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Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Centre Name

Centre Number

Emma Wheele

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The Leigh Academy

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Special Edition

Main image● Large image of a well

known artist and a signature.

● Middle of the page, draws the eye in

Masthead Brand awareness

BarcodeSmall in the corner so it doesn't take up a lot of space

Anchorage text Artist's name as he wrote it

PuffsMatch the colour scheme 3D shape

MastheadBold font Layered over the top of the artist

Main imageLarge imageRule of thirds usedBlack and white photoStands out against the blue backgroundBig bold earings

Cover line Only takes up a small amount of spaceStill uses bold fonts for main headings

Anchorage textStill fits the colour scheme About the artist's personal life Bold font for both of the artists namesEye catching


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Someone from group A and B would buy this magazine, this is because the artist on the front looks very calm. this has been created by the lighting of the photo. He looks like an artist which creates calm music. The use of language on the front of the magazine says “Sir Mark Elder” in big font and the use of the word “Sir” makes him important and means that he is well recognised. The props used are a table in which the artist is leaning on and an award which the artist could have won or he's been put up for nomination but it is from the magazine. The costume in which the artist is wearing is just all plain black which makes him stand out against the blurred background. The barcode and price of the magazine is bigger than how you would usually find it on a magazine. This magazine is more expensive and although there isn't a lot of writing on the front cover the photo takes up most of the space because they have used the rule of thirds when taking the photo. Stereotypically someone from group A/B would buy this because they listen to in their free time therefore they would want to buy this magazine. The location in which the photo has been taken looks as though it is on a balcony with big buildings in the background, you are not able to see the buildings in the background which makes the artist stand out more. It has a strapline talking about the bbc music magazine awards showing that they had won an award which makes people buy it because it is a good magazine.

Representing and appealing to social groups

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Physical technologyStudio – in a studio there would be lighting and backgrounds. You would use this to make the photo’s look impressivePhotographical camera’s – These camera’s have to be able to take a lot of photos. It has to be of a good quality photo.

SoftwarePhotoshop – the most up to date Photoshop would need to be used to be able to edit photos. They would need to be able to add text over the photos.Promotion software- This would be used to advertise the magazine so all the software would need to be up to date.

Digital technologyComputer hardware- these usually have small memory and as the photographer would be taking lots of photos they need something that would be able to store all their photos on and much more eg software.Memory cards- These can be used as external storage if the computer doesn’t have enough storage.

PrintingPrinting processes- you would need a colour printer which is attached to the computer so you are able to print multiple copies of the magazine so it can then be distributedPrinting hardware- you would need something which would be able to make lots of copies of the magazine really fast so a printing press would be ideal.

Technologies and processes

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Researching your preliminary exercise

This magazine follows conventions because they have a masthead at the top of the page, although there the title is overlapping an image which is challenging the convention. The main image is a close up of a student. they have used lights and a white background which makes the student stand out. They have made him dress smart which then represents the school and how people should be dressing if the want to be like the main image. He’s in light colours so they are able to write over him when editing, they have usedanchorage text which stands out because it is in bright red which catches the eye and can represent danger or love. They then have more information underneath the text about the story inside. The publishers have added a lot of extra text on the front of the magazine which then shows the reader that there is a lot of information inside the magazine. For the main story lines hey have used big bold fonts and then the extra information underneath is smaller, this is because it draws the eye into the main article.

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In this contents page it has inserts of classrooms and other things that are going on in the school this gives the impression that it is a good school and so that people are able to see what is going on in/throughout the school day. They have their school badge in the page which is advertising for the school so if people read this magazine and like it then if they have children that don't go to that school they are going to send them to that school.

The background page is just plain white which makes the writing stand out as it is plain back although there isn't many photos of the school/people doing things it is a minimalist contents page but still effective.

They have spaced out each story and there is a lot of double spread pages which may have a lot of information and photos.The people who have made this contents page haven’t thought about which fonts they would use as they have just used a normal font which isn't very eye catching and it's quite boring.

Apart from the school's logo there is no other advertising of the school. The photos are plain and boring and no techniques have been used which makes it very plain and boring.

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This student magazine has a surrounding background and they have used the rule of thirds so that the student is at the side of the page so they can add more information on the front of the magazine. The background could be the school grounds or somewhere which looks like a school. The way they have used the rule of thirds is good because it draws the eye into the girl and what she is holding is very light because it is a white piece of paper and then when the light reflects off it, it draws your eye into the whole picture. They have used a rhetorical question about what the student got on her gcse’s and then they have used a percentage about the overall school. They have also used her full name as if she was famous or popular.A school website address has been used to advertise the school, on the website you are able to see what else is going on in the school and leave comments and suggestions either about the school or the magazine.The photo’s at the side are of different parts of the school this means they are able to advertise what the school looks like from inside. These are also linked in with the articles which they have written about throughout the magazine.

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Which forms and conventions will be used in my design and why?

• In my magazine i will use a masthead which would be bold and behind the image• I would have a skyline of extra information which would be in the magazine • The image would be in the middle and would be very simple/natural light • I would use complementary colours and keep with that colour scheme• I would use puffs, with quotes from articles• I wouldn't have much text over the photo as that is the main piece of the magazine • I would try and advertise the school buy using email addresses and other social media • I would also make sure that it was eye catching because otherwise people wouldn't buy it• The font would be basic and easy to read and understand • Would be a neat layout so it’s easy to read• I’d have a logo/brand to advertise

I have selected these design choices because they follow magazine conventions and i want people to enjoy reading my magazine so that in the future they would buy more. I would want it to appeal to young people/students as i know what they enjoy reading and listening to.

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Researching your main task

Main image. Rule of thirds used so that the image is the main focus. The artist dressed in bright and bold colours which draws the eye into the page.

Background is a bright colour and all the fonts go with the colour scheme. Niki’s favorite colour is known as pink. This not only would attract her fans but also represents feminine and beauty. There are no shadows on the page as it is all bright lighting which would encourage readers.

Different questions asked and the artist then answers the questions.

Nicki Minaj is wearing a zebra print jumpsuit/dress which draws the eye to the image as it is a different colour to the colour scheme and because it is animal print it would appeal to younger readers.

The artist's name is bold because it then shows what type of person she is as she is bold and simple.The image is overlapping the artist's name which gives the impression that they are important that their name. It also draws the eye to the page.

Page numbers which links to the contents page and the front cover.Lets the reader know what article they are reading.

Nicki looks very serious which can then link back to her career as a singer which she is also very serious about.

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Quote from the artist as a title. It is quite bold and eye catching which makes the reader read the article. The font looks as if every letter has been cut out of magazine and each letter is a different size which makes it look quirky and looks as if it would fit the artist's personality. it a very strong quote as it gives the impression that it is something the artist feels very strong about as it takes up most of the two pages.

Quite a short article but there was no questions asked because the article is all about the artist and her life. This article/text may go on to another page.

The main image is of the artist mid-shot leaning forward in front of a white background which makes her stand out more.

The colour scheme it’s very simple but it is effective. The way the artist is wearing a bright red shirt and with her black hair which matches the title she really stands out in front of the white background. The colour scheme follows a consistent pattern of red green white and back.This fits the conventional idea of indie/rock ‘n’ roll

Has a short sum up of what the article is going to be about.

Page numbers which link back to the content’s page.

The makeup which has been out on the artist makes her eyes stand out against her pale skin which reflects the main image of her being bold against a white background.

There are only 3 types of fonts used in this double spread; The title, the subtitle and the main article

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Grey scale makes the artist stand out. The image takes up a lot of the space and the small text makes the image stand out even more. The small burst of red draws the eye to the image as it is all simple colours. it gives multiple impressions of what it could be such as a heart but it has a hand over it which gives the impression that the artist has to hide his feelings and emotions.

The layout is quite simple which makes it easier for the reader to read and find what page they want to read. The page numbers are bigger then the text itself this is so the reader is clear about what page the article is on.

There is a short description about each article which would interest the reader in a certain article.

Vibe usually use this type of font for their contents page which then informs the reader that it is a vibe magazine.

The feature list is by the side which then lets the reader know what going to be in the magazine.

The Vibe logo is behind the artist which shows the importance of the artist as it is a large magazine brand but the artist is more well known.

The main image is of Kanye west. The rule of thirds is used as he is more to the left of the age rather than the middle. The image is a mid-shot and he looks very serious this is shown by his facial expressions and the fact his hands are in is pockets.

This magazine isn’t only about music but also fashion. Over kanye’s left shoulder there is a small paragraph of writing about the article.

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On this contents page there is multiple photos. You are able to tell what photo goes with the main article as it is bigger. in this case it is the photo of ant and dec dressed smartly in front of a white background. The image of dolly parton is very bold as she looks excited but it is not an official photo as there is no background behind her although it stands out as she is wearing bright colours around her neck and she has bright blond hair.

Each image is linked with a page number which is boldly put by the photograph and then at the side of the page with a short description of what the atricl includes

All Q magazine contents pages have this layout and font type so it is easy to distinguish what magazine it is.

Logo of the magazine along with the date of when it was published.

Image of one of the double pages of an interview. This has a bold title and a large photo. it is one of the first pages as it is a double spread about a band.

This is an image of a previous magazine which could have been a special issue or it could be another magazine which is included in with a pack.

This is a review about the best story to read which would be featured in another magazine or in a previous magazine.

This is the information which will be in the magazine. It is simple and easy for the reader to find what they want to read about. The colour scheme is bold as they have used red which is the colour they use for the logo’s background and every Q magazine has the same colour.

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