
A Talent Strategy for the Museum of the Future

Kaywin Feldman

Duncan and Nivin MacMillan Director and President

Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Talent is the leading indicator of whether a business is headed up or down.

- Bill Conary and Ram Charan, The Talent Masters

Life Before a VUCA World






Minneapolis Institute of Arts

War Stories

What is a Talent Strategy?

Tanikado HisabaruGame of Go, c. 1924Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Key Components of a Talent Strategy

Mission, Vision, Values


Diversity and Inclusion

Learning and training across the entire organization

Focus on retention, not just hiring

Continual employee feedback loop

Establish and Communicate the Vision

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing.

- Stephen R. Covey

Edgar DegasWinding River, 1890Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Define and Communicate Institutional Culture

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

- Peter Drucker


You surprise and delight by going the extra mile

You consider time spent on others, time well spent

You enjoy others and celebrate their unique perspectives

You are generous with praise for others and give benefit of the doubt


You’re creative and open-minded

You pursue opportunities to learn and grow

You think on your feet and can turn on a dime

You watch and read situations so you can pivot when necessary

Emotional Intelligence

You leave the drama in the artwork

It’s your work and you own it, baby!

R-E-S-P-E-C-T is your personal mantra

Your criticisms come nicely wrapped in solutions

You strive for self-awareness and use every opportunity to learn

Positive Energy

You work here because you believe in our mission

You can recite our strategic goals, because they mean that much to you

You are a shameless advocate for all things MIA

Drives Results

Your appreciate that our success is directly related to visitor satisfaction

You keep your eye on the ball, and help others tract it

You believe the truism that “doing more with less” ultimately means we can do more

You have a healthy respect for deadlines, set goals, and achieve deliverables

Tactics to Ensure Success

If you put fences around people, you get sheep.

- William McKnight, first chairman of 3M

Identify and Empower Your Creative Agents

Nick CaveSoundsuit, 2009Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Develop the Right Teams

Antonio PollaiuoloBattle of the Nudes, c. 1470Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Competing Values

Fail Early, Often, and Off Broadway

Reward Employees

I feel like I’m working at a 100-year old start up.

- Tim Gihring, MIA Brand Narrator

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