
Bournemouth and Poole LSCB conference

Susannah Bowyer

research in practice

Thresholds and safeguarding

Prompt topic briefings

2010 Prompt 7 Thresholds for Children's Social Care 2009 Prompt 6 Parent and baby assessment placements 2009: Prompt 5 The Path to Independence: supporting

young people move towards emotional, financial and practical independence

2008: Prompt 4 Effective targeting 2008: Prompt 3 Multi-professional working: distinct

professional identities in multi-professional teams 2007: Prompt 2 Children on the edge of care: Intensive

Family Preservation Services and Family Intervention Projects

2007: Prompt 1 Improving educational outcomes for looked after children

Safeguarding –’everyone’s business’

‘sustained tug of war between child protection and child welfare’ (Tunstill 1996: 152)

Particular tensions between:

Top end of tier 2 and the bottom end of tier 3, with operational definitions for S17 higher than the top end of CAF’s definition of vulnerability’

Cases coming down from statutory involvement

Child protection ‘rarely comes labelled as such’

The preoccupation with Thresholds (Brandon et al 2008)

Other selected findings from biennial analysis: 47% of the SCRs concerned children less than one

year old

‘The theme of older adolescents who were very difficult to help emerged powerfully’ from the findings’

Long term neglect cases rarely met the threshold for formal child protection services

The ‘start again syndrome’ is a common feature in long term neglect cases

There was a lack of parental cooperation in more than two thirds of the 47 intensive sample cases

The challenge of neglect

Although 68% of children in cases subject to a CPP are registered under the category of neglect, many more cases do not meet the threshold criteria for CP work

This situation is exacerbated by the ‘incident focus’ of child protection decision making

The direction of travel of the last few years is supported by research evidence as the right one. Inevitably, more effective identification of need and safeguarding concerns leads to increased demand on services

Maltreated children in the looked after system (Wade et al 2010)

Comparison study of those who went home and those remaining lac

Outcomes for those remaining lac were better in terms of stability and well-being

Especially marked for neglected and emotionally abused children

Decisions to reunify should be based on (Wade et al 2010):

Careful assessment including clear evidence of sustained change in parenting capacity

Provision of support services often at quite high intensities, will be needed to support successful reunions

Where reunification failed, there were often early signs. Speedy decision-making is needed where home placements are in difficulty to reduce likelihood of further harm


A preoccupation with thresholds is not conducive to joined-up working across a safeguarding continuum

The grey area between a NFA decision by children’s social care and CAF working must be clarified to address the issue of families bouncing off the CSC threshold repeatedly until they break through it

New and upcoming resources: elearning on neglect (Spring 2011)

Partnership conference: Serious Case Reviews. 30th November London

Domestic Abuse: the impact on children and young people. 15th March Manchester

Research messages workshop: Neglect: Recognition and response. 4th November London

Safeguarding in the 21st Century (Barlow and Scott 2010)

DfE neglect resources (Spring 2010)

contact details:

Bournemouth Link Officer

Lin McCormack

[email protected]

[email protected]

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