
CHAPTER 9Medieval Civilization:

The Rise of Western Europe

The WestEncounters and Transformations


Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. Two Worlds: Manors and Cities

II. The Consolidation of Roman Catholicism

III. Strengthening the Center of the West

IV. Medieval Culture: The Search for Understanding

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. Two Worlds: Manors and Cities

A. The Medieval Agricultural Revolution


water and wind mills

heavy plow, mould board

crop rotations

open three-field system

Manorial system

manor house

parish church

serfs, freeholders

B. The Great Migrations

after 1100

Germans > Slavic Lands

Scandinavians > North, Atlantic

Christian Spaniards > Southern Iberia


Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

I. Two Worlds: Manors and Cities

C. Growth of Cities

Free cities


Infrastructure rebuilt

Commercial revolution

Champagne fairs

meeting of trades zones

Long-distance trade

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. The Consolidation of Roman Catholicism

A. Church Reform

Gregory the Great (590-604)

followed by decline

Cluny, 910



under papacy

single head

center of reform


simony, lay investiture

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. The Consolidation of Roman Catholicism

B. Papacy

Hildebrand (c.1020-1085)

> Gregory VII (1073-1085)

Henry IV (1056-1106)

Investiture Controversy

1077, Canossa

Concordat of Worms, 1122

Canon law


Innocent III (1198-1216)

Fourth Crusade

Cathars, Waldensians


Boniface VIII (1294-1303)

Unam Sanctam, 1302

Philip IV (1285-1314)


Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

II. The Consolidation of Roman Catholicism

C. Religious Revival

Patron Saints


New Religious Orders


Bernard of Clarvaux (1090-1153)


Dominic (1170-1221)


Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

Clare of Assisi (1194-1253)

Poor Clares

1400 houses by 1315

D. Outcasts



1208, Crusade


Peter Waldo (d. c.1184)

Jewish Persecution

1182, expelled from France

1190, death of Jews, York



Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. Strengthening the Center of the West

A. Monarchies of Western Europe

Capetian France


Philip I (1060-1080)

Louis VI the Fat (1108-1137)

Philip II Augustus (1180-1223)


Louis IX (1226-1270)

Court of appeals

Philip IV, the Fair (1285-1314)

expels Jews

confiscates Templar lands

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. Strengthening the Center of the West

A. Monarchies of Western Europe

Norman England

William I (1066-1087)

Henry II (1154-1189)

judicial reform

circuit courts

John (1199-1216)

1204, loses Normany

1214, Bouvines

1215, Magna Carta

Edward I (1272-1307)


German Empire

Frederick I (1152-1190)

v. Lombard League

1176, Legnano

Frederick II (1212-1250)

Constitutions of Melfi

Constitution in Favor of the German Princes

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

III. Strengthening the Center of the West

A. Monarchies of Western Europe

German Empire

Frederick I (1152-1190)

v. Lombard League

1176, Legnano

Frederick II (1212-1250)

Constitutions of Melfi

Constitution in Favor of the German Princes

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

IV. Medieval Culture: The Search for Understanding

A. Revival of Learning

monastic education


cathedral schools

Peter Abelard (1079-1142)

Sic et Non


Bologna, 1158

trivium grammar, rhetoric, logic


arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music

A. Revival of Learning

Twelfth-century Renaissance

Arabic translations

Ibn Sina (980-1037)


Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)

The Incoherence of the Philosophers

Ibn Rushd (1126-1198)


The Incoherence of the Philosophers

Maimonides (1135-1204)

Guide for the Perplexed

Chapter 9: Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe

Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

IV. Medieval Culture: The Search for Understanding

A. Revival of Learning

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)


Summary of the Catholic Faith Against the Gentile, 1261

Summary of Theology, 1265-1274


Vernacular epics


Chrétien de Troyes (1135-1183)

Marie de France (unknown)

B. Cathedrals

Romanesque, c.1050-c.1200

rounded vaults



St. Sernin, Toulouse



pointed arches, vaults

flying buttresses

cathedral churches


St. Denis

Abbot Suger


Guido of Arezzo (c.990-1050)

Polyphony, c.1170


mystery plays

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