Page 1: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill

Page 2: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Caller ID

OUse Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending anyone with your conversation take, the call . If your with a group of people, excuse yourself before taking the call and step away.

Page 3: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Voice Mail

Use voicemail to leave a brief

message if the recipient does

not answer

Page 4: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending


Do not talk loudly or shout into the cell-

phone. If the connection is poor,

yelling will not improve the signal


Page 5: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Straight and to the point

OKeep calls brief whey you are with other people. Doing otherwise implies that the caller is more important than those you are with in person.

Page 6: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Ring tones

Select a non-offensive ringtone.

Anything else makes a juvenile

Page 7: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Silent please

OIf you are not uncertain about weather to mute or turn off your phone. Be courteous by turning it off, vibrate or silent

Page 8: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending


Avoid using profanity in

public, no matter what vocal

volume you use

Page 9: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

When not to text

OWhen involved in a formal situation avoid texting it shows that you are not interested in the conversation and would rather be else where. Which is very offensive to you surrounding company.

Page 10: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending

Proximity rule

When possible, put a distance of

10 feet or two arms length from

other people when using a


Page 11: Cell Phone Etiquette By Demorris McCaskill Caller ID O Use Caller ID to determine whether to answer a call. If it is urgent or you do not risk offending


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