dossier hisocial | herramienta marketing viral

Dossier HiSocial 2013 By

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Post on 03-Jun-2015




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Conoce todas las ventajas y funcionalidades que te ofrece HiSocial. Configura tus promociones y descargas en 5 minutos y difúndelas en las redes sociales y en tu página web con máxima viralidad!


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Dossier HiSocial 2013 By

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1. Concept

2. Objective

3. Promotion types

4. Accessing Promotions

5. Promotion publication

6. Virality

7. Custom Design and White Label

8. Management and analysis

9. Property of user data




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1. Concept

HiSocial is a technological platform for creating online and multilingual promotions without technical or

programming knowledge. Promotions can be created in less than ten minutes and be online

immediately, for that an online wizard greatly facilitates creation.

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2. Objective

HiSocial allows promoters four key benefits:

• Increases your number of followers on both Facebook and Twitter

• Creates a database for subsequent direct marketing campaigns

• Increases your brand image

• Increases your products sales

3. Promotion typesHiSocial is constantly evolving and incorporating new types of promotions. All types of promotions are

characterized by great flexibility and virality.

These are some of the most prominent types of promotion:

• Printable Coupons: All kinds of deals and discounts (special discounts, 2x1 offers, seasonal


• E-coupons: Module especially designed for online store owners who want to offer electronic


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• E-coupons: Module especially designed for online store owners who want to offer electronic


• Downloadable gifts and "Freebies": Allows giving participants any type of digital file (e.g. a

PDF, photos, videos, music...).

• Contests: Provides the ability to organize online competitions and award winners using different

systems (most voted, jury...)

• Sweepstakes: Manages the online sweepstakes process. However, HiSocial is not involved in

choosing the winner, which will be selected by the promoter

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4. Accessing Promotions

The promoter chooses the method by which

users can access the promotions. There are

four types of access, which can be also


• "Pay with a tweet“: Ideal to enhance the

Twitter account of the promoter

• "Pay with a Like“: Ideal for enhancing

promoter Facebook account

• "Pay with an email“: Intended for the promoter to create a list of "leads" for future email marketing


• "Pay with your info“: Similar to the above, also allows further input from participants (tel., city,

name...) to develop all types of direct marketing campaigns.

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5. Promotion publication

• On your Twitter account. HiSocial automatically creates a "landing page" that allows promoters to

use their Twitter account to announce their promotions.

• On your own website. Promotions can appear directly on the website of the promoter through a

"layer" that ensures that participants do not have to move from the site of the promoter to participate in

it. HiSocial even provides an online wizard for creating online banners that helps in integrating the web


• Elsewhere desired by the promoter. Our platform enables the promoter to show the promotion on

all kinds of websites.

HiSocial is cross-platform and allows

promoters to publish their promotions at

multiple sites. Obviously, each promoter will

only see his/her own created promotion and

not the ones created by other promoters.

• On your Facebook account.

Automatically, the promoters may create a

special tab on their Fan Page.

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6. Virality

One of the main features of HiSocial is its

virality, for example it is reflected…

• In the type of promotions offered, designed to

have wide acceptance among participants.

• In access to promotions that promotes

diffusion in social networks

• In several additional features that contribute

to its distribution in different ways on Twitter,

Facebook, Google+, Linkedin and Pinterest.

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7. Custom Design and White Label

HiSocial gives you the possibility to access the CSS file so you can customize to your liking the design

of the promotion. In addition you can also enjoy our White Label version, which will remove all

references to HiSocial within your promotion.

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8. Management and analysis

The promoters have a panel that lets you manage online promotions in real time. There are also

complete statistical data to analyze in detail about the evolution of the campaigns.

In their control panel, promoters have access to all of the participant’s data, which can be downloaded

in both PDF and Excel.

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9. Property of user data

Ownership of contact information (email address, name, etc.) of users participating in promotions is

exclusive to the promoters. This means that HiSocial don't perform any action like emailing campaigns

advertising or other communications to participants of the promotion.

10. Experience

Many promoters of multiple sectors and

countries have used HiSocial in a short period

of time. This has allowed them to get

thousands of new Fans, Followers and Leads,

at the same time increasing their sales and


Please contact us if you wish to see in detail

examples of several real cases.

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Furthermore, HiSocial has been very successful in specialized media, they have mentioned the

versatility of our platform and its enormous potential.

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11. Creators

HiSocial is a creation of Canal IP, A company established in 1997 and specialized in online marketing.

Canal IP is headquartered in Barcelona, with office in Madrid.

12. Plans

For detailed information of all the features and functionalities of the plans do not hesitate to contact us

and we will send you the Annex "Detailed Features."