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Attract Money Into Your Purse or Wallet

If you're trying to attract money with the law of attraction, you are probably using the typical methods like visualization, meditation, affirmations, scripting, and vision boards.  All of these techniques can work well, but you don't have to limit yourself to them either.  There are endless creative ways to express your intention for more money, including the exercise I'm going to share with you now.

Start by thinking of a sum of money you would like to receive in the near future.  For best results start with a modest sum - don't jump immediately to umpteen millions.  It's important that your existing beliefs can accept this sum.  If you aim too high you may inadvertently trigger resistance, which will prevent the exercise from working.

If you need money to pay a bill or cover an expense, start with that amount.  Anywhere from $20 to a few hundred dollars should be okay for most people.  If you have more experience manifesting money, you may be able to go as high as a few thousand dollars.  Listen to your intuition - if the sum you choose makes you feel anxious or doubtful, it's probably too high.

Once you have decided on the amount you need, take a slip of paper and write on it:  "I intend to receive the sum of $_______ (fill in your dollar amount) to enable me to ____________ (write the reason you need the money).  Please deliver the money, means, resources or opportunities that will allow this money into my life.  Thank you!"

Now close your eyes and hold the slip of paper in your hands for a few minutes.  Pretend that the slip of paper is actually cash or a check for the sum you have asked for.  Allow feelings of happiness and gratitude to flow as you focus intently on feeling as if you have already received this money.  Feel peaceful and satisfied, knowing that you can now cover your bill or expense for which you needed the money.

Stay with these feelings for at least a few minutes, even as long as 10 minutes if you like.

Then - open your purse or wallet and slip this piece of paper into it so it sticks out slightly.  Choose a prominent place for your purse or wallet; perhaps on your kitchen table, fireplace mantel or bedroom bureau.  Before you go to sleep, place your purse or wallet in this location, being sure to keep it OPEN, with the slip of paper visible.

Before you fall asleep, spend a few minutes thinking about this money and once again feeling happy that you already have it.  It does not matter if you don't quite believe that this exercise will work; all that matters is that you're willing to give it a shot and trust that the universe CAN provide this money for you.

When you awaken the next morning, go to your purse or wallet and once again hold the slip of paper and feel as if you have already received this sum of money. 

Express deep gratitude and happiness to the universe, tuck the slip of paper all the way into your purse or wallet and continue with your day feeling lighthearted and confident - just as you would if you did indeed have the money you needed to cover your expenses.

Repeat this exercise every night and every morning.  It may take a few days or even a little longer to work, but before long you should receive some money

from unexpected sources. 

Don't be surprised if smaller sums arrive first - sometimes you may still be a bit resistant to the bigger sums so they will take a little longer, but you may have no trouble manifesting smaller amounts more quickly.

Doing this exercise repeatedly can be a powerful addition to your manifesting routine because it helps you to strengthen your intention to receive more money and abundance, AND it helps you to strengthen your belief that the universe will provide everything you need.  And the more strongly you believe that, the more it's going to show up in your outer life.

In this kind of situation it's well worth taking the time to improve your thoughts about the money you lost.  You might grab a sheet of paper and write some statements like this:

"It stinks that I lost that money.  I'm angry about it.  It was a stupid mistake.  The good thing is that I rarely make mistakes like that.  I'm usually very good with money.  I can forgive myself for messing up this time.  I know that there is more than enough abundance to go around.  The money I "lost" probably hasn't been lost

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at all; it will come to me in another way from another source.  I like that idea.  Nothing is ever lost, and my dominant focus determines the level of abundance I allow into my life."

As you work on releasing your perception of lack and loss, and you keep choosing better thoughts about money and abundance, you will naturally release your anger and your vibrational signal will start to reflect the essence of abundance again.

Below is a simple exercise that I use to tune into the essence of abundance. Try performing it once daily, or more often if possible, and it won't be long before you notice some positive shifting taking place in your financial situation:

1) Relax

The first part of the exercise is to get as relaxed and calm as you can. Breathe deeply and slowly, relax all your muscles and allow your body to go limp. (You can do this exercise while lying or sitting, whichever is more comfortable.)

2) See the current of abundance

Once you feel relaxed, close your eyes and imagine that you can see this current of abundance flowing all around you and through you. 

You can see it as a stream of sparkling green light (or gold, or white, any color will work); or see it as liquid, like a stream of water.


3) Feel the abundance

As you look at this stream of abundance, imagine that you can feel it too. What does abundance feel like? Ease, flow, joy, peacefulness, warmth, coolness - any feeling you attach to it is fine as long as it's positive. Concentrate on this flow of abundance and allow its positive feel to seep into you.

4) Abundance and money

As you stay tuned into the flow of abundance, begin to see paper money flowing along in this stream. You can imagine them as one-dollar bills, twenty-dollar bills, one-hundred-dollar bills, or even larger if you want. See dozens of these bills filling the stream of energy around and within you. Imagine yourself reaching out and plucking a few of these bills out of the stream and holding them in your hands.

5) Internalize the money

As you imagine holding these bills, FEEL as if you have actually received the sum of money in real life. How does it feel to actually have a couple thousand dollars (or however much you are visualizing) in your possession? Allow yourself to feel as if you truly have received the money, and let your heart lift in gratitude and joy for your increased abundance!

Stay with these pleasant feelings for as long as you want, and then continue on with your day.

After you do the exercise, a few different things may happen. You may receive money from unexpected sources, or even money you were expecting might show up sooner than you thought it would. 

Or you may suddenly get an idea about something you can do to allow more money to come to you, like an action that will boost your business income, or you may get a feeling that you should skim through the Help Wanted ads, and you may see a higher paying job listed that would be perfect for you. Sometimes these things won't happen immediately, but rather a few days later.

However it happens, simply do your best to stay detached and optimistic that good things are on the way. If you feel a hunch to do something specific, go with it and see what happens. The more you can perform this exercise, the sooner you should start seeing steady progress in attracting abundance.

Getting into alignment with money is as easy as releasing anything that may be interfering, like feelings of anxiety, worry, stress, anger, frustration, and the like.  Keep saying to yourself over and over, "There is always enough money.  More money is coming to me to cover these bills.  I always have more than enough.  All is well.  The universe will provide everything I need.  I believe that I always have more than enough."

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Even if you don't initially believe the things you are saying, pretend that you do!  Put your full conviction into believing them and you will quickly generate enough energy and intention to create a shift in your financial situation.  It may not be a massive shift right away, but the more you adopt this "all is well" mind-set in relation to your finances you will steadily and surely tip the balance from lack to abundance.

Step #1 - Believing Without Seeing

The Bible describes faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  In a law of attraction context, this would mean getting clear on what you hope for (how much money you need, in this case), then being certain that the universe will find a way to deliver it to you. 

In other words, believing, trusting and knowing that more money is coming to you even if you can't see any possible way for it to happen.  Or, if you do have an idea or two about the ways you can receive more money, you should also be willing to trust that the universe can find the best possible way, even if it's not the way you think or hope it will happen. 

Step #2 - Constant Reinforcement

Your faith will not be strong at the beginning because your doubt and disbelief will weaken it.  This is perfectly normal - but it's up to you to purposely keep strengthening and reinforcing your faith!  That's the only way it can grow stronger; by constant reinforcement. 

Keep stating over and over again, "I don't know how, but I know that the universe will deliver $_____ (your desired sum) to me very soon."  Say it even if you doubt it.  Say it even if you don't really believe it.  Say it firmly, and with conviction.  Refuse to accept any other outcome.

Step #3 - Receiving it Now

If you keep expressing your strong faith that more money and abundance is coming to you, then you keep worrying and obsessing about not having enough money, you are simply un-doing all of the vibrational progress you made with your attempts to believe.  It's vital to stay in a happy, receptive, positive state of mind. 

How would you feel if you absolutely KNEW that you would be receiving $500 or $1000 or $10,000 dollars tomorrow?  You'd be thrilled and excited, right?  Feel that way now, even though you don't really "know" for sure that the money is coming.  Keep insisting that it is, and feel happy about it.

This process may seem strange or uncomfortable the first several times you do it, but the more you do it the more comfortable you will begin to feel.  Eventually, with enough practice, it will become your habitual way of thinking about money and abundance, which should create a continuous flow of abundance into your life.

Below you'll find a simple 5-step plan to help you steadily attract more money without the frustration:

1)  Commit to a process, not a one-time event

Before you try attracting money using the Law of Attraction, commit to working steadily on the process no matter how long it takes.  Don't expect overnight results, but of course if they do happen to come be happy about it.  But if it appears that no progress is happening, don't get frustrated - simply remind yourself that you are going to keep working on it day by day.

2)  Start with one clear, achievable goal

Rather than trying to attract hundreds of millions of dollars right away, it's better to start with a smaller, more achievable goal so you can build up your belief to fuel the bigger goals later.  Come up with a sum of money that's not too big to be believable, and that you would be comfortable receiving.  Maybe it will be $100, $1,000 - or even $10.

3)  Let the energy build

The next step is to focus on this sum of money each and every day, multiple times a day if you can.  But don't focus on it in the sense that you are trying to attract it - rather imagine what it will feel like to actually have it. 

Imagine that you are holding it in your hands right now; see yourself going to the bank to make a deposit; see yourself spending the money on the items you

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need, and so on.  Doing this as often as possible will help build up a solid amount of energy in connection with the reality, and communicate to the universe that you want this experience.

4)  Allow the universe to work its magic

Next is allowing the universe to start working on it - without any interference from you.  As tempting as it may be to brainstorm ways to receive this sum of money, instead take a step back from it and wait a few days or even a week to see what the universe does.  It's very possible that you will be given an "inspired action" to follow, or you may get a hunch to go to a specific place at a specific time - or maybe nothing will happen quite yet.  Be okay with that; just stay open to the possibilities.

5)  Let your inner wisdom lead you

After you have built up a fair amount of energy toward attracting this money, check in with your inner wisdom.  Sit quietly, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and then turn your attention inward.  Ask, "Is there anything I can do to receive this sum of $______?"  Then wait for an answer.  It may come as a quiet inner knowing, a visual idea popping into your mind, or even a strong gut feeling that you should take a specific action.  If nothing comes to you after waiting several minutes, you can safely conclude that there is nothing you need to immediately, but be sure to stay attuned to your inner wisdom because ideas and hunches can arrive spontaneously when you least expect them.

This process may not seem as exciting as waving a magic wand and becoming rich instantly - but it is much more rewarding to attract money into your life so that it lasts, and the only way to do that is to get into energetic alignment with it by focusing on it consistently, expecting it to arrive, and doing what you can to help it do so.

How would you know if this is indeed happening in your life?  Take a look at some common beliefs that can prevent you from attracting money below:

Money can't come unless you work really hard for it.

Most of us were brought up believing that we can't receive money unless we work really hard for it.  Not that hard work is such a bad thing - but is it truly the only way to receive money?  No.  But we get used to struggling and scrounging for every single penny - and ultimately we become distrustful of anything that sounds too good to be true.  Great opportunities or any supposed "blessing" that could benefit us seems suspicious because we're so ingrained with the idea that receiving money should be unpleasant and difficult.   If you labor under this belief too, changing it is critical before you can attract more money. 

Begin reinforcing a belief that money can come easily to you too - as long as you are open to receive it.  Remind yourself that good things can come to you if you simply expect them to.

Money won't come if you don't deserve it. 

It's unfortunate that many people struggle with a terribly low sense of self-worth.  They don't believe that they deserve love, money or anything good - but if you ask them why, they really can't give you a valid reason.  They just "feel" that way deep down inside. 

If you struggle with this belief too, you'll be subconsciously resisting anything good you do manage to attract, including money.  To heal this belief you need to start loving yourself and building a belief that you do deserve to have more money, love, and anything else you desire.  This takes time, but it's so worth the effort - because as your belief changes, you'll start to see amazing changes in your outer life too.

There isn't enough money to go around. 

Have your parents or other people in your life ever said things like, "Money doesn't grow on trees" or "You should save for a rainy day"?  These are classic examples of a belief that there isn't enough money (or resources) to go around.  That's not to say that there is just cause for being reckless or careless with money - but you can also work on building a belief that you will always have more than enough.  The begin building this belief, simply pay attention to the many forms of abundance all around you in the world each day.  Admire people who seem to have plenty of money, appreciate your own money, and keep affirming that there is always enough to go around.  The more you reinforce such a belief, the more you'll start to notice it becoming true for you.  Periods of lack will start shrinking, and probably even disappear altogether eventually. 

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These are just a few of the beliefs that can block the attraction of money.  Increasing your ability to attract money is as simple as exploring your own beliefs about money, and changing the ones that are holding you back.

1)  Explore your beliefs about money and abundance. 

The tricky thing about beliefs is that they are often subconscious.  You may not even realize you have limiting beliefs about money until you begin examining how you feel.  Take some time to ask yourself questions like these and write down your answers:

- Do I really believe that money can come to me easily?

- Why or why not?

- My biggest obstacle in attracting more money right now is . . .

- My relationship with money is . . .

- I just don't believe that . . .

- I want to believe that . . .

Be sure not to censor your answers; just let them fly right out.  Once you start delving into these concepts you'll gain a lot of clarity about yourself and your beliefs.

2)  Begin changing your limiting beliefs. 

As an example let's say you discovered a belief that you can't receive money except through your job, and your job doesn't offer any opportunities for advancement.  Obviously, such a belief will keep you locked in place financially.  How would you change this belief?  Two things would be good to start:

- First, begin affirming constantly that money can come to you in limitless ways - both expected and unexpected.  Just because YOU can't see any possibilities doesn't mean the universe can't.  In fact, sometimes you'll be astounded at the miracles that can happen when you believe in the possibilities.

- Second, do what you can to help the universe work on your behalf.  That means creating "gateways" through which more money can enter your life.  You might apply for a better job that offers more opportunity for advancement; or start your own part-time business.  You can enter contests, sweepstakes, and buy lottery tickets (do this moderately; you only need one ticket to win). 

If you happen to see an opportunity to receive more money, go for it!  Sometimes the universe will send you a fantastic opportunity or give you a little nudge in a certain direction.  Always pay attention to these and give them your best shot.  Even if they don't create a windfall immediately, they may lead to more opportunities later.

Ultimately there are no right or wrong ways to change your beliefs.  Probably the simplest way is to keep reinforcing the positive belief until it replaces the negative belief, and take action when you can; but listen to your intuition for the ways that work best for you.  You are your own best expert.  Let your intution guide you and you cannot go wrong.

3)  Finally, be patient with yourself.

No matter how much progress you make, you may still have moments where you slip back into that old thinking again.  It will probably happen that way for you too.  Remember that changing your beliefs is a PROCESS, not a one-time event.  Give yourself some time to make that inner adjustment.  When you notice that you've slipped back into old lack-focused thoughts, simply clear your mind and start fresh again.  The more you do it, the easier it will become!

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