
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 17(X) (2019) 1-9

ISSN:1598-6446 eISSN:2005-4092

A Review of Industrial MIMO Decoupling ControlLu Liu, Siyuan Tian, Dingyu Xue, Tao Zhang, YangQuan Chen, and Shuo Zhang*

Abstract: In recent decades, MIMO (Multi-Input-Multi-Output) systems become more and more widely used inindustrial applications. A variety of decoupling control algorithms have been studied in the literature. Therefore,a review of the most extensively applied coupling interaction analysis and decoupler design methods for industrialprocesses is necessary to be carried out. In this paper, in order to benefit researchers and engineers with dif-ferent academic backgrounds, the scattered coupling interaction analysis and decoupling algorithms are collectedand divided into different categories with their characteristics, application domains and informative comments forselection. Moveover, some frequently concerned problems of decoupling control are also discussed.

Keywords: Decoupling control, industrial application, interaction analysis, MIMO system.


Most of the industry control systems are MIMO sys-tems. One of the most important problems in MIMO sys-tems control is the coupling problem which was first men-tioned by Boksenbom and Hood in 1950 [1]. However,coupling was only treated as a complicated design ideaand has not been widely explored at that time. As therapid development of manufacturing, methodologies aim-ing at eliminating or decreasing multi-loop interaction is-sues have received a lot of attention in the past decades.In 1980s, Professor Waller said in his report that ’one ofthe subjects of great research activity in chemical processcontrol in the U.S. today is interaction analysis, in whichcoupling between inputs and outputs in MIMO systems isstudied’ [2].

The main idea of the decoupling algorithm proposed byBoksenbom and Hood is making the overall closed-looptransfer function of the controlled MIMO system diago-nal [1, 3]. So far, this is still the primary solution of cou-pling problem. Some other remarkable contributions havebeen made based on this idea. For example, Mesarovic di-vided the controlled systems with identical inputs and out-puts into two different categories i.e., P-canonical and V-canonical systems based on system transfer function [4];correspondingly, Sonquist and Morgan proposed a statespace approach of decoupling control in [5]; a necessary

Manuscript received June 5, 2018; revised November 1, 2018; accepted December 23, 2018. Recommended by Associate Editor JongMin Lee under the direction of Editor Jay H. Lee. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China undergrant No. 61673094, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China under grants No. G2018KY0305 and No.G2018KY0302.

Lu Liu is with School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China (e-mail: [email protected]). Siyuan Tian and Tao Zhang are with Lam Research Corporation, Fremont, CA 94539, U.S.A (e-mails:{Siyuan.Tian, Tao.Zhang} Dingyu Xue is with the Department of Information Science and Engineering, NortheasternUniversity, Shenyang 110819 China (e-mail: [email protected]). YangQuan Chen is with the School of Science and Engineer-ing, University of California, Merced, CA 95348, U.S.A (e-mail: [email protected]). Shuo Zhang is with Department of AppliedMathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China (e-mail: [email protected]).* Corresponding author.

and sufficient condition of the solvability of square sys-tem decoupling problem based on state space was put for-ward by Falb and Wolovich [6]; then, the equivalent con-dition for transfer function expressed system was obtainedby Gilbert [7]. However, these methods are carried outon top of the assumption that the input and output num-bers are identical. In other words, the controlled systemis assumed to be square. A general decoupling strategywhich released this assumption was given by Wonham andMorse [8] based on geometric approach. A similar con-trol scheme was put forward by Silverman [9]. Other re-lated researches of decoupling algorithms can be found in[10–12], to name a few. Among the extensive researches,the decoupling strategy used on distillation columns hasbecome one of the most popular topics [13, 14].

In this paper, we collect most of the representative cou-pling analysis and decoupling strategies, and review theircharacteristics and application domains. Similar reviewworks can be found in Liu [15] and Wang [16]. However,these two books were written in 1983 and 2002, so theydid not include the recent studies especially some novelintelligent decoupling methodologies [17, 18].

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2introduces some representative interaction analysis meth-ods; Section 3 and Section 4 give detailed description ofgeneral purposed and special purposed decoupling strate-gies together with their characteristic and application do-

c⃝ICROS, KIEE and Springer 2019

2 Lu Liu, Siyuan Tian, Dingyu Xue, Tao Zhang, YangQuan Chen, and Shuo Zhang

mains, respectively; finally, the conclusion is given in Sec-tion 5.


2.1. Relative gain array (RGA)The relative interaction between different input and out-

put pairings should be the first problem to be consideredin MIMO decoupling control.

The relative gain array (RGA) proposed by Bristol [19]is a widely accepted indicator used in quantifying the in-teraction degree between different input-output pairings.It only takes the steady state information of the controlledsystem into account. RGA of an n-input-n-output MIMOsystem is defined as [20]:

Λ =

λ11 λ12 . . . λ1n

λ21 λ22 . . . λ2n

. . . . . . . . . . . .λn1 λn2 . . . λnn


, (1)


λi j =open - loop gain between yi and u j

closed - loop gain between yi and u j,

(i = 1,2, ...,n, j = 1,2, ...,n). (2)

There are some other interaction analysis algorithmsproposed on top of RGA [21, 22]. But it should be re-marked that because RGA only cares about the systemsteady state information, so it has weak capacity in identi-fying dynamic interaction between different input-outputpairings.

2.2. Direct Nyquist array (DNA)One alternative method to estimate dynamic interac-

tion between different input-output pairings is the DirectNyquist Array (DNA). It can give more coupling informa-tion than RGA from the frequency perspective. But thecomputation burden of DNA is also higher than RGA be-cause DNA needs dynamic system transfer functions.

It is recommended that if the dynamic model of aMIMO system is available, interaction analysis methodslike DNA should be applied to get more completed infor-mation. On the other hand, RGA can give wise guidanceif only steady state gains are known.

2.3. Full decoupling and partial decouplingAccording to coupling degree, MIMO systems can be

divided into two categories: full coupling system and par-tial coupling system [15]. If any two control loop in aMIMO system have interaction between each other, wecall it a full coupling system. Otherwise, it is a partial cou-pling system. Correspondingly, two kinds of decouplingmethods arise, i.e., full decoupling and partial decoupling.



(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 1. Full coupling, partial coupling and full decoupling.

Fig. 1(a) represents a full coupling system with two con-trol loops, i.e. X and Y; Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 1(c) are partialcoupling cases of the same system. The corresponding fulldecoupled system is depicted in Fig. 1(d).

Theoretically, full decoupling is always preferred. Butfor most of the time, it may be hard or unnecessary oreven impossible to be achieved because some immeasur-able disturbance may exist in the controlled system.


After a suitable input-output pairing is achieved in aMIMO system, the design of an appropriate decoupler orcontroller will be the next important step. An effectiveMIMO control strategy can be realized either by a cen-tralized MIMO controller with a series of decouplers or aseries of SISO decentralized controllers [22, 23].

3.1. Decentralized controllerAssume an n-input-n-output system which is described

by G(s) as:

G(s) = {gi j(s), i = 1...n, j = 1...n}, (3)

then a corresponding decentralized controller can beachieved as a diagonal matrix C(s):

C(s) = diag{C11(s),C22(s), . . . ,Cnn(s)}n×n. (4)

A simplest decentralized control structure of a Two-input-two-output (TITO) system is shown in Fig. 2. Notethat the interactions of MIMO process may not be re-strained effectively under decentralized control. There aresome papers focused on dealing with this problem [24,25].

Nevertheless, until now, there is still no widely acceptedmethod which can tell whether a decentralized controlleris appropriate to be used in a MIMO system or not.

3.2. Static decouplingAn MIMO system controlled by a centralized controller

should be decoupled first. On this occasion, decouplingalgorithms can be divided into two categories i.e., staticdecoupling and dynamic decoupling. A static decouplercan be designed simply based on steady state gains. So

A Review of Industrial MIMO Decoupling Control 3



1( )C s

2 ( )C s

11( )G s

12 ( )G s

21( )G s

22 ( )G s









Fig. 2. Simplest decentralized control structure of TITOsystem.


( )C s ( )D s ( )G sr yu

Fig. 3. General structure of a decoupled system.

it will be a wise choice to develop a static decoupler ifavailable information is limited.

Consider a MIMO system whose transfer function isshown in (3). Imagine parameters ki j, i = 1...n, j = 1...nare steady state gains of gi j(s). Then, the steady state gainmatrix G(0) can be obtained as:

G(0) = {ki j, i = 1...n, j = 1...n}. (5)

A static decoupler which can make the MIMO systemG(s) shown in Fig. 3 decoupled is derived as:

D = G−1(0). (6)

As it is discussed in [26], a static decoupler may notprovide satisfactory decoupling performance in a closed-loop. It may also give rise to some undesirable influenceon high frequency response of some MIMO processes.The static decoupler is recommended to be used in sys-tems with integral items [26]. This is because the magni-tudes of non-diagonal terms will drop faster than that ofdiagonal ones along with the increase of frequency.

However, for some industrial processes, static decou-pler is more preferred because it needs less informationof the controlled system and can also reduce the risk ofinfluence caused by model uncertainties. Meanwhile, theimplementation of a static decoupler may be simpler com-pared with a dynamic one.

3.3. Dynamic decouplingCompared with static decoupling, a MIMO system with

dynamic decoupler always achieves better performance

with the expense of acquiring an accurate process model.Generally, there are three kinds of dynamic decoupling al-gorithms which have been widely studied and applied inindustrial processes i.e., ideal decoupling, simplified de-coupling and inverted decoupling [27]. Each of these threedecouplers has its own properties and limitations.

In this subsection, a TITO system which is one of themost representative MIMO systems is served as an exam-ple on account of the paper legibility and preferable ex-pansibility [28].

3.3.1 Ideal decouplingConsider a general TITO system with controller matrix

C(s), decoupler matrix D(s), controlled plant matrix G(s),set-point signals ri, control signals ui and outputs yi asshown in Fig. 4:

C(s) =[

C1(s) 00 C2(s)


, (7)

D(s) =[

D11(s) D12(s)D21(s) D22(s)


, (8)

G(s) =[

G11(s) G12(s)G21(s) G22(s)


. (9)

If the controlled system G(s) is decoupled effectively, theproduct matrix M(s) = G(s)D(s) which represents the de-coupled system should be diagonal. Therefore, D(s) canbe obtained as:

D(s) =G−1(s)M(s)




G22(s)M11(s) −G12(s)M22(s)−G21(s)M11(s) G11(s)M22(s)




The main idea of ’ideal decoupling’ is setting M11(s) =G11(s) and M22(s) = G22(s) [13]. So the product matrixcan be got as M(s) = [M11(s), 0; 0, M22(s)] which showsthe full decoupled system. Then, controller C1(s), C2(s)can be tuned in the same way under ideal decoupling. Thecontroller does not need to be retuned even if differentloops are set in different modes.

Though ideal decoupling has obvious advantages fromthe operating point of view [29], the complicated presen-tation of D(s) which contains sums of transfer functionsoften appears as a problem. Moreover, the limited appli-cability problem discussed in [13] and the sensibility tomodel errors and system dimension of ideal decoupling[30] should not be ignored. Hence, ideal decoupling israrely used in practice.

3.3.2 Simplified decouplingSimplified decoupling which is more widely used in the

literature is also proposed by Luyben [13]. A common

4 Lu Liu, Siyuan Tian, Dingyu Xue, Tao Zhang, YangQuan Chen, and Shuo Zhang


+ +

1( )C s

2 ( )C s

11( )D s

12 ( )D s

21( )D s

22 ( )D s

11( )G s

12 ( )G s

21( )G s

22 ( )G s









Fig. 4. Ideal decoupling structure.



1( )C s

2 ( )C s

11( )G s

12 ( )G s

21( )G s

22 ( )G s













( )

( )

G s

G s



( )

( )

G s

G s

Fig. 5. Simplified decoupling structure.

expression of a simplified decoupled system is illustratedin Fig. 5:

D(s) =[

1 −G12(s)/G11(s)−G21(s)/G22(s) 1




Only two decouplers have to be generated in simplifieddecoupling process compared with four of ideal decou-pling. Waller et al. introduced three alternative configura-tions of simplified decoupling on account of some realiz-ability problems [14]. Two elements in different columnsof matrix D(s) can be set into 1. So the other three alter-native simplified decoupler configurations can be obtainedas:

D(s) =[−G22(s)/G21(s) 1

1 −G11(s)/G12(s)




D(s) =[−G22(s)/G21(s) −G12(s)/G11(s)

1 1




D(s) =[

1 1−G21(s)/G22(s) −G11(s)/G12(s)




Simplified decoupling scheme is easy to be imple-mented in practice. But there are still some summationelements in the decoupler expression, so controller tuning



1( )C s

2 ( )C s

11( )G s

12 ( )G s

21( )G s

22 ( )G s













( )

( )

G s

G s



( )

( )

G s

G s

Fig. 6. Inverted decoupling structure.

process may also be difficult. An approximation of sum-mation element was suggested in [27] to reduce burdenin controller design stage. Problems of applying the sim-plified decoupling scheme to high dimension process stillexist as the same as ideal decoupling [30].

3.3.3 Inverted decouplingAnother widely used decoupling algorithm which can

derive the same decoupled process model as ideal decou-pler without complicated D(s) expression is inverted de-coupling. It was first proposed by Shinskey [31], and illus-trated at length by Wade in [32]. Fig. 6 depicts the struc-ture of inverted decoupling. The specific derivation pro-cess can be found in [13]. For simplicity, D11(s), D22(s)can be set into 1, so that D12(s), D21(s) can be yielded as:

D12(s) =−G12(s)G11(s)


D21(s) =−G21(s)G22(s)

. (15)

Inverted decoupling has the same decoupled transferfunction as ideal decoupling and the identical convenientrealization as simplified decoupling. So it should pos-sess both advantages of ideal and simplified decoupling[13]. Therefore, three advantages of inverted decouplingare summarized in [32] as: when inverted decoupling isapplied, the decoupled system will act as there is no in-teraction between different control loops and the alternatecontrollers are in manual mode; each decoupled loop canbe kept away from acting as the secondary of other con-trol loops; it can be implemented in DCS as a feedforwardinput. Moreover, the initialization and bumpless problemswill not appear when system mode changes.

There are also several papers discussed about the im-provement of inverted decoupling [30, 33, 34]. An ex-tended approach of different configurations of inverted de-coupling strategy which has more flexibility was proposedin [33]. Aiming at solving decoupling problems with mul-tiple time delays and nonminimum-phase zeros, anotherimproved inverted decoupling technique was proposed in[34]. Nevertheless, this technique is only valid to a part of

A Review of Industrial MIMO Decoupling Control 5

MIMO systems.On the whole, inverted decoupling has more benefits

compared with other dynamic decoupling schemes. Withthis kind of decoupler, some problems like initialization,bumpless switches between manual and automatic modes,and saturation of manipulated variables are easier to besolved.

3.3.4 Advices on when and how to use dynamic de-coupling algorithms

In this subsection, authors will give some remarks and ad-vices on some frequently occurred problems of the dy-namic decoupling algorithms which have been discussed[13, 27, 31, 34].

1) RealizabilityA decoupler is realizable if the outputs of its elements

are not determined by their future input values. In otherwords, all the items in a decoupler have to be proper. Anitem as eτs(τ > 0) cannot appear in the decoupled sys-tem transfer function [32]. Some studies suggest to solvethis problem by adding an additional time delay to the un-realizable items when it is necessary [13]. It can be re-garded as a good idea sometimes. However, the stabilityof MIMO system after inserting another delay term cannotbe guaranteed at times.

2) StabilityAs shown in [35], the systems with simplified decou-

pling are nominally stable, but the ones with ideal and in-verted decoupling are unstable, especially when RHP ze-ros appear in the system transfer function. A parameterK which can give stability judgment of an inverted decou-pled system has been proposed in [32]. The limitationsare strictly stated, and may also be available to ideal de-coupling. However, K will be hard to achieve accordingto its expression.

3) RobustnessA widely accepted method to evaluate control system

robustness is singular value analysis which was proposedby Arkun et al. [35]. It has already been used in severaldecoupling processes of distillation columns [14]. Study[35] concluded that ideal decoupling was sensitive to mod-eling error. Therefore, ideal decoupling method has sel-dom been applied in real control process. As anotherform of ideal decoupling, inverted decoupling which re-moves this weakness has been widely accepted. How-ever, it was verified in study [27] that ideal, simplifiedand inverted decoupling algorithms might lead to identi-cal robustness when the controllers were tuned to achieveequivalent closed-loop system performance. In this case,controller design complexity may be another factor to beconsidered.

4) Implementation

It is pointed out in [32] that ideal and simplified de-couplers ignore the mismatch of input signal flow rate be-tween computer and controller. MIMO systems using in-verted decoupling scheme will still keep decoupled whensystem operation mode is changed. However, ideal andsimplified decouplers do not possess this advantage. Thismeans that the controller parameters should be retuned ifthe operation mode is changed. One way to solve thisproblem is switching the operation mode after the decou-pled system reaches steady state [27]. Besides, inverteddecouplers can be implemented directly by most of thestandard blocks configured in modern DCS systems [31].


4.1. Delay system decoupling controlTime delay is a critical and frequently occurred problem

in industrial processes. It may lead to serious problemssuch as offset, sluggish system performance or even unsta-ble oscillations [36]. Moreover, these undesirable perfor-mance may become even worse when multi-variable timedelays appear in different input-output pairings.

4.1.1 Smith predictorFor SISO systems, there is a widely accepted time de-

lay compensation algorithm named Smith Predictor [37].This compensation algorithm was improved to be applica-ble to MIMO systems with multi-variable delays by Ogun-naike and Ray under some specified assumptions [38].Other developments aiming at multi-variable Smith Pre-dictor can be found in [39, 40]. These decoupling meth-ods are mainly focused on systems with multi-variable de-lays. These decoupling methods tried to make the MIMOsystem decoupled first, so the interactive MIMO systemcontrol problem would be transformed into multiple singleloops system control problem. Then, the Smith Predictorcan be designed based on the decoupled system. However,the uncertain accuracy of the predictor, unrealizable ma-trix inversion expression and complicated decoupling pro-cedure have kept Smith Predictor decoupling away frombeing extensively applied in industrial processes.

4.1.2 Dead-time compensatorA dead-time compensator (DTC) based on a unity feed-

back control structure was proposed by Liu et al. [41]. Itis shown that this analytical decoupling algorithm can re-alize significant or even absolute decoupling for MIMOsystem with less computation effort. Similarly, study [30]proposed another alternative improvement of inverted de-coupler with DTC for first order plus delay MIMO sys-tem. However, two breakpoints should be put here aimingat this scheme. One is that the success probability of thisdecoupling strategy may be impacted a lot by the accuracyof the system model delay; the other is the expense of the

6 Lu Liu, Siyuan Tian, Dingyu Xue, Tao Zhang, YangQuan Chen, and Shuo Zhang

implementation of DTC in practice should be taken intoconsideration.

4.1.3 Approximate decoupling methodAnother novel approximate decoupling method aiming

at time delay systems was proposed by Nordfeldt et al.[42]. The authors transformed the first-order item withlonger time constant Tl into a second-order item by usingthe difference of Tl and the shorter time constant Ts as:


≈ 1(Tss+1)((Tl −Ts)s+1)

. (16)

In this way, the remained pole 1/(Tss+ 1) can be elim-inated from the matrix column. Nevertheless, the rela-tive size degree of Tl , Ts was not mentioned in the paper.Hence, the decoupling performance affected by this de-gree may be a problem.

Moreover, some effective decoupling schemes aimingat MIMO system with multi-variable time delays whichare proposed based on Internal Model Control will be dis-cussed later. It should be noted that delay terms and non-minimum phase zeros may be included in the controllerwhen the above control algorithms are used, which maylead to some unpredictable problems.

4.2. Intelligent decoupling controlFor some complicated MIMO industrial processes with

strong nonlinearity, high coupling, uncertainties, or evenunstable non-minimum phase and unmeasurable delay, theabove mentioned decoupling algorithms may not work.A simple method to solve this kind of problem is mak-ing approximation of the complicated system by a firstor second-order delay model. The identification processof the controlled model is usually achieved through on-site data and a rigid gain scheduler which helps compen-sate the nonlinear parts [43,44]. However, the precisenessand accuracy of these methods highly depend on practi-cal condition. Besides, many intelligent decoupling algo-rithms have been proposed for those complicated systems[45–47]. Among them, adaptive control, fuzzy control,neural network control are the representative ones.

4.2.1 Adaptive decouplingAdaptive decoupling algorithm was proposed by Boris-

son in 1979 [48]. Ever since, it has been intensivelydiscussed [49]. In [49], adaptive decoupling controllersbased on self-tuning and zero-pole replacement were de-signed respectively. In [50], interaction caused problem inMIMO system was solved by a feedforward compensator.Practical examples of adaptive decoupling control can befound in [51].

4.2.2 Intelligent decouplingRecently, some intelligent decoupling methods which

were proposed based on fuzzy adaptive control and

Neural-Networks (NNs) have been studied [52–54]. Theadvantage of this kind of decoupling methods is that theycan handle uncertainty problems in complicated practicalprocesses. In addition, some other intelligent decouplingcontrol schemes on top of GA (Genetic Algorithm), PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) and etc can be found in[55].

Nevertheless, in sharp contrast to the extensivelydiscussion of intelligent decoupling controller designmethod, the robustness and implementation methods ofthem have barely been studied in the literature. Moreover,the research on nonlinear MIMO systems with uncertain-ties and strong coupling performance is still absent. Mostof the intelligent algorithms are relatively complex andhard to realize in practice, so more effort is needed on thistopic.

4.3. Analytical decoupling controlThe inverse transfer matrix G−1(s) will be needed in

most of the decoupling processes. The inverse of a staticgain transfer matrix is always easy to be obtained. How-ever, the form of G−1(s) is quite hard or even cannot beachieved in theory. An adjoint matrix decoupling schemewhich could realize diagonal decoupling bypassing the in-verse matrix problem has been proposed in [56]. Thisalgorithm was presented based on the characteristic se-quence concept. The specific implementation procedureis also given.

The effectiveness of the adjoint matrix decouplingscheme has been proved in [56]. This algorithm may besuitable for processes with high-order and big delay itemsin their transfer functions. But the implementability andcomputability should be confirmed by more research ef-fort.

4.4. Internal model controlBased on the Internal Model Control (IMC) theory,

study [57] presents some iterative algorithms to deal withthe complicated delay decoupling problems. Liu et al.proposed a new analytical decoupling controller designmethod with the configuration of the standard IMC struc-ture for TITO multi-variable time delay systems [58]. Theauthors have also presented a method of evaluating con-trol system Another effort of IMC decoupling control isrobust stability when time delay and other uncertaintiesoccured in control loops. made by Wang et al [16]. Thesystem which is decoupled through this algorithm can getsatisfactory performance with acceptable overshoots andquick response. However, the computation burden of thismethod may be quite large. Other recent efforts of IMCbased decoupling algorithms can be found in [59].

4.5. Model predictive decoupling controlModel Predictive Control (MPC) is one of the most fre-

quently applied control algorithm in industry processes.

A Review of Industrial MIMO Decoupling Control 7

Actually, MPC is not a way to design a decoupler. It isan alternative way of handling interacting loops when theinteractions are too severe or the classical decoupling de-sign is too complicated. A number of studies have dis-cussed about how to improve MIMO control performanceby MPC [60–62]. In [60], a continuous time predictivecontrol algorithm aiming at MIMO decoupling problemwas presented. The control performances of an industrialMIMO system achieved by decentralized PI controller andDynamic Matrix Control (DMC) scheme were comparedin [61]. Another modified MPC control scheme was pro-posed in [62] to reduce cross-coupling in MIMO system.A remarkable reduction in cross-coupling performanceis shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of this controlscheme.

Most of the MPC schemes used in MIMO decouplingsystem are capable to deal with delay items as well asnonminimum-phase items. They do not need a procedureto design the decoupler either. But the parameter tuningprocesses of the MPC or DMC algorithms applied in prac-tical process are usually relatively hard to handle. More-over, a state space model which is hard to achieve in in-dustry processes may be needed if MPC is considered tobe used.


In this paper, a comprehensive review of the exist-ing cross-loop interaction analysis and decoupling controlmethods has been presented. Two categories i.e., generalpurpose and special purpose decoupling algorithms are in-troduced with their properties, advantages, and applicationdomains. This survey can serve as a reference or guidancefor researchers and engineers with different backgroundsto get involved in this field easily.

It should be pointed out that, though decoupling is animportant problem in MIMO process control, there arestill cases where decoupling may not be needed [1]. Forexample, in the airplane control system, coupling is usedto boost system performance [63]. On the whole, decou-pling is one of the preferred methods to improve the con-trol performance of MIMO systems, but it is not alwaysnecessary. The necessity should be decided according tospecific applications.


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Lu Liu received her Ph.D. degree in au-tomation from Northeastern University,China, in 2017. From 2015 to 2017, shewas a visiting Ph.D. student in Univercityof California, Merced, USA. Her currentresearch interests include control systemanalysis, controller design, process controland so on.

Siyuan Tian received his Ph.D. degree inchemical engineering from University ofHouston, USA in 2015. He joined LamResearch Corporation since 2015, worksin etch product development group.

Dingyu Xue received his Ph.D. degreefrom Sussex University, United Kingdom,in 1992. His current research interests in-clude fractional order control system, aux-iliary control system design and so on.

Tao Zhang received his Ph.D. degree inthe Department of Electrical Engineering,the National University of Singapore in2000. His research interests include non-linear control, adaptive control, neural net-works, and control applications.

YangQuan Chen received his Ph.D. de-gree in advanced control and instrumen-tation from Nanyang Technological Uni-versity, Singapore, in 1998. His cur-rent research interests include unmannedaerial systems, applied fractional calculus,mechatronics, cyber-physical systems andso on.

Shuo Zhang received his Ph.D. degreefrom Beijing Jiaotong University, China,in 2017. From 2015 to 2016, he was a re-search scholar in Univercity of California,Merced, USA. His current research inter-ests include neural networks, chaos syn-chronization, complex networks, nonlin-ear dynamics and control.

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