
    in an abstract in 199213 and recently described in more detail.& It includes the following features:

    1. Small parasagittal craniotomy 2. Complete callosotomy and opening of

    roof of lateral ventricle (see Fig. 6E) 3. Anterior disconnection of the hemisphere

    through frontobasal white matter 4. Disconnection of the insular cortex and

    hemispheric white matter by dissection from the lateral ventricle through the lat- eral parts of the basal ganglia block to the mesial aspect of the temporal lobe

    5. Dorsomesial disconnection connecting

    5. Temporomesial disconnection by resec- tion of the hippocampal head and amyg- dalum and cutting the tail of the hip- pocampus dorsally

    Shin-&u and Maehara38 reported on a large series, including many cases with CD. The series included 14 CD cases and 12 HME cases. Intraoperative blood transfusion was performed in 79% of these cases, with a mean volume of 225 mL. There were three incomplete disconnections requiring reoper- ation. Five shunts were inserted, and all were needed in pediatric patients with HME.

    the callosotomy with the subinsular temporomesial disconnection line SPECIAL ASPECTS OF THE


    The results in 53 cases, including 20 CD or HME cases and six SWD cases, were recently reported. There was one death in the series. Ten patients (all HME cases) needed a shunt. In general, results were excellent, with 80% of patients seizure-free, but half of the 10 patients who were not seizure-free had HME, pointing out the significance of cause.


    This technique38 is the fourth modifica- tion and is thought of as a replacement for Rasmussens technique (see Fig. 6D). It com- bines elements of the peri-insular window technique (see Fig. 6C) with subcortical access to the mesial temporal lobe as described by Delalande et al (see Fig. 6E).13 The following main steps are included:

    1. Medium-sized craniotomy over the whole length of the lateral ventricle, including the trigone

    2. Resection of the frontal operculum and upper half of the insular cortex

    3. Transection of subinsular white matter to the lateral ventricle and transventricular callosotomy

    4. Subcortical disconnection of the insula with access to the mesial temporal lobe

    The physiologic and pathophysiologic profiles in children are well known to be quite different; as a result, pediatric hemi- spherectomy requires special precautions because of the differences in body fat, body surface-to-body volume ratio, metabolism, and, most importantly, blood volume. Special care needs to be taken to prevent hypothermia, to start blood replacement early, and to cor- rect disturbed serum parameters quickly.8, l5 Because hemispherectomies may be neces- sary even in small babies, the utmost care and precision are necessary to manage loss of blood components to avoid coagulation disorders or hypotensive periods. It should not be forgotten that in the few reports on neu- roanesthesia for HME and pediatric epilepsy surgery, the particularly dangerous aspects of hemispherectomies have been mentioned, including episodes of severe hypotension, hemodynamic instability, metabolic acidosis, hypothermia, and even episodes of cardiac ar-est 8,

    The modem warming methods (e.g., Bair Hugger [Augustine Medical, Eden Prairie, MN]), frequent analysis of serum parame- ters, surgical technique that avoids blood loss and long duration of surgery, and metic- ulous replacement of blood components and coagulation factors help to avoid most of these problems. It is obvious that a surgi- cal technique that helps to avoid significant

  • 130 scHRAh4M

    disturbances of homeostasis is better than even the most refined and up-to-date anes- thesiologic management of them. If seizure outcome is equivalent, a surgical technique that minimizes severe negative effects on homeostasis seems preferable.


    Hemimegalencephaly poses specific chal- lenges for, the surgeon. The increase in brain volume increases the amount of work, the depth of the field, and the expected blood loss. The voluminous and partly hamartoma- tous structures around the ventricle make ori- entation more difficult, particularly because a clear-cut border between superficial gray sub- stance or the deeper indentations of the cor- tical gray substance and the white matter is frequently obscured by ectopic gray matter (see Fig. 2). Some authors also report higher blood loss from increased vascularization and a greater tendency to bleed in surgery for ljME.3t4.14

    Voluminous and dysplastic gyri of the dis- eased hemisphere may bulge beyond the mid- line in an irregular fashion and make orienta- tion about the midline difficult (see Fig. 2). The sagittal sinus may be displaced to the good side, rendering the midline craniotomy for a hemidecortication or anatomic removal more dangerous. Despite the increase in volume, the ventricle is frequently enlarged but may be malformed (see Fig. 2). The handling of the vessels depends on the type of surgery in- tended. In anatomic resections, it would be useful to clip the middle cerebral artery and anterior cerebral artery early during the proce- dure, leaving some veins open. In the smaller disconnection procedures combined with a smaller degree of resection,37,B,Q it would be unwise to clip middle cerebral artery branches or veins as described, because postoperative swelling in an HME patient can lead to a dan- gerous situation. The large brain volume, the tendency to an already displaced midline, and the smaller resections used in the disconnec- tion procedures should enhance the awareness of some degree of postoperative swelling in

    the face of less rese,rve space and should lead to a well-planned degree of volume resection, leaving enough space for some postoperative swelling.

    The recommended procedure in HME should include adequate exposure of brain landmarks (limen insulae, frontal opercuhun, anterior tip of the frontal horn, trigone, and anterior tip of the temporal horn), an adequate degree of tissue resection, and well-visualized total disconnection of the remaining hemi- sphere. A minimalistic procedure such as the trans-sylvian, transventricular, functional hemispherectomy with only amygdalohip- pocampectomy is not ideal for HME cases, although the authors have performed this procedure. 37 They would recommend cre- ating some room either by performing a standard anterior temporal lobectomy or by resecting the frontal operculum, which makes the approach to the lateral ventricle easier. This corresponds to modification 2 from their first hemispherectomy procedure36 and is similar to the two other techniques that involve frontal opercular resection3 or resection of frontal and temporal operculum plus white matter down to the ventricle.42 If the opercular resection is chosen, the tempo- ral resection can be restricted to the mesial part of the temporal lobe just like in selec- tive amygdalohippocampectomy (see Fig. 6B). Alternatively, mesiotemporal discon- nection is performed with minimal resection (see Fig. 6C).

    Hemispherectomy for HME can be achieved by several functional hemispherectomy tech- niques. It is not of importance which of the functional hemispherectomy techniques is used: Rasmussens, trans-sylvian with modi- fication,37 perisylvian window technique, or the variation of Shin&u and Maehara38 or Delalande et a1.13 The authors believe that the anatomic resections (including Adams modification) and the hemidecortication procedures may be chosen but are certainly associated with much longer operation times, extensive exposures, higher infection rates, more blood loss, less security concerning com- pleteness, and, according to Holthausen et als review, less success. The Rasmussen type of


    functional hemispherectomy is, of course, a good alternative, although it involves much more work, a larger exposure, and a longer operating time.


    Patients should be brought to the intensive care unit (KU) and extubated when fully awake and at a normal temperature, which usually takes place between 2 and 8 hours after surgery. The classic parameters are monitored, including state of wakefulness, motor reaction, pupillary reaction, and verbal response as well as pulse frequency, tem- perature, and blood pressure. Some blood replacement is sometimes necessary in the early postoperative period. Except for HME cases, the ICU stay can be restricted to the next morning after surgery. In small infants less than 6 months of age, the ICU stay may be prolonged. The preoperative medication is continued in the authors service without interruption (usually for at least 2 years). If adjustment in the postoperative anticonvul- sant regimen is necessary, the pretreating epileptologist would be the ideal partner. Classically, hemispherectomy patients run a mild to moderate temperature for 7 to 12 days, usually without positive CSF culture, which all authors ascribe to contamination of the CSF by detritus and blood. If postoperative early seizures occur, their semiologic characteris- tics should be carefully noted to be able to discriminate between the older well-known seizures and possibly a new type coming from the good hemisphere. The significance of early postoperative seizures in other types of epilepsy surgery is considered to be low; in hemispherectomy, it seems unclear.


    Reoperations have been described for most functional resection types. Reoperation is meant to complete an incomplete discon- nection in the Rasmussen type procedure,

    to remove residual cortex in the decortica- tion procedures, to complete a disconnection in the hemispherotomy procedures, or to place a disconnection line more ideally and thus disconnect some residual cortex. The need to consider reoperation after a func- tional hemispherectomy arises after it has been determined whether persistent seizures come from the operated or good hemisphere. Reoperations in this context are not meant to be those for the various complications that may occur with any type of cerebral surgery such as subdural effusions, infections, membrane resections, or shunt insertions. Reoperations for complications are of interest, however, if one wants to have a general assess- ment of a specific type of surgery. A good way to keep the number of reoperation cases with persisting seizures low is to avoid stretches of disconnected cortex. One way to do this seems to be always to opt for removal of insular cortex during the first surgery. The value of this maneuver remained unproved in the re- view by Holthausen et aP9 as well as for some other authors,*47 but in persisting seizures, it eliminates the need for a second operation just to make sure and to exclude this possible cause. In trans-sylvian-transventricular and perisylvian disconnection procedures,36*37 the authors have occasionally noted some spared cortex lying frontobasally posteriorly (see Fig. 9). This can be avoided if the fronto- basal disconnection is done right in front of the anterior cerebral artery. Another way to achieve sec&e knowledge about the degree of deafferentation is to do early postopera- tive MR imaging (within 72 hours), in which the blood-tinged Surgicel perfectly outlines the disconnections right down to the arach- noid on the basal and mesial hemispheric surface (see Figs. 6 and 8).

    Persisting seizures are not infrequent in CD (see seizure-free rates in section on previous experience with hemispherectomy in CD). In- complete disconnection has been mentioned by many authors as the reason.*4,9*30*38*41 Re- operation to complete disconnection has been done in these cases. Another reason may be the radiologic presence of dysplastic features in the good hemisphereN,3 or contralate&

  • 132 SCHRAMM

    electroencephalographic abnormalities. In an analysis of six publications with postmortem findings in 10 children with unilateral mega- lencephaly, only 3 cases had contralateral abnormal findings. The significance of con- tralateral spikes over the good hemisphere is discussed, but even in a large review of over 300 cases, this question could obviously not be settled. In a series of 38 cases from Oxford, England, five of six patients with active bilaterally independent spiking de- veloped recurrent seizures within 6 months of surgery?

    Persisting seizures seem to be more depen- dent on cause than on surgical technique. In one report, it was stressed that the devel- opment of disconnection techniques (for all causes) has not led to poorer seizure out- come figures in general. In particular, it was noted that patients with dysplasias did less well compared with patients with other causes with all surgical techniques. In cases with dysplasia, the functional hemispherec- tomy techniques even had a lower success rate than the hemispherotomy techniques. Still, at the present time, the question as to whether cause or surgical technique is more impor- tant for outcome in CD has not been settled definitely.


    Hemispherectomy techniques are reviewed with reference to various forms of CD. The history of the development of these techniques and previous experiences with hemispherec- tomies in CD are summarized. The authors own CD cases are briefly described. The anatomic hemispherectomy techniques and the reasons for their less frequent use are described. Several functional hemispherec- tomy techniques are reviewed, including their advantages and disadvantages. Three special aspects are covered: special pediatric considerations, specific aspects of HME, and reoperation in postoperative seizures. It can be summarized that CD poses a particular chal- lenge for the surgeon. A thorough knowledge

    of the available techniques is of particular in- terest for any neurosurgeon who wants to take up this type of surgery. Evidence is increasing that the outcome for CD is worse than for other causes treated by hemispherectomy. HME has the worst prognosis of all subgroups and a higher shunt rate. Several hemispherec- tomy techniques involving less and less resection of the brain and a greater degree of disconnection are available. Because the more recent hemispherotomy techniques seem to have fewer intraoperative and postoperative problems but comparable results, this trend to modern hemispherotomy techniques seems justified.


    Erika Heunemann and GerIinde Walther helped with manuscript preparation; Thomas Kral, MD, helped with patient data; Gerard Rao, MD, helped with referencing; and Jens Krahe helped with figure preparation.


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    Address reprint requests to

    Johannes Schramm, MD Neurochirurgische Universitltsklinik

    Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25 53105 Bonn


    e-mail: johannes.schrammQukb.uni-bonnde



    Katherine D. Holland, MD, PhD, and Elaine Wyllie, MD

    Although hippocampal sclerosis is the most common cause of surgically treated epilepsy in adults, malformation(s) of cortical devel- opment (MCD) are increasingly recognized as an important cause of medically intractable epilepsy MCD is the cause in up to one quar- ter of adults and at least 50% of infants and childreng*23.34 referred for surgery to treat in- tractable epilepsy. Additionally, microscopic evidence of MCD can be seen as a dual patho- logic finding with hippocampal sclerosis or developmental low-grade tumors.

    MCD comprises a range of developmen- tal abnormalities, including focal microscopic cortical dysplasia, abnormalities of gyration (macrogyria, microgyria, and agyria), schizen- cephaly, hemimegalencephaly, subependymal heterotopia, and subcortical laminar hetero- topia. These malformations may be seen with either generalized or focal epilepsy Patients are usually considered candidates for epilepsy surgery if there is evidence of a localized or regional epileptic process. The determination that a patient is a candidate for surgery is based on evidence from interictal and ictal electroencephalography (EEG), seizure semi- ology, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the brain, and positron emission tomogra- phy (PET). Additional information from ictal

    single-photon emission tomography and MR spectroscopy can be helpful in some cases.

    Surgical approaches for MCD include focal resection, multilobar resection, and anatomic or functional hemispherectomy. Patient age and the extent of resection are not indepen- dent. For example, most hemispherectomies and multilobar resections are performed in infants and young children. Also, the goals of epilepsy surgery in infants and young chil- dren are often different from those in adoles- cents and adults. In infants with multiple daily seizures, the goals for surgery are reduction in seizure burden and improvement in behav- ior and development. In contrast, the goals for surgery in adolescents and adults usually include independence, ability to drive, and improved employment, which require seizure freedom. .

    Before the 199Os, limitations of the avail- able imaging modalities meant that MCD was often not identified before surgery. The abnormality was identified by histopatho- logic examination after epilepsy surgery. As a result, the extent of the malformation may not have been appreciated at the time of surgery. Early outcome series do not reflect current experience. This discussion is restricted to experience that includes the use of modem era

    From the Section of Pediatric Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio


    VOLIJMJZ 37 - NUMBER 1 l JANUARY 2002 135


    MI? imaging techniques. Probably as a result of improvements in neuroimaging in recent years, the surgical outcome for MCD has improved. Overall, seizure-free outcome after surgery for focal epilepsy caused by MCD is approximately 50% in most series (Table 1). Although this frequency of postoperative free- dom from seizures is lower than that seen in hippocampal sclerosis or tumor,*1,35 a substan- tial number of people with intractable focal epilepsy from MCD are effectively treated with surgery

    The results from surgical treatment far sur- pass those achieved during controlled trials of new antiepileptic drugs for patients with in- tractable focal epilepsy.7*8- Patients who do not become seizure-free during treatment with their initial antiepileptic drug because of lack of efficacy have less than a 15% chance of becoming seizure-free with a second or third drug. I7 Drug combinations are also rarely ef- fective in refractory patients. When the initial treatment fails because of intolerable side ef- fects or idiosyncratic reactions, the response to a subsequent medication is better. Response to the third medication is again poor, how- ever. When patients with focal MCD fail to respond to medical therapy after several med- ication trials, the potential for surgical treat- ment should be evaluated, because surgical management affords a better chance of seizure control.

    The greater effectiveness of surgery com- pared with medical management in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy has been demonstrated in a controlled study.32 Candidates for resective surgery were ran- domized to immediate surgery or to contin-

    uation of medical therapy After 1 year, 58% of the surgically treated patients were seizure- free compared with 8% of the medically man- aged patients (P < 0.001). Although the study included adults and most patients (70%) had mesial temporal sclerosis, results may be rel- evant to patients with different causes, includ- ing MCD.

    In appropriate cases, surgery also seems to offer more advantages than vagus nerve stim- ulation (VNS) and the ketogenic diet. Free- dom from seizures is obtained for less than 5% of patients treated with VNS and for 3% of patients treated with the ketogenic diet.12 Di- rect comparisons between VNS, the ketogenic diet, and surgery are not available, however. Moreover, VNS and the ketogenic diet are typ- ically not used in patients who are good candi- dates for focal resection.


    Factors Affecting Postsurgical Outcome for Focal or Lobar Malformation(s) of Cortical Development

    Results from surgical series of patients with MCD have been variable, with 11% to 70% of patients becoming seizure-free.6* g, lo* 21* ~3, 35 The reason for this variability is unclear; however, the results of studies based on patients se- lected for surgery after 1990 are more uniform. Variability may be influenced by patient selec- tion factors such as imaging, by surgical dif- ferences such as the extent or location of resec- tion, or by differences in the histopathologic profile of the MCD.


    Article Age Range Mean Follow-Up (years) Seizure-Free (%)

    Edwards et aP 3 months-47 years 3.4 Paolicchi et al=+

    17135 (49%j 6 months-12 years 5.0

    Sugimoto et aP 22/42 (52%)

    3-34 months 2.8 Duchowny et alg+

    2/B (25%) 6-32 months z-1.0

    Wyllie et al% 4/10 (40%)

    Chugani et al6 3 months-12 years 3.7 16/31 (52%) 5 months-4 years 2.5 7/10 (70%)

    ; Series from same center (Cleveland Clinic) may include some overlapping patients. Series from same center (Miami Childrens Hospital) may include some overlapping patients.

    Rare Seizures (%)

    8/35 (23%) 11/42 (26%)

    2/B (25%) 2/10 (20%) 6/31 (19%) 2/10 (20%)


    Seizure Outcome and the Role of Seven infants (70%) became seizure-free, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging another two had a significant reduction in

    MR imaging plays an important role in the presurgical evaluation of patients with MCD and intractable epilepsy. In a study of infants with intractable seizures, the presence of a discrete lesion on preoperative neuroimaging correlated with favorable outcome. Fifteen (83%) of 18 infants with discrete lesions be- came seizure-free compared with 4 (36%) of 11 infants with normal or nonspecific abnor- malities on MR imaging (16 patients) or CT (two patients) (P < 0.01). Although this study included infants with pathologic findings other than MCD, over two thirds of the infants had cortical dysplasia.

    The extent of the MR-imaged abnormality

    seizures after lobar or multilobar resection. In the hemispherectomy group, two of five pa- tients became free of seizures, and another pa- tient had only occasional seizures.

    The use of PET was also suggested by the Cleveland Clinic report on surgical outcome for MCD.O Nine (75%) of 12 patients who had interictal PET hypometabolism in the region or lobe that was resected became seizure-free. In contrast, of the 10 patients whose PET find- ings did not correspond to the region resec- ted, only three (30%) became seizure-free. The numbers were small, however, and this differ- ence did not reach statistical significance.

    also seemed to have prognostic importance in another study in adults and children. Of

    Seizure Outcome by Completeness

    21 patients with MCD localized by means of of Resection

    MR imaging to one lobe or region, 10 (48%) were free of seizures after surgery and seven (33%) had rare seizures. In contrast, of four pa- tients with hemispheric or multilobar MCD, only one (25%) was free of seizures after surgery and 1(25%) had rare seizures.

    Seizure Outcome and the Role of Positron Emission Tomography Scans

    Chugani and colleague& demonstrated that infants with catastrophic epilepsy as a result of MCD with focal dysfunction of glucose use as determined by fluorodeoxyglucose PET scan- ning could be successfully treated surgically even in the absence of MR-imaged abnormal- ities. In a series of 23 infants who underwent focal cortical resection or hemispherectomy for infantile spasms or seizures with a prior history of infantile spasms, MCD was identi- fied as the cause of spasms in 15 patients. Of this group, only seven had their MCD iden- tified preoperatively on MR imaging or CT scanning, although all 15 patients had local- ized abnormalities on PET scans. Ten of these patients had lobar or multilobar resections of the PET-defined abnormal region, and five had hemispherectomies. Electrocorticography (ECoG) was used to aid in determining the ex- tent of resection in the focal resection group.

    Complete resection of the MR imaging- defined region with MCD may correlate with favorable surgical outcome.0,23 In one series based on pre- and postoperative MR imaging findings, 58% of the adolescents and adults with complete resection of malformations were seizure-free and 33% had rare seizures compared with 27% of patients who were seizure-free and 36% with rare seizures in the group with incomplete resections; this difference was not statistically significant, however.O Although outcome was improved when the MCD was co-mpletely resected, 3 of 11 patients had a favorable outcome even with partial resection. All three of the patients with bilateral MCD continued to have persistent seizures.

    Other measures quantifying the extent of resection have, also been shown to predict surgical outcome. Palmini and, colleagues** evaluated the electrographic patterns seen in intractable epilepsy associated with cortical dysplasia. Patients with ictal or continuous epileptogenic discharges during intraopera- tive ECoG had a more favorable outcome if this activity could be completely excised. Nine of the 12 patients with complete resec- tion of cortical regions exhibiting this pat- tern became seizure-free or had only infre- quent seizures compared with none of the


    6 patients with incomplete resection of this pattern (P < 0.01). Cortical regions with ictal or continuous epileptogenic discharges often colocalized to imaging evident? of the corti- cal dysplasia. Not all the patients in this study had MR unaging scans, and the MR imag- ing scanners used at the time of the study were less powerful than those currently avail- able. As a result, the relative importance of MR imaging and ECoG cannot be determined from this study

    Another study looking at the predictors of outcome for epilepsy surgery in infants and children also identified complete resection of the MR-imaged extent .of the lesion and an electrographically abnormal region as the most significant predictors of surgical outcome.23 For the purp oses of the study, com- plete resections were defined as those with total removal of any MR-imaged lesion and of the region with a significant ictal or interictal abnormality on extra- or intraoperative ECoG. Freedom from seizures was seen in 76% of 49 children who had a complete resection and in 27% of 26 children who had an incomplete resection. For statistical analysis, the authors defined good outcome as rare or no seizures. This was seen in 92% of children who had a complete resection and in 50% of children with an incomplete resection (P < 0.001). Forty-two of the 75 patients (56%) in this series had MCD.

    Another study compared the surgical out- come of patients with malformations (n = 20) in the temporal lobe with that of patients with isolated mesial temporal sclerosis (n = 36).16 Interestingly, dual pathologic findings were often present, with unilateral or bilateral hippocampal atrophy seen in 16 (80%) of the 20 patients with temporal lobe MCD. In this study, the surgical outcome was not significantly different between the patients who had a temporal lobectomy for MCD or hippocampal sclerosis, with a greater than 90% reduction in seizure frequency noted for 71% of patients with MCD and 91% of patients with hippocampal sclerosis. Complete resec- tion of potentially epileptogenic brain regions affected outcome, however. Patients with bilateral hippocampal atrophy were more likely to have an unfavorable outcome than

    those with unilateral atrophy irrespective of the presence or absence of coexistent MCD.

    Seizure Outcome and Type of Resection

    Studies in infants, children, and adults with MCD do not show a significant difference in surgical outcome of temporal and extratempo- ral resections.g*0,23,35 For example, in one se- ries of patients with MCD,O 53% of patients became seizure-free and 18% had only rare seizures after extratemporal resection com- pared with 33% seizure-free patients and 50% with rare seizures after temporal resection. Al- though the numbers were small, outcome af- ter multilobar resections was generally not dif- ferent than when resections were confined to one lobe. In another pediatric series, chil- dren with multilobar resections had a lower frequency of a seizure-free outcome (22%) than did those with focal resections (59%) (P = 0.05). The overall numbers were small, however, and for this part of the analysis, the authors did not provide separate results for patients with cortical dysplasia and those with other pathologic findings.

    Seizure Outcome and Age at Surgery

    The percentage of patients who are seizure- free after surgery does not seem to be de- pendent on age. Throughout all age ranges, approximately 50% of patients who have surgically treatable MCD become seizure-free and another 25% have only rare seizures (Table 1). In one study, however, there was a tendency toward seizure freedom with younger age at surgery. Surgical outcome is also not dependent on preoperative seizure frequency.

    Seizure Outcome and Invasive Electroencephalographic Monitoring

    The effect of the use of subdural grids on seizure outcome is controversial. Although Palmini and colleagues showed that ECoG may be important to surgical planning, other studieslo have not demonstrated that the use of subdural grids improves seizure outcome.

  • In an MR imaging-based series, seizure out- come was not different between patients who underwent subdural grid evaluation and those who did not. The cases selected for study with subdural electrodes were usually more complicated than those that progressed to surgery based on noninvasive tests; thus, a selection bias was operant. Invasive mon- itoring with subdural electrodes may be especially helpful to define seizure onset in relation to functional areas of cortex.

    Seizure Outcome and Pathologic Findings of Lesions

    In adult series, differences have been noted based on cause with hippocampal sclerosis portending a better prognosis than MCD for postoperative freedom from seizures. Some adult surgical outcome series35 have also shown that seizure-free outcome is less frequent for patients with MCD than for pa- tients with tumors or vascular lesions. In one pediatric surgical outcome study,35 seizure- free outcome was less frequent in patients with cortical dysplasia (52%) than in patients with tumors (82%). In contrast, in another pediatric study,23 pathologic diagnosis did not correlate with outcome. In both pediatric studies,23*35 the number of children with hip- pocampal sclerosis was too small to permit this comparison.

    Within MCD, there may be certain histopathologic features that are associ- ated with a poor outcome. MCD with only dyslamination of cellular elements and that with a mild degree of dysplastic neurons may have a better surgical outcome than MCD


    with abnormal cellular elements that contain neuronal and glial properties. Nevertheless, detailed reports of studies on outcome for MCD based on histopathologic findings of surgical specimens have not been published since the current neuroimaging technology has become widely available.

    Factors Affecting Outcome for Hemispheric Malformations of Cortical Development

    The surgical procedure of choice in cases with extensive hemispheric malformation and preexisting hemiparesis is usually anatomic or functional hemispherectomy. These pro- cedures remove or disconnect all potentially epileptogenic tissue in the affected hemi- sphere. Although the available literature is limited, it seems that the surgical outcome of hemispherectomy for MCD is similar to that for lobar and multilobar resections for more limited MCD. The results of several recent studies are summarized in Table 2. Seizures are completely controlled in one half of the patients and are significantly reduced in an- other one quarter. The factors that influence the outcome are discussed next.

    Surgical Outcome and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Extent of the Pa thoiogic Findings

    The surgical outcome after functional hemi- spherectomy for MCD may be dependent on the extent of the cortical malformation. A re- cent study of seizure outcome after functional


    Hemispherectomy Rare Article Age Range We

    Perioperative Seizure-Free (%) Seizures (%) Mortality*

    Carreiio et al4 2 months-12 years Functional 6/12 (50%) 0 Sugimoto et aP+

    4/12 (33%) 4-54 months Anatomic 314 (75%) o/4 (0%) 0

    Duchowny et al9 1-36 months Functional 6/9 (67%) l/9 (11%) 2 Viig et aP 3 months-18 years Anatomic B/21 (38%) Chugani et al6

    6/21(21%) 5-10 months Not stated 2/5 (40%) l/5 (20%)

    l Patients who died from complications of surgery were not included in seizure outcome data. Three of the patients in this series had hemispherectomies after more limited pro~&~s failed,

  • ,140 HOLLAND & WYLLE

    hemispherectomy for hemispheric MCD in 12 -patients (infants and children) exam- ined surgical outcome based on Ml&imaged features.4 Three MR imaging patterns were identified. Six patients had hemimegalen- cephaly defined as a diffuse hemispheric malformation of cortical development with increased hemispheric size; four l-tad extensive hemispheric MCD with relative preservation of cortical architecture in part of one lobe; and three had hemispheric MCD with atrophy. The patients who had hemimegalencephaly usu- ally had abnormalities in the white matter in the affected hemisphere, a dysplastic appear- ance of basal ganglia, and a small contralateral hemisphere. These abnormalities were absent or less pronounced in patients with hemi- spheric MCD with partial preservation of one lobe or hemispheric MCD M;ith hemispheric atrophy. After functional hemispherectomy, five of the six patients with hemimegalen- cephaly (83%) continued to have seizures. In contrast, five of the six patients with partial preservation of one lobe or atrophy were seizure-free after surgery

    Even patients with persistent seizures ben- efited from surgery. 4 Preoperatively, these patients all had severe epilepsy and devel- opmental delay, with many seizures every day After functional hemispherectomy, five of seven patients with persistent seizures had marked improvement in the seizure frequency and severity The caregivers also reported increased alertness and social interaction even in patients who were not completely seizure-free.

    Surgical Outcome and lnterictal and lctal Electroencephalography

    Compared with neuroimaging, EEG fea- tures may be a weaker predictor of seizure- free outcome in patients with hemispheric MCD. In the aforementioned series,4 bilat- eral independent epileptiform discharges and generalized ictal EEG patterns were seen in some patients who became free of seizures after functional hemispherectomy. All the pa- tients had focal seizures arising from the mal- formed hemisphere, with or without addi-

    tional generalized electrodecrements during infantile spasms, however, and none of the patients had focal EEG seizures arising inde- pendently from the contralateral hemisphere. Doring and colleagues8 noted that bilateral EEG abnormalities were common in children with extensive unilateral MCD. In a follow-up study, 47% of these children became seizure- free after hemispherectomy.

    Functidnal Versus Anatomic Hemispherectomy

    It is unclear whether functional or anatomic hemispherectomy is the more effective pro- cedure. There are no studies that directly compare these two procedures. In the largest series of patients treated with anatomic hemi- spherectomy for MCD, the surgical outcome is similar to that for functional hemispherec- tomy (Table 2). The group at John Hopkins3 reviewed their experience with anatomic hemispherectomy in infants and children. Of 21 patients with cortical dysplasia, eight (38%) were seizure-free and an additional six (29%) had mild seizures after surgery In contrast, surgical series after functional hemispherectomy for MCD report 50% to 67% of patients seizure-free with an addi- tional 11% to 33% having only rare seizures (Table 2). Although numbers are small in all these studies and the radiologic involvement of MCD is not well outlined in some of these reports, these results suggest that functional hemispherectomy is at least as effective as anatomic hemispherectomy. The frequency of complications may also be lower after functional hemispherectomyF9 Nevertheless, of five patients with hemimegalencephaly who continued to have seizures after func- tional hemispherectomy, three had seizures that arose from the operated hemisphere and two had seizures arising from the contralat- era1 hemisphere .4 These results suggest that anatomic hemispherectomy may be more ef- fective in patients with hemimegalencephaly and that functional hemispherectomy may be appropriate for patients with more re- stricted hemispheric MCD. This is an area that requires more study



    Complications and Postoperative Neurologic Deficits

    After Focal Resection

    The most frequent complication of temporal lobe resection is an asymptomatic homony- mous superior quadrantanopia.5 This occurs in up to approximately 50% of patients.32 Memory and language problems have been reported after temporal lobe resection in adults, with risk factors that include higher preoperative functioning or left resection.5 Few systematic data are available from pread- olescent children because of the difficulties in performing neuropsychologic tests in this age group, the lag in development of appropriate testing instruments for use at young ages, and the low numbers of children who have undergone the operation. Preliminary results suggest that the neurocognitive risks of tem- poral lobe resection may be similar in children and adults, with IQ remaining stable and a possible decrease in memory function., I30 2s

    For extratemporal resections, chronically implanted subdural electrodes can be used to define the epileptogenic region and to permit functional mapping of language, motor, and sensory cortex. This information is used to limit complications of extratemporal resection in the frontal lobe, central region, and poste- rior portion of the temporal lobe. Visual field deficits are associated with posterior parietal and occipital resections.

    After Hemispherectomy

    In the Johns Hopkins series?r 2 of 24 chil- dren who had an anatomic hemispherectomy for cortical dysplasia died within several hours of completing the procedure. Ventricu- loperitoneal shunting was required almost in half of the patients in one series after anatomic hemispherectomy.31 Late postop- erative complications of hemispherectomy include hemorrhage into the hemispherec- tomy cavity, which is predominantly seen after anatomic hemispherectomy.2s Super- ficial cerebral hemosiderosis is a long-term

    complication of anatomic hemispherectomy that can occur years after the surgery and is associated with neurologic deterioration and death.29 The mortality and long-term complications associated with anatomic hemi- spherectomy have led to the development of the functional hemispherectomy procedure. In a series of 12 patients who had a functional hemispherectomy, surgical complications included a bone flap infection in one patient and obstructive hydrocephalus in three pa- tients. No deaths were reported in this small series,* although operative mortality has been reported after functional hemispherectomy in other surgical series.6*9,23 Mortality may be higher in infants because of their smaller blood volumes and greater problems with pe- rioperative bleeding and fluid management.

    Patients who are candidates for hemi- spherectomy typically have a preoperative hemiparesis. Motor impairment is unchanged or improved after hemispherectomy in most of these patients. 29 If the preoperative hemi- paresis is mild, the deficit may be more pronounced after hemispherectomy. After hemispherectomy in the setting of congenital hemispheric MCD, patients develop language commensurate with their global cognitive leve1.6

    Hemispherectomy candidates may have a preexisting homonymous hemianopia. In pa- tients without this deficit, however, the hemi- anopia that follows functional hemispherec- tomy typically does not result in functional deterioration or affect activities of daily living, except for driving.29 In the presence of some other preexisting visual abnormality (e.g., am- blyopia or retinopathy of prematurity), the ef- fect of a postoperative homonymous hemi- anopia may be more serious.


    Catastrophic Epilepsy

    Epilepsy in infancy can be associated with severe and frequent seizures. The high seizure burden can significantly affect the quality of life of the infant and family and may also


    adversely affect the infants development. As a result, even if the infant does not be- come seizure-free after surgery, a reduction in seizure frequency can have a significant positive impact.

    Effect of Surgery on Development

    There is limited information available re- garding the postoperative developmental outcome in infants undergoing surgery for extensive MCD. Preliminary observations suggest that early relief from catastrophic infantile epilepsy may allow resumption of developmental progression during critical stages of brain maturation. One study exam- ined developmental outcome in 24 children with infantile spasms who had resective surgery at a mean age of 21 months; 17 of these children had MCD. The authors found a significant increase in developmental assess- ment scores at 2 years after surgery compared with preoperative levels, although only 4 of the 24 children had a normal rate of devel- opment. Another report noted favorable intellectual development and improvement in developmental delay in 12 of 21 patients who had an anatomic hemispherectomy for MCD, with six patients having normal in- telligence or only mild retardation.31 Others have also noted improved and catch-up development in infants after surgery for MCD, although many of the children continue to exhibit some degree of delay.6 The team at the University of California at Los Angeles reported a cautionary case.26 A 25-month-old patient with several seizures per week caused by mild right hemimegalencephaly had nearly complete remission of seizures and good de- velopmental progression after craniotomy and ECoG without cortical resection. The authors pointed out that a localized developmental brain abnormality in a child with intractable seizures should not necessarily lead to cortical resection, especially if the child is meeting developmental milestones.

    There is more information available about the effects of epilepsy surgery on development than is available for the effects of the newer antiepileptic drugs on infant development.

    Because most antiepileptic medications are as- sociated with cognitive side effects in adults,is it is possible that these medications could have adverse effects on intellectual develop- ment, especially because the cognitive effects of medication may be more insidious in a nonverbal patient (e.g., an infant). Prospective studies to further clarify the developmental ef- fects of epilepsy surgery and anticonvulsant medications in infancy are needed before the relative risks and benefits of surgical or medi- cal management can be fully assessed.


    Surgery in infancy may lead to less severe neurologic deficits than occurs with surgery later in life. If left hemisphere damage and hemiparesis occur during the first 4 or 5 years of life (before language development), func- tional hemispherectomy produces little or no change in language function.3* 13, i9* 33 Never- theless, the language that is transferred to the nondominant hemisphere is typically not completely normal even if language shifted at an early age.7, 2s

    Infantile Spasms and Hypsarrhythmia

    In most cases, this seizure type and its diffuse EEG pattern are associated with dif- fuse brain abnormalities. In some cases, how- ever, they can be the result of a focal pro- cess. Chugani and colleague9 were the first to report successful surgical treatment of pa- tients with infantile spasms and hypsarrhyth- mia caused by focal MCD. PET and MR imag- ing were used to identify the malformation and location of cortical dysfunction. Other clues to a localized process included a history of partial seizures before the onset of spasms, focal abnormalities on neurologic examina- tion, and some focal EEG feature in addition to diffuse hypsarrhythmia. In a series of 15 in- fants and children who originally presented with infantile spasms caused by MCD, nine became seizure-free after focal resection or hemispherectomy.6


    Complications References

    Infants with catastrophic focal epilepsy caused by MCD often require extensive mul- tilobar resection or hemispherectomy, and in these patients, anesthesia management is complicated by small blood volume. Periop- erative mortality may be higher in infancy than later in life. One or two deaths have been reported in most series of epilepsy surgery in infants.6*9,23,31*41 Perioperative mortality may be reduced by a team of pediatric sur- geons, anesthesiologists, and intensivists with experience in epilepsy surgery in infants. In contrast to perioperative mortality, the risk for postoperative neurologic deficits after surgery in infancy may be reduced as a result of devel- opmental plasticity and greater potential for neurologic recovery


    Outcomes from surgery for epilepsy caused by MCD in pediatric and adult series are sim- ilar. Overall, approximately 50% of patients with cortical dysplasia become seizure-free af- ter resection and another 20% have significant improvement in seizure frequency The out- come seems to be improved when the corti- cal dysplasia is completely resected. Some pa- tients have significant improvement in seizure frequency even with partial resection of the dysplasia, however. MR imaging, EEG, and PET scans are useful in determining the extent of the dysplasia. Invasive monitoring with subdural electrodes can help to determine the extent of resection, especially by defining seizure onset in relation to functional areas of cortex. The results of surgical treatment in this group of medically refractory epilepsy patients far surpass those achieved during controlled trials of new antiepileptic drugs for patients with intractable focal epilepsy. Surgery for catastrophic epilepsy caused by MCD in infancy may afford the potential for greater neurologic recovery because of devel- opmental plasticity, but it also entails a higher risk of mortality than does surgery later in childhood.

    1. Adams CBT, Beardsworth ED, Oxbury SM, et al: Temporal lobectomy in 44 children: Outcome and neuropsychological follow-up. J Epilepsy 3157-168, 1990

    2. Asamow RF, LoPresti C, Gutherie D, et al: De- velopmental outcomes in children receiving resection surgery for medically intractable infantile spasms. Dev Med Child Neurol39:430440,1997

    3. Basser LS: Hemiplegia of early onset and the faculty of speech with special reference to the effects of hemi- spherectomy. Brain 85:427-460,1962

    4. Carreiio M, Wyllie E, Bingaman W, et al: Seizure outcome after functional hemispherectomy for mal- formations of cortical development. Neurology 57: 331-333,200l

    5. Chelune GJ, Naugle RI, Liiders HO, et al: Predi- cation of cognitive function as preoperative ability status among temporal lobe epilepsy patients seen at 6-month follow-ma. Neurolow 41:399404.1991

    6. Chugani HT, Siewmon l%, Shields WD, et al: Surgery for intractable infantile spasms: Neuroimag- ing perspectives. Epilepsia 34:764-771,1993

    7. Dennis M: Capacity and strategy for syntactic com- prehension after right or left hemidecortication. Brain Lang l&287-317,198O

    8. Doring S, Cross H, Boyd S, et al: The significance of bilateral EEG abnormalities before and after hemi- spherectomy in children with unilateral hemispheric lesions. Euileusv Res 3465-73.1999

    9. Duchowny M, jayakar P, Resnick T, et al: Epilepsy surgery in the first three years of life. Epilepsia 39:737-743,1998

    10. Edwards JC, Wyllie E, Rugger PM: Seizures outcome after surgery for epilepsy due to malformation of cor- tical development. Neurology 55:1110-1114,200O

    11. Engel J Jr: Surgery for seizures. N Engl J Med 334: 647-652,1996

    12. Freeman JM, Vining El, Pillas DJ, et al: The efficacy of the ketogenic diet: A prospective evaluation of the intervention in 150 children. Pediatrics 1021358 1363,1998

    13. Harbord MG, Manson JI: Temporal lobe epilepsy in childhood: Reaouraisal of etiolow and outcome. Pe- diatr Neurol3:%..268,1987 ,

    14. Hirabayashi S, Binnie CO, Janot I, et al: Surgical treat- ment of epilepsy due to cortical dysplasia: Clinical and EEG findings. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 56:765770,1993

    15. Katz A, Awad IA, Kong AK, et al: Extent of resec- tion in temporal lobectomy for epilepsy. II. Memory changes and neurologic - comphca&ons. Epilepsia 30:76X71,1989

    16. Kuzniecky R, Ho SS, Martin R, et al: Temporal lobe developmental malformations and hippocampal scle- rosis. Neurology 52:479-484,1999

    17. Kwan P, Brod& MJ: Early identification of refractory euileosv. N Enal I Med 3423314319.2000

    18. Mars& AG, I?ahir ZA, Chadwick DW: New anti- epileptic drugs: A systematic review of their efficacy and tolerability. BMJ 313:1169-1174,1996

    19. McFie J: The effects of hemispherectomy on in- tellectual functioning in cases of infantile hemi- plegia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 24240-249, 1961


    20. Morris GL, Mueller WM: Long-term treatment with vagus nerve stimulation in patients with refractory epilepsy. The Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study Group EOl-E05. Neurology 53:1731-1735,1999

    21. Palmini A, Gambardella A, Andermann F, et al: In- trinsic epileptogenicity of human dysplastic cortex as suggested by corticography and surgical results. Ann Neurol37:476-487,1995

    22. Palmini A, Gambardella A, Andermann F, et al: Op- erative strategies of patients with cortical dysplastic lesions and intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia 35fsuppl 6):S57S71,1994

    23. Paolicchi JM, Jayakar I, Dean P, et al: Predictors of outcome in pediatric epilepsy surgery. Neurology 54:642-647,2000

    24. Peacock WJ, Comair Y, Chugani HT, et al: Epilepsy surgery in childhood. In Liiders HO fed): Epilepsy Surgery. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1991, pp 589-598

    25. Rankin JM, Aram DM, Horwitz SJ: Language abil- ity in right and left hemiplegic children. Brain Lang 14:292-306,198l

    26. Shields DW, Shewmon AD, Peacock WJ, et al: Surgery for the treatment of medically intractable infantile spasms: A cautionary case. Epilepsia 40: 1305-1308,1999

    27. Sugimoto T, Otsubo H, Hwang PA, et al: Outcome of epilepsy surgery in the first three years of life. Epilep- sia 40:560-565,1999

    28. Szabb CA, Wyllie E, Stanford LD, et al: Neu- ropsychological outcome of temporal lobe resec- tion in children with epilepsy Epilepsia 39:814-819, 1998

    29. Tmuper P, Andermann F, Villemure JG, et al: Func- tional hemispherectomy for treatment of epilepsy associated with hemiplegia: Rationale, indications, results, and comparison with callosotomy. Ann Neu- rol24:27-34,1988

    30. Villemure JG: Hemispherectomy: Techniques and complications. In Wyllie E fed): The Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles -and Practice, ed 2. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1997, DD 1081-1086






    Vining El, Freeman JM,.l%las DJ, et al: Why would you remove half a brain? The outcome of 58 chil- dren after hemispherectomy: The Johns Hopkins experience 1968 to 1996. Pediatrics 100:16~171, 1997 Wiebe S, Blume WT, Girvin JR, et al: A randomized controlled trial of surgery for temporal-lobe epilepsy. N Enel T Med 345:311-318.2001 W&so\ *PJE: Cerebral hernispherectomy for infantile hemiplegia: A report of 50 cases. Brain 93:147-180, 1970 Wyllie E, Comair YG, Kotagal P, et al: Epilepsy surgery in infants. Epilepsia 37:625-637, 1996 Wyllie E, Comair YG, Kotagal P, et al: Seizure out- come after epilepsy surgery in children and adoles- cents. Ann Neurol44:740-748,1998

    Address reprint requests to

    Katherine D. Holland, MD, PhD The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Desk S51

    9500 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44195

    e-mail: [email protected]



    Note: Page numbers of article titles are in bold face type.

    Adams hemispherectomy modification, 121 Agyria, pathology of, 17-18 Amino-3-hydroxy-S-methyl-4-isoxazol acid (AMPA)

    receptors, epilepsy and, 29

    Balloon cells, in cortical dysplasia, 3,5-7,22,43,72 Band heterotopia, radiologic-pathologic correlations in,

    51-52 Behavioral disorders, in cortical dysplasias, 36 Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional

    magnetic resonance imaging. See Magnetic resonance imaging, functional.

    CaBosotomy, in cortical dysplasia, 108 Central vertical hemispherectomy, 128-129 Cobblestone lissencephaly, radiologic-pathologic

    correlations in, 51,53 Cognitive function, in cortical dysplasias, hemispheric,

    106 Cortical dysplasias

    abnormal cell proliferation in, 41-50 agyria, pathology of, 17-18 balloon cells in, 3,5-7,22,43,72 bilateral opercular, 57-58 cellular migration disorders, 51-56 classification of, 1-16 clinical features of, 35-36 coactivation in, functional magnetic resonance imaging

    of, 65 conditions associated with, 22-23,72-73 cortical disorganization, 56-61 deep infolding in, 54,56 dysmorphic neurons in, 3-46-8 electroencephalography in, 36-39,87-88,105,

    138-140 embryology of, 41,51,56 epileptogenicity of, 27-33,73-74 familial diffuse, electroencephalography in, 38 focal, P-10,87-92

    clinical relevance of, V-10 diagnosis of, 88 epileptogenicity of, 27-33,73-74 imaging of, 9,88-89 pathology of, 71-72 radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 43,45-46

    subdural electrode studies of, 89-91 surgical treatment of, 93-102

    age considerations in, 138 case study of, 97-98 functional mapping before, 94-95 invasive monitoring before, 94-95 outcome of, 136-139,141 postoperative concerns in, 95 preoperative evaluation for, 9%94 techniques for, 95 Yale University experience in, 95-98

    Taylor type, 6,35 types of, 9

    four-layered, 51 functional magnetic resonance imaging in, 6369,137,

    139-140 functionality of, 74 giant neurons in, 5-6 hemimegalencephaly. See Hemimegalencephaly hemispheric malformations in, 103-111

    clinical features of, 104-105 surgical treatment of

    evaluation before, 105-106 outcome of, 139-141 techniques for, 106-108 timing of, 108-110

    heterotopias. See Heterotopias. histopathology of, 6-8 imaging in, 36. See also specific techniques. immature neurons in, 5-6 lissencephaly, 17-18,37-38,5I, 53 magnetic resonance imaging in. See Magnetic

    resonance imaging. microcephaly, 42 microdysgenesis, 3,61 microscopic patterns of, 20-22 mild, 8-P neuropsychology of, 36 pachygyria, 17-18 1 pathogenesis of, 1 pathology of, 17-25,71-73

    agyria, 17-18 focal, 71-72 heterotopias, 18-20 lissencephaly, 17-18 pachygyria, 17-18 surgical outcome and, 139 versus surgical outcome, 139-140

    polymicrogyria, 11-12


  • 146 INDEX

    Cortical dysplasias (Continued) positron emission tomography in, 77-82

    in infantile spasms, 79-82 in localization-related epilepsies, 77-79 methodology of, 77 surgical outcome and, 137

    preoperative evaluation of, 35-39 radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 41-62

    focal, 43,45-46 in abnormal cell proliferation, 41-50 1 in cellular migration disorders, 51-56 in cortical disorganization, 56-61

    schizencephaly, 12,57-60 single photon emission computed tomography in,

    74-77 clinical applications of, 75-77 methodology of, 74-75

    surgical treatment of, 93-102 hemispherectomy in, 113-134 in hemisphefic malformations, 103-111 outcome of, 13.5-144

    in focal malformations, 136-139,141 in hemispheric malformations, 139-141 in infantile spasms, 142 in infants, 141-143 in lobar malformations, 136-139 neurologic, 141 versus medical treatment, 136

    terminology of, 2-6 treatment of, subdural grids in, 87-92 tumors in, N-11,22-23,43,48-50 without balloon cells, 58,61

    Developmental delay cortical dysplasia surgery effects on, 142 in cortical dysplasias, 35

    Double cortex syndrome, electroencephalography in, 38 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors, lO-11,23,43,

    48-49 Dyslamination, in cortical dysplasias, 6 Dysmorphic neurons, 3-4,6-8 Dysplasias, cortical. See Cortical dysplasias. Dysplastic tumors, U&11,22-23

    radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 43,48-50

    Electrodes, subdural, in focal cortical dysplasia, 89-91 Electroencephalography, in cortical dysplasias, 36-39

    focal, 87-88 hemispheric, 105 surgical outcome and, 139-140 versus functional magnetic resonance imaging, 66

    Eloquent cortical regions, localization of functional magnetic resonance imaging in, 65-66 subdural electrodes in, 90

    Epilepsia partialis continua, electroencephalography in, 38

    Epilepsy, in cortical dysplasias. See Cortical dysplasias. Epileptogenic zone concept, in cortical dysplasia, 64-65

    Familial diffuse cortical dysplasia, electroencephalography in, 38

    Functional mapping, for cortical dysplasia surgery, 94-95

    Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors and circuits, epilepsy and, 29-30

    Gangliogliomas, N-11,48,50 Giant neurons, in cortical dysplasia, 5-6 Glutamate receptors, ionotropic, epilepsy and, 28-29 Grids, subdural electrodes in, in focal cortical dysplasia,


    Hemianopia, homonymous, after hemispherectomy, 141 Hemidecortication, in cortical dysplasia, 114,121-122 Hemimegalencephaly, 11

    electroencephalography in, 38 hemispherectomy in, 116-118,130-131

    Hemiparesis, after hemispherectomy, 141 Hemispherectomy, 107,113-134

    definition of, 113 outcome of, 139-141 persistent seizures after, 131-132 postoperative management in, 131 repeated, 131-132 techniques for

    Adams modification of, 121 anatomic, 119-121,140 central vertical, 128-129 development of, 114-115 functional, 140 hemidecortication in, 114,121-W in hemimegalencephaly, 116-118,130-131 in pediatric patients, 129-130 Japanese per&insular, 129 peri-insular, 127-129 previous experience with, 115-118 Rasmussens functional, 122 transsylvian, transventricular functional, 122-127 types of, 118-119

    terminology of, 113 Hemispheric malformations, of cortical development,

    103-m clinical features of, 104-105 surgical treatment of, 108-110

    evaluation before, 105-106 outcome of, 139-141 techniques for, 106-108. See R/SO Hemispherectomy. timing of, 108-110

    Hemispherotomy, in cortical dysplasia, 113 Hemosiderosis, after hemispherectomy, 141 Heterotopias, 5-6,12-13

    band, 51-52 laminar, 19 marginal, 21 pathology of, 18-20 periventricular nodular, 51,54 radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 51-56 subcortical gray matter, 54-55 subependymal, 54,56

    Holoprosencephaly, electroencephalography in, 37 Homonymous hemianopia, after hemispherectomy, 141 Homonymous quadrantanopia, after focal cortical

    dysplasia resection, 141 Hypomelanosis of Ito, electroencephalography in, 38 Hypsarrhythmia, surgical treatment of, 142

    Imaging. See also specific modalities. Immature neurons, in cortical dysplasia, 5-6

  • INDEX 147

    Infantile spasms, surgical treatment of, 142 Intellectual impairment, in cortical dysplasias, 36 Ionotropic glutamate receptors, epilepsy and, 28-29

    Japanese per&insular hemispherectomy, 129

    Language, cortical regions for functional magnetic resonance imaging of,

    65-66 subdural electrode localization of, 90

    Lissencephaly cobblestone, radiologic-pathologic correlations in,

    51,53 electroencephalography in, 37-38 pathology of, 17-18

    Magnetic resonance imaging, in cortical dysplasias, 36,137

    functional, 63-69 advantages of, 64 electroencephalographic-correlated, 66 epileptic zone concept in, 64-65 language sites in, 65-66 principles of, 63-64 task-related, 65-66

    hemispheric, 105-106,139-140 Malformations, of cortical development. See Cortical

    dysplasias. N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors, epilepsy and,

    28-29 Microdysgenesis

    definition of, 3 radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 61

    Micropolygyria, pathology of, 18 Migration, neuronal, disordered, to cortex,

    - radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 51-56 Miller-Dieker syndrome, lissencephaly in, 53 Multilobar resection, in cortical dysplasia, 107

    Neuroepithelial tumors, dysembryoplastic, W-11,23,43, 48-49

    Neuron(s) disordered migration of, to cortex,

    radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 51-56 dysmorphic, 3-4,6-B giant, in cortical dysplasia, 5-6 immature, in cortical dysplasia, 5-6

    Neuronal heterotopias, 5-6,12-13 Neuropsychologic testing, in cortical dysplasias,

    hemispheric, 106 NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, epilepsy and,

    28-29 Noonan syndrome, electroencephalography in, 38

    Pachygyria, pathology of, 17-18 Pediatric patients

    cortical dysplasias in, surgical treatment of, outcome of, 141-143

    hemispherectomy in, 129-130 Per&insular hemispherectomy, 127-129 Perisylvian syndrome, 57-58 PET. See Positron emission tomography. Polymicrogyria, 11-12

    radiologic-pathologic correlations in, 57-58 Positron emission tomography, in cortical dysplasias,

    77-82 hemispheric, 106 in infantile spasms, 79-82 in localization-related epilepsies, 77-79 methodology of, 77 surgical outcome and, 137

    Psychiatric disorders, in cortical dysplasias, 36

    Quadrantanopia, homonymous, after focal cortical dysplasia resection, 141

    Rasmussens functional hemispherectomy, 122

    Schizencephaly, 12,57-60 Seizures, in cortical dysplasias. See Cortical dysplasias. Single photon emission computed tomography, in

    cortical dysplasias, 74-77 clinical applications of, 75-77 hemispheric, 106 methodology of, 74-75

    Spasms, infantile - in cortical dysplasias, positron emission tomography

    in. 79-82 surgical treatment of, 142

    SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography), in cortical dysplasias, 74-77,106

    Stereoencephalography, in focal cortical dysplasia, 87-88 Strips, subdural electrodes in, in focal cortical dysplasia,

    89-91 Subcortical gray matter heterotopias, 54-55 Subdural electrodes, in focal cortical dysplasia, 89-91 Subependymal heterotopias, radiologic-pathologic

    correlations in, 54,56 Sylvian fissures, primitive, 57-58

    Taylor type focal cortical dysplasia, 6,35 Transsylvian, transventricular functional

    hemispherectomy, 122-127 Tumor(s)

    dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial, lO-11,23,43,48-49 dysplastic, U&11,22-23,43,48-50 gangliogliomas, lO-11,48,50

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