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After one year the child should be started on variety of foods so that it develops tastes. Cow or Buffalo's milk can be given along with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Chapati made of whole wheat should be given as it is nutritious. Read on to know more.After the child is a year old, you should gradually let the child start getting used to foods made for the family, in terms of taste as well as consistency. Milk Start giving cow or buffalo's milk from a glass 2-3 times a day. If the child does not like milk, milk preparations like fruit salad in milk, curds and cheese should be given.Fruits Inexpensive seasonal fruits should be given in abundance. Whenever possible, avoid peeling the fruit's skin. Fruit skins are rich in vitamins and minerals Encourage the child to have fresh fruit juices, but avoid sweetening it with sugar. Avoid canned fruits and fruit juices; they have excessive sugar and contain preservatives.

Rice and Chapati Chapatis should be made from whole wheat. (Do not throw away the bran). Polished rice is not as healthy as unpolished or par-boiled rice.

Vegetables Green, orange, red and yellow vegetables are essential. Scrape vegetables like potatoes instead of peeling them. Use the water in which rice or vegetables have been boiled; it contains essential vitamins and minerals. Do not overcook vegetables. If you want to make the vegetables soft, gently mash them with a spoon.

Dals, Eggs and other high protein foods Make sure foods high in protein (such as pulses or dals, gram, peanuts, peas, beans, eggs, fish, mutton, liver) are given. Sprouted gram or moong is very nutritious.

Chocolates, cold drinks, coffee, etc Chocolates, cold drinks, flavoring agents, tea, coffee, etc. should be avoided as far as possible because they contain chemicals and caffeine that can be harmful to the child. These filler foods can also ruin the child's appetite for nutritious meals.

Feeding homemade baby food to babies is very beneficial as compared to feeding readymade and packaged baby foods. Have a quick look at some Indian recipes for making nutritious baby food at home.

There are a number of Indian dishes that not only tickle the taste buds of adults but also small babies. Despite the popular belief that Indian spices are adverse for health, the purpose of using some common spices is to make food items tasty and appealing to the olfactory nerves. Most infants like to have foods enriched with the correct amount of spices. Many doctors believe that typical Indian dishes should be introduced quite early in a childs life, perhaps when they are 7-9 months old. This article contains a number of easy to prepare Indian dishes that you may like to cook for your little one.

KhichdiFeeding Khichdi is probably the best Indian baby food to make your child have vegetables and pulses. Ingredients: 1/2 cup of rice, 1/2 cup of green gram, 1 carrot, beans, peas, 1 slice of pumpkin, 1 slice of bottle gourd, 1 piece raw papaya and a pinch of haldi (turmeric).Recipe: At first the rice and pulses must be washed properly. After washing, the pulses and rice must be soaked in water for at least half an hour. Next, the vegetables should be washed. After washing, you must add them to a pressure cooker containing the cleaned rice and dal. Add a slight amount of turmeric powder and allow the entire thing to cook till at least 10-12 whistles of the cooker are heard. Mash the preparation using a spoon and serve it to your kid after it cools down.

Vegetable SoupAnother great way to feed an ample amount of vegetables is to prepare vegetable soups.Ingredients: Peas, 1 carrot, beans, a slice of pumpkin, a piece of bottle gourd, a pinch of haldi or turmeric powder and 2 cups of water.Recipe: At first, all the vegetables must be properly washed and cleaned. Next, you must chop them into small pieces. After this, place all the vegetable slices into a pressure cooker. Do not forget to add water and a slight amount of turmeric powder. Allow the mixture to cook properly, till you hear at least 5-6 whistles of the cooker. After letting it cool down, you can use a mixer or a hand blender to blend the resulting item.

Banana SmoothieYou must give this particular preparation to your baby once he or she has been introduced to yoghurt and after checking with your babys doctor. You may replace banana with avocado, cheeku, papaya or melon.Ingredients: 1/2 cup of yoghurt and 1 banana.Recipe: First, you must slice the banana into fine pieces. Next, add these slices to a bowl containing yoghurt. Finally, blend or mash the banana pieces really well and make sure that you serve it to your child after adjusting the consistency as per his/her desire.

Chicken and Sweet Potato CurryThis dish is one of the favourite Indian preparations of children.Ingredients: A breast of chicken cut into pieces of 1 each, 1/2 cup of red lentils, 1 small finely sliced onion, 2 peeled and sliced sweet potatoes, a pinch each of cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, coriander, 1 tablespoon safflower oil and 2-3 cups of water.Recipe: At first, heat the oil and fry the onions till they become soft. Next, add the chicken pieces and cook the mixture until it turns golden brown. Finally add the sweet potatoes and the spices. Keep stirring the mixture and at last add the lentils and water. Allow the whole thing to cook for 30 minutes. Let the soup cool down. Mix this preparation with white or brown rice and mash properly before feeding your baby.

Sweet Potato KheerThis is a highly nutritious dish that kids like to eat.Ingredients: A cup of milk consumed by the baby and 1sweet potato.Recipe: At first the potato must be peeled and successively boiled in a cooker. Next it must be properly mashed and added to the baby milk before being fed.Little kids get bored, if fed the same dishes again and again. You may like to prepare one of the items listed in this article from time to time. In this way, the baby gets to taste new dishes and does not get used to having the same kind of food. Of course, if your baby has some sort of allergy or intestinal problems, you must consult the doctor before making him have such foods

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