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  • 7/26/2019 Chapter7.doc



    1) What is a no claim bonus

    A discount in the premium due next year Additional bonus added to policy

    No claim will be paid if bonus is paid None of the above

    2) Which of the following diseases is not covered under the CI rider

    idney failure Aorta surgery Influen!a "araplegia

    #) $his rider waives future premiums in the event of the disability of the policyholder due to illness

    Accident benefit Waiver of premium Critical illness None of the above

    %) $he premium on all the other riders put together should not exceed&' of the premium on the base

    #( 2( 1 #

    ) Insurance companies normally permit the individual to ma*e withdrawals ofup to&++ of the

    accumulated fund$wo third ,ne fifth ,ne third -alf

    .) -ealth Insurance plans protect the family against

    /ebts "ersonal loans -ospitali!ation expenses all of the above

    0) A &&&++ can be used to enhance the death cover in a policy

    $erm rider Critical illness rider

    Accident benefit All of the above

    ) are additional benefits tha can be added to insurance policies

    3um Assured 4evival 4iders Claim

    5) covers themselves6 their spouse6 children and parents

    -ealth Insurance 7roup -ealth Insurance

    8amily 8loater -ealth Insurance 9oney :ac*

    1() provides cover to a group of people

    -ealth Insurance 7roup -ealth Insurance

    8amily 8loater -ealth Insurance 9oney :ac*

    11) can be used to enhance the death cover amount in a policy at a nominal cost

    /A: $4 CI4 "W:

    12) provides payment of a specified amount on the diagnosis of disease

    /A: $4 CI4 "W:

    1#) rider waives future premiums in the event of the disability of the policyholder due to


    /A: $4 CI4 "W:

    1%) pays the treatment costs for surgery involving the insured;s brain6 heart6 lungs6 liver etc+ 7uaranteed insurability rider 3urgical care rider

    -ospital care rider $erm rider

  • 7/26/2019 Chapter7.doc


    1) pays the treatment costs in the event of hospitali!ation of the policyholder as per day basis

    7uaranteed insurability rider 3urgical care rider

    -ospital care rider $erm rider

    1.) gives the insurered the right to increase their cover in response to different life events6

    such as marriage6 child birth6 buying a house etc+

    7uaranteed insurability rider 3urgical care rider

    -ospital care rider $erm rider

    10) 9r+ ndowment policy

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