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408 . Buchbesprechungen

Der Pathologe wlrd Sich besonders fur die morphologlschen Beltrage Interessleren: Hler SInd die Abschmtte uber myelogene Osteopathlen (R. Burckdardt), fIbrose Knochendysplasle (E. Ueh­linger), extraossare Verkalkungen und ektoplsche Knochenblldung (Seifert und Mltarbelter) sowie das Kapltel iiber Knochentumore (Remagen et al.) zu nennen. Sle SInd aile hervorragend hlstologIsch und rontgenologIsch dokumentlert, dabel SInd die von Remagen angefertigten Ront­gensklzzen sehr eIndrucksvoll.

Dleser Handbuchbeltrag 1St mcht nur als Darstellung eIner Intermstisch onentlerten Osteologle anzusehen, sondern eIne umfassende Beschrelbung verschledener Knochenerkrankungen ganz allgemein. Es werden die Grenzen der Inneren MedlZln liberschntten und somlt auch Pathologen, BlOchermker, Rontgenologen und mcht zuletzt Orthopaden angesprochen. Dem Verlag kann man nur raten, dlese Bucher mcht nur als Handbuchbeltrage bekanntzugeben, denn der Interessenten­krels diirfte wesentlich groBer sein. Die liberdurchschmttliche Aufmachung und hervorragende Druckqualitat IIndert nur zum Tell den Schmerz, den der hohe Anschaffungsprels von DM 780,­slcher hervorruft.

Burkhardt, Arne: Der Mundhohlenkrebs und seme Vorstad,en, Ultrastrukturelle und Immunpa­thologlsche Aspekte. (Oral CavIty Cancer and Precancer. Ultrastructural and ImmunopathologIc Aspects.) Progress In Pathology, Number 112. XIV, 271 pages With 76 Figures and 58 Tables. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, 1980.

This monograph IS based upon 906 blOps of leukoplaklas, approximately 1300 bIOpSies of carCInomas, and 150 autopsy cases, which were evaluated light mICroscopically, histochemically, enzyme-histochemically, and Immune-histochemically (qualitatively and quantitatively). A total of 62 bIOpSies both of normalleukoplastic mucosa and of treated and untreated carCInomas were investigated electron microscopically. This monograph descnbes the fundamentals of morphology of the oral mucosa, the factors InfluenCIng epithelial dIfferentiation, and the formation and functIon of the subepithelial and Interepithelialimmunologic systems. Furthermore, the concepts of leukoplakia and precancer of the oral cavity are defIned, the pOSSibilIty of claSSificatIOn IS discussed, and their relationship to oral cavity cancer IS demonstrated. The ultrastructure of the leukoplakias, dysplaslas, and carCInomas are shown, as well as the ultrastructural baSIS of Inva­sive growth, ultrastructural changes durIng therapy, alteratIOns of the ImmunologIC stromal reaction In the course of epithelial dedifferentiatIOn, and epithelIal Influences as the result of therapy. The study of human matenalls supplemented by ammal expenments on mice, In order both to gaIn InSights Into the functIOn reaction patterns of the local Immune system of the oral mucosa and to demonstrate the experimental production of oral cavity carCInomas.

The above monograph gives a comprehenSive overview of the problem of leukoplakia and oral cavity carCInoma. The author's own fIndIngs on ultrastructural pathology and on the Immunopathology of oral cavity carCInoma, ItS precursors, and the effects of therapy, serve to enrich our current knowledge and have opened up a great number of newer aspects. Thus for example the macrophages, whICh have an Important role In tumor destructIOn as shown In some ammal expenments, have only a secondary slgmficance With respect to tumor protectIOn In untreated human squamous epithelial carCInomas. ThiS monograph IS well-structured and clearly wntten. Numerous tables, schematiC diagrams, and lIght and electron mICroscopIc figures Illus­trate the results presented. The quality of the figures IS good throughout. ThiS book can be recommended to every oral pathologist and to every clIniCian Interested In oral cavity carCInoma, and furthermore also has a substantial InformatIOnal value for the oncolOgist. The pnce IS ap­propnate.

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