic- babylonian-egyptian cult) The main concern of them seems to be the restoration of this Babylonian earth-spanning global empire! Today they often call it the New World Order and also want to sell it as such to the modern world! These people, who appoint the adversary of all men to be their God, have, so it seems, crept in and infected every government on this planet. 41. 41 There is probably not one ruler, king, president or chancellor on this planet who is not a member of this evil sect! Now one can understand how it can be possible, as a study has revealed, that every president of the so-called United States of America can be traced back to one britisch king. It is astonishing how they, for thousands of years, through lies and deception have kept most people in the dark about their plans. YaHuWaH has besought His people many times to have no part in this satanic system! In Shemot (= Names) 34:12-15 YaHuWaH says: Guard yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst! Instead break down their altars, and smash their pillars, and cut down their Ashera-poles for you are not to bow down yourselves in worship to another EL (> might); KY YaHuWaH QaNA SHeMoW for YaHuWaH Jealous [is] His Name, EL QaNA HuWE EL [the] jealous he [is]! Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land! MYKaH 3:5-7 Thus said YaHuWaH concerning the prophets who lead my people astray: When they have what to eat, they say: Peace! But they sanctify a wa