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My aunt is very special to me, I sleep very often. My aunt has two children and they are my cousins, Taylor is 17 years old and Troy is 12 years old. It is very fun to go over my aunts house especially when they are there, Taylor does dance and Troy place basketball. If anyone is always here to talk to me its my aunt , and I am very thankful to have an aunt that really does love and care about me like she does.

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I started off basketball when I was in was in 2nd grade. I started off in rec basketball up until 5th grade. In 5th grade I started playing central mass basketball, it is travel basketball. I think it is much better than rec because I like to travel places when w e play basketball and also there are much more games than there are in rec. When I am playing basketball I have a lot of fun but I also take it serious, especially against our rivalries.


This is a picture of the mascot for the Celtic’s truck. We happened to see him at my cheerleading gym because he tumbles at my cheering gym.

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I love cheerleading it is one of my main hobby’s. Thank you to the person that started me off with cheerleading, my uncle, he owns Pro Athletics and that’s where I started my cheer career off. The people that I cheer with are like my family, not just the people I cheer with but the coaches. My parents and my uncle had a falling out so I had to switch cheering gyms. I switched to East Celebrity Elite, stands for ECE. I absolutely love it there. We are the type of cheerleader that do not use pom poms.


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Dog I got my dog when I was in the fifth grade. My

brother and I had always wanted a dog, so we asked for one for Christmas. And we got one we had to pick him up at the airport and he was frightened he was so scared , probably from the loud noises on the plan, at least that’s what I thought it was. We brought him home from the airport and the first thing we did was feed him and give him water. From that point on I fell in love with my dog. As he started off eating he did like a handstand, well in dog version. He has always been in love with people he can not stay alone no matter what, or he will bark like crazy. Anyways two years after we had owned him he started walking into walls and falling down the stairs so we thought he was ,losing his visions. So we brought him to the vet and they said that he had 2 cadoracs in his eye and they has lost his vision. He’s never been the same since.

My dog Bazz.

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Easter is a holiday that some people celebrate. On Easter what we do is go to our uncle’s house and we eat, watch TV, and we have lots of fun spending time with the family. When we were younger all the kids would go outside for an Easter egg hunt, it was lots of fun but at times it was very hard. Easter is one of the holidays that I get to spend time with my whole family.

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When I get ice cream I go to Kimball’s Farm, sometimes we eat there, the portions they serve are very large. Sometimes I can’t even finish a “kiddie” ice cream cone. I usually have to end up throwing the rest away or giving it to someone in my family. I end up going there a lot in the summer, we usually go there after my brothers All-star games , usually after a big win. I love going to Kimble’s, especially for their ice cream , their food is very good to though.

Ice cream

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I was born in Leominster at Leominster Hospital, this is the town that I live in now. Leominster isn’t the best town but if I didn’t live here then I would of never met the people I met here, and have the friends that I have. I would rather live here and not far away because my family lives here and I usually see my family every weekend. Next year I am going to be going to Leominster High School I am going to be playing basketball and cheering for them. I have had many good experiences here and some bad experiences here. We have this really crazy neighbor and when we as my brother and I used to play catch in the street and the ball used to go in their yard it was bad. If it went in there yard they would come out and scream and swear at us until one day my dad just finally went over there and talked it out with him. I also couldn’t imagine moving or living somewhere else I like where I live. Especially the Friday night football game, those are really fun when I’m hanging out with my friends. We live right down the street from my elementary school Johnny Appleseed, 312 North street.


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I have three best friends their names are Shelby, Elizabeth, and Ashley. I tell them legit everything. They are all like my sisters to me. Especially Shelby and I we are very close, we share each others clothes and we hang out a lot. Her house is my house and my house is hers. When we do hang out we have the best time even more so when Ashley and Lizzy are there. For example, we had a sleep over this one night and we were up until about 5 o’clock in the morning, outside playing manhunt or having a snow ball fight. That pretty much explains all of our friendships between each other.


My friends and I love to take pictures together. SLEEPOVER!!!!!!

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My Grandfather means the world to me, he is always here for me and when I am feeling down he always does something to put a smile on my face. I call my Grandfather “Grampy”, its just what I call him just like my cousin calls him “Papa”. Right now he has prostate cancer, he was diagnosed with it just a couple of weeks ago. I really hope that he gets better because I want nothing but good things to happens to him. He has been a very hard working person he was a roofer when he was younger just like my dad and now he owns a company that my dad now works for called Rockwell Roofing, it is family owned. That shows that he is hardworking and all I want is good for him and I really love him.

Grampy <3

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RoomIf you were to walk in to my room you would be able to tell

right away that I love the color pink and or that I love zebra print. Every wall in my room is pink and the ceiling is white. I have my TV mounted on my wall so when I lay down in my bed I can Watch TV. On my bed I have many pillows , zebra pillows, cheetah pillows and in black pink or white. My room basically explains me, my personality and that I am a cheerleader. My room is very organized every day when I wake up in the morning I make my bed and clean my room and then get ready for school or get ready for whatever I am going to do for the day.

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Kylee is one of my best friends that I had met through cheerleading, we had both started cheering at pro athletics we were both on the same team, I remember the day that she had walked in with her two friends from her town down where she lives, in Bellingham. She walked in all giggly and my uncle had brought her in to the gym to meet me , and from the time I saw her I knew that we would be good friends just because of the kind of personality she had. She was very nice and doesn’t really take everything serious just like me, I laugh a lot . From that day that we had met at cheering we have been very close, even when I left Pro Athletics to go to ECE, she had went as well. Even though I had been on a higher team than her we still had the same competitions and the same practice dates. Kylee and I had a competition in Florida and we had sat next to each other on the plan and took funny pictures and we had a great time together. She is my best friend.


What Kylee and I do on the plane to Florida.

At her 13th birthday party.

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MomMy mom is one of the best moms that anyone could

possibly ask for. I mean yes she is hard on me when it comes to school and stuff but she I really nice when I want to hang out with my friends or when I want to go to someone’s house.. My mom has been here for me for all of my 13 years of living, through all of my surgeries she had been at the hospital with me night and day. If it wasn’t for her I would have been even more scared then I had been. My mom is the best thing I could have because some people don’t even have a mother, I am very lucky that I do.

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OperationsI had many operation on my right hip my

first was when I was about 1 year old. I had fifteen surgeries since then, through out my whole life I have been in and out of hospitals and doctors offices. The reasoning for me having to have so many operations was because when I started walking I had been walking with my feet facing in and my mom ended up taking me to the doctors and they saw that my bone was formed in the wrong spot. After all my surgeries had been done I had started walking with a little bit of a limp and people to this day make fun of me for it, I wish I could change that but if I didn’t go through what I did I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

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I have gone on vacation many different times, but my first time going on a vacation with my family was probably about when I was five years old. We had gone to Maine , but that’s not the only place I have gone on vacation. I have gone to Aruba, Florida, Baltimore for a cheering competition and we stayed for the rest of the week in the summer. I have gone to many different places for cheering but not exactly vacation. I love going on vacation especially hanging out by the pool or going to the beach.


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Winter is one of my favorite times of the year because it is Christmas time, it is basketball season and also I get to spend more time with my family. Besides the fact that it is freezing out I love the winter. My cousins and I go tubing at Cherry Hill or Nashoba Valley it is lots of fun.


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QuotesThere are two special quotes that have heard many times in the past year

or two. They had gotten them from a very special, inspirational coach that had been diagnosed with cancer, her name was Amy Jones we called her AJ she was only 29 years old. She was a dancing coach and a cheerleading coach at my gym. The saying she always used to say was LYMI, that’s stand for “ I love you and I mean it”. There was also another quote she always used to say it was , “Its not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance on the rain”. She was always a positive person even though she had cancer she always had many positive quotes, she didn’t really act like she was sick , she always wanted to be with her kids coaching but she couldn’t. Also the LYMI quote was also a fundraiser to help her for chemotherapy , many people around the world helped and donated to her. But those were the many quotes that she used to always say before she past.

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We were in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at the board walk, I can only remember when I was going on the zip line and I was so scared that I was going to fall into the water. But I slowly went on and put on those things they make you wear to hold u so that you don’t fall, it was so un comfortable for some reason. As I stepped up each stair I could feel my self shaking. Finally I was at the top, the lady that was at the top said come one now it’s your turn she asked me if I was scared I said kind of but I’ll get through it. As I whipped through the air and down the line I was at the other end in no time.


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X-RaysI have had many x-rays for different things but mainly for the

same thing , my hip. I have had x-rays on my hip, ankle, back, and for my wrist. I’ve gotten hurt a lot but I get through the pain. The reason I had to get x-rays on my hip so many times was because my hip has popped out many of times and I had to have surgery on my hip because of that. I had twisted my ankle when I was at basketball playing Quabin I just about heard it pop , my coach could hear it from the bench he said. I had never been in so much pain before so finally after the game I iced it and went to the emergency room. When I get x-rays it is because I am in so much pain that they need to see what is wrong or because I am suppose to get X-rays on my hip yearly.

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