Page 1: Cloud Computing - It's impact on Engineering Software Development and Use

Cloud Computing - It's impact on Engineering Software Development and Use [29th February, 2012 | 10.00 - 11.00 EST (Eastern Standard Time)]

These days there is a flood of information on 'cloud computing' - in business forums, most technology blogs, and seminars. Often such excessive coverage leaves us more confused than wiser about this buzzing technology and its impact on our daily work. Join us for a focused webinar where we explore the potential impact of Cloud Computing on the development and use of packaged and home grown Engineering Software.

Attend this complimentary webinar to learn more about:

1. How cloud computing can make classes of legacy engineering software more productive

2. Stages of migrating engineering software to cloud

3. How Software architecture tuned for cloud computing can act as a driver to expand business through innovative business models. (from ISV's perspective)

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In spite of the obvious concerns related to security, viability, and adoptability of cloud computing, 'Cost Considerations' have been, so far, the main drivers behind rapid adoption of this technology. While conversion of costs from CAPEX to OPEX does provide huge benefits, cloud computing has opened entirely new possibilities that can significantly impact businesses. Engineering software development has also being impacted by cloud computing, and we see many ISV's are coming up with cloud based offerings.

This webinar will outline the potential impact of cloud computing on the development and use of engineering software - with examples. It will be of primary interest to those involved in Software Development, both for internal use within their organizations and for customers. It will cover the stages in which conventional engineering software can be migrated to the cloud, with benefits accruing at each stage. It will highlight the manner in which barriers that hindered the development of high performance engineering software are broken down by 'the cloud'. Finally, the webinar will touch upon software architecture that potentially supports innovative business models.

Geometric, with over two decades of specialist experience in engineering software development and services, has been successful in creating positive business impact for leaders in the engineering intensive industries. Geometric has proven R&D capabilities in the development and deployment of complex and cutting-edge software as a part of its service and solutions offering. In keeping with the times, Geometric is now focusing on exploiting cloud computing to positively impact software solutions and services that it offers to customers.

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