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First and only's Camp Anzio - August 2010


to celebrate shane's new captaincy of the mercs, it seemed only fair that we visit his local site,

Camp Anzio which is an old MOD army barracks located just outside leek in staffordshire run by

First and Only, it has been open since april this year. Playing for the mercs were Dan, Danny,

Shane, Chris And I.


After sign in at the gate we drove round the the safe zone to park up. We were surprised as we

were directed into an old gynasium. I really liked this as everyone was under cover and there

was no need to get all of your kit out of the boot, a secure option, albeit a bit cramped with 4

of us in the same car! It was a nice surprise to see 2 friends also getting their kit ready, luke

and smurf. they joined us for the day. I could tell we were on for a good day's gaming from the

safety and game briefing, as the marshals were explaining the rules for the mortar cannon,

landrover troop transport and various other props in use throughout the day. And for once ALL

our team, including Smurf and Luke, had comms. This makes such a difference to teamwork!


The morning game was a long game. We had to push the other team to gain ground, caputurethe landrover, which the red team started with, and protect and use our weapon, the mortar 

cannon to clear whole buildings. The game started quickly as Luke, Smurf and I ran to take the

embassy while Shane took the rest of the mercs to accomodation blocks D4 and D3 to push.

The 3 of us made good ground in the embassy, pushing through despite our small numbers.

The reds played well and we were pushed right back to our base, the bunker. In a stroke of luck

the red team drove past our respawn point with the landrover, to disable this we threw a smoke

infront to stop it, then shane touched it to simulate a sticky bomb, killing all inside. No medics for 

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them they went back to their rewpawn. The other way to secure the landrover was to hold the

vehicle bays for 5 minutes. With the landy now in the blue teams possesion, news came that we

had lost the mortar, The reds had us pretty much pinned down from the D5 side of the bunker 

so Luke Smurf and I went on a mission to weed out the reds covering the bank. We lost Luke

to fire but we carried on and made it right round the back of the hospital, took out some reds on

the parade ground before being over run, we were hoping our distraction did some good. Wespent some time chatting to the enemy, waiting for the medic that would never come, before

bleeding out. we respawned to find reds in our base but we had also captued their team leader.

The blues cleared them out but the building was mortared from outside, killing all inside just as

the 30 second warning was heard. It was then a mad dash to repopulate our base before end



back to the safe zone just in time to miss the majority of the rain that had started at the end of 

the morning game. Thankful for the roof over our kit, we helped ourselves to the usual F&O

hotdog, cookies and pop, all included with the game fee along with free tea and coffee. We got

a change to have a chat to some of the other players and marshals. so far so good. 

After lunch, we met again on the parade ground for the afternoon briefing. The afternoon

brought 2 smaller games. The first of which was capture 3 objectives, which could be anywhere

on camp, out team went strait to D4 and D3 to try to cut the reds off, and were surprised as we

were handed the mortar cannon out the window. Shane and I took this back to base to find that

the briefcase had also been brought back! 2 objectives in 10 minutes. The blue side seemed

to be more cohesive this game. A few blues stayed behind with me to defend the bunker and

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Shane went back to battle. I didn't fire a shot all game but played my part. As end ex was called

we headed back to safe zone victorious.


Game 3, the last game of the day was a block wars style game, we had to take and hold

as many of the 4 buildings we could. These were the medical block, embassy and the top 2

buildings D2 and D3. We took D3 quickly and after picking off some reds in the D2 windows,we sent Shane and Chris to head an assault on D2. Dan, now reduced to just his pistol and

Danny covered the stairs, while smurf and I gave cover fire for the assault. Once in we cleared

them out quickly. We had both buildings covered when we had news from the respawn that the

blues also held the medical block and half of the embassy. At the end of the game blues had 3

buildings and half of the embassy, there was some great teamwork throughout this game with

some players staying behind to defend building while other made the assault. Well done blue

team! Special thanks to Bongo, the blue team leader who kept us all informed and motivated.


All in all we had a fantastic days airsofting, the marshals were ever present and vigilant, playing

along side us. there was a good standard of play from everyone. Although alot of the players

seemed new to Anzio, no one was afraid to get stuck in. The game type and objectives variedbut the games used the same rewpawn point, and all players were on medic-regen, so no

one missed out on the action, and everyone knew what they were doing. Staff here as with all

F&O sites are very friendly and approchable, and help out where they can. The day ran very

smoothly. The site itself I was very impressed with. They have been made safe with smashed

glass removed, and coridors are debris free. There are 17 buildings in total and some of the

buildings are 2 storey with mutiple stairways up, and there is plenty of green cover from building

to building so even snipers can have a fun day. There is even an assault course at the top end

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of the site if your feeling particularly energetic! We Were all very impressed with the site, top

quality overall. We will definety be coming back for more!!


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