Page 1: 10 easy ways to  Solve Problems with Content Marketing

10 easy ways to Solve Problems with Content


We Love Content (And You Should, Too!)

What exactly is promotion? It is to promote the content once you have posted the content on

your wall, website, blog article etc. This is absolutely wrong.

The matter of the fact is promotion begins way before posting, in fact it must run in sync to the

development of content or production.

Come let us share some of our experience and most importantly teach you some of the best

practices to follow for your content plan.

An excellent work of promotion begins with research of your target market and so that you

develop and create unique, effective and targeted messaging amongst your audiences.

Some of the common but really important questions that must come to your mind for the content

strategy start with "How you're content can go viral" and followed by an avalanche of questions

and misconceptions. We have picked some of them and tried to summarize in 10 points what is

best for your content marketing.

The points that often arise are:-

How can we invoke the emotions from our content

Should we share long or short content? Is there an ideal length?

Can we have multiple or just one image in the post

How is it possible that visitors share the post days and even weeks after we shared it

And many such question strikes us time and again to while we think of content strategy.

We hope these 10 points will make your life a easier when it comes to your content

marketing strategy.

1. Longer contents are always a yes rather than short contents.:- Although with reduced size

of mobiles on which majority of content is being read now a days the opposite holds true for the

size of content, we analyze and found that 15% of most shared articles are all long articles with

maximum shares for the size of 2500 + words which goes up to 10,000 words per content.

However if we look into the majority of content on the web it's the smaller content which is

approx 15 times more and is in majority (900 words) than the content with 2500 words or more.

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Well this clearly shows that people are not willing to share quality and researched content but are

willing to share small and loosely written content, which results in ineffective response and


So with lesser competition on the other side, the long content is definitely a winner, so you must

go for longer contents rather than the smaller one's.

2. We recommend having at least one image in your post. Consider having one image: - As

we compared post with zero images to post having 1 or more than 1 images we found that post

having 1 or even more images were more shared on Facebook and accepted well even on other

social media as compare to the one's with no images.

And this gap is not of some 30% or 40% gap its twice as many people shared the posts with

images on contrary to the one with no images. You can also use meta tags to show a specific

image on facebook using " />

3.The same holds good for Twitter as well, an image in your post attracts more favourites

and re-tweets

4. Amusement, Laugh, Awe engage more people:- Yes posts with awe, laugh, and amusement

are liked the most, when we analysed 5,000 posts we found the below trends

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a. Awe or an emotion comparable to more wonder and less joy, as per dictionary definition it is

combination of surprise and fear, it accounts to about one fourth of the total peace.

b. Laughter or hitting your funny bone stands second in race with about 20% of the share

c. Amusement amounting to about 10% of the share which attracts the most eyeballs and clicks

for like, share and retweets.

d. To follow others in line are Anger, Empathy, Sadness, and Surprise etc.

The reason behind such posts are sought after and a research done by New York times share the

primary reasons behind sharing post for such emotions as:-

To convey precious and engaging content among masses

To share their identity among people and to let them know who they are

To Nurture and grow relationships

Self Fulfilments and to be more involved in the world

To let the word know about what you care for

In fact quizzes amount to be the most shared and commented upon post as per researches.

Why Quizzes? Because it hits the right cord identity, Ego and brain power.

5. Next in line are infographics: - Infographics provides a unique opportunity to viewers to

engage in a different type of data analytics and content. This helps in engagement and liked by


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6. Most people tend to share and like content that is trustworthy:- Posts, articles, blogs with

no byline or bio are shared the least, because they are trusted the least and on the other hand the

posts with a bia or byline attached to it attracts the most likes and shares.

7. Just a couple of extra like and shares has multiplying effect:- just 1 more like or share has

multiplying effects to your posts, as is the case with social media.

8. 5 and 10 are the magic numbers: - Everyone has must encountered articles and blogs with

Titles like- 10 ways to change your web design, 5 important points to keep in mind for

responsive website. 10 is the best out of these 2 and has the most number of social shares as

compared to other digits like 5, 16,24 and 23.

Best thing to include in your post titles and heading is the magic figure 10 and you got a pretty

good chance of getting shared the most.

9. Re promoting your post is a good option:- Yes you heard it right, in fast and ever changing

online marketing world, with millions of posts every hour and fading out fast it is good to re post

and re share the already shared post to re promote it, and statistics have shown that are share of

the earlier share post can gain the rest of audient. You can share the existing post on popular

days like Monday or weekends.

10. Best days to share:- It is considered best to share on Tuesdays, as Monday being the start of

week and most busy day of the week, Tuesday gains the mileage by being a bit settling day in the

start of the week where in most of the posts are read and shared.

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Still the best days varies from social media platform to another platform and researches shows

the below days as best to be shared as:-

For Facebook, twitter and G+ its Tuesday as the best day of the week to post, however for

Linkedin and Pinterest Monday is considered the best.

So to Conclude website development company in Delhi recommends you the following

points for content:-

1. Tuesday is the best day for post.

2. Inspire Awe, Laughter and amusement posts.

3. Remember the magic number 10.

4. Long content is better than short ones.

5. Use infographics

6. Inspire trust, use your bio

7. Use images and mix up with content for more engagement

8. Re share your earlier posts after a week, preferable on a Tuesday

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9. Use social media meta data like Facebooks preview image

10. Take use of people's Narcissistic side.



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