  • 8/2/2019 BR&GB- Vol 2 Issue 4


    Gaining New Knowledge in Public Procurement

    BeyondRed & GreenBooks..[BR&GB in its second year, bringing news and views about emerging procurement strategy,Trends,

    technology, personalities, etc. from beyond your work station..]

    Vol. 2 Issue No. 4 April 2012

    How Many of these Procurement Methods are known to you

    Co-operative Contracting Strategic Out sourcing

    Electronic Reverse Auction Relationship Based Procurement

    Swiss Challenge Closed and Open Framework Contra

    Open Competitive Bidding Restrictive Bidding

    Two Stage Bidding Two Envelope Bidding

    Procurement Cards International Competitive Bidding

    National Competitive Bidding Shopping

    Spot Purchase Competitive Negotiations

    Phase Inversion Method (assessment) Consecutive Negotiations

    RFP with Dialogue Competitive Dialogue

    Adjudication Dynamic Purchasing System

    Design and Realization Contests Appel doffres

    Quote Request Public Auction

    Simplified below threshold procedure Petty Purchase

    Negotiated Procedure with or without Publication e-auction

    Adapted Procedure General Competition

    Limited Competition Designated Competition

    Selective Tender Limited Tender

    Direct Award Competition of Solutions

    Leading ProfessionalMembership Organisationsand Charters in Public


    Procurement has come off as a profession, Governments have started recognizing the strategic roleprocurement in bringing efficiency in public expenditure- Governors speak about strategic outsour

    and Chief Procurement Officers now come more often on television interviews announcing savings o

    billion pounds an year! Leading corporate houses have escalated the representation of Procurement

    their Board level and a stint at Procurement department is now an edge for prospective CEOs . A

    these changes have made it essential for procurement professionals to keep up to date with latest de

    opments in our field. BRGBs current issue is focusing on How to gain new knowledge in public pr

    ment. We are carrying brief literature of major public procurement learning centers, research instit

    tions, and membership bodies and leading public procurement journals in this issue.

    Lets start with a listing of different types of procurement methods available in various parts of the w

    Check for yourself, how many of these are known to you and how many of these were used by you

    Hope this issue is timely with your focus set on learning and knowledge sharing through

    2012 Fiduciary Forum. We hope you will enjoy reading this issue and share your feedback with us.

    With regards,Payal, Bala and Kalesh

    Institute for Supply Management

    (ISM) is the first supply manage-

    ment institute in the world.

    Founded in 1915, ISM exists to

    lead and serve the supply management profes-

    sionand the renowned monthly ISM Report

    On Business - ISM is a highly influential and

    respected association in the global marketplace.

    CIPS is the premier global organi-

    sation serving the procurement and

    supply profession. Dedicated to

    promoting best practice, CIPS provides a wide

    range of services for the benefit of members and

    the wider business community.

    NIGP: The Institute for Public

    Procurement- Developing, sup-

    porting and promoting the publicprocurement profession through premier educa-

    tional and research programs, professional

    support, technical services and advocacy initia-

    tives that benefit members and constituents.

    since 1944.

    The International Federation of

    Purchasing and Supply Man-

    agement (IFPSM) is the union

    of 48 National and Regional Purchasing Asso-

    ciations worldwide. Within this circle, about

    250,000 Purchasing Professionals can be

    reached. IFPSM facilitates the development and

    distribution of knowledge to elevate and advance

    the procurement profession, thus favorably

    impacting the standard of living of citizens

    worldwide through improved business practices.

    Indian Institute of

    Materials Manage-

    ment (IIMM)" with its

    Headquarters at Navi Mumbai, is the National

    Apex body representing a wide spectrum of

    professionals engaged in various facets of Mate-

    rial Management, responsible for planning,

    sourcing, Logistics & Supply Chain Manage-

    ment. Through its wide network of 44 branches

    and 16 chapters having over 8000 members

    drawn from public and private sectors, IIMM is

    dedicated to the promotion of the profession of

    Materials Management.

    Be informed of latest developments in public procurement strategies, policies, research and other development

    gage in debates, discussions and dialogue. Post your views and comments. Join the all new facebook forum 3P Public Procurement Professionals Network
  • 8/2/2019 BR&GB- Vol 2 Issue 4

    2/2*This Newsletter is a collage of available articles from public domain for limited internal sharing of information. This does not reflect views

    or positions of World Bank or any of its offices. For any further information contact [email protected] *















    Leading Procurement &Supply Chain Journals

    rocurement Humour: Marriage is an Institution; Life is a Contractd Procurement a Profession! Match the following and find whether you have the

    erfect Match!Love Marriage Framework Arrangement

    Live-in-Partnership QCBS

    Arranged Marriage Letter of Intend

    Alimony Restricted Procedure

    Polygamy/Polyandry Open Competition

    Second marriage Category Management

    Intra Faith Marriage Force majoure

    Inter Faith Marriage Liquidated damages

    Polyamory Single Source Selection

    Dowry Relationship Based Procurement

    Divorce RFP with Dialogue

    Break ups! Performance Security

    Leading academic & research

    institutions in Public Procurement

    CRiSPS - Centre for Research in Strategic Purchas-

    ing and Supply- University of Bath, UK

    The Centre for Research in Strategic Purchasing andpply (CRiSPS) is a world leading centre for research and education in supply strategy. Established in 1994,

    RiSPS enjoys an international reputation for its ability to apply academic rigour to real-world issues and toluence policy.

    As a result of a 1999 partnership agreement between the NationalInstitute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc(NIGP), and Florida Atlan-tic University's College of Architecture, Urban and Public Affairs,

    Public Procurement Research Center was created to assist the public procurement profession by providingplied research, training, education and scholarly publication.

    The University of Nottingham's Public Procurement Research Group is a global

    leader in research and teaching on public procurement regulation. It is part ofthe School of Law at the University of Nottingham, which is consistently rankedamongst the leading law schools in the United Kingdom. It is part of the School of

    w at the University of Nottingham, which is consistently ranked amongst the leading law schools in the

    ited Kingdom.Research projects span areas as diverse as EU and WTO procurement law, tied aid procure-nt, defence procurement, and developing country procurement reform, and the Group works closely with bothional governments and international organisations.

    The International Research Study of Public Procurement (IRSPP) is a multi-nationalresearch study of Public Procurement practices and policies which develops interna-tional comparative procurement benchmarks and enhances the body of knowledge

    government procurement.

    Netherlands. The mission of the group Operational Methods for Productionand Logistics (OMPL) is to conduct high-quality interdisciplinary researchand education embedded at international, national and university level in the

    neral area of Operations Management.The research of OMPL is divided in four themes: i. Supply Chain Man-ement, maintenance and service logistics; ii. Manufacturing and distribution systems; iii. Health careerational process management; and iv. Purchasing and Procurement management. Chair Management Science

    d Purchasing Management-Management Science involves designing and applying scientific approaches tocision making by using quantitative and analytical methods. Private and public sector applications mostly deal

    th important one-time decisions like make or buy decisions, centralisation versus decentralisation, etc.

    CAPS Research, working in partnership with its global network of executives andacademics, is dedicated to the discovery and dissemination of strategic supply

    management knowledge and best practices. Since 1986, CAPS Research has beenproviding thorough, practical research for our strategic-minded corporate sponsors

    d for the public. Our research products and events are aimed at executives with strategic responsibilities forsupply/sourcing/procurement effort. In our global Roundtables, Best Practices Workshops, and Critical Is-

    es Partnership Events, they engage in best-practices sharing; in our benchmarking, focus studies, and Practixorts, they see how they can measure their efforts; in Knowledge Central, they utilize the knowledge database

    d the tools to assess their own best practices and strategies.

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