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Title: Ayurveda the science of Life

By: Krithi Nathan

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1. Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic science of healing, was developed around 5,000 years ago in India. 2. Its motive is to promote healthy and natural forms of healing through the use of herbs, diet, yogic practices, breathing exercises, and much more to allow all to live up to one’s full potential. 3. The word is derived from roots Ayus-life and veda-science so is basically known as the science of life;

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4.the focus is to revitalize our mind, soul, and spirit and keep them in balance with our environments, creating a healthy and fulfilling life. 5.Today, it is practiced as a form of alternative medicine as opposed to allopathic treatment, that focuses on short- term chemical remedies. 6. Let’s take a look at some of the major concepts that compose this science:

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Doshas 1. It is believed that there are three basic humours or doshas that are present in different concentrations in everyone and represent the basis of bodily movement. 2. They are kapha(mucus), pitta(bile), and vata(air) which all together regulate metabolism, waste accumulation, and character energy. Usually only 1 or 2 of these elements dominate each person. 3. If a person is dominated by vata, they are energetic, skinny, moody, nimble, and joyful.

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Doshas 4. A person dominated by pitta is intelligent, ambitious, strong, and has a thirst for adventure. 5. A person dominated by kapha is easy-going, motherly, stubborn, and methodical.  6. When these concentrations go out of balance, the person is overcome with disease and suffers from several ailments particular to their dominant dosha. 7. A disorder in vata results in anxiety, constipation, insomnia,dry skin, and lack of concentration. Pitta imbalance leads to inflammatory conditions, indigestion, and irritability.

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8. Kapha disorders result in laziness, weight gain, nasal congestion, and excessive cough. These imbalances must be treated through proper diet, yoga, and meditation practices. 


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Dhatus 1. In Ayurveda, there are 7 dhatus, or different types of tissues, that dominate the body. All serve individual physiological functions and arise from one another. They are the result of the metabolic process that is controlled by the doshas. Imbalance of these dhatus also cause disease.2. Rasa (Plasma)- provides nourishment to fluids like blood and lymph.3. Rakta (Blood) -preserve life, result of rasa nourishmentMansa (Muscles) -formed from rasa & rakta, covers skeletal structures and bones


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Dhatus 4. Meda (Fat) -lubrication between organs and maintenance of temperature5. Asthi (Bone) -framework for body, conversion of meda6. Majja (Bone marrow)-semi-solid that fills bones7. Shukra (Reproductive fluids)-responsible for vitality and energy


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Malas 1. Mala composes of the excretory

products from the body as a result of physiological functions. It is named ‘mala’ because of its property of toxification.

2. It is a necessary part of health as all wastes must be removed at some point to maintain balance.


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Malas There are 3 types: 1. Purish (stool)-defecation is the waste product of digestive system. Imbalance results in diarrhea, constipation, piles, and pain.Mutra (Urine)-liquid waste as a result of blood filtration by the kidneys. Imbalance results in urinary infections, kidney stones, and bladder disorders. 2. Sweda (Sweat)- liquid waste from pores in skin for thermoregulation. Imbalance results in skin irritation, infection, and low body temperature. 3. All the doshas, dhatus, and malas must be in balance to ensure Arogya, or good health without any ailments. 

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