  • 7/23/2019 Century Pacific Food


    Valuation Methods:

    1. Discounted Dividend= div PV of div2. Discounted Cash Flow= cash ows PV of forecasted N ad!usted to "eco#e

    cash ows$. %elative Valuation= &et the P'( forecast earnin&s) #ulti*l+ to &et P

    ,collect -ualitative data and -uantitative forecast sales) etc. &et &rowth rates/ 0

    *ro*erl+ &ettin& the &rowth rates and &ettin& the ter#inal valueresearch or nd a

    ver+ close *ro3+/

    ,Co#*lete the F'4 0 PV all the cash ows 0 &et a *rice

    5u+ if 167 &ain over 1 +ear 8 sell otherwise

    Centur+ Pacic Food) nc. CNPF/

    "randed canned seafood) #eat) dair+) #i3es and 9(M tuna e3*ort "usinesses

    a su"sidiar+ of Centur+ Cannin& Cor*oration and is su"se-uentl+ a #e#"er

    of Centur+ Cannin& Cor*orations ;rou* of Co#*anies the ;rou*/.


    1. ;eneral

  • 7/23/2019 Century Pacific Food


    e+ %isAs:

    1. uctuations in *rices or disru*tion in the su**l+ of Ae+ raw #aterials0 chan&es in &lo"al or re&ional levels of su**l+ and de#and0 weather conditions0 custo#s and i#*ort duties

    0 &overn#ent controlsa. *ri#ar+ tuna *roduction o*erations aected "+ availa"ilit+ and *rice

    of tuna0 tuna *rices have increased in recent +ears fro# H4I1?2J *er ton in

    2611 to H4I1K? *er ton in 2612 due to &overn#ent re&ulations". *rices of other raw #aterials0 tin cans) #eat and #ilA *owder

    uctuated fro# ti#e to ti#e,no assurance that increases can "e *assed on to consu#ers

    2. CNPFs sales &rowth de*ends on successful introduction of new products and

    new product extensions, which is subject to consumer preference and other

    market factors at the time of introduction.

    $. ctual or alle&ed conta#ination or deterioration of) or safet+ concerns a"out)CNPFs food *roducts or si#ilar *roducts *roduced "+ third *arties could &ive

    rise to *roduct lia"ilit+ clai#s and har# CNPFs re*utation.. Co#*etition in CNPFs "usinesses #a+ adversel+ aect its nancial condition

    and results of o*erations.

    ,Favora"le #aterials *rices s*ecicall+ tuna sh/) hi&her sales volu#e and

    increased sellin& *rices for "randed *roducts were Ae+ drivers of total Co#*an+

    &ross *rot *erfor#ance.

    %ecent Develo*#ents and Plans:

    ,PP( ac-uisitions for the +ear were *ri#aril+ for the on&oin& construction of a new

    tin can factor+ in ;eneral 4antos) the ac-uisitions of new < software a**lications

    and hardware) and *lant #aintenance in the various facilities. Ph* 2K6 #illion of

    these PP( ac-uisitions were nanced "+ nitial Pu"lic 9erin& *roceeds

    P4( %evised @istin& %ules

    1. (5

  • 7/23/2019 Century Pacific Food


    $. 4tron& tracA record of *roduct innovation and successful introduction of new

    *roducts. (3tensive #arAet *enetration throu&h #ulti0channel distri"ution networA?. Ei&hl+ scala"le e3*ort "usiness that su**lies *rocessed tuna to leadin&

    international co#*anies and distri"utes "randed *roducts to hi&h &rowth

    #arAetsJ. (3*erienced and dedicated #ana&e#ent tea#

    DEFINITION of 'Sum-Of-Parts Valuation'

    Valuing a company by determining what its divisions would be worth if it was broken up and

    spun off or acquired by another company.

    INVESTOPEDIA EXPLAINS 'Sum-Of-Parts Valuation'

    For example, you might hear that a young technology company is "worth more than the sum

    of its parts." This means that the value of the tech company's divisions could be worth more

    if they were sold to other companies. In most cases, larger companies have the ability to

    take advantage of synergies and economies of scale that are unavailable to smaller

    companies, enabling them to maximize a division's profitability and unlock unrealized value.

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