
Back2truth's Newsletter14 March 2011

Message from Aaron

A lot of dramatic events seem to be going on in the world at the moment: the wave of revolt sweeping through the Arab world, namely in Tunisia, Libya & Egypt; floods in Australia, earthquakes in New Zealand and other parts of the world, and the earthquake/tsunami in Japan...

But are these events happening outside of you?

They seem to be, but they aren't. They are apparently happening outside the body, but they aren't happening outside you.

These events and happenings appear within you, the One Formless Substance. By the very nature of appearance... diversity and change ostensibly are. As all is the One Formless Substance, there is in truth no diversity or change.

Nothing is outside of you, for you have no form.Form = BoundariesNo form = No boundaries

As form, the world of change, appears within you - no form... it is also no form.Form appears in no form and is no form. Therefore form is also you. You are form and no form.

So therefore does it really matter what goes on in the world of form?Is there in truth anything to lose or gain?No.

The world of form is you appearing in no-form which is also you. So fear need not exist. Not that there is anything wrong with it. It is as it is. But it need not be. Fear appears to be founded upon the possibility of losing something. Whether it's possessions, status, family, children, purpose, lovers, friends, money, respect, honour, pride, youth, influence, the body, the mind, a job, one's self, etc.

What can be lost? Can form influence no-form?Can objects affect empty space?Can sound harm silence?Can change disturb changelessness?

The idea is that a Subject can lose an Object. Although you are the subject, you are also the object, and the empty space in which all parties appear. Nothing can ever be lost.

Nothing is outside you the One Formless Substance. Everything, i.e. the universes of change, appear within you, the no-form. Change appears in changelessness. Sound appears in silence. Objects appear in empty space. You appear in you.

Aaron Wigg

Back2truth's Newsletter14 March 2011


Aaron will be available for talks in Thailand in about a month's time.

A couple of children's books have been written and are waiting to hear back from a UK Publisher.

More children's books and an adult's novel are on the way to being written.

Electronic music mixed with the voice of Aaron to be produced.


New introduction

New Events page with Q & A's

New Category, “Science” with 3 subcategories.


See you next month for another message and more updates!

The back2truth Team

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