Page 1: 2017 Prep Information Booklet - Warrnambool West … · The aim of this booklet is to provide Prep Parents and Students





Page 2: 2017 Prep Information Booklet - Warrnambool West … · The aim of this booklet is to provide Prep Parents and Students

Dear Parents, Families and Carers. I extend to you all a broad, happy and warm welcome to Warrnambool West Primary School. The staff and I are so pleased that you have chosen WWPS for your child and their educational development. At Warrnambool West Primary School our focus is always on student welfare and learning. We strive to provide an environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive for all students and their families. We address the rights and the needs of all students-academic, emotional, social and physical, and work hard to ensure that comprehensive curriculum is provided for all. I understand and appreciate that ‘leaving’ your cherished young one/s in our hands can be a daunting and emotional experience (especially for first timers), but I would like to reassure you that the staff and I will treasure them as much as you do. I firmly believe that we (the school and families) must work together, in partnership, to assist our students to be the best they can be. Included in this booklet is some information that may assist you during the early stages of your child’s first year of schooling. It is supportive additional material to our Parent Information Booklet and is just for parents of Prep students. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, or myself, if you require any further assistance. The staff and I look forward to celebrating you child’s learning with you throughout their Primary School journey. With warm regards, Phil Barnes and staff.

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Hoddle Street Warrnambool, 3280

Ph: 5561 3161 Fax: 5561 2369

Email: [email protected]


*PRINCIPAL: Mr. Phil. Barnes

*BUSINESS MANAGER: Miss Vanessa Attrill

*Prep CO-ORDINATOR: Mrs Judie Irvine *WELLBEING CO-ORDINATOR: Mrs Carolyn O’Rourke Other Teaching Staff and School Support Staff: A list of all teaching and support staff will be updated and published in the School Newsletter throughout the year.

The aim of this booklet is to provide Prep Parents and Students with an introduction to the school’s programs and routines and supportive information for the first year of school. The it is presented as a starting point in providing information which will facilitate your involvement on your child’ education. Please keep it at handy as a useful reference. Feel free to contact the office if you require any clarification or have any questions.

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2017: Term 1: 1st February—31st March

Term 2: 18th April– 30th June

Term 3: 11th July—16 September

Term 4: 3 October—22 December

“* The first day of Term 1 is a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate

planning to take place for the arrival of students. Each year government schools are provided with four

student-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum

development, and student assessment and reporting purposes. The remaining three student-free days

are determined by each individual school.” (DET Victoria)

At Warrnambool West Primary School parents are notified of planned ‘student free’/curriculum days well in advance of the day. Notification appears in our weekly newsletters, on our Website and on our notice boards in the school foyer.

Our School hours for Students are

8.50 Student Preparation Bell: Students ready themselves for the day. Stop playing, collect bags and head towards class.

8.58 Student Line Up at Class Music: Students are lined up at class ready to begin the day.

9.00-11.00 Learning Time-Literacy Block: Students enjoy a ‘Brain Break’ (Fruit Break) half way through the session.

11.00-11.30 Recess: outside play (inside on ‘Wet Weather Days’)

11.30-1.30 Learning Time-Mathematics Block.

1.30-1.40 Lunch Eating Time: in class.

1.40-2.20 Lunch: outside play (inside on ‘Wet Weather Days’) and Lunchtime Clubs.

2.20-3.20 Learning Time: 2.45 Fridays Whole School Assembly

3.20 Dismissal-end of the day: *Students travelling by bus leave class at 3.15

*During ‘Learning Times’ students also take part in Specialist Classes.

Prep students are not required at school on Wednesdays during

Term 1. Prep students commence full time schooling (5 days per

week) as of the first week of Term 2.

Page 5: 2017 Prep Information Booklet - Warrnambool West … · The aim of this booklet is to provide Prep Parents and Students

Main points…...

When children start school they bring all the things they learnt at home with them.

Keep up the things you did with your child before they started school, like bedtime reading.

Talk to your child’s teacher if you have concerns about your child’s learning.

Getting your child to school on time helps avoid anxiety.

The best thing you can do to support your child’s academic accomplishments is to take it a step at a time by focusing on the day-to-day aspects of their learning.

What you can do... How your child reacts to starting school will depend on their personality, their background and how pre-pared they are for this next big step in their lives.

By now they'll probably be responding to school in a variety of ways and most children will be experienc-ing some change – after all they’ll be learning, playing and interacting with new people and getting used to a whole new environment – and it will take them some time to settle in.

Some things you can do to help your child adjust to school include:

making sure your child knows who will take them to school and pick them up on the first day

laying out your child’s clothes, hat, shows and socks the night before

helping your child to pack their school bag with a snack, drink, lunch and a hat

placing a spare pair of underpants and a change of clothes in a plastic bag and letting your child know these clothes are in their bag in case of any accidents at school

putting sunscreen on your child in the morning if it is needed

showing your child where you will meet them at the end of the school day

ensuring they have a healthy breakfast – this is important for energy to get through the day

making time to chat to your child about what they did at school that day

developing a bedtime routine so your child can wind down at the end of the day and get a good night's sleep – children aged five need around 10 to 11 hours sleep a night

Try not to put too many expectations on yourself or your child; if they are happy and enjoying school, that’s a real achievement.

You know your child best. If you have any questions about how they are settling in at school, contact your child’s teacher so you can talk things through together. You can contact your child's teacher in person, over the telephone or via email, whichever suits you and your situation best.

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Main points: The focus of your child's learning in the first year will be on reading, writing, spelling, maths and

problem-solving. Your child's teacher will be more than happy to answer any questions about what's coming up in your

child’s learning.

Topics: During their first year of school children focus on reading, writing, spelling, maths and problem-solving. Preps are at a stage where they’re exploring the world around them, and developing physical, creative and technical skills. To find out more about what's coming up in your child’s learning, ask your child's teacher. Some topics they may be learning about include:

Literacy – developing a working understanding of how sounds are represented alphabetically; learning to read and write, drawing on their knowledge of the alphabet and its relationship with the sounds the letters and words make; and listening to and responding to a range of simple texts, includ-ing books read aloud, audio tapes and films.

Numeracy – counting; relating the items counted to the actual number (for example four children with blue tops); placing objects in order (such as first, second, third) and grouping them in sets (all round objects or red blocks together); using everyday objects to identify and describe points, lines, edges and surfaces; and comparing objects using terms such as longer, heavier, fuller and hotter.

Science – exploring things like day and night, the seasons, and living and non-living things; identifying and describing things that are similar, using things like size, shape, colour and weight.

Health and physical education – developing skills such as running, skipping, catching, throwing, kicking and balancing. Activities such as dance, gymnastics and games help children progressively gain control of their movements.

Interpersonal development – developing skills that let them work and play together in a group, including taking turns and sharing, as well as listening to others and beginning to understand how their actions affect others.

Civics and citizenship – learning about respect, concern for others, and being fair; recognising rules and why they are needed and comparing classroom and family rules with other rules, such as those used in games and sport.

The Arts – discussing the things they are creating and, with guidance, beginning to describe their own and others' work.

The Humanities – beginning to understand their local area by investigating the location, direction and distance of their home, school, local parks and shops to each other; as well as exploring how and why natural factors and human activities affect their lives.

To help support their learning, ask your child what they did in class today, and build this question into their routine – make it something that they expect and are happy to answer every day.

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