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The production name that we came up with is silk productions because the work SILK is all our first names combined.

We chose to name our thriller unforeseen because it is very original as no one has used this name for a film before and it also goes with the plot of our thriller. It goes with our storyline because the school girl doesn’t realise what’s going to happen to her.

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The storyline for our thriller opening is about a school girl (played by Stephanie Taylor) who stays behind after school has ended to finish work. As she is going to her classroom, to finish her school work she gets followed by a serial killer disguised as a school girl (played by Louise Richardson) who has chosen her to be her next victim. In the end the innocent school girl gets killed after failing to notice all the warning signs her killer left for her.

Serial killer school girl(Louise


School girl(Stephanie


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INFLUENCES The film that influenced our decision for what special effects we were going

to use in our thriller opening was the paranormal activity films because the effects they use in the films , for example elevation and a slamming door, make the film scary and intriguing and different from any other thriller movie. So we chose to use a slamming door and the dragging of a body effects in our thriller which are similar to the ones used in the paranormal activity film series.

We used the film orphan to influence the decision on the characters we would include in our thriller. In the orphan movie the main character, which is an innocent school girl is also made the serial killer. This is different from any other thriller as normally a girl who is seen as innocent plays the victim , so the fact that she is the villain is unexpected, which is why we chose to use a similar character in our thriller.

The roommate is a thriller film which has a storyline about a college girl who becomes obsessed with another girl in her college and starts killing the people who know her. We used this as our influence for the plot of our film as we liked the storyline because and it fit in with our choice of characters. Also we didn’t want to make things to different so the audience do not get confused and also so it links to the codes and conventions of a thriller.

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We decided as a group that in the storyline of our thriller a school girl character would be the one who died. This links backs to the codes and convention of a thriller movie as normally in a thriller movie the plot would consist of someone dying and it is what the audience watching would expect. Also a character dying is a very cliché story plot in a thriller film and the fact that the character killed will be a school girl links with the codes and conventions because normally girls are used in thrillers to be the victims as they are stereotypically seen as innocent and vulnerable.

In our thriller opening we decided to include a door being slammed and lights flickering. This links back to the codes and conventions of a thriller because both are normally seen in thriller movies to create suspense and to build up tension. This also meets the requirement of what the audience would expect from a thriller movie as we have used effects like these to make our thriller opening scary and full of suspense which people seek for when they watch films with this genre.

We also chose to use fake blood within our thriller. This relates to the codes and conventions of a thriller as fake blood is typically a popular prop used in a thriller movie as it us a easy way of creating an image of danger. Also the people watching would expect this from a thriller film as when you think of blood you think of scary and fake blood creates an image of warning and danger.

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