doomsday rider - issue one


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First issue of the Kyiv RS's newpaper 'Doomsday Rider'


Page 1: Doomsday Rider - issue one







Page 2: Doomsday Rider - issue one

EDITORIALDear all, reading this.

Effort is a weird thing. Some might even say that it is unmeasurable. You could al-ways try to measure effort by the amount of attempts, hours, sleepless nights or money spent. But at the point when you think you’ve evaluated everything, a different oppin-ion may appear on the horizon.

Effort knows no borders and just as music, is understood surpassing language barriers and other types of borders. It is widely expected and appre-ciated.

Unfortunately, I have noted that people seem to overevaluate their own ef-

fort and downgrade the ef-fort put in by others. That, my friends, leads to arrogance and the only road from there goes downwards.

I want to draw your at-tention to these keywords, be-cause they will tingle with your senses throughout the session. Evaluating each other and fig-uring people out.

All I could ask for is fair-ly simple. Keep in mind a cer-tain thought: 'Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimesyou’re behind. The race is long, and in the end, it’s only withyourself.' (Baz Luhrmann)

As much as leading your

committee to success is a valu-able aim, it always comes with a certain cost. EYP is the place where you have a perfect opportunity to balance work and relaxa-tion. Parties and debates. It is the perfect environment where you can appreciate the effort of others and earn apprecia-tion for your effort.

Pardon me, for the high-ly serious note, straight at the start of the first issue, but we say what is important to us. Do we not?

I’ll let you answer it on your own.

Yours truly - K.C.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, com-mitted people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

-Margaret Mead

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Have you ever thought on how to get prepared for the apocalypse? Your dear journalist Ali Murat Gali is going to enlighten you on exactly that.

Apocalypse is com-ing! You look out of your window and see the pictur-

esque mountain in front your house had become a volcano. Small meteors had started to fall and made holes on the ground. On the right side, the water of the lovely river had turned green and groups of intimidating bugs are circulat-ing the area. You look at the gruesome scenery one more time and say to yourself: ‘Gee, thank God I’ve prepared my apocalypse survival kit!’

Then run inside, grab your bag marked with huge, red ‘A’ and run down stairs to your shelter. But wait, did you forget to prepare your kit? Well then, ladies and gentlemen, read my instruc-tions carefully to not to re-gret when the day has come!

Let’s start with the bag. Leather, thick luggage with an expandable inside cover would be the best with its high sustainability and large space. The bag should be prepared to fulfill its main task: Survival. For this, you need food -ma-

jorly dry food- which can sus-tain, and of course, bottles of water. Apart, you need food that’d make you relaxed. You are in the doom’s day, and I can easily say that it won’t be one your best days. So I’d put lots of bitter chocolate in the bag, to prevent depression.

Survival also depends on clothing, so you need sweat-shirts and underwear that’d keep you warm and comfy. After these come your ex-travagances which you should limit with 2 or 3 items. Decide on items that are indispensable for you: A teddy bear, a back-scratcher, a hairspray; or any-thing that fulfills your obsession. I’d suggest one of these to be a plant, because it’d be practical to have company in this hor-

rible day. Talking and coun-seling with a plant might seem pathetic or sick, but it is neces-sary to stay alive. As another item, get an mp3 player with changeable batteries and fill it

with variety of kinds of music: Classical, House and Pop; all for different moods. Also, don’t forget to buy lots of batter-ies, without which your player wouldn’t make any sense. Af-ter placing all your equipment, knit a visible, ornate letter ‘A’ on the bag, to make everybody know, this is your apocalypse survival kit and place the kit somewhere close your door.

Now a second question might occur to you: Where am I running with this bag?” Of course you’re running to your isolated shelter, which you’ve decorated according to Feng Shui, for maximum harmony. I also advice you to have a space craft in th shelter, as af-ter all that chaos, Earth might not be the best planet to live on. With your survival kit, another chance of life awaits you on a planet far far away.

Survival in a bag

Talking and counseling with a plant is nec-essary to stay alive

Editorial note: Due to apocalyptic issues Ali was not able to survive the doomsday. But his work stands as a memorial.

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What? The apocalypse is due on the 21st of December? But what if it strikes when we’re all in Kiev? Tua Malmberg has her view on how you Would and Could survive.

You are finally here, here at the session. You are in team-building, goofing

around having a cozy time dreaming about committee work and General Assem-bly. Someone says something witty, so you start laugh-ing. You are having the time of your life. And then it hap-pens. Apocalypse strikes. The world is about to end.

From every apocalyp-tic story ever written you can learn one thing. Form a pack, stick together, and do not wan-der off alone. Stay with your people, or you will die. This is the golden rule of Apocalypse Survival. Together you will be a stronger force, fighting against what is threatening you.

More people equal more minds and more minds equal more ideas. Without ideas man-kind would not be man-kind. Man-kind would be monkeys, jumping around in trees eating bananas. A monkey could never survive the Apoc-alypse. Thankfully, you are not monkeys. You are delegates!

You can and you will survive.

To increase your chanc-es of survival you must treat the Apocalypse like you will treat your resolutions. Use your EYP skills and collabo-rate, talk, discuss, have fun, admire each other’s ideas and listen. Make sure you all treat each other with as much re-spects as possible and take everyone into account. Work together as a committee; let us call it ”EDOS” – The committee on End of the World Survival.

As EDOS the end of the world will be wide open to you. Almost anything will be possible! Armed with torches you can go zombie-fighting, armed with your intelligence

and creativity you can play hide and seek with vicious al-iens and if the world ends in a flood – why not go canoeing?

In the midst of all the death and destruction, you

have to remember not to for-get what it is like to be hu-man. If that is forgotten, the world will have truly ended.

Now that you are fi-nally here holding this fabulous session paper in your hands, hopefully, enjoying it a lot, you know what to do if Apocalypse strikes. Follow the Golden Rule of Apocalypse survival – Stay with your people or you will die. Treat the apocalypse like a resolution and, above all, never forget what it is like to be human. We stand togeth-er strong in EYP. That will not change at the end of the world. Together, we will nei-ther fear nor falter. We will live.

The EYPacolypse

A Monkey could never survive the apocalypse!

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Alter-ego: Riaan Stipp (President)Character: Inventive geniusArmors: possesses powered armor equipped with the repul-sors, Uni-Beam, missiles and laser blasters

Power: A gift to make a session spirit, superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons

Activities: Well known for writing and brilliantly perform-ing session songs for couple of International Sessions

Alter-ego: Ugis Balmaks (Vice-President)Character: one of the world's greatest detectives with a great ideal of justice

Armors: Uses a large arsenal of specialized gadgets

Power: Scientific knowledge, detective skills and athletic prowess

Activities: Revenges criminals

Alter-ego: Anna Suprunenko (Vice-President) Character: the chief assassin, tamada

Armors: is resistant to pain and extreme heat and cold

Power: establishing links, an abil-ity to act through other people, strong knowledge of martial arts and weaponry, superhuman speed, an ability to mesmerize, telekinesis

Activities: kills `bad guys`

What if the people behind the session would be superheroes? Maria Shcherbak gives her insight on theyr kryptonite.


Iron Stipp


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among us

Alter-ego: Tetiana Korniichuk (Head Organiser)Character: Sweetheart, tender as a little kitty

Armors: Free hugs, as well as a whip, a set of plastic ties for binding hands and feet and a roll of duct tape to gag her targets

Power: Intelligence, savvy, at-tractiveness and feminine wilesActivities: revenges criminals

Alter-ego: Karlis Caune (Editor)Character: Devil Boy

Armors: Is resistant to most forms of injury and damage

Power: Sarcasm, limitless physi-cal strength, durability, regen-eration, endurance, superhuman speed, grows stronger from radiation

Activities: Is good at what he's doing no matter what it is

Alter-ego: Evheniia Melekhovets (Head Organiser)Character: A great singer and outstanding artist

Armors: Is highly resistant to psychic attacks and atmospheric pressure changes

Power: An ability to control all forms of weather, natural forc-es (cosmic storms, solar wind, ocean currents) and the elec-tromagnetic field, fast speaking, telekinesis

Activities: Maintains harmony in the world

Have you ever noticed any of superhuman abilities in you? Have you ever had a de-sire to make this world better? Find a superhero in you and let’s survive 2012 together!




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Hello there, Upper EYP Siders! I hope you’ve been do-ing your homework

preparing for the upcoming Apocalypse this not so fash-ionably late December. You might also study your ward-robe for any ”mix and match” possibilities. If not, do not pan-ic! The EYP clothing line might not exactly be internationally renowned, but you are the perfect candidates for making this spring collection happen!

It introduces the apoca-lyptic vision of makeup and fashion designs which should express freedom, madness, randomness and many other ”-nesses” that you, dear del-egates, find inspirational. You might want to google ”Kiev” again and take in as much as you can from the amazing burst of joyful colors. This is the perfect example of what April (yes, spring at its finest) should reflect in your sense of style.

However, don’t let yourselves be fooled, the Apocalypse idea is still deeply rooted in our minds. Fashion

is the perfect way to express yourself and your personality through what you wear and

how you dress. You’ll want your clothes to say something about you while also being in style, but what is there left to express in fashion considering this apocalyptic turn of events? I would go for ”free-dom”, but not in the avangard-istic sort of way that some of you fashionistas might be thinking of! I’m referring to your own truthful interpre-tation of it. Find your style, ditch the brand-name clothes, get crazy and creative, as this might be your last chance! Don’t hesitate to choose bold, solid-color pieces—like a cardigan and skirt, wrap dress or demure one-piece suits. You can glam it up or add a hippie touch to your outfit as long as you feel it suits your style. (no one wants to see a fashion wannabe)

Also don’t forget that an outfit is never complete without the accessories and makeup! Green is in so take a look around. Breathe in the warm breeze of spring that brings along just a hint of dramatic ending (a.k.a. The Doomsday) and pull off the outfit in which you can feel confident, strong and ready to face Apocalypse full on!

But just for the record: when we shall face darker times, black might turn out to be the new green, so don’t shy away from the zombie fash-ion. The ripped clothes, exces-sive black eyeliner and mas-cara might actually help you blend in! Until then just...

Nothing to wear for the Doomsday? Valentina Marin will tell you have to stay a damsel and kick the distress off.

Don’t shy away from the zombie fashion!

Doomsday fashion

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Did Tua convince you? Yes, no, maybe? Well read on why Artem Gumeniuk thinks that there will be only one surviver.

Why did you ap-ply?! People apply for the session to dif-

ferent positions, which actu-ally represent their character, skills and habits. For these four days you accept the set be-havior and outlook your role requires. And you are to deal with that. So when the Apoc-alypse hits the session each of you is doomed to survive only in a certain way depend-ing on your role. This particu-lar article is about to give an answer to an urgent question of the following session: Who will survive the Apocalypse if it is about to hit the session?

Is it going to be one of the delegates? Delegates usu-ally tend to feel lost and dis-oriented during the session. They are never sure about the schedule, venues and loca-tion of the toilets. They ques-tion their chairs and organisers about everything, which does not give them good credits to survive the blast. Most likely they will be running around, looking for their chairs to show them the exit. Too bad for them.

Maybe chairs would get lucky? There is a subtle differ-ence between chairs and dele-gates concerning space orien-tation during the session. That is a vital thing when escaping the catastrophe. Plus the chairs got their committee dragging behind still wondering where

the exits are. Unfortunately we considered chairs not to be lucky ones in this case.

What about journalists? They are special kind of peo-ple during the session, always wandering around with cam-eras, talking with everyone and disturbing their own com-mittees. So when the Arma-geddon hits, they – obsessed with the next issue - will be excitingly taking sensational pictures of the event, and it is going to be their last one.

Organisers? Now you think that they are going to make it, but let me disappoint

you, because they are not. Unlike others, organisers do know all of the exits and short-cuts, so they will be faithfully rescuing everybody, still be-ing questioned by numerous delegates, chairs and journal-ists. And if you’re an organiser you can do nothing about it, because that’s you job during the session – to help everyone.

Where did Mr. President go?

Oh, here it is – setting up for the departure. Prob-ably you didn’t know, but presidents usually carry with them a pack of huge balloons as well as the rescue plan in case of the Apocalypse. They blow the balloons up and take off as soon as they can.

They are never sure about the locations of

the toilets.

Survival of the fittest

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1. Imagine we tell you the world ended in 1 month, what would be the thing you would do right away?

2. What do you want to be born as in the next life?

3. What comes to your mind when I say EYP?

1. Tell every-one I know what I think of them, and tell someone my life story without excluding any details.2. A Female, just to see things from a different perspective!3.Perfect balance between fun and and possibilities for personal growth.

1. Spend the time with

my nearest and dearest - my family

and travel 'till I die.

2. A famous singer.

3. Friends!

1. Go to Asia and try their fried insects.

2. A dragon.

3. Mighty, mighty.

1. Visit as many countries as possible in order to search for new experi-

ences until the Doomsday. 2. A magician with the spe-

cial power of travelling through time, through

space and space.3. Fun, knowledge

and the people.

1. Spend all my money for a huge 'Welcome to the Ap-

pocalypse Festival', and make it free for every-

one. 2. A buddhist monk

(might be useful in af-terlife).

3. Coffee-breaks, awe-someness and growing young.

Chairs as you

Sofas? Tables? Dana Klimova introduces you to the piece of furnite you will be guided by during these days. Careful where you sit,now!






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1. Get ripped in four weeks.

2. Karlis's editorial assistant.

3. All the hings I've learnt here.

1. Update my FB status so all my friends know, too.

2. A panda, because they are the most laziest animals in the world. That will help me to compen-sate the stress of this life.

3. Opportunities.

1. Take a huge credit and spend it

on a trip around the world, tasting all the food,

doing all the silly and extreme things. And return home to the

loved ones.2. A boy. I want to compare it.

3. Change it to Youth of Europe Parlia-ment. So when asked: 'Like it?' I could say:


1. Make an unbelievable trip all over the world with the people I love the most.

2. A cat, because I just want to sleep and be hugged as much as possible.

3. Only EYP, only hard-core.

1. Rob a bank,buy and do everything I've ever wanted and share it all with the people I love. 2. A cat so I wouldn't have a care in the world and I could catch some serious sleep before I get reborn again. 3. Fun, sleep depriva-tion and caffeine, caffeine, caffeine.

1. Spend with my family and friends

and doing the things which i enjoy doing.

2. A Bird.

3. Friends. Life. Inspiration.

don’t know them

Trying to escape the apocalypse or even live the last days of your life is not really a simple issue to deal with. But these people can make it easy, interesting, effec-tive and fun – Let‘s meet your chairpersons! I challenged them with few questions...


eNVI i


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1. Get the looks. Who save the World? Superheroes, of course. How is one being distinguished from

normal, average person? By costume. You need to glitter. People must know that it is you, who will be saving their little, terryfied souls. Put some effort in preparing your costume to look good in newspapers and on the TV, after the World is saved. Of course, if you are an old-school type of hero with a secret identity, feel free to use a disguise. In that case just make sure that your mask goes to-gether with your cape. Apoca-lypse or not, fashion matters.

2.Complete your team. No one ever saved the World alone. History teaches us, that this is

a highly co-operative activity. Even Jesus had his apostles. That one will be easy – you already have your commit-tee, which is a pretty good start. If you don’t posses leader skills or you’re afraid of peo-ple, think small – find a part-ner. Worked perfectly for

Mulder & Scully. (If you are a self-centered, cocky buffoon, at least hire a helper.) That’s something less than partner, kind of person who is usu-ally known as that other guy.

3.Seek & destroy. Sav-ing the World usually requires one heroic, epic act. You need to

identify the core of the problem and deal with it. If it is an alien invasion – there is a Mother Ship that needs to be destroyed. Crazy evil-doer threatening to destroy Earth with his giant laser on the orbit? His hideout to be found. Plague of radioac-tive, carnivorous ants? Queen to be killed. Plain and simple.

4.Stay sharp. Have you heard this Murphy’s Law- if something is going well, you prob-

ably just don’t know every-thing? This one perfectly relates to saving the World process. If everything goes according to the plan, you can safely ex-pect a twist in the plot that will complicate things dramatically. The least expected person will betray you, your secret base will be found and destroyed, you will lose your vehicle keys or your grandma will get sick and you will be the per-son to take care of her. There is a bazillion of things, that could go wrong. Be prepared.

5.Just do it. Save the World. Steven Segal did it like 30 times and he is more

retarded than the lemming with hydrocepha-lus. Iit just can’t be difficult.

Buy milk, pick up dry-cleaning, save the World. It couldn’t be as easy as writing a list, can it? Michal Rejman thinks it’s a done deal.

Saving the world in 5

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There are three im-portant stages in the process of discov-ering and attend-

ing an always awesome EYP session. Obviously enough, the time spent at the session can give you life changing insight into essential values like the sense of coopera-tion and intercultural dialogue.

There is an important part in this whole mind-blow-ing experience that people don’t usually pay that much attention to: ‘Pre-EYP excite-ment’. The butterflies in the stomach. The thrill of buying tickets to some ‘wild’ European destination. They all add up to that intense moment when you are convinced that all the excitement is starting to look more like panic: missing your flight. In the unfortunate event that you should ever have to fly half of Europe to get to an-other country’s capital that is hundreds of kilometers away from yours, do not, for the

love of EYP, leave the air-port! It might turn out to be the worst experience in your life.

On trying to find out how the rest of the sessions participants managed to arrive safe and sound, without expe-riencing any mini-heart attacks on their way to Kiev, a typi-cal Ukrainian story came up.

It seems that Tua Malmberg, the lovely jurno of DEVE was shocked when asked at the airport by a middle aged bald customs agent with a seem-ingly aggressive tone: ‘What’s your business in Ukraine?’ The strong Slavonic accent, military look and impressive, yet scary amount of muscles made Tua think for a sec-ond that she was not go-ing to live to tell the story.

This chain of panicking events continues at the ven-

ue as well, where one of the German delegates, Christoph Bueb, proud member of ENVI II, got stock in the elevator for at least twenty minutes. Luckily enough, he says, he had his iPod with him, so music kept him calm during those minutes of hell.

All in all, it seems that even pre-session experiences can really shake your spirits. No matter how much you enjoy travelling and getting the thrill of going to a session, remem-ber to always keep calm and be on time at the airport. Don’t give in to this ‘Pre-EYP excite-ment’, it can sometimes be a trap! A flight is a flight, but an EYP session is not to be missed!

Had a safe trip here? Valentina Marin takes a look at what could have gone wrong and what did go wrong.

A travellers log

An EYP session is not to be missed!

The two special country presentationsFunniest video presenta-tion award goes to beer ad-dicts, expensive cars riding


Best traditionally dressed dele-gation award goes to the classy


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Spent his childhood on the Kamchatka peninsula where several times really saw a bear on the street! Accord-ing to his memories he bravely stared at it for a few seconds, turned around and slowly went (actually ran) home. The only organizer who ac-tually doesn’t believe in the Doomsday and has no plans for the day)

Has a very particular plan for the Dooms-day: 1) to celebrate the New Year

earlier, she will decorate a Christ-mas tree; 2) she’ll collect all toys

around herself (so that the end would be similar to the beginning); 3) finally, get a

bottle of Martini and invite her best friend to celebrate the day. If

it won’t come she’ll spend a week on the Mediterranean, on white sand with

palm-trees and coconuts.

Beware of the naughty girl. Why? In her childhood this cutie little angel with

blond curly hair behaved as a devil) If you want more surprises, you

should also know that her hobby is studying program-ming languages, such as c++.

In the case you still want to ex-plore her personality better, cya

on the Apocalypses day, drinking Baylie’s with ice cubes on a soft couch.

What is your first memory? Iana Yukhimenko took a look into the heads of the organisers. Let the dissection begin!

The disection

Mr. Freud said that all the desires and problems present in our turbulent life are the consequences of our childhood. On the opposite the world of dreams and favorite hobbies takes us into the marvelous sphere of semi-conscious. Taking into consideration these factors I decided to interview

the builders of our last shelter, the engineers of the global shuttle and scientists who will aim the deadly laser at the meteor directed against earth. I present the dossier on each of the think-tank team.

You want my conclusion? – We are falling into good hands, with such an orga-team there’s no need to worry about the apocalypse.

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Very serious from the start, and never believed in Santa Claus convinced that it was her dad, she spent a lot of time trying to under-stand why would he get presents for everyone. First signs of Lyuba’s fu-ture workaholism were obvious from the start. As for the apoc-alypse as it is a working day, she has no choice but to work.

Showed himself to be independent in the early age of 4! Living in a small city where every-body knows each other. He went shop-ping alone and took what he wanted so that when his mom did the shopping, shopkeepers just asked her to pay extra for what Yegor took. If he’d face Apocalypse- Sing 'Imagine' at the Square of Independence.

One more knight of the science-team in his childhood used to fight with monsters. He put a metal thing to the socket just wondering how 'Babay'* looks like. He also knows what friendship is - he has seen all 10 seasons of TV series 'Friends' on 3 different languages, but still keep watching it nearly every day.

Will be responsible for pyrotechnic effects dur-

ing the armageddon. He has trained for it for years by

putting his grandpa’s car on fire. As well as any pyrotechnic Valen-

tine has nerves of steel. While every-one will be panicking, he will get some

popcorn and and look at the collapse of the world through the window comfortably

This EYP-developer has an natural urge for

entrepreneurship. As a kid she held a shop of matches.

As for the later memories – Roksa was once unlucky enough to

be knocked down by a bicycle. This romantic soul is fond of airports and fly-

ing so much that even plane crash seems to her perfect fate.

Being a member of a few youth organizations

she defines her hobby as 'to be busy, stressed and tired

all the time, other than wasting life for unnecessary things.' She

definitely won’t be busy doing noth-ing in NASA. On the Doomsday the girl

will naughty-laugh at people in panic and do everything that was forbidden.

of an organiser

*creature parents invent to make sure their child actually won’t put something into the sockets.

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As weird as Ukraine

Dana Klimova invites you to re-live the experience of a first day at a session. Ukranian style.

The plane is lending in Kyiv-Zhuljany and you are excited to get to the main hall,

take your luggage and trans-fer to the hotel. Than you re-alize that the „shed” that you considered to be a garage is actually the „airport” and your luggage is somewhere in the pile of other same-looking bags. Meanwhile, you try to take the picture of perfectly dressed policemen, but there is no way! They start taking the camera out of your hands, de-leting the airport pictures and shouting in Ukrainian (what a nice & gentle language).

The traffic is horrible, but you still take a marschrutka. Next stop: restaurant. How do you pay fot the bus ride? You just pass hryvnas to the driver in front, over many other pas-sengers, and he sends you back the change. Surprisingly no money gets lost. Since you have been travelling whole morning you are really hun-gry. What you get for lunch here is borshch, bulochka, pe-chenka and kvas. Even before you realize the actual taste of it, your stomach turns around and you go to the toilet, but in the Ukrainian way: hole in the ground.

Now you finally start moving to the hotel, but you choose other way of transpor-tation: metro and tram. If you are not from China, you have never seen such overcrowded subway in your life. I guess people here spend more time under the ground than above. And you cannot take a pic-ture of this fun aspect because photography is prohibited in subway as well. Also whatev-er you want to buy (and I re-ally mean anything), there are people selling it in the subway. The main task in the tram is to find the validator and manually make a hole in the ticket that you bought for 1.50 hryvnas. When walking, you almost get run over by a car that is simply avoiding the traffic queue by riding on the sidewalk.

In the hotel you get Barny bear cookie for a snack and go to your room using the elevator. And what hap-pens, of course, you get stuck in there (for detailed infor-mation, ask Christopher from Germany). Since you already have the Barny, you want to enjoy a coffee with it and the locals lead your way to a „Cof-fee car” where you buy it for 10 hryvnas. It is a regular car with Espresso machine in the back.

Night is here which means only one thing: party. Seems like the taxi costs you always 25 hryvnas, no matter how far you go. The most spe-cial thing in Ukraine is the fact that the alcoholic beverages are actually cheaper than wa-ter and vodka is served in test tubes as during your chemistry classes. You also have the pos-sibility of making your living by dancing on a table. Anony-mous chairs shared their secret of earning 1 hryvna for one dance.

You wake up in the morning the day after think-ing you were so drunk you dreamed about chairs tree, since you just can´t stop think-ing about your chair. But there is an actual tree with a lot of chairs (furniture) hanging on the branches in Kyiv.

You just have to love Ukraine!

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Eye-opening ceremony

Today, during team-building, a German delegate from the (rocking) commit-

tee of DEVE – Committee on Development – made a joke. Ms. Lara-Alexa Nagel, was talking about how she was going to save the world. She said ”I only listen to green music, like Green Day.” Even though it was purely meant to be funny, there was some-thing about it that seemed sin-cere, and that got me thinking.

The Opening Ceremo-ny of the 5th Kyiv Regional Session was not only the be-ginning of what is turning out to be a wonderful session, but also a display of

interesting and inspiring speak-ers. Their speeches truly made an impact. We are indeed young people taking care of our blue planet, as Ievgeni Poltenko, the general director of ”Open hearts Ukraine” foundation, stated. During EYP sessions we are taking action by dis-

cussing these issues, especially during sessions as this one with its theme: Blue planet, red alert, think green.

Both our lovely Mr. President and Dr. Alan Flowers spoke about how important it is to spread, establish and up-hold democracy all over the World. They talked about how important it is for humanity to have equal rights and of how important it is to keep fighting for equality.

As the session declared open we all moved on to team-building, fun, games and laugh-ter. And surprisingly deep dis-cussions. Every day we all do something that saves the world a little unconsciously or con-sciously.

Each and every one of us wants to save the World. No matter what, we all want to do something. The speeches of today’s ceremony were all great sources of inspiration. If we all contribute just a lit-tle with spreading democracy, taking care of the environment, saving the world; the tomor-row will truly be a great one.

A life changing experience? A Freudian slip? Tua Malmberg looks back at the eye-oppening ceremony and other peculiarities.

Each and every one of us wants to save the World.

Who does what at the session?Chairs take care, support and keep track of the delis.

Orgas - organise the hell out of everyone and smile.

Delis - have fun, debate and discuss.

Journos - take pictures, write and keep up the spirit.

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Fun before the doom

'We were really confused about the game 'I like coffee but I hate tea'. It took me like two hours to get how the sys-tem works. And Richard was going crazy because of that'’(Dominic, ECON)

'While playing the stickers game there was a guy who couldn’t get that he was Brit-ney Spears for a long time. We were even singing 'Oops, I did it again' but he still couldn’t get it' (Adina, TRAN)

'I’ve asked delegates to bring their photos for the Wall of Knowledge. I asked if they have brought them, and they said that some have small sized photos, and others have big ones. And I said: 'Size doesn’t

matter'. Everyone had their own idea of what I’d said' (Oksana, DEVE)

'During one of teambuilding games we had to pass through 9 levels of challenges to talk to God. As there were 9 of us, on each level someone had to get out of the game. And when 3 people left, the task was to

dance strip plastic. Two boys and one girl were dancing, and it was the best strip show ever' (Olena, AFET)

'I had been talking to Riaan for a while and I thought that he was a delegate. So I asked him if he was a delegate or a jour-nalist and I found out that he was the President. What a pity!' (Olya, ENVI 1)

'It was morning and I was try-ing to get to the 2nd floor, so I took an elevator. And just in a moment the elevator stopped and doors were stuck. I had no idea how to get out. After

sitting there for about 15 min-utes I decided to use my cell-phone to ask for help. I called my friend and he thought that I was tricking him for at first. But after a while he came with a guy who opened the door, and

I came out' (Christoph, ENVI 2)

'During the Traffic Jam game we used cigarettes to find the solution. We were even mark-ing them with numbers on a ta-ble' (Niks, JURY)

'We were representing Russia at the Eurovillage and one boy came and asked about where the vodka was. We told him that it’s prohibited and then we told him that it was in the chocolates. And he ate the

chocolate without hesitating' (Tommy, ITRE)

Fun? You got it! Maria Shcherbak shares an insight on the funny moments of day one.

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The builders

Trampoline building? Team breakdancing? Iana Yukhimenko & Marianne Munz settle the scores of teambuilding.

Teambuilding is a cru-cial part of the EYP. It is always present at the beginning of any

session. To make the commit-tee work as good as possible it is quite necessary that all team members know and understand each other. That they are famil-iar with each others strengths and weaknesses. The aim is also to develop the best discussion process in your newborn team, through solving challenging tasks and games which require

conversation and argumenta-tions. However, the most impor-tant thing is to be able to trust each other. When you fall, the team will catch you. By this, we mean it not only literally, but fig-ural as well. These are the peo-ple who will have your back if you have a weakness, by teach-ing you how to overcome it and making it your strength. With your committee you feel that you have the power to change something – to fight and to win.

”There are lots of dragons in Africa” ECON

”I’m lying on the floor, come on guys!” AFET

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Europe tends to look too diverse? That’s why we have Iana Yukhimenko - the geographical wiz.

1. Sweden - There’s an anonymus research that claims Swedish people to wear a so called „happy underwear” – bright collored

pants with happy faces on it – especially when the weather is bad.

2. Georgia - The funny remark on Georgian ac-cent – they don’t have it in English, but when it

comes to Russian language they just can’t but have it.

3.Germany - they can Really get stressed if somebody is late for already 3 minutes. And on the contrary to Ukrainians (and pret-

ty much of other nationalities) they start counting with the thumb.

4. Turkey – By the way, on this session the Portugese were several times called Turkish. However, in Turkey there

is a friendly tradition among drivers to signal each other with the backlights to warn about upcoming police speed-check-ers. The difference is that in Ukraine drivers signal each other from the opposite side of the rode with a blink of upper beam.

5. Russia - More than 25 per cent of the World’s forests are in Siberia. But still Siberia is not the whole of Russia.

6. Moldova – The constitution of Moldova says that their state language is Moldovian. But in fact it’s Romanian lan-

guage with a slight dialect. A more interesting fact is that al-most 80 % of people in Moldova do have their own wine cellar.

7. Romania - The cemeteries in Romania are very dis-tinctive - the graves are multicolored, the monu-

ments are usually wooden and contain an inscription of the person’s life-story written in a positive, happy manner.

8. Italy – people from the Northern Italy can hardly understand people from the south where Napolitan dialect is widespread.

Basically, almost every region concentrated around a big city has its own Italian accent or even dialect (like Veronese or Veneziano)

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9. Belarus - The people on the streets of Minsk seem to be too nervous and do not tend to group with more than 3 peo-

ple. That gives you a feeling that there’s always some ”red alert” in the city. All foreigners say that Minsk is quite a clean city.

10. Spain - Same-sex marriage in Spain has been legal since 2005, making it the third country in the world to do so nationwide,

after the Netherlands and Belgium and 17 days ahead of Canada.

11. Poland – If you are drunk and on the way home, leading (roll-ing) your bicycle – don’t forget to take the driving license with

you. Police has the right to check it and possibly take it from you.

12. Czech Republic – This country holds the first place in the world for the quantity of atheistic popula-

tion. In Check Republic beer is cheaper than water.

13. Portugal – French people claim Portuguese wom-en of having a mustache and not shaving under their

arms. 'But we know who really does, mademoiselle.' Portu-guese are also famous for their 'table games' – when eve-ryone is clapping and knocking complicated bits as one.

14. The Ukraine – an usual 'marshrutka' - bus driver in Kiev is capable to do 6 things at one time – driv-

ing the bus and turning, talking on the phone and smok-ing, counting and giving you the change back. That’s scary.

15. Latvia - If you see 10 drunk as hell people on the street at 1 a.m. in Riga – that’s definitely an Englishmen bachelors’ party.

16. Norway – It has the highest per cent of Black Met-al bands in the world according to their popu-

lation. They were also born with skies on their feet.

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Dead and green:

How would you like the World to collapse? Michal Rejman takes a look at the two most popular creatures out there.

ZombiesExamples: Night of the living Dead, Zombieland, Walking Dead, Resident Evil

The bloodiest and the funniest apocalypse scenario. Armies of living dead wandering

across destroyed world with little number of survivors hiding or fighting them. Concept scary and hilarious at the same time.

The origin of zombie concept lies in voodoo cult. Shamans were able to resur-rect dead people and turning them into mindless but obedi-ent tools. First adapted into culture before WWII but be-came world famous after re-leasing absurd B-class film Night of The Living Dead.

Where do zombies come from? Sometimes they appear in an uncanny way but usually it’s some mysterious disease caused by a mysterious virus which accidently made its way out from a mysterious

governmental laboratory. And because the zombie virus is highly contagious (single zom-bie bite turns a person into one of them) they spread quicker than Justin Bieber hate memes on the Internet.

Zombies are very com-panionable creatures. It’s very unusual to find one of them alone - they’re always in big groups. They’re also extremely slow and even more stupid.

So even though they’re dead-ly dangerous you can always outsmart or outrun them.

Zombie movies screen-writers achieve their top level of creativity when it comes to killing zombies by uninfected people. Slaughter scenes of those poor dummies are al-ways the most entertaining parts of the movie. From tra-ditional weaponery like guns (in that category the shotgun is must-be-classic), fire throw-ers or grenades to shovels, nail pistols or even a ferris wheels (Zombieland).


You’re an EYP-er so probably you’re smart. You’ll probably also need to redefine your moral code a bit.

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Apocalypse favourites

AliensExamples: Independence Day, Transformers, War of the Worlds, Mars Attacks!, Men in Black

Our little, blue home called Earth ap-pears to be a fa-vorite target for

creatures from outer space. The purposes of visit are vari-ous, but they usually involve wiping out a whole civilization.

The hardest thing about aliens are communication is-sues. You can’t really reason with them. Stating, that, for example, that the Jupiter is just in the nearby and it could be much more fun to destroy it because it’s much bigger and has a funky color. Because you don’t have common platform of communication.

Sociological studies says that the amount of ”aliens destroying Earth” movies per year in popculture reflects the general mental condition in so-ciety. When things are not go-ing well (read - wars, econom-ic crisis) movie producers tend to invade Earth in their work more often. If you don’t be-

lieve smart sociologists, check out the number of aliens movie produced in 2011 and compare it, for example, with 2006, be-fore the economic crisis.

How to deal with al-iens, if they eventually arrive? All alien movies teach us that they usually have some weak-ness that has to be discovered and then properly used. If you’re not Will Smith and you

didn’t manage to punch an al-ien with the face and then steal his ship (Independence Day) you most probably won’t be able to reach the mother ship

and blow it up with an atomic bomb. So weakness it is.

The apocalypse from War of the Worlds when peo-ple were harvesting by aliens in order to produce food and energy was stopped by germs. Little sneeze and fever mak-ing microbes defeated high technology alien army. Just think about what happened to native Indians in XVI century when our harmless European germs put Mayan and Inks out of existence.

If it doesn’t work – try to think outside the box. In Mars Attacks! Mighty aliens were defeated by... Elvis music. Songs of this kinky singer from the 50s’ made aliens’ heads ex-plode. Imagine an outcome of playing Lady Gaga to them...


If there’s no Will Smith nearby you can be seriously screwed.

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The end

Do you remember that time that the World didn’t end? Artem Gumeniuk remembers all of them.

The end is near... perhaps

There’s something intriguing and mysteri-ous about Apocalypse in any form. People have always feared and, at the same time, strived for past thousands of years. But now those mys-terious times, anticipated and wondered about for centuries, have slipped into realm of history. There could be many doomsday predictions mentioned, that obviously did not happen, but here are some of the more notable ones:

Black Skies Over New England

At 9 a.m. on May 19, 1780, the sky over New England was enveloped in darkness. An 1881 article in Harper’s Magazine stated that, ”Birds went to roost, cocks crowed at mid-day as at midnight, and the animals were plainly ter-rified.” The Dark Day” ended at midnight, when the stars once again became visible in the night sky. But lingering concerns about a pending apocalypse prompted some people to seek out an obscure Christian sect—the Shakers—who had recently settled near Albany, New York. Eventually, the doomsday had not happened and leaders of the sect group were in shame.

Church concerns

In 1213 pope Innocent III wrote, that ”Lord has already given us a sign that good times are about to come, that the end of this beast is ap-proaching. The world will end, according to the Revelation of Saint John, in 666 years, of which already nearly 600 have passed.”The predicted date was 1284. Seven years later, the last his kingdom fell. The rest of the world, however, remained intact.

Beware the comet

Comets have long been viewed as por-tents of doom—and the reappearance of Hal-ley’s comet in 1910 was no exception. Some Parisians blamed the comet for a massive flood of the Seine River that devastated their city. Unfortunately, people due to their ignorance started panicking. They rushed to purchase gas masks and ”comet pills.” The New York Times reported that people in Georgia were prepar-ing safe rooms and covering even keyholes with paper. One man had even armed himself with a gallon of whiskey” and requested that friends lower him to the bottom of a dry well, 40 feet deep.

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was near?

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine”REM

Planets Align, Nothing Happens

In 1974, John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann wrote a best-selling book, The Jupi-ter Effect, warning that in March 1982, an align-ment of the major planets on the same side of the Sun would trigger a series of cosmic events - culminating in an earthquake that would wipe out Los Angeles. As the dreaded date ap-proached, panicked city residents bombarded Los Angeles’ Griffith Observatory with phone calls. A lot of people were ready to leave the city. One small Christian sect in the Philippines was even building a maze of padded cubicles and trying out padded suits in readiness for dis-asters. One year after the non-doomsday event, Gribbin and Plagemann published The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered. That was a relief for mil-lions of people and shortly the book became a best-seller.


The year of 2000 was covered with the thick layer of anxiety and uncertainty. The fear

of undeserved death resulted in many unrea-sonable actions, from building underground houses with concrete walls, to wrapping up in foil. But eventually January, 2000 came. Jesus did not descend from the heavens. President Clinton did not declare himself dictator-for-life. The Antichrist did not rise to power. Nuclear missiles were not launched. Aircraft did not fall out of the sky. The global economy did not col-lapse. Terrorists’ bombs did not explode. The power did not go out.

We, the journalist are still here - alive, busy and keeping up the spirit of the session.

The top three of zombie movies

forces you to think about your house as a strong-hold.

will give you grand fantasies of fighting the un-dead.

The world is forced to cope with a slow end.

Night of the Living Dead Braindead Dawn of the Dead

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Mr. President is a 24 years 11 months 19 days and 22 hours old German currently studying global business in Austria. Since he joined the EYP in May 2004 and attended 30-40 sessions already, he is considered as an „EYP-oldie”. At most of the sessions he has written a ses-sion song and his dream is to make up an EYP game. What a luck that we met him yesterday on the way to the Eurovillage and we had the chance to chat.

Q: You said at the Opening Ceremony that you are about to quit EYP. Why?!

A: It´s fairly simple. I just wish to have at least some non-grey hairs when I turn 30.

Q: What´s your favourite part of the session?

A: Definitely the European An-them (only when people don´t clap after it). It always symbol-izes the beginning or the end and therefore it gets really

emotional. I also don´t connect to Germany much and I con-sider myself as the European citizen.

Q: Tell us about your biggest EYP embarrassment.

A: I experienced many walks

of shame, but I learned how to save the situation by im-provisation and making fun of myself. But there was one mo-ment I will never forget. As a delegate, I had a speech at the GA, really good one, everyone clapped and I was astonished. I sat down back on my chair and it broke. The clapping changed in the laughing and even the President couldn’t stop it for quite a while, because he was also laughing so hard.

Q: Which game you would love to play forever?

A: The Ninja, because it´s com-petitive and the Alele, because it´s so religious.

Q: The best session ever.

A: For me it was the Interna-tional Session in Berlin 2004. And Badurach Sessions. Those were really small ones with around 60 participants in total and the spirit was unbelievable. But the parties, well... not good.

Q: What do you consider as your favourite memory of the EYP?

A: Parties in Lowenberg 2010 and this interview.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

A: 44 years old, grey hair, 2 children and living on the boat. Travelling from island to island and living from what we fished before.

Q: Who will you have the chil-dren with?

You’ve seen him play rock, paper, scissors. You’ve seen him perform-ing impressive speaches.

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A: Haven´t made my mind yet. If you are interested, don´t hesitate to call me or catch me around!

Q: What do you find weird, fun or interesting about Ukraine?

A: For lunch they served us fish

as vegetarian food, forgetting that fish is actually an animal and a meat as well. What I re-ally like is that Ukrainian girls have this reputation of strong, fighting and idealistic women.

Q: How do you want to die?

A: Get rich or die trying.

Q: If you could choose, how would the Apocalypse look like?

A: Everything could just burn down or it could rain fire. That would be so cool! I can literally imagine how the underground oil starts burning, heading to the core of the Earth. That would result into humongous explosion and our planet blown up into tiny pieces all over the Universe. Also each of us would end up on a differ-ent planet.

Q: Where in the Universe YOU would like to go?

A: I would want to meet aliens on the other planets. But since I am lacking languages, they would have to speak either German or English. I have al-ready met the French ones.

Q:Lastquestions... Are you happy?

A: Yes.

Q: What message would you pass to the delegates?

A: Enjoy your life before you turn 20, because after that it just goes downhill.

Now, Dana Klimova and Artem Gumeniuk give you the chance to get to know him a bit better.

Stalking Riaan’s face-book leads to:

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