  • 1.The largest meteorite to hit Earth in a centuryOn February 15 a meteor explodes over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, injuring 1,491 people and damaging over 4,300 buildings.

2. Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world in February when he became the first pope to resign in almost 600 years. 3. An eight-story commercial building collapses in Savar Upazila near the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, leaving 1,129 dead and 2,500 injured. The accident is the deadliest non-terrorist structural collapse in modern times and the third-worst industrial disaster in history. 4. Edward Snowden leaks top secret operations by a US government including mass surveillance program. He flees the country, later being granted temporary asylum in Russia. 5. Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union 6. Prince George of Cambridge was born on July 22 7. On September 21 Islamic militants attack the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, killing at least 62 civilians and wounding over 170. 8. Typhoon "Yolanda", one of the strongest tropical cyclones on record, hits the Philippines and Vietnam, causing devastation with at least 5,703 dead. 9. On December 5 Nelson Mandela dies rest in peace (1 minute silence) 10. You have 5 min to discuss one, in your opinion most pressing, global issue for 2014 : 11. Make a wish for 2014

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