Page 1: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on

Use this booklet for your in-store gaming throughout the February and Easter holidays.You can download a pdf version of this booklet at the following web address:®

Page 2: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on

BATTLE COMPANIESNew rules for playing experience-based campaigns in Middle-earth

Along with this booklet you will need a copy ofthe Return of The King rules manual, The Siegeof Gondor and The Battle of Pelennor Fields.You’ll also need a small collection of models foryour starting Battle Company. Fortunately thenumber of models you’ll need to start with is verysmall (normally less than 10) so it’s an ideal wayto start a new force, or use an old army that youhaven’t played with for a while.

Bear in mind as you play Battle Companies, asyou hold it now it is just another stage on thejourney of this way of playing - and more changesand improvements will be made before it reachesits destination. Please feel free to send us yourideas and feedback as you play games, I promiseto read all your comments and suggestions, evenif we don’t use them. Anyway, that’s enoughtalking from me, it’s time to pick your force,name your models and get playing. Good luck!

Adam Troke

ready to defend Middle-earth against the hordes ofSauron shoulder to shoulder with the forces ofGood, or sweep the races of Men aside alongsidethe forces of Evil. You’ll find that not only canyou play exciting games against the BattleCompanies of your friends, but that you can alsoadd these companies to your existing The Lord ofthe Rings armies, giving them even morecharacter - there’s nothing to stop you having yourown Heroes fighting alongside the likes ofAragorn, Legolas or the Witch-king.

What you’re holding in your hands now iseverything that we have produced for BattleCompanies up to now, with some improvementsand minor rules changes. Veterans of the gamewill notice, for example, that rolling on theInfluence Table now costs three Influence Points.The changes that have been made are simply theresult of good feedback and extensive playtesting,and I hope you’ll enjoy them and find that theymake your games even more fun.

Hello and welcome to Battle Companies.Many of you may well be familiar withthis game, while others are completely

new to it. To those who are new, greetings, andto those who are returning, welcome back.

Battle Companies is a variation of The Lord ofthe Rings Strategy Battle Game that allowsplayers to follow the progress of a band ofWarriors, lead by a Hero as they fight through aseries of games. It allows Heroes to develop intocharacters of their own by surviving deadlybattles, gaining new Special Rules, improvedcharacteristics and wargear. Of course, thoseHeroes who do badly may find themselvessuffering grievous injuries and losing followersas their fellow warriors succumb to theirwounds. Through the course of your games youwill be able to create characters and a band ofwarriors that mean far more to you than thenormal forces you play with every week, a BattleCompany with personalities and a history all ofits own. Try a few games, and you’ll soon seewhat I mean.

Since Battle Companies first appeared in WhiteDwarf here in the UK back in Issue 297, therehave been literally thousands of small skirmishesacross tabletops all across the world. Here inGames Development we’ve received dozens ofletters describing some of the best of thosegames, retelling tales of glory and terrible woe.We’ve also had a wealth of valuable feedback,saying what players really liked, and what wasripe for improvement.

This summer Games Workshop UK will berunning an exciting campaign set during the Warof the Ring. This Battle Companies booklet isthe first step towards that campaign. By buildingup a fearsome Company of warriors, you can be

Consistent success using the Battle Companies rules could make your heroes as mightyas the members of the fabled Fellowship.

FeedbackIf you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on theBattle Companies rules, please get in touch with them by writing to thefollowing address:

Games Development LOTR Battle CompaniesGames WorkshopWillow RoadLentonNottinghamNG7 2WS

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Adam’s Orc WarbandMy first Battle Company is a Company ofMordor. To represent my Hero I decidedto use an Orc Captain I had converted awhile ago. I named him Nurbog. Afterdoing this I named the rest of the Orcs inmy new Mordor Warband, filling out myrecord sheet with their characteristics (it’sa good idea to photocopy this severaltimes, as you’ll need to update itfrequently). Once I’d come up with abackground story for my little patrol, Iwas ready to go and play some games!

Step One: Gather your forceChoose which Battle Company you wish to usefrom this booklet, and gather up the models youwill need. Naming them individually will helpenormously when it comes to record-keeping, andentering their details onto a record sheet. Onceyou have selected your force you may choose oneWarrior to be your Hero, you should make up asuitable name/title for him. This warrior representsa lieutenant, sergeant, master-at-arms or someother ‘greater minion’, literally an aspiring Heroof the Dark Masters of Mordor, or the noble lordsof Gondor. Add one Fate point to his profile, thiswarrior is considered a Hero in all ways from thispoint onwards. Throughout your games yourBattle Company may grow in size, however, itmay not exceed fifteen members in total.

Step Two: Play a gameFind an opponent. Take a look at the scenarioson pages 14 - 15 and agree with them whichscenario you are going to play. During thegame, record how many wounds each Warrior

and Hero inflicts, and keep models removedfrom play as casualties to one side. This isessential for step three. If two or more warriorswin a combat and inflict wounds together, thecontrolling player may choose which of themodels counts the kill as his own.

Step Three: InjuriesOnce you have finished your game, it’s timeto work out the seriousness of the injuriesyour warriors have sustained. It’s veryimportant that this phase is remembered, andideally should be the first thing players doafter the battle is over. Even before theobligatory post-match cup of tea, beer ororange squash!

Every Hero and Warrior removed as a casualtyshould roll on their respective Injury table(opposite and below). You’ll notice that yourWarriors are far more likely to die of theirinjuries than Heroes. This reflects the heroicnature of The Lord of the Rings andstreamlines the game, preventing too muchbook-keeping.

It is very important that all your Injury rollsare worked out directly after your battle iscompleted, and ideally players should makethese rolls together, and before playinganother game.

If any Hero or Warrior rolls the ‘Dead’ result,all their equipment is lost and cannot begiven to another member of the Company. If a Warrior or Hero has a mount that iskilled during a scenario do not roll on theInjury table for it. All mounts are consideredto survive their wounds, or the charactersecures himself a new one. The only way amount can be lost is if the rider dies, inwhich case the steed is lost along with therider’s other possessions.

2D6 Effect2 Dead – The Hero’s adventure ends here… remove the warrior from your


3 Lost in Battle – The Hero lies wounded somewhere on the field of battle. The players should, as soon after their bookkeeping is completed as possible,play ‘Take the high ground’ with the lost Hero as the objective. The Hero maynot act, or be attacked for the duration of the game. If his side wins, he isreturned, and makes a full recovery. If not, he is considered Dead.

4 Arm Wound – The damaged arm may no longer be used, either to carry ashield or wield a weapon. Therefore the Hero can only use a hand weapon ordagger from this point onwards. A second arm wound will force your Hero toretire, as per the Dead result.

5 Leg Wound – The first leg wound gives a -1"/2cm move penalty. A second legresult will cause your Hero to retire, as per the Dead result.

6 Full Recovery – The Hero may play the next game as normal.

7 Full Recovery – The Hero may play the next game as normal.

8 It’s just a Scratch! – The Hero must miss his next game. Alternatively he maychoose to roll again on this chart, but the second result will apply.

9 Flesh Wound – The Hero must miss his next game.

10 Niggling Injury – Before each game the Hero must make a roll. On the scoreof a 1, the Hero’s injury is plaguing him and he cannot take part in the game.A Hero can have more than one Niggling Injury, in which case he must makeone roll for each.

11 The wounds of a Hero – The Hero’s patrons are so impressed by the Hero’sself-sacrifice that his force gains +D6 Influence this game. Additionally, hemakes a Full Recovery.

12 Protected By The Valar – Saved from injury by the Valar, or perhaps somedarker power, the Hero is protected from any serious harm. The Heropermanently gains +1 Fate. Additionally, he makes a Full Recovery.

Warrior Injury Table

1D6 Effect1 Dead – This Warrior’s adventure

ends here.

2-3 Injured – This Warrior must misshis next game.

4-6 Full Recovery – This Warrior may play next game as normal.

Hero Injury Table

Adam’s Orc hero Nurbog before hestarted out on his road to glory.

Infamy awaits him!

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Step Four: ExperienceOnce you have resolved all the injuriessustained by your Company, it is time to seewhich of them, if any, have gained enoughExperience to improve in some way. Heroesgain an Experience Point:• Each time they remove a wound from

any enemy model. If an enemy Heroregains this wound thanks to a Fateroll, the Experience Point is not lost.

• Each time he plays in a scenario.• Each time his side win a scenario.

Every time a Hero gains 5 ExperiencePoints he may roll once on the HeroAdvance table below.

No Hero in a Battle Company may havemore than 3 Might and 3 Will. If you roll aresult for your Hero that you cannot use,either because the Hero already has theSpecial Rule or because his profile hasreached its maximum, you may choose anyother result from the same table. Should theyhave all the Experience increases availableon the table, they may choose from anyresult available to your Hero.

The way in which Warriors improve is quitedifferent. When playing games it is importantto make a note of how many woundsindividual Warriors inflict. To see if yoursurviving Warriors receive promotion, roll adice for each Warrior at the end of everygame. Add the number of wounds theWarrior inflicted in the game (WI) andcompare this number to the WarriorPromotion table to see if he advances.Warriors may not carry over woundsinflicted in previous games.

As you can see, it is very difficult but notimpossible for a Warrior to become a Hero.

It is also clear to see how important goodrecord keeping is, to make sure you can addthe correct number to the dice you roll on theWarrior Promotion table. The Mordor forcelist only allows Orc Warriors to receivepromotion. This is because the types of Orcsare born into the roles they fulfil.

Step Five: InfluenceInfluence represents the patrons of thedifferent Companies sending reinforcements,and support to the Heroes leading them. Themore victories the Company gains, the morea patron will offer them aid. Influence ismeasured with Influence dice. Players alwaysreceive 2 Influence dice for playing in ascenario. Additionally players receive:• +1 Dice for a draw.• +2 Dice for a win.

You may use influence in one of three ways.Firstly by rolling on the Influence Table foryour chosen race. It costs 3 Influence Pointsfor each roll you make on this table. Thesecond way to use Influence Points is toadjust the roll you make on the InfluenceTable – each additional point you spend canadjust the dice score up or down by one perInfluence Point spent. Thirdly you maypurchase additional equipment at the costindicated in your chosen races equipmentoptions. Players are free to spend Influence

Points immediately, or store them for lateruse. Players may purchase additionalweapons and equipment for Heroes andWarriors from the armoury with Influencedice. All models must be armed with thecorrect weapons and equipment.

Warriors may be armed with any equipmentavailable to them in their entry section inThe Return of The King and Siege ofGondor rules manuals. Heroes are not boundby this and may make any purchases theirrace’s Equipment Options allow.

Step Six: Calculate the BattleCompany’s ratingTo Calculate the rating of your BattleCompany, follow the instructions given inUsing your Battle Companies in LargerGames (Pages 16 – 17). The total pointsvalue of your Battle Company, is your BattleCompany Rating.

Before you play a game compare the ratingsof the two Companies. For every full 15points difference, the Company with thelower rating receives one re-roll which canbe used at any point during the game (but notin the after-game sequence). Additionally,after the game, the smaller Companyreceives one extra Influence dice for each15 points difference in ratings.

Warrior Promotion TableD6+WI Effect:1 to 6 No Effect

7 Elevated in status – The Warrior is promoted. Not all Warriors are eligible for this.See your race promotion table for those who can be promoted and the result. If theyare ineligible, count as No Effect.

8+ A Hero in the making – This result is available to all Warriors. From now onwardsthe Warrior is treated as a Hero, and may gain Experience. He also adds one Fatepoint to his characteristics. He starts with no Experience Points, but will begin toaccrue them as normal from the next game onwards.

Hero Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Fight/Shoot – The Hero’s Fight or

Shoot characteristic is improved by1. The controlling player maychoose. To a maximum of 6/3.

2 Strength/Defence – The controllingplayer may choose betweenDefence and Strength. Each mayonly be improved once.

3 Courage – The Hero’s Couragecharacteristic is improved by 1 to amaximum of Courage 6.

4 Attack/Wound – The controllingplayer may choose. The Hero’sWounds and Attacks may notexceed 3 each.

5 Special Rule – Roll again on therelevant race Advance table.

6 Choose – One result from above. Here two Orcs roll high enough to wound the Warrior of Minas Tirith. Since the Good model hasone wound on his profile, the Evil player may choose which Orc counts as having inflicted it.

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Battle Companies Roster Sheet

Influence dice: Company Rating:Total cost of company

Hero’s experience






M F S D A W CWounds inflicted this game: ������������

This area is for recording the experience of Heroes only

Equipment Skills and Injuries




M F S D A W CWounds inflicted this game: ������������

This area is for recording the experience of Heroes only

Equipment Skills and Injuries




M F S D A W CWounds inflicted this game: ������������

This area is for recording the experience of Heroes only

Equipment Skills and Injuries




M F S D A W CWounds inflicted this game: ������������

This area is for recording the experience of Heroes only

Equipment Skills and Injuries




M F S D A W CWounds inflicted this game: ������������

This area is for recording the experience of Heroes only

Equipment Skills and Injuries

“Copyright © MMIV New Line Productions, Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only, to play The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. All Rights Reserved. The Lord of the Rings and thenames of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc and Games Workshop Ltd.”

Company Name: Company Type:

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Mordor Influence Table

D6 Result1 No reinforcements2 Orc Warrior with spear 3 Orc Warrior with shield4 Orc Warrior with bow5 Choose one of the above6 Roll again on table below

D6 Result1-2 Orc Tracker3-4 Mordor Uruk-hai5-6 Warg Rider

Mordor Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceShield 1Orc bow 1Warg (Orc Heroes and Trackers only) 2Two-handed weapon 1 Spear 1Throwing Spear (Warg Riders only) 1

Mordor Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will – The controlling

player rolls a dice. On a 1-3 theHero gains one Might point. On a4-6 he gains one Will point.

2 Favour of The Court – Whenrolling on the Influence table, oneInfluence dice can be re-rolled foreach Hero with the ability in theCompany.

3 Blade Master – The hero may re-roll one dice per turn to see whichside wins a fight.

4 Deadly Strength – The Hero cannow wield a two-handed weaponwithout the -1 penalty to his dicescore.

5 Rally to Me – This Hero has arange of 12"/28cm when he makesa Stand Fast roll from nowonwards.

6 Might – The Hero gains 1 point ofMight.

Mordor Promotion Table

Troop Type Promotion Option Orc with bow Orc Tracker – Alter the Warrior’s statistics

appropriately. The Warrior may choose to ride aWarg for the cost indicated above.

Orc with spear/hand weapon & shield Warg Rider – All weapons and equipment aretraded for that of a Warg Rider.

Orc with two-handed weapon Morannon Orc – Alter the Warrior’s statistics & equipment appropriately. The Warrior may chooseadditional equipment at the cost indicated above.

Mordor Starting Force2 Orcs with bows3 Orcs with two-handed weapons3 Orcs with hand weapons and shields3 Orcs with spears

Mordor Orcs on the rampage.

Mordor Battle CompanyThe Orcs of Sauron are an ancient race,

twisted creatures created in amockery of the Elves by the evil

Morgoth, the master of Sauron. Onoccasion the Orcs and their dark mastershave suffered shattering defeats, scatteringthem to the four corners of the world, wherethey fight and bicker amongst themselves.But now is not such a time…

Since Sauron began to regain his strength,the Orcs have been multiplying in number.Now he has returned to his black tower inMordor, the armies of this foul maggot-breed seem numberless. Though they arecowardly, and fearful of sunlight, in largenumbers the Orcs can be deadly opponents.

There are many different kinds of Orc, fromthe weak and puny Snaga and Goblins tothe mighty Uruks. Though they vary instrength, their will for evil remains thesame, no matter what their size. A BattleCompany of Orcs represents a roving band,perhaps a patrol upon the marches ofMordor, or a band of reavers out to burnand destroy the lands of Men.

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Gondor Influence Table Gondor Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceShield 1Bow 1Horse (Heroes and Citadel Guard only) 2Lance 1 Spear 1Longbow (Citadel Guard only) 1

D6 Result1 No reinforcements2 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield 3 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield

and spear 4 Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow 5 Choose one of the above 6 Roll again on table below

D6 Result1-2 Ranger of Gondor 3-4 Citadel Guard OR a Guard of the

Fountain Court5-6 Knight of Minas Tirith

Gondor Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will – The controlling

player rolls a dice. On a 1-3 theHero gains one Might point. On a4-6 he gains one Will point.

2 Courageous – The Hero may rerollall failed Courage tests.

3 Blade Master – The Hero mayreroll one dice per turn to see whichside wins a fight.

4 Favour of The Court – Whenrolling on the Influence table, oneInfluence dice can be rerolled foreach Hero with the ability in theCompany.

5 Rally to Me – This Hero has arange of 12"/28cm when he makesa Stand Fast roll from nowonwards.

6 Might – The Hero gains one Mightpoint.

Gondor Promotion Table

Troop Type Promotion Option Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow Ranger of Gondor – Alter the Warrior’s statistics

appropriately. If the Warrior had a spear inaddition to his bow, he may retain this.

Warrior of Minas Tirith – spear & shield Knight of Minas Tirith – All weapons andequipment are traded for that of a Knight of MinasTirith.

Warrior of Minas Tirith – sword & shield Citadel Guard/Guard of the Fountain Court – Theplayer may choose which. Alter the Warrior’sstatistics appropriately. Include the special rule:Bodyguard. May choose additional equipment atthe cost indicated in Gondor Equipment Options.

Gondor Battle Company

Gondor Starting Force2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with bows3 Warriors of Minas Tirith with hand

weapons and shields2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with spears

and shields

The Men of Gondor prepare for war.

The Realm of Gondor is the largest,most powerful of all the lands ofMen, peopled by descendants of the

Númenoreans, long-lived men who oncelived upon the great continent of Atalanté,within sight of the Undying Lands. ThoughSauron tricked the kings of Númenor,bringing about their downfall, many ofthem made their way to Middle-earth, evenas their island home was swallowed by thesea, and made there the new kingdoms ofArnor and Gondor to rival the beauty oftheir former realm.

But the glory of Númenor is long dimmed.The northern kingdom of Arnor long agofell, and Gondor is beset by evil enemies.

But though the blood of the Númenoreansis much thinned, and the Men of Gondornow almost as short lived as the lesser Menof Middle-earth, there yet flows within theirveins some of the glory of old. They arenoble warriors, stout of heart and noble ofpurpose, and they yet hold that the hordesof Sauron may be stopped, and that therewill be a king in the White City once more.

A Battle Company of Gondorians canrepresent many things. A scouting force sentout to judge strength of the enemy, theprotectors of a region, or the garrison of asmall outpost. Whatever their role, the Menof Gondor can be relied upon to fulfil itwith honour.


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T he brave warriors of Rohan havelong resisted the darkness. Sturdyand strong, the people of Rohan

make excellent warriors and take greatpride in their skill at arms. Through timethey have fought against the Orcs, theDunlendings, Easterlings and the mightyUruk-hai of Saruman. Despite all this, theyhave prevailed thanks to their longfriendship with Gondor and the might oftheir people.

The military of Rohan is divided intoÉoreds, these comprising of Knights andwarriors, loyal to one of the Marshals of theMark who ride to battle beneath his banner.To be accepted into the Éored of a Marshalis a great honour, something that everywarrior of the Rohirrim aspires to, andoften warriors who seek this honour willfind themselves assigned to a BattleCompany for a time to prove their worthand valour against Rohan’s many enemies.

Rohan Special Rule: Expert Rider.Any mounted Warrioror Hero of Rohan isconsidered to be anExpert Rider. Addthis to the model’sprofile when theygain a horse.

Rohan Battle Company

Rohan Influence Table

D6 Result1 No effect2 Warrior of Rohan with shield3 Warrior of Rohan with shield and

throwing spear4 Warrior of Rohan with bow5 Choose one of the above6 Roll again on the table below

D6 Result1-2 Rider of Rohan3-4 Rohan Royal Guard5-6 Rohan Royal Guard on horse

Rohan Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will. The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Hero gainsone Might point. On a 4-6 he gainsone Will point.

2 Favour of the Court. When rollingon the Influence table, one Influencedice can be re-rolled for each Herowith this ability in the company.

3 Blade Master. The Hero may re-rollone dice per turn to see which sidewins a fight.

4 Courageous. The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

5 Horse Lord. This Hero may use hisFate points to restore Woundssuffered by his mount, instead ofhimself.

6 Might. The Hero gains one Might point.

Rohan Starting Force2 Warriors of Rohan with bows3 Warriors of Rohan with hand weapons

and shields3 Warriors of Rohan with throwing spears

and shields

The Men of Rohan defend their land.

Rohan Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceBow 1Horse (Hero and Royal Guard only) 2Throwing spear 1Shield 1

Rohan Promotion Table

Warrior of Rohan with bow

Warrior of Rohan with throwingspear and shield

Warrior of Rohan with hand weaponand shield

Rider of Rohan – All weapons and equipment areexchanged for the equipment of a Rider of Rohan.

Rohan Royal Guard – Alter the Warrior’s statisticsappropriately. Include the special rule: Bodyguard. May beequipped with a throwing spear at cost indicated.

Rohan Royal Guard – Alter the Warrior’s statisticsappropriately. Include the special rule: Bodyguard. May beequipped with a throwing spear at cost indicated.

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W hen Saruman the White, wisest ofall the Istari, fell from grace andcast his lot in with the Red Eye of

Mordor he was given the key to creating anarmy bred for destruction. The Uruk-hai,mightiest of all the breeds of Orcs, werereared in huge numbers in Orthanc’s pits,and there Saruman mustered his army.

Intent on doing the bidding of his newmaster, Saruman unleashed his creationsinto the Westfold. Hacking and burning,they wrought terrible devastation,separating into small roving bands seekingout villages and killing at random.

An Isengard Battle Company representssuch a group of raiders – Orcs, fightingUruk-hai and evil men of Dunland –descending on Rohan with unbridledcruelty and aggression. As the Companygains momentum and inflicts damage on itsenemies the minions of Saruman flock tojoin it, swelling its ranks with vile warriors.

Note on Isengard Battle Companies: Wild Men of Dunland and Orc warriorswithin an Isengard Battle Company do notreceive promotion in the same way as theUruk-hai. On a 1-8 there is no effect. On a9+ they become Heroes.

Isengard Battle Company

Isengard Promotion Table

Uruk-hai with Orc bow Uruk-hai with crossbow – Exchange theWarrior’s Orc bow for a crossbow.

Uruk-hai with hand weapon and shield Uruk-hai Berserker – Exchange the Warrior’sstatistics, weapons and equipment for those of anUruk-hai Berserker.

Isengard Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceOrc Bow 1Warg (Orc Heroes only) 2Throwing spear (Warg Rider only) 1Shield 1Spear (Orcs only) 1Crossbow (Uruk-hai Hero only) 1Two-handed weapon (Orc/Dunlending only) 1

Isengard Influence Table

D6 Result1 No reinforcements2 Wild Man of Dunland3 Orc Warrior with spear, bow,

shield or two-handed weapon4 Uruk-hai with Orc bow5 Uruk-hai with shield6 Roll again on the table below

D6 Result1-2 Warg Rider3-4 Uruk-hai with crossbow5-6 Uruk-hai beserker

Isengard Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will. The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Hero gainsone Might point. On a 4-6 he gainsone Will point.

2 Favour of the White Hand. Whenrolling on the Influence table, oneInfluence dice can be re-rolled foreach Hero with this ability in theCompany.

3 Blade Master. The Hero may re-rollone dice per turn to see which sidewins a fight.

4 Courageous. The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

5 Heedless Determination. Each timethis Hero suffers a wound, they mayroll a dice. On a 6 the wound isignored, exactly as if a Fate roll hadbeen passed.

6 Might. The Hero gains one Mightpoint.

Isengard Starting Force3 Uruk-hai with hand weapons and shields3 Uruk-hai with Orc bows

A starting force for the forces of Isengard.


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Dol Amroth Battle CompanyD ol Amroth lies on the shores of the

Bay of Belfalas, the largeststronghold of Men south of the

White Mountains. The haven of Dol Amrothhas always been a bulwark against theforces of Sauron, its warriors standing firmagainst the attacks of Orcs and Haradrimincursions. The city is most famous for itsknights. Strong of arm and valorous ofdeed, they are said to be the equal of adozen lesser Men. It is to the rank ofknighthood that all warriors of SouthGondor aspire, but such worthiness must beproved in battle. The neighbouring fiefdomswill often send warriors to be trained in theservice of experienced Dol Amroth BattleCompanies and it is common forexperienced Company commanders to havemany fiefdom warriors in his ranks.

Dol Amroth Special Rule: The Path of theKnight: The boldest amongst the Warriorsof Dol Amroth are able to join the ranks ofthe Swan-knights. If a Warrior of MinasTirith in a Dol Amroth Battle Company ispromoted to a Hero, they are automaticallyupgraded to a Knight. All of their weaponsand equipment are exchanged for those of aFoot-knight of Dol Amroth (they haveneither horse nor lance). Any fiefdomWarriors that are drafted into the Companycannot be promoted, though they mayexchange their equipment normally.

Dol Amroth Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will. The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Hero gainsone Might point. On a 4-6 he gainsone Will point.

2 Parry. Once per turn, the Hero mayforce his opponent to re-roll a singledice when determining who wins thefight.

3 Blade Master. The Hero may re-rollone dice per turn to see which sidewins a fight.

4 Courageous. The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

5 Great Leader. This Hero’s StandFast range is 12"/28cm, not 6"14cm.

6 Might. The Hero gains one Mightpoint.

Dol Amroth Starting Force1 Knight of Dol Amroth (on foot) 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with hand

weapon and shield 2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with spear

and shield2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with bow

The Men of Dol Amroth are skilled warriors.

Dol Amroth Promotion Table

Warrior of Minas Tirith Foot-knight of Dol Amroth – Alter the Warrior’s statisticsappropriately. All weapons and equipment are exchanged for theequipment of a Knight of Dol Amroth (does not have a horse).

Foot-knight of Dol Amroth Knight of Dol Amroth – The Knight is automatically granted ahorse. Add the steed to his profile.

*If you have the Fiefdom rules from White Dwarf issue 295, you

can use a Hunter of Anfalas or Warrior of Morthond instead.

**If you have the rules from White Dwarf 295, you can use an

Axeman of Lossarnach or Clansman of Lamedon instead.

***If you have the Fiefdom rules from White Dwarf 295, you can

use a Spearman of Pinnath Gelin or Warrior of Pelargir instead.

Dol Amroth Equipment Table

Weapon Cost in Influence DiceShield 1Bow 1Horse – Knight of Dol Amroth only 2Elven blade – Hero only 1Spear 1

Dol Amroth Influence Table

D6 Result1 No effect2 Fiefdom Warrior (of Gondor) with


3 Fiefdom Warrior (of Gondor) withshield**

4 Fiefdom Warrior (of Gondor) withshield and spear***

5-6 Roll again on table below

D6 Result1-2 Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow3-4 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield5-6 Warrior of Minas Tirith with shield

and spear

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F or the Haradrim, conflict has alwaysbeen a way of life. Each HaradrimBattle Company is led by the son of a

chieftain, eager to prove himself against thefoe. In this way, he hopes to earn sufficientrespect from his fellows to one day succeedto the leadership of his tribe. As a HaradrimBattle Company grows in reputation andskill, it will attract more experiencedwarriors in the form of Haradrim Raiders. Itmay even find itself sent on missions at thebehest of the Lords of Umbar. Such dutiesare often hazardous, but the rewards thatcan come from such travails are greatenough to tempt most aspiring chieftains.

Harad Special Rule: The Gaze of theHasharii: At the cost of one Influence dice,a Haradrim leader can ask the Hâsharii toshadow his company and strike the enemybefore battle. If this is done, before the nextgame, each player rolls a D6. If theHaradrim player’s total is higher than that ofhis opponent, he may select any Warrior (nota Hero) in the enemy company to beremoved as a casualty before the gamebegins. If the opponent rolls higher, there isno effect. Additionally, no chieftain in Haradrules without the consent of the Hâsharii, theagents of the Lords of Umbar. These sternoverseers rarely tolerate failure. If aHaradrim battle company suffers a defeat, itgains one less Influence dice than normal.

Haradrim Promotion Table

Haradrim Warrior with spear Haradrim Lancer – All weapons and equipment areexchanged for the equipment of a Haradrim Raiderarmed with a lance and bow.

Haradrim Warrior with bow Haradrim Raider – All weapons and equipment areexchanged for the equipment of a Haradrim Raiderarmed with a bow.

Haradrim Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence DiceBow 1Horse – Hero only 2Lance – Hero or Raider only 1Spear 1

Haradrim Influence Table

D6 Result1 No effect2 Haradrim Warrior with dagger3 Haradrim Warrior with spear4 Haradrim Warrior with bow5 Roll twice more on this table,

re-rolling any further resultsof 5

6 Roll again on the table below

D6 Result1-3 Haradrim Raider4-6 Haradrim Raider with lance

Haradrim Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will. The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Herogains one Might point. On a 4-6 hegains one Will point.

2 Poisoned Blade. The Hero’s closecombat attacks become poisoned inexactly the same way as his rangedattacks.

3 Spearmaster. The Hero may usethe shielding rule if armed with aspear.

4 Courageous. The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

5 Master of Poisons. This Hero mustre-roll 1s and 2s when rolling towound with poisoned attacks.

6 Might. The Hero gains one Mightpoint.

Haradrim Starting Force5 Haradrim Warriors with spear 5 Haradrim Warriors with bow

A starting force for the Haradrim.

Haradrim Battle Company

Page 12: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on

A t the time of the War of The Ringthere are a number of Goblin holdsacross the mountain ranges of Middle-

earth. Most notable of these are theinfestations that exist in the Grey and MistyMountains. Of these, their capital, althoughcapital might be too civilised a word, was inGundabad, a forbidding mountain fastnessfrom which countless Goblin armies marchedupon the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.

Years previously, the Dwarves waged a war ofrevenge on Goblin kind. They had never beenable to cleanse that place, and so within ashort matter of time the Goblins had onceagain begun to spread their evil influencethrough the mountains, caverns and rockyplaces. Naturally, Dwarves are their enemy ofchoice, for they choose to dwell beneathground, and love rocks and mountains anddeep places, though they frequently make waron other races – for Goblins are respecters ofno person and enjoy making raids onwhomever they can.

Goblins are essentially looters, who strike outfrom hiding and inflict as much damage, andsteal as much plunder as they can. Then, withcunning and stealth, they slink off back to theirlairs, earning prestige and wealth for theirnefarious deeds.

Moria Special Rule: Moria BattleCompanies can be up to 25 models in size,instead of the normal 15. However, MoriaGoblins may not be promoted, so there is noPromotion table for them. Instead, treatscores of 7-8 on the Warrior Promotiontable as ‘no effect’. They may becomeHeroes as normal.

Moria Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceOrc bow 1Shield 1Spear 1

Moria Influence Table

D6 Result1 No effect2 Moria Goblin with shield3 Moria Goblin with spear4 Moria Goblin with Orc bow5 Choose one of the above6 Choose two of the above

Moria Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will: The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Hero gainsone Might point. On a 4-6 he gainsone Will point.

2 Courageous: The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

3 Blade Master: The Hero mayre-roll one dice per turn to seewhich side wins a fight.

4 Rally to Me: This Hero has a rangeof 12"/28cm when he makes aStand Fast roll from now onwards.

5 Cunning Shot: Made adept by firingin the cramped underground caverns,this Hero may re-roll failed ‘in theway’ rolls.

6 Might: The Hero gains oneMight point.

Moria Starting Force

4 Moria Goblins with bows4 Moria Goblins with spears4 Moria Goblins with hand weapons

and shields

Moria Battle Company

The cunning Goblins of Moria

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A cross the length and breadth ofMiddle-earth there are countless braveand powerful warriors, from the

supernaturally skilful and ancient Elves to thebarbarous and brutal Uruk-hai. Of all the racesthat share that place none possess the tenacityand stoicism of the Dwarves. The line of Durinhas survived despite the efforts of Orcs,Goblins and Dragons, and while the axes ofthe Dwarves remain sharp and ready, it willremain so.

At the time of the War of The Ring, the mainDwarven strongholds are Erebor (The LonelyMountain) and the Iron Hills. Famed for theirhardiness, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills wageda war of extermination against the Orcs andGoblins of Middle-earth that only ended withthe recapture of the Lonely Mountain fromSmaug the Dragon.

Traditionally, the homes of the Dwarves aremountain holds, nigh impenetrable to allfoes, dug deep into the roots of themountains themselves. There they canwithstand almost any assault by simplybarring the doors. Despite this, Dwarvesmake good neighbours and better allies, andtake the duty of fighting the Evil races ofMiddle-earth very seriously.

Often groups of Khazâd will set out from theircavernous dwellings and patrol thesurrounding areas. Such companies soon earn renown and prestige as they return to thehalls of their liege with tales of battle andadventure. For just as every Dwarf loves goldand good food, so too do they love songs thattell of daring deeds and mighty battles.

Dwarf Special Rule: Because of thesuperior workmanship of their armour,and their natural resilience, a DwarfHero can have two increases in hisDefence statistic.

Dwarf Advance Table

D6 Effect1 Might/Will: The controlling player

rolls a dice. On a 1-3 the Hero gainsone Might point. On a 4-6 he gainsone Will point.

2 Favour of the Chamber:When rolling on the Influence table, oneInfluence dice can be re-rolled for eachHero with this ability in the Company.

3 Blade Master: The Hero may re-rollone dice per turn to see which sidewins a fight.

4 Courageous: The Hero may re-rollall failed Courage tests.

5 Natural Resilience: A Hero with thisskill may re-roll the result on theHero Injury table, if he is removed asa casualty. The second result must bekept, even if it is worse.

5 Might: The Hero gains one Might point.

Dwarf Starting Force

2 Dwarf Warriors with Dwarf bows2 Dwarf Warriors with two-handed weapons3 Dwarf Warriors with hand weapons

and shields

Dwarf Equipment Options

Weapon Cost in Influence diceDwarf bow 1Two-handed weapon 1Throwing axe 1Shield 1Dwarf heavy armour 2

Dwarf Promotion Table

All Warriors Khazâd Guard: All equipment/statistics are exchanged for that of a Khazâd Guard.

Dwarven Battle Company

Part of a Dwarven starting force

Dwarf Influence Table

D6 Result1 No effect2 Dwarf Warrior with

two-handed axe3 Dwarf Warrior with shield4 Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow5 Choose one of the above6 Khazâd Guard

Page 14: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on

Here are five mini-scenarios forplayers to use with their BattleCompanies. Players should use their

imagination and improve or alter these ifthey wish, even making entirely newscenarios if they want to! Many of thevictory conditions for the scenarios belowinvolve calculating the percentage of

models remaining in a Company. Thisshould be the number of models whostarted the game, not including any whohave missed the battle due to injury.

Sometimes the game will go against oneCompany, and there will be little pointcontinuing. A player can quit the field,

giving victory to his opponent, in anyPriority phase in which his Company isbelow half of its starting strength. If they dothis, then the game ends immediately, andthe surrendering player is considered tohave lost. Further to this they also lose oneInfluence dice from the total number theyreceive at the end of the game.

Battle Companies Scenarios

Take the High GroundSomewhere in the area lies an object ofimmense importance to both sides, from asignal fire which needs to be urgently setalight, a haul of weapons, or the entranceto a hidden tunnel. Whatever it is, itsdefence is paramount. Requirements: A 48"/112cm x48"/112cm board, with as much terrain aspossible. More terrain definitely makes fora more exciting game, so players areencouraged to use their imagination whensetting up the board. Players will alsoneed a marker, preferably no larger than acavalry base, to act as an objective.Layout: The Objective marker should beplaced in the centre of the board. Eachplayer should then roll a dice. The highestscoring player should choose a boardedge. His opponent takes the oppositeedge. These are the players’ startingedges. The edges not chosen areconsidered the ‘side’ edges for thisscenario. Players should roll again todetermine Priority.Objectives: Once a side has been reducedto 50% of its starting number, roll a diceat the beginning of each Priority phase.

On the roll of a 1 or 2 the gameautomatically ends. Whoever controls theobjective in the centre of the table is thewinner (see Victory below).

Special Rules Wild Search: Both Companies have splitup their warriors to broaden the search. Torepresent this, no models will start play onthe board. At the end of each player’sMovement phase players should roll adice for each model in their Company noton the board (Might may not be used toinfluence this roll). The first turn will thusconsist mostly of these rolls.D6 Result1-2 The model is delayed and doesn’t

move on to the board this turn. Thismodel still counts as part of theCompany’s total size for rolling forthe game end and Courage tests.

3 The model moves onto the boardfrom either side edge (both the side,and the entering point are chosen bythe opponent).

4 The model moves onto the boardfrom any point on either side edge,chosen by the controlling player.

5-6 The model moves onto the boardfrom the controlling player’s edge.

Newly arrived models act normally, butmay not charge, on the turn that theyinitially arrive.Victory: Your side has at least twice asmany models within 3"/8cm of theobjective compared to your opponent.Defeat: Your opponent has at least twiceas many models within 3"/8cm of theobjective compared to you. Draw: Any other situation results in thegame being a draw.

RescueA Hero finds himself separated from hismain force and under attack from theenemy. As his foes seek to cut him down,his companions race to his rescue. Thisopportunity is too much for the attackersto pass up, providing they can slay theHero without too much loss.

Layout: A 48"/112cm x 48"/112cm boardwith as much or as little terrain as theplayers desire. More terrain definitelymakes for a more exciting game. Playersshould feel free to use their imagination insetting up the board.Starting Positions: Each player should rolla dice. The lowest scoring player is thedefender and should place one of hisHeroes (this is the target Hero) and up totwo of his Warriors within 3"/8cm of thecentre of the board. The opposing playermay place his entire company within18"/42cm of one board edge.Objectives: The defending company mustsave their Hero. The attackers must try tokill him while he is cut off from themajority of his Battle Company. The gamefinishes at the end of the turn in which thetarget Hero is slain, or the attackingcompany is reduced to below 50% of itsstarting numbers.

Defender victory: The defender is victoriousif the attacking company is reduced to below50% of its starting numbers.Attacker victory: The attacking force isvictorious if the target Hero placed in thecentre of the board is killed.Draw: The game is a draw if both sidesachieve their objective in the same turn.

Special RulesSurprise: The attacker always has priorityin this scenario.To the rescue! The company of the targetHero are keen to rescue their comrade andleader. At the end of their first MovePhase they move onto the board anywherealong the opposite table edge to theattacking player.Against the odds: Should the target Herosurvive the game he will gain 1 extraExperience point in addition to the normalamount for playing and surviving.

Target hero


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ControlBoth Companies have been tasked withseizing control of an area of a largerbattlefield. Five key areas have beendeemed essential for control and bothcompanies will vie fiercely for them.

Layout: A 48"/112cmX48"/112cm boardwith as much or as little terrain as theplayers desire. More terrain definitelymakes for a more exciting game, howeverplayers are encouraged to use theirimagination, and cooperate. Players alsoneed five counters to represent theobjectives.Set-up: The players should take it in turnsto place the objective counters on the tabletop. They may be no closer than 6"/14cmto any board edge, and no closer than12”/28cm to each other.Starting Positions: Both BattleCompanies move into play from any pointon their starting edge in their first Movephase.Objectives: When the game ends, countthe number of models from each sidewhose bases are entirely within 3”/8cm ofeach objective marker. An objective is

controlled by whichever player has themost models with their bases entirelywithin 3”/8cm of it. The player whocontrols the most objective markers winsthe game. If both players control an equalnumber of objective markers, the game isa draw. Once either force is reduced to below halfof its starting number, the game mightsuddenly end. At the end of each turnafter this condition is met, one playershould roll a D6. On the result of a 1 or 2the game ends (Might cannot influencethis dice roll).Victory: Your Battle Company controlsmore objective markers than youropponent’s.Defeat: Your opponent’s Battle Companycontrols more objective markers than you.Draw: Both Companies control an equalnumber of objectives.

The Chance EncounterTwo opposing Companies travellingthrough the wilderness happen upon eachother. An enemy apparently alone and cutoff from support is not an opportunity topass up. Quick thinking and a strong armwill win the day here.Layout: A 48"/112cm x 48"/112cm boardwith as much terrain as possible. Moreterrain definitely makes for a moreexciting game so players are encouragedto use their imagination.Starting Positions: Each player shouldroll a dice. The lowest scoring playershould choose a board edge and deployhis company within 12"/28cm of hischosen side. His opponent should then

place his own company within 12"/28cmof the opposite edge. Players should rollagain to determine priority.Objectives: The leaders of the opposingCompanies are seeking a quick victoryover their enemy without too many losses.At the end of the turn in which one side isreduced to 25% of its starting number thegame ends. Models who flee from thebattlefield do not count as casualties.Victory: Your Battle Company is reducedto 25% of its starting number.Defeat: Your Battle Company is reducedto 25% of its starting number and youropponent’s is not.Draw: The game results in a draw if bothplayers’ Battle Companies are reduced to

25% in the same turn.

Hold The LineIn an area of pivotal strategic significance

one Company finds itself guarding a road,

mountain pass or forest path. With orders

to stand their ground and hold this route

against all enemies, it is with consternation

that they spy an enemy force advancing,

desperately seeking passage.

Layout: A 48"/112cm x 48"/112cm boardwith as much terrain as possible. Moreterrain definitely makes for a moreexciting game so players are encouragedto use their imagination. Additionally, aroad or pathway should travel betweentwo opposite board edges.Starting Positions: Each player shouldroll a dice. The lowest scoring player isthe defender, and should place his force

within 6"/14cm of the centre of the road.The highest scoring player counts ashaving priority for the first turn, and maymove his warriors onto the board alongthe road following the normal rules.Objectives: If 33% of the attackingCompany manage to move off theopposite table edge, the attacking forcewins. Otherwise, the defenders arevictorious. Models who flee from thebattlefield do not count as casualties,neither do they count towards the numberof models who must break through.However, the game only ends when oneside’s models are either incapacitated orhave left the table, regardless of whetherthe victory conditions have been met.Attacker Victory: If 33% of the attackingforce (not including fleeing models) move

off the opposite table edge, they win.

Defender Victory: If the attacker fails to

move 33% of his models off the opposite

table edge the defender wins.

Draw: Neither of the above is true.


Player Edge

Player Edge

Page 16: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on

After playing numerous games with

your Battle Company you may

eventually find yourself wishing

to use your models as part of a larger force.

The following rules allow you to do just

that. Bear in mind that some opponents

might not be familiar with Battle

Companies, and so it’s polite to check with

them whether they mind you including your

company as part of your force. Once you

have their permission, follow the

instructions below to determine the points

cost of your Battle Company.

Battle Company Warriors in a Points Match forceIncluding the Warriors from your Battle

Company into a larger force couldn’t be

easier. Simply determine their points

value using the Rules Manual and

supplement books.

Battle Company Heroes in a Points Match forceWorking out how many points a Hero is

worth is a little harder than the Warriors.

The first step is to determine how much the

Hero is worth, and then add to that the value

of his weapons.

Using your Battle Companies in larger games

Determining the Points CostUmgak is a Warg Rider (normally 10points) within Adam’s Battle Company.Since he also carries a throwing spear,his total cost in points is 12.

Adam’s Warg Rider Umgak

• Basic cost. Since every Hero in Battle

Companies was once a warrior, start by

taking the basic cost of that model.

Nurbog, for example, who was an Orc

Warrior, has a basic cost of 5 points.

• For each Might, Will or Fate point that

the Hero has, add 5 points to the total

value of the Hero.

• For each addition to the Heroes Fight

(only count the Fight value, not the

Shoot score), Strength, Defence, and

Courage characteristic add 5 points.

• For each addition to the Heroes

Wounds or Attacks add 10 points.

• For each Skill the Hero has gained

add 10 points.

The cost of the Heroes wargear is dependant

on the number of wounds and attacks the Hero

has. A Hero whose combined wounds and

attacks add up to three or more will pay more

than a Hero whose combined wounds and

attacks add up to only one or two.

Attacks plus Wounds equal less than three:

Hand weapon: free

Warg/Horse: 6

Spear, pike, two-handed weapon: 1

Throwing weapon: 1

Lance: 1

Bow/Orc bow: 1

Crossbow/Longbow: 2

Shield: 1

Attacks plus Wounds equal three or more:

Hand Weapon: free

Warg/Horse: 10

Spear, pike, two-handed weapon: 5

Throwing weapon: 5

Lance: 5

Bow/Orc bow: 5

Crossbow/Longbow: 5

Shield: 5

Add the cost all the wargear that the Hero

is equipped with to the cost of the Hero’s

characteristics and special rules and you

have the total value of your Hero.

You will notice that Battle Company Hero

will often cost more than comparable Heroes

already described in The Lord of the Rings

strategy Battle Game. This is for a couple of

reasons, largely because it ensures that Heroes

from Battle Companies do not get an unfair

advantage in terms of points cost, but also

because we cannot possibly playtest every

combination of Hero to ascertain its correct

cost. Thus, in the interests of fairness the

points costs are kept deliberately high. Of

course if both players are using armies that

contain Battle Companies, they should

balance each other out nicely.

What follows is a scenario designed to allow

players to field their Battle Companies as part

of a larger army. Of course there’s nothing to

stop players using their Battle Companies in

other scenarios, or even inventing their own

to use them in.

NurbogF S D A W C

Nurbog 5/4 4 5 2 1 4

• Nurbog has gained two points in fight (+10), one in strength (+5), one in defence (+5) Oneattack (+10) and one courage (+5).

• Additionally Nurbog has one Might point (+5) and two Fate points (+10).

• Lastly Nurbog has Rally to Me (+10).

So the total value for Nurbog is 5 points (for being an orc), plus 35 points for hischaracteristics, plus 15 points for his Heroic characteristics, plus 10 for his special rules.Giving Nurbog a grand total of 65 points.

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The Grand BattleAs the war between the two factions reaches

its peak, each brings a mighty army to sweep

the other from the land. Marching with all

haste Battle Companies rush to support their

armies, hoping that their arrival will not be

too late.

ParticipantsBoth players should select equal forces, each

with a points value of at least 500 points,

including one or more Battle Companies.

The value of the Battle Companies should be

included within the points value spent on the

entire army.

LayoutA 48”/112cm x 72”/180cm board with as

much terrain as possible. More terrain

definitely makes for a more exciting game

so players are encouraged to use their

imagination and cooperate.

Starting PositionsEach player rolls a dice, with the highest scorer

choosing one of the long board edges to deploy

on. That player places all of his models that are

not members of a Battle Company on the

board, within 12”/28cm of his board edge. His

opponent should do likewise, placing his

models within 12”/28cm of the opposite edge.

ObjectivesThe battle is already fixed, and the forces are

preparing to engage. This confrontation will

only end with the defeat of one of the armies.

At the end of the turn in which one side is

reduced to 25% of its starting number, the

game ends.

Victory: Your force was not reduced to 25% of

its starting number.

Defeat: Your force was reduced to 25% of your

starting number, and your opponent’s was not.

Draw: Both players are reduced to 25% in the

same turn.

Special RulesExperience and wounds: The members of the

Battle Companies involved in this scenario may

gain experience and injury in the same way as a

normal game of Battle Companies.

Battle Company: Whilst the main army is

already in position, the Battle Companies are

racing to bolster their comrades and swing the

battle in their favour. Each player should roll a

D6 at the end of their Move phase from the

second turn onwards. On the roll of a 6 their

Battle Company has arrived. Roll a further

D6 and consult the chart below to determine

which board edge they enter from.





1 6


Own board edge

Page 18: Battle Company Rules Final - · If you want to give the The Lord of the Rings team feedback on


T his summer head to Middle-earth to re-enact the dramatic conflict of The Warof the Ring in a major Campaign. The

War of the Ring is a web based map campaignin which you fight the battles that decide thefate of Middle-earth! You can use your BattleCompanies that you have collected to fight inthe campaign and influence the war betweengood and evil.

How will this campaign work?Taking part in this map-based campaign is simple:

1. Choose your area to defend – there are12 to choose from!

2. Have a look on our (fromMay) for hobby ideas, scenarios andspecial rules for your area.

3. Play a game!

4. Report your results on the site toinfluence the campaign!

5. Check back on the website regularly tosee how your side is doing.

6. Play more games to defend your area,or invade other areas as you choose!

When tales of mighty heroes are retold andgreat victories regaled, will you be able toclaim that your sword, your shield, yourbravery made a difference? Don’t be foundwanting – sign up for The War of TheRing campaign now!

The Website!A dedicated website has been designed forThe War of the Ring Campaign.The website( holds a stackof gaming, painting and scenery-makingmaterial – the ideal place to satisfy yourhunger for more hobby action!

The Website also includes:

• Forums – A place to get together onlinewith your allies and swap tactics, planwhere to post your results, or just chatabout how the campaign is going.

• Interactive map – Shows you who iswinning the war as it unfolds! It alsoallows you to follow the path of the

Fellowship of The Ring which willunlock special areas of the website (seethe fellowship journey for dates).

• ‘Battle-Tracker’ – View your victoriesand defeats during the campaign! Howhave you affected the result?

• Hobby pages – The website will have aload of new of painting, modelling andgaming articles for you to read and use,in your campaign games!

Loads of Gaming!All our Hobby Centres in the UK will berunning special games for The War of theRing Campaign. So you can pop down withyour army and join in. Results posted fromthe Hobby Centres are worth more in thecampaign, so its worth the visit!

Our Hobby Centre staff are also a greatsource of knowledge and will be able togive you help and advice so that you canplay in the campaign with absoluteconfidence.

‘The Wrath of Umbar’RoadshowOur roadshow, The Wrath of Umbar, will berunning throughout the summer at selectedGames Workshop Hobby Centres andIndependent Stockists. The roadshowallows you to join in with battles foughtover superb custom-made terrain. For a fulllist of where and when the Wrath of Umbarroadshow will take place go

The War of the RingCampaign

The Fellowship of The Ring journey Campaign dates

Path Dates Sub Area1 3rd June Weathertop2 10th June Rivendell3 17th June Moria4 24th June The Silverlode5 1st July Amon Hen6 8th July Fangorn forest7 15th July Helm’s Deep8 22nd July Osgiliath9 29th July Pelennor Fields10 5th August Minas Tirith11 12th August Cirith Ungol

12 19th August Black Gate



Iron Hills


Misty Mountains

Dunland & Isengard

Fangorn & Lothlórien



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