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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Brand Management in the Social Media Age

Adrian Moss

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

1 billion YouTube views in 6 months

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Lean Finely Textured Beef

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Avoiding being ‘Slimed’ – 5 P’s

• Participate

• Plan organisational responsibilities

• Pre-audit likely issues

• Package responses

• Practice

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Social Media – getting started

• Research current ‘buzz’

• Agree objectives, targets and ROI

• Decide ownership

• Agree editorial, publishing and comment guidelines

• Select platforms

• Add social media to crisis management plan

• Start with joining in the conversation

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

What works?

• Conversational content

• Competitions & crowd sourced engagement

• Promotions

• ‘Behind the scenes’ info (fan club updates)

• Accepting criticism

• Taking issues ‘off line’

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Burts - Social Media in Action

• Family run, Devon based, established 1997

• Wholesome, natural, high quality and hand-made

• Locally sourced ingredients

• Work force engagement – shared commitment

• Main marketing was PR and events

• Social media started 2 years ago – focus in last 18 months

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

How did they start?

• Consumers already talking – Twitter and Facebook

• Joined in the conversation

• Editorial style to match corporate brand

• Honest, open

• Friendly and Personal

• Acknowledged, thanked and answered comments

• Update with news and info

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

How do they listen?

• Key words selected

• Monitoring via HootSuite and TweetDeck (free)

• Paid for service to check reach and engagement

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Best Practice Advice

• Extension of brand values

• Employees freedom

• Negative comments expected and responded to

• Integrate into Crisis Communication Plan

• Integrate into Communication Plan

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

On-going activities

• Personal postings by employees

• Crowd-sourced campaign to bring back delisted flavour

• Crowd Source suggestions for new flavours

• Support packaging re-design

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Burts top 3 tips

• Tell - don’t sell

• It’s a conversation – dialogue not monologue

• Keep content relevant to the brand

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

EU Social Media Research

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Crisis management

• Evaluate tracking & analysis tools

• 100+

• Detailed review 12

• Trial of 2

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Source: Base:

…But British and local origin are increasingly important

Factors influencing choice when buying food and (non-alcoholic) drink,

December 2012 and March 2013

“Thinking about buying food and non-alcoholic drink, which, if any, of the following factors are most likely to make you choose one product over another? Select up to three.”

GMI/Mintel 1,500 internet users aged 16+



























0 10 20 30 40

None of these

Detailed foreign origin (eg Parma ham)

Traceable (eg to farm)


Regional origin (eg Lancashire cheese)

Fair pay for farmers

Sustainable (eg fish)

Environmentally friendly

Local origin (ie 30-mile radius)

Fair trade

Free-from pesticides

Animal welfare standards

British origin


Dec-12 Mar-13

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Platform use - EHEC







Germany News













Spain News













Ireland News







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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Variation on SocMed platforms used between countries but….

• Fast ‘viral’ curve (synergy of traditional and social media)

• Quick decline (low level within few weeks – Twitter in days)

• Twitter – news with links to sources. Too short to comment

• Forums/Blogs – slower. More considered. Comments

• Little or no presence by ‘official authorities’

• Consumers seek information

• Online news quoted ‘by default’

FoodRisC Findings

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Crisis Response

• Multiple platform presence (go where consumers are)

• Established & Active presence (aware & re-act)

• Speed – every minute counts

• Leverage SEO terms consumers using

• Comment & link back to own and 3rd party info sources • Tweets – info plus link to sources

• Blogs - use subject matter experts & link to web site

• Video interviews and info – YouTube summary

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

Anti-Slime Workshop

• Participate

• Plan organisational responsibilities

• Pre-audit likely issues

• Pre-packaged responses

• Practice

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Social Media – where conversations start and relationships begin

[email protected]

+ 44 (0) 23 8044 8822 (office)

+ 44 (0) 7866 425914 (mobile)

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