Page 1: 4 Tips To Prevent Distracted Driving TEENS - DISTRACTED D… · Distracted driving is the number one cause for car accidents. However, the good news is, there are ways you can prevent

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4 Tips To Prevent Distracted Driving There are several unavoidable and unexpected instances that can occur while driving. For instance, another car can pull out in front of you, a rock or object on the road can fling up and hit your windshield or even an animal can dart out from the side of the road. That is why it’s very important to have your eyes on the road at all times while operating a vehicle, so that if an unexpected situation occurs, you’re prepared to react properly. Distracted driving is the number one cause for car accidents. However, the good news is, there are ways you can prevent distractions from happening. Below we have listed four helpful tips you can follow to avoid distracted driving. 1. Avoid Sending/Opening Text Messages: In the split second it takes to open a text message an unexpected occurrence can happen. It is best to keep your phone stored in your glove compartment and away from where you can easily access it while operating a vehicle. 2. Don’t Utilize Your Cell Phone For Music, Social Media, GPS or Dialing Purposes: Again, it is best to have your phone stored away so that you’re not tempted to utilize it to check your social media accounts or scroll through your Spotify while driving. If you pull over to select a playlist, look up your destination route or dial a number to make a call, that is the right thing to do. However, it is best to only access and use your cell phone while the car is parked and turned off for these purposes. 3. Limit Conversations With Passengers It is definitely okay to respond to your passengers if they ask a question, however, it is very important to not engage in conversations that take your focus off the road. This can especially occur when friends are the passengers. Let your passengers know ahead of time that you need to keep your eyes and focus on the road at all times and that you will talk further when you arrive to your destination. 4. Wait To Eat/Drink We all know that food can be messy and a drink can easily spill, that is why it’s crucial to wait to eat or drink until you arrive to your destination or your car is parked and turned off.

Your friends here at KCH hope these helpful driving tips keep you safe and focused on the road!





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