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Chapter One

They are doing it again. By it I mean fighting. My mom

and dad. They are fighting over their money problems. But

I’m fine with it now. Now I don’t care. I learned how to

deal with things like this the hard way and so I don’t get

upset about these type of things. But I still needed to get

out of the house because why hear it when you don’t have

to so that is why I’m knocking on my best friend Katie’sdoor. I ring the door bell like a gazillion times not caring if 

it annoys her mum or her tool of a brother. I feel sorry for 

them some times. Like they do have to put up with me like

all the time. Coz I am here all the time. More at Katie’s

house then I am in my own. The door swung open

aggressively and I see Jimmy holding it looking not so

happy. Not that he ever does look happy. But I am so usedto it now. ‘ hey Jim Joe! Whats crakalakin my home bud? ‘

I have my own nick name for him and use it all the time

 because it annoys him. We always annoy each other. Its

what we do. You would swear we were only 6 years old but

no. he is actually two years older then me so you would

think he would be mature. But no . but it wouldn’t be fun if 

he was like that. He rolled his eyes and stepped aside so I

could walk in. He shut the door behind me and stood over me towering me because he knows my disadvantage. My

disadvantage being small. But hey I can still kick some ass

when necessary. ‘ why don’t you run along now and go

 play barbies with my sis.’ he said looking down at me as if 

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I was a little kid. ‘ we might just to that. At liest we get to

see ken’s fine bod. Unlike yours.. Which I have seen plenty

times in many occasions. And you disappointed me. Its not

that impressive. Looks like your gonna have to work a bitharder big guy!’ I smirked and stood up tall. He went red at

the memory. I did actually see his bod and I lied. It was

quite impressive but it would be the last thing on my mind

to let him know that. He was gob smacked and clearly

couldn’t think of a come back so I scooted pass him and ran

up the stairs then I heard him speak again. ‘ oh don’t lie. I

know you want me.’ ha! How lame was that! You think he

would come up with something better than that. I walked back down a step so he could see my face, ‘ oh Jim Joe. I

am getting quite tired of your pathetic ways of trying to flirt

with me. I suggest you google on it some more because

frankly you are starting to bore me.’ I said with a long loud

yawn and putting my hand over my mouth. I laughed as I

turned back and started heading toward Katie’s room. I

heard Jimmy mutter bad words under his breath withannoyance. That made me laugh harder. I stopped laughing

when I walked into Katie’s bedroom. She was reading a

magazine and lying on her stomach. She put down the

magazine when she saw me. ‘ hey whats up my darlin? ‘

she said smiling. I shrugged as if bored and said ‘ oh you

know the usual. Mom and dad are fighting. What ever. I

don’t care. ‘ she didn’t believe it though. I could tell by her 

face. ‘ yeah yeah sure sure. I don’t believe you. Under all

your mocho I know you care.’ she said nodding

enthusiastically. I snickered at that. ‘ me? Are you sure you

are talking about me?’ I asked curiously. She nodded

again.’ sure am. Do you remember when we were 5 and we

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were playing in the school yard and you started kicking this

 boy Thomas because he called me a icky smelly girly.’ she

laughed at the memory. I smiled. Good el times. ‘ those

were the days. Anyway whats your point?’ she smiled andcontinued. ‘ well I remember him tripping over a sharp

rock and then cutting his leg and then it started to bleed. ‘

she said beaming as if she discovered a mystery. ‘ yeah that

was so gross! But again I say whats your point?’ I said still

curious. ‘ my point is, is that I remember you feeling

terrible. I know you didn’t mean to hurt him. And you

didn’t want to. And I remember how sad you looked. ‘ she

said absolutely chuffed with herself because she nowthought she has taken a long deep look in to my soul and all

that mumbo jumbo stuff. ‘ oh come on Katie. I was five. So

what if I was sad for the kid. Anyway. You are boring me

now. I think I might have a party with your brother if you

don’t quit it out. Now lets talk about something else. ‘ I

said knowing that would grab her attention. ‘ ok fine. I

guess we could talk about-’ she didn’t finish her sentenceand she just dazed at the wall for like 1 minute and then she

 jumped with a huge smile on her face. Oh no not that

smile! She has the I got a idea face on. Those ideas never 

usually turn out great. Then she was jumping up and down

with excitement. ‘ oh Hannah oh Hannah! I have such a

great idea! Instead of just chatting all day we can go out!

Like to a club tonight! Come on! After all it is summer! ‘

she screeched with excitement.’ ugh! But I don’t have any

nice clothes and where would we go exactly? ‘ I asked. ‘ I

know exactly were we can go. Do you remember my

cousin Martin? Well me and him are super close and he told

me about this club- well actually he didn’t mean to actually

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tell me, it just slipped out by accident and I made him tell

me more about it. Anyway this club is top secret and its

super hot. And I think we should go.’ she said grinning like

she won the lotto. ‘ are you mad? If it’s a secret club thenthey wont let us in!’ I said eyes wide. ‘ all I have to do is

say I’m a cousin of Martin and we are in. look don’t worry

about it. But the only thing is, I remember Martin telling

me its sort of like a goth club and stuff like that. But it

should be fun so…why not huh?’ she said looking hopeful.

‘ oh sure it’s a adventure so why not. Im all about the

unknown baby! ‘ I said and we giggled. ‘ ok so now it’s a

trip to my closet. When I’m finished with you, you aregonna look smoking hot baby!’ she said dragging me to her 


Mission accomplished! We stared at ourselves in

the mirror. Smoking hot wouldn’t be far of. We were all

dressed in black and make up and everything was done. We

grinned at each other and gave each other a high five and

then decided to get going. We were just going to the livingroom to tell her mom that we were going. We walked in

and Jimmy didn’t look up because he was to busy being

engrossed by the T.V but her mom certainly had a good

look at us and from what I could tell, not to happy about it

either. ’ what are you two girls wearing? Were are you

going to have to dress like that?’ yup I was right. She was

not to happy. I looked down at what I was wearing. Black 

dress fitted tightly but nicely against my skin. It looked like

it was part of my skin to be exact. Then I felt Jimmy

looking at me so I looked up at him. His mouth was

hanging open and I put a hand on my hip waiting for him to

wake up. He met my eyes eventually and I stuck out my

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tongue. No need to be awkward around Jimmy. That would

 be no good. He went red and turned back to the T.V ’ mom!

There is nothing wrong with what we are wearing and we

are going out because Hannah has not had a good day and Ithink the best thing to do for her would be to go out and

have some fun and please don’t try argue with me because

I’m old enough now to be making my own decisions and

soon I will be eighteen so just please trust me.’ she said all

grown up. Her mums face softened and I could tell she was

going to give in. ‘ fine. Go. Have fun girls.’ she said

smiling. Oh we will have fun, I thought to myself smiling.

Then a chill went down my spine and it didn’t feel like agood one. It felt almost like a warning. Oh well. This girl is

all about the unknown baby!

‘ are you ready?’ I asked Katie as she fixed her red

lipstick. ‘ yeah are you? Oh and remember you are my

cousin also.’ she said nervously. We got out of the car and I

 brushed all the dog hairs of my dress. Katie’s dog Kismit is

always brought in the car. So hence the dog hairs on mydress. I don’t mind though because I love animals.

Especially taking pictures of them. The only thing that

Jimmy and I have in common is the fact that we love

 photography and we both actually take the same class on

Wednesday. In fact it’s the only time when the two of us get

along with each other. No fights. No bickering and no

threatening from me having to kick his ass. Its weird

actually how quick we bounce back to all the messing again

as soon as we walk out the door. I turned my head left and

saw the big black sign. The club was called Blackpersuasion . Well that sounds inviting. While I was

looking at the sign I walked straight into a puddle causing

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water to splash all over my lower legs. Also my black 

heals. ‘ aww no! I need to go to the bathroom to clean this

of. ‘ I muttered angrily. ‘ once we get in you can. Now

stand up tall. As tall as you can please.’ she laughedknowing my weakness. I threw her a daggered look only to

make her laugh harder. We were now walking up to the

man with a black suit with all those type of wires and stuff 

in his ears. He’s really big and the type you don’t want to

mess with. But he has to have a soft spot. Lets find out. ‘

hello. I am sorry but I do not recognise you two ladies. Are

you lost?’ he said in his deep manly voice. ‘ no actually this

is the place we are looking for. You know my cousin MartinSanders? Well he told me about this place and I just had to

check it out, you know? And all those other places that are

in just don’t do it for us. But this place is meant for us. ‘

she said convincingly. He didn’t look convinced but I could

tell he was thinking about it but then he shook his head. ‘

no I am afraid not. These type of people in there are not

 people you want to mess with and you two ladies are tohelpless and to innocent.’ he said crossing his arms. I

decided to try then. After all we came out all this way so

might as well. I walked up closer to him. Real close. And

started fluttering my eye lashes. ‘ oh but please sir . We are

 bad girls when necessary. We can handle ourselves.’ I

stepped back and put a hand on my hip with the expression

on my face that said I don’t give a shit. He looked at both

of us back and forward and sighed. ‘ alright fine. Go on in

 but please don’t bring any attention on to yourselves.’ he

said seriously. I had to keep reminding myself not to jump

up and down with the excitement. I nodded and grabbed

Katie by the arm and he opened the black door for us. I

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turned around to give him a wink and he went red and had

to shake himself up a little. Well that was fun. The place

was so dark. No surprise there. There was a dance floor 

with nobody on it. People were just sitting down andchatting. I glanced around the place for a bathroom. I found

one at the other end of the club. ‘ I have to go to the

 bathroom. Will you get me a drink, with lots and lots of 

alcohol in it please?’ I said shouting over the heavy music.

Katie nodded and I went to the bathroom. The bathroom

was nice. There was even a leather sofa in it. I grabbed

some of the paper and put the tap on to soak it. I washed

and dried my legs quickly and as I was putting the paper inthe bin something caught my eye. It was some type of 

wipes in a basket. Oh great. I could of just used them. I

 picked one up and read what it said on it. Easy wipe. For 

vampires who have accidents. this has to be some kind

of joke. I bet this club believes in vampires and all those

mythical jokes. How sad! I put one wipe in my bag to show

Katie later on for a laugh. A lady came in just as I wascoming out. And oh my was she beautiful. She smiled

friendly. And held the door for me politely. ’ my my what

do we have here? Are you here for business little girl?’ she

said in a intimidating voice. What is she on about business?

Does she think I’m some kind of hooker? How gross! ’ I

don’t know what your talking about but if you will excuse

me, I have somebody waiting for me.’ I said standing tall

and chin high. No one is going to make me feel like crap

with out my consent. She nodded as if understanding and

stood back to let me free.’ I see. You have already been

claimed. Sorry to bother you. I didn’t know. ’ she said

smiling apologetically. What in gods name is up with this

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crazy chick? Is she high or something? I walked out of the

 bathroom completely dazed and clueless. I started walking

faster and faster and looked around quickly to see if I could

find Katie. Where is she? I hope she hasn’t bumped intoanybody weird like that crazy chick in the bathroom. I

found her sitting down at a table in the corner by herself. I

kept my eyes on her and started to quicken my pace. So fast

that I didn’t notice the step and that caused me to be flying

toward the ground. I brought my arms to shield my face

automatically and waited for the crash to happen. But it

didn’t. instead I felt strong arms hold me gently. I looked

up at my saver. It was a boy. Around my age maybe. Helooked like a devil. He looked like a god! But a bad one!

Just my type of guy. And he wasn’t smiling. He actually

looked pissed of! Oh well maybe not my guy. I found my

feet quickly and pushed myself up. ’ whoopsie’s ! ‘ I said

giggling trying to lighten the awkwardness and trying to get

that angry face of his to disappear. It didn’t work. He

looked somehow angrier! ‘ watch were your going youclumsy human!’ he said narrowing his eyes. That bastard!

What the hell is wrong with these people. They think they

are super human or something. I stood up tall and put on

my threatening face and stomped on his foot with my heal

causing him to yelp in pain. Thankfully the music was so

loud that barely anybody noticed. He was bent down trying

to get his breathing back to normal. I patted him on the

 back as if I would to a friend and whispered in his ear. ‘

thank you so much for catching me. Its deeply appreciated.

You should really get some ice for that foot or its gonna

swell up like a balloon. Bye now. ‘ I said giggling as if it

was all a joke. He looked up at me and gave me a dagger 

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look. I smiled at him wider and started to walk over to

Katie who has obviously seen everything because she has

her hand on her mouth trying to stop herself from laughing.

I sat down beside her and smiled an innocent smile. ‘ trustyou Hannah. We are only here 5 minutes and you manage

to beat someone up.’ she said making tut tut noises. I

shrugged and looked around and said.’ it was so not my

fault this time. People here are really creepy. I don’t

remember your cousin being this creepy. A woman in the

toilet asked me if I was open for business! Like what the

hell is up with that? Is this some kind of hooker place? Is

there something your not telling me?’ I asked nowsuspicious if Katie was really into this sort of thing. She

shook her head seriously.’ oh god no Hannah! Jeez! But I

know what you mean. the bartender asked which clan I

came from! isn’t that like a vampirey thing?’ she asked and

I saw her shiver. ‘ yeah a clan is like a vampire family

thing, I think. Its been a while since I read Dracula. Not

that I ever read it actually. I just saw the movie but I dunno.‘ I said thinking. Then I remembered the wipes and I took 

them out to show Katie. I handed them to her and she read

it with googly eyes. She looked back up at me with wonder.

I shrugged. ‘ maybe these people are wanna be vamps. I

heard about them before. On the internet I came across

something like that.’ I said nodding . Katie nodded then to.

‘ yeah maybe that’s it. Anyway it should be some fun

right?’ she said hopeful. God bless her. She was just trying

to make me feel better about the money situation. I smiled

at her. I looked down at the table and saw that she didn’t

 buy any drinks. ‘ why didn’t you get any drinks?’ I asked.

She looked down in embarrassment. ‘ oh its just I forgot.

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The bar tender is super hot. ‘ she said grinning like a child.

‘ that’s ok. Ill just get some now. What do you want? ‘ I

said standing up. ‘ umm water please. I don’t want to get

drunk and wake up in the morning and find that I’m in bedwith a motor bike dude or anything.’ she said. I laughed. ‘ I

agree with you on that.’ I said and walked over to the

 bartender. Katie was right. He is good looking. Not as hot

as the messed up guy that I ran into though. Such shame

really. I sat on the stool waiting for him to come over. He

came over right away and he was smiling. Thank god. ‘ can

I help you? Or are you here to be helping somebody else?’

he asked politely. What the hell? Again weird! I decided togo along with it. ‘ uhh no actually I’m not here on business

tonight. Can I have two glasses of water please?’ he nodded

understanding and fished out two glasses. He handed them

to me so fast that I nearly thought I was going to faint. I

said thanks and was about to walk when I heard him speak 

to me again. ‘ wait! Come here a sec will you?’ he pleaded.

I turned back around to face him. He had his hand out togive me a leaflet. I took it and said ‘ uhh thanks.’ he smiled.

‘ no problem. Hope to see you soon.’ he said then turned

 back to serve another guy. I walked back over to Katie and

handed her the drink and I sat down. I put the leaflet on the

table, not bothering to look at it. Katie’s eyebrow went up

when she saw the leaflet. ‘ I dunno what it is. The bartender 

gave it to me. Maybe his number is on it for you. He knows

I’m with you.’ I shrugged as if bored. Katie took a sip of 

her water and picked up the piece of paper to read it. I

watched her as she read it to herself. Her eyes got wider 

and wider with I don’t know, shock or surprise? ‘ well? Is it

his number or what?’ I asked snapping my fingers in front

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of her face to get her attention. She shook her head and

looked up at me with worried eyes. ‘ what’s the matter?’ I

asked now worried. She handed me the leaflet without a

word and I read what was on it. It said ; Want to be adonor? No need to work anymore. Lots of money will come your way and all you have todo is simple. Donate your blood. Its safe andcontract available. If you enquire moreinformation please speak with staff. Manythanks from Black Persuasion.This is crazy! Around all the writing was vampire fangs.

But that was just a gimmick. Its just a little ironic. I put

down the leaflet and looked a Katie. She was still a little

shaken. She pursed her lips trying to think. ‘ you don’t

think they mean vampires do you? ‘ she asks in a whisper. I

shook my head smiling. ‘ no, I think it might be for some

sort of charity thing. You know donate blood. My dad used

to donate his blood and he used to get money from it. I

wonder how much?’ I started to daze of when Katieinterrupted me. ‘ your not thinking about contacting these

loonies are ya?’ she screeched. People turned to stare. But I

ignored them. ‘ relax darlin. No I wasn’t. I’m just curious is

all.’ I said trying to calm her down. She nodded and sat

 back down in her seat and relaxed a little. I looked around

again trying to figure this place out. I noticed something I

hadn’t notice before. There are many doors. Not just to thetoilet but to other places as well. I wonder if it leads you to

another club or something. ‘ where are you going?’ Katie

asked when I stood up. ‘ come on, come with me. I want to

check this place out.’ I said and she nodded

unenthusiastically. I walked over to where the many closed

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doors where and closed my eyes and walked over to a

random door. I opened my eyes and turned to see if Katie

was with me. She grabbed my arm and clung on to it while

I opened the door. I began walking in but I froze in mytracks. There was a man eating a women! Well maybe not

eating. More like drinking. There was blood coming

everywhere from her neck and her eyes were closed. The

 poor girl is unconscious! Katie stifled a quiet cry and I put

my hand over her mouth to hush her. She looked up at me

with worried eyes and began to tug and my arm to leave.

 Not yet I told her with my eyes. I wrestled her arm of me

and I stepped forward into the room. I grabbed what cameto my eyes first. A lamp. It was heavy. It will do. I went

from behind the murderer and whacked him on top of the

head with the lamp. I expected him to fall onto the bed

unconscious but I was very wrong. It was like I barley

touched him. But I did. I put a lot of force into that swing.

He stopped sucking from the girl and turned to glare at me.

Blood all over his mouth. It was disgusting! I thought I wasgoing to barf right there. The girl rose up and looked pissed

of. ’ what the hell are you doing? You interrupted us you

little bitch! I’m going to kill you!’ she snarled. What the

hell! I was only trying to save her! The man continued to

glare at me with vicious black eyes but I stood ready to

fight. He scared me then by raising his teeth up into a curl

to expose his white teeth. No. white fangs with blood

smeared all over them. And that’s all I remember. Oh wait

no. I do remember hurting my ass as I fell to the ground

unconscious. Because I fainted! I think it was the fangs that

made me faint but I don’t know. Maybe it was the whole

night experience. Anyhow I knew I fainted because I woke

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up in a room I did not recognise. I was on a sofa. I could

see Katie on a chair across the room talking to the

 bartender. Not the murderer. She didn’t look scared though

so I felt relieved. ‘ look I don’t know why she fainted cozshe’s the toughest person I know. But she was just trying to

save that woman. So how is that committing a crime?

Huh?’ she said standing up. The bartender had his hands in

fists trying to keep his anger down. ‘ that vampire was one

of our best clients and now he may not ever come back 

again!’ he said slamming his fists against the table. I stood

up now to protect my friend. ‘ what do you mean vampire

client? Why does everyone obsess over being a vampire?They do not exist! They are myths!’ I was shouting now.

This is so ridiculous! The man walked over to me now

turning his attention on me. ‘ I thought you are a donor!’ he

shouted. ‘ what do you mean donor? Is this about that

leaflet you gave me? I thought that was for charity!’ I

shouted back. He came closer. Face furious. ‘ no! vampires!

How did you get in here?’ he gritted his teeth with anger. ‘we have our people.’ I said smartly leaning back. He

grabbed me by the wrist and grabbed Katie to. I started to

 protest by kicking and hitting and shouting not nice things

 but he didn’t budge once. He led us into another door.

Behind the door was another dark room. Lots of leather 

stuff. There was a light coming from the massive fish tank.

It lit up the whole room.’ what are you doing Louie? I told

you I was not thirsty. ’ the sound made me jump. It was a

man. I could barely see the figure at the end of the

darkened room. It was sort of like in the god father with the

man sitting in his chair in his office. He turned on the lamp

and I could see his face. He was in his thirties. He looked

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sad. At liest not angry. He looked at me from Katie and

then to Louie. He raised his eyebrow waiting for an

explanation. ’ sorry boss. I just don’t know what to do with

these two. This one attacked one of our clients tonight.While he was feeding. Apparently they don’t know about

our world.’ Louie said looking ashamed. Look what

happens when I try to do some justice in this world! The

mans face didn’t alter. He was expressionless. Almost

 bored. ’ who sent you? Are you a vampire hunter? ’ he

asked me. I clenched my teeth with frustration. ‘ what are

you talking about? All I was trying to do was save that

women from being attacked!’ I shouted. His face stillremained the same. His sad white face. He could really do

with a tan. He should really go on a holiday. Get out more.

‘ I don’t think you realise what you have done little girl.

You have committed a crime. You will have to repay me

somehow.’ he said simply. I took a deep breath. that’s right.

In and out. In and out. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips

trying to calm myself down. Hitting this guy would clearly be a bad idea. So just remain calm when speaking. ‘ please

explain to me how I have committed a crime.’ I said

keeping my voice normal. He rested his head on his fists.

Keeping it civilised. ‘ well that client is one of our best.

And you attacked him. That is simply one of the highest

crimes around here. What don’t you understand?’ he said

looking at me the whole time waiting for me to speak. ‘I

get it. I do. I get that it is bad attacking a client but I

thought he was eating a poor women. So how is that bad?’ I

said putting a hand on my hip. ‘ that women was getting

 paid a lot for what she was doing. Being a donor. She is

getting paid to be bitten by a vampire. So she is not the

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victim in this situation. My client is. ‘ he said now. A little

angrier but still keeping his calm. ‘ vampires aren’t real!

They don’t exist! In books and movies they do but that’s it!

Why are all you people so crazy!’ I shrieked. ‘ is that so?Then how do you explain this? ‘ he asked amused now. I

was about to ask him by what he meant. Explain what? But

then he showed me his teeth like the murderer did. They

were normal. Well nice actually. Really white and straight.

Then fangs popped out. And Louie caught me when I

wobbled a bit. He smiled when he saw my reaction and

then the fangs went and they were normal teeth again. ‘

 believe us now?’ he asked still amused. I nodded not able tofind my voice. I turned around to look at Katie and she

seemed to be scared. Louie pulled out two chairs and told

us to sit down. We obeyed without a word. ‘ so what do we

do now huh? Well I think we can find something for you

two girls to repay us. ‘ the man said resting his chin on his

fists again. I got a bad feeling from his words and I started

to fiddle in my seat. ‘ wait! Your not going to kill us areyou?’ I whimpered. He shook his head and I was relieved.

At liest we are not going to die. ‘ no not going to kill you.

But you are going to repay us. You two are going to work 

for me. ‘ uh no! this doesn’t want to make me get out of 

 bed in the morning. ‘ work how? ‘ I asked giving in. Katie

stayed silent. I almost forgot she was there. Smart girl. He

grinned at the question. ‘ well you,’ he said to Katie. ‘ Katie

is her name. You know she does have a name.’ I said before

he could go on. ‘ Katie then will work on the bar with

Louie. And you,’ he stopped waiting for me to say my

name. ‘ Hannah.’ I said simply. ‘ Hannah you will be a

donor for my son. Every night you two will work for me as

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that is when we open clearly.’ he said but I stopped

listening to the rest when I heard him say donor for his son.

‘ what!’ I screeched. ‘ donor! A freakin donor! No way

man! that’s just out of line!’ I said. I couldn’t believe whatthis crazy dude is asking me to do! ‘ it is what I told you to

do and you are doing it. We will pay of course but just not

the whole price. Half price for committing the crime. You

will work for me as long as I say. You will be free when I

say you are. ‘ he said looking bored. I felt a tear come

down when he said be free. We are like prisoners here. I

wiped the tear quickly away before anyone noticed. I’m

going to be strong about this. Its what I do. Being strong iswhat I am known for. I am going to hold my head up high

and accept this and work until I am free. ‘ ok. We accept. ‘

he laughed at what I said as if it’s the funniest thing he has

ever heard. ‘ I don’t care if you accept or not. You are

working for me weather or not. ‘ I looked down. This guy

is pure evil. He looks so innocent but really he is the

opposite. He began opening his drawers from his desk and Iheard shuffling of papers. He put them on the desk facing

me and Katie and then handed me a pen. ‘ now sign this.

it’s a contract. You have to promise not to tell anybody

about this place or we will come after and kill you both.

Got it?’ I nodded weakly and signed my name and passed it

to Katie who looks like a ghost. I looked at my new boss

and saw him smile. He met my gaze and smiled wider.

Bastard! I smiled back. My fake smile.

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Chapter Two

I jumped up on the desk so I could reach up into the top

cupboard in the kitchen. The medicine cupboard. I heard

somebody enter the room from behind me. ‘ what are you

doing? Are you feeling ok honey?’ mom said when she saw

what I was doing. I found the tablets I was looking for.

Mom saw the container and sighed. ’ are you anaemic

honey?’ she asked worried. I shook my head. ’ uhh no. its just these tablets have iron in them and are supposed to be

good for your blood. And I have been trying to be

healthier.’ I said knowing she would love her daughter to be

healthy. But that’s not the real reason. I am taking these

again because my new profession is a blood donor to a

vampire. I know I cant believe it either. Anyhow I know I

will be loosing some blood so hopefully these tablets willhelp. She smiled just as I knew she would. ’ that’s a great

idea. Ill make a extra healthy dinner for you tonight.’ she

said skipping towards the fridge. ‘ thanks but uhh could

you wrap it up for me in cling film and ill heat it up later 

when I get home?’ I said hopeful. Hoping she wont ask 

about my new job. She turned around confused.’ why are

you going out somewhere tonight?’ she asked. ‘ well I have

a new job. I thought I might help you and dad out a little.

The job has great pay and I don’t need much. I’m not a

impulse buyer like other teens today.’ I said as if it was no

 big deal. I had plenty time last night to think as I couldn’t

sleep. So I saw the advantages in this. I could give mum

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and dad some money. I knew it was a good idea now

 because I saw moms face. She looked proud. Of me. that’s

something I am not to used to, let me tell ya. She cried with

delight and grabbed me in a mom like hug. I closed myeyes waiting for her to stop squeezing me to death. ‘ cant

 breath mom’ I said exasperated. She let me go and pulled

me in front of her so she could see my face. I think she

might even be crying. I feel bad now. I wish I had thought

of this before. ‘ thanks so much sweet heart. You don’t

know how much this means to us. For just trying.’ she said

quietly. I nodded and smiled and when she turned around I

decided to go to Katie’s. I was dazed for the whole time Iwas walking to Katie’s. fresh air was good for me right

now. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to

work at this stupid club. Heck I just found out that

vampires do exist. At least I’m not having a fit. Vampires

aren’t as scary as they are in the movies. So it will be just

like working in a club with humans, except that I have to sit

there while someone drinks my blood. Aww god I think I’mgoing to faint. Just a few more steps. Katie’s house is just

right there. Just a few more steps. I made it. I was placed on

Katie’s door mat. It was designed with dog paws. I rang the

door bell once. A few seconds later and Jimmy opened the

door. He seemed surprised it was me. Maybe because I

didn’t ring the bell so many times as usual. Or maybe

 because my face looks like how I feel. I must look terrible.

He stood there frozen eyes wide with wonder. ’ is Katie

here?’ I asked quietly not bothering to mess. He nodded

and stepped aside. ’ are you ok Hannah?’ he asked as if 

worried. Jeez he’s a good actor. I nodded weakly and went

straight up to Katie’s room. She was there sitting slumply

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on her computer chair gazing tiredly at the computer screen

as if hypnotising her. She didn’t even notice me come in

until I was on her bed. She jumped and turned. ’ oh hi. Uhh

how are you feeling?’ she asked noticing maybe how pale Ilook. I closed my eyes. ‘ not good. I was just thinking about

how I have to sit there while some stupid son drinks me up.

Ugh! Why does life suck!’ I said angry. Katie laughed. I

opened my eyes to see what was so funny. I didn’t see

anything.’ I’m glad I seem to amuse you. Well that’s just

great.’ I said closing my eyes again. ‘ no no I’m laughing at

the part when you said life sucks. Its just funny.’ she said

giggling. I opened my eyes so I could see her. She lookedso much better now that she was smiling. I smiled too and

stifled a laugh. We were both in stitches then with our fits

of laughter that it turned into. I felt good then. We looked at

each other when we calmed down. I smiled and shrugged. ‘

we are in it together.’ I said biting my lip. She nodded

smiling. But the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Then she

 jumped up with excitement. Oh no, another plan. ‘ I knowwhat we need to cheer us up. Shopping!’ well that’s a safe

idea. Well not if we bump into any witches or anything on

the way. Thinking of which, I wonder if they exist to? ‘

great idea. ‘ I said as I let her drag me to her car. Not that I

have any say in this. When shopping comes to mind to

Katie. There is no other option but to tag along. But this

time I brought money. No need to save as much now if I

have a job.

All we bought is black. Black, black and more

 black. We got that much as we saw the staff yesterday. I’d

say its staff rules, to wear all black. I saw something that I

really want but it was far to expensive to even look at

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twice. It was a shiny black Nikon camera with 20

megapixiel’s. it would make my 10 megapixel camera look 

like a disposal camera. And the price was on sale but still

far to expensive. I’m just not going to think about it. Wewere now in my bedroom trying on all our clothes. Picking

which one to wear tonight. I could tell Katie was excited

about going again tonight and only for one reason. Louie. I

suppose I would be excited to if I were in her shoes. Like

she’s got it easy really. A cute guy with dark brown hair 

who is about twenty maybe even nineteen. But no for me I

have to be a food. I’m dinner. Is it just me or is there so

many things wrong with that sentence? ‘ you look fabKatie!’ I complimented her. She smiled at me. ‘ thanks. Not

so bad yourself for a donor.’ she said giggling like crazy. I

shot her a dirty look and she stopped. ‘ well do you think 

we should go now? I think I’m ready to be sucked by

something that shouldn’t exist.’ I said all jolly. She looked

sad. ‘ do you really hate them Hannah? I personally don’t

think they’re to bad. They didn’t kill us.’ she said hopeful. ‘that’s coz you fancy the hole of Louie! And well the

vampires aren’t my favourite people in the world right at

this moment.’ I said. She looked down and I bit my lip. I

don’t mean to make this a bad experience for her. But you

cant blame me for not particularly liking them, right? ‘ well

maybe you will change your mind later.’ she said looking

up at me with puppy eyes. ‘ yeah, maybe.’ I lied.

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‘ Sir Joshua is waiting for you Hannah.’ Louie said as Katie

entered behind the bar counter. Sir Joshua! Is he mad! I

laughed as if it was the funniest thing I ever heard. Louielooked at me like I had gone mental. He stood there

waiting. I shook my head and walked over to the door 

where Louie pointed at earlier. I was still laughing as I

reached for the door. I kept my eyes on the floor as I

walked in and closed the door behind me. I was still

chuckling quietly to myself. I couldn’t see Joshua’s face as

he was turned to the opposite direction. The back of him

looked good anyway. His voice was familiar.’ shall we justget this over with?’ he turned around after he said it. My

quiet laughter stopped abruptly as I saw who it was. I

 jumped back a little. He seemed to recognise me to. And he

didn’t look to happy like last time. I looked down at his

foot to see if there were any signs of it swelling like a

 balloon like I predicted. My eyebrow raised in confusion as

I saw that it looked completely normal. ‘ yes my foot hasn’t been better actually, thanks for asking. Vampires heal faster 

than humans do.’ he said amused. Then he was by my side

so fast that I felt myself go a little wobbly. He grabbed my

wrists like Louie had done the night before and dragged me

out the door toward my boss’s. oh no! not again. I started

kicking and yelling with more force this time then I did to

Louie. But instead Joshua just looked at me and rolled his

eyes and tightened his grip on me. We were standing in

front of my boss in no time. All the shouting and punching

made time fly by. ‘ father! I cant possibly drink from this

human. How can you give me such a creature?’ Joshua

snarled as his father looked up at him. I stopped kicking

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and shouting by then to look at my boss. My boss just

looked simply bored. What a surprise! ‘ son. This will be

your donor for quite a while now so I suggest you learn to

 put up with her.’ he said standing up as if taking charge.Joshua let go of me so he could cross his arms. ‘ but why?’

he asked like a child who begged their mum for a lolly pop.

‘ simply because of her blood and age. She is around your 

age so that would be better for you and also, her blood is

strong. You can sense it, correct?’ he asked his son. Joshua

nodded slightly. ‘ now go please. I have work to do and I

have no time for your childish behaviour.’ he sat back down

without another glance at me or his son. Joshua grabbed myarm and started to drag me back out of the room. ‘ watch it

you jerk! I do bruise you know!’ I shouted in his face so he

could hear especially well. ‘ she’s feisty too. The feisty

ones are always best for some reason.’ said his dad from the

 back of the room. Joshua dropped my arm and look at me

as if I disgusted him. I rolled my eyes. Gah! These people

are the weirdest. I stood awkwardly when he closed thedoor of his room. What am I supposed to do? ‘ look I don’t

want to do this as much as you don’t. ‘ he said. It was

 probably the nicest thing he has ever said to me. ‘ then why

do you do it?’ I asked smirking. He walked over to the bed

and patted the spot beside him. Yupee! Here we go. I sat

down slowly. ‘ I have no choice. I will die unless I don’t.’

he whispered. I looked up at him. His light green eyes

almost looked sad. ‘ its ok. Just hurry up.’ I said impatiently

now. He picked up some of my dark brown hair by the side

of my neck and brushed it to the back of my shoulders.

That sent tickling sensations down to my feet. I shivered. It

was a anxious shiver though. ’ please don’t try to resist. It

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will hurt like hell.’ he whispered while he positioned his

lips on my neck. I froze. I couldn’t move anywhere. I

wouldn’t move anywhere. I felt the piercing needle like

meet my skin. I cried out a quiet pain because it did hurtlike hell. I started to think of ways to beat this jerk up when

suddenly it wasn’t hurting anymore. It felt extremely good

now. It felt like I had butterflies all over me. I closed my

eyes and gave in. I fell back so I was lying on my back and

Joshua followed not taking his lips from my neck. He

wasn’t gentle with me anymore. He was acting as if he just

couldn’t get enough. Then as if realising it Joshua began to

 pull back. And I begged him to continue. Then hecompletely pulled back and it didn’t feel good anymore. It

was like I woke up. The two needle holes on my neck now

felt stingy and not nice. I jumped up alerted. He looked at

me with sorrow. ’ I’m so sorry I think I took to much. I

shouldn’t of taken so much. I don’t know what came over 

me its just you tasted so different.’ he looked down in guilt

and confusion not able to look me in the eyes. I felt a bitdizzy. Anger roused through me.’ you bastard! What’s

going to happen to me now?’ I shouted. He looked up still

looking sad.’ you just wont be so energetic as usual.

Tomorrow you will be fine. I don’t know what came over 

me. I’ve never been so out of control. You just taste-’ he

said but I cut him of before he could finish his sentence. ’

So feisty! ’ I shouted finishing his sentence for him giving

him a dagger look and ran out the door. I ran out stubbly

 but I wasn’t giving up. I ran up to a smiling Katie who

looked like she was having a blast. Lucky her. Her smile

turned upside down as soon as she saw me. ‘ what’s wrong

Hannah?’ she asked concerned. ‘ ugh its just that prick! He

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drank to much and now I feel like shit! I just want to go

home!’ I shouted. Louie came over hearing everything. ‘

 but you have to help us serve. One of our staff members

have quit today and you need to fill in until we find areplacement.’ he said turning to serve a anxious customer. I

groaned loudly and ducked under the counter to get in. ‘ I

 just need to sit down for a bit , ok?’ I said to Louie. He

nodded and I found a chair and sank down into it trying to

focus on getting my breathing back to normal. I saw a

worried Katie look down to me and I smiled as best I could

and waved her of to tell her I’m fine. She nodded and

continued to work. I closed my eyes and repeated to myself I’m strong. I’m strong. Get up back out there and show

them that nothing bothers you. I opened my eyes a new

 person and jumped up energetically.

I followed Louie and Katie around trying to get used to the

gist of things. By the end of the night I was completely

trained. I served costumers with flying colours. And I

wasn’t as dizzy. All night I hadn’t seen any sign of Joshua.Smart boy. Coming out to try to talk to me would be bad.

Bad for him. But deep down I do feel sorry for him. I’m

sure he’s very lonely. But I still hate him. it’s a pity he has

to be such a asshole. If he weren’t I could imagine getting

along with him really well. But he’s a self centred jerk 

instead so the chances on getting along with him are slim.

Very slim.

On the way home all I was hearing Louie this and

Louie that. I pretended I cared and put a smile on my face.

Its not that I don’t care about my friends happiness, I do its

 just I didn’t feel great at that particular time considering I

 just had been sucked out of like a Ribena juice box . I

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decided on sleeping in Katie’s house tonight as I don’t

think I will make it up the stairs on my own and I don’t

want my mom or dad suspicious to why I have conked out

on the stairs. I text both my parents to tell them my newarrangements. I closed my eyes resting my arms on side of 

the door and I was asleep straight away. I felt someone

shuffle me and I groaned. I didn’t know where I was but I

did know one thing. And that is that I’m not waking up.

The person left me be thankfully and I fell into a deeper 

sleep that I barely even heard the sound of the car door 

close. Then I was cold. Why wont people leave me alone? I

 just want to sleep. I felt wind at my face and felt strongarms holding me. The strong arms were warm so I didn’t

groan. I don’t think it was Katie because she’s defiantly not

this strong. I didn’t care who it was. All I knew was that

they were warm and protective. I wrapped my arm around

the persons neck as it wasn’t comfortable hanging loosely.

Then the person stumbled a little and I opened my eyes

hazily. It was Jimmy. If I was wide awake I would of thrown a fit and kicked him until he cried. But I was to

tired tonight. I felt to dizzy and I just wanted bed. I saw

him looking at me with worried eyes. I smiled sheepishly. ’

Hey Jim Joe, what’s crakalakin?’ I whispered weakly. I

could even tell that I sounded almost drunk. He grinned. ’

shhh..’ I obeyed and closed my eyes again. We were in a

 bedroom now and I could feel him put me down lightly as

if I was so fragile. The feel of a soft mattress felt so good

right now that I went to sleep instantly.

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