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Aromatherapy has been practised for thousands of years and is thought to date back to the ancient Egyptian era. As we explored and discovered new herbs, their medicinal uses were of great interest. It was soon found that the calming essence of lavender and the awakening scent of citrus could have profound effects on the body.

The signature scent you choose for your home needs to be carefully considered. Something like a blood orange-scented Culti diffuser would be great for bringing life to a communal area. On the other hand, a warming Paddywax pumpkin spice candle is great for winter nights spent curled up on the sofa.

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Hot water eases every aching muscle in your body,

preparing you for a good night’s sleep. Bathing is a

relaxing activity that has been used throughout the years.

These days there are plenty of potions to use in the tub that will enhance your relaxation, but don’t underestimate the

power of plain water.

Those suffering from arthritis or sports injuries may benefit from a quick dunk in the bath to aid recovery. The heat is a

natural pain relief.


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CANDLESThe gentle flicker of a scented candle is sure to set the mood in any home. The best candles combine the art of aromatherapy with a calming sense of natural light. Make sure you purchase high quality candles to achieve the ultimate state of calm.

How to choose the best candle:

Soy wax - This offers a lasting burn time for a longer lasting candle.

Go natural – If you have a choice between natural or synthetic candles, the former should win every time.

Essential oils - Choose a candle with high-grade quality oils, as opposed to synthetics. The smell will linger for longer. Synthetic candles don’t have lasting fragrance.

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DREAMINGIt’s no secret that a good night’s sleep is the key to success in life. We need good quality sleep to recharge our bodies after a gruelling day, giving us the best shot at achieving tomorrow’s goals.

If you’re suffering from disrupted sleep, which is impacting your day-to-day life, there’s a good chance that underlying anxieties are worming their way into your relaxed state. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. The Sleep Council found that 4 in 5 people suffer from disturbed or inadequate sleep.

Ask yourself these key questions to help correct your sleep:1)     Is there a problem with your environment?2)     Is there something on your mind?3)     Have you spoken to your doctor?

Pictured: Mayfair bedding

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EXFOLIATIONNothing beats a good scrub in the tub. Not only do we instantly feel cleaner, the act of rubbing away dead skin can be strangely therapeutic. Regular washing is often not enough to tackle the build-up of everyday life. Choose natural exfoliates, such as salt and ground coffee, to avoid harmful plastic bead varieties.

Getting rid of dead skin and dirt can signify a fresh start and a renewed sense of vigour. You’ll instantly feel more relaxed with buffed smooth skin.

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FOODWhilst it may be tempting to reach for the junk food, what we eat can have a direct impact on our state of mind.

When we feel down, many of us resort to comfort eating. Whilst it may make you feel better at first, the long-term effects are not as soothing. If you eat too many sweet treats, the subsequent sugar crash can actually cause a spell of minor depression. Your mood will go from high to low in an instant.

Instead, choose natural goodies to snack on when you feel low. You’ll feel much better in the long run.

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GRATITUDE LISTFocusing on the positives allows us to take

back control of our anxieties. Those who describe themselves as negative may find

it particularly hard to relax. This is due to a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps them

stuck in their ways.

Take a moment to write down all of the positive things that have happened to you

lately, including those little things you may have overlooked. These will help you regain

your optimism and chase away negative thoughts.

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HERBAL TEAThe typical British answer to many of life’s problems is to pop the kettle on. However, swapping your standard milk and two sugars for something herbal could enhance your relaxation. Camomile tea in particular has been a popular choice for those wanting to unwind before bed. The sweet fragrance and medicinal properties instantly calm you down.

Camomile tea has been used for years to ease headaches, soothe the stomach and treat mild anxieties. Even just the smell as you take a sip is enough to lift the weight off your shoulders. Avoiding caffeine is also recommended if you’re feeling anxious.

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IMAGINATIONWhen you’re struggling to relax, you

may find yourself suffering from ‘what if’ syndrome and curse your own

imagination. However, you must force yourself to steer away from the

negative thoughts.

Many believe in the law of attraction, whereby if you imagine positive

thoughts then they will happen to you. Try this yourself at home by laying back

and imagining the best possible outcome for any of your woes. By doing this, you may even come across a solid

solution to any issues.

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JOURNEYWhen was the last time you travelled? It doesn’t have to be to a faraway foreign land. Even a little trip to a nearby town can help us escape our everyday routine.

Plan a little journey for yourself to explore somewhere you’ve never been before. Visiting a new environment can instantly provide you with a renewed sense of vigour and energy. A place where no one knows your name presents us with a temporary fresh start to ease our mind.

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KEEP CALM AND CARRY ONThis old saying is an affirmation that many of us use without even realising. An affirmation is when we say something out loud, triggering a psychological response. For example, if you say you’re having a bad day, you may continue to think that way throughout the day.

‘Keep calm and carry on’ helps you to save face during the hard times and reminds us that in most cases there are more important tasks at hand to focus on. Try not to take life too seriously!

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LAUGHTERWhether you scour the internet

for cat videos or call a loved one for a chat, laughing often

truly is the best medicine. It takes our mind off negative thoughts and lulls us into a

relaxed state of mind.

Not only that, but studies have proven that regular laughter can help regulate your blood

flow. The blood vessels of those who laugh more expand and contract easily. On the other

hand, if they tense up your blood flow could be restricted.

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MEDITATIONOften regarded as the highest degree of relaxation, meditation connects you with a deep state of mindfulness. By regulating our breathing pattern and sitting calmly, you can reach a peaceful state. The key is to focus and stop your mind from wandering.

Many may find it hard to concentrate on not thinking of anything, purely because there’s always something on our minds. It’s how we process general day-to-day life.

If you’re a beginner, lay flat on the floor and focus on your breathing. Listen as air goes in and out. Dedicate 20 minutes to laying quietly each day and watch as you slowly become better at shutting off.

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NAPPINGWhilst this may seem like something a child would do, you should not underestimate the power of a quick nap. A brief nap can help you feel refreshed when you have a long day or night ahead. If you’re struggling to make it through the day, just 40 minutes spent napping could help you relax and then carry on with your day.

Make sure it’s only 40 minutes, though! Anything longer and you may fall into a deep sleep. Disrupting this level of sleep may make you feel worse once you’ve woken up.

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We often overlook the positive impact that can be felt from doing good for others. Relaxation isn’t just about giving yourself a break, it’s about making a positive change for others too.

Volunteering, making a donation or getting involved with a charity event; these acts validate the human need to care for one another. Subconsciously they help to calm our anxieties by keeping us humble and grounded.

You’ll find it much easier to sit back and relax if you know that your good deed for the day is done!


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PLAN AHEADHave you ever made a bucket list? There are often so many things we want to do in life, but never get chance to as we’re stuck in a routine. Plan ahead to achieve these goals and live your life to the full. Planning little adventures gives us a sense of clarity. You may notice that even when times are tough, if you have a plan of how to change things you can often shrug off the negative impact of the problem.

Whether it’s a holiday, a new challenge or simply a new routine that will help you in day-to-day activities, take a moment to plan ahead. It’ll leave you with less to worry about when the time comes to relax!

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QUIET TIMETurning life’s volume down can instantly clear our minds. Being at peace can help you to unwind as you forget the rush of everyday life. With nothing to distract you, this would be the perfect opportunity for you to try out our meditation tips, or you could simply enjoy the peace and quiet.

Dedicate a room of your home to peace and quiet. You’ll instantly feel awash with calm every time you set foot in there.

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If you’re sick of being stuck behind the same four walls, liberate yourself! This doesn’t mean uprooting yourself and moving elsewhere. Just a touch of interior design magic can give you a new space to relax and unwind.

We often inadvertently use psychological anchors that cause sudden drops in our mood. If you’re in a room that you commonly feel down and anxious in, you may associate the space with that feeling. By refreshing your surroundings, you’re ridding yourself of these psychological anchors and giving yourself a blank canvas to relax in.


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SOUNDSSometimes we need to relax, but we don’t have the time to take ourselves away from our daily duties. In this case, many of us resort to a meditation soundtrack.

This could be the sound of crashing waves, birdsong or even heavy rain. These natural sounds give us a sense of being at one with nature. Even if you are active with another task, you may find that this new sensation helps you to focus and get into a rhythm of work.

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THERAPYThere are plenty of alternative therapies that can help you on

your way to relaxation. From Indian head massage to

reflexology, there are a wealth of experiences that can take your mind to a place of tranquillity.

The NHS warns that users should be wary of experiencing a

placebo effect, but in the case of relaxation it can be perfectly safe

to explore your options as long as there are no physical risks. Why not visit your local spa or

recreate the vibe with our stunning range of luxury

bathroom accessories?

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UNWIND ON THE SOFADitch the gadgets and stop bringing work home with you. It can be hard to unwind after a long day, but once you get into a routine your home will instantly relax you. Here’s our top tips to help you unwind:

Avoid blue light - Turn off your phone and don’t open your laptop. Blue light has been proven to disrupt your circadian rhythm, reduce melatonin production and make it harder for you to sleep at night.

Curl up in comfort - Change into a comfy pair of pyjamas as soon as you get home. Make sure there is a stack of cosy cushions saving your spot on the sofa and sink into a new level of comfort.

Cut the caffeine - Avoid drinking coffee after 2pm and you’ll feel much less anxious towards the end of the day.

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VANITY DIGITAL DETOXEver get the urge to send a ‘humble brag’ out to everyone on Facebook? Tempted to Tweet about how something is going to boost your mood? Don’t!

You don’t need to tell other people how chilled out you are in order to feel that way. In fact, when logging into your social media accounts you’re likely to see a plethora of people doing exactly the same. FOMO (fear of missing out) will instantly strike us down when we log on. Seeing all of our friends getting together whilst we scroll the internet certainly isn’t going to relax the mind.

Take a break from the online world and let your mind escape.

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WALKINGDon’t just let your mind wander. Walking around your hometown or even a new area can instantly help to clear your subconscience.

Less taxing than going to the gym, a gentle walk can keep you active without getting your heart racing. You don’t have to go far, but to walk somewhere and be at peace with yourself for just a moment will help. Focus on the sights, sounds and scents of your surroundings  and take everything in, leaving negative thoughts behind in your wake.

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XOXOSign off a little handwritten letter with the loving criss cross of xoxo. Free handwriting is the perfect way to relax and heal the mind, whether you actually post your letter or not.

A technique used by many psychologists is the gratitude letter. This is an exercise where you write letters to those who have helped you along the way and shown particular kindness to you. It helps us to appreciate the positive things in life.

Alternatively, a letter to your future self is an incredible way to focus the mind on what you’d like to achieve. Perhaps in 5 years’ time you’ll be able to read the letters back and see how far you’ve come.

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YOGAThe practise of yoga for health and mental wellbeing transcends generations. The NHS recommends this ancient practise to improve balance and build strength. An accessible therapy for all, there are no age limits for yoga and plenty of beginner classes on offer. Stretching muscles you perhaps didn’t even know you had, yoga helps to ease tension in the body that could be built up by anxiety.

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ZENIf you’ve followed all of our A-Z guide correctly, we hope you’ll

now be feeling a little more ‘zen’ and at peace with the


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