
How to Stand Out From the CrowdCaptivate and Connect with Messages that Differentiate

Product Marketing

Is the Biggest Roadblock to Standing Out from the Crowd!

The 4 P’s

The 4 P’s which evolved from

Product Marketing…

is one of the most frequently used

Marketing Frameworks

Selling a Product is not the Same as Selling a Service

What do you think are the differences?

In the 1970’s you could advertise Spam, Cigarettes, Mustangs. But it was Illegal to Advertise…Services!!!

Traditional Starting Point to Find Your Unique Value

Identify Target Market Pain Points…Then Create Messages to Solve the Problem

That’ how you drown in the Sea of….Sameness!

That One


Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?

Mitch: No What?

Curly (holds up gloved index finger and says: “this”

Mitch: “Your Finger”

Curly: One thing. You stick to that and everything else doesn’t mean bleep.”

Mitch: That’s great But what’s that one thing?

Curly: That’s what you have to figure out.”

Your Point of View!

People don’t buy services, they buy belief. And they believe in people who believe… in what they’re saying.

When your message is not congruent with what you believe, You work against Yourself.

An Example

Burning Problem: How to get Page One Google Rankings Fast!Option 1:Get Page 1 Google Ranking Fast with…Our proprietary 10 Point SEO System.

Option 2:Build a Sustainable SEO program that Works like the Energizer Bunny, with Our Proprietary 10 Point SEO System.

Discover YourUnique

Difference or…

Branding and

Messaging Gold!

Target Market Needs Capabilities & Competencies

Competitor Positioning Brand Personality

Your Point of View/Purpose

3C Marketing Process:

5 Steps - But it all starts with

Discovering Your point of View or Your Purpose!

Your Turn

Let’s take a test drive.


Debbie Josendale

3C Marketing Group LLC


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